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Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 677

red sox 777 | Posted 4/15/2009 3:29:10 PM | message detail
Now SM is going crazy.
Link he come to town to win the Gamefaqs Contests.
entropyx | Posted 4/15/2009 3:29:54 PM | message detail
**~Philadelphia Phillies : 2008 World Series Champions~**
Playoffs: Flyers @ Penguins; Sixers @ TBA [RIP Harry Kalas]
voltch | Posted 4/15/2009 3:30:06 PM | message detail
anyone gonna call shenanigans?
Pearl FC:3953 0978 7217
*Shakes Fist*
M_e_g_a_6_4 | Posted 4/15/2009 3:30:52 PM | message detail

From: entropyx | #352

Yep. There's clearly no way Super Mario Kart's coming back for a third time!
M_e_g_a_6_4 | Posted 4/15/2009 3:31:54 PM | message detail

From: voltch | #353
anyone gonna call shenanigans?

Eh, I won't, though if I were to do so, I'd declare them on both games.
H__RR____H | Posted 4/15/2009 3:32:05 PM | message detail
Mario Kart 64
Metroid Prime
Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
Pokemon Red/Blue/Yelow

Who ya got?
BT about Round Two: If Snake gets 43-45%, I'll close my account right now.
KamikazePotato | Posted 4/15/2009 3:32:59 PM | message detail

PartOfYourWorld | Posted 4/15/2009 3:32:59 PM | message detail
Zelda > Prime
Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world!
entropyx | Posted 4/15/2009 3:33:28 PM | message detail
WW > Poke
**~Philadelphia Phillies : 2008 World Series Champions~**
Playoffs: Flyers @ Penguins; Sixers @ TBA [RIP Harry Kalas]
RockMFR 5 | Posted 4/15/2009 3:33:34 PM | message detail
Prime > Zelda
Be a good little washing machine, now... o_0
The Ohio State University: We are so much better than m*ch!g@n.
M_e_g_a_6_4 | Posted 4/15/2009 3:33:40 PM | message detail
Wind Waker > ...Mario Kart 64?

I could see any of those three in second.
KamikazePotato | Posted 4/15/2009 3:34:29 PM | message detail
SMK: Stuffers: Weeee!
SM Stuffers: Woah, we'd better do something about this!
Bacon to SMK Stuffers: Quit that.
SMK Stuffers: Aw.

This is what really happened

MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 4/15/2009 3:35:12 PM | message detail

From: KamikazePotato | #362
SMK: Stuffers: Weeee!
SM Stuffers: Woah, we'd better do something about this!
Bacon to SMK Stuffers: Quit that.
SMK Stuffers: Aw.

This is what really happened

wouldn't shock me one bit!
voltch | Posted 4/15/2009 3:35:13 PM | message detail
scary,ninty's rallying this year is demolishing sonic like there's no tomorrow,wonder who they can gang up on next.
Pearl FC:3953 0978 7217
*Shakes Fist*
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 4/15/2009 3:39:32 PM | message detail
Anyone who thinks SMK is done though is sorely mistaken

It'll come back, I'm sure the stuffers are just taking a little break to keep the match interesting.
MarioSuperstar | Posted 4/15/2009 3:40:56 PM | message detail
I'm almost positive Mario Kart 64 gets through in that fourpack if it's anything like SMK.

I'm not sure how Windwaker holds on to other Nintendo competition, but since it handily beat Prime and is Zelda, I suppose I'd go... MK64 > Zelda.
*is Dranze*
BGE2 - Today: SM > Sonic 3 - Points: 24/32 Vote: SMK
charmander6000 | Posted 4/15/2009 3:41:39 PM | message detail
Why don't you want to have a good match Super Metroid?
Board 8 BOP:
BGE2 - Today's Match: Sonic 3 > Super Metroid Points: 24/32
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 4/15/2009 3:41:50 PM | message detail
someones forgetting about a diablo in the way
trannyscience | Posted 4/15/2009 3:42:30 PM | message detail
ha, serious Mario Kart overestimation. it *might* beat Prime. Zelda's out of its league.
MarioSuperstar | Posted 4/15/2009 3:44:00 PM | message detail
ha, serious Mario Kart overestimation. it *might* beat Prime. Zelda's out of its league.

I guess the only reason I may possibly be overestimating it, is simply because I see SM > MP.
*is Dranze*
BGE2 - Today: SM > Sonic 3 - Points: 24/32 Vote: SMK
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 4/15/2009 3:44:11 PM | message detail
wb mario kart
KamikazePotato | Posted 4/15/2009 3:45:04 PM | message detail
I think Mario Kart games are the type to fold under stiff competition, but we'll see.

