GameFAQs Contests
Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 524
creativename | Posted 10/17/2007 7:04:30 PM | message detail |
It's DK. Who can honestly predict a DK match like that with confidence? and comes from what's likely the most played and even owned game on this site. This is true, I didn't think of that. Tetris has to have a 90+% playrate at this site. Probably no other game can challenge that. The only thing that might have is SMB and SMB3 back in the day, but it wouldn't be close now with newer gamers probably never playing them. --- |
RPGuy96 | Posted 10/17/2007 7:17:32 PM | message detail |
2/15/07 About 93.5% playrate for the original Super Mario Bros., from a poll this year. --- Mustache...and green... |
RPGGamer0 | Posted 10/17/2007 7:21:06 PM | message detail | Almost 90% for Sonic there. --- Metal Gear Solid OOOOWWWWWWNS! |
HaRRicH | Posted 10/17/2007 8:24:13 PM | message detail |
Just to compare with some of the examples being mentioned: 97.36% has played Tetris at some point, and about 43% has played four or more different versions of it... I think it's fair to say Tetris is THE face of the puzzle genre; the only bigger victories seen during those genre-polls were by FF in the RPG-poll and RE in the survival horror-poll. Hell, it's well above the puzzle genre much like Tiger Woods is above golf. Not that such stats helped against LoZ back in 2k4, but those are still dangerous numbers. --- PETITION: a "Contest Suggestions" board. Life-changing details below: |
HaRRicH | Posted 10/17/2007 8:25:38 PM | message detail |
Also, just as a fun-fact I'm pondering on...would Tetris be the only
game that's ever been both a pack-in for a console at some point AND
open for purchase on cell phones? --- PETITION: a "Contest Suggestions" board. Life-changing details below: |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/17/2007 8:25:46 PM | message detail |
Division 7: Round 2 - Match 46 – Solid Snake vs. Nightmare vs. Ryu Hayabusa vs. Riku Moltar’s Analysis Snake Round 1 – 57.88% vs. Nightmare, Rayman and Vyse Snake domination like always. Nightmare Round 1 – 22.47% vs. Snake, Rayman and Vyse Doubted againstt Vyse? Nightmare proves the haters wrong! Ryu Round 1 – 45.80% vs. Riku, Roxas and Haseo Still amazing. Riku Round 1 – 27.24% vs. Ryu, Roxas and Haseo Kingdom Dud I’m almost starting to hate this Division as much as 6. Well, my bracket is anyway. Last round, Snake rocked his four-pack, and he’s a lock to take first here. He is only like one of the strongest characters on this site, and besides, battles for first are like…rare-stuff. Battles for second? That’s where the action is at! This one is between Ryu H., Riku and Nightmare. As much as I hate to say it, you can count Nightmare out here. I’m personally hoping he pulls an Amaterasu and beats out Ryu H. and Riku, but it isn’t likely, especially with the way one of them performed last round. Ryu H.? More like when in the hell did you get so strong! He goes from looking like a low-midcarder in his past contest matches to beating out Riku and Roxas conbined. what. A stunt like that pretty much guarantees you second with a group like this. Now, of course there are some wrenches that may throw that prediction off track. First up is Solid Snake. Could Snake steal away Ryu’s casual support last round (similar to what might have happened between Master Chief and Liquid)? Perhaps, but I don’t see Riku holding up either if that happens. Please refer to Snake/Sora for reasoning. Wrench number 2 is no Roxas. We’ve seen how bad fanbase splits have hurt in the last couple of days (Vivi…Kirby =(…). Maybe Riku’s split was the reason he bombed in the poll. Well, that’s probably true, but there’s no way Riku gets all of Roxas’s votes. Even if he did, it still wouldn’t put him over Ryu. So, Snake > Ryu H. it is. I’m also totally going into fanboy mode and saying Nightmare gets third. Go Nightmare, Ammy 2.0 become you shall! Moltar’s Bracket Says: Snake > Riku Moltar’s Prediction is: Snake: 44% - Ryu H.: 23% - Nightmare: 17% - Riku: 16% Ultimaterializer’s Analysis This was an "obvious" match before the contest began, but it is such no longer. Snake can and will SFF the piss out of Nightmare and Riku, and Ryu H, who