GameFAQs Contests
Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 644
KamikazePotato | Posted 12/1/2008 4:26:06 PM | message detail |
Already sent him a feedback ticket about that. --- FastFalcon believed in Snake. I didn't. |
swirIdude | Posted 12/1/2008 4:26:35 PM | message detail |
So are we able to track nominations using the source code they way we did with the Character Battle? --- SSBB FC: 4425-1156-3590 FastFalcon: His predictions cure teen pregnancy. |
KamikazePotato | Posted 12/1/2008 4:29:02 PM | message detail |
We can track total nominations, but nothing else, I think. --- FastFalcon believed in Snake. I didn't. |
ZenOfThunder | Posted 12/1/2008 4:29:30 PM | message detail |
How many nominations are there, then? --- (|| ' ' ||) Not changing my sig until EBA2/Ouendan 3 is announced. (4/22/08) . /|_|\ |
KamikazePotato | Posted 12/1/2008 4:31:02 PM | message detail |
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster] |
KamikazePotato | Posted 12/1/2008 4:31:40 PM | message detail |
No point in checking right now. Wait a few days...or weeks. --- FastFalcon believed in Snake. I didn't. |
red sox 777 | Posted 12/1/2008 4:32:48 PM | message detail |
People are seriously trying to stop FFVII from making the contest? Time
to go nominate it then. It certainly deserves the nomination. --- Congratulations to Crono for making his first true finals match, your 5 time contest champion, Link, and the Guru Champion FastFalcon |
XIII_rocks | Posted 12/1/2008 4:35:59 PM | message detail |
Rating it low only affects seeding, not its actual nomination. --- JUSTICE FOR FD I use to worry about a McCain presidency but after playing some Fallout 3 I feel I could survive well enough. - ISS |
charmander6000 | Posted 12/1/2008 4:36:43 PM | message detail |
FFVII will get in the contest, whether or not it will get a 1 seed is a different question. --- Board 8 BOP: Congratulations to FastFalcon for winning the guru contest, you are the best among the best. |
ZenOfThunder | Posted 12/1/2008 4:39:49 PM | message detail |
marvel vs capcom 2 Spider-Man, Wolverine, Ryu and Mega Man in one match pic :O --- (|| ' ' ||) Not changing my sig until EBA2/Ouendan 3 is announced. (4/22/08) . /|_|\ |
charmander6000 | Posted 12/1/2008 4:43:09 PM | message detail |
Wii Sports, the pinnacle of Wii casual gaming. --- Board 8 BOP: Congratulations to FastFalcon for winning the guru contest, you are the best among the best. |
MoogleKupo141 | Posted 12/1/2008 4:45:55 PM | message detail |
I have no doubt that FFVII will get a 1 seed. Allen may have to fake it, but I don't see him letting the former champion get anything less. --- For your health. This is my Chocomander, FastFalcon05 |
ZFS | Posted 12/1/2008 4:50:18 PM | message detail |
Ha. I see XIII is doing what he does. --- |
RPGuy96 | Posted 12/1/2008 5:12:30 PM | message detail |
Uh, I read the 1/3:2/3 thing as determining seeding rather than
entries, which makes it pretty neat in my opinion because it encourages
upsets. Has there been any clarification on this yet? --- Mustache...and FastFalcon... |
Ngamer64 | Posted 12/1/2008 5:12:44 PM | message detail |
As of RIGHT NOW there have been 7,227 noms submitted so far. Yeah, we can't track games using the nom form like we could characters, because it looks like SB has just tied the entry form directly into the GameFAQs game database, so anything on the site is technically eligible. Which makes sense. We were able to track them for characters just because SB had a build a whole new table to store their names and the games they're from. --- says we just got owned hard by FastFalcon! ( & are neat) |
trannyscience | Posted 12/1/2008 5:39:05 PM | message detail |
I hope this takes a while to get going. I do love me some GOTY polls. --- xyzzy blah blah blah Fastfalcon blah blah blah Solid Snake blah blah blah Guru Contest blah |
ZenOfThunder | Posted 12/1/2008 5:40:54 PM | message detail |
Well it's titled "2009," right? It'll probably start early January. --- (|| ' ' ||) Not changing my sig until EBA2/Ouendan 3 is announced. (4/22/08) . /|_|\ |
trannyscience | Posted 12/1/2008 5:41:57 PM | message detail |
yeah, but the GOTY polls go for a good two weeks. DS PC PSP PS2 PS3 360 multiplatform GOTY GOTY final system 10 days, looks like. --- xyzzy blah blah blah Fastfalcon blah blah blah Solid Snake blah blah blah Guru Contest blah |
trannyscience | Posted 12/1/2008 5:42:19 PM | message detail |
but yeah, I wouldn't expect this to go live until ~February 1. --- xyzzy blah blah blah Fastfalcon blah blah blah Solid Snake blah blah blah Guru Contest blah |
