GameFAQs Contests

Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 649
_Hogger_ | Posted 1/6/2009 11:26:07 PM | message detail |
I wouldn't attribute LFF of Fable to Lost Odyssey and Vesperia. WRPG and JRPGs are a different beast when it comes to fanbases --- |
_Hogger_ | Posted 1/7/2009 9:11:18 AM | message detail |
So Tales really fell off.. oh well --- |
hailEC | Posted 1/7/2009 12:36:47 PM | message detail |
remember when bacon was a good admin --- all hail ec your lord and savior except FastFalcon, he's so legit you must bow down to his ass too. |
_Hogger_ | Posted 1/7/2009 12:37:33 PM | message detail |
no --- |
HaRRicH | Posted 1/7/2009 12:44:25 PM | message detail |
I didn't like the idea of Fable 2 being close to Gears 2, but I didn't
expect a beat-down like this either. I think this is probably more of
Fable's doing than Gears's...WotLK/Gears 2 should still be pretty good
to watch. --- FastFalcon05 absolutely decimated me in the Guru challenge. How bad was it? ...I don't want to talk about it. |
Karma Hunter | Posted 1/7/2009 12:46:32 PM | message detail |
If Gears 2/WotLK is even remotely exciting, it'll be because something
like L4D takes the multiplatform poll and splits the FPS fanbase - this
is far stiffer competition than anything WotLK had to face. --- turnturnturn your brain in turnturnturn your brain in |
KleenexTissue50 | Posted 1/7/2009 12:46:37 PM | message detail |
I don't know if I'd call trying to stay around the 10% mark (if that) a good match !! --- "feh... your right...I am the stalker" - ExThaNemesis |
_Hogger_ | Posted 1/7/2009 1:11:01 PM | message detail |
Left4Dead at BEST might be a distant third place in the multiplatform poll but multiplatform is all about gta4 vs. fallout 3 --- |
charmander6000 | Posted 1/7/2009 1:20:16 PM | message detail |
I'd be really surprised if GTAIV lost to Fallout 3. --- Board 8 BOP: Congratulations to FastFalcon for winning the guru contest, you are the best among the best. |
_Hogger_ | Posted 1/7/2009 1:22:46 PM | message detail |
From: charmander6000 | #359 and similiar fanbase at gamespot --- |
charmander6000 | Posted 1/7/2009 1:32:49 PM | message detail |
First of all the fanbases are not that similar though I do agree that
they're closer than say GameSpy. Second Fallout 3 was almost voted Game
of the Year by users barely losing to MGS4. Again I'll be very
surprised if Fallout 3 comes with in 5% of GTAIV. --- Board 8 BOP: Congratulations to FastFalcon for winning the guru contest, you are the best among the best. |
_Hogger_ | Posted 1/7/2009 1:33:55 PM | message detail |
My point is that GTA4 just isn't as popular at this point as Fallout 3.
GTA4 is the kind of game that was huge for a couple months now nobody
cares about it, and Fallout 3i the new big game right now (That most of
the notable sites are giving overall GotY to). --- |
charmander6000 | Posted 1/7/2009 1:41:01 PM | message detail |
I'm not sure if you follow other sites, but GameFAQs is often known as
the black sheep of the gaming community. I don't think many sites gave
Brawl Game of the Year. Also with many users on the site not being much
of a PC gamer GTAIV could win based on name alone. --- Board 8 BOP: Congratulations to FastFalcon for winning the guru contest, you are the best among the best. |
_Hogger_ | Posted 1/7/2009 1:42:40 PM | message detail |
From: charmander6000 | #363 Yeah... you calling Fallout 3 a PC game (when it is 360/PS3/PC just like GTA4) shows how much you know, I'm done arguing this lol --- |
charmander6000 | Posted 1/7/2009 1:48:40 PM | message detail |
You very well know that the Fallout series is originally from the PC.
For many people Fallout 3 will be the first Fallout game that they
play. Also with it released just a couple of months ago I don't think
it's settled for enough console players to play it to give it the win.
