GameFAQs Contests
Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 542
KleenexTissue50 | Posted 11/1/2007 10:13:24 PM | message detail |
SBOGFHF for 2k8 imho --- CB6 - 338/502; Oracle - 32nd |
ZFS | Posted 11/1/2007 10:13:44 PM | message detail |
"Random Piece of Final Fantasy VII Furniture" or "Single Blade of
Grass from Hyrule Field" would have won Balthier's fourpack. Poor,
stupid Balthier. I think we're starting to get out of hand with this. :) --- "With each passing day, the world finds new and exciting ways to kill a man." |
hochiminh155 | Posted 11/1/2007 10:14:15 PM | message detail | I still don't get why Seph is doing so bad here. You mean to tell me Samus hurts Seph more than Solid Snake? --- Hochiminh155's Trail to Victory Future winner of the Summer 2007 Contest |
KleenexTissue50 | Posted 11/1/2007 10:15:06 PM | message detail |
SPF strikes again !! --- CB6 - 338/502; Oracle - 32nd |
Seginustemple | Posted 11/1/2007 10:15:10 PM | message detail |
Seginustemple, I think you're way over-thinking things. Which I was going to say even before I read your last line, so it seems you do realize that :) Well, I know I voted for the block thinking he had no chance. I just wonder how many people did the exact same thing, and now resent it.... --- If you fail at life you try suicide. If you fail at suicide, what's next? Failing at poetry... - Fidormula |
creativename | Posted 11/1/2007 10:15:55 PM | message detail |
"Random Piece of Final Fantasy VII Furniture" would be stronger than
Midgar Zolom or Shinra Soldier or whatever the hell it is. Once again,
it's the sheer audacity of the entrant that will draw in the joke votes. Agreed, but mainly because of the name factor. "Nibelheim inn couch" would suck ass beyond belief. "Random Piece of Final Fantasy VII Furniture" or "Single Blade of Grass from Hyrule Field" would have won Balthier's fourpack. Poor, stupid Balthier. Might agree on the former, no on the latter - Hyrule!="The Legend of Zelda" :) That's pretty significant. I'm pretty sure that long-ass name would help it get a lot more attention, and thus more votes, than if it was called "Hyrule Grass" though. --- |
Lopen | Posted 11/1/2007 10:15:56 PM | message detail |
Eh... I still think the Zolom is far enough removed from an actual
character that it has enough utter stupidity to get those votes. I
wouldn't think the blade of grass or FFVII furniture would win any four pack in this bracket. Hell, not even second place. --- "GUYS I JUST DRANK A MASTER CHIEF SODA, MASTER CHIEF FOR 2007!" - Swirldude |
MasterOfHunters | Posted 11/1/2007 10:15:59 PM | message detail |
Well, I know I voted for the block thinking he had no chance. I just
wonder how many people did the exact same thing, and now resent it.... I said the same thing last night. I voted for L-Block never suspecting Sonic could have used my vote. |
The n00b Avenger | Posted 11/1/2007 10:16:15 PM | message detail |
Maybe voters are just smarter. In the Battle Royale, last place was
eliminated. Here, it's top 2 move on. In those polls, Sephiroth was
actually in danger so he got some vote support. Maybe voters are smart
enough to judge that Seph has virtually no chance here so they just
vote for Cloud to be safe --- This story is not an end yet. Because only you are in the infinity loop. |
Mac Arrowny | Posted 11/1/2007 10:17:12 PM | message detail |
GameFAQs needs to hold a "Most Powerful Character Ever" poll. Link and Cloud would probably win anyway, but if voters were a little
more intelligent (I'm not going to give them the credit to vote for
Lenneth or KOSy en-masse), we could see an epic Samus vs. Sonic match
in the final. --- Rapid analysis, accurate judgment, and superb powers of concentration. That is all we need. |
creativename | Posted 11/1/2007 10:18:02 PM | message detail |
I still don't get why Seph is doing so bad here. You mean to tell me Samus hurts Seph more than Solid Snake? Like I said early in this match, these results right now don't entirely make sense to me, even though I did suspect Samus would finish higher than Sephiroth. --- |
ZFS | Posted 11/1/2007 10:18:08 PM | message detail |
Eh... I still think the Zolom is far enough removed from an actual
character that it has enough utter stupidity to get those votes. I
wouldn't think the blade of grass or FFVII furniture would win any four
