GameFAQs Contests
Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 516
ExThaNemesis | Posted 10/11/2007 5:38:13 AM | message detail |
If Sephiroth were to beat Link, it'd probably be the best contest result we've ever had. --- ~*~ExThaNemesis~*~ Arsenal FC: 7-0-1. Pts: 22. Position: 1st L5: W-W-W-W-W |
SmurfFAQs | Posted 10/11/2007 5:39:06 AM | message detail |
Uh, why are people downplaying Link's domination. The only reason
Link doesn't look as impressive is because of Bidoof. His real test
comes next round with Crono, Vincent and Zero. The only reason Link didn't look impressive in 2003, was because Cloud and Sephiroth were there. If you want to be the champ, there should be no if's or but's. You should maul anything and everything in front of you. --- President Of Board 8. (10/14/2006 onwards) Ranked: #16th in the Character Battle 2006. (207 Points) |
Draco1214 | Posted 10/11/2007 5:41:13 AM | message detail |
But he is dominating everything. By the
end of the match, Link is going to be projected to nearly double
Vincent. How is this underperforming again? --- Currently Playing: Wild Arms 3, Persona 3 |
Draco1214 | Posted 10/11/2007 5:42:07 AM | message detail |
Oh and this is with Zelda leeching votes from Link. --- Currently Playing: Wild Arms 3, Persona 3 |
Dilated Chemist | Posted 10/11/2007 5:42:22 AM | message detail |
This contest is great success! --- Our life is short and our days run; as fast away as does the sun. And as a vapour or a drop of rain; once lost can ne'er be found again. |
transience | Posted 10/11/2007 5:42:23 AM | message detail |
what were people expecting, 60% or something? my head hurts --- SERIOUS REMINDER: vote for Vivi. "All I can do... is just sit with them." |
ExThaNemesis | Posted 10/11/2007 5:42:32 AM | message detail |
It really isn't. >.> This is just the people that want to see
something different hoping against hope. Link is still going to win,
unfortunately. --- ~*~ExThaNemesis~*~ Arsenal FC: 7-0-1. Pts: 22. Position: 1st L5: W-W-W-W-W |
SmurfFAQs | Posted 10/11/2007 5:42:45 AM | message detail |
Link should be doubling Crono and Mega Man with ease. Not struggling to do so on Vincent. --- President Of Board 8. (10/14/2006 onwards) Ranked: #16th in the Character Battle 2006. (207 Points) |
Dilated Chemist | Posted 10/11/2007 5:44:14 AM | message detail |
If Link wins this contest I will leave GameFAQs forever. --- Our life is short and our days run; as fast away as does the sun. And as a vapour or a drop of rain; once lost can ne'er be found again. |
Draco1214 | Posted 10/11/2007 5:46:06 AM | message detail |
Link should be doubling Crono and Mega Man with ease. Not struggling to do so on Vincent. First off, 2006 Link would barely double those characters in one-on-one matches. Secondly, guess who's in the same area as Crono and Mega Man. --- Currently Playing: Wild Arms 3, Persona 3 |
Zylo the wolf | Posted 10/11/2007 5:48:39 AM | message detail |
Link should be doubling Crono and Mega Man with ease. Not struggling to do so on Vincent. Wow Smurf is right. I agree that Link looked great in his first match, but not this... A character who can get 42% on Cloud, Seph and Snake shouldn't fail to break 50% on these guys, and lets not forget that Zelda is the fourth character in this contest to make Link look stronger in this format (After Tingle, Midna and Ganondorf of course.) Throw in someone as Gordon Freeman instead of Zelda, and I'm not sure if Link would break 42%. --- Ngamer64: Zylo, you're making less sense every day. Proud supporter of Knuckles and Magus in Character Battle VI |
DaruniaTheGoron | Posted 10/11/2007 5:49:50 AM | message detail |
Anybody got the hourly updates on this thing? --- SC2k7: 88/128, tied for 1364th Today's Pick: Mega Man > Knux (whoops) |
transience | Posted 10/11/2007 6:03:58 AM | message detail |
