GameFAQs Contests
Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 656
KamikazePotato | Posted 3/13/2009 5:23:12 PM | message detail |
Whatever man, the number of ratings is just the number of people who
own the game but lower. The order of these things is rarely ever
changed. Vice City: 1201 Own It Kingdom Hearts: 2471 Own It Metroid Prime: 1469 Own It Paper Mario: 596 Own It Forget the FF fanbase, Square fans in general are a hivemind. --- FastFalcon believed in Snake. I didn't. |
trannyscience | Posted 3/13/2009 5:24:00 PM | message detail |
well, with stuff like Pong it's awfully tough to find people who own it! same with Pac-Man! --- xyzzy |
ZFS | Posted 3/13/2009 5:24:06 PM | message detail |
gamerankings more like suckrankings --- |
RPGuy96 | Posted 3/13/2009 5:24:23 PM | message detail | 9.9 GAMERANKINGS WHAT NOW --- Mustache...and Green... |
KamikazePotato | Posted 3/13/2009 5:24:38 PM | message detail |
That's why I didn't DO Pong --- FastFalcon believed in Snake. I didn't. |
red sox 777 | Posted 3/13/2009 5:25:03 PM | message detail |
Pft this is Gamefaqs, not Gamerankings! And FFVII is obviously going down with it's shockingly low 8.9! --- Hobbes: What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do? Calvin: If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun. |
KamikazePotato | Posted 3/13/2009 5:27:25 PM | message detail |
Fallout 3: 4557 Own It Halo 3: 4923 Own It Left 4 Dead: 1529 Own It Mass Effect: 2376 Own It Now watch Halo 3 lose to L4D or something. --- FastFalcon believed in Snake. I didn't. |
ZFS | Posted 3/13/2009 5:28:29 PM | message detail | Got some haterz here. --- |
KamikazePotato | Posted 3/13/2009 5:29:32 PM | message detail |
Bioshock: 1686 Own It LittleBigPlanet: 1519 Own It MGS4: lots Portal: 1899 Own It (which is basically just the number for The Orange Box) --- FastFalcon believed in Snake. I didn't. |
KamikazePotato | Posted 3/13/2009 5:32:39 PM | message detail |
Diablo II: 1040 Own It GTAIII: 1003 Own It Halo: 1024 Own It KOTOR: 777 Own It KOTOR wins due to luckhax --- FastFalcon believed in Snake. I didn't. |
KamikazePotato | Posted 3/13/2009 5:33:15 PM | message detail | Most average game ever? --- FastFalcon believed in Snake. I didn't. |
trannyscience | Posted 3/13/2009 5:33:17 PM | message detail |
Pft this is Gamefaqs, not Gamerankings! what what what !! --- xyzzy |
ZFS | Posted 3/13/2009 5:36:19 PM | message detail | FFIV > FFVIII confirmed - watch out mario world --- |
LeonhartFour | Posted 3/13/2009 6:24:25 PM | message detail |
KamikazePotato | Posted 3/13/2009 1:47:51 PM | message detail | filter | quote | #292 Why in the world would you pick FFT to win? Why in the world would you pick Pokemon to place, with Majora's Mask there? Do you think it's un-SFFable or something? I really, really doubt it is. I don't even think it can BEAT Majora's Mask, much less place in the same poll as it, FFT, and MGS. And don't even use Ramza as an example of how FFT will bomb. You know Ramza's got virtually nothing to do with FFT's strength. (Hint: Remember what the "FF" stands for!) --- |
KamikazePotato | Posted 3/13/2009 6:49:16 PM | message detail |
Pokemon will split with MM, but really, nearly every poll they've been
in shows that they resist Nintendo LFF very well. Combine that with
R/B/Y being a beast (I would probably take it over FF8) and FFT not
amounting to much, and... --- FastFalcon believed in Snake. I didn't. |
KamikazePotato | Posted 3/13/2009 6:59:23 PM | message detail |
Anyway, let's discuss FFIX/HL. HL is going to be weaker than HL2, and I don't see LFFd FFIX losing to MP2 or Halo 2 regardless. --- FastFalcon believed in Snake. I didn't. |
XxSoulxX | Posted 3/13/2009 7:03:09 PM | message detail |
HL2 was weaker back then. That was before Orange Box and the release on consoles. --- ertyu is actually a language. For example, 'dum' is ertyunese for 'godly'. - Topaz Kitsune Believe it or not, the Internet is serious business - Biolizard28 |
KamikazePotato | Posted 3/13/2009 7:04:26 PM | message detail |
