GameFAQs Contests
Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 650
hailEC | Posted 1/14/2009 4:30:45 PM | message detail |
Not everyone voting MGS4 has to own a PS3 you know. Like me. --- all hail ec your lord and savior |
Karma Hunter | Posted 1/14/2009 4:33:51 PM | message detail |
Or me to my ETERNAL shame why is it so pricey --- turnturnturn your brain in turnturnturn your brain in |
red sox 777 | Posted 1/14/2009 4:37:10 PM | message detail |
I think FO3 has a shot at second or first also, though I think it could
also potentially get beaten pretty badly tomorrow if people see it as
SSBB vs. MGS4 (think what happened to Cloud in the final, except on a
much smaller scale). As I've said, I still think Brawl is more
independent than MGS4 (I would love for it to finish in last tomorrow,
and it's not impossible!), precisely because
of MGS4's smaller, more hardcore, PS3 fanbase. Most of the people who
own a PS3 also own a Wii or 360 or both. The Wii should have by far the
most people who only own a Wii out of all the consoles this generation.
As for loyalty....when has a loyal fanbase ever helped in a multi-way
poll? This has probably been the theory that has been brought up the
most over the past 2 years, but we have yet to see any evidence
whatsoever that having a loyal fanbase helps, perhaps because the
fanbases that are the most loyal are often the least independent. --- Link he come to town |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 1/14/2009 4:40:36 PM | message detail |
My prediction for tomorrow: SSBB: 35% Fallout 3: 33% Metal Gear Solid 4: 32% --- |
HaRRicH | Posted 1/14/2009 4:40:38 PM | message detail |
Right, but it certainly helps to own one. It's not like SSBB where you
can just pick it up and play with a friend at his place. If you don't
own a PS3, you probably need to rent one with MGS4, find a friend who
will let you borrow it with MGS4, or play it at said friend's
house...and then decide MGS4 has been the best game of the year. I don't think MGS4 gets many votes like yours. To be fair, LBP/VC got more votes than PS3-ownership the other day, but MGS4 isn't way beyond its competition here like LBP. It's still going to have to battle two huge games that are already close to it, and 36.59% ownership is much more acceptable in a nine-way poll than a three-way. --- FastFalcon05 absolutely decimated me in the Guru challenge. How bad was it? ...I don't want to talk about it. |
HaRRicH | Posted 1/14/2009 4:44:02 PM | message detail |
Well, we may get to see what the loyalty means tomorrow because we now
have a general idea of the loyalty-ceiling for this case (36.59%). We
don't really get that with the characters...though it may not be as
good of a test, either, since this is a three-way instead of a four-way. --- FastFalcon05 absolutely decimated me in the Guru challenge. How bad was it? ...I don't want to talk about it. |
trannyscience | Posted 1/14/2009 4:44:13 PM | message detail |
Fallout 3 is a near-lock for last tomorrow - I have a hard time seeing
what is essentially a new IP to a lot of people permeate GameFAQs so
quickly. it's done great to get here, but I just can't see it pulling
in 35% tomorrow. I'll let it surprise me and write it off for the time
being. as for Brawl and MGS4, there's only a thousand votes separating these two and a hell of a lot of votes to go around. either one can win and there's nothing concrete to suggest either one will. --- xyzzy |
Karma Hunter | Posted 1/14/2009 4:45:37 PM | message detail |
You heard it here first MGS4 is a lock --- turnturnturn your brain in turnturnturn your brain in |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 1/14/2009 4:46:51 PM | message detail |
From: trannyscience | #357 The people who are voting for Gears of War or WoW are definently potential voters for FO3 though, so I don't see it as that crazy to see FO3 get that much percentage. Not likely but not impossible --- |
trannyscience | Posted 1/14/2009 4:46:54 PM | message detail |
hey KH list your top 5 games --- xyzzy |
Karma Hunter | Posted 1/14/2009 4:47:37 PM | message detail |
that's a low blow --- turnturnturn your brain in turnturnturn your brain in |
red sox 777 | Posted 1/14/2009 4:48:22 PM | message detail |
Well, what if MGS4 faced, say, Tetris in a 1v1? I highly doubt many
