GameFAQs Contests
Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 542
HeroicTronBonne | Posted 11/1/2007 8:13:46 PM | message detail |
All hail L-Block! *Creativename's websites* Everything you could ever imagine: Sortable Table for Every Contest Match: *Extrapolated Standings* Explanation of Extrapolated Standings: Simple Explanation of Extrapolated Standings: A = Strongest Character B = Character Weaker than A C = Character Weaker than B To figure out a character's Xsts Percentage ---> [(CvB)(BvA)]/50 = CvA To compare how C would do against B ---> [(CvA)/(BvA)]*50 = CvB To figure out how B would do against A ---> [(CvA)/(CvB)]*50 = BvA Extrapolated Standings for All Contests (links to all brackets are on the left): *Solarshadow's Sites* Summer 2002 Contest: Summer 2003 Contest: Spring 2004 Contest: (not currently updating) *Old Stats topics* Summer 2002 Contest: Summer 2003 Contest: (See note) 2003-2004 Off-Season: (See note) Note: Don't use the links in the topic to browse through the pages, change the page number in the URL. Spring 2004 Pre-Season (Chance the number after "Season" to view other pages; there are three of them): Spring 2004 Contest (Change the number after "Stats" to view other pages; there are eight of them): *Match Pictures* All the match pics, and thanks to RockMFR for finding the missing ones! *Miscellaneous* Creativename's Page of Links: UltimaterializerX's Contest Sites (some offensive language): NGamer64's Archive Site and (lol) X-Stats Sim (some offensive language): A List of Acronyms, A Lesson on Percentages, and Some Odd Matches: All Time Top 10 Lists: RPguy's Hourly Poll Updates: HaRRicH's Fourpack of Fun Board: TRE's poll listing (every poll!): Aprosenf's Poll Script: GameFAQs' Top 100 Games Manual Poll Updater: Link > Cloud --- GSB International Champion WWEGSB Hardcore Legend and Board 8er Masa/Hiko |
Agent M | Posted 11/1/2007 8:14:31 PM | message detail |
HAIL! There was an error posting your message: Messages cannot be in all uppercase. Turn off your CAPS LOCK. |
Sykolan | Posted 11/1/2007 8:14:55 PM | message detail | --- Pokemon Diamond FC: 0215-7322-4653 "Death by fire, by cold, by crushing, by blade. Did the end come as you wish?" -Lezard Valeth, Valkyrie Profile 2 |
chocoboslayer | Posted 11/1/2007 8:17:23 PM | message detail |
^ XD --- PotD's OFFICIAL King of Games! The Choco. The Cream of Yuna Fanboyism. |
Cyberclaw | Posted 11/1/2007 8:19:21 PM | message detail |
You know, I had L-Block losing in the first round. If I it going a few rounds farther, I'd be on the leaderboard for sure... --- ... |
Master Moltar | Posted 11/1/2007 8:38:22 PM | message detail |
Semifinals: Match 61 – Cloud Strife vs. Samus Aran vs. Link vs. Sephiroth Moltar’s Analysis Cloud - Only shows mercy to big-breasted females who get snubbed. Round 1 – 61.24% vs. Ocelot, Jill and Zolom Round 2 – 56.10% vs. Marcus, Ocelot and Kefka Round 3 – 49.59% vs. Ryu, Auron and Marcus Round 4 – 41.23% vs. Samus, Mega Man and Ryu Strong performance from the leader of Square. Samus - Still indirectly stronger than Mario! Round 1 – 51.75% vs. Frog, Axel and Kerrigan Round 2 – 45.96% vs. Scorpion, Frog and Midna Round 3 – 33.10% vs. Mega Man, Yoshi and Scorpion Round 4 – 28.80% vs. Cloud, Mega Man and Ryu Samus easily beats out Mega Man for second. Link - Link? Not look dominant? WHAT? Round 1 – 70.50% vs. Bidoof, Miles and Agent J Round 2 – 51.19% vs. Vincent, Bidoof and Zelda Round 3 – 45.37% vs. Vincent, Crono and Zero Round 4 – 36.42% vs. Sephiroth, Mario and Vincent Link is held back a bit by Mario. Sephiroth - Gets eliminated this round, so rejoice! Round 1 – 55.23% vs. Meta Knight, Peach and CATS Round 2 – 57.11% vs. Fox, Meta Knight and Wario Round 3 – 45.85% vs. Mario, Big Boss and Fox Round 4 – 31.48% vs. Link, Mario and Vincent Sephiroth comes pretty darn close to Link. Previously, Link was stopped in his tracks by the powerful Sephiroth. After a