Time | Link | Bidoof | Vincent | Zelda 01:00 | 43.23% | 24.51% | 24.37% | 07.89% 02:00 | 44.78% | 21.82% | 25.60% | 07.79% 03:00 | 46.15% | 15.83% | 29.57% | 08.45% 04:00 | 47.14% | 14.29% | 30.29% | 08.28% 05:00 | 46.23% | 11.79% | 33.15% | 08.83% 06:00 | 48.27% | 09.81% | 32.71% | 09.20% 07:00 | 50.34% | 12.75% | 29.12% | 07.78 08:00 | 52.71% | 11.55% | 27.74% | 08.00% 09:00 | 52.92% | 11.23% | 27.21% | 08.63% wow look at Link struggle he is doomed --- SERIOUS REMINDER: vote for Vivi. "All I can do... is just sit with them." |
Lugia2 | Posted 10/11/2007 6:04:11 AM | message detail |
Bidoof seems to have a dedicated base of jokers that guarantee him 15%. Vincent was projected to get 25% Zelda has around 10% That's about 50% And there's no way Sonic will pull something like this- that is, 25%. Nah, Link is still safe. Samus disappointed against Nidoran F too, you know. --- "If the [PSP] is such a loser... why did you buy [one]?"- Saint Waldo "Because I am crazy. I also own three Wonderswans."- Chris Kohler |
Kyle Bowen | Posted 10/11/2007 6:36:18 AM | message detail |
tag KB |
helferty101 | Posted 10/11/2007 6:46:32 AM | message detail |
How can people say this is unimpressive when Link is basically doubling
Vincent with Zelda, and a Nintendo-based joke character in the poll? Remember, if you were to take Zelda out, most of her percentage would go to Link, and more of Bidoof's would go to Link than Vincent. --- y halo thar turtle's alt |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/11/2007 6:51:08 AM | message detail |
epic bidoof collapse is epic And Link rising to heaven now. Vincent also did very well overnight and saved his percentages. Both should end up looking decent after all of last night's chaos. --- Moltar Status: The Analysis Crew...believe Link/Bidoof/Vincent/Zelda - Bracket: Link > Vincent - Vote: Link (147/176) |
charmander6000 | Posted 10/11/2007 7:03:02 AM | message detail |
Right now Link is beating Vincent 63/37 while last year he was expected
to win 67/33. He'll probably rise during the day plus Zelda may be
taking a percent away from him. --- The Board 8 BOP - Match 39: Link > Vincent Points: 121/176 |
The n00b Avenger | Posted 10/11/2007 7:05:31 AM | message detail |
More like Zelda may be taking 8% away from him --- This story is not an end yet. Because only you are in the infinity loop. |
YoAriel33 | Posted 10/11/2007 7:10:20 AM | message detail |
I predicted Link at 50%, but I also had Vincent at 30%. Looks like
they're staying relatively even. Apart from Bidoof having 3-6% more
than anyone predicted, this match is going pretty much as expected. --- yoblazer33: NO LIMITZ Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world! |
octoinky | Posted 10/11/2007 7:19:04 AM | message detail |
If anything, I expected Vincent to do much better, as the only FF (non
Nintendo, even) character in the poll, I said to Ngamer that 'id be
shocked if a strong FF7 character failed to put 30% on nintendo, even
if it is zelda and joke pokemon.' I think in the end, the only factor in this match is Bidoof. However the day vote looks to DEMOLISH that, and Link is doing incredibly well now. But anyway, Bidoof got 16% when the supporting cast was Edgeworth and Agent J. To be even close to that when it is Vincent instead (i'll just say Zelda is lumped into Link here) is amazing, I couldn't justify Bidoof over 12% before this match began. |
Blade Of Evils Bane | Posted 10/11/2007 7:20:26 AM | message detail |
We wont really have an accurate reading on Link until next round thanks to Bidoof. --- Can't think of a good sig. |
transience | Posted 10/11/2007 7:27:19 AM | message detail |
remember when Samus bombed because she only got 82% on Nidoran F? yeah --- SERIOUS REMINDER: vote for Vivi. "All I can do... is just sit with them." |
ExThaNemesis | Posted 10/11/2007 7:37:04 AM | message detail |
GO SEPHIROTH AND CLOUD --- ~*~ExThaNemesis~*~ Arsenal FC: 7-0-1. Pts: 22. Position: 1st L5: W-W-W-W-W |
Mumei | Posted 10/11/2007 7:37:49 AM | message detail |
transience, could I have an update for the last two hours? --- "I believe that words uttered in passion contain a greater living truth than do those words which express thoughts rationally conceived" - Sensei |
The n00b Avenger | Posted 10/11/2007 8:01:54 AM | message detail |