people in here would take Tetris, and I don't think anyone wouldn't
take MGS4 to get a higher percentage than its playrate. The fewer
options there are, the more likely it is that someone who hasn't played
MGS4 will vote for it. If you haven't played MGS4, with 8 other
options, you can probably find one you like. With only 2 other options,
what do you do if you haven't played or do not like either of
SSBB/Fallout 3? What if you thought the others were mediocre but heard
lots of good things about MGS4? --- Link he come to town |
HaRRicH | Posted 1/14/2009 4:51:58 PM | message detail |
I should also clarify something else: MGS4 will almost certainly get
30+% tomorrow. My point was that to break 30% would mean it's already
getting 82% of the PS3-support (votes like EC's and KH's aside for
now). With FO3 on the PS3 and SSBB for the "second system" that about
half of the PS3-owners here have, how much more can you expect it to do? --- FastFalcon05 absolutely decimated me in the Guru challenge. How bad was it? ...I don't want to talk about it. |
HaRRicH | Posted 1/14/2009 4:55:07 PM | message detail |
I do think some voters vote off of impressions rather than opinions if
they've not played any of the games, yeah...but FO3 and GTA4 have won
the most GotY-awards in general, and I think only GameSpot gave MGS4
their GotY. For people who may vote based on what they have heard about
the games, FO3 should have the advantage. --- FastFalcon05 absolutely decimated me in the Guru challenge. How bad was it? ...I don't want to talk about it. |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 1/14/2009 4:58:25 PM | message detail |
yeah there was a kotaku article showing the goty awards from major
sites for all games, and Fallout 3 had 7 game of the year awards from
major gaming sites (the most of any game if you include only gaming
sites since GTA4 also had 7 but it had goty from places like time
magazine and new york post) --- |
red sox 777 | Posted 1/14/2009 5:00:35 PM | message detail |
I don't believe in this ceiling. For one thing, Brawl and FO3 don't
have 100% playrates here- not even close. There is a sizable group of
people that haven't played or do not like any of these games. And if
games are really capped by their playership, how does anything from CT
ever blow out anything? Finally, MGS4 could get in excess of 5%
tomorrow from the Melee fanbase (because Brawl is the worst thing
ever), and probably is already getting some support today. I'm serious
about that. --- Link he come to town |
hailEC | Posted 1/14/2009 5:04:20 PM | message detail |
I don't think MGS4 gets many votes like yours. To be fair, LBP/VC got more votes than PS3-ownership the other day, but MGS4 isn't way beyond its competition here like LBP. While true, LBP also doesn't have the godly namesake of MGS, which undoubtedly draws votes from hardcore MGSers regardless of whether or not they've actually played the 4th yet. --- all hail ec your lord and savior |
HaRRicH | Posted 1/14/2009 5:12:17 PM | message detail |
Yeah, MGS is a big enough series to do it too. FO3 has been able to
keep up today and will have a lot of x-factors in its favor tomorrow
though, so it would become a matter of whether or not the MGS-name is
enough to fend it off. Should be fun to watch. --- FastFalcon05 absolutely decimated me in the Guru challenge. How bad was it? ...I don't want to talk about it. |
Mumei | Posted 1/14/2009 5:42:57 PM | message detail |
"You never asked." Karma's top 10 games, as of yesterday: 9:24 PM 1. Metal Gear Solid 2. Ninja Gaiden Black 3. Xenogears 4. Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance 5. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 6. We <3 Katamari 7. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney 8. Prince of Persia: Sands of Time 9. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 10. Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem 9:30 man I just realized if MGS had never existed my favorite game until 2004 would've been a ZELDA GAME --- "I believe that words uttered in passion contain a greater living truth than do those words which express thoughts rationally conceived" - Sensei |
trannyscience | Posted 1/14/2009 5:48:03 PM | message detail |
dammit list spoilers I want to see this Xenogears writeup dammit --- xyzzy |
Karma Hunter | Posted 1/14/2009 5:50:44 PM | message detail |