short meeting between the two, a voice called back Sephiroth, causing him to retreat, and leaving Link wondering who the person behind all of this is. The Setting – In front of the CB6 stadium. Link: Whew, I’ve finally made it. I hope I didn’t miss too much. *Just as he is about to enter the stadium, a familiar tune blasts out over the land* What? You again? Sephiroth: You should be excited to see me again so soon after our last encounter. This time, though, I am not alone. *Link looked up and saw another figure descending with Sephiroth. This one had spiky yellow hair, and a sword the size of an airplane wing* Link: No…it can’t be you. Sephiorth: What’s wrong Link, you don’t seem as confident as you did before *laughs* Cloud: …Link Link: *to himself* I have to fight Cloud and Sephiroth? They are two of the strongest guys in the land. I have to avoid this fight at all costs. Sephiroth: Now, Link, prepare to die! Link: Wait! Cloud, I have to ask you something. Are you the one behind all of this. Cloud: …I am not, our Chief sent us after you. Link: *eyes open wide* You’re working under someone? There is someone more powerful out there? Impossible! Sephiroth: That’s right, so even if you do manage to get past us, our Master will have no trouble finishing you off. Link: *to himself* I have to think of something…I know, I’ll call the second strongest Nintendo ally I have! *zoom in on Mario* Link: Not him! *whips out cellphone* *Meanwhile, in some sector of space* ???: Hello? Who is this? Link: Samus, it’s me! Samus: Oh hey, what’s up? Link: I’m in trouble and need your help. Can you help me fight Cloud and Sephiroth? Samus: …oooh, I’m in the middle of a mission right now…wish I could come there though…*lightly* stop it, that tickles Link: What was that? Samus: Nothing. *panicking* Nothing at all, nope! I’m not spending my time with another non-Nintendo character named Solid Snake if that’s what you’re thinking! Link: Uh… Samus: Well, I have to go back to bed………I MEAN THE MISSION AUGH! *hangs up* Link: Guess that means it’s time for Plan B! Sephiroth: Let’s go Cloud! Link: Wait! Cloud, why are you fighting alongside Sephiroth? Don’t you hate him? Cloud: … |
Master Moltar | Posted 11/1/2007 8:38:36 PM | message detail |
Sephiroth: That won’t work Link, he has orders to follow, and that is more important than some dumb rivalry. Link: But Cloud, fighting alongside your mortal enemy? After everything he did? How can you do that? Cloud: …Fight…Must fight… Sephiroth: That’s right Cloud, we must fight him and stop him! Cloud: Must fight…Sephiroth… Sephiroth: ! Cloud: I don’t know why anymore. All I know that my only purpose in life…is to fight you! Link: That’s the Cloud I know! Let’s take him out! *Link charges up his Master Sword* Sephiorth: Cloud! Don’t do this, don’t go against your orders! Cloud: OMNISLASH! Link: MASTER SWORD ENERGY BLAST! *Both attacks hit Sephiroth, and he disintegrates into the air.* Link: Thanks Cloud, I couldn’t have done it without you. Now, I need to get to the stadiu-. Cloud: No. Now…we fight. Link: ! Cloud: *starts charging at Link* RIIIIIIIINNNNKKKUUUUU!!!! Link: *starts charging at Cloud* CRRRROOOOUUDDUUUU!!!! ???: Enough, both of you. *A voice calls out from the skies* You may continue your fight once you reach the Battle Stadium. Link and Cloud: …Hmmph *Both then enter the stadium* ~*Part 5: Fin*~ Hey, this looks kind of like the Battle Royale! Mario may have resisted SFF better than most expected, but I don’t see Samus holding up as well. Cloud and Seph…we know what happens there, we’ve seen it enough already. Moltar’s Match Pic: Moltar’s Bracket Says: Link > Cloud Moltar’s Prediction is: Link: 40% - Cloud: 26% - Sephiroth: 19% - Samus: 15% Heroic Mario’s Analysis The only thing in this match that matters is the difference between Link and Cloud. Cloud has been stepping it up the entire contest, and now that he's going up against Link