Time .| Link ......| Bidoof ..| Vincent .| Zelda 01:00 | 43.33% | 24.48% | 24.36% | 07.84% 02:00 | 44.80% | 21.47% | 25.74% | 07.99% 03:00 | 46.54% | 15.29% | 29.71% | 08.46% 04:00 | 46.88% | 13.90% | 30.80% | 08.41% 05:00 | 46.78% | 11.58% | 33.11% | 08.53% 06:00 | 48.45% | 10.14% | 32.34% | 09.07% 07:00 | 50.69% | 12.76% | 28.84% | 07.71% 08:00 | 52.35% | 11.56% | 27.95% | 08.13% 09:00 | 52.92% | 11.23% | 27.21% | 08.63% 10:00 | 51.30% | 11.36% | 29.07% | 08.26% 11:00 | 52.24% | 09.90% | 29.73% | 08.13% --- This story is not an end yet. Because only you are in the infinity loop. |
Mumei | Posted 10/11/2007 8:03:47 AM | message detail |
Thanks! ^_^ --- "I believe that words uttered in passion contain a greater living truth than do those words which express thoughts rationally conceived" - Sensei |
HotPoontang | Posted 10/11/2007 8:03:53 AM | message detail |
I'm still holding out for 50 and 30%. --- Explicit Content Cheer Up Emo Kids. |
The n00b Avenger | Posted 10/11/2007 8:08:01 AM | message detail |
50% may be pretty realistic if Link improves with the ASV. I'm not really feeling the 30% though --- This story is not an end yet. Because only you are in the infinity loop. |
HotPoontang | Posted 10/11/2007 8:09:31 AM | message detail |
2% shouldn't be too hard to get when Bidoof is
nearly dropping 1% an hour. Granted it's probably going to slow down,
but there's still plenty of time left. I'd actually really like to see
51% out of Link, but I'll take 50. --- Explicit Content Cheer Up Emo Kids. |
transience | Posted 10/11/2007 8:11:07 AM | message detail |
50/29/13/8 seems realistic to me --- SERIOUS REMINDER: vote for Vivi. "All I can do... is just sit with them." |
HotPoontang | Posted 10/11/2007 8:11:42 AM | message detail |
you seem realistic to me --- Explicit Content Cheer Up Emo Kids. |
The n00b Avenger | Posted 10/11/2007 8:14:07 AM | message detail |
Vincent isn't even getting 30% an hour now.
If Link takes more of the ASV than Vincent, which is fairly likely I'd
say, there's no chance of him even hitting 30% updates unless he does
it in the next 3-4 hours. Needless to say, that doesn't work. Vincent
needs to consistently take in ~32%+ if he wants to go up that high. --- This story is not an end yet. Because only you are in the infinity loop. |
Crimson Dragoon | Posted 10/11/2007 8:23:58 AM | message detail |
Bidoof's worst hour is better than Zelda's best. Heh. --- ~FFDragon. (at Work !!) The Cream of Resident Evil Fanboyism. |
Ed Bellis | Posted 10/11/2007 8:25:44 AM | message detail |
So did Bidoof actually get any votes deducted or did it just collapse naturally? Well, as naturally as you could get. --- This was KING BELLIS LOL "OoT doesn't have "the magic" because it has no Tingle." - onethousandfingers |
Mac Arrowny | Posted 10/11/2007 8:26:07 AM | message detail |
What the hell? Link is going up with the during school vote? --- Rapid analysis, accurate judgment, and superb powers of concentration. That is all we need. |
The n00b Avenger | Posted 10/11/2007 8:27:32 AM | message detail |
Yeah... at this rate Link doesn't even need to improve with the ASV to reach 50%. He just needs to not do worse --- This story is not an end yet. Because only you are in the infinity loop. |
Buzzup | Posted 10/11/2007 8:29:38 AM | message detail |
It's Link, he goes up with everything. |
YoAriel33 | Posted 10/11/2007 8:31:36 AM | message detail |
Link is starting to look really good now. If he can hit 50% while keeping Vincent from 30%, I'd call it a fine performance. |
red sox 777 | Posted 10/11/2007 9:02:01 AM | message detail |
Link is doing fine here. He has 63.28% of the votes between himself and
Vincent right now, before the ASV, with Zelda taking away votes from
him. Sephiroth has a great chance to beat him in round 4 due to LFF
with Mario, but Link will most likely still beat Cloud in the finals. --- Character Battle VI -- Points: 119/176 -- T-1244 (234 way) Bracket: Link > Vincent -- Vote: Link |
YoAriel33 | Posted 10/11/2007 9:04:13 AM | message detail |
