GameFAQs Contests
Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 610
HeroicTronBonne | Posted 10/26/2008 3:07:32 PM | message detail |
Regardless, Knuckles would beat Pikachu easily. Their strengths are pretty similiar in 4way: Knuckles (2007c) VS Pikachu (2007c) Knuckles has a strength of 27.41. Pikachu has a strength of 24.59. Knuckles wins with 55.14% of the vote! A win of 13,557 with 131,769 total votes cast. Then throw in anti votes in 1v1, and it should be an easy 60-40 win for knux --- |
Biolizard28 | Posted 10/26/2008 3:10:52 PM | message detail |
Just as 5 year old matches don't help your argument, neither do 2007 stats. --- Biolizard28: The cream of Fire Emblem fanboyism. ALLEN LIED! PEOPLE LOST THEIR ABILITY TO CONTEST! |
HaRRicH | Posted 10/26/2008 3:11:39 PM | message detail |
For what it's worth, Pikachu was against Luigi the round he was
eliminated last year. Also, Knuckles was against Yoshi in both of his
rounds...assuming you're into that mattering or not. --- NRT winners: Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow, Star Fox 64, Donkey Kong Country 2 Remember these games! |
HeroicTronBonne | Posted 10/26/2008 3:12:40 PM | message detail |
HaRRicH (#353) And pikachu made round 4, yet has a low xstat value, showing that it wasnt really that impressive given his competition --- |
XxSoulxX | Posted 10/26/2008 3:13:24 PM | message detail |
How strong do you think Pikachu is there Bio? Fox already crushed him 1-on-1, and I don't think anyone would think about taking Fox over Knuckles. So really, why overrate the rat? Is it because it will make Ike look stronger? --- Good Times, Great Memories |
linkhatesganon | Posted 10/26/2008 3:14:01 PM | message detail |
Pffff Albion is the only one that believes that using 2007 stats gives him any credit about his argument --- Please, don't insult me - Vlado about British blood SSBB FC code - 3007-9626-4713 |
HeroicTronBonne | Posted 10/26/2008 3:14:19 PM | message detail |
And iirc, biolizard is one of the same people who say Chief would be
weak in 1v1, yet argue for a character he likes saying he won't be weak
in 1v1. Some bias there. --- |
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/26/2008 3:14:31 PM | message detail |
This isn't about 2k7 stats. It's about common sense. Pikachu barely
edged out a Vivi being held back by Tidus, WITH the advantage of the
format. Now throw in that Pikachu's main advantage is being a
universally known Pokemon representative, and Knuckles is just as well
known and far more liked... If anything, Pika would get SFFed. --- turnturnturn your brain in turnturnturn your brain in |
hailEC | Posted 10/26/2008 3:15:00 PM | message detail |
I think I might take Pikachu > Fox 1v1. It'd be a hard decision
either way. I'd also take DK > Fox, and I think that's a pretty
unpopular decision here. --- all hail ec your lord and savior |
MoogleKupo141 | Posted 10/26/2008 3:15:24 PM | message detail |
Fox already crushed him 1-on-1, and I don't think anyone would think
about taking Fox over Knuckles. So really, why overrate the rat? Fox crushed him five years ago ;>_> And I'd totally think about taking Fox over Knuckles at this point. --- For your health. This is my Chocomander, Steve! |
KamikazePotato | Posted 10/26/2008 3:15:47 PM | message detail |
Knuckles>Fox>Pikachu>Ike>DK there people GAWD --- Bracket: |
HeroicTronBonne | Posted 10/26/2008 3:15:51 PM | message detail |
Knux would beat Pikachu straight up 1v1 taking out all other factors
like anti votes and sff. But adding those in, and its rip for the rat --- |
hailEC | Posted 10/26/2008 3:15:56 PM | message detail |
Also Knuckles would beat every single one of the characters I mentioned. --- all hail ec your lord and savior |
red sox 777 | Posted 10/26/2008 3:16:46 PM | message detail |
I would take Fox over Knuckles, and Knuckles over Pikachu in 1v1 matches. I don't think Knux/Pikachu would be close. --- Crono's quest to kick L-Block out of this contest: Round 2: Crono > L-Block > Ryu > Amaterasu |
