GameFAQs Contests
Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 539
Haste_2 | Posted 10/31/2007 8:25:51 AM | message detail |
*comfortably above the others' --- "Ah, a party! We haven't had one of those. It could be fun! So...what is a party?" "Well, you drink punch and eat CAKE! ...I think." |
consolefreak | Posted 10/31/2007 8:37:28 AM | message detail |
Sonic and Snake might hurt each other a bit due to both being in
SSBB... it makes me wonder even more tomorrow, especially about Sonic.
I think Snake's comfortably enough the others popularity to ensure
first place regardless, though. That possible SSBB overlap isn't a big deal, really -- if SSBB is the only portion of their strength they will be splitting, they'll be just fine. I'd sooner worry about a potential Snake-Squall split. On that note, I'd like to say that while I think Squall will finish behind Sonic, I would be the last attribute it to a lack of Sora-Squall overlap. If Sonic beats Squall tomorrow, I'm attributing it to Snake. In fact, Snake being in the poll is the only reason I even expect Sonic to beat Squall tomorrow. I'm saying it beforehand so there's no "keeping the myth alive", "lol post-result explaining" or whatever crap. Anyway, if I was a betting man, I'd say it'll be Snake > Sonic tomorrow. However, I give that result like a 35% of actually happening. It should be a great match tomorrow. --- 348/448. Today : Master Chief > Ganondorf. Tomorrow : Sonic > Snake *One_Winged_Ange* |
paraboxx | Posted 10/31/2007 8:43:46 AM | message detail |
I'd just like to take this opportunity to laugh at everyone who called this match an hour in. *clears throat* Ha (Not naming names, as I'm not that much of an ass, but you know who you are.) |
GrapefruitKing | Posted 10/31/2007 8:46:44 AM | message detail |
Snake not getting first place would be more shocking than any other result --- Oracle Prediction: ~ Monster Chief 32.91% - Luigi 23.77% - Dante Hicks 23.64% - Piece of crap 19.68%~ Status: OK |
Dilated Chemist | Posted 10/31/2007 8:51:28 AM | message detail |
Sonic > Snake > Squall > L-Block Might be the closest poll in this contest. 25/25/25/25 --- Our life is short and our days run; as fast away as does the sun. And as a vapour or a drop of rain; once lost can ne'er be found again. |
Mac Arrowny | Posted 10/31/2007 8:57:43 AM | message detail |
Snake > L Book it. --- Rapid analysis, accurate judgment, and superb powers of concentration. That is all we need. |
Lopen | Posted 10/31/2007 8:59:28 AM | message detail |
Hahaha. How bout that Nintendo morning vote? I had a feeling this was over when Dante started coming back before the night vote. Good show, my man. --- "GUYS I JUST DRANK A MASTER CHIEF SODA, MASTER CHIEF FOR 2007!" - Swirldude |
YoAriel33 | Posted 10/31/2007 9:03:34 AM | message detail |
So, what do you guys think the percentages would be if Pikachu was replaced with Leon? --- yoblazer33: NO LIMITZ Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world! |
Ngamer64 | Posted 10/31/2007 9:05:39 AM | message detail |
Oh goody, the debate on tomorrow has broken out. I did a big writeup on
why you shouldn't count L-Block out for 2nd place over in red's topic,
where he says "I had to make the topic, and certain people have gotten
it in their head that L-block cannot be stopped. They are, well,
completely wrong. L-Blocks run, despite my vote and many of our votes,
is doomed to failure in the next wrong. It is over." Which I countered with: While I agree that Sonic is still the favorite in the match, to say that L (who I'm going to refer to in the masculine for the remainder of this post for ease of use) has no chance of finishing second is completely nonsensical. Please consider the following points: * L-Block is highly pic sensitive. L isn't supported unless voters "get the joke." When he looked like a sponge in R1, the Block ended up posting a relatively pathetic performance, allowing Kirby to beat him by over 17k votes. But after the picture improved in R2, he amazed us by stomping Kirby by nearly 5k, and here in R3, where for the first time he was unmistakably "oh yeah, that thing from Tetris!" he amazed us even further by hanging tight with Snake. Since R4 will feature all user-created pics, L is a virtual lock to receive a