for the first time, it's time for him to show he's got what it takes to win the finals. With Sephiroth in the poll, that's going to be difficult, but I think if Cloud can get within 5% of Link here he would be a big favorite to take it to the fairy boy next round. After Link's inability to really SFF Mario last round, it should be interesting to see what happens here between him and Samus. Personally, I think Samus is going to fall apart here. I'm not sure that I buy Link has “lost” his ability to SFF Nintendo competition, and there's a good chance that Mario had some reason to overperform last round with Galaxy right around the corner – if you believe that matters. That said, I wouldn't be too surprised if she did manage to hold up relatively well. Link might have to start worrying then. As for Cloud and Sephiroth, that one should go about as expected. Sephiroth has never been one to hit slammed with SFF against Cloud, and I don't expect him to hurt all that much here. Cloud will certainly take a fair share of his votes, but he isn't going to be in the same position as Samus. Unfortunately, Sephiroth being here does ensure that Cloud doesn't beat Link – color me shocked if he does, and this contest over. But yeah, this should be a good match to see just because of what it could mean in a couple of days, but otuside of that, it'll be pretty tame. woo kick some ass cloud Link – 35% Cloud – 30% Sephiroth – 25% Samus – 10% Bracket: Link > Cloud Vote: Cloud Strife baby! Yoblazer’s Analysis Wow, who'd have thought we'd be seeing matches that would relegate Link vs. Cloud to an afterthought? Amazing stuff, but this match, as filled to the brim with power as it may be, should still give us a breather. We know who'll move on and in what order, so I don't think a long analysis is necessary. |
Master Moltar | Posted 11/1/2007 8:39:25 PM | message detail |
Link and Cloud will obviously be our two winners
today. While Link is probably still stronger, he'll get an overvalued
free pass into the finals as the first place winner. This is simply
because Link will put a lot more Nintendo hurt on Samus than Cloud will
put Square hurt on Sephiroth. Of course, most of us assumed the same
thing last round only to have Mario pull out a shocker, so who knows.
Unlike Mario, however, Samus doesn't have a hugely anticipated game on
the horizon, nor does she have the "it's freaking Mario" factor, so I
sincerely doubt she'll hold up nearly as well as her portly counterpart. All that's left here is to guess the company percentages, which, due to the massive SFF present in this match, may be just as or more important than the individuals. I expect them to be pretty even, but I'll still give the slight edge to Nintendo. Link > Cloud > Sephiroth > Samus, and that's all she wrote. Link - 36% Cloud Strife - 28% Sephiroth - 21% Samus Aran - 15% Lopen’s Analysis This match is interesting enough that I don't need to resort to erotic Sephiroth fanfiction. Aren't you people happy? Yes, although the match's result is pretty well guaranteed thanks to Sephiroth being here, I'm still interested in seeing this match. I think Cloud comes fairly close. Not because Samus is hurting Link so much, but because Cloud is just a cut above Link this year, and Sephiroth's appearance isn't going to slow him down as much as would be needed to not make this at least somewhat close. Huh.. maybe this match is boring enough to warrant fanfiction? What the hell. I really don't have much more to say here. Samus should cave now that she has really good Nintendo based opposition like the Battle Royal. I thought she'd cave earlier but uh, doesn't seem like that was the case. I guess Mega Man isn't actually Nintendo? Huh. Guess it was just because he was shooting Yoshi in the face after all and Yoshi was the reason Samus looked vulnerable in round 4. Oh, wait, wait. Mega Man Old School SFFed Yoshi. That too. Samus... isn't really