HeroicTronBonne | Posted 10/26/2008 3:17:12 PM | message detail |
I don't get why people are so down on Knuckles. He got double SFF'd by
a NN and a high midcarder. What more do you want from him? --- |
XxSoulxX | Posted 10/26/2008 3:19:50 PM | message detail |
Knux is like the anti-Kefka. People always underrate him, so he has to prove himself every year. Actually, present-day Gordon Freeman and Duke Nukem are in the same boat. --- Good Times, Great Memories |
HeroicTronBonne | Posted 10/26/2008 3:21:01 PM | message detail |
Just because he is no longer at his 2005 level doesn't mean he won't beat a 1v1 Pikachu. --- |
hailEC | Posted 10/26/2008 3:22:21 PM | message detail |
For everyone who's so down on Knux, would you take Vincents, Squalls,
and even Ganon's of the world over Sonic? Because he's been just as
pathetic in this format... he just hasn't been ravaged by overlapping
fanbases. --- all hail ec your lord and savior |
Biolizard28 | Posted 10/26/2008 3:30:49 PM | message detail |
I'd probably take Squall over Sonic. --- Biolizard28: The cream of Fire Emblem fanboyism. ALLEN LIED! PEOPLE LOST THEIR ABILITY TO CONTEST! |
PartOfYourWorld | Posted 10/26/2008 3:45:16 PM | message detail |
Squall or Vincent > Sonic I'd jump on that like a witty analogy. --- Yoblazer: Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world! |
hailEC | Posted 10/26/2008 3:46:05 PM | message detail |
Well I already jumped on it like your mother, so it's a good thing you didn't use that one. --- all hail ec your lord and savior |
Gaddswell | Posted 10/26/2008 5:32:50 PM | message detail |
Adding to the fodder line discussion, what about KOS-MOS? Everyone was
saying she's fallen a bit, and she was a low midcard before. --- |
red sox 777 | Posted 10/26/2008 5:55:42 PM | message detail |
Crono's making an effort to get his lead on L-Block back over L-Block's
lead on Ryu here. He's currently 238 behind; he was 554 behind 3 hours
ago. --- Crono's quest to kick L-Block out of this contest: Round 2: Crono > L-Block > Ryu > Amaterasu |
BDawg | Posted 10/26/2008 5:57:24 PM | message detail |
Maybe I'm pessimistic but I still don't think Crono beating block means diddly in the greater scheme of things. --- Should I start running now? |
charmander6000 | Posted 10/26/2008 6:12:47 PM | message detail |
As much as we want a one on one bracket a 64 character bracket is
getting harder to make without there being some major snubs. I mean I
just glanced through the character list and picking just 64 is already
hard and I haven't even looked at new characters or fodder for the
heavy weights. --- Board 8 BOP: Character Battle 2008: Points 125/176 Today's Match: Crono > Ryu |
KamikazePotato | Posted 10/26/2008 6:17:02 PM | message detail |
I think the best idea would be to remove... Clinkeroth Noble Nine Vincent L-Block anyone else who beats a NNer this year From the bracket. Have a 64-way bracket. Then stick the winner against a Gauntlet of these characters, where the winner of one match goes on to face the next character. Link or L-Block at the top, Crono, MM, or Sonic at the bottom. --- Bracket: |
PartOfYourWorld | Posted 10/26/2008 6:18:58 PM | message detail |
That's an awful lot of people we'd have to remove, though. Heck, it might mean we have to remove Zack! --- Yoblazer: Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world! |
Gaddswell | Posted 10/26/2008 6:20:15 PM | message detail |
Squall would win a contest like that! Especially after Dissidia! --- |
HeroicTronBonne | Posted 10/26/2008 6:20:43 PM | message detail |
KamikazePotato (#376) ...This is actually a good idea, except I think it should be noble nine and L Block... don't exclude Vincent since even if he wins, we're not sure if he'd win in 1v1 or not. --- |
MoogleKupo141 | Posted 10/26/2008 6:20:54 PM | message detail |
To make up for the past two years of non-1 on 1 and non-summerness, we
should totally have a 1 on 1 tournament with 128 characters and two
matches a day for the first round so it'll take like three months and