very favorable picture, which should at the very least maintain the near-Snake strength yesterday's picture already allowed him to display in this format. * L-Block is supported by old-school/nostalgia voters. As that unrecognizable sponge in R1, L's only accomplishment was to top two other characters that are quite frankly jokes themselves, in this or any other format. But once it became clear to all voters that "ohhh, I get it; this is that piece I spent hours flipping and dropping back on my NES/GameBoy!" in R2, lo and behold he suddenly laid the wood to Kirby and Donkey Kong, two characters loved for their pre-32 bit success who haven't done all that much for us lately. Meanwhile, PS2 icon Kratos escaped unscathed in that poll. Now sure, Kratos collapsed in R3, but it seems clear that was more a result of heavy PS2/badass SFF from Snake rather than anything L did to him specifically. Where does that leave us for R4? Let's see, we'll have two PS2 characters possibly weakening each other, while the third option is... an old-school character loved for his pre-32 bit success who hasn't done much for us lately. Granted there will be no Donkey Kong to pull votes from Sonic, but the way L has continued to increase in strength combined with Sonic's failure to distance himself from Squall today may mean that the Block won't be needing any additional help at all. Which ties into the next point... * L-Block is gaining momentum. Over 80% of voters visit GameFAQs on a daily basis [ ]. Given that this will be L-Block's fourth appearance, it's safe to assume that around 90% of visitors will have seen him in at least one poll by now, and by this time will be able to recognize him as the Tetris piece, even if they didn't realize that back in R1 (which seems likely, given his relatively awful performance). They're also going to be aware that people must be voting this "character" in droves for him to have advanced this deep into the tournament, and it's highly likely they're going to find that fact funny, and want to continue the fun by advancing him even further with their own vote. You could also make a case for the opposite happening- voters are sure to backlash against a non-character when they see it advancing TOO far into a Contest. But given that we just saw L go from 28.33 on Kratos/Kirby/DK to 28.63% on Snake/Kratos/Riku, the later of which he lead outright for over four hours, I'd have to say that your case would be somewhat less than air-tight. |
Ngamer64 | Posted 10/31/2007 9:06:39 AM | message detail |
* The potential for Snake/Sonic SFF now exists.
R2 saw Sonic seemingly explode in popularity in the wake of his Brawl
announcement video, in much the same way that Snake exploded to
never-before seen heights in 2006 in the wake of his shocking E3
entrance video. As you no doubt recall, he was a force to be reckoned
with all last Contest, easily dispatching of Squall, MM, and Sonic and
coming in a heavy favorite for his Championship battle with Samus. And
yet, the first time he met a fellow SSB participant on his own
popularity level he collapsed back to pre-Brawl levels, allowing Samus
to pretty much make a fool of him en route to an easy victory. Now I'm not saying that just because they now have Brawl hype and entrance videos in common Snake is going to use that shared fanbase to embarrass Sonic as badly as Samus exposed him last year. What I am saying is that he won't need to. Even if only 3 to 4% of voters are supporting Snake and Sonic more for "oh, he looked so cool in that Brawl trailer, can't wait play as him!" rather than because they're dedicated fans of the series, all L-Block might need to advance would be the slightest split in that casual fanbase in favor of Sonic. If even two of the earlier three points are relevant, the margin between Sonic and L for next round could very well already be that razor-thin. --- So take that for what you will. Now let's get that L hype machine going! --- The 2007 Guru Rankings! = lol x-stats |
Lopen | Posted 10/31/2007 9:13:35 AM | message detail |
Master Chief - 35% Luigi - 25% Dante - 22% Leon - 18% That's how I see it going if you replace Pika with Leon. Damn that reverse QXGJPFF for being so strong. --- "GUYS I JUST DRANK A MASTER CHIEF SODA, MASTER CHIEF FOR 2007!" - Swirldude |