H__RR____H | Posted 4/15/2009 3:45:15 PM | message detail
Yeah, it's ridiculous Sonic 3 is getting 41.32% on SMK despite SM. LoZ:LA doesn't have a lot of excuses to not beat Sonic 2 now, which will send us into a frenzy later this year for the Character Battle. Between Sonic 3 today and what many of us are expecting from Sonic 1 and probably Sonic 2 next round, there are going to be a lot of people looking for upsets when Sonic faces anybody Nintendo-y.
BT about Round Two: If Snake gets 43-45%, I'll close my account right now.
KamikazePotato | Posted 4/15/2009 3:46:43 PM | message detail
This match doesn't mean anything for MMX, LA, or Sonic 2.

Well, maybe Sonic 2 a little, but it doesn't have to face any decent Nintendo competition, so it shouldn't fold like Sonic 3 is here.

voltch | Posted 4/15/2009 3:46:49 PM | message detail
SFII really looks like crap now.
Pearl FC:3953 0978 7217
*Shakes Fist*
PartOfYourWorld | Posted 4/15/2009 3:50:00 PM | message detail
I think they'll be looking too hard and in the wrong places. Sonic has already shown he has no problem trashing Luigi, which makes me think that Bowser and Yoshi also wouldn't pose a problem. I'd also never bet on Zelda or Ganon to do something like that, which leaves Kirby as the most plausible choice, but he's destined to get big support against Sonic after what he did last year anyway.

Personally, I already see four Square near-elites ready to kick Sonic's ass; I don't wanna dabble in thought that the Nintendo underlings can suddenly rSFF him.
Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world!
KamikazePotato | Posted 4/15/2009 3:50:06 PM | message detail
Also, SM's past updates have been the shiftiest of the entire match!

TOTALLY calling shenanigans now

MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 4/15/2009 3:50:50 PM | message detail
Also, SM's past updates have been the shiftiest of the entire match!

man I need some coffee, my eyes were half closed and I read shiftiest as another word
H__RR____H | Posted 4/15/2009 3:51:18 PM | message detail
Mario Kart over-estimation may be happening, but it's hard to bet against MK64 > SMK and most Metroid fans point to the old Metroid-poll and say SM > MP. If those are true, look at LoZ:WW > MP in 2004 and notice those two are the only games in that four-pack that share common systems.

I doubt MK64 would beat LoZ:WW there...but it's hard to think it wouldn't come close and have a good shot at first. It would have to depend on Pokemon R/B/Y and how much LoZ-fans defend LoZ:WW against other Nintendo games now that LoZ:TP is out.

All that depends on MK64 > SMK and SM > MP though. Quite reasonable assumptions, but not yet in stone.....
BT about Round Two: If Snake gets 43-45%, I'll close my account right now.
charmander6000 | Posted 4/15/2009 3:57:57 PM | message detail
Personally I rather call this rSFF by SMK and LFF by Sonic 3
Board 8 BOP:
BGE2 - Today's Match: Sonic 3 > Super Metroid Points: 24/32
H__RR____H | Posted 4/15/2009 4:16:00 PM | message detail
It's hard to see Sonic 3 LFF'ing SM considering how Samus/Sonic-2004 went and how different their games are, and rSFF by SMK should be unlikely unless the Mario Kart series is bigger here than the Metroid series (which we can't tell thanks to LoZ and the ambiguity of MM/MMX from the Series Contest).

With SMK doing so well today, why didn't it do better in the SNES-VC poll?

It's not had a port to date, its only Nintendo competition was EB, the poll was filled with RPGs, and Mario Kart is a solid brand-name around here. People may say it's got several better sequels so people think it's outdated now, but that didn't stop SSB from doing well in the N64-VC poll (and I'd say the same about LoZ:MM!). Such an unusual poll.....
BT about Round Two: If Snake gets 43-45%, I'll close my account right now.
trannyscience | Posted 4/15/2009 4:17:03 PM | message detail
I think it's time we stopped paying attention to that poll. it's like the old Mario poll, it just doesn't mean anything.
R0YKEANO | Posted 4/15/2009 4:19:36 PM | message detail
It DID beat FF6 and MMX by quite a bit, the only thing unusual about that poll is Earthbound.

But then for a logical reason it might be because there are so few Rpgs on the virtual console and there's well...already a Mario Kart game on it?
charmander6000 | Posted 4/15/2009 4:43:47 PM | message detail
This match would be more interesting if Super Metroid had 70 votes less.
Board 8 BOP:
BGE2 - Today's Match: Sonic 3 > Super Metroid Points: 24/32
TheRewster | Posted 4/15/2009 4:46:46 PM | message detail
Wow, Super Metroid vs. Super Mario Kart! This has got to be the closest vote I've seen in one of these contests.