performed *very* well in the first round, will get second place pretty damn easily due to not sharing any allegiance. Is it just me, or have the Xbox characters done damn well this contest? Ulti's Prediction: Snake [45.00%] Ryu H [35.00%] Riku [13.00%] Nightmare [7.00%] Heroic Mario’s Analysis Oh, what a match this is. I have no idea what to think with this after Hayabusa’s craziness last round. I could see any of these guys, save for Snake, coming in second here. Nightmare’s got some reason to if he maintains that 20% from last round; Hayabusa’s looking like a monster; and then Riku might shoot up without any other Square or RPG character here. But I’m going to bank on Riku sneaking one out. He got rocked pretty damn hard last round – getting beat by Hayabusa even when combined with Roxas – but things might change this time. For whatever reason, I think he’s the most independent character of the group. He may have some ties with Snake, but I’m not counting on it. Sure, Hayabusa and Nightmare each have distinct fanbases of their own, but being from Square and, more specifically, KH, should give him some type of advantage…maybe. |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/17/2007 8:26:11 PM | message detail |
Yeah. There’s actually not a whole lot going for Riku. That’s about all I can think of as to why Riku might
be able to pull this off. He’d probably sooner get last before taking
second – it’s just that kinda contest. Hayabusa and Nightmare are
sporting hardcore fanbases of their own, they have less in common with
Snake as far as the platform bit goes and there has been little reason
to have any confidence in Kingdom Hearts this year. Still, I’m going to
stick with him in the off chance he ends up doing something crazy! Solid Snake – 45% Riku – 19% Hayabusa – 19% Nightmare – 17% Bracket: Snake > Riku Vote: The ‘Stache Yoblazer’s Analysis Holy Toledo, do you guys see what L-Block is doing?! Oh man oh man oh man oh man. The mighty block is on his way to Round 3, and he'll be going up against Kratos and two of the tough guys from this macho group. The question is this: which two will be joining the God of War star and Tetris icon? The answer is this: Solid Snake and who really cares. Like everyone predicted before the contest, Snake is the overwhelming favorite in his match and his entire side of the bracket, and he certainly didn't let anyone down in his last performance. Snake put up an awesome 58% a few weeks ago, and we have no reason to believe he won't look as impressive today. Yes, be on the look out for some scary stuff from the number one badass in gaming. If his match against Sora in 2005 is any indication, Riku will likely tremble before his might, and Ryu Hayabusa and Nightmare, his other opponents, are guys who are simply made for someone like Snake to step all over. Snake's victory is clear, but the second place winner ain't. Who will it be? He might not be as big a lock as Snake, but the favorite for second today must be Ryu Hayabusa. After being expected to lose to Riku last round, Hayabusa shocked us by defeating Riku and Roxas combined. It was, arguably, the most impressive performance of the first round, and one that puts him a step above his competitors going into this match. I don't think Nightmare has any chance. With Snake and Xbox Hayabusa rocking the same poll, there's just way too much badass for him to compete, so I predict a fourth place finish. Hey, at least you killed Vyse the Legend(ary bad contest performer)! And what of Riku? Well, we saw what Riku was made of last round, and boy, was it disappointing. All logic dictates that he'd have no shot even if he picked up an unbelievably high percentage of Roxas' votes, and while I don't think he'll pull it out, I wouldn't be surprised if he made it tantalizingly close. Riku did have a pretty severe fanbase split, and I do feel that, despite the giant turd laid by Sora two years ago, he'll resist Snake's rage better than Hayabusa or Nightmare. Hayabusa should take it, but I'm thinking Riku will make it close enough to surprise most of the Stats Topic. Hopefully, this isn't just my Kingdom Hearts fanboyism talking... Solid Snake - 48% Ryu Hayabusa - 20% Riku - 18% Nightmare - 14% Lopen’s Analysis Aw yeah, I can imagine the epic exchange between Hayabusa and Snake right now... *Snake creeps around the corner* *Ryu Hayabusa (!!!)