Lopen | Posted 10/31/2007 9:16:10 AM | message detail |
And I'm tired of people saying that Snake and Sonic are gonna hurt each
other from being in Brawl. I mean, these guys were Noble Nine long
before they were announced for SSBB. That's all gravy votes they're
going to split. They're not going to suddenly SFF each other below
their previous Noble Nine levels. Even assuming the maximum SFF possible from Snake to Sonic, there's no reason he should lose to Squall. --- "GUYS I JUST DRANK A MASTER CHIEF SODA, MASTER CHIEF FOR 2007!" - Swirldude |
Crimson Dragoon | Posted 10/31/2007 9:18:05 AM | message detail |
L-Block: 98.7% Squall: 0.6% Snake: 0.4% Sonic: 0.3% Close race for second IMO. --- ~FFDragon. (at Work !!) The Cream of Resident Evil Fanboyism. |
consolefreak | Posted 10/31/2007 9:21:06 AM | message detail |
And I'm tired of people saying that Snake and Sonic are gonna hurt
each other from being in Brawl. I mean, these guys were Noble Nine long
before they were announced for SSBB. That's all gravy votes they're
going to split. They're not going to suddenly SFF each other below
their previous Noble Nine levels.. This. --- 348/448. Today : Master Chief > Ganondorf. Tomorrow : Sonic > Snake *One_Winged_Ange* |
BesaidGuy | Posted 10/31/2007 9:26:02 AM | message detail |
So how does Pikachu work. Does he carry the staff of Nintendo that
heavily when no other Nintendo characters are in the poll and then
shrink against popular Nintendo characters? No one has confused me more. On Another note, how good would Luigi be doing right now if Pikachu was not in the poll and it was Leon? Would he be winning with 3 Gunners in one poll? Also, I am trying to find a reason why my boy MC is doing so poorly but I can not explain this. Does he falter against other badasses with guns, if so Snake is going to LFF him to all hell. I still Believe --- Leader of the Master Chief Bandwagon Believe |
Ngamer64 | Posted 10/31/2007 9:26:33 AM | message detail |
Agreed. The point is, Snake's going to be strong, Squall's not going to roll over and die, and Sonic could very well need
those gravy votes just to survive L-Block. Heck, without those gravy
votes he could have already been upset by Squall last around, if his
pre-gravy R1 result was any indication of his pure NN super-strength. --- The 2007 Guru Rankings! = lol x-stats |
Lopen | Posted 10/31/2007 9:32:16 AM | message detail |
Huh? This isn't a poor performance from Master Chief. He's looking to
finish around the same as he was last round... a bit lower. I was
calling for him to finish at exactly the same amount, but this isn't
too surprising. He's looking to outdo common expectations it seems. --- "GUYS I JUST DRANK A MASTER CHIEF SODA, MASTER CHIEF FOR 2007!" - Swirldude |
Zylo the wolf | Posted 10/31/2007 9:33:55 AM | message detail |
Dante was 10% above Masterchief last year, so MC is looking really good. lol x-stats in this format. --- Ngamer64: Zylo, you're making less sense every day. Kyle Bowen: Ignore me then and dont be an ass when I post. It solves everything. |
Lopen | Posted 10/31/2007 9:35:25 AM | message detail |
I also think L-Block's performance of last round
is being a bit overrated. Yeah, he got 28% with Snake in the poll, but
it was Solid ****. No chance he manages that with a real Snake. I don't like L-Block's chances tomorrow, and this is more than just my hatred for him talking. I could see him finishing last pretty easily, honestly. This is the first four pack where he's got really strong opposition all around and someone to take his old school cred. --- "GUYS I JUST DRANK A MASTER CHIEF SODA, MASTER CHIEF FOR 2007!" - Swirldude |
BesaidGuy | Posted 10/31/2007 9:35:44 AM | message detail |
Luigi, Dante,Pikachu are nowhere near NN level. Hell, Luigi and Pikachu are SFF each other. I thought MC would destroy Dante because of the whole "Being a Badass with a gun and sword" Don't worry Lopen, I still Believe in Finishing the Fight Leader of the Master Chief Bandwagon Believe |
Lopen | Posted 10/31/2007 9:39:35 AM | message detail |
Yeah, but Ganondorf and Luigi were SFFing each other last round. Even
if you believe in significant weakening from Nintendo SFF in this
format, (I don't) there's no reason to expect much better out of him.