Don't bring up sales because many PC gamers could have bought it on the
console. --- Board 8 BOP: Congratulations to FastFalcon for winning the guru contest, you are the best among the best. |
_Hogger_ | Posted 1/7/2009 1:51:28 PM | message detail |
From: charmander6000 | #365 "Sales for Fallout 3 have thus far been very high, and figures suggest that the game has outsold all previous Fallout games (including spin-offs) in its first week.[81] Since its release in October, Fallout 3 has sold over 4.7 million units.[82]" Non factor. --- |
XxSoulxX | Posted 1/7/2009 2:30:58 PM | message detail |
You guys are arguing GTA/Fallout? Have you not noticed the previous year's PotDs? Fact is, GTA wins everything all the time. Just because it blows chunks in contests doesn't change that fact. Fallout 3 may be big right now, but betting on a newcomer against an established ****ing giant is a risky bet no matter what you say. --- Good Times, Great Memories |
_Hogger_ | Posted 1/7/2009 2:32:20 PM | message detail |
GTA has proven you can't bet on it either without being burned. --- |
Yesmar | Posted 1/7/2009 2:40:06 PM | message detail |
If Fallout 3 wins it will be due to GTA IV's weakness, not because of it's own strength. GameFAQS just does not like wRPGS. The only thing that give me reason to doubt this is KOTOR's performance in the Games Contest. It got 40% on Vice City and arguments could be made that Vice City >> GTAIV and Fallout 3 >> KOTOR, although I have doubts on the latter. Plus, not to mention the fact that GameFAQS tends to series vote fairly heavily in GOTY polls, and Fallout 3 might as well be a brand new series based on popular the previous two installments are here. --- FastFalcon owned me in the Guru Contest! |
_Hogger_ | Posted 1/7/2009 2:41:07 PM | message detail |
Even if GTA4 is technically stronger, there should be more games that appeal to GTA4 fans on the poll then RPG fans --- |
XxSoulxX | Posted 1/7/2009 4:56:12 PM | message detail |
Even if GTA4 is technically stronger, there should be more games that appeal to GTA4 fans on the poll then RPG fans Stop trying to find LFF/SFF in PotD matches. They don't really affect a match unless it's two big Nintendo games. In a GotY poll, GTA will usually finish top 3 in the final 8 unless there's some really huge games. This year, it will probably finish fourth behind SSBB, Chrono Trigger, and MGS4. Can't see any other game on that tier this year. --- Good Times, Great Memories |
XxSoulxX | Posted 1/7/2009 4:57:33 PM | message detail |
GTA has proven you can't bet on it either without being burned. It has proved that PotD success does not mean Summer Contest success, which I pointed out in my original point. And there's very few series' that are more popular in the PotDs then GTA. --- Good Times, Great Memories |
_Hogger_ | Posted 1/7/2009 4:59:06 PM | message detail |
From: XxSoulxX | #371 for SFF/LFF (in regards to warhammer, second most sold PC game of the year) And no way does Chrono Trigger finish 4th. ports suck in these things, and it sucked it up on the DS match, unless you think its really that close to ff4 and twewy in strength --- |
XxSoulxX | Posted 1/7/2009 5:01:12 PM | message detail | for SFF/LFF (in regards to warhammer, second most sold PC game of the year) Without using a Warhammer board, can you find me, on this site, three Warhammer fans? Hell, can you find me ten people who've actually played any of the Warhammer games? Remember now, this is GameFAQs. If a game does not come out for a console, it might as well not exist. --- Good Times, Great Memories |
XxSoulxX | Posted 1/7/2009 5:03:40 PM | message detail |
And no way does Chrono Trigger finish 4th. ports suck in these
things, and it sucked it up on the DS match, unless you think its
really that close to ff4 and twewy in strength Beating FF4 by 10K votes is not really close. Btw, this isn't just a port. This is Chrono Trigger, the third most popular game on this site. If there was a FF7 port, believe me, this site would unquestionably vote it number 1 over every single game that comes out. CT will not be as bad as that, but it will still receive a hell of a lot of votes just for being CT. --- Good Times, Great Memories |
_Hogger_ | Posted 1/7/2009 5:04:25 PM | message detail |
From: XxSoulxX | #374 Thats only PC Games, so you can't use that arguement. Among PC fans it only got 4% cuz of WoW being there; if WoW wasn't there, it likely would of finished right behind Spore. --- |
HaRRicH | Posted 1/7/2009 5:10:01 PM | message detail |
Don't count on CT:DS doing too much. A port of LoZ:LttP has lost to
