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Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 654

RPGuy96 | Posted 3/6/2009 4:56:18 PM | message detail
Er, LttP's competition gets crushed in the quarters, and then it rides an easy SFF win over Mario 3/Mario World/whatever else makes it if they split too much (SFII/MM3?) in the semis.
Mustache...and Green...
HaRRicH | Posted 3/6/2009 5:00:05 PM | message detail

GTA's stock better have dropped a LOT for that upset.
Shorthand, do you speak it?!
Lieutenant Kettch | Posted 3/6/2009 5:00:33 PM | message detail
Argh, so many games wasted to LFF in this bracket. The 1998-2000 division in particular is horrible with 2 RPG/1 PC/1 Nintendo game 4 packs.
FastFalcon and Solid Snake snapped my neck in the guru contest.
KamikazePotato | Posted 3/6/2009 5:01:16 PM | message detail
GTA's stock better have dropped a LOT for that upset.

I don't think you realize who you're talking to. =)

FastFalcon believed in Snake. I didn't.
L33t_Rappa_Sam | Posted 3/6/2009 5:02:53 PM | message detail
Anyone want to bother seeing what all games got snubbed here that were in the 2004 contest?
RPGuy96 | Posted 3/6/2009 5:03:56 PM | message detail
Agreed there. And, yeah, I guess FFX making it is more likely than I thought - it really only has to compete with MGS, and it's not impossible that MGS4 is in that match too (TP/RE4/MGS4/Brawl or Galaxy has a lot to favour MGS4).
Mustache...and Green...
HotSkitty | Posted 3/6/2009 5:04:49 PM | message detail

Zelda: LTTP
Final Fantasy 3 (6)
Final Fantasy VII
Chrono Trigger

Can LTTP take the upset over Chrono Trigger?
Never gonna give you up.
RPGuy96 | Posted 3/6/2009 5:05:52 PM | message detail
A better question (and one that I asked!) is if LttP can upset FFVII...!
Mustache...and Green...
ZFS | Posted 3/6/2009 5:06:31 PM | message detail
LttP takes an easy second there, for sure. CT's gotta deal with way too much SFF there, unfortunately.

Enough expository banter! Now we fight like men! And ladies! And ladies who dress like men!
L33t_Rappa_Sam | Posted 3/6/2009 5:25:57 PM | message detail
Besides flooding the boards, the Add/Remove topics also get us pissed off at each other for trying to get each others' favorite games removed.

It's like SBAllen went out of his way to piss the board off, and I love him all the more for it!
swirIdude | Posted 3/6/2009 5:27:00 PM | message detail
I am convinced Bacon is using this Add/Remove feedback as a mini SteriLUEzation against anyone who dare make a joke.

Oh, and format sucks massively, we want Ceej back, etc.
SSBB FC: 4425-1156-3590
Looking for a new sig.
LeonhartFour | Posted 3/6/2009 5:27:49 PM | message detail
I hope Bacon takes our suggestion to make a POTD asking which format the site prefers. At least we can get that part of it out of the way. If the majority wants it, then...
trannyscience | Posted 3/6/2009 5:31:40 PM | message detail
hahahaha, this is a ****ing mess. round 1 is boring and predictable, round 2 and on is a big SFF-fest.

waited five years for this aww yeah
LeonhartFour | Posted 3/6/2009 5:35:06 PM | message detail
GrapefruitKing | Posted 3/6/2009 5:44:13 PM | message detail
I come home... notice the bracket is up

reaction ... "what is this crap contest ?"
I mean... it would be acceptable without this whole add/remove thing, but ... oh well
trannyscience | Posted 3/6/2009 5:45:11 PM | message detail
generations make it predictable for the first rounds, fourways make it predictable for the last rounds.

Master Moltar | Posted 3/6/2009 5:48:42 PM | message detail
bububububububut THE MAJORITY
Moltar Status: yessssssss
all hail MGS4 the king of 2008 games
UltimaterializerX | Posted 3/6/2009 5:55:31 PM | message detail
Read this idea, please:
Now Playing: Etrian Odyssey 2, Diablo 2, Lunar: SSSC
L33t_Rappa_Sam | Posted 3/6/2009 5:55:36 PM | message detail
I figured I'd compile a list of snubs from 2004. Here we go, separated by generation.

Metal Gear
Phantasy Star

Shining Force
The Simpsons
Mortal Kombat

Suikoden II
Dance Dance Revolution
NiGHTS into Dreams
Fallout 2

Soul Calibur
Skies of Arcadia
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
Fire Emblem

Note: Shining Force 2, Suikoden 1, and Fallout 1 are in in place of their respective 2004 counterparts. 16 games, meaning 3/4's of 2004's bracket returned for 2009. These games were all weak anyway, so no big loss. In fact, FFTA is the only one of those 16 that actually won its match, and that's because it was against FE, another snub.