old school. I mean, yeah, Metroid came out before any game with Yoshi in it, but that game wasn't a big piece of her popularity at all. What does any of this have to do with this match? Guess it's just to explain why I have Samus so low here, as Link will be proving she still caves when respectable Nintendo opponents are around. Indeed... she will be going down... on Sephiroth's long blue bar, as he smi-- that's enough of this match! Bring on the Chief! Lopen's prediction: Link - 34.00% Cloud - 28.11% Sephiroth - 22.85% Samus - 15.04% Transience’s Analysis it's sad -- here's a match with arguably the four strongest characters in contest history all at once, and it's likely the most boring match of the past two weeks. then again, I'm currently watching a Tetris Block hold on for dear life against three of the most popular characters ever invented, so who knows? I love that thing. every few minutes, it hits me -- jesus christ, it's a ****ing tetris block. and I smile. anyway! Clinkerothamus. better known as Link/Samus vs. Cloud/Sephiroth. Cloud and Sephiroth hail from the same game while Samus is far more independent, so you'd think Cloud would benefit here because he could SFF the guy from his game harder than Link could.. but nope. Sephiroth does admirably against Cloud each year while Link beats the holy hell out of Samus. this is a match that will be more about the total percentages between the Nintendo and Square fanbases than a competitive, interesting match. *hits reload* L-BLOCK DOWN 26 AUGH |
Master Moltar | Posted 11/1/2007 8:39:48 PM | message detail |
and they'd be wrong. Clinkerothamus! L-Block's gonna join the club mess up the final transience's prediction: Link with 37.99%, Cloud with 25.97%, Sephiroth with 21.25%, Samus with 14.79% Crew Consensus: Link > Cloud duh |
SonicRaptor | Posted 11/1/2007 8:41:30 PM | message detail |
I want to see L-Block and Master Chief in singles action. Those two characters seem so god damned strong (MC in particular who boosted HUGE) that I want to see 1-on-1 matches to see what it's done for them. --- Today's Subliminal Thought Is: |
Keno316 | Posted 11/1/2007 8:43:22 PM | message detail |
I just wish Crono/Vincent hadn't happened for this would have been an epic way to "end" the Noble Nine. --- "Opinions are like butts, little girl. Everyone's got one and nobody thinks their's stink." -Lunar 2:EB *Claims KG's Eclair, C.C. & Tear Grants* |
hochiminh155 | Posted 11/1/2007 8:44:17 PM | message detail |
aww yeah, Solid Snake making cuts at an alarming rate --- Hochiminh155's Trail to Victory Future winner of the Summer 2007 Contest |
BDawg | Posted 11/1/2007 8:44:30 PM | message detail |
My conclusion for this match is Snake is a damn tease and I hate him forever. ....Wait Dante, Chief, and the block again? Yeah I'm voting Snake. --- Should I start running now? |
HeroicTronBonne | Posted 11/1/2007 8:46:08 PM | message detail |
Give it up Snake. Your finished my buddy :/ --- GSB International Champion WWEGSB Hardcore Legend and Board 8er Masa/Hiko |
KamikazePotato | Posted 11/1/2007 8:47:25 PM | message detail |
Comrade L-Block has seized the day! --- The apples were too strong for him.- Abomstar |
Sykolan | Posted 11/1/2007 8:48:17 PM | message detail |
I'm still too nervous to call a Game-Set-Match here. All I can keep doing is telling L-Block to hold its ground. >_> --- Pokemon Diamond FC: 0215-7322-4653 "Blacker than a moonless night, hotter and more bitter than hell itself...that is coffee." -Godot, PW T&T |
hochiminh155 | Posted 11/1/2007 8:48:26 PM | message detail |
Link: 40% Cloud: 27% Seph: 21% Samus: 12% --- Hochiminh155's Trail to Victory Future winner of the Summer 2007 Contest |
creativename | Posted 11/1/2007 8:49:16 PM | message detail |
In honor of Comrad L-Block's victory today, and as per the
recommendation of someone in this topic (I forget who), I will make the
L-Block the icon for my site (the thing that shows up in the address