pack in this bracket. Hell, not even second place. I agree with this. "Hyrule Blade of Gross" or "FF7 Furniture" isn't going to actually beat characters of note -- including the likes of Balthier and Ada Wong. Those two things are a world of difference from L-Block, or even Bidoof. There's nothing about them that people are supposed to like -- it's all namesake that would push that, and only the hardest of the hardcore are going to go that route. --- "With each passing day, the world finds new and exciting ways to kill a man." |
YoAriel33 | Posted 11/1/2007 10:18:16 PM | message detail |
Might agree on the former, no on the latter - Hyrule!="The Legend of Zelda" :) That's pretty significant. I'm pretty sure that long-ass name would help it get a lot more attention, and thus more votes, than if it was called "Hyrule Grass" though. Yeah, completely agree. Also, while this stuff is fun to chat about, I think good ol' blocky fills our audacious and bodacious joke vote quota pretty nicely. --- yoblazer33: NO LIMITZ Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world! |
creativename | Posted 11/1/2007 10:20:14 PM | message detail |
Maybe voters are just smarter. In the Battle Royale, last place was
eliminated. Here, it's top 2 move on. In those polls, Sephiroth was
actually in danger so he got some vote support. Maybe voters are smart
enough to judge that Seph has virtually no chance here so they just
vote for Cloud to be safe But that would imply less skewed and less top-heavy results for the BR, not more. And look at what happened to Mario and Samus there. Where were their fans if they knew this? Why would they vote for Link? Unless you want to complicate it further by saying FF7 voters are smarter :) --- |
The n00b Avenger | Posted 11/1/2007 10:21:50 PM | message detail |
And look at what happened to Mario and Samus there. Where were their fans if they knew this? Why would they vote for Link? Nintendo fans don't care they clearly just flip coins for their vote. I know this after extensive study on the subject --- This story is not an end yet. Because only you are in the infinity loop. |
The n00b Avenger | Posted 11/1/2007 10:22:23 PM | message detail |
Also, why did Mario beat Samus? There were lots of heads landings that day --- This story is not an end yet. Because only you are in the infinity loop. |
Seginustemple | Posted 11/1/2007 10:23:05 PM | message detail |
Unless you want to complicate it further by saying FF7 voters are smarter :) I know a certain vietnamese leader who might! --- If you fail at life you try suicide. If you fail at suicide, what's next? Failing at poetry... - Fidormula |
Lopen | Posted 11/1/2007 10:23:13 PM | message detail |
But that would imply less skewed and less top-heavy results for the
BR, not more. And look at what happened to Mario and Samus there. Where
were their fans if they knew this? Why would they vote for Link? Unless you want to complicate it further by saying FF7 voters are smarter :) But the difference is that regular voters have had months to absorb the rules of this format, whereas in the battle royal there was a text explanation but only people who were actually really paying attention knew exactly how it worked, I bet. --- "GUYS I JUST DRANK A MASTER CHIEF SODA, MASTER CHIEF FOR 2007!" - Swirldude |
creativename | Posted 11/1/2007 10:24:07 PM | message detail |
"Hyrule Blade of Gross" or "FF7 Furniture" isn't going to actually
beat characters of note -- including the likes of Balthier and Ada
Wong. Those two things are a world of difference from L-Block, or even
Bidoof. There's nothing about them that people are supposed to like --
it's all namesake that would push that, and only the hardest of the
hardcore are going to go that route. I agree with you...though, the presence of "Final Fantasy 7" or "The Legend of Zelda" in the poll option's actual name would make its possible range very wide. Name factor probably puts picture factor to shame. For instance, when does Cloud do better - listed as Cloud with a picture of Tingle, or listed as Tingle but with a picture of Cloud? The name is what people in the end vote with; mess up the picture and people get confused, but mess up the name and people aren't going to vote based on the picture, they'll probably vote based on the name. --- |
paraboxx | Posted 11/1/2007 10:25:48 PM | message detail |
GameFAQs needs to hold a "Most Powerful Character Ever" poll. I really don't think this would change the results much. Be an easy way to tell, though. Hold Mario vs. Samus again, with the poll question asking "Who is the strongest character". If Mario still wins? Not worth it. If Samus wins? ...still not sure I'd want to see that contest, but at least the idea might have merit. |
