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Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 658

ZFS | Posted 3/17/2009 1:02:48 PM | message detail
No reason to think FFXII wouldn't be a threat to Half-Life. Whether or not it wins is something else (I think it does - I have both HL games going out in round 1), but it's definitely a threat.

PartOfYourWorld | Posted 3/17/2009 1:03:03 PM | message detail
Because it has some stand-out factor and is the only option that has anything close to real Nintendo support. It's not a terrible upset pick, especially since the God of War games have never shown to be worth much.
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MarioSuperstar | Posted 3/17/2009 1:06:20 PM | message detail

From: XxSoulxX | #050
How could anyone predict Tales of Symphonia finishing in second place

I'm disappointed in how easily it's written off because it's Tales related.

Hardcore fanbase prevail in these formats, and the games it's up against aren't exactly heavy hitters.

Of course, Alyx > Lara shouldn't be talking!
*is Dranze*
Through fire, justice is served because FastFalcon05 owned my bracket.
XxSoulxX | Posted 3/17/2009 1:06:23 PM | message detail
Wait, what? MM2 is favored over Tetris in round 2? What the hell is going on here? MMX favored over Sonic 2?

If the BOP is updated, it looks as though I'm the only one with the RBY > MGS upset. Alright!

I'm 1/2 with the Diablo 2 > SSBM/WW upset too! Surprised at that one.
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MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 3/17/2009 1:06:45 PM | message detail
Gordon has proven to be much stronger then Balthier, and Half Life has been proven to be stronger then Gordon himself (almost beating Metroid Prime)

I don't see any way Half Life 2 loses there
ZFS | Posted 3/17/2009 1:08:05 PM | message detail
I see we're back on characters again

Gordon beats Kefka HL2 over FFVI anyone want to take this

PartOfYourWorld | Posted 3/17/2009 1:09:37 PM | message detail
Gordon beats Random Piece of FFVII Furniture wait are we sure about that
Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world!
XxSoulxX | Posted 3/17/2009 1:09:40 PM | message detail
Everyone beats Kefka though. He's our new jobber!
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MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 3/17/2009 1:11:27 PM | message detail
TBH, I think Half Life 2 could give FF6 a fight. Half Life is a very respected FPS series on Gamefaqs (Probably the most respected), and Valve is a well liked developer here. I don't think a very hated FF really stands a chance
XxSoulxX | Posted 3/17/2009 1:11:56 PM | message detail
FFVI hated? It's the second most popular game in that franchise.
ertyu is actually a language. For example, 'dum' is ertyunese for 'godly'. - Topaz Kitsune
Believe it or not, the Internet is serious business - Biolizard28
XxSoulxX | Posted 3/17/2009 1:12:30 PM | message detail
Unless you meant FFXII, in which case I agree with you.
ertyu is actually a language. For example, 'dum' is ertyunese for 'godly'. - Topaz Kitsune
Believe it or not, the Internet is serious business - Biolizard28
MarioSuperstar | Posted 3/17/2009 1:13:59 PM | message detail
Wait, what? MM2 is favored over Tetris in round 2? What the hell is going on here? MMX favored over Sonic 2?

- I can see Mega Man beat a Tetris game if Zelda could.

- MMX/Sonic 2 is even to me but I went with MMX simply because of the format.

Though for some reason I see Sonic games losing to anything close to it and remotely liked. I don't think SMW killed it because of the Mario/Sonic rivalry. Call it a mini-pac-man if you will.
“Back in my day we used to actually play our videogames instead of watching them”- Vivi0198
XxSoulxX | Posted 3/17/2009 1:16:14 PM | message detail
MM and Zelda have nothing in common, strength wise. MM2 could very easily lose to the weakest of Zeldas. Tetris has a lot going for it. It's one of those games that has respect like crazy.
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MarioSuperstar | Posted 3/17/2009 1:19:11 PM | message detail
Mega Man doesn't need to be Zelda to at least win. Of course I can see Zelda pulling it off, but Mega Man is very well loved enough.
“Back in my day we used to actually play our videogames instead of watching them”- Vivi0198
MarioSuperstar | Posted 3/17/2009 1:22:03 PM | message detail
*Tetris pulling it off.
“Back in my day we used to actually play our videogames instead of watching them”- Vivi0198
XxSoulxX | Posted 3/17/2009 1:22:31 PM | message detail
I consider MM to be equal to Sonic in this topic. It will get SFFed by just about anything and will lose to games it should beat because of so.

Not saying that it should beat Tetris though. I would probably take Tetris over Sonic's best game too.
ertyu is actually a language. For example, 'dum' is ertyunese for 'godly'. - Topaz Kitsune
Believe it or not, the Internet is serious business - Biolizard28
ZFS | Posted 3/17/2009 1:23:31 PM | message detail
TBH, I think Half Life 2 could give FF6 a fight.

