GameFAQs Contests
Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 538
Lugia2 | Posted 10/30/2007 7:09:10 AM | message detail |
Looks like Mario has gotten MUCH stronger since last year. Given how
few of those votes will go to Seph, that's good news for Link. A bigger worry would've been if he was in next round, because that wouldn've meant Cloud>Link, even if the final would still be Link>Cloud XD! --- "If the [PSP] is such a loser... why did you buy [one]?"- Saint Waldo "Because I am crazy. I also own three Wonderswans."- Chris Kohler |
YoAriel33 | Posted 10/30/2007 7:37:10 AM | message detail |
It kind of seems as if Final Fantasy is behaving much like traditional
Nintendo in terms of SFF. Cloud actually hit Auron harder than he did
in 2003, Squall killed Aeris, and Sephiroth is destroying Vincent. The
only decent split I can recall has been Vivi/Tidus (a lot of good that
did them -__-). Based on this, the split between Cloud and Sephiroth
next round may be even wider than the one in the Battle Royal, and that
would make Sephiroth look like smelly crap. --- yoblazer33: NO LIMITZ Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world! |
Forceful Dragon | Posted 10/30/2007 7:40:42 AM | message detail |
Sephiroth is going to feel like smelly crap regardless. No ways he advances so the point is moot. --- Eff Dee |
wavedash101 | Posted 10/30/2007 8:03:56 AM | message detail |
I'm betting that the main reason Mario got so hammered last year was
that the entire Nintendo fanbase was hyped to high heaven about
TP...with no Mario games to counters, the fanbase was wholly on the
Link the roles are reversed. The huge Nintendo fanbase is
looking forward to Galaxy as their mana and Link gets pushed to the
side for alot of people --- Our shields cannot withstand wavedashing of this magnitude! Annoying posters! I am the great wavedash! [no u cru] |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/30/2007 8:27:41 AM | message detail |
Hype as a legit factor confirmed. Seriously though, I never would have expected to see Mario do this after last year. Who in the hell was hurting him so much, Snake....Cloud?! Either way, Link is looking to be in very good shape now. If he can do this while being leeched by Mario, then he should be just fine alone. --- Moltar Status: The Analysis Crew...believe Seph/Mario/Link/Vincent - Bracket: Link > Seph - Vote: Mario (343/428) |
PortugalTheMann | Posted 10/30/2007 8:28:11 AM | message detail |
hey guys look how good mario is doing he could totally give seph a run for his money "lol" --- Explicit Content. hungry like the wolf |
PortugalTheMann | Posted 10/30/2007 8:29:11 AM | message detail |
Oh man... Luigi and pikachu are totally gonna bomb tomorrow. All the cool kids staying inside and voting MC and Dante for the win. --- Explicit Content. hungry like the wolf |
Tequilla Gundam | Posted 10/30/2007 8:37:08 AM | message detail |
Link/Cloud should be set equal in the x-stats this year regardless of how the finals go =/ --- Feel my truth. |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/30/2007 8:38:29 AM | message detail |
Link = Cloud even if he wins with 90% believe --- Moltar Status: The Analysis Crew...believe Seph/Mario/Link/Vincent - Bracket: Link > Seph - Vote: Mario (343/428) |
Mac Arrowny | Posted 10/30/2007 8:44:40 AM | message detail |
Link's going to win in the finals no matter who's there with him. He's just that much stronger than Cloud. --- Rapid analysis, accurate judgment, and superb powers of concentration. That is all we need. |
PortugalTheMann | Posted 10/30/2007 8:50:05 AM | message detail |
If by some chance the worst thing in the world ever happened, and
Pikachu made the finals, I think I'd have to consider Cloud the
favorite. --- Explicit Content. hungry like the wolf |
HaRRicH | Posted 10/30/2007 8:50:14 AM | message detail |
Link/Mario/Shigeru/Could gogogogogogo. --- PETITION: a "Contest Suggestions" board. Life-changing details below: |
swirIdude | Posted 10/30/2007 8:51:40 AM | message detail |
Shigeru takes first as he SFFs Link/Mario Could comes in second because it is a common word. --- Number of people who have responded to my post with only prepositions: 38 National Shoddy Battle League: 1-0 |
