GameFAQs Contests
Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 645
creativename | Posted 12/2/2008 7:10:21 PM | message detail |
Noms will only have 1/3rd weight though for seeding, which isn't much. But yeah, whack seeding is a minor issue compared to others. This still looks to be the best contest we've had in ages. --- Save_Us.RAT BREAK THE BLOCK DOWN |
RPGuy96 | Posted 12/2/2008 7:16:43 PM | message detail |
We had fairly screwed up seeding last time due to the nomination system
(which also screwed over entrants). I don't think it'll be 2k2 levels
of bad just because there's too many strong games to let something as
relatively weak as Scorpion into the Elite 8. --- Mustache...and FastFalcon... |
HaRRicH | Posted 12/2/2008 7:48:17 PM | message detail |
The bracket posted in N's topic reminds me of two things: 1) There will be a LOT of high-quality games. 2) This contest is going to kick most contests' balls into their throats. --- FastFalcon05 absolutely decimated me in the Guru challenge. How bad was it? ...I don't want to talk about it. |
trannyscience | Posted 12/2/2008 7:49:37 PM | message detail |
let's not set our expectations too high until we see what Bacon has in
mind. I was talking about this last night with HM -- what was our last
"normal" contest? far as I can tell, it's 2004. --- xyzzy blah blah blah Fastfalcon blah blah blah Solid Snake blah blah blah Guru Contest blah |
RPGuy96 | Posted 12/2/2008 7:51:08 PM | message detail |
Series in 2006 was "normal." --- Mustache...and FastFalcon... |
trannyscience | Posted 12/2/2008 7:51:58 PM | message detail |
just 32 entries though. --- xyzzy blah blah blah Fastfalcon blah blah blah Solid Snake blah blah blah Guru Contest blah |
Karma Hunter | Posted 12/2/2008 7:52:05 PM | message detail |
32 entrants is normal? --- turnturnturn your brain in turnturnturn your brain in |
Karma Hunter | Posted 12/2/2008 7:52:38 PM | message detail |
whatever dudes my commentary is clearly superfluous SEE Y'ALL NEXT YEAR --- turnturnturn your brain in turnturnturn your brain in |
RPGuy96 | Posted 12/2/2008 7:53:20 PM | message detail |
Picky, aren't you! If there's a twist, I hope it's related to the number of entries - either 96 with the top 32 getting a bye or a full 128 contest. --- Mustache...and FastFalcon... |
ZFS | Posted 12/2/2008 7:57:12 PM | message detail |
Would be pretty awesome if it was a normal, 64 entry contest. Gotta figure there's going to be something different, though. --- |
Fayt_Esteed | Posted 12/2/2008 8:00:52 PM | message detail |
I know that we're discussing the games contest now, but anyone else
think that Mewtwo's likely to get overrated when the next character
battle rolls around? The fact that he struggled to put away MIDNA - one
of the biggest bombs of last year - is still fresh in my mind. There's
no way in hell that match should've been close. At all. After all, last
year, Mewtwo gave Bowser a scare, and Midna got creamed by Scorpion
twice. --- Isaac and Princess Kumatora for SSB4! SSBB Mains: Zelda, Peach, Lucas, Ness FastFalcon sure showed us his moves in the Guru Contest! |
HaRRicH | Posted 12/2/2008 8:02:45 PM | message detail |
I I would call the 2k5 contest normal enough; there were simply three
extra one-on-one matches and we saw Link, Cloud, and Sephiroth do about
as expected without plowing through the bracket. --- FastFalcon05 absolutely decimated me in the Guru challenge. How bad was it? ...I don't want to talk about it. |
red sox 777 | Posted 12/2/2008 8:06:55 PM | message detail |
I hope Bacon wanting a serious contest means a normal contest. That is the fairest format after all. --- Congratulations to Crono for making his first true finals match, your 5 time contest champion, Link, and the Guru Champion FastFalcon |
HaRRicH | Posted 12/2/2008 8:08:20 PM | message detail |
For what it's worth, Midna looked improved before facing Mewtwo and
Balthier looked better too. In that regard, maybe something weird
happened where LoZ:TP and FF12 just needed more time to settle in
first...? Either way, I think Mewtwo in R4 is the most accurate match to judge by...which I still think has a chance of Cloud and/or SSBB's Solid-fans hurting him, plus there was a popular joke character that might have screwed things up a little. Still it's pretty minimal at best and non-existent at worst, so that should be accurate enough. --- FastFalcon05 absolutely decimated me in the Guru challenge. How bad was it? ...I don't want to talk about it. |
trannyscience | Posted 12/2/2008 8:09:25 PM | message detail |
well, I think between his sticky topic where he clearly saw all the 1v1
begging and the petition topic that he's gotten the message loud and