Well, if you think HL2 is a top 10 game, then you probably should take it over FFXII.

voltch | Posted 3/17/2009 1:28:32 PM | message detail
yay!we're finally weeding out the characters=/=games logic.
Pearl FC:3953 0978 7217
MarioSuperstar | Posted 3/17/2009 1:30:46 PM | message detail
It will get SFFed by just about anything and will lose to games it should beat because of so.

Well, I've never seen this ever demonstrated.
“Back in my day we used to actually play our videogames instead of watching them”- Vivi0198
XxSoulxX | Posted 3/17/2009 1:35:28 PM | message detail

Well, I've never seen this ever demonstrated.

Look at MM/Link, SMW/Sonic 2, Zelda/MMX (series), Smash Bros/Sonic (series).

MM/Sonic are Nintendo proxies. They leech off of that fanbase, but are looked as outsiders (sort of). If they face a big time Nintendo game, they'll lose that support and then some.
ertyu is actually a language. For example, 'dum' is ertyunese for 'godly'. - Topaz Kitsune
Believe it or not, the Internet is serious business - Biolizard28
MarioSuperstar | Posted 3/17/2009 1:40:22 PM | message detail
Look at MM/Link, SMW/Sonic 2, Zelda/MMX (series), Smash Bros/Sonic (series).

One thing you forgot to note was that the only examples of Mega Man being SFF'd himself was by Zelda.

However that Sonic/Smash match was pretty impressive and didn't look like Sonic got hindered..

I consider Zelda an exception because it'll probably just kill anything even remotely on its system just like Goldeneye. I think he can stand up to most other series decently.

Of course, Mega Man was never SFF'd as hard as Sonic 2 was; in fact, what happened between Sonic 2/SMW is what I'd expect a Zelda game to do to a Mega Man game more or less. Maybe a tad bit worse.
“Back in my day we used to actually play our videogames instead of watching them”- Vivi0198
MarioSuperstar | Posted 3/17/2009 1:44:25 PM | message detail
Actually I might not be giving Sonic 2 enough credit. >_> I don't know where it could possibly be in strength so I can't say how hard it got owned there.
“Back in my day we used to actually play our videogames instead of watching them”- Vivi0198
trannyscience | Posted 3/17/2009 1:53:30 PM | message detail
If they face a big time Nintendo game, they'll lose that support and then some.

are you calling Tetris a big time Nintendo game?
UltimaterializerX | Posted 3/17/2009 1:56:32 PM | message detail

From: LeonhartFour | Posted: 3/17/2009 10:47:46 AM | #031
Sonic and Knuckles was the best game of the series. What are you talking about?

You always pair S&K with 3 <_<
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XxSoulxX | Posted 3/17/2009 2:17:41 PM | message detail

are you calling Tetris a big time Nintendo game?

No, I was arguing this:

It will get SFFed by just about anything and will lose to games it should beat because of so.

Well, I've never seen this ever demonstrated.

I consider Tetris to be outright stronger then any MM/Sonic game though.
ertyu is actually a language. For example, 'dum' is ertyunese for 'godly'. - Topaz Kitsune
Believe it or not, the Internet is serious business - Biolizard28
trannyscience | Posted 3/17/2009 2:18:12 PM | message detail
oh, then we can agree.

but don't forget Mega Man / Yoshi.
XxSoulxX | Posted 3/17/2009 2:19:12 PM | message detail
Which goes back to my MM/Sonic being Nintendo proxies.
ertyu is actually a language. For example, 'dum' is ertyunese for 'godly'. - Topaz Kitsune
Believe it or not, the Internet is serious business - Biolizard28
trannyscience | Posted 3/17/2009 2:20:04 PM | message detail
sure, but being a Nintendo proxy doesn't mean you're pathetic in Nintendo/Nintendo matches.
RPGGamer0 | Posted 3/17/2009 2:20:27 PM | message detail
Sonic 2 > S&K > Sonic 3.


Congrats to FastFalcon05 for winning the Guru contest.
XxSoulxX | Posted 3/17/2009 2:23:47 PM | message detail
If they face a big time Nintendo game, they'll lose that support and then some.