ZFS | Posted 12/1/2008 5:42:33 PM | message detail |
Mid-January would be ideal. --- |
KleenexTissue50 | Posted 12/1/2008 5:42:59 PM | message detail |
someone forgot the Wii exists --- FastFalcon is in my sig. How can this be. |
red sox 777 | Posted 12/1/2008 5:43:56 PM | message detail |
Even February 1st would be 2 months ahead of my most optimistic
expectations before today. January 1st or mid-January seems more likely
to me though. --- Congratulations to Crono for making his first true finals match, your 5 time contest champion, Link, and the Guru Champion FastFalcon |
trannyscience | Posted 12/1/2008 5:44:08 PM | message detail |
...that was actually unintentional --- xyzzy blah blah blah Fastfalcon blah blah blah Solid Snake blah blah blah Guru Contest blah |
ZenOfThunder | Posted 12/1/2008 5:45:23 PM | message detail |
Hmmm, I wonder what the options for each GotY poll will be. --- (|| ' ' ||) Not changing my sig until EBA2/Ouendan 3 is announced. (4/22/08) . /|_|\ |
trannyscience | Posted 12/1/2008 5:45:49 PM | message detail |
eh, bracketmaking is about a month. nomination period is usually two weeks. that sets us up for mid-January. if we slow things down at all, it could stretch to February. I'm sure TRE has some numbers on the last contest, but it seemed like 7 or 8 weeks from announcement to day 1. --- xyzzy blah blah blah Fastfalcon blah blah blah Solid Snake blah blah blah Guru Contest blah |
KleenexTissue50 | Posted 12/1/2008 5:46:48 PM | message detail |
Contest was announced on 8/8/08 and started on like...9/17/08, I think.
So yeah, I'd expect it to start right after the GotY polls. --- FastFalcon is in my sig. How can this be. |
PartOfYourWorld | Posted 12/1/2008 5:48:01 PM | message detail |
We can do the GotY polls, transition from those into a couple of the
"got your bracket in" questions, and still start by mid-January. I
wonder if Bacon is doing things this early so that we can actually
finish the Character Battle during Summer again. --- Yoblazer: NO LIMITZ Watch and you'll see... FastFalcon own me... in the Guru Contest! |
ExThaNemesis | Posted 12/1/2008 5:49:19 PM | message detail |
I wonder if the site is in financial trouble or something... and
they're trying to do contests like this to bump up revenue? It's kind
of weird seeing contests this rapid in succession, you know? --- FastFalcon05 is the man. omghawttt13141.jpg |
trannyscience | Posted 12/1/2008 5:49:24 PM | message detail |
either way, we just finished the last one so I'm cool with having some more downtime before the next one. we haven't had a Summer Contest since... 2005? --- xyzzy blah blah blah Fastfalcon blah blah blah Solid Snake blah blah blah Guru Contest blah |
KleenexTissue50 | Posted 12/1/2008 5:50:32 PM | message detail |
Eh, it's not THAT crazy. Sp2k6 and SC2k6 were pretty close to each
other, and that top 10 thing was pretty close to the end of 2k5. --- FastFalcon is in my sig. How can this be. |
trannyscience | Posted 12/1/2008 5:51:44 PM | message detail |
2004 Games ended in April I think, and Characters started in July I think. so yeah, not that weird. --- xyzzy blah blah blah Fastfalcon blah blah blah Solid Snake blah blah blah Guru Contest blah |
Biolizard28 | Posted 12/1/2008 5:52:40 PM | message detail |
FF7 could get an 8/16 seed and nothing would change. It would be one of the biggest seeding upsets in history, but still... --- Biolizard28: The cream of Fire Emblem fanboyism. ALLEN LIED! PEOPLE LOST THEIR ABILITY TO CONTEST! |
ExThaNemesis | Posted 12/1/2008 5:52:54 PM | message detail |
It hasn't happened like that in a while though. --- FastFalcon05 is the man. omghawttt13141.jpg |
KleenexTissue50 | Posted 12/1/2008 5:53:22 PM | message detail |
Because we only had one contest the past two years, what do you expect. <_< --- FastFalcon is in my sig. How can this be. |
Team Rocket Elite | Posted 12/1/2008 5:54:02 PM | message detail |
I'm sure TRE has some numbers on the last contest, but it seemed like 7 or 8 weeks from announcement to day 1. Nominations lasted 12 days. It took about a day for the bracet to be put up. We had 28 days to submit a bracket. Contest started the next day. So that's around 40 days from the start of nominations to the contest starting. --- Not even a spread of 105 points would allowed me to defeat FastFalcon05! Congrats on winning the Character Battle 7 Guru Contest! |
trannyscience | Posted 12/1/2008 5:55:01 PM | message detail |