It broke my heart to vote against SMK, but there's too much greatness in SM (which I believe is the greatest game ever made for the Super NES and probably the best 2D game period).
Safer Sephiroth 777 | Posted 4/15/2009 4:50:43 PM | message detail
I have seen a lot of close matches too,but this one is awesome.70 votes only?In a 4 way too!
GameFaqs is NOT the place to go for relationship advice.Nobody here gets any action unless it is their right or left hand.Including me.~Dawn and Dusk~
HaRRicH | Posted 4/15/2009 4:56:01 PM | message detail
The best MK-game's on the VC, at that!

I don't want to throw the poll out though -- I don't think it's useless, at least. The RPGs played out about like how I'd expect them to (barring EB, but between EB-"demand" and being Nintendo, I forgive it) and SMK > MMX should be true considering how SMK/MM2/MM3 have been doing thus far. Really, the biggest issues with it relate back to EB: why did it get so close to CT and how did it beat SMK like that? There's my most recent issue of why SMK didn't do better, but that might clear up some if EB wasn't there and EB-demand/the poll's question helps explain both to a degree...

...which doesn't really make my EB > SMW2:YI-upset look any better, but hey, I'm counting on that difference of forty-five between them in the Top 100 List more than anything!

Though SM beat SMK there by thirty-seven spots and comes from a bigger series than EB.....
Shorthand, do you speak it?!
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 4/15/2009 4:59:10 PM | message detail
haha seems the MK stuffers are back
trannyscience | Posted 4/15/2009 4:59:52 PM | message detail
you're looking at that poll wrong. stop comparing EB to CT -- CT has loads of reasons to not do well there.

compare it to SMK instead. that's the one that wasn't held back. EB's a cute pick there. I don't know what to think of it.
DarkLight3 | Posted 4/15/2009 5:00:06 PM | message detail
I hope SMK wins.....otherwise it will be another bracket i mixed up first and second....i was very suprised in the Galaga vs ninja gaiden one.....then i remembered the "ninja" word makes it awesome :(
Remember: Today's horny nerds may be tomorrow's rapists...-shujin102
Pokemon FC: 4554 0086 0351
Janus5000 | Posted 4/15/2009 5:01:01 PM | message detail
Wow, this turned into quite the match. Poor Sonic though.
Stay a while and breathe me in.
RPGuy96 | Posted 4/15/2009 5:02:10 PM | message detail
Holy crap, I left 6.5 hours ago, come back, and it's the exact same lead.
Mustache...and Green...
paulg235 | Posted 4/15/2009 5:02:22 PM | message detail
Damn. I'm hoping SMK stays 2nd here so I can at least get 2 points instead of 1. I knew SMK/SM would be somewhat close per-match but I didn't expect it to be like THIS FOR FIRST PLACE.
The Gamer In Me
Kaljinyu | Posted 4/15/2009 5:03:06 PM | message detail
The poll is mostly over and still so little recognition for Gunstar Heroes?
DarkLight3 | Posted 4/15/2009 5:03:14 PM | message detail
so point count.....whats normal? im at 20 right now.
Remember: Today's horny nerds may be tomorrow's rapists...-shujin102
Pokemon FC: 4554 0086 0351
Starman0 | Posted 4/15/2009 5:04:17 PM | message detail
This is going to be just as close as Frog/Master Chief, damn.

SMK better stay second though. I wonder how many perfects will be left after this match.
XBL GT : Chiodos109
Currently Playing: WoW, Braid (PC), Myst (PC)
Safer Sephiroth 777 | Posted 4/15/2009 5:04:21 PM | message detail
We have 4 games and 3 of them have characters from E9.Guess which game would end getting owned?
GameFaqs is NOT the place to go for relationship advice.Nobody here gets any action unless it is their right or left hand.Including me.~Dawn and Dusk~
MarioSuperstar | Posted 4/15/2009 5:08:02 PM | message detail
You know, this match does make EB > YI seem suicidal now. Earthbound is no Super Metroid, but I'd think Yoshi's Island would be a lot more closer to Mario Kart than EB is to Super Metroid.
*is Dranze*
BGE2 - Today: SM > Sonic 3 - Points: 24/32 Vote: SMK
Biolizard28 | Posted 4/15/2009 5:09:54 PM | message detail
Sonic vs. Pikachu

Who ya got?
i have nothing against pedophiles especially the ones that actually act on their desires-Palmer
Now this is entertainment!
Starman0 | Posted 4/15/2009 5:12:16 PM | message detail
Earthbound is going to beat Yoshi's Island, don't worry.
XBL GT : Chiodos109
Currently Playing: WoW, Braid (PC), Myst (PC)