creativename | Posted 11/1/2007 10:26:36 PM | message detail |
But the difference is that regular voters have had months to absorb
the rules of this format, whereas in the battle royal there was a text
explanation but only people who were actually really paying attention
knew exactly how it worked, I bet. No, because it's not that FF7 fans are smarter now then everyone was then, it's that FF7 fans were smarter than Nintendo fans were then. Because he was saying that's why they voted Sephiroth back then. But Nintendo fans didn't vote for Mario or Samus then. Basically, I don't think any of this rules-based voting is really a valid line of reasoning as a way to explain the differences between the BR and this format :) --- |
red sox 777 | Posted 11/1/2007 10:27:31 PM | message detail |
And Sephiroth finally wins his first update over Samus. --- 8/30/03. Remember. |
The n00b Avenger | Posted 11/1/2007 10:28:11 PM | message detail |
Coin-flipping. I already told you. Solid, undeniable, undisprovable --- This story is not an end yet. Because only you are in the infinity loop. |
Lopen | Posted 11/1/2007 10:29:00 PM | message detail |
Well also, by the time Sephiroth was in danger of being eliminated, the
format had been going for a few days. The Nintendo characters were
eliminated first and second, and this is how it'd be expected to go
without any strategizing. --- "GUYS I JUST DRANK A MASTER CHIEF SODA, MASTER CHIEF FOR 2007!" - Swirldude |
The n00b Avenger | Posted 11/1/2007 10:31:25 PM | message detail |
Geez Samus is dying more than I expected. At first I thought 16% was a vast undershot buuuuuuuut maybe not >_> --- This story is not an end yet. Because only you are in the infinity loop. |
The n00b Avenger | Posted 11/1/2007 10:32:07 PM | message detail |
Though it'd be nice if Link decided to die a bit too. He seems to have a problem with letting go of percentage --- This story is not an end yet. Because only you are in the infinity loop. |
creativename | Posted 11/1/2007 10:36:58 PM | message detail |
Samus is not going to finish under 16%. I still think she gets 18+%, but not under 16. Well also, by the time Sephiroth was in danger of being eliminated, the format had been going for a few days. The Nintendo characters were eliminated first and second, and this is how it'd be expected to go without any strategizing. This is, like, the textbook example of over-thinking things IMO >_> BTW, I think T-Block would've been the strongest Tetris Block in this contest. Lots would say I-Block, but with a bad picture he might be completely unrecognizable, he's not distinctive as a Tetris block (I think T-block would be the least pic-sensitive block). I could see Z-Block doing well, don't know how it would do compared to L. I have no idea how Square block would do. You know it's funny, who ever suspected there were multiple Noble-Nine busting characters that never made it to these contests eh? Because if this is true T-Block is one too :) --- |
TheCruelAngel | Posted 11/1/2007 10:40:09 PM | message detail |
aww yeah Link Chmofsky --- Warden: Talk! What is SeeD all about!? Squall: ...Flower. |
Haste_2 | Posted 11/1/2007 10:47:26 PM | message detail |
Round 4 x-stats! Cloud - 54.00% Samus - 43.00% Mega Man - 30.00% Ryu - 20.00% Link - 55.00% Sephiroth - 50.25% Mario - 38.50% Vincent - 19.25% Master Chief - 37.00% Dante - 32.50% Luigi - 29.25% Pikachu - 24.00% L-Block - 45.00% Solid Snake - 44.75% Sonic - 36.00% Squall - 34.50% --- "Ah, a party! We haven't had one of those. It could be fun! So...what is a party?" "Well, you drink punch and eat CAKE! ...I think." |
Gaddswell | Posted 11/1/2007 10:48:01 PM | message detail |
Square Block would get the Square votes! --- You can create your own stages this time?! No way. REALLY?! With a feature like that, won’t I be able to play this game forever?! - Sakurai |
Haste_2 | Posted 11/1/2007 10:49:50 PM | message detail |
I wonder what would happen if we had "Zelda vs. Mario" and Zelda had a Link picture... --- "Ah, a party! We haven't had one of those. It could be fun! So...what is a party?" "Well, you drink punch and eat CAKE! ...I think." |
KleenexTissue50 | Posted 11/1/2007 10:50:51 PM | message detail |
Wait...are those stats in relation to BL? --- CB6 - 338/502; Oracle - 32nd |
Haste_2 | Posted 11/1/2007 10:51:42 PM | message detail |