bar of your browser). Someone give me a good picture to use. --- |
chocoboslayer | Posted 11/1/2007 8:49:46 PM | message detail |
Now, Snake? NOW? You start to fight back now? WHERE THE **** HAVE YOU BEEN FOR THE PAST 23 HOURS!? --- PotD's OFFICIAL King of Games! The Choco. The Cream of Yuna Fanboyism. |
KleenexTissue50 | Posted 11/1/2007 8:50:20 PM | message detail |
Too bad he didn't start this earlier. --- CB6 - 330/470; Oracle - 33rd |
greatone10 | Posted 11/1/2007 8:50:25 PM | message detail |
This is a little lat for cuts Snake, unless you can gain 150 votes next update. --- Donkey Kong Country 2 for next Games contest. This line waiting for Guru results, because not enough people have played the Mario RPGs. |
Master Moltar | Posted 11/1/2007 8:50:31 PM | message detail |
Poll will run late. Expect meltdowns. --- Moltar Status: The Analysis Crew...believe Cloud/Samus/Link/Seph - Bracket: Link > Cloud - Vote: Samus (399/524) |
chaos knight | Posted 11/1/2007 8:50:36 PM | message detail |
I'd like to see a bracket next year that had the following matches: Kirby/L-Block Pikachu/L-Block Master Chief/L-Block --- You know, if Microsoft were to stage a hostile takeover of EA...I'd actually cheer them on. |
BDawg | Posted 11/1/2007 8:50:48 PM | message detail |
That Snake is gonna finish this match as close as he ever was....oh why did you choke your other two sub 300 sorties?! --- Should I start running now? |
Heroic Yuna | Posted 11/1/2007 8:51:28 PM | message detail |
From Master Moltar Posted 11/1/2007 11:50:31 PM #022 Poll will run late. Expect meltdowns. I hate you so much. =/ ~~~ Ashe. The Cream of Final Fantasy Fanboyism. |
trannyscience | Posted 11/1/2007 8:51:30 PM | message detail |
that would be me. :) this coming match is so hard to predict percentages.. if HM's prediction comes true, I'll call Cloud a near-lock. --- "The idea of rallying for Solid Snake against a Tetris block is both disgusting and necessary. *goes*" -Karma Hunter |
Sykolan | Posted 11/1/2007 8:51:32 PM | message detail |
chocoboslayer | Posted 11/1/2007 11:49:46 PM | message detail Now, Snake? NOW? You start to fight back now? WHERE THE **** HAVE YOU BEEN FOR THE PAST 23 HOURS!? XFD Judging from that result, I guess I can call Game-Set-Match in favor of L-Block. I'm grabbing a front-row seat for the resulting chaos on this board. --- Pokemon Diamond FC: 0215-7322-4653 "Blacker than a moonless night, hotter and more bitter than hell itself...that is coffee." -Godot, PW T&T |
trannyscience | Posted 11/1/2007 8:51:43 PM | message detail |
granted, it's a fanboy pick, but still! --- "The idea of rallying for Solid Snake against a Tetris block is both disgusting and necessary. *goes*" -Karma Hunter |
HeroicTronBonne | Posted 11/1/2007 8:52:09 PM | message detail |
If this poll runs late I will kill myself --- GSB International Champion WWEGSB Hardcore Legend and Board 8er Masa/Hiko |
Xcarvengerx | Posted 11/1/2007 8:52:15 PM | message detail |
Someone give me a good picture to use. Use the "eyes" of L-Block in picture 7: --- Xcarvengerx (scar-fan-gear-rex) /n/ = A plethora of quixotic illumination. The cream of Chocobo fanboyism. |
greatone10 | Posted 11/1/2007 8:54:31 PM | message detail |
Bwahahahaah! So much for that. --- Donkey Kong Country 2 for next Games contest. This line waiting for Guru results, because not enough people have played the Mario RPGs. |
chocoboslayer | Posted 11/1/2007 8:54:51 PM | message detail |
Don't make me shoot you, Eva. >_> --- PotD's OFFICIAL King of Games! The Choco. The Cream of Yuna Fanboyism. |
creativename | Posted 11/1/2007 8:54:54 PM | message detail |
Use the "eyes" of L-Block in picture 7: Image editing work for me =no-no Someone just link me to an image to use, which would look good shrunken :) --- |
HeroicTronBonne | Posted 11/1/2007 8:55:11 PM | message detail |