Dante more than makes up the difference between Ganondorf and Pikachu. This is still a good performance from him assuming he manages to rip up the ASV like he always does. Easily better than Sonic looked last round in my opinion. (and Snake too but you know, Solid **** leaves room for doubt) --- "GUYS I JUST DRANK A MASTER CHIEF SODA, MASTER CHIEF FOR 2007!" - Swirldude |
Lopen | Posted 10/31/2007 9:44:41 AM | message detail |
Overall weakening from SFF, that is. Obviously Ganondorf was SFFed by
Luigi, for instance. I just don't think Luigi was too much weaker as a
Ngamer64 | Posted 10/31/2007 9:46:36 AM | message detail |
In fact, let's test that out. A three-way with everyone at their base stats and no SFF using last year's numbers would go Snake 38.04% Sonic 32.28% Squall 29.68% Now let's say that L isn't supported with as loyal a fanbase as some suspect, and so in the face of this strong competition tomorrow he falls from the 30% he's been pulling to a little under 25%. Fair enough, right? Well, here's the results when L gets just under 25, taking votes from all the other character in equal proportion. Snake 29.00% L-Block 24.53% Sonic 24.49% Squall 22.68% Uh oh! Sonic's strong base of support he should naturally carry around as an NNer wasn't enough to save him! This is what I mean why I say that you can't downplay potential SFF, because even the slightest swing of that Nintendo gravy train is going to be what decides this match. --- The 2007 Guru Rankings! = lol x-stats |
PortugalTheMann | Posted 10/31/2007 9:48:29 AM | message detail |
Dante currently dominating, and Luigi only managing to stall with the morning (which is > his afternoon, yes?). Oh man, best result I have woke up to in a loooooooooong time. Kick his ass Danta! --- Explicit Content. hungry like the wolf |
YoAriel33 | Posted 10/31/2007 9:51:14 AM | message detail |
Luigi is proof that pedophiles get no respect. |
Zylo the wolf | Posted 10/31/2007 9:52:46 AM | message detail |
I doubt that the L-Block will get above 20% tomorrow. Sure it has a lot
of hardcore fans here on Board 8, but Snake, Squall and Sonic is on at
least two tiers ahead of anything that the L-Block have faced so far.
If it had knocked out a character who had done something in this
contest I would have been worried. All Kirby has done is to blow out
Tidus, DK is known for his chockes and this is the first year where
Kratos and Riku wins a match (If you count advance in this format as a
win in Riku's case). However I've been wrong before, but personally I think Squall is a lot more dangerous than the L-Block to cause an upset. --- Ngamer64: Zylo, you're making less sense every day. Kyle Bowen: Ignore me then and dont be an ass when I post. It solves everything. |
Lopen | Posted 10/31/2007 9:54:00 AM | message detail |
When assuming L-Block's fanbase is so loyal, you
can't really base L-Block's stats off of a full strength Snake though.
Solid **** would probably lose to Sonic or Squall in a four way. Yeah, him maintaining the same percent was something impressive... but really given Solid **** I would've only expected him to drop a few percent or so anyway. --- "GUYS I JUST DRANK A MASTER CHIEF SODA, MASTER CHIEF FOR 2007!" - Swirldude |
nintendogirl1 | Posted 10/31/2007 9:54:27 AM | message detail |
Yeah, playing with Moltar's formula means L needs only 24.08% before
he's beating Sonic keeping last years numbers as constant for the other
3. --- That isn't too impossible. |
PortugalTheMann | Posted 10/31/2007 9:54:38 AM | message detail |
also i had a dream last night where sonic was no where to be found in any of the match pics, and he had barely over 2%. my baconrage was endless. --- Explicit Content. hungry like the wolf |
Haste_2 | Posted 10/31/2007 9:55:45 AM | message detail |
On that note, I'd like to say that while I think Squall will finish
behind Sonic, I would be the last attribute it to a lack of Sora-Squall
overlap. If Sonic beats Squall tomorrow, I'm attributing it to Snake.