* Snake: You're that ninja! Ryu: Just a snake... get out of here! ... or something like that. Question I'm thinkin to myself as I look at this group: Do Snake, Nightmare, and Riku have more combined badassery than Dante? Nah, I guess they don't... but damn, this four pack was well on its way to supplanting last year's Dante/Hayabusa round 1 match's title of "most badasery packed into one match." Okay, fine... onto the actual results of match! |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/17/2007 8:27:10 PM | message detail |
I expect Ryu to hold up very well here. I think this is the kinda format that's gonna help him a lot. Watch out for the Hayabusa > Kratos (and *shudder*... L-Block)
hype train... it's comin! Now admittedly, that's not what I was thinkin
when I filled out my bracket. Foolish that such a fanatical proponent
of Master Chief's strength in this format would not.. but eh. When I
filled out my bracket I was thinkin quite simply... "oh ya oh ya Riku
gonna be Snake food just like Sora." And unfortunately for Riku, even
though he doesn't need to be Snake food, I still think he will be here.
Fresh Riku, better than mice. What a Nightmare for him, being stuck
with... as they call him... the Legendary Solid Snake. That ninja has this with relative ease. Lopen's prediction: Solid Snake - 38.08% Ryu Hayabusa - 30.13% Riku - 17.79% Nightmare - 14.00% Karma Hunter’s Analysis I may have to be typing this from a computer lab and walk ten miles home tonight, but you can bet there's no way in hell I'm missing the writeup for a Snake match. SOLID SNAKE Putting up about as much as Mario in his match last round, Snake looks as good as he ever has. With Sonic getting a taste of that SSBB magic that worked so many wonders with him last year, Master Chief soaking up his 'roids and threatening to eat your family, and - dare I say it? - L-Block waiting in the wings, he can't show a single moment of weakness today. No... no, that kind of stuff is for the sprite round... Nightmare Finally silencing most of the doubters out there (yours truly was among those ranks, shamefully!), Nightmare explodes onto the scene, overcoming a terrifyingly bad picture to muscle his way into the second round. 22% on Snake wouldn't exactly be anything to scoff at even if it were a one-on-one poll. And that's a good thing, because his picture certainly isn't granting him any favors today... Ryu Hayabusa A moderate upset turns into a MASSIVE result when Hayabusa not only beats down Riku in a match that Riku was favored to win, but beats down Roxas and Riku combined. In response you've got desperate BRACKETS grasping at straws like 80% overlap between Riku and Roxas (not to mention Haseo), but Ryu H. remains the dominating favorite to progress here. In fact, I can think of only one reason why he wouldn't progress... Riku Wow, Riku. Ending up almost twice as close to Roxas as you did to Hayabusa - the guy you were supposed to BEAT last round regardless - is pretty bad. That's not what 45% on Yoshi would have suggested, the overrated (in every sense of the word) dino's status aside. Can he redeem himself here with the absence of MASSIVE OVERLAP? (the answer is no. however...) So... where do we go from here? The obvious choice here seems to be Snake > Ryu H., and there are few things that seem to contend with it. Ryu H. is almost assuredly the most independent character here, with the other three characters having strong Sony ties that Snake has presumably taken advantage of before. I guess you could say that Riku is the least 'badass' character here, but 1.) Riku is still the closest thing KH has to a badass and 2.) it's not a GOOD thing to not be a badass. |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/17/2007 8:27:47 PM | message detail |
Is there any iffiness here? Sure. Nightmare is
relatively untested, and his 22-23% on Snake may be a LOT better than
some give it credit for. Granted, that's hard to assert when Ryu H. put
up Noble Nine level caliber performance with 45%, but with significant overlap between two of his opponents and the other being Hasewho?...