Yeah, BL stats. --- "Ah, a party! We haven't had one of those. It could be fun! So...what is a party?" "Well, you drink punch and eat CAKE! ...I think." |
KleenexTissue50 | Posted 11/1/2007 10:52:43 PM | message detail |
L-Block at 45% on BL makes me lol. --- CB6 - 338/502; Oracle - 32nd |
Heroic Yuna | Posted 11/1/2007 10:52:53 PM | message detail |
Kay, Cloud, it's nice that you can get close to him, but mind actually winning an update or two? =/ ~~~ Ashe. The Cream of Final Fantasy Fanboyism. |
KleenexTissue50 | Posted 11/1/2007 10:53:39 PM | message detail |
SMAUS just stole all of Link's votes. --- CB6 - 338/502; Oracle - 32nd |
ZFS | Posted 11/1/2007 10:57:19 PM | message detail |
Cloud will probably end up winning a number of them soon. --- "With each passing day, the world finds new and exciting ways to kill a man." |
KleenexTissue50 | Posted 11/1/2007 10:58:10 PM | message detail |
Keep dreamin'. --- CB6 - 338/502; Oracle - 32nd |
creativename | Posted 11/1/2007 10:58:11 PM | message detail |
I wonder what would happen if we had "Zelda vs. Mario" and Zelda had a Link picture... I think Mario would have that. Name factor>>pic factor. I'm not sure about Mario vs. Link with a Zelda picture though, I think that's very unpredictable. I think Mario could possibly win that - it would be like ZSS in impact, but probably much worse. --- |
Heroic Yuna | Posted 11/1/2007 11:00:55 PM | message detail |
hey hm stop jinxing it cloud loves me more ~~~ Ashe. The Cream of Final Fantasy Fanboyism. |
Heroic Yuna | Posted 11/1/2007 11:01:44 PM | message detail |
From creativename Posted 11/2/2007 1:58:11 AM #289 I wonder what would happen if we had "Zelda vs. Mario" and Zelda had a Link picture... I think Mario would have that. Name factor>>pic factor. I'm not sure about Mario vs. Link with a Zelda picture though, I think that's very unpredictable. I think Mario could possibly win that - it would be like ZSS in impact, but probably much worse. Am I the only one that this makes no sense at all to? ~~~ Ashe. The Cream of Final Fantasy Fanboyism. |
wavedash101 | Posted 11/1/2007 11:03:47 PM | message detail |
that makes no sense --- Our shields cannot withstand wavedashing of this magnitude! Annoying posters! I am the great wavedash! [no u cru] |
KleenexTissue50 | Posted 11/1/2007 11:06:37 PM | message detail |
Man, Link is just so damn disgusting in these contests. It doesn't
really sink in until you think about it and then realize that he's been
in 29 contest matches (including BR) and has gotten 1st place in all
but one of them. I mean what the hell. --- CB6 - 338/512; Oracle - 32nd |
Haste_2 | Posted 11/1/2007 11:08:12 PM | message detail |
I just brought that up because I thought it was funny... I mean, there are a lot of people who think Link IS called Zelda... --- "Ah, a party! We haven't had one of those. It could be fun! So...what is a party?" "Well, you drink punch and eat CAKE! ...I think." |
KleenexTissue50 | Posted 11/1/2007 11:09:34 PM | message detail |
I think the Link/Zelda thing was rendered negilgable during the Link/Zelda/Vincent/Bidoof match. --- CB6 - 338/512; Oracle - 32nd |
Heroic Yuna | Posted 11/1/2007 11:11:53 PM | message detail |
From KleenexTissue50 Posted 11/2/2007 2:09:34 AM #295 I think the Link/Zelda thing was rendered negilgable during the Link/Zelda/Vincent/Bidoof match. Yeah, but that's because he was given the right name. A picture of Link with the name "Link" next to it and "Zelda" somewhere else is entirely different from a picture of Link with the name "Zelda" in it, but no name "Link" or picture Zelda to be found. >=/ ~~~ Ashe. The Cream of Final Fantasy Fanboyism. |
creativename | Posted 11/1/2007 11:22:32 PM | message detail |
I'm going to switch the order of the updates around and put the percent
per update ahead of votes per update. Is anyone against this? I just brought that up because I thought it was funny... I mean, there are a lot of people who think Link IS called Zelda... Yes I know that's what you were getting at, but clearly, they're a very small minority on this site :) --- |
creativename | Posted 11/1/2007 11:28:11 PM | message detail |
Bear with me while I work out some bugs, columns will be messed up for now. --- |
creativename | Posted 11/1/2007 11:36:10 PM | message detail |
All right, done. Is this better or worse? --- |
YoAriel33 | Posted 11/1/2007 11:38:09 PM | message detail |
I'm cool with either way. Cloud will start winning updates soon, looks like. --- yoblazer33: NO LIMITZ Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world! |