So? HL2 pre-Orange Box is still stronger than Half-Life. --- FastFalcon believed in Snake. I didn't. |
MarioSuperstar | Posted 3/13/2009 7:08:14 PM | message detail |
How strong are you expecting FFIX to even be? I wouldn't take it over the original Final Fantasy; in fact I'd bet it's the weakest one in the contest. --- *is Dranze* Through fire, justice is served because FastFalcon05 owned my bracket. |
XxSoulxX | Posted 3/13/2009 7:09:02 PM | message detail |
FFIX Vs. FFTA would be an interesting match. --- Good Times, Great Memories |
KamikazePotato | Posted 3/13/2009 7:10:18 PM | message detail |
I would probably take FF to advance if it were in that spot. Keep in mind FF got 40% on SMB3. I would also take FFIX to be equal to or stronger than FF. --- FastFalcon believed in Snake. I didn't. |
MarioSuperstar | Posted 3/13/2009 7:12:27 PM | message detail |
For what reason? I don't think there isn't much. Even if you set it equal to FF, Half-Life got 44% on Metroid Prime when Gordon Freeman was still losing to the Sam Fisher's of the world. It's bound to have gotten bigger. Add in the fact that Chrono Cross is on its tail and Half-life has a hardcore fanbase as evil by Gordon Freeman last year, you pretty much have an easy win. --- *is Dranze* Through fire, justice is served because FastFalcon05 owned my bracket. |
Mac Arrowny | Posted 3/13/2009 7:14:09 PM | message detail |
Pokemon will split with MM, but really, nearly every poll they've been in shows that they resist Nintendo LFF very well. Mewtwo/Midna disagrees. --- All the stars in the sky are waiting for you. |
The Owner of FF9 | Posted 3/13/2009 7:14:11 PM | message detail |
Sad to say, FFIX is the weakest FF in the contest. Doesn't help that it
got placed in the same bracket as Half-Life AND Ocarina of Time. Are people here underestimating the popularity of Mario World? I have it going all the way up against SMB3 and beating both Sonic 1 and FFIV. Am I overestimating? --- Gamer's Day Sept. 25, 2008 A day for gamers the world over to rejoice and celebrate their freedom. |
KamikazePotato | Posted 3/13/2009 7:17:06 PM | message detail |
Half-Life 2 is big. Not Half-Life. There's a difference. Chrono Cross is going to be worth very little. Back in 2004 when the votals were 75k a match, FFIX would easily outdone HL. It scored, what, 32288 votes? FF franchise voting alone would probably surpass that. --- FastFalcon believed in Snake. I didn't. |
MarioSuperstar | Posted 3/13/2009 7:19:12 PM | message detail |
Half-Life 2 is big. Not Half-Life. There's a difference. in a four-way format to PC fans? You honestly think they wouldn't franchise vote even a little bit? Chrono Cross is going to be worth very little. Just because it's weaker than IX (well, my assumption anyway) doesn't mean it can't affect it. IX won't outright SFF it. Back in 2004 when the votals were 75k a match, FFIX would easily outdone HL. It scored, what, 32288 votes? FF franchise voting alone would probably surpass that. I really don't understand this argument because 2004 was still a good year for Square and well, it's 5 years later. FF franchise voting is powerful, but I don't think it is when it's up against a game that would already do a number on it. --- *is Dranze* Through fire, justice is served because FastFalcon05 owned my bracket. |
KamikazePotato | Posted 3/13/2009 7:20:21 PM | message detail |
Just because it's weaker than IX (well, my assumption anyway) Yeah, I think I'll wait for someone else to argue with. --- FastFalcon believed in Snake. I didn't. |
trannyscience | Posted 3/13/2009 7:20:54 PM | message detail |
FF9's more popular than FF1. any metric would agree with this, it just
wasn't in the 2004 contest. 40% on Mario 3? in 2004, yeah, FF9 woulda
been worth that easily. --- xyzzy |
MarioSuperstar | Posted 3/13/2009 7:24:51 PM | message detail |
I think part of that could also attribute to FF's own popularity. Well, anyway, we know that sort of voting works in 1vs1, but it's weaker if there are definitely more options. --- *is Dranze* Through fire, justice is served because FastFalcon05 owned my bracket. |
