GameFAQs Contests
Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 622
KamikazePotato | Posted 11/7/2008 4:10:24 PM | message detail |
Oh, and --- Bracket: |
ZFS | Posted 11/7/2008 4:13:09 PM | message detail | Likin' these two. --- |
trannyscience | Posted 11/7/2008 4:18:18 PM | message detail |
54-4 oh god it got picked --- xyzzy |
Dr_Football | Posted 11/7/2008 4:18:52 PM | message detail | holy awesome --- The University of Oklahoma: We'll win one again eventually. Boomer Sooner! |
KleenexTissue50 | Posted 11/7/2008 4:19:23 PM | message detail | --- CB7 Score: 220/288 |
LShaped Tetris Block | Posted 11/7/2008 4:20:23 PM | message detail |
Do you guys like my tie? --- STILL SHAPED LIKE A BOOT TO KICK YOUR ASS! The 2007 Character Battle Champion |
Shoenin_Kakashi | Posted 11/7/2008 4:20:37 PM | message detail | Bout time we get a MMZ pic in one of these! --- Warning, there is a bear right behind you. Ride Him. |
Shoenin_Kakashi | Posted 11/7/2008 4:21:17 PM | message detail |
God damn, half those pics and M2 is already caving in to Cloud --- Warning, there is a bear right behind you. Ride Him. |
WarThaNemesis2 | Posted 11/7/2008 4:23:14 PM | message detail | haha Solid **** move over --- ~War~ The Cream of Transexual Ex Girlfriend Fanboyism ~War~ |
TheRye | Posted 11/7/2008 4:23:45 PM | message detail | What in the hell is this --- The Rye - The one and only... |
satai_delenn | Posted 11/7/2008 4:24:12 PM | message detail |
Cloud with the guitar solo aww yeah --- Attention, all yoctograms! (It's x2) DIE! |
BDawg | Posted 11/7/2008 4:25:08 PM | message detail |
I assume the finals are gonna have two dozen pictures at this rate. --- Should I start running now? |
Merc25 | Posted 11/7/2008 4:25:10 PM | message detail |
This round is the round where the jokeFAQs takes off(or at least, last
year this is where L-block became a contest monster). Will lightning
strike twice? --- If you read this signature, then you have wasted your time. (:H --- Capt. Bullet, my mascot. |playing: BOF3, SP:DM |
WarThaNemesis2 | Posted 11/7/2008 4:25:27 PM | message detail |
And oh god is that bastet in the background of one of the L-Block pics? --- ~War~ The Cream of Transexual Ex Girlfriend Fanboyism ~War~ |
TestIcicles | Posted 11/7/2008 4:26:15 PM | message detail |
oh my god some of these pics are unbearable --- mmm test icicles |
satai_delenn | Posted 11/7/2008 4:28:03 PM | message detail | haha Solid **** move over Cube > Zero time --- Attention, all yoctograms! (It's x2) DIE! |
Ngamer64 | Posted 11/7/2008 4:37:42 PM | message detail |
The Presidential L-ection pic is nice, but we missed a major
opportunity by not having that set on Jeopardy, with the answer on
screen reading "A miserable little pile of secrets." and Alucard
buzzing in. --- Check out the '08 Guru Site! Other Hot Content: | |
satai_delenn | Posted 11/7/2008 4:40:58 PM | message detail |
The Presidential L-ection pic is nice, but we missed a major
opportunity by not having that set on Jeopardy, with the answer on
screen reading "A miserable little pile of secrets." and Alucard
buzzing in. ...oh god I can't stop laughing --- Attention, all yoctograms! (It's x2) DIE! |
Biolizard28 | Posted 11/7/2008 4:42:19 PM | message detail |
From: Ngamer64 | #167 The Presidential L-ection pic is nice, but we missed a major opportunity by not having that set on Jeopardy, with the answer on screen reading "A miserable little pile of secrets." and Alucard buzzing in. WHY DID YOU NOT CONTACT ME EARLIER --- Biolizard28: The cream of Fire Emblem fanboyism. ALLEN LIED! PEOPLE LOST THEIR ABILITY TO CONTEST! |
KleenexTissue50 | Posted 11/7/2008 4:42:53 PM | message detail |
Damnit N, why don't you tell us these things beforehand. --- CB7 Score: 220/288 |
Ngamer64 | Posted 11/7/2008 4:47:37 PM | message detail |
Sorry gang, thought we were all on the same wavelength! --- Check out the '08 Guru Site! Other Hot Content: | |
__hiei__ | Posted 11/7/2008 5:01:05 PM | message detail | What is Nicolas Cage doing in there? |
Master Moltar | Posted 11/7/2008 5:04:47 PM | message detail |
oh my god some of these pics the horror --- This is not my GameFOX sig... Therefore, it doesn't exist! |