it'll be awesome and everyone will laugh and sing. --- For your health. This is my Chocomander, Steve! |
vcharon | Posted 10/26/2008 6:22:19 PM | message detail |
WoW players will all be zombies tomorrow with the disease likely becoming incurable, so they may be around to carry Arthas on. Then again, with all the anti-Blizzard sentiments on my server at least, that may actually hurt him. --- :> |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 10/26/2008 6:22:44 PM | message detail |
Thats actually a great idea too Kupo Darling. Too bad Bacon is against good ideas. --- |
hailEC | Posted 10/26/2008 6:26:19 PM | message detail |
If we're going to be removing people it should be Samus/Snake/Mario +
Clinkeroth. Sure it'd only add three spots, but take out anybody else
and you're ruining great match-ups. A ToC would work best over a battle
royal as well, Link/Cloud auto advance, and Samus/Seph first round
match-up, and Snake/Mario goes down. --- all hail ec your lord and savior |
charmander6000 | Posted 10/26/2008 6:28:53 PM | message detail |
I mean here's 64 characters that have already been to one contest. 1. Aeris Gainsborough (Final Fantasy VII) 2. Altair (Assassin’s Creed) 3. Arthas Menethil (Warcraft) 4. Auron (Final Fantasy X) 5. Big Boss (Metal Gear) 6. Bowser (Mario) 7. Chris Redfield (Resident Evil) 8. Cloud Strife (Final Fantasy VII) 9. Crono (Chrono Trigger) 10. Dante (Devil May Cry) 11. Donkey Kong (Donkey Kong) 12. Duke Nukem (Duke Nukem) 13. Fox McCloud (Star Fox) 14. Frog (Chrono Trigger) 15. Ganondorf (The Legend of Zelda) 16. Gordon Freeman (Half-Life) 17. Ike (Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance) 18. Janus “Magus” Zeal (Chrono Trigger) 19. Jill Valentine (Resident Evil) 20. Kain Highwind (Final Fantasy IV) 21. Kefka (Final Fantasy VI) 22. Ken Masters (Street Fighter) 23. Kirby (Kirby) 24. Knuckles the Echidna (Sonic) 25. KOS-MOS (Xenosaga) 26. Kratos (God of War) 27. L-Block (Tetris) 28. Leon Kennedy (Resident Evil) 29. Link (The Legend of Zelda) 30. Liquid Snake (Metal Gear Solid) 31. Luigi (Mario) 32. Marcus Fenix (Gears of War) 33. Mario (Mario) 34. Marth (Fire Emblem) 35. Master Chief (Halo) 36. Mega Man (Mega Man) 37. Mega Man X (Mega Man X) 38. Meta Knight (Kirby) 39. Mewtwo (Pokemon) 40. Nero (Devil May Cry 4) 41. Pac-Man (Pac-Man) 42. Pikachu (Pokemon) 43. Protoman (Mega Man) 44. Raiden (Metal Gear Solid 2) 45. Riku (Kingdom Hearts) 46. Ryu (Street Fighter) 47. Ryu Hayabusa (Ninja Gaiden) 48. Samus Aran (Metroid) 49. Scorpion (Mortal Kombat) 50. Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII) 51. Solid Snake (Metal Gear) 52. Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic) 53. Sora (Kingdom Hearts) 54. Squall Leonhart (Final Fantasy VIII) 55. Sub-Zero (Mortal Kombat) 56. Tidus (Final Fantasy X) 57. Tifa Lockhart (Final Fantasy VII) 58. Vincent Valentine (Final Fantasy VI) 59. Vivi (Final Fantasy IX) 60. Yoshi (Mario) 61. Yuna (Final Fantasy X) 62. Zack Fair (Final Fantasy VII) 63. Zelda (The Legend of Zelda) 64. Zero (Mega Man X) There's a few characters that I forced to be there (Protoman, Ken, Marth). Some notable snubs are already Alucard, Diablo, Zidane, Amaterasu, Falcon, Chun-Li, Shadow, Rikku, CATS and Ocelot. I haven't even added any fresh meat to the contest. --- Board 8 BOP: Character Battle 2008: Points 125/176 Today's Match: Crono > Ryu |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 10/26/2008 6:32:45 PM | message detail |
Thats part of the reason I don't want 1v1 again... cuz 1v1 means most
likely we'd get 64 characters, and now with 128 characters being the
norm, we'd be missing too many important characters --- |
Gaddswell | Posted 10/26/2008 6:36:28 PM | message detail |
Maybe Cecil and Rydia should be given another shot. Depends on how
strong you think their fourpack is and if they were affected any by
Zack / Auron. A match between either of them and Kefka could be interesting. >_> --- |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 10/26/2008 6:37:51 PM | message detail |