Animal Crossing before, and -- though FF4's port played a factor -- CT
didn't exactly demolish TWEWY. GTA4 is a far larger beast than AC or
TWEWY, and it only gets worse for CT if FO3 ends up being stronger than
GTA4. It should do well considering it's a port with a dedicated fanbase against several powerhouses, but third place in a year like this is a mighty feat. CT would have had a far better chance in a year like 2005. This just isn't its time to make that kind of impact. --- FastFalcon05 absolutely decimated me in the Guru challenge. How bad was it? ...I don't want to talk about it. |
XxSoulxX | Posted 1/7/2009 5:13:25 PM | message detail |
Thats only PC Games, so you can't use that arguement. Among PC fans it only got 4% cuz of WoW being there; if WoW wasn't there, it likely would of finished right behind Spore. Use what argument? That Warhammer doesn't have any fans on this site? Why would I not use that argument, considering that the poll just proved that? --- Good Times, Great Memories |
_Hogger_ | Posted 1/7/2009 5:15:14 PM | message detail |
From: XxSoulxX | #378 You were using the arguement nobody cares about PC games here... but that was a PC only poll so you were going to see what the PC fans liked best. And do you seriously think the second biggest MMORPG would get only 4% if the mmorpg behemoth wasn't there? --- |
HaRRicH | Posted 1/7/2009 5:18:10 PM | message detail |
Also, on Warhammer...did anybody besides Albion expect it to do
anything here? I mean, we've seen how bad every other MMORPG does here: It's not like Warhammer was ever supposed to do well in that poll. --- FastFalcon05 absolutely decimated me in the Guru challenge. How bad was it? ...I don't want to talk about it. |
_Hogger_ | Posted 1/7/2009 5:22:48 PM | message detail |
From: HaRRicH | #380 ... You're joking, right? I really hope so. Its not like Warhammer doesn't have 2 million subscribers when no other mmorpg has over a million, or it was very well received And I didn't expect warhammer to do well, simply because of WoW being there though. Since the majority of warhammer players also play WoW --- |
HaRRicH | Posted 1/7/2009 5:45:56 PM | message detail |
Regardless, FF11 did about twice as well against WoW in the past than
Warhammer did. In fact, statistically, Warhammer is between Maple Story
and Ragnarok Online in comparison...being much closer to Ragnarok.
Reception and sales don't matter so much to GameFAQs when concerning
MMORPG's. Also, aside from glaring exceptions like Link/Ganon and Link/Zelda, SFF/LFF rarely causes a character or game to be reduced to half or less of their original strength. By that logic, Warhammer would have been doing GREAT to have beaten AudioSurf. To say Warhammer would have finished right behind Spore would be to say WoW brought Warhammer to a fifth of its original strength. Link cannot say that about Ganon, LoZ cannot say that about Metroid, Cloud cannot say that about any character in the FF7 cast...nothing. That also says Warhammer gets well over half of WoW's votes if you remove WoW. You're treating such an exceptional event like it's expected or that it actually happened. Then again, that's your style with WoW. --- FastFalcon05 absolutely decimated me in the Guru challenge. How bad was it? ...I don't want to talk about it. |
_Hogger_ | Posted 1/7/2009 5:48:36 PM | message detail |
FF11 would obviously be the second most popular mmorpg here. Its effing
Final Fantasy. But stats show that about 70% of Warhammer subscribers
are also WoW subscribers, so is it that offbase to say that if WoW
wasn't there, that many of those wow votes would of gone to Warhammer? --- |
XxSoulxX | Posted 1/7/2009 5:49:05 PM | message detail |
And do you seriously think the second biggest MMORPG would get only 4% if the mmorpg behemoth wasn't there? Maybe 5% if it's lucky. Then again, throw a good PC game in the mix and watch it get like 2%. --- Good Times, Great Memories |
RPGGamer0 | Posted 1/7/2009 5:53:03 PM | message detail |
I can see Warhammer getting a decent 12-15% without WoW. --- |PM| Congrats to FastFalcon05 for winning the Guru contest. |
HaRRicH | Posted 1/7/2009 5:53:55 PM | message detail | you think there isn't a bigger overlap between Link-fans and Ganon-fans? --- FastFalcon05 absolutely decimated me in the Guru challenge. How bad was it? ...I don't want to talk about it. |
_Hogger_ | Posted 1/7/2009 5:55:36 PM | message detail |
From: HaRRicH | #386 you think there isn't a big overlap between the two biggest mmorpgs on the planet? And MMORPGs fans are more dedicated gamers then most since they play the games so much. If WoW wasn't there, the mmo votes would likely go to the only other game they play; Warhammer. --- |