you get the idea. And there's even a shot for Riku to progress here,
albeit very small... the overlap is what will put him closer, the
unpredictability of the format moreso... but more than anything is a
suspicion that Ryu H. may have benefited from an 'Xbox bump' that
happened directly following the release of Halo 3. If it has cooled by
now, that could give Riku the window to slip through... but if that's
the case, what do you say about Master Chief? If that Xbox bump
happened last time, it has a good shot of being there this time. I'm
giving the other side significantly more credit than it's worth, at any
rate. Hayabusa wins. ...oh, can't forget the most important part of the match. How does SNAKE do? Um... um... okay, okay, 65% might have been out of the realm of reality last time. (I blame Nightmare) ...but the second time's always a charm! Karma Hunter's Vote: do I have to keep saying it yes I do VOTE SNAKE Karma Hunter's Krazy Prediction: Solid Snake with 50%, Ryu Hayabusa with 20%, Riku with 16%, Nightmare with 14% I *really* want to push the envelope and make a Nightmare > Riku prediction here, but I won't disrespect Riku that much... or give Nightmare that kind of credit... yet. Upset Probability: 20% Um... see above, I guess? Transience’s Analysis woo block this match is all about gauging how legit Ryu Hayabusa is. Hayabusa may have been round 1's most impressive performer relative to expectations. he beat Riku and Roxas combined and racked up a huge percentage, something few other characters were able to do. how legitimate was it? did Riku just absolutely bomb this year? well, we're about to find out. what better test for a character than Snake? Snake has been hanging around at Mario's level the last couple of years, and if Ryu can get a decent percentage on him, then we'll know how good he is. we'll also get to see how Riku stands up against Snake. two years ago, Snake doubled Sora up in the most surprising match of the entire contest. was it due to that horrid picture advantage or some overlap between MGS and KH? if Riku bombs, we'll find out.. or maybe he was just weak to begin with. Nightmare is pretty much a non-factor in this match unless some crazy loyal fighting game fanbase comes through. I can't see that happening, though -- this is all Snake and Ryu. Riku could get all of Roxas's votes and still lose to Ryu H. transience's prediction: Snake with 46.56%, Ryu Hayabusa with 22.16%, Riku with 18.49%, Nightmare with 12.79% Guest’s Analysis - Who Cares? Previously, on Division 7… Solid Snake takes care of Vyse & Rayman in typical Solid Snake fashion, with his victims muttering something about a cardboard box with their last breaths. Nightmare then comes strolling along a bit later, notices the two dead bodies and takes the opportunity to feast on their oh so delicious souls. Mmmmmmm, SOOOOOOULS! Meanwhile, Riku & Roxas were busy checking the job board to earn enough munny to get on the Disney Train to reach the finish line together. However, Ryu Hayabusa was busy hacking, slashing, slicing, & dicing Haseo every which way and sprinted to 1st place. Riku then had enough of the boring jobs, clubbed Roxas in the head, stole his munny, & rode the train to 2nd place. *** |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/17/2007 8:28:17 PM | message detail |
Okay let’s get the easy parts out of the way, at least what should
be the easy parts…with as wacky as most of these matches have been
since Sephiroth>Fox, you almost don’t want to call anything a lock