charmander6000 | Posted 11/7/2008 5:43:57 PM | message detail |
What's with Samus and low vote totals? This match is heading for about
128k votes, down by 8k from yesterday. Also 2 out of the 4 matches that
had less than 125k total votes were Samus' first two matches. --- Board 8 BOP: Character Battle 2008: Points 203/288 Today's Match: Samus > Vincent |
MnMZero | Posted 11/7/2008 5:47:03 PM | message detail | I'm calling this the Cloud-Mewtwo BJ pic. Mewtwo is like GOSH IT'S SO BIG! And Cloud's all like "yeah, now suck it". The end of division 6 looking like a huge OMG in the background of Mewtwo doesn't help either. <_<; --- Proud Supporter of Zero |
LeonhartFour | Posted 11/7/2008 6:07:33 PM | message detail |
Uhhh...Where to start with all these pics? 5 and 6 are good for Crono/L-Block/Pika/Alucard. The second pic would be better if it weren't so slanted. Too hard to see the characters. Codec pic is made of win for Snake/Zero/Mega Man/Cube. The 2nd one and the 5th one are pretty good. The 3rd one and the 4th one are bad in completely different ways. At least most of the division 6 pics are good, though everyone seems to be obsessed with KH versions of Cloud and Squall. The KH versions are used in all but the 3rd one, which is Dissidia pics. --- Squall Leonhart's Path to the CBVII Championship Round 2: 1st place, 38857 votes (30.47%) |
charmander6000 | Posted 11/7/2008 6:10:25 PM | message detail |
KH Cloud and Squall are going to kill Sora letting Mewtwo take second. --- Board 8 BOP: Character Battle 2008: Points 203/288 Today's Match: Samus > Vincent |
LeonhartFour | Posted 11/7/2008 6:11:48 PM | message detail |
Nah, Squall's going to take second! --- Squall Leonhart's Path to the CBVII Championship Round 2: 1st place, 38857 votes (30.47%) |
LeonhartFour | Posted 11/7/2008 6:16:26 PM | message detail |
DIVISION 6 GRADES AND ANALYSIS Match 5 Sora - The guy absolutely owned face with the ASV and made everyone look stupid who said Yoshi was gonna beat the guy (or made everyone feel stupid who switched from Sora to Yoshi advancing here, like I did). Sora made him big cuts on Squall and his ability to minimize SFF has suddenly made him the favorite to advance next round. Grade: A+ Fox McCloud - Did a great job resisting LFF from Yoshi and did very respectably here. He exceeded the expectations of most everyone and proved his strength this year. A solid showing for Mr. McCloud, for sure. Grade: B Squall Leonhart - Argh, Smiling Squall Reversed. You're too much, Bacon. Squall looked fine until around 3 P.M., and then Sora just started ripping him apart. He still took first place, but he didn't look good doing it. Grade: C- Yoshi - Yoshi looked terrible in both of his matches. He couldn't SFF Fox, and he didn't come anywhere close to Sora. His 4 year streak of reaching the third round ended here, too. Not really anything encouraging to take from this contest for Yoshi fans. Grade: D- --- Squall Leonhart's Path to the CBVII Championship Round 2: 1st place, 38857 votes (30.47%) |
LeonhartFour | Posted 11/7/2008 6:21:13 PM | message detail |
Match 6 Cloud Strife - He managed to net the highest percentage of the round and looked pretty good doing it. Cloud did a bit better than expected, but more because someone else did worse than expected. Grade: A Midna - Everyone kept waiting for Mewtwo to pull away from Midna, and he never did. Gotta give her credit for staying with him 'til the very end, even if the match wasn't really in question for about the last half. She went from two horrible performances last year to two good performances this year. Big improvement, I'd say. Grade: B+ Mewtwo - There's no other way to say it: Mewtwo looked terrible. Look, when you do so badly that you leave people wondering if you can beat two guys who are going to be double SFF/LFF'd, that's a bad performance. The only way it could've been worse was if he'd found a way to lose to Midna. Grade: D- Pac-Man - Kinda got lost in the mix here. Not a great performance, but he didn't get totally destroyed either. Grade: D STAR OF DIVISION 6: Sora TURD OF DIVISION 6: Mewtwo --- Squall Leonhart's Path to the CBVII Championship Round 2: 1st place, 38857 votes (30.47%) |