armitage999 | Posted 10/30/2007 8:54:11 AM | message detail |
I'm not sure if I like Mario's performance, but then again I've never
felt he was all that popular around here. With Galaxy upon us soon, I
figured it'd give him a bit of a boost. --- Insert sig here |
swirIdude | Posted 10/30/2007 8:54:57 AM | message detail |
Why can't this match be on Galaxy day? What happened to contest tradition? --- Number of people who have responded to my post with only prepositions: 38 National Shoddy Battle League: 1-0 |
HaRRicH | Posted 10/30/2007 8:59:50 AM | message detail |
Because he's not facing Cloud, that's why. If there's one thing I hated about the BR last year, it's that it forced Mario to face Cloud, twice, in unwinnable positions. Mario and Cloud NEVER needed to be in another match together after 2k2! --- PETITION: a "Contest Suggestions" board. Life-changing details below: |
Crimson Dragoon | Posted 10/30/2007 9:05:51 AM | message detail |
Vincent's percentage - Over or Under 10% by the end of the day? --- ~FFDragon. (at Work !!) The Cream of Resident Evil Fanboyism. |
Haste_2 | Posted 10/30/2007 9:14:50 AM | message detail |
Here's my thoughts on the Battle Royale... First off, let's look at the results of the first day: Link has 27.41%. Mario has 11.59%. So, Link's doing a little more than a doubling. Vote total is 159,343. Now, let's look at Day 2: Link has 34.91%. Mario has 11.18%. Link is now tripling Mario. Did Link steal 100% of Samus' votes, and Mario was affected by random variation? I'm afraid we can't use that blame and say the match was legit. Why? Reason one, Sephiroth dropped a whopping 2%, from 16.43% to 14.76%. Reason two is that the vote total dropped to 141,969. Finally, there is a third thing, which explains the dropped vote totals: many voters thought it was the same match repeated, or they were excited the first day of the BR, and stopped caring the second day... it actually rather makes sense to me Link would be the one to benefit the most... I feel it's not only Link taking the majority of Samus' votes, but the Zelda:TP hype caused fewer of the Link fans to lose interest in the later days of the Battle Royale. The interest was then regained in the final Link/Cloud battle, as evidenced by the high vote totals (152,360...up suddenly from Day 2/3/4), allowing Link/Cloud to be more accurate mathematically (barring whatever natural strength Link had from Zelda:TP hype). In short, the Battle Royale has proven to be volatile, meaning there was much potential for Mario/Link to go differently today... especially when there's only three top tier characters here, rather than five or six. I don't think Super Mario Galaxy has anything to do with today's result... the math is working out almost perfectly between Mario and LInk, and the math agreed with Mario/Sephiroth last round, too. We've seen in this contest that LFF isn't very severe, unless we're talking two characters from the same game. If you add Samus in the poll and stole all her votes from Link, I would think Mario would be unreasonably close to Link, and it wouldn't make sense for her to -not- take some votes from Mario and Sephiroth (and, uh, Vincent), anyway. --- "Ah, a party! We haven't had one of those. It could be fun! So...what is a party?" "Well, you drink punch and eat CAKE! ...I think." |
BesaidGuy | Posted 10/30/2007 9:15:38 AM | message detail |
Mario takes more votes away from Link than Squall would take away from Cloud. Yes or No? I say yes. Last year, Link was at his best. Sure Zelda is out right now on the popular DS, but console Zelda games are some of the most highly anticipated games out there. Mario had no games outside of the DS. So like someone said earlier, Nintendrones were all for Link. This year, Galaxy is out and TP was somewhat disappointing for some people, plus, Mario is the cover/face of SSBB in a small way. I will admit though that Cloud looks really strong out of nowhere. I believe that it is more about people getting sick of Link winning more than Cloud getting a boost. --- Leader of the Master Chief Bandwagon Believe |
hochiminh155 | Posted 10/30/2007 9:31:40 AM | message detail |
Why is Link so bad with the morning vote now? He used to be good with