Also, I'm gonna go ahead and rely on 4chan to rally Battletoads over FF7 and win the entire thing. At least, I'll do it on a for-fun bracket.

I'm running out of posts and there's nothing really to discuss about the bracket other than the chaos, so I'm gonna do something productive like eat or play KOTOR or continue my FF5A random class challenge (finally making my Bard semi-useful).
Yesmar | Posted 3/6/2009 6:06:55 PM | message detail
Prelim Final Match =

FFVII > OoT > LttP > RE4

Sound right?
FastFalcon owned me in the Guru Contest!
L33t_Rappa_Sam | Posted 3/6/2009 6:12:15 PM | message detail

From: Yesmar | #170
Prelim Final Match =

FFVII > OoT > LttP > RE4

Sound right?

SFFed LttP over RE4? Really?

I'm more tempted to put RE4 over OoT in that scenario, though I don't think I could pull the trigger, even though I imagine if anything could hurt OoT, it'd be LttP.
trannyscience | Posted 3/6/2009 6:23:16 PM | message detail
it's gonna take me a couple days to come around to this idea. I can't even formulate an argument to some of this stuff yet. FF7/FF6/CT/LTTP I mean really?
UltimaterializerX | Posted 3/6/2009 6:24:49 PM | message detail
Pretty sure FF7 > LTTP is a lock there.
Now Playing: Etrian Odyssey 2, Diablo 2, Lunar: SSSC
Mr3790 | Posted 3/6/2009 6:27:04 PM | message detail
Well, I have been proven wrong about the bracket never coming.
AC:WW Code: Name:Mr.378 Town:Darkcity FC: 4210-5769-8462
Luis_Sera89 | Posted 3/6/2009 6:33:14 PM | message detail
The board is a mess at the moment... Yuck.
"Eet's game time..."
LeonhartFour | Posted 3/6/2009 7:11:08 PM | message detail
According to Allen's latest SBallin' post, these "suggestions" will only last for the weekend, and he'll look back into it on Monday.
UltimaterializerX | Posted 3/6/2009 7:19:54 PM | message detail
On Monday, I will go through that topics that garnered the most interest (i.e. replies agreeing with your choice) and possibly make alterations to the bracket, if your argument is compelling enough.

And my idea of mixing formats is kicking ASS with agreements. Get on board!
Now Playing: Etrian Odyssey 2, Diablo 2, Lunar: SSSC
red sox 777 | Posted 3/6/2009 9:54:37 PM | message detail

CT getting fed to LTTP with FFVII and FFVI dragging it down?

Augh augh augh....well, time to start up the FFVII > Starcraft (>OOT > LTTP) hype train if nothing changes in this bracket.
Hobbes: What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?
Calvin: If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun.
transcience | Posted 3/6/2009 9:56:07 PM | message detail
three hours on the day of the bracket being released with no posts.

kinda says it all, doesn't it? no one even cares to argue this mess. aw yeah.
LeonhartFour | Posted 3/6/2009 9:56:51 PM | message detail
Everyone's arguing outside this topic or working on getting another game in!

But yeah, it's not even worth discussing.
ZFS | Posted 3/6/2009 9:58:46 PM | message detail
I don't think anyone's really looked at the bracket yet, just everyone scrambling to a game in over another. Once we get some predix, we'll probably hear all sorts of stuff - who's ready for some Blizzard hype? Not me!

transcience | Posted 3/6/2009 9:59:41 PM | message detail
I might sit this one out on the argumnent front until Crew time. speaking of which, do you still want me Moltar?

I can make up some truly nonsensical predictions like none other with this mess!
LeonhartFour | Posted 3/6/2009 10:01:14 PM | message detail
Yeah, I think once predictions actually open and people start thinking about it, we'll get more discussion. This isn't even really the final bracket.
MarioSuperstar | Posted 3/6/2009 10:01:36 PM | message detail
so.. Donkey Kong vs Tyson.

wtf i like have no idea. Tyson = or > Duck Hunt? dunno.
*is Dranze*
Through fire, justice is served because FastFalcon05 owned my bracket.
Karma Hunter | Posted 3/6/2009 10:03:18 PM | message detail
I'm tempted just because DK choking is pretty much the closest thing we ever get to a lock in these contests... but, I dunno, Little Mac wasn't worth much of anything. DK probably gets through on name recognition alone.
turnturnturn your brain in
turnturnturn your brain in
MarioSuperstar | Posted 3/6/2009 10:05:16 PM | message detail
yeah mac was pretty bad.
*is Dranze*
Through fire, justice is served because FastFalcon05 owned my bracket.
RPGuy96 | Posted 3/6/2009 10:05:34 PM | message detail
I've got predictions, but the top half is boring the bottom half is a "who you're with" mess. Even with the division by era nonsense the second round and on would be a neat 1v1 contest but as a 4way it's boring.