anymore. But this part I’m sure of, Snake will be 1st. And although it will be convincing, he’ll he hard-pressed to have another 50% performance now that he won’t be sharing the poll with a couple of nobodies. (And NO, that wasn’t a cleaver Kingdom Hearts related pun.) And Nightmare will be least likely to advance. While he did his job in proving he at least has passable strength in these contests (And you don’t know how satisfied this Soul Calibur fan was to see him advance as easily as he did, finally silencing his biggest detractors), he’ll have to wait until next year when Soul Calibur 4 & Soul Calibur Legends is released to see if he can build upon that. As for the main event, the pre-contest script was fairly simple: Ryu takes advantage of SFF (or LFF, whatever you guys are calling it these days) to grab 1st place, but Riku returns to ‘full’ strength next round and grabs 2nd for himself, sending Ryu packing. But this was the same exact script for the other Ryu and we all saw how that played out over a week ago. The most unsettling thing about that 1st round match wasn’t that Hayabusa ran away with 1st place, but that he managed to outscore Riku & Roxas COMBINED! That performance has turned Hayabusa into the favorite in my eyes. If you’re one of those people that have Snake>Riku like me, you can take solace in a few things: (1)Kingdom Hearts has proven time & time again to have a rabid fanbase, so you have to figure a good chunk of the people that voted for either of the KH duo last round will likely toss their vote Riku’s way. (2) A dominant casual force like Snake will definitely hold down Hayabasa, making the needed turnaround much more likely. (3) Last year, Hayabusa only scored 35% on Dante, while Riku scored 45% on Yoshi, the guy who went on to beat Dante in a 50/50 affair. However there’s one major thing you have to consider against Riku, and that’s the infamous Snake/Sora match from 2005. One of the most baffling matches in contest history, Sora, just one year removed from scoring 34.15% on Samus Aran, only does 0.59% better on what was once one of the weakest Noble Niners. The major reasons for this were either the major pic advantage for Snake or some wacky Playstation SFF, who really knows? But if it has anything to do with the latter, Riku will be in deep doo-doo right from the start & we’ll know it! All in all, I think when you have 3 casual friendly characters in the same poll, and one of them is Snake, something’s gotta give. Ultimately, this match will be decided by how much of a lead Hayabusa has after the first hour & before the Afterschool Vote hits. But I just have a gut feeling Riku will have just enough going for him to steal 2nd. Bracket: Snake>Riku Vote: Nightmare…he says he’d devour my soul if I didn’t! >.> Prediction: Snake 45.11%, Riku 20.01%, Ryu H. 18.88%, Nightmare 16% Crew Consensus: Ryu did too well last round, Snake > Ryu it is! |
CaptainZapdos | Posted 10/17/2007 8:32:27 PM | message detail |
"oh ya oh ya Riku gonna be Snake food just like Sora." ahahahahahahahahhahaha ok i'm not laughing at you. just say that out loud --- Zapdos PUNCH!!! |
Lopen | Posted 10/17/2007 8:38:12 PM | message detail |
Um... I'm not sure I follow...? ... Kids in America, reinterpreting my works every day...? --- "GUYS I JUST DRANK A MASTER CHIEF SODA, MASTER CHIEF FOR 2007!" - Swirldude |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/17/2007 8:39:36 PM | message detail |
nom nom nom --- Moltar Status: The Analysis Crew...believe Snake/Nightmare/Ryu/Riku - Bracket: Snake > Riku - Vote: Nightmare (191/232) |
creativename | Posted 10/17/2007 8:49:17 PM | message detail |