damage control time If the MGS series had never existed I was clearly going to buy Xenogears instead and thus no Zelda would have everr topped my list never you mind that I was on an anti-Square kick when I got MGS --- turnturnturn your brain in turnturnturn your brain in |
Mumei | Posted 1/14/2009 5:52:38 PM | message detail |
damage control time If the MGS series had never existed I was clearly going to buy Xenogears instead and thus no Zelda would have everr topped my list never you mind that I was on an anti-Square kick when I got MGS You have Majora's Mask higher than I do, and my list is a tenth of the size of yours. --- "I believe that words uttered in passion contain a greater living truth than do those words which express thoughts rationally conceived" - Sensei |
KamikazePotato | Posted 1/14/2009 5:53:50 PM | message detail |
Nothing too out of the ordi- wait W Love Katamari? Seriously? --- FastFalcon believed in Snake. I didn't. |
Karma Hunter | Posted 1/14/2009 5:55:30 PM | message detail |
Man what is wrong with having the Katamari game
with the best blend of gameplay (makes KD nearly unplayable) and
atmosphere? Sure the music is inferior on the whole but thanks to song
selection playing Everlasting Love is more than just a solution, it's a
feature! --- turnturnturn your brain in turnturnturn your brain in |
Fayt_Esteed | Posted 1/14/2009 6:01:30 PM | message detail |
Well now... Watch us get Riku/Bowser in the first round next Character
Battle. Apparently, someone thinks it's just not a character battle
without Riku getting fed to some green animal in the first round :( --- "Here I go! Divine judgment for an evil soul! Sacred Penance! Rest in peace." - Estellise Sidos Heurassein, Tales of Vesperia |
trannyscience | Posted 1/14/2009 6:20:59 PM | message detail |
Katamari 2 is awesome. definitely the best of the three. did you find the third boring and bland like I did? --- xyzzy |
Karma Hunter | Posted 1/14/2009 6:37:30 PM | message detail |
I actually haven't played Beautiful yet, though I plan to acquire it
soon. I did go through Me and My though, and even putting the controls
aside it just didn't have the same "charm", I guess you could say. --- turnturnturn your brain in turnturnturn your brain in |
trannyscience | Posted 1/14/2009 6:38:15 PM | message detail |
Beautiful is better in every way, but for some reason it isn't as fun. haven't figured it out. --- xyzzy |
ZFS | Posted 1/14/2009 7:05:46 PM | message detail |
Hey, nice, MGS4 held on. --- Enough expository banter! Now we fight like men! And ladies! And ladies who dress like men! |
red sox 777 | Posted 1/14/2009 7:32:32 PM | message detail |
While Brawl could still win tomorrow.....which of these games, if any, do you take over Brawl 1v1 right now? Metal Gear Solid 4 Super Smash Bros. Melee Twilight Princess Final Fantasy X Super Mario 64 Super Mario World The Legend of Zelda Final Fantasy Tactics --- Link he come to town |
Fayt_Esteed | Posted 1/14/2009 7:37:21 PM | message detail |
What I'm really worried about is the Brawl-Galaxy-TP triangle. Which
one is the strongest? I'm thinking Galaxy since it wasn't released to
deafening hype unlike Brawl and TP. --- "Here I go! Divine judgment for an evil soul! Sacred Penance! Rest in peace." - Estellise Sidos Heurassein, Tales of Vesperia |
KamikazePotato | Posted 1/14/2009 7:40:45 PM | message detail |
I'm pretty sure the KD creator ditched the series after We <3 Katamari, so that may be the reason. --- FastFalcon believed in Snake. I didn't. |
HaRRicH | Posted 1/14/2009 7:44:59 PM | message detail |
Methinks LoZ:TP > SSBB > SMG right now, but it's still hard to say. One-on-one, I would still take SSBB over MGS4, SM64, SMW, LoZ, and FFT. I would have to take LoZ:TP and FFX over it for now though...and I'm torn on SSBB/SSBM. --- FastFalcon05 absolutely decimated me in the Guru challenge. How bad was it? ...I don't want to talk about it. |
MarioSuperstar | Posted 1/14/2009 7:45:59 PM | message detail |
i'm at least convinced TP > Galaxy. I wouldnt take Brawl over either. --- *is Dranze* Through fire, justice is served because FastFalcon05 owned my bracket. |
Fayt_Esteed | Posted 1/14/2009 8:24:33 PM | message detail |