clear. it's just a matter of how much he wants to listen and how much
he wants to put his own spin on the thing -- let's hope the latter
doesn't happen and he just lets the natural intrigue of the contest do
its thing. --- xyzzy blah blah blah Fastfalcon blah blah blah Solid Snake blah blah blah Guru Contest blah |
MarioSuperstar | Posted 12/2/2008 8:10:41 PM | message detail |
so let's debate some possible matches! --- *is Dranze* Through fire, justice is served because FastFalcon05 owned my bracket. |
red sox 777 | Posted 12/2/2008 8:11:39 PM | message detail |
Possible matches? How about Metal Gear Solid vs. Final Fantasy X? --- Congratulations to Crono for making his first true finals match, your 5 time contest champion, Link, and the Guru Champion FastFalcon |
ZFS | Posted 12/2/2008 8:12:09 PM | message detail |
donkey kong country 2 vs. mega man 2 who do you choose --- |
KamikazePotato | Posted 12/2/2008 8:13:34 PM | message detail |
Mega Man 2. --- FastFalcon believed in Snake. I didn't. |
MarioSuperstar | Posted 12/2/2008 8:13:47 PM | message detail |
i honestly have no idea what to do with that one. MGS is undoubtedly
stronger than 4 years ago, but how much? i'd lean with FFX, personally. --- *is Dranze* Through fire, justice is served because FastFalcon05 owned my bracket. |
ZFS | Posted 12/2/2008 8:14:26 PM | message detail |
On another note, pics for the last games contest were something. How
about this - --- |
MadGamer_11 | Posted 12/2/2008 8:15:15 PM | message detail |
Diablo 2 or Diablo 2:LoD? Which one has got a better shot? --- "To be forgotten is worse than death"-Freya FFIX Super Smash Bros Brawl Code: 2105 8311 6321 |
ZenOfThunder | Posted 12/2/2008 8:15:20 PM | message detail |
I hope he allows the users to make the pics again. If Marvel vs Capcom
2 gets in, I'm throwing in Spider-Man, Wolverine, Ryu and Mega Man into
one pic. --- (|| ' ' ||) Not changing my sig until EBA2/Ouendan 3 is announced. (4/22/08) . /|_|\ |
Lopen | Posted 12/2/2008 8:16:07 PM | message detail |
Mega Man 2's gonna have some strength. DKC2 is a flop waiting to happen. Metal Gear Solid for the other one probably. And jeez how the hell are people on the WoW bandwagon so much. Anything it has shown resembling strength, it's all the RTS series, people. You want raw WoW strength? Go look at Hogger. Rallying can only do so much when you're only drawing 20% of the vote naturally. --- FastFalcon's quest to defeat Lopen: Round - blagh I am dead. Target: 467+. Target obtained and shattered damn you FastFalcon. |
ZFS | Posted 12/2/2008 8:18:34 PM | message detail |
Sounds like the other way around to me! --- |
PartOfYourWorld | Posted 12/2/2008 8:19:56 PM | message detail |
DKC2 is a flop waiting to happen. I'm leaning toward agreement here. We just saw what Diddy did, and Diddy didn't do nothin worth a ding dang. --- Yoblazer: NO LIMITZ Watch and you'll see... FastFalcon own me... in the Guru Contest! |
red sox 777 | Posted 12/2/2008 8:20:19 PM | message detail |
Megaman 2 vs. Donkey Kong Country 2. Megaman 2 vs. Donkey Kong Country 2. Megaman vs. Donkey Kong. Yeah, games =/= characters, but I'd go with MM2 here. --- Congratulations to Crono for making his first true finals match, your 5 time contest champion, Link, and the Guru Champion FastFalcon |
Mac Arrowny | Posted 12/2/2008 8:20:33 PM | message detail |
Like...FOURPACKS OF FUN?! Okami vs. Rock Band Call of Duty 4 vs. Doom Super Metroid vs. Final Fantasy IX GTA4 vs. The Legend of Zelda Final Fantasy Tactics vs. Metal Gear Solid 2 Super Mario RPG vs. Final Fantasy XII --- All the stars in the sky are waiting for you. As is FastFalcon |
KamikazePotato | Posted 12/2/2008 8:21:56 PM | message detail |
DKC2 is going to be a game much stronger than it's character, but yeah. Mega Man vs. Donkey Kong is too obvious to me. --- FastFalcon believed in Snake. I didn't. |
ZFS | Posted 12/2/2008 8:22:31 PM | message detail |
Saw this mentioned earlier. Equating Diddy Kong to DKC2 is a terrible
idea - the DKC games and the Donkey Kong characters are two different
beasts. Most people don't care about DK characters; the games on the
other hand, DKC2 in particular, are widely regarded as some of the best
in the genre. Not to say DKC2 can't flop, but using Diddy Kong as
reasoning is no good. --- |
red sox 777 | Posted 12/2/2008 8:22:41 PM | message detail |
Oh, and assuming a 1v1 contest, World of Warcraft is also a flop
waiting to happen. I would seriously think about taking something like
Duck Hunt against it. When over 50% of the site hates a game, the