RPGGamer0 About 93.5% playrate for the original Super Mario Bros., from a poll this year. Hey, that's awesome :) Nice to know the young'uns have still played SMB. I actually figured Tetris was at 95+% but was being conservative. Never figured SMB would still be that high though. Now there is perhaps some vote bias here, in terms of people who played SMB more likely to vote in an SMB poll. However, these are the people voting in character polls too, so that shouldn't matter much. Harrich 97.36% has played Tetris at some point, and about 43% has played four or more different versions of it... Great numbers, if not too surprising. It is Tetris, after all. That's why L-Block was considered a wildcard if he got is in-game pic. That he's so tough without it is terrific. --- |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/17/2007 9:00:15 PM | message detail |
Solid Snake 38.89% 7 Nightmare 22.22% 4 Ryu Hayabusa 16.67% 3 Riku 22.22% 4 TOTAL VOTES 18 --- Moltar Status: The Analysis Crew...believe Snake/Nightmare/Ryu/Riku - Bracket: Snake > Riku - Vote: Nightmare (191/232) |
YoAriel33 | Posted 10/17/2007 9:00:27 PM | message detail |
Solid Snake 46.67% 7 Nightmare 20% 3 Ryu Hayabusa 13.33% 2 Riku 20% 3 TOTAL VOTES 15 --- yoblazer33: NO LIMITZ Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world! |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 10/17/2007 9:00:31 PM | message detail |
Round 2- Division 7 Semifinal B Previous Matches: Characters Involved: Solid Snake Snake showed us that last year was no fluke by beating the crap out of his first fourpack, and he looks primed to do so again. Nightmare One of the rally contest winners, Nightmare had a decent round 1 showing. He won't be contending today, but he showed us all that he's a decent midcarder and should return again next year. Ryu Hayabusa The iconic ninja had one of the best round 1 performances in the contest by beating out Riku and Roxas' combined percentages. He's now the favourite to take second here. Riku It seems as though his newfound strength last year was entirely the result of Kingdom Hearts 2 being so recent. Now that is no longer relevant in peoples' minds, Riku has dropped accordingly. lol riku Predictions: Riku was the clear favourite to come second in this fourpack, but then Ryu ended up beating him and Roxas combined. It's very hard not to call Ryu a lock at this point, given how dominant he was in round 1. Nightmare or Riku definitely have outside shots at this, but that would make Ryu's first round victory one of the biggest flukes in contest history. This match should give us an idea of what L-block's chances look like next round though. TuRtLe's Prediction: Solid Snake 40%, Ryu H, 25%, Riku 20%, Nightmare 15% TuRtLe's Bracket: Snake > Riku TuRtLe's Vote: Ryu TuRtLe ~~~ 177/224 in the contest. Next pick: Kratos > Kirby BlAcK TuRtLe. The cream of Zero fanboyism |
Janus5000 | Posted 10/17/2007 9:00:36 PM | message detail |
Solid Snake 51.04% 49 Nightmare 14.58% 14 Ryu Hayabusa 12.5% 12 Riku 21.88% 21 TOTAL VOTES 96 METAL FEAR? --- "Those who cast the vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything." - Joseph Stalin |
Tediz247 | Posted 10/17/2007 9:00:39 PM | message detail |
Solid Snake 51.3% 59 Nightmare 13.91% 16 Ryu Hayabusa 13.04% 15 Riku 21.74% 25 TOTAL VOTES 115 --- That... was her final mission. And like a true soldier, she saw it through the end. ZSB [aX] |
YoAriel33 | Posted 10/17/2007 9:00:49 PM | message detail |
Rock it, Riku! --- yoblazer33: NO LIMITZ Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world! |
KamikazePotato | Posted 10/17/2007 9:00:55 PM | message detail |
Ouch, Nightmare. --- The apples were too strong for him.- Abomstar |
Xcarvengerx | Posted 10/17/2007 9:01:00 PM | message detail |