In fact, Snake being in the poll is the only reason I even expect Sonic
to beat Squall tomorrow. I'm saying it beforehand so there's no
"keeping the myth alive", "lol post-result explaining" or whatever crap. Ah, but keep in mind it will never be proven regardless. Lara did worse in the second round in relation to Sora between Round 1 and Round 2 (when Sora met with Squall/Aeris) when it should've been the opposite, and it can't be proven that it was getting hit by that "last place factor" that happens so randomly. Pretty much all other arguments either way will involve a large amount of bias. Anyway, most LFF isn't that big, anyway, and at best I would assume Squall was hurt by Sora as much as Bowser suffered from Mewtwo and Toad... that is to say, not much... in fact, if you took Mewtwo or Toad out, the Bowser/Ryu difference between R1 and R2 might as well be negligible. --- "Ah, a party! We haven't had one of those. It could be fun! So...what is a party?" "Well, you drink punch and eat CAKE! ...I think." |
nintendogirl1 | Posted 10/31/2007 9:59:22 AM | message detail |
The formula also says L with 28.28% gives L-Block the outright victory
assuming everyone stayed constant and no SFF. Bearing in mind we don't
know where the SFF wil go ... Counting it out seems a little premature. --- Yay contribution for L! |
YoAriel33 | Posted 10/31/2007 9:59:26 AM | message detail |
The thing that worries me about L-Block is that he actually managed to increase percentage after upgrading his competition from two Nintendo guys splitting votes to Solid Snake. However, I'm sure Snake's picture had much to do with that for two reasons: Snake's final percentage was outrageously low, and, based on that match, Kratos would be projected to score over 39% on Snake, which is a complete load. |
nintendogirl1 | Posted 10/31/2007 9:59:37 AM | message detail |
*28.38 --- Sorry. |
hochiminh155 | Posted 10/31/2007 10:07:14 AM | message detail |
Nintendo fans are dense. By letting Pikachu in this round, they've killed the chances of both him and Luigi advancing --- Hochiminh155's Trail to Victory Future winner of the Summer 2007 Contest |
SirAlexTrebek | Posted 10/31/2007 10:09:55 AM | message detail |
FFVII fans are dense. By letting Sephiroth into next round, they've killed the chances of Cloud ever beating Link. --- ~*~ExThaNemesis~*~ "This topic is pretty hot and exciting to read." - LusterSoldier Arsenal FC: 8-0-2. Pts: 26. Position: 1st L5: W-W-W-W-D |
ZFS | Posted 10/31/2007 10:13:37 AM | message detail |
Haha, awesome. I figured Luigi would have been
looking to comeback right now, but Dante's pretty much put this one
away. Great show by Dante. --- "With each passing day, the world finds new and exciting ways to kill a man." |
consolefreak | Posted 10/31/2007 10:13:41 AM | message detail |
In fact, let's test that out. A three-way with everyone at their base stats and no SFF using last year's numbers would go Snake 38.04% Sonic 32.28% Squall 29.68% Now let's say that L isn't supported with as loyal a fanbase as some suspect, and so in the face of this strong competition tomorrow he falls from the 30% he's been pulling to a little under 25%. Fair enough, right? Well, here's the results when L gets just under 25, taking votes from all the other character in equal proportion. Snake 29.00% L-Block 24.53% Sonic 24.49% Squall 22.68% Uh oh! Sonic's strong base of support he should naturally carry around as an NNer wasn't enough to save him! This is what I mean why I say that you can't downplay potential SFF, because even the slightest swing of that Nintendo gravy train is going to be what decides this match. The problem is that adding L-block to that 3-pack doesn't quite cut the percentages that way. I see you've kept the same relations between Snake/Sonic/Squall, but it's still wrong. L-block would demand more percentage from Snake, even relatively, and L-block would still fall in third. I can't explain it, I don't know what would happen exactly, but I do know that that's wrong. Take this 3-pack as an example : Link - Vincent - Bidoof. I choose this because these are 3 characters from different strength tiers, of which we have results. The results of the actual match : Link - 51.19% Vincent - 27.75% Bidoof - 13.27% Relative strengths : Link = 1.84 Vincent Link = 3.86 Bidoof Vincent = 2.1 Bidoof Let's use Morgoth's formula for this, and give Link an Xs of 50, Vincent an Xs of 