hahaha snake can't even go out good --- GSB International Champion WWEGSB Hardcore Legend and Board 8er Masa/Hiko |
wavedash101 | Posted 11/1/2007 8:55:36 PM | message detail |
lol searching for "block" brings up 11 pages of results --- Our shields cannot withstand wavedashing of this magnitude! Annoying posters! I am the great wavedash! [no u cru] |
trannyscience | Posted 11/1/2007 8:55:56 PM | message detail |
ha, nice gain. a nice way to end the Worst Comeback Ever. Snake's day vote really was the end of him here. --- "The idea of rallying for Solid Snake against a Tetris block is both disgusting and necessary. *goes*" -Karma Hunter |
Sykolan | Posted 11/1/2007 8:56:28 PM | message detail |
chocoboslayer | Posted 11/1/2007 11:54:51 PM | message detail Don't make me shoot you, Eva. >_> Do not utter that name here again, or else. <_< --- Pokemon Diamond FC: 0215-7322-4653 "Blacker than a moonless night, hotter and more bitter than hell itself...that is coffee." -Godot, PW T&T |
Starving Writer | Posted 11/1/2007 8:56:33 PM | message detail |
278 lead, and the stall is on! L-Block > Link confirmed? What if L-Block gets his usual 29%? That leaves 71% among Cloud, Link, and Snake. How much will Snake get, and will the Cloud/Link split be enough to give L-Block the victory? --- Starving Writer I reject your reality and substitute my own. |
trannyscience | Posted 11/1/2007 8:56:39 PM | message detail |
I'll peek around for you tonight, creative. for now, there's a match to watch! --- "The idea of rallying for Solid Snake against a Tetris block is both disgusting and necessary. *goes*" -Karma Hunter |
Heroic Yuna | Posted 11/1/2007 8:59:32 PM | message detail |
come on mario vs. crono do it please ~~~ Ashe. The Cream of Final Fantasy Fanboyism. |
BDawg | Posted 11/1/2007 9:00:02 PM | message detail |
I guess some people would giggle with glee if L-block won the whole
contest, but to me it would just signal no one really gives a ****
about the popularity polls anymore. --- Should I start running now? |
creativename | Posted 11/1/2007 9:00:10 PM | message detail |
Used one I found in Google. FireFox doesn't seem to refresh it though even with cntrl+f5, but whatever. --- |
Master Moltar | Posted 11/1/2007 9:00:18 PM | message detail |
Cloud Strife 10.81% 4 Samus Aran 27.03% 10 Link 48.65% 18 Sephiroth 13.51% 5 TOTAL VOTES 37 augh --- Moltar Status: The Analysis Crew...believe Cloud/Samus/Link/Seph - Bracket: Link > Cloud - Vote: Samus (399/524) |
Lieutenant Kettch | Posted 11/1/2007 9:00:20 PM | message detail |
Pretty average match pics this time. Guess that's to be expected after the great ones today though. |
YoAriel33 | Posted 11/1/2007 9:00:22 PM | message detail |
Cloud Strife 0% 0 Samus Aran 14.29% 1 Link 85.71% 6 Sephiroth 0% 0 TOTAL VOTES 7 It really is that bad! --- yoblazer33: NO LIMITZ Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world! |
Janus5000 | Posted 11/1/2007 9:00:22 PM | message detail |
Cloud Strife 14.71% 10 Samus Aran 23.53% 16 Link 48.53% 33 Sephiroth 13.24% 9 TOTAL VOTES 68 augh --- "Those who cast the vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything." - Joseph Stalin |
trannyscience | Posted 11/1/2007 9:00:28 PM | message detail |
aw yeah Samus > Cloud --- "The idea of rallying for Solid Snake against a Tetris block is both disgusting and necessary. *goes*" -Karma Hunter |
Heroic Yuna | Posted 11/1/2007 9:00:36 PM | message detail |
Cloud Strife 14.74% 14 Samus Aran 25.26% 24 Link 48.42% 46 Sephiroth 11.58% 11 TOTAL VOTES 95 ~~~ Ashe. The Cream of Final Fantasy Fanboyism. |
Tediz247 | Posted 11/1/2007 9:00:43 PM | message detail |
Cloud Strife 15.12% 13 Samus Aran 25.58% 22 Link 48.84% 42 Sephiroth 10.47% 9 TOTAL VOTES 86 eww link board vote --- That... was her final mission. And like a true soldier, she saw it through the end. ZSB [aX] |
KamikazePotato | Posted 11/1/2007 9:00:45 PM | message detail |
haha SMAUS>CLOD --- The apples were too strong for him.- Abomstar |