MarioSuperstar | Posted 3/13/2009 7:26:13 PM | message detail |
From: KamikazePotato | #377 Oh, the arrogance. --- *is Dranze* Through fire, justice is served because FastFalcon05 owned my bracket. |
KamikazePotato | Posted 3/13/2009 7:27:27 PM | message detail |
I think part of that could also attribute to FF's own popularity. Uh huh. Well, anyway, we know that sort of voting works in 1vs1, but it's weaker if there are definitely more options. Granted, FF7 is a world apart from FF9, but god damn. --- FastFalcon believed in Snake. I didn't. |
MarioSuperstar | Posted 3/13/2009 7:29:10 PM | message detail |
I thought this was about franchise series voting. Weren't you the same one that argued Zidane? Yeah, FF7 and FF9 are universes apart. --- *is Dranze* Through fire, justice is served because FastFalcon05 owned my bracket. |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 3/13/2009 7:29:37 PM | message detail |
People feel obligated to support Final Fantasy 1, even though the
original version is nigh unplayable nowadays. There is no such
obligation for Final Failtasy 9. And my bad, I was wrong by 8 votes. My point still stands, FFT will win that match --- Like Darth Maul, the bastard child of Michael Flatley and Hellboy. -trancer1 |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 3/13/2009 7:30:04 PM | message detail |
And of course by 8 I mean 38 --- Like Darth Maul, the bastard child of Michael Flatley and Hellboy. -trancer1 |
KamikazePotato | Posted 3/13/2009 7:32:23 PM | message detail |
I thought this was about franchise series voting. FFXII was just about the most-maligned FF game in a long time. --- FastFalcon believed in Snake. I didn't. |
MarioSuperstar | Posted 3/13/2009 7:38:02 PM | message detail |
And correct me if i'm wrong but isn't FFIX practically unknown or
relatively unpopular with the fanbase of ALL the modern FF titles? Of course, FFIX has a chance and I won't really rule that out because I think I actually had it initially, but my reason for changing was more about underestimating Half-Life rather than FFIX's weakness or anything. I honestly expect Half Life to at least break 40% on it today, and that's more than enough for me to take it over an LFF'd unpopular modern FF game. --- *is Dranze* Through fire, justice is served because FastFalcon05 owned my bracket. |
KamikazePotato | Posted 3/13/2009 7:39:34 PM | message detail |
FFIX is relatively unknown, yeah, but it's not unpopular, and the
amount of people who've played it is still way more than the original
FF. --- FastFalcon believed in Snake. I didn't. |
KamikazePotato | Posted 3/13/2009 7:42:46 PM | message detail |
Actually, a better comparisan would be FFT. Definitely more obscure
than FFIX, still did way better than it had any right to in the 2k4
contest (partially to do lower votals, but still). --- FastFalcon believed in Snake. I didn't. |
MarioSuperstar | Posted 3/13/2009 7:43:12 PM | message detail |
I'd need to see that to believe it. I honestly don't think Vivi's popularity is all FFIX myself. Of course I have no idea how the FF fanbase works... who am I kidding. --- *is Dranze* Through fire, justice is served because FastFalcon05 owned my bracket. |
ZFS | Posted 3/13/2009 7:46:17 PM | message detail |
People tend to give FF1 way too much credit. Sure it has some fans, but
most of that strength is the FF name, which is something FFIX would
take advantage of on top of a big fanbase that loves it. I would expect
most FF games to be able to do what FF1 did in the first contest,
that's just how far the FF name goes. --- |
trannyscience | Posted 3/13/2009 7:47:40 PM | message detail |
yep. find any favourite FF poll and FF9 will outdo FF1 despite having
two giants in its generation. FF1 is all franchise voting -- very few
people play this today. FF9 sweeps it in every notable category and
then has its own legit fanbase, however big it may be. --- xyzzy |