it. Looks like in addition to weakening Link's strength, Twilight
Princess has caused Link to lose his morning vote AND his ability to
SFF too --- Hochiminh155's Trail to Victory Future winner of the Summer 2007 Contest |
BDawg | Posted 10/30/2007 11:21:24 AM | message detail |
Say what you want, I'd be surprised if Link doesn't have a higher
percentage next round. Unless Samus is suddenly SFF resistant as well,
in which case for all I know Sephiroth will beat Cloud because logic no
longer applies. Oh, and sure Link didn't hugely boost (he did clearly go up though) during the morning but he's not dropping in the dead hours either. Yeah that's pretty weird... --- Should I start running now? |
hochiminh155 | Posted 10/30/2007 12:05:00 PM | message detail |
Link isn't even good with the NPH anymore. It's clear that Link is now a different animal. A wounded animal, of course. --- Hochiminh155's Trail to Victory Future winner of the Summer 2007 Contest |
red sox 777 | Posted 10/30/2007 12:10:06 PM | message detail |
Nintendo is still over 58% here. Hopefully Link's failure to SFF Mario
into the ground means that a lower percentage of Mario's votes will be
going over to Link next round than in the Battle Royale. --- 8/30/03. Remember. |
YoAriel33 | Posted 10/30/2007 12:13:26 PM | message detail |
In and of themselves, Sephiroth is looking good while Link is looking off, but there's so much SFF in this match that ignoring company performances as a whole is silly. In that sense, Nintendo is looking like the winner here. Going by the Crew's predictions, old man Lopen was the only one who predicted Square under 44%, and they might not even reach his prediction. |
Mac Arrowny | Posted 10/30/2007 12:15:08 PM | message detail |
The better Mario does today, the more votes Link will get next round, just like with Cloud/Sephiroth in the Battle Royale. --- Rapid analysis, accurate judgment, and superb powers of concentration. That is all we need. |
BDawg | Posted 10/30/2007 12:18:14 PM | message detail |
Apparently the kiddies are so high on GameFuel they'll vote anything green..... Oh snap Luigi/Chief SFF confirmed. --- Should I start running now? |
hochiminh155 | Posted 10/30/2007 12:18:29 PM | message detail |
The better Mario does today, the more votes Link will get next round, just like with Cloud/Sephiroth in the Battle Royale. Keep telling yourself that. --- Hochiminh155's Trail to Victory Future winner of the Summer 2007 Contest |
Lopen | Posted 10/30/2007 12:20:12 PM | message detail |
The two biggest guns of Nintendo having a higher percentage than Sephiroth and Vincent
ain't that much to be proud of, company war wise. Mario's looking like
a winner, Vincent a loser. Sephiroth and Link... iffy. Leaning towards
winner for Seph and loser for Link though. --- "GUYS I JUST DRANK A MASTER CHIEF SODA, MASTER CHIEF FOR 2007!" - Swirldude |
BDawg | Posted 10/30/2007 12:22:00 PM | message detail |
If Link keeps pulling in 39% updates through the afterschool he's gonna look a lot less loserly. --- Should I start running now? |
Haste_2 | Posted 10/30/2007 12:23:45 PM | message detail |
I say this match isn't so much about Nintendo vs. Square, as it is about about Nintendo vs. Sephiroth...
Sephiroth basically consisting of the votes of both Sephiroth and
Vincent, that is (at least, almost). I'd initially find it odd to have
expected Vincent + Sephiroth together to add up to 45%... then again,
they're looking to add up to 42%, so maybe Vincent does have a good
deal of votes independent from Sephy... (otherwise, Link might be in
major danger of losing the final) --- "Ah, a party! We haven't had one of those. It could be fun! So...what is a party?" "Well, you drink punch and eat CAKE! ...I think." |
hochiminh155 | Posted 10/30/2007 12:40:34 PM | message detail |
I say this match isn't so much about Nintendo vs. Square, as it is
about about Nintendo vs. Sephiroth... Sephiroth basically consisting of
the votes of both Sephiroth and Vincent, that is (at least, almost).
I'd initially find it odd to have expected Vincent + Sephiroth together
to add up to 45%... then again, they're looking to add up to 42%, so
maybe Vincent does have a good deal of votes independent from Sephy...