Eh rydia only did well cuz of b00bz --- |
ZFS | Posted 10/26/2008 6:39:19 PM | message detail |
Clinkeroth Noble Nine Vincent L-Block anyone else who beats a NNer this year You know the character battle has run its course when we're doing this --- GREETINGS CHEESE POPSICLE THE NUMBER YOU HAVE DIALED IS CURRENTLY OUT OF PORK CHOPS |
charmander6000 | Posted 10/26/2008 6:43:06 PM | message detail |
I just think that doing a 64 character bracket now will be impossible
without missing a bunch of good characters. A four month 128 character
bracket will be too long though I like the idea of the first round
having two polls, just make them switch places at each refresh. --- Board 8 BOP: Character Battle 2008: Points 125/176 Today's Match: Crono > Ryu |
charmander6000 | Posted 10/26/2008 6:45:59 PM | message detail |
Looks like this match will fall just a few hundred votes short of beating Altair/Lucario/Issac/Guybrush in vote totals. --- Board 8 BOP: Character Battle 2008: Points 125/176 Today's Match: Crono > Ryu |
Shoenin_Kakashi | Posted 10/26/2008 6:48:15 PM | message detail |
You know the character battle has run its course when we're doing this Oh yeah --- Warning, there is a bear right behind you. Ride Him. |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 10/26/2008 6:49:48 PM | message detail |
So L is a big vote draw as always --- |
Link The Hylian | Posted 10/26/2008 6:57:07 PM | message detail |
I just think that doing a 64 character bracket now will be impossible without missing a bunch of useless fodder." Fixed. And we could always do 1 vs 1 with more matches. --- "The PS2 had 12,000,000 pre orders. To give you an idea of how many people that is that's over half of the world population." - DifferentialEquation |
Gaddswell | Posted 10/26/2008 6:57:14 PM | message detail |
It's funny that Altair/Lucario/Issac/Guybrush has the highest votals in the first place. Who / what was the vote draw here? --- |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 10/26/2008 6:58:05 PM | message detail |
Gaddswell (#394) Altair had a good turn out for round 2 as well --- |
red sox 777 | Posted 10/26/2008 7:07:05 PM | message detail |
Crono has now surpassed Solid Snake's final
victory margin on L-Block in round 3 next year. The gap between him and
L is only 71 less than the gap between L and Ryu now. --- Crono's quest to kick L-Block out of this contest: Round 2: Crono > L-Block > Ryu > Amaterasu |
thok | Posted 10/26/2008 7:25:43 PM | message detail |
We could have a 96 character match, with 32 characters getting a free pass to the second round. That version would only add a month to the character battle and give the fodder a chance to actually win a match. |
KamikazePotato | Posted 10/26/2008 7:27:05 PM | message detail |
How about 96 characters, and the final 3 battle each other 1 on 1 in 3 separate matches? First to two wins, wins? --- Bracket: |
red sox 777 | Posted 10/26/2008 7:41:23 PM | message detail |
We've talked about this before I think, but it's
an interesting topic: suppose we had a poll with every VG character in
existence. Could Clinkeroth break 50%? I think L-Block's run last year
proved pretty conclusively that the answer there is no, although I'd
probably say no even if joke characters were excluded from the poll.
But could the Noble Nine break 50%? Between them they can SFF virtually
anything, and as some of the most well known characters, they are sure
to have lots of people who consider one of them their favorite
character. I think Link might pull close to 20% by himself.....FFVII
had 24% say it was their favorite game, after all. --- Crono's quest to kick L-Block out of this contest: Round 2: Crono > L-Block > Ryu > Amaterasu |
ZenOfThunder | Posted 10/26/2008 7:42:31 PM | message detail |
I think Aga had a poll with all 128 characters last year and L-Block swept it. >_> --- (|| ' ' ||) Not changing my sig until EBA2/Ouendan 3 is announced. (4/22/08) . /|_|\ |