which of these games, if any, do you take over Brawl 1v1 right now? Metal Gear Solid 4 Super Smash Bros. Melee Twilight Princess Final Fantasy X Super Mario 64 Super Mario World The Legend of Zelda Final Fantasy Tactics I'd take Brawl over LoZ (I can't help but think that NES games as a whole will tank in the upcoming contest), FFT (Ramza nearly losing to LAHARL, of all characters, leaves a bad taste in my mouth), MGS4, SM64 (Granted, it got the worst possible draw and got its face kicked in by OoT, but...), and SMW. I'd likely take TP over it and maybe FFX. As for Melee/Brawl, I'm rather torn on that one. --- "Here I go! Divine judgment for an evil soul! Sacred Penance! Rest in peace." - Estellise Sidos Heurassein, Tales of Vesperia |
HaRRicH | Posted 1/14/2009 8:57:42 PM | message detail |
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster] |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 1/14/2009 8:58:23 PM | message detail |
I expect fallout 3 to not look so hot first hour but should start
looking better over night and during the day like today, so dont write
it off yet after first 5 min --- |
Karma Hunter | Posted 1/14/2009 9:02:54 PM | message detail |
augh board votez c'mon MGS4 fight through the Brawl Power Hour --- turnturnturn your brain in turnturnturn your brain in |
Ngamer64 | Posted 1/14/2009 9:06:07 PM | message detail |
Brawl power hour? Is there even such a thing? I thought MGS4 was off to a decent lead pretty much from the get-go last night. --- says we just got owned hard by FastFalcon! ( & are neat) |
ZFS | Posted 1/14/2009 9:06:56 PM | message detail |
Gotta see what happens the next couple of updates. Brawl did well the first five minutes, then MGS4 took off after that. --- Enough expository banter! Now we fight like men! And ladies! And ladies who dress like men! |
xp1337 | Posted 1/14/2009 9:09:41 PM | message detail |
Actually, wasn't Brawl trailing MGS4 at the freeze yesterday? And then
it took the lead on the next update. MGS4 started cutting after that
and took over from that point on. --- xp1337: Don't you wish there was a spell-checker that told you when you a word out? SC2k6 (190/240) 99.4958 Percentile |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 1/14/2009 9:09:53 PM | message detail |
brawl was trailing, yes --- |
Karma Hunter | Posted 1/14/2009 9:10:56 PM | message detail |
augh this is just an impermanent setback that I will somehow explain shortly --- turnturnturn your brain in turnturnturn your brain in |
red sox 777 | Posted 1/14/2009 9:12:15 PM | message detail |
Hmm....Brawl leading with the board vote. Come on MGS4! Oh, and CT beat FFVII soundly with the ASV and second night vote. We've come a long way since Magus choked against Sandbag 3 months ago! --- Link he come to town |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 1/14/2009 9:14:28 PM | message detail |
From: red sox 777 | #394 zack wasnt exactly a day beast himself though --- |
red sox 777 | Posted 1/14/2009 9:17:52 PM | message detail |
Hey! CT looks so much better when I say "FFVII" instead of "Crisis
Core!" Just you wait- once CTDS comes out in Europe, CT will boost
enough to beat the real FFVII in the finals by coming back with the ASV! --- Link he come to town |
HaRRicH | Posted 1/14/2009 9:19:16 PM | message detail |
First FF7, next...Gears 2. --- FastFalcon05 absolutely decimated me in the Guru challenge. How bad was it? ...I don't want to talk about it. |
Fayt_Esteed | Posted 1/14/2009 9:21:46 PM | message detail |
Anyone else think that DK could likely blow a match to Magus (or Kefka,
for that matter)? Also, how in the world does a Nintendo icon fail to
double Bub, of all characters? --- "Here I go! Divine judgment for an evil soul! Sacred Penance! Rest in peace." - Estellise Sidos Heurassein, Tales of Vesperia |
redrocket | Posted 1/14/2009 9:25:46 PM | message detail |
Anyone else think that DK could likely blow a match to Magus Um, Magus would beat DK easily. It wouldn't be close He hasn't fallen that far yet <_< --- From his looks Magus is Macho Man Randy Savage as an anime zombie. The black wind howls, and one of you will snap into a Slim Jim ooh yeeeah! -sonicblastpunch |
red sox 777 | Posted 1/14/2009 9:26:13 PM | message detail |
Of course DK could lose to Magus. Magus, for all
his failures, is still a midcarder. It's just that our expectations for
him were so incredibly high, and he even backed it up with one great
year in 2003. --- Link he come to town |