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Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 676

Dilated Chemist | Posted 4/14/2009 9:23:47 PM | message detail
down 100 more that update, WTF is goin' on with Sonic?

Epic Failure.

Master Moltar | Posted 4/14/2009 9:23:55 PM | message detail

From: greatone10 | #243
More like Suck 3 & Suckles.

this is uncalled for
Moltar Status: you can't hide forever
Match 9 - Bracket: SM > Sonic 3 - Vote: Sonic 3 (26/32)
SonicRaptor | Posted 4/14/2009 9:24:14 PM | message detail
I'm starting to feel a little bad for all the fodder titles in this contest: it's getting a little embarassing seeing them fail to break 8%.
Today's Subliminal Thought Is:
Starion | Posted 4/14/2009 9:24:50 PM | message detail
SFF between the three?
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 4/14/2009 9:24:53 PM | message detail

From: SonicRaptor | #253
I'm starting to feel a little bad for all the fodder titles in this contest: it's getting a little embarassing seeing them fail to break 8%.

Well we shouldnt be seeing as much of it in the second half of the first round
greatone10 | Posted 4/14/2009 9:24:57 PM | message detail

From: Master Moltar | Posted: 4/14/2009 9:23:55 PM | #252
this is uncalled for

This match, along with Suck vs. Street Fighter is more than enough provocation for this.
Donkey Kong Country 2's path to Best Game Ever '09.
vs. Super Mario RPG, Goldeneye, Resident Evil 2. Ugh, my top 3 games in the same match.
M_e_g_a_6_4 | Posted 4/14/2009 9:25:03 PM | message detail
I'm really looking forward to the potential MMX/Sonic 2 match now.

Or Link's Awakening SFFing the living **** out of both of them.
eaglesarebeasts | Posted 4/14/2009 9:25:15 PM | message detail
This is totally a "**** you for those stupid platforms in the casino no one figured out" match.

If that was sonic's match pic, he wouldn't get a single vote.
SonicRaptor | Posted 4/14/2009 9:25:24 PM | message detail
Even though Gunstar Heroes was going to be killed the second it drew three 16-bit titans in it's four-pack.
Today's Subliminal Thought Is:
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 4/14/2009 9:25:25 PM | message detail
Man, it took me forever to get past the Casino level in Sonic 3.
Like Darth Maul, the bastard child of Michael Flatley and Hellboy. -trancer1
WarThaHedgehog | Posted 4/14/2009 9:25:27 PM | message detail
Sonic below 26%.

Master Moltar | Posted 4/14/2009 9:25:32 PM | message detail

From: UltimaterializerX | #250
This is totally a "**** you for those stupid platforms in the casino no one figured out" match.

man i didn't figure that out for years

and then i got it without even thinking about it and was like "holy crap"
Moltar Status: you can't hide forever
Match 9 - Bracket: SM > Sonic 3 - Vote: Sonic 3 (26/32)
charmander6000 | Posted 4/14/2009 9:26:13 PM | message detail
Yup this is a two horse race.

Board 8 BOP:
BGE2 - Today's Match: Sonic 3 > Super Metroid Points: 24/32
KamikazePotato | Posted 4/14/2009 9:26:22 PM | message detail
Yeah, LA is now a bigger threat to MMX than Sonic 2, I think.

SonicRaptor | Posted 4/14/2009 9:26:25 PM | message detail
Yeah, Sonic 3 is done here.

Metroid and Mario Kart are going to be neck and neck for a while now, it's between them at this point.
Today's Subliminal Thought Is:
Team Rocket Elite | Posted 4/14/2009 9:26:55 PM | message detail
18 people fell off the Top 50 today. sleamey316, Janger1288, cjry, Zeupar, MathewM1986, most_games_r_ok, wanabesk8ter, Genocidepluto, sharpevil, octoblinky, Reinsus, GANON1025, BokenWielder, Turnsniper, Elkfryn_Demtor, jam643d, kinterpin890 and shadosneko did not have FF2 > MM3 as yesterday's winners.

1 person scored half points and survived. Former first place deft_Y2k also did not have FF2 > MM3 as yesterday's winners.
Shall I take you with me? To the place in this town where wishes come true...
eaglesarebeasts | Posted 4/14/2009 9:27:30 PM | message detail
This match is actually depressing me :(
tim333 | Posted 4/14/2009 9:27:53 PM | message detail
My bracket is dead now.

I had SMK > Sonic 3. Seemed reasonable at the time.

I might as well not even follow the contest now, my bracket is dead. Dammit Sonic :(
Like an imploding star, like a burning car, my style shines so bright!
KamikazePotato | Posted 4/14/2009 9:28:23 PM | message detail

Super Mario Kart wins this. If the initial board/bracket push can only push SM this high, the Europe vote is going to kill it, and it doesn't have any time frames to come back and win this in.

MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 4/14/2009 9:28:53 PM | message detail
Not to mention Mario Kart should have day vote.
Starion | Posted 4/14/2009 9:29:21 PM | message detail
My bracket is dead now.