Yoshi may be popular, but he's not stronger then Mega Man. Mario/Mega Man would be the same result, just MM will be the one getting his ass kicked by SFF.
ertyu is actually a language. For example, 'dum' is ertyunese for 'godly'. - Topaz Kitsune
Believe it or not, the Internet is serious business - Biolizard28
trannyscience | Posted 3/17/2009 2:27:21 PM | message detail
again, I agree - Super Mario World is a tough one for Mega Man 3 to deal with.

but Tetris ain't that game. Tetris can win but it won't be because of some wonky SFF, it'll be because Mega Man 2 bombs.
XxSoulxX | Posted 3/17/2009 2:29:45 PM | message detail
I know. I believe Tetris is outright stronger then any MM game, so it will win without anything like that.
ertyu is actually a language. For example, 'dum' is ertyunese for 'godly'. - Topaz Kitsune
Believe it or not, the Internet is serious business - Biolizard28
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 3/17/2009 2:45:00 PM | message detail

From: ZFS | #067
TBH, I think Half Life 2 could give FF6 a fight.

Well, if you think HL2 is a top 10 game, then you probably should take it over FFXII.

I mean a fight as in within 5%... like 52-48 or something.
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 3/17/2009 2:47:14 PM | message detail
Final Fantasy 6 (2004g) VS Half-Life (2004g)

Final Fantasy 6 has a strength of 43.34.
Half-Life has a strength of 32.21.

Final Fantasy 6 wins with 62.84% of the vote!
A win of 20,092 with 78,237 total votes cast.

And Half Life 2 has proven much bigger then the original (just look at Gordons strength boost since Half Life 2), plus the shift to shooters since 2004, that I could easily see Half Life 2 putting up 48% against FF6.

Not to mention Half Life has a strength of 32, way higher then what FFXII could ever hope to muster.
trannyscience | Posted 3/17/2009 2:54:43 PM | message detail
lol starcraft
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 3/17/2009 2:56:45 PM | message detail
And if you want proof that Half Life popularity boosted since Half Life 2 came out...

Gordon Freeman (2004c) VS Gordon Freeman (2005c)

Gordon Freeman has a strength of 14.37.
Gordon Freeman has a strength of 22.78.

Gordon Freeman wins with 68.46% of the vote!
A win of 32,437 with 87,861 total votes cast.
ZFS | Posted 3/17/2009 3:01:54 PM | message detail
I mean a fight as in within 5%... like 52-48 or something.

This doesn't really change what I said. If you think HL2 is a top 10 kinda game in this contest, go for it. Might as well think about taking it over TP, too!

KleenexTissue50 | Posted 3/17/2009 3:04:17 PM | message detail
HM preachin' the FF12 overestimation again, I see.
No matter what, no matter how, I know I'll make it through somehow.
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 3/17/2009 3:05:18 PM | message detail
Well I don't think top 10, I do think top 20 that has a shot to knock off TP in 2nd round due to RE4 beign there.
ZFS | Posted 3/17/2009 3:08:48 PM | message detail
Nah. I don't have a problem with anyone picking HL2 there, it's not a bad choice or anything. I just think people tend to look at Balthier and say 'oh, yeah, no one likes FFXII' when that's pretty far from the truth.

KleenexTissue50 | Posted 3/17/2009 3:10:26 PM | message detail
FF12 fanboy confirmed.
No matter what, no matter how, I know I'll make it through somehow.
ZFS | Posted 3/17/2009 3:11:24 PM | message detail
best ever

voltch | Posted 3/17/2009 3:13:53 PM | message detail
baconsure was original though,both HLs stuck with a strong zelda game and a mid tier FF game.
Pearl FC:3953 0978 7217
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 3/17/2009 3:16:03 PM | message detail
And both will advance due to strength and being unique in the packs. I mean just look at that second round; RE4, KH2, TP, HL2

One of those games stands out.
trannyscience | Posted 3/17/2009 3:16:45 PM | message detail
actually, all of them do.
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 3/17/2009 3:18:50 PM | message detail
I see 3 Japanese centric games and one American Shooter.
ZFS | Posted 3/17/2009 3:18:55 PM | message detail
HL2 doesn't really stand out there. But ignoring that, RE4 and TP are well out of its league there.

BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 3/17/2009 3:27:07 PM | message detail
Half Life beating FF9 is debatable, Half-Life 2 beating 12 is a given.

HL2 > HL
FF9 >= FF12
Like Darth Maul, the bastard child of Michael Flatley and Hellboy. -trancer1
trannyscience | Posted 3/17/2009 3:29:04 PM | message detail
Turtle speaks truth (and it's about FF9!), but one thing is wrong there -- any comparison between Final Fantasy and Half-Life is guesswork. nothing concrete can really be said there.
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 3/17/2009 3:30:48 PM | message detail
The reason Turtle stated is really what it comes down to. If anyone thinks that Half Life has a shot against 9, you are contradicting yourself to think Half Life 2 against FF12 isnt a given.

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