37, and Bidoof an Xs of 20. Not only are these feasible numbers, their relative strenghts are nearly perfecly kept in line with the ones I posted. Anyway, adding a character with an Xs of, say, 30,(let's call this character 'X') the results become : Link - 41.23% Vincent - 26.15% X - 20.08% Bidoof - 12.55% Relative strengths : Link = 1.58 Vincent Link = 3.29 Bidoof Vincent = 2.08 Bidoof You can clearly see how adding a character that is weaker than Vincent and Link, but stronger than Bidoof, hurts them more. In fact, the stronger the character is, the more it gets hurt. Of course, there is no change in hierarchy. I just wanted to point this out, since it goes without saying that if L-block gets around 25%, he's a big threat for second place. --- 348/448. Today : Master Chief > Ganondorf. Tomorrow : Sonic > Snake *One_Winged_Ange* |
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/31/2007 10:15:18 AM | message detail |
The thing is, Kratos is expected to get 33% on Snake in 2006, and if
you sillily believe MM wasn't overrated like many of you recently have,
he could have made that up with GoW2. Of course you also have to
believe Snake wouldn't hurt him at all... --- Samus 2K5 is horribly underrated, and is indirectly stronger than Mario. KHF sucks and never existed either, much like my package |
PortugalTheMann | Posted 10/31/2007 10:16:31 AM | message detail |
Going for Sonic > Snake, or L > Snake tomorrow. I think that's my only chance of survival. --- Explicit Content. hungry like the wolf |
consolefreak | Posted 10/31/2007 10:20:42 AM | message detail |
Ah, but keep in mind it will never be proven regardless. Lara did
worse in the second round in relation to Sora between Round 1 and Round
2 (when Sora met with Squall/Aeris) when it should've been the
opposite, and it can't be proven that it was getting hit by that "last
place factor" that happens so randomly. Pretty much all other arguments
either way will involve a large amount of bias. Anyway, most LFF isn't
that big, anyway, and at best I would assume Squall was hurt by Sora as
much as Bowser suffered from Mewtwo and Toad... that is to say, not
much... in fact, if you took Mewtwo or Toad out, the Bowser/Ryu
difference between R1 and R2 might as well be negligible. I realise it will not be proven regardless, but it's just to secure my views for possible further arguments -- I wouldn't want them reduced to being "a complete joke", "literally comical", "desperately clinging on to a fading idea", etc. because people can't fathom the idea existing before the match. --- 348/448. Today : Master Chief > Ganondorf. Tomorrow : Sonic > Snake *One_Winged_Ange* |
YoAriel33 | Posted 10/31/2007 10:40:53 AM | message detail |
Of course you also have to believe Snake wouldn't hurt him at all... *chuckles like a jolly fat man* |
Link The Hylian | Posted 10/31/2007 10:43:13 AM | message detail |
Man it must suck being a Luigi supporter right now. Its like Pikachu
pulled that crap off last round for the sole purpose of screwing him
over. --- "The PS2 had 12,000,000 pre orders. To give you an idea of how many people that is that's over half of the world population." - DifferentialEquation |
YoAriel33 | Posted 10/31/2007 10:50:04 AM | message detail |
Man it must suck being a Luigi supporter right now. Its like Pikachu
pulled that crap off last round for the sole purpose of screwing him
over. That's exactly how it feels. Leon's presence would, at the very least, give Luigi a comfortable second place, and I still believe it would also give him a decent shot at Master Chief. Remove Pikachu, Luigi instantly gets more percentage points than his two opponents. Insert Leon, Dante gets hurt more than anyone else, while Luigi gets hurt the least. Easy second place, shot at first. We've already seen what happens when you remove a detriment and add an asset (think Riku/Roxas/Hayabusa/Snake). Granted, the overlap between Luigi and Pikachu won't be as large as Riku's, but neither is the lead Luigi would have to overcome. |
consolefreak | Posted 10/31/2007 11:00:44 AM | message detail |
Luigi supports are in no position to be
complaining in the first place, though. They're lucky enough that he
made it past Ganon, due only to pic factor. --- 348/448. Today : Master Chief > Ganondorf. Tomorrow : Sonic > Snake *One_Winged_Ange* |
consolefreak | Posted 10/31/2007 11:01:00 AM | message detail |