You might still have a chance. Other brackets could suck badly in a different way.
Big Bob | Posted 4/14/2009 9:29:29 PM | message detail
This is the first wrong match I have that'll actually have an effect on the next round. Crap.
Just say the word and it's bear time!
M_e_g_a_6_4 | Posted 4/14/2009 9:29:37 PM | message detail
Super Mario Kart winning is so worth losing three points. <3

Hell, I prefer Super Metroid game-wise and voted for it, but SMK winning out of nowhere would be glorious.
PartOfYourWorld | Posted 4/14/2009 9:29:42 PM | message detail
Unless you guys had Sonic 3 going like two more rounds, your brackets aren't dead. This bracket is a car wreck; you're not out of it just because you got a scratch on one of your doors.
Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world!
KamikazePotato | Posted 4/14/2009 9:30:37 PM | message detail
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
Master Moltar | Posted 4/14/2009 9:30:49 PM | message detail
what's up sonic AHHHHHHHHHH oops
Moltar Status: you can't hide forever
Match 9 - Bracket: SM > Sonic 3 - Vote: Sonic 3 (26/32)
red sox 777 | Posted 4/14/2009 9:31:03 PM | message detail
I doubt we'll see much shifting in the trends today, other than Sonic doing well in Europe. SM and SMK are both Nintendo SNES games......should have similar trends.
Link he come to town to win the Gamefaqs Contests.
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 4/14/2009 9:31:11 PM | message detail
sonic, you suck

so badly
UltimaterializerX | Posted 4/14/2009 9:31:12 PM | message detail
I had Sonic in Round 3 =/
Now Playing: Etrian Odyssey 2, Devil May Cry
WarThaHedgehog | Posted 4/14/2009 9:31:13 PM | message detail
No matter how many times Sonic fails, I'm still stunned everytime it happens.
KamikazePotato | Posted 4/14/2009 9:31:19 PM | message detail
I think I need to call the match in SMK's favor more often!


PartOfYourWorld | Posted 4/14/2009 9:32:02 PM | message detail
Yeah, I'm feeling good about Kart. It seems like SM is just being willed to this lead extension by the early voters. The day vote should definitely go Kart's way.

That said, Kart also strikes me as a game that'll get completely wiped out by LttP. My stupid Doom pick has some life yet!
Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world!
Just Some Person | Posted 4/14/2009 9:32:44 PM | message detail
Super Metroid = Bowser
Super Mario Kart = Donkey Kong Jr.
Sonic 3 = Yoshi under the Lightning Bolt status effect
Gunstar Heroes = Toad repeatedly falling through the floor in Ghost House, on perpetual lift-back from Lakitu

The sauce is weak with this one. But...if he could be churned, he would make a powerful stir-fry.
RPGuy96 | Posted 4/14/2009 9:33:03 PM | message detail
That said, Kart also strikes me as a game that'll get completely wiped out by LttP. My stupid Doom pick has some life yet!

My stupid Super Metroid pick has some life yet!
Mustache...and Green...
BrettEagles | Posted 4/14/2009 9:33:23 PM | message detail
I'm suddenly feeling pretty good about having SMK going to Round 3. No way SM will get through past LttP and SMK.
M_e_g_a_6_4 | Posted 4/14/2009 9:33:42 PM | message detail
Well, I'm completely satisfied with this match. Guess I'll screw around with Fire Emblem DS and see how things are in the morning!
KamikazePotato | Posted 4/14/2009 9:34:14 PM | message detail
I went with Doom too, and after today I'd call it advancing almost a lock (it could always bomb).

red sox 777 | Posted 4/14/2009 9:34:20 PM | message detail
Which of these characters would you take over Sonic, April 2009 Edition!

Link he come to town to win the Gamefaqs Contests.
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 4/14/2009 9:34:36 PM | message detail

From: red sox 777 | #288

theawesomestevr | Posted 4/14/2009 9:34:44 PM | message detail
It's safe to say Doom makes it to round 3 now, right?
WarThaHedgehog | Posted 4/14/2009 9:34:49 PM | message detail
You forgot Kirby.
WarThaHedgehog | Posted 4/14/2009 9:35:12 PM | message detail
oh wait never mind you didn't

gimme the whole list
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 4/14/2009 9:36:07 PM | message detail
mario kart is done playing nice
red sox 777 | Posted 4/14/2009 9:36:32 PM | message detail
However, I did forget Zelda!
Link he come to town to win the Gamefaqs Contests.
Lieutenant Kettch | Posted 4/14/2009 9:36:45 PM | message detail
My stupid Doom pick has some life yet!

Come on now. Doom was the smart pick considering what happened in 2k4.
FastFalcon and Solid Snake snapped my neck in the guru contest.
WarThaHedgehog | Posted 4/14/2009 9:37:07 PM | message detail
Is it bad that I'm not paying any attention to Mario Kart/Super Metroid, and instead first checking how far Sonic keeps dropping each update?

Also, I'm thinking Samus might be able to double Sonic nowadays.
Gaddswell | Posted 4/14/2009 9:37:23 PM | message detail
Whoo Super Mario Kart!

I wouldn't mind losing 2 points for Super Mario Kart > Super Metroid!
Hail FastFalcon, our new guru overlord!
eaglesarebeasts | Posted 4/14/2009 9:37:36 PM | message detail
As much as it hurts to say it, I think Sonic 3 might drop all the way down to like 22%
MegatokyoEd | Posted 4/14/2009 9:37:47 PM | message detail
How does Sonic KEEP DROPPING .50% AN UPDATE?!
Demyx is better than Axel.
Xuxon | Posted 4/14/2009 9:38:44 PM | message detail
Well I picked SM > SMK and SM to round 3. I don't think Doom is going to make it, but SMK might.

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