KamikazePotato | Posted 11/7/2008 6:23:02 PM | message detail |
Which reminds me, I love Luigi, but he's due for a bad year sometime soon. 2005: Beats down KOS-MOS, almost upends Tifa. 2006: Beats Zero and Kirby. Honestly, who really saw that coming? 2007: Beats Ganondorf. Bacondorf, yeah, but still impressive. 2008: Makes Bowser look like crap, resists Mario SFF somewhat well. Going to be some epic karma in 2009, I think. --- Bracket: |
LeonhartFour | Posted 11/7/2008 6:25:43 PM | message detail |
DIVISION 7 GRADES AND ANALYSIS Match 5 Big Boss - Despite not having a Naked Snake pic, Big Boss still managed to net a quarter of the votes, SFF Raiden into the ground, and even lead Master Chief for a while. I can only imagine what would've happened had he gotten that Naked Snake pic. Is this really the same guy who only got 30% on Auron? Grade: B+ Kirby - Kirby took full advantage of his unique position in the poll, and he even held firmly in the face of Master Chief's day vote. He's put himself in great position to advance again next round. Realistically, he couldn't have done too much better. Grade: A Master Chief - The Game Fuel Gauge is still runnin' on empty. He was never able to make a serious run at Kirby and he was even trailing an LFF'd old man Big Boss for a large part of the night and early morning. I can't believe I picked this guy to beat Sonic. I'm not even sure he'll survive the next round. Grade: C- Raiden - I wonder how much of a favorite status Raiden has. I'm not sure he could hold up well against any major Metal Gear Solid character. I don't think he's shaken that MGS2 stigma quite yet. Grade: F --- Squall Leonhart's Path to the CBVII Championship Round 2: 1st place, 38857 votes (30.47%) |
KleenexTissue50 | Posted 11/7/2008 6:26:22 PM | message detail |
Grade: F get the hell out --- CB7 Score: 220/288 |
ZFS | Posted 11/7/2008 6:26:46 PM | message detail |
raiden owned --- |
RPGuy96 | Posted 11/7/2008 6:29:48 PM | message detail |
2006: Beats Zero and Kirby. Honestly, who really saw that coming? *raises hand* I also offered to account bet that Luigi would break 45% against Tifa, since people were talking about how she would beat Luigi worse than Squall and probably beat Sonic after that first round match with Vyse. --- Mustache...and green... |
KamikazePotato | Posted 11/7/2008 6:31:42 PM | message detail |
I also had Luigi over Zero (but not Kirby, for whatever reason), but it
was one of those KP things where I go 'Man, this is never going to
work, but if it does I will KICK myself for not going with it'. Luigi winning just shocked me. In an awesome way. --- Bracket: |
LeonhartFour | Posted 11/7/2008 6:32:33 PM | message detail |
Match 6 Leon Kennedy - He showed that last year was either a humongous fluke or entirely picture related. Leon was even able to lead Dante for a little while and looked much better against him compared to last year. He's a bit of a long shot next round, but hey, REFAQs appears to be confirmed for this year and probably next year! Grade: B- Riku - You can't even consider this guy to be anywhere near Sora's league anymore. Riku looked pretty awful and never made a serious run at Leon here. He didn't even have that strong of a day vote this round. Grade: D Dante - Dante was a little slow out of the gates, but after that first hour, he never looked back. He's set himself up for that epic battle with Kirby we've been waiting for. He's got a great shot of advancing and maybe even taking first place. Dante's showing himself to be one of this contest's elite. Grade: A- Hogger - This should've been Ramza! darn you rallying Grade: F STAR OF DIVISION 7: Kirby TURD OF DIVISION 7: Riku --- Squall Leonhart's Path to the CBVII Championship Round 2: 1st place, 38857 votes (30.47%) |
Shoenin_Kakashi | Posted 11/7/2008 6:34:10 PM | message detail |
I saw 2 seed and 7 seed. Me: Oh wow, Luigi is going to win. --- Warning, there is a bear right behind you. Ride Him. |
Shoenin_Kakashi | Posted 11/7/2008 6:35:17 PM | message detail |
Hogger - This should've been Ramza! darn you rallying Grade: F Sounds like a cry to me <_< and wtf, banned word? --- Warning, there is a bear right behind you. Ride Him. |