competition doesn't need much strength. --- Congratulations to Crono for making his first true finals match, your 5 time contest champion, Link, and the Guru Champion FastFalcon |
Lopen | Posted 12/2/2008 8:23:17 PM | message detail |
I'm just looking at how their peers did: Mega Man 2 seems like the strongest NES game not named SMB3, LoZ, or FF. And I'd debate it to have a chance of beating the other two. Donkey Kong Country 2? I have my doubts it can even handle Super Mario RPG, really. Though I guess who knows with that one, CT probably SFFed it. Still. You've got a top tier NES game vs a second or third tier SNES game. No chance for DKC2. --- FastFalcon's quest to defeat Lopen: Round - blagh I am dead. Target: 467+. Target obtained and shattered damn you FastFalcon. |
MarioSuperstar | Posted 12/2/2008 8:24:06 PM | message detail |
yeah, i guess after seeing what Diddy did, it's finally time to realize
that DK is not popular because oF DKC, but because he's.. Donkey Kong. --- *is Dranze* Through fire, justice is served because FastFalcon05 owned my bracket. |
ZFS | Posted 12/2/2008 8:26:38 PM | message detail |
I don't want to really argue hypothetical matches between games that
may or may not make it in, but you definitely think a lot higher of MM2
than I do if you hold it up there with Zelda 1 and FF1 - I don't think
it even gets close to these two. --- |
Lopen | Posted 12/2/2008 8:28:17 PM | message detail |
Donkey Kong is mostly just Pac-Man on crack, and I don't think any of
his games are going to be much more than fodder. I'd consider Duck Hunt
over DKC2.Am I the only one who thinks that it's possible Donkey Kong
is stronger than DKC2? Who cares if DKC2 has more fanboys, DK gets
votes from people who are like "oh gawd that helped make gaming." And yes I realize how weak that makes DKC2 if that's right. (Though to be fair DK probably got SFFed) --- FastFalcon's quest to defeat Lopen: Round - blagh I am dead. Target: 467+. Target obtained and shattered damn you FastFalcon. |
Lopen | Posted 12/2/2008 8:30:12 PM | message detail |
Tell me, HM, what do you think are the top 10 strongest NES games. How about top 5? Mega Man 2 being #4 is pretty much a no-brainer to me. What from the NES can stand against it? SMB1, maybe. Anything else? Mega Man gets his strength from somewhere, and it's not from 1242515 crappy spin offs no one cares about. --- FastFalcon's quest to defeat Lopen: Round - blagh I am dead. Target: 467+. Target obtained and shattered damn you FastFalcon. |
trannyscience | Posted 12/2/2008 8:30:24 PM | message detail |
DKC2 vs. MM2 is like the easiest pick ever. when you get done with DKC2 and a week passes you will agree with me! --- xyzzy blah blah blah Fastfalcon blah blah blah Solid Snake blah blah blah Guru Contest blah |
ZFS | Posted 12/2/2008 8:31:00 PM | message detail |
I could see DKC2 not meeting certain people's expectations, but fodder? Nah. DKC2 was a huge SNES game - it would be well
above fodder. Whether that equates into beating something like MM2 is
another matter, but let's not undercut how popular the DKC games
actually were. There's a big difference between those games and Donkey
Kong, who's been pretty irrelevant since those days. --- |
KamikazePotato | Posted 12/2/2008 8:31:33 PM | message detail |
Hey, I liked Battle Network. And Legends. And...almost every MM game ever made. On a side note, here's a question I've been meaning to ask for a while: why has there only been one FF8 representative, ever? Does Squall overshadow everyone else that much, or all the other characters just...not interesting? --- FastFalcon believed in Snake. I didn't. |
ZFS | Posted 12/2/2008 8:33:19 PM | message detail |
I'm not talking about the top 10 NES games. MM2 probably is
top 5, but that's more because of its competition. Mario 3, Zelda 1,
SMB1, FF1 - I'd take all of these over MM2 easy. Doesn't mean that MM2
isn't top 5, but that being top 5 doesn't mean it's hanging with that
group. It could surprise me, but I've got doubts on Mega Man games in
general. --- |
Mumei | Posted 12/2/2008 8:33:20 PM | message detail |
On a side note, here's a question I've been meaning to ask for a
while: why has there only been one FF8 representative, ever? Does
Squall overshadow everyone else that much, or all the other characters
just...not interesting? That much. <_< --- "I believe that words uttered in passion contain a greater living truth than do those words which express thoughts rationally conceived" - Sensei |
Lopen | Posted 12/2/2008 8:33:49 PM | message detail |
Thing is, there were a lot of big SNES
games back in the day. DKC was kinda popular when it first came out due
to the fancy graphics, but ultimately it kinda died off. I'm just