Solid Snake 51.02% 50 Nightmare 14.29% 14 Ryu Hayabusa 13.27% 13 Riku 21.43% 21 TOTAL VOTES 98 --- Xcarvengerx (scar-fan-gear-rex) /n/ = A plethora of quixotic illumination. The cream of Chocobo fanboyism. |
MegatokyoEd | Posted 10/17/2007 9:01:01 PM | message detail |
Solid Snake 50.56% 91 Nightmare 12.22% 22 Ryu Hayabusa 15.56% 28 Riku 21.67% 39 Keep that place Riku! --- Demyx is better than Axel. |
Haste_2 | Posted 10/17/2007 9:01:03 PM | message detail |
Riku's not doing so bad so far... --- "Ah, a party! We haven't had one of those. It could be fun! So...what is a party?" "Well, you drink punch and eat CAKE! ...I think." |
Lady Ashe | Posted 10/17/2007 9:01:23 PM | message detail |
...Wow, apparently we really do bracket vote, huh. ~~~ Ashe. The Cream of Final Fantasy Fanboyism. |
MadGamer_11 | Posted 10/17/2007 9:01:32 PM | message detail |
Rikuuuuuuuuuuuu --- "To be forgotten is worse than death"-Freya FFIX |
hochiminh155 | Posted 10/17/2007 9:01:39 PM | message detail |
Riku really looks out of place in that match pic. Also, I told you Ryu would be SFFed --- Hochiminh155's Trail to Victory Future winner of the Summer 2007 Contest |
Agent M | Posted 10/17/2007 9:01:54 PM | message detail |
Solid Snake 50% 37 Nightmare 14.86% 11 Ryu Hayabusa 9.46% 7 Riku 25.68% 19 TOTAL VOTES 74 Nightmare needs more soooouls!!! |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/17/2007 9:02:05 PM | message detail |
Riku vindicated --- Moltar Status: The Analysis Crew...believe Snake/Nightmare/Ryu/Riku - Bracket: Snake > Riku - Vote: Nightmare (191/232) |
MegatokyoEd | Posted 10/17/2007 9:02:56 PM | message detail |
I KNEW Riku would somehow come out and beat Ryu H this round. This contest is wacky like that. --- Demyx is better than Axel. |
Xcarvengerx | Posted 10/17/2007 9:03:02 PM | message detail |
L-block 2.14% / 4.53% LOL --- Xcarvengerx (scar-fan-gear-rex) /n/ = A plethora of quixotic illumination. The cream of Chocobo fanboyism. |
ZFS | Posted 10/17/2007 9:03:18 PM | message detail |
Hard to feel good about Riku here knowing how much of a favorite he's
bound to be in the brackets, and then this board's vote of Kingdom
Hearts characters. --- "Ha! No spoony bard could spin a sweeter tale!" |
Janus5000 | Posted 10/17/2007 9:03:27 PM | message detail |
it's been three bloody minutes and everyone knows we bracket vote --- "Those who cast the vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything." - Joseph Stalin |
KamikazePotato | Posted 10/17/2007 9:03:31 PM | message detail |
Heh, nice, L-Block. --- The apples were too strong for him.- Abomstar |
Lady Ashe | Posted 10/17/2007 9:03:33 PM | message detail |
From MegatokyoEd Posted 10/18/2007 12:02:56 AM #130 I KNEW Riku would somehow come out and beat Ryu H this round. This contest is wacky like that. Saving this for when he inevitable deletes it after being wrong. ~~~ Ashe. The Cream of Final Fantasy Fanboyism. |
Lady Ashe | Posted 10/17/2007 9:03:53 PM | message detail |
*inevitably ~~~ Ashe. The Cream of Final Fantasy Fanboyism. |
MegatokyoEd | Posted 10/17/2007 9:05:16 PM | message detail |
Even though I said I knew, I really meant make it far closer. Ryu H
winning wouldn't surprise me either but Riku's doing pretty good. --- Demyx is better than Axel. |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/17/2007 9:05:28 PM | message detail |
20 votes at the pause...I'm liking Ryu to be honest. --- Moltar Status: The Analysis Crew...believe Snake/Nightmare/Ryu/Riku - Bracket: Snake > Riku - Vote: Nightmare (191/232) |
ZFS | Posted 10/17/2007 9:05:53 PM | message detail |
I'm expecting Hayabusa to take the lead in an update or two, and that should be the end of that! --- "Ha! No spoony bard could spin a sweeter tale!" |