LeonhartFour | Posted 11/7/2008 6:38:06 PM | message detail |
DIVISION 8 GRADES AND ANALYSIS Match 5 Sonic the Hedgehog - He lost to Auron by over 6000 votes and never even contended for first place. For most characters, that'd be acceptable, but not for the Noble Nine. He better thank his lucky stars Sephy's coming to town next round. Grade: D- Sandbag - Those eyes cost him! Seriously though, Sandbag looks more like a legitimate Smash Bros. character with legitimate Smash trends. Maybe that win over Magus was legit strength and not joke fueled! LOL Magus. Grade: F Auron - People are still making up excuses for why Vincent beat Crono last year, but the way Auron beat Sonic leaves no room for doubt. Well, some people are still blaming Sandbag, but it's not like it would've mattered. Great performance by Auron here. Grade: A+ Sub-Zero - Okay, Bacon, get Sub-Zero away from Sonic and Auron next year. He looks like a strong midcarder and could really mess things up with good bracket placement. Well, he already did back in 2006! But he could really make for some good matches with contest vets if given a good position. Grade: B --- Squall Leonhart's Path to the CBVII Championship Round 2: 1st place, 38857 votes (30.47%) |
KleenexTissue50 | Posted 11/7/2008 6:40:03 PM | message detail |
Sandbag does not deserve an F here. --- CB7 Score: 220/288 |
LeonhartFour | Posted 11/7/2008 6:42:45 PM | message detail |
Match 6 Sephiroth - Sephy just proved he needed some real competition in order to SFF Tifa. He kept Kratos at a good distance, too. He's always seemed to have some difficulty with SFF, so it'll be interesting to see how he affects Auron next round. Grade: B Tifa Lockhart - I'm giving Bacon an F for bracket placement with this one. Seriously, you don't stick a near elite from FFVII in the same match with Sephiroth in round 1. We haven't really been able to see what Tifa can do since that match with Samus two years ago. Well, at least she led Kratos for a little while before the day vote put things outta reach. Grade: D Kratos - He beat Tifa easily and did respectably on Sephiroth. He's probably destined for fourth place next round unless Sephy does some major damage to Auron, but Kratos is probably only going to get stronger. Grade: B Jill Valentine - She had a great board vote, and uhhh...That's about it. Grade: F STAR OF DIVISION 8: Auron TURD OF DIVISION 8: Sonic the Hedgehog --- Squall Leonhart's Path to the CBVII Championship Round 2: 1st place, 38857 votes (30.47%) |
LeonhartFour | Posted 11/7/2008 6:43:28 PM | message detail |
Bah, first we complain about Magus getting an F and now Sandbag?!
Seriously, who predicted Sub-Zero > Sandbag? I did, and Lopen did. Who else? --- Squall Leonhart's Path to the CBVII Championship Round 2: 1st place, 38857 votes (30.47%) |
RockMFR 5 | Posted 11/7/2008 6:45:27 PM | message detail | ??? --- Be a good little washing machine, now... o_0 The Ohio State University: We are so much better than m*ch!g@n. |
The n00b Avenger | Posted 11/7/2008 6:45:53 PM | message detail |
I think he means Sandbag deserves a G. --- A refusal of praise is a desire to be praised twice. |
LeonhartFour | Posted 11/7/2008 6:46:20 PM | message detail |
STARS OF ROUND 2 1. Auron 2. Duke Nukem 3. Sora 4. Solid Snake 5. Crono TURDS OF ROUND 2 1. Sonic the Hedgehog 2. Mewtwo 3. Bowser 4. Falco Lombardi 5. Ryu Hayabusa --- Squall Leonhart's Path to the CBVII Championship Round 2: 1st place, 38857 votes (30.47%) |
nintendogirl1 | Posted 11/7/2008 6:53:14 PM | message detail |
I don't think anyone else got that Rock. The character Battle has been sponsored. By Magic the Gathering. WHAT. --- $$$$$ |
HeroicTronBonne | Posted 11/7/2008 8:03:52 PM | message detail |
I just got home, and saw the pics damn you zen --- |
HeroicTronBonne | Posted 11/7/2008 8:20:03 PM | message detail |
Is it just me or does Squall actually have zero FF8 related pics in those match pics? Its all KH or Dissidia... --- |
Shoenin_Kakashi | Posted 11/7/2008 8:21:02 PM | message detail |
Happy Squall is FF8 methinks --- Warning, there is a bear right behind you. Ride Him. |