For example, this is a neat division (probably a little neater if you move WW away from Melee):

Final Fantasy X
Metal Gear Solid 2
Metroid Prime
Kingdom Hearts
Grand Theft Auto 3
Super Smash Bros. Melee
Wind Waker

But with fourways the top half is "how much does KH hurt FFX?" and the bottom half is "how much does WW hurt Melee?" and the division final is "does Prime make it there or not?".
Mustache...and Green...
M_e_g_a_6_4 | Posted 3/6/2009 10:05:50 PM | message detail
Alright, I'm no longer warned.

Nothing to really talk about so far. Even if it were finalized and predictions were enabled, what all would there be to talk about other than the likelihood of possible SFF scenarios? Winning this contest will take more luck than skill, so I might as well pick Battletoads > Phoenix Wright for my final and hope 4chan pulls through.

Though I feel I've been rewarded with this bracket, since it's the worst possible bracket I could imagine. 4-way, generations, major LFF potential? It's a complete joke, and it's like I'm in on it. I'm such a dick.
ZFS | Posted 3/6/2009 10:06:11 PM | message detail
I dunno that I'd look to Little Mac for that. Punch-Out!! is a lot better than the character.

transcience | Posted 3/6/2009 10:06:28 PM | message detail
as I said elsewhere, I believe a round 2 match could determine the winner of this contest. god damn format.
LeonhartFour | Posted 3/6/2009 10:06:48 PM | message detail
Yeah, Punch-Out!! is bound to be stronger than Little Mac.
Kamekguy | Posted 3/6/2009 10:07:26 PM | message detail
I'm pretty sure that people know who Mike Tyson is... even if they've never played Punch-Out!! Sure, DK's got his name, but Punch-Out has... erm... an actually decent-looking game in the works, and Mike Tyson right on the name.

I really have no idea how strong/weak DK is supposed to be. All that's transitive with him is how much he chokes (and you have no idea how hard that is to see your favorite character screw up year after year, no matter how incredibly well he does it).

Well, at least it seems like a fun opening to an otherwise incredibly lackluster contest.
"I'm surrounded by idiots" ~ Scar, The Lion King
Nominate Banjo-Kazooie and DKC2. Preserve the dignity Rare has left!
MarioSuperstar | Posted 3/6/2009 10:10:52 PM | message detail
Battletoads is in?

Oh god the L-Block of game contests.
*is Dranze*
Through fire, justice is served because FastFalcon05 owned my bracket.
M_e_g_a_6_4 | Posted 3/6/2009 10:12:42 PM | message detail
So who will be the first to succumb to Battletoadsfear?
PunchingPower | Posted 3/6/2009 10:12:43 PM | message detail
I still haven't even looked at half the matches. If this is the status quo for contests from now on, I might not be around for much longer. And I halfway don't expect the contests to be, either.
Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world!
transcience | Posted 3/6/2009 10:13:56 PM | message detail
heh, stats topic gloom and doom. good to see.

don't worry, when we have brackets to make we'll come around. we won't be happy about it but we'll still argue this nonsense.
WarThaNemesis2 | Posted 3/6/2009 10:16:36 PM | message detail
The bracket, as is, leaves the possibility of FFIV making the elite eight.

I like this.
LeonhartFour | Posted 3/6/2009 10:17:11 PM | message detail
If FFI weren't in the way, I'd agree.
PunchingPower | Posted 3/6/2009 10:19:26 PM | message detail
I don't think we'll do it with nearly as much fervor as usual. Expect the stats topic to be carried by people responding to Albion's trolling even more than last year. Like I told Leon, I can't expect this to go much longer. The "majority" Bacon is trying to appease probably doesn't care, the people who do care clearly don't approve of the way he's running this, and to top it all off, he seems to hate this contest business, anyway. I dunno how much longer we'll go, but things certainly don't point to another six or seven healthy years of contests.
Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world!
transcience | Posted 3/6/2009 10:20:36 PM | message detail
be glad he's warned right now. :)

but yeah, this could be ugly.

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