Supporters* --- 348/448. Today : Master Chief > Ganondorf. Tomorrow : Sonic > Snake *One_Winged_Ange* |
Haste_2 | Posted 10/31/2007 11:17:08 AM | message detail |
I realise it will not be proven regardless, but it's just to secure
my views for possible further arguments -- I wouldn't want them reduced
to being "a complete joke", "literally comical", "desperately clinging
on to a fading idea", etc. because people can't fathom the idea
existing before the match. Most definitely. I'll certainly respect any view on Sora/Squall LFF, and no matter the result next round it's not going to undeniably solve anything. Wait... how did you get those numbers for Link, Vincent, and Bidoof? Because I got... Link = 50 Vincent = 34 Bidoof = 18.25 Zelda = 11.25 Take just Link, Vincent, and Bidoof, and we should have this expected result: Link - 56% Vincent - 30% Bidoof - 14% Now, let's add L-Block at a stregth of, say, 30: Link - 43% Vincent - 24.5% L-Block - 21% Bidoof - 11.5% Link lost 23.2% of his votes, Vincent lost 18.3% of his votes, and Bidoof lost 17.9% of his votes when adding in L-Block. Not a massive difference between the proportion of votes lost between Link and Bidoof, but it's noticeable. I wouldn't say Snake would necessarily get hurt a whole lot more by L-Block than the other characters... I guess the bigger question is how fanbase splits will go, who has the more dilligent voters.. and just what the heck L-Block does. --- "Ah, a party! We haven't had one of those. It could be fun! So...what is a party?" "Well, you drink punch and eat CAKE! ...I think." |
Mac Arrowny | Posted 10/31/2007 11:18:35 AM | message detail |
When assuming L-Block's fanbase is so loyal, you can't really base
L-Block's stats off of a full strength Snake though. Solid **** would
probably lose to Sonic or Squall in a four way. Solid **** got 57% on Yoshi. You really think Squall or Sonic could match that? --- Rapid analysis, accurate judgment, and superb powers of concentration. That is all we need. |
Warsola | Posted 10/31/2007 11:19:45 AM | message detail |
If Solid **** was so weak, Riku and Kratos wouldn't have performed as
poorly as they did. I think L-Block's last match was legit, at least
for 1v1v1v1 matches. --- And if we armed them all with two swords, we'd have four times the votes! Official Head of the L-Block Belief Core! |
BDawg | Posted 10/31/2007 11:25:46 AM | message detail |
This match got pathetic, thanks a lot Luigi. Or should I say, thanks a
lot PIKACHU! At any rate if Sonic survives tomorrow's onslaught he
won't have a Luigi in the semifinals to cause overlap. Yeah if Sonic
gets through this he should be a lock for the finals, but maybe you
could say the same for L-block. Snake/Dante are bound to overlap, and I
don't think Chief will like their company too much either. Chief
probably wants Squall to advance just to cause a Playstation mosh pit. --- Should I start running now? |
consolefreak | Posted 10/31/2007 11:27:03 AM | message detail |
Wait... how did you get those numbers for Link, Vincent, and Bidoof? Because I got... Link = 50 Vincent = 34 Bidoof = 18.25 Zelda = 11.25 Take just Link, Vincent, and Bidoof, and we should have this expected result: Link - 56% Vincent - 30% Bidoof - 14% Now, let's add L-Block at a stregth of, say, 30: Link - 43% Vincent - 24.5% L-Block - 21% Bidoof - 11.5% Link lost 23.2% of his votes, Vincent lost 18.3% of his votes, and Bidoof lost 17.9% of his votes when adding in L-Block. Not a massive difference between the proportion of votes lost between Link and Bidoof, but it's noticeable. I just cut Zelda out, but gave them Xs that matched their initial proportions when adding the 4th character. I realise just cutting Zelda out isn't 'fair', so to say, but whatever disproportionate relation she had to Link's percentage doesn't make any difference in this example. I wouldn't say Snake would necessarily get hurt a whole lot more by L-Block than the other characters... I guess the bigger question is how fanbase splits will go, who has the more dilligent voters.. and just what the heck L-Block does. That is absolutely the bigger question, and the example I gave suggested a character that has zero overlap with any other (a rather unrealistic example), but I just felt like pointing that out. In this case, I would definitely expect L-block to hurt Sonic more than Snake, for example. --- 348/448. Today : Master Chief > Ganondorf. Tomorrow : Sonic > Snake *One_Winged_Ange* |