Seeing as how Link will be taking a Sqaure character with him, I doubt Sephiroth has a shot. |
Haste_2 | Posted 10/11/2007 9:06:03 AM | message detail |
It looks like the Bidoof haters get the last laugh. --- "Ah, a party! We haven't had one of those. It could be fun! So...what is a party?" "Well, you drink punch and eat CAKE! ...I think." |
Haste_2 | Posted 10/11/2007 9:06:19 AM | message detail |
Ah... and, so much for Mudkip > Luigi. --- "Ah, a party! We haven't had one of those. It could be fun! So...what is a party?" "Well, you drink punch and eat CAKE! ...I think." |
red sox 777 | Posted 10/11/2007 9:09:10 AM | message detail |
Well, if it's Vincent, then Link wins easily. I don't think Crono would
hurt Sephiroth more than Link though- he's a SNES character and looking
at CT's matches in the Games Contest, CT had totally opposite trends to
FFVII, and that match got higher votals than FFVII/OOT. If anything,
I'd expect Crono to hurt Link a little more than Sephiroth. Crono also
has very similar character design to Link, for what it's worth. --- Character Battle VI -- Points: 119/176 -- T-1244 (234 way) Bracket: Link > Vincent -- Vote: Link |
ZhangJunyi | Posted 10/11/2007 9:11:33 AM | message detail |
Who the **** is ruining this match by vote stuffing Vincent!? --- Not changing this sig until Cena, Batista, & Lashley lose their titles. Started: 1/24/07 |
swirIdude | Posted 10/11/2007 9:12:02 AM | message detail |
Emos. --- Jesus never had co-op adventure mode. Brawl is a little bit better. ~McMoogle Squall > Sora is a lock. ~Lady Ashe |
Haste_2 | Posted 10/11/2007 9:14:31 AM | message detail |
I hate how FF7 characters always start their night vote way early. So unfair. --- "Ah, a party! We haven't had one of those. It could be fun! So...what is a party?" "Well, you drink punch and eat CAKE! ...I think." |
creativename | Posted 10/11/2007 9:27:06 AM | message detail |
Haste2 Anyway, I need to bring another thing up as to explain Bidoof's success: there might be lots of voters that are catching on to this fad of voting for joke (Pokemon) characters this time around. Bidoof was the first joke character (CATS aside) to appear in the contest. No, this wasn't momentum or path dependency. Just stuffing. That was pretty clear last night, and not much in doubt now. Of course you know this by now too :) smitelf: What is this "everyone"? There were several people, me included, who anticipated Cloud's performance. Not bragging (because considering today's crappy prediction...), just pointing out that if you take Kefka into account, it's not so surprising at all that Cloud did well. What do you mean, considering Kefka? Do you believe Kefka's presence helped Cloud? Because it looked like Kefka didn't even get SFFed there. Sephiroth, on the other Fox collapsed like a house of cards in a hurricane. Yeah, I thought Fox would do better. Haste2 Kefka avoided all SFF... either that, or the SFF canceled out with Kefka's hardcore fans. Kefka probably hurt Cloud slightly, if anything. I agree. Though I doubt Kefka hurt Cloud at all. Nah. Fox just has SFFing power. He collapsed equally as hard as Wario, so it all made sense in the end. I suppose he SFFed Falcon into oblivion. I think Falcon>Wario 1 on 1. smitelf I think you're underestimating what Kefka would have gotten without SFF with Cloud. He'd have been much closer to Ocelot. There was definitely some SFF going on - not anywhere near on the level of this match, but enough to push Cloud up almost 2%, I think. The rest was all Cloud; he was guaranteed 53%ish without SFF anyway.<I think you're underestimating what Kefka would have gotten without SFF with Cloud. He'd have been much closer to Ocelot. There was definitely some SFF going on - not anywhere near on the level of this match, but enough to push Cloud up almost 2%, I think. The rest was all Cloud; he was guaranteed 53%ish without SFF anyway. Well I guess 2 points might be somewhat reasonable, even though that places quite a bit Kefka closer to Fenix than he was in round 1. But 1 point is more reasonable, and that's barely worth mentioning and could easily not be SFF. Cloud just lapped everybody that match. Don't think Kefka's presence had anything to do with it. Kleenex This begs the question: What would Tingle get in her position? Good god :) Lower than Adventure probably. If Luigi can SFF him to oblivion... --- |