(otherwise, Link might be in major danger of losing the final) Seph and Vincent are not independent and this match proves it. Seph gets 45%~ on Link. To get close to that number, you HAVE to basically add 100% of Vincents votes to Seph. Unless you believe Seph and Mario share a decent sized fanbase. This match basically is Link vs Mario vs PieSephiroth. By this I mean, you add Vincent and Seph together to equal PieSephiroth where PieSephiroth = Sephiroth, just having his voter pie divided. --- Hochiminh155's Trail to Victory Future winner of the Summer 2007 Contest |
Mac Arrowny | Posted 10/30/2007 12:41:27 PM | message detail |
aww yeah Mario stalling Seph again --- Rapid analysis, accurate judgment, and superb powers of concentration. That is all we need. |
hochiminh155 | Posted 10/30/2007 12:42:03 PM | message detail |
Regardless of what you believe, it is undeniable that this round went to Cloud. --- Hochiminh155's Trail to Victory Future winner of the Summer 2007 Contest |
swirIdude | Posted 10/30/2007 12:47:05 PM | message detail |
I'm denying it. --- Number of people who have responded to my post with only prepositions: 38 National Shoddy Battle League: 1-0 |
hochiminh155 | Posted 10/30/2007 12:48:16 PM | message detail |
But you can't deny it. It's fine if you want to believe that Link will
overcome the odds and win but the rice-cold facts are Cloud stomped
Link this round. --- Hochiminh155's Trail to Victory Future winner of the Summer 2007 Contest |
Heroic Yuna | Posted 10/30/2007 12:48:18 PM | message detail |
Pretty sure it's going to MC again. ~~~ Ashe. The Cream of Final Fantasy Fanboyism. |
Big Bob | Posted 10/30/2007 12:48:20 PM | message detail |
Just wait until Pikachu's stellar performance tomorrow! Or do you still think Isaac can beat him? --- It was merely a simple greeting. A friendly tap on the shoulder... with my whip. |
swirIdude | Posted 10/30/2007 12:49:17 PM | message detail |
lol hochi. --- Number of people who have responded to my post with only prepositions: 38 National Shoddy Battle League: 1-0 |
hochiminh155 | Posted 10/30/2007 12:50:03 PM | message detail |
Just wait until Pikachu's stellar performance tomorrow! Or do you still think Isaac can beat him? On a one-on-one, yes, I do as a matter of fact. But Pikachu has gotten lucky. He hasn't faced any Nintendo characters. Remember how badly Fox SFFed Pikachu? Luigi will do the same to Pikachu and the whole board can finally be at peace from that horrible character advancing any further. --- Hochiminh155's Trail to Victory Future winner of the Summer 2007 Contest |
swirIdude | Posted 10/30/2007 12:51:25 PM | message detail |
On a one-on-one, yes, I do as a matter of fact. So Isaac would easily be in Round 4 if Pikachu were out of the picture? --- Number of people who have responded to my post with only prepositions: 38 National Shoddy Battle League: 1-0 |
HaRRicH | Posted 10/30/2007 1:22:50 PM | message detail |
Isaac > Serge, Jade, Frank West, Matt, Spyro, Little Mac, Balthier,
Ada, Ammy, Tidus, Ridley, Vivi, Leon, and Dante if Pikachu wasn't in
the picture...? Confirmed. --- PETITION: a "Contest Suggestions" board. Life-changing details below: |
hochiminh155 | Posted 10/30/2007 1:43:07 PM | message detail |
We're not talking about Isaac. We're talking about this. Permit me to repost it Seph and Vincent are not independent and this match proves it. Seph gets 45%~ on Link. To get close to that number, you HAVE to basically add 100% of Vincents votes to Seph. Unless you believe Seph and Mario share a decent sized fanbase. This match basically is Link vs Mario vs PieSephiroth. By this I mean, you add Vincent and Seph together to equal PieSephiroth where PieSephiroth = Sephiroth, just having his voter pie divided. --- Hochiminh155's Trail to Victory Future winner of the Summer 2007 Contest |
HaRRicH | Posted 10/30/2007 1:51:58 PM | message detail |
We're not talking about Isaac. Check your last post before this. --- PETITION: a "Contest Suggestions" board. Life-changing details below: |
trannyscience | Posted 10/30/2007 1:53:53 PM | message detail |
you guys know better than to argue with him seriously. :) fair showing by everyone today. Mario is the only one above my expectations -- everyone else is below beause he's eating up so much of the percentage. I won't spin this to say it's great for Link, but it's definitely not bad. --- xyzzy "And just to clear up any remaining confusion, tranny > icon." -Shaggy |
creativename | Posted 10/30/2007 3:22:09 PM | message detail |