KamikazePotato | Posted 3/13/2009 7:48:08 PM | message detail | Compare the review scores, the amount of reviews, amount of people who own them ect. Stick FFIX in FFT's spot in 2k4 and it rolls over MGS with ease. --- FastFalcon believed in Snake. I didn't. |
red sox 777 | Posted 3/13/2009 7:48:41 PM | message detail |
Yeah, it's not fair to contrast 2004 Gordon with 2008 Gordon and say
that Half Life would have boosted nearly as much. FFIX seems like a
very intuitive pick for me there, with some doubt coming from Chrono
Cross. --- Hobbes: What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do? Calvin: If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun. |
ZFS | Posted 3/13/2009 7:49:23 PM | message detail |
And correct me if i'm wrong but isn't FFIX practically unknown or
relatively unpopular with the fanbase of ALL the modern FF titles? Here's the thing about that - the game sold 5 million copies, it's definitely not unknown or unpopular. The thing with FFIX is that it's just stuck between FFVII, FFVIII, and FFX - it's the one that doesn't 'belong.' You can check out MyGames where FFIX is higher across the board than something like FFVIII, as an example. --- |
KamikazePotato | Posted 3/13/2009 7:51:46 PM | message detail |
Not to mention it came at the very tail-end of the Playsation's life span. Look at that reader average. This managed to do reasonably well in a GotY poll. --- FastFalcon believed in Snake. I didn't. |
Chaotic Mind | Posted 3/13/2009 7:55:11 PM | message detail |
I have SMRPG>Goldeneye in r1. Am I crazy? My reasoning for SMRPG in first seems logical to me: SMRPG is the only rpg option. It's the only Square option. It's also a Mario game, so it murders DKC2. In the last games contest, SMRPG held up to Chrono Trigger with about 33% of the vote despite being from the same console, company, and genre, while Goldeneye only managed ~27% against Ocarina of Time which it only shared console and company with. Ocarina of Time being stronger than Chrono Trigger, those performances still put SMRPG nearly 3% higher than Goldeneye in the SFF-adjusted standings. I'm more on the fence about Goldeneye being in second, because RE2 is the only non-Ninty option and it's supposedly the second most popular game in the franchise... which i'm not entirely sure what that means in terms of strength. However, Goldeneye is the only fps option, it constantly makes top 10 lists, it's credited with bringing the fps genre to popularity on consoles, it's a fantastic game... and most people seem to have it winning first in this match. --- Flash runs alongside Balefire watching marshmallows stop existing. - WarThaNemesis2 |
MarioSuperstar | Posted 3/13/2009 7:55:17 PM | message detail |
Hm.. all that is interesting. Though I do personally think Half-Life is at least a good bit ahead of Gears. Well, I guess it's safe to say that at the very least, I don't expect any kind of blowout. --- *is Dranze* Through fire, justice is served because FastFalcon05 owned my bracket. |
KamikazePotato | Posted 3/13/2009 7:57:34 PM | message detail |
Of course it won't be a blowout. OoT is going to vacuum up percentage, for one thing. And I think Gears of War would probably stomp the original Half-Life, but that's another debate entirely. --- FastFalcon believed in Snake. I didn't. |
MarioSuperstar | Posted 3/13/2009 8:02:19 PM | message detail |
Well, here's another point that probably means nothing. I'd actually consider FFIX for second if it was a game as loved as OoT.. when I think of OoT, I think of people of all fanbases voting for it if they genuinely loved it, and when it comes to grabbing mass percentage, I can genuinely see OoT stealing more FF votes, especially from IX, than it can steal Half-Life votes. Though since FF got 40% on SMB3, I guess this doesn't make much sense even if it's 4-ways, but hey, it's worked for me before. :) --- *is Dranze* Through fire, justice is served because FastFalcon05 owned my bracket. |
MarioSuperstar | Posted 3/13/2009 8:02:43 PM | message detail |
if it wasn't OoT I mean* --- *is Dranze* Through fire, justice is served because FastFalcon05 owned my bracket. |