not even six weeks? huh. I guess hearing six weeks of Zack and joke SFF made it feel like longer! --- xyzzy blah blah blah Fastfalcon blah blah blah Solid Snake blah blah blah Guru Contest blah |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 12/1/2008 6:59:38 PM | message detail |
Interesting, he announced it already. Here's hoping we get 1v1, or
perhaps a 128 field of 4-ways, but just for the first round, to narrow
it down to a field of 64 games that go at it 1v1. --- Like Darth Maul, the bastard child of Michael Flatley and Hellboy. -trancer1 FastFalcon is apparantly better at contesty stuff than me. |
Fayt_Esteed | Posted 12/1/2008 7:05:31 PM | message detail |
Again, a 4-way game contest would be a stupid idea. We shouldn't be having SFF determine popularity of videogames. --- Isaac and Princess Kumatora for SSB4! SSBB Mains: Zelda, Peach, Lucas, Ness FastFalcon sure showed us his moves in the Guru Contest! |
satai_delenn | Posted 12/1/2008 7:11:31 PM | message detail |
Whoa whoa, I go away from the board for two days and the games contest nominations go up, what's this! tranny, you only wish there had been more weeks of Zack hype...! --- My Contest Hero: Zack Fair Winner, speeds by, FastFalcon the Guru... |
Ngamer64 | Posted 12/1/2008 7:26:58 PM | message detail |
So anyways, I'm pretty pleased with this nomination system. It's basically 2/6 Board 8 nominations 1/6 full GameFAQs users reviews 1/6 MyGames rankings 2/6 professional reviews Really there isn't that much potential for abuse... you're not going to chance the pro reviews, you can't anti-nominate something, you can send in 1/10 full reviews for games you hate but they're not going to be accepted- all you can do is 1/10 games you dislike on MyGames, and that's only having 1/6th of an effect so it's really just a waste of time. Now to analyze which games will be most helped by the 4/6 of the nom process not coming from this board! --- says we just got owned hard by FastFalcon! ( & are neat) |
UltimaterializerX | Posted 12/1/2008 7:29:27 PM | message detail |
Again, I'm almost positive nominations decide every game that gets in, with review scores only doing seeding. --- Falcon your brain in. ~*ST*~ Now Playing: Mother 3, Castlevania: OoE, MGS: Portable Ops |
trannyscience | Posted 12/1/2008 7:29:38 PM | message detail |
I've been monitoring My Games for some time now. I can tell you that these games really stand out: Chrono Trigger Metal Gear Solid 4 Super Metroid these are the games with a significant amount of ratings that easily break 9. you'll also find that 90% of the games are between a 7 and a 9 due to the inherent bias of rating games you're liable to play. it takes effort to find something below a 6. in other words, except for extreme cases, My Games is a complete wash. --- xyzzy blah blah blah Fastfalcon blah blah blah Solid Snake blah blah blah Guru Contest blah |
KamikazePotato | Posted 12/1/2008 7:29:50 PM | message detail |
Pretty sure the actual nominations aren't affected - just the seedings,
so we won't see stuff like Tales of Symphonia as a 3 seed. --- FastFalcon believed in Snake. I didn't. |
ZFS | Posted 12/1/2008 7:33:28 PM | message detail |
Yeah. The majority of games you'd expect to see in a contest are
somewhere between 8 and 9, with some of the bigger ones being in the
low 9s. --- |
trannyscience | Posted 12/1/2008 7:35:45 PM | message detail |
oh hey, Ocarina looks like it's made a nice jump. there's your four 1 seeds! --- xyzzy blah blah blah Fastfalcon blah blah blah Solid Snake blah blah blah Guru Contest blah |
Master Moltar | Posted 12/1/2008 7:44:36 PM | message detail |
speaking of OoT who's on this upset train well it's not that much of an upset but i'm ready to do this --- Moltar Status: yessssssss all hail FastFalcon the king of the guru |
HaRRicH | Posted 12/1/2008 8:17:22 PM | message detail |
Unless it's a four-way contest and another Nintendo entry comes to fight with LoZ:OoT, I'll take LoZ:OoT > FF7. --- FastFalcon05 absolutely decimated me in the Guru challenge. How bad was it? ...I don't want to talk about it. |
Gaddswell | Posted 12/1/2008 8:20:00 PM | message detail |
Noms sure came out fast for once! --- |
Lopen | Posted 12/1/2008 9:12:30 PM | message detail |
Bacon does things right for once. Good job. --- FastFalcon's quest to defeat Lopen: Round - blagh I am dead. Target: 467+. Target obtained and shattered damn you FastFalcon. |
Gaddswell | Posted 12/1/2008 9:13:08 PM | message detail |
Only thing to watch out for now is the format! --- |