creativename | Posted 10/11/2007 9:31:02 AM | message detail |
Smurf And aside from Yoshi, Nintendo has sucked it up throughout the contest as a whole. Which is bizarre since Nintendo have had the best year since these contests were born.And aside from Yoshi, Nintendo has sucked it up throughout the contest as a whole. Which is bizarre since Nintendo have had the best year since these contests were born. I disagree about Nintendo sucking, but yeah, given how big the Wii is at this site you'd think Nintendo would be at its strongest ever. But that doesn't look to be the case. It is surprising to me, I thought Nintendo would be impressive in almost every match this year. Zylo I'm starting to think that Sephiroth has a great chance to upset Link in one round if Crono wins over Vincent. Link has Mario that will take away about 10% away from him, and Crono is more likely to hurt Link than Seph. Not that it matters, since Link will still advance in that round and win the contest... Huh...I never thought of that. I doubt Crono hurts Link more than Sephiroth to any noteworthy degree, he probably has similar overlaps to both, but Mario... Still, I just can't picture Sephiroth>Link happening. If it was Cloud there maybe. Sephiroth>Link would be the great upset, and the greatest match, these contests have seen though :) SmurfFAQs (is this the same as _Smurf_?) Look at any previous contest. The final winner has NEVER given reason for anybody to doubt them. They've been stunning at every hurdle. And Link has just showcased questionable performances not once, but twice. Good point. Link still has to be the heavy favorite, but the small gap for doubt increases slightly each round. Though this round isn't really a questionable performance. If you take out the cheat votes Link would be fine. This result just looks bad when compared to how Link did in the Battle Royale against Cloud/Sephiroth/Snake, but that was because of Cloud/Sephiroth LFF. ExThaNemesis If Sephiroth were to beat Link, it'd probably be the best contest result we've ever had. Heh I said the same thing :) It really isn't. >.> This is just the people that want to see something different hoping against hope. Link is still going to win, unfortunately. Yes probably. But at least with me, my understanding that Cloud>Link is possible has nothing to do with hope. It's just that these contests are never that clear-cut, and this format makes things less predictable. Lugi Bidoof seems to have a dedicated base of jokers that guarantee him 15%. It's much more proxy cheaters than jokers. helferty How can people say this is unimpressive when Link is basically doubling Vincent with Zelda, and a Nintendo-based joke character in the poll? ...and more of Bidoof's would go to Link than Vincent. Bidoof's votes are not hurting Link more than anyone else. They are almost certainly stuffed votes, not Nintendo joke vote leeching. Blode of Evils Bane We wont really have an accurate reading on Link until next round thanks to Bidoof. Delete 2K-4K votes for Bidoof, and there's your percentages for accurate reading, I would say. transcience remember when Samus bombed because she only got 82% on Nidoran F? I don't recall anyone blaming Samus for that. They just gave credit to Nidoran and were pretty carefree for Samus. red sox 777 ephiroth has a great chance to beat him in round 4 due to LFF with Mario I'd say "pretty slim" rather than "great". --- |
creativename | Posted 10/11/2007 9:38:46 AM | message detail |
It looks like the Bidoof haters get the last laugh. As if this was ever in doubt :) Watching Bidoof struggle with uber-SFFed Zelda after an epic-squared collapse is more fun than last night I'd say :D And I don't even dislike Bidoof. Ah... and, so much for Mudkip > Luigi. Thank goodness. --- |