KamikazePotato | Posted 1/7/2009 5:57:11 PM | message detail |
That's it. I now declare this stats topic a bust. We should make a new one with less arguments like these. --- FastFalcon believed in Snake. I didn't. |
charmander6000 | Posted 1/7/2009 6:08:14 PM | message detail | you think there isn't a big overlap between the two biggest
mmorpgs on the planet? And MMORPGs fans are more dedicated gamers then
most since they play the games so much. If WoW wasn't there, the mmo
votes would likely go to the only other game they play; Warhammer. First of all it's between Link and Ganondorf, you know two characters from the SAME GAME. Second of all whether or not the overlap is as big as you say I find it hard to believe that a giant majority (we're talking over 75%) of WoW and Warhammer fans perfer WoW over Warhammer. --- Board 8 BOP: Congratulations to FastFalcon for winning the guru contest, you are the best among the best. |
XxSoulxX | Posted 1/7/2009 6:09:54 PM | message detail |
I think he's just arguing now just to argue. Not even the biggest MMO
fanboy can say that WoW/random MMO shares more of a fanbase then
Link/Ganondorf. --- Good Times, Great Memories |
_Hogger_ | Posted 1/7/2009 6:10:37 PM | message detail |
I find it hard to believe that a giant majority (we're talking over 75%) of WoW and Warhammer fans perfer WoW over Warhammer. Why? --- |
trannyscience | Posted 1/7/2009 6:13:06 PM | message detail |
MMO fans are funny - they're pretty much wed to their game. Warhammer
vs. WOW is like PS3 vs. 360 or something, only much worse. you can
really only play one at a time, and since it's pay per month you won't
see people double dipping very often. usually, you'll find WOW players get bored, jump to a secondary MMO like Warhammer for a while, get bored of it and then go back to WOW. Warhammer, Age of Conan and all these other secondary MMOs are where WOW players go when they feel like having an affair. --- xyzzy |
_Hogger_ | Posted 1/7/2009 6:16:12 PM | message detail |
Yep.. most of the people who play Warhammer or have played it are WoW
players who are just looking for a change of pace. Its like a sidegame
for them, but for most mmorpg players, its about the only games they
play. So if given the option of only one mmorpg, they'd all vote for
that unless the behemoth is in the poll as well (wow) --- |
charmander6000 | Posted 1/7/2009 6:20:09 PM | message detail |
Why? Because that large of a percent of voters favouring one game over another is unheard of. As an example 2005 Link is expected to beat 2005 Ganondorf 69/31. In 2004 Link defeated Ganondorf 88/12. That is the worst SFF on record. What we have here is two MMORPG and while they share a large fanbase they are not from the same series. This would be closer to Link/Yoshi SFF rather than Link/Ganondorf. --- Board 8 BOP: Congratulations to FastFalcon for winning the guru contest, you are the best among the best. |
_Hogger_ | Posted 1/7/2009 6:21:15 PM | message detail |
From: charmander6000 | #394 You don't understand the mmorpg psyche --- |
XxSoulxX | Posted 1/7/2009 6:27:34 PM | message detail |
You don't understand the mmorpg psyche I'd say you don't understand SFF. In order for Warhammer to get mostly all of WoW's votes, it would need just about 100% of it's players being WoW fans. While WoW is definitely the biggest MMO out there, saying that minor MMOs have no unique fans is absolutely ludicrous. Besides, this little argument still does not change the fact that there are no Warhammer fans on GameFAQs. While you seem to think that the WoW votes would go to another MMO, I believe the votes would go to Spore just because it's the only game that people have heard of in that poll. --- Good Times, Great Memories |
_Hogger_ | Posted 1/7/2009 6:28:47 PM | message detail |
Since neither of us will budge, I think we should talk about something more fun like SSF2 HD Remix vs. Mega Man 9 in the Downloadable Poll --- |
charmander6000 | Posted 1/7/2009 6:48:19 PM | message detail |
Mega Man 9 though I wouldn't be surprised to see it choke. --- Board 8 BOP: Congratulations to FastFalcon for winning the guru contest, you are the best among the best. |
trannyscience | Posted 1/7/2009 6:49:18 PM | message detail |
MM9 could very easily bomb. the thing is, there's no other 'name' here besides HD Remix to really beat it, and that's a remake. --- xyzzy |
_Hogger_ | Posted 1/7/2009 6:51:38 PM | message detail | this fan vote is what concerns me mostly about mm9 I think it'll win but not surprised in slightest if it bombs --- |