saying, looking at the bracket of 2k4, there are very few games that
got in that I would take DKC2 over. That's not the case with Mega Man 2
in the least. --- FastFalcon's quest to defeat Lopen: Round - blagh I am dead. Target: 467+. Target obtained and shattered damn you FastFalcon. |
trannyscience | Posted 12/2/2008 8:33:53 PM | message detail |
"fodder" doesn't really have a meaning in a Games setting - in 2k4, you
were either well-known or trash. DKC2 wouldn't be trash, but it
wouldn't beat too much of note, either. Sonic and Mega Man games would
eat it up -- Mega Man X is definitely more popular than DKC1-3, and MM2
probably trumps that. speaking of which, how about Mega Man and Mega Man X making the series contest when DKC couldn't (and Kirby could) --- xyzzy blah blah blah Fastfalcon blah blah blah Solid Snake blah blah blah Guru Contest blah |
Solid_Mike86 | Posted 12/2/2008 8:36:56 PM | message detail |
What kind of seed do you think Metroid Prime will get? --- Tennessee Titans 11-1. Charlotte Bobcats 6-11. UNC Heels 6-0 AKA Super Luigi. |
Lopen | Posted 12/2/2008 8:38:07 PM | message detail |
And I think that will make all the difference for MM2. Relative competition does
matter. Think about it: all of the NES gamers... you've got MM2, and it
is like the holy grail. Who cares if DKC2 is "technically the better
game" (I don't agree but just for the sake of argument)... it's in a
forest of great games in the SNES. People who started on the NES? How
many times do you think they played through MM2, and as a result will
vote it over a ton on that merit alone? That's part of the reason I
don't think FF is just getting Final Fantasy flagship votes... it
really was one of the pillars of the NES, which should mean a lot. --- FastFalcon's quest to defeat Lopen: Round - blagh I am dead. Target: 467+. Target obtained and shattered damn you FastFalcon. |
ZFS | Posted 12/2/2008 8:38:50 PM | message detail |
There were choice few SNES games on par with the DKC games - DKC and
DKC2 put up some monster sales for that era. The question is how much
of that popularity has been maintained - which is a legit question
concerning it - but it hasn't waned to the point that we're talking
about Duck Hunt over it. We've got two very different ideas on where
these two games are. I wouldn't say DKC2's any kind of top tier game,
which is why I think it has a good match with MM2. Stick it up against
any big Nintendo game and it'd go down hard. --- |
KamikazePotato | Posted 12/2/2008 8:39:32 PM | message detail |
FFIX vs. FFT MM vs. FFVIII Melee vs. Brawl ...Tales of Symphonia vs. Okami Place your bets now, everyone! --- FastFalcon believed in Snake. I didn't. |
MarioSuperstar | Posted 12/2/2008 8:41:52 PM | message detail |
meh, i'd easily take DKC2 over Donkey Kong. i just ... cant see the opposite for some reason. --- *is Dranze* Through fire, justice is served because FastFalcon05 owned my bracket. |
HaRRicH | Posted 12/2/2008 8:45:27 PM | message detail |
I know I'm supporting DKC2 and it's a NRT-winner...but I don't think
it's going to amount to much. Aside from Mega Man/Diddy-comparisons or
Mega Man/DK-comparisons, there is also this: I know Mario was in the poll...but seriously, how often does something SFF'd be SFF'd to half of its original strength? Have we ever seen that outside of Ganon and Zelda against Link?? If DKC is an exception like Ganon/Zelda, let's double's still 2+% under Castlevania. Let's say Mario diminished DKC to a third of its strength then; let's triple's still .66% under Mega Man, and we're assuming Mario didn't hurt Mega Man at all in this poll. THEN take arguably the best rep from each game. I doubt DKC2 is much better at repping the DKC series than MM2, and the above poll insinuates the Mega Man series gets over 75% on the DKC series. We may as well mention that Mega Man has shown Nintendo-overlap before that would prove unfavorable for characters like Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong. MM2 kills DKC2, and there's not going to be a good DKC-rep. --- FastFalcon05 absolutely decimated me in the Guru challenge. How bad was it? ...I don't want to talk about it. |
ZFS | Posted 12/2/2008 8:51:07 PM | message detail |
Hard to argue with that poll. Didn't realize we had one of those. In its defense, you'd be hard pressed to find many people who'd vote for a three game series over the entirety of Mario, Mega Man, and Sonic. When you separate that into a 1v1 format, pulling DKC2 out of that against one other game from Mega Man or Sonic, it'd hold up a lot better than it would in a series-style match. Still gotta favor MM2 even when you take that into consideration, though. --- |