Hype as a legit factor confirmed. Seriously though, I never would have expected to see Mario do this after last year. Who in the hell was hurting him so much, Snake....Cloud?! Actually yes :) We already know about weaker characters performing worse and Mario is only 3rd strongest here, but with getting SFFed (and Snake not) he was the 5th strongest there. (which, if you compare it to this format and the 4th strongest character performing so badly, Mario was even lower than that there!) But yeah, I think the Battle Royale means little. Also I think the Twilight Princess hype (and possibly Galaxy hype) causing an SFF switch makes sense. Link/Cloud should be set equal in the x-stats this year regardless of how the finals go =/ X-stats for this contest will be pretty worthless, I think we can all agree. Only with a bazillion adjustments would they seem meaningful (for instance, just look at how bad Crono would look via Vincent)...but then, you might as well just use past x-stats. The main purpose will be to mock the characters who look pathetic, I think. For today's match, as most of us agreed last night, trying to read anything from today's match is just asking for trouble. As for the next L-Block match, I was actually rooting for Squall there, but I forgot how that would destroy Cloud in the finals. So now I'm hoping for Sonic or L-Block :) --- |
hochiminh155 | Posted 10/30/2007 3:24:11 PM | message detail |
Yeah, I'd like to see Squall advance but it would be bad for a character that would damage Cloud to advance. --- Hochiminh155's Trail to Victory Future winner of the Summer 2007 Contest |
Ngamer64 | Posted 10/30/2007 3:58:01 PM | message detail |
Yeah, FFF is going to make these final raw x-stats flat-out hilarious.
I'm thinking what I'll do is give two options on the site, one straight
up raw (where you're based on the match that eliminated you, and so it
will be like... Clinkeroth+Mario managing to break the fodder line or
some such craziness) and then "adjusted" stats that won't be changed to
match past years, but will instead be based on whatever your best
result of the Contest was. So like instead of getting his awful R3
result held against him, Subby would get credit for his great showing
in R1, and look like a champ. --- The 2007 Guru Rankings! = lol x-stats |
paraboxx | Posted 10/30/2007 4:19:17 PM | message detail |
Okay, I guess this isn't an epic Mario
collapse, as he certainly looks better than Mega Man given the
characters. I think most of us expected him to get SFFed to death, but
if anything all we're seeing here is LFF on Link. Good show. Haste_2: Really, now... why were so many so confident in Link killing Mario? I just don't get it. That meaningless Battle Royale? That and every match Metroid has ever had with Zelda, ever (okay, maybe not Samus/Midna). I guess Mario resists SFF more than Samus, which makes zero sense to me but whatever. BesaidGuy: They are 2 of the biggest top 3 faces of gaming. Who's the third, might I ask? YoAriel33: Bowser beat Mewtwo easily, and I wouldn't argue that Pikachu is stronger than Mewtwo. That's the thing though. It's looking like he just might be, in this format anyway. Yes, he lost to Leon pretty badly...but then in the next round he destroyed him. I'm still picking Dante tomorrow, but if Pikachu wins I'll be anything but surprised. (Amused, more like.) |
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/30/2007 6:16:34 PM | message detail |
Posting from my cell phone... Crazy results today. Of course, one way of looking at it is that Link will just dominate more than ever before using the proportion of what he sapped from Mario in the BR. ...but this *could* invite doubt into the most hardened skeptic. If Link hasn't retained his SFF advantage from the BR over Mario (and he hasn't), is he really assured to take in that same proportion of those votes? Of course he doesn't NEED to seeing how much they're bringing in, but it's Nintendo's #1 and #2 against Square's #2 and #3 (or 4). I *really* didn't want to get my hopes up this year. I don't want to believe only to be let down again. Yet... here this is. I'm *really* interested to see the two characters that make the finals this time... --- Samus 2K5 is horribly underrated, and is indirectly stronger than Mario. KHF sucks and never existed either, much like my package. |
Heroic Yuna | Posted 10/30/2007 6:17:05 PM | message detail |
From Karma Hunter Posted 10/30/2007 9:16:34 PM #149 Posting from my cell phone... what the hell ~~~ Ashe. The Cream of Final Fantasy Fanboyism. |