YoAriel33 | Posted 10/17/2007 9:06:07 PM | message detail |
Riku is still the big underdog, but I hope to the gods that this result holds so everyone can realize how pointless it would be to ever reference this contest in future discussions. In either case, he should keep it much closer than the previous round's result would make one assume. --- yoblazer33: NO LIMITZ Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world! |
KamikazePotato | Posted 10/17/2007 9:06:15 PM | message detail |
But won't Riku win the day vote? >_> --- The apples were too strong for him.- Abomstar |
therealmnm | Posted 10/17/2007 9:06:26 PM | message detail |
Go Ryu! And I say this with Snake > Riku in my bracket. --- Currently playing: Call of Duty 2, Maverick Hunter X, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, Dead Rising, Tomb Raider Legend |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 10/17/2007 9:06:28 PM | message detail |
lol riku His afterschool vote won't be saving him this time. Ryu should hold up great with the ASV. Actually, I think the only one that will drop noticeably is Nightmare TuRtLe ~~~ 177/224 in the contest. Next pick: Kratos > Kirby BlAcK TuRtLe. The cream of Zero fanboyism |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/17/2007 9:07:28 PM | message detail |
Nightmare's going to rise (into second) (aww yeah believe) --- Moltar Status: The Analysis Crew...believe Snake/Nightmare/Ryu/Riku - Bracket: Snake > Riku - Vote: Nightmare (191/232) |
Agent M | Posted 10/17/2007 9:07:38 PM | message detail |
lol @ L-Block prediction % |
Lopen | Posted 10/17/2007 9:07:56 PM | message detail |
Hayabusa will probably take the lead in one update, really. He was
starting to come back towards the end of that, and Riku is probably the
massive board favorite with the bracket backing he's got. Pretty disappointing, though. Not liking the Hayabusa with 30% prediction..! --- "GUYS I JUST DRANK A MASTER CHIEF SODA, MASTER CHIEF FOR 2007!" - Swirldude |
hochiminh155 | Posted 10/17/2007 9:08:15 PM | message detail |
Snake will fall with the day vote. Snake still sucks with the day vote.
Snake is still the worst N9 character with the day vote after Crono --- Hochiminh155's Trail to Victory Future winner of the Summer 2007 Contest |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 10/17/2007 9:09:30 PM | message detail |
I agree. It's great to see Ryu finally kicking ass after getting fed to highcarders 3 years in a row. TuRtLe ~~~ 177/224 in the contest. Next pick: Kratos > Kirby BlAcK TuRtLe. The cream of Zero fanboyism |
RPGuy96 | Posted 10/17/2007 9:10:01 PM | message detail |
All Time Lowest Prediction Percentages: 01. 06.00% - (1) Cloud Strife vs (2) Sephiroth (2003 Characters Final) 02. 06.67% - L-Block in Kratos vs L-Block vs Kirby vs Donkey Kong (Round 2) 03. 07.16% - (2) Super Smash Bros. Melee vs (16) StarCraft (2004 Games Quarterfinal) 04. 07.91% - (16) StarCraft vs (5) The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (2004 Games Sweet Sixteen) 05. 08.52% - Link vs Cloud Strife vs Solid Snake (2006 Battle Royale Day 4) 06. 09.38% - Amaterasu in Dante vs Amaterasu vs Ada vs Balthier (Round 2) 07. 09.96% - Link vs Cloud Strife vs Sephiroth vs Solid Snake vs Mario (2006 Characters Battle Royale Day 2) 08. 12.47% - (5) Vincent Valentine vs (2) Squall Leonhart (2005 Characters Sweet Sixteen) 09. 12.54% - (1) Samus Aran vs (1) Solid Snake (2006 Characters Final) 10. 12.80% - (2) Link vs (1) Mario (2002 Characters Final) --- Mustache...and green... |
Janus5000 | Posted 10/17/2007 9:10:17 PM | message detail |
SUBMIT --- "Those who cast the vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything." - Joseph Stalin |