GameFAQs Contests
Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 511
UltimaterializerX | Posted 10/6/2007 12:11:42 PM | message detail |
YOU FOUND A GUTS MAN'S ASS. DUN DUNNNNNN. *Creativename's websites* Everything you could ever imagine: Sortable Table for Every Contest Match: *Extrapolated Standings* Explanation of Extrapolated Standings: Simple Explanation of Extrapolated Standings: A = Strongest Character B = Character Weaker than A C = Character Weaker than B To figure out a character's Xsts Percentage ---> [(CvB)(BvA)]/50 = CvA To compare how C would do against B ---> [(CvA)/(BvA)]*50 = CvB To figure out how B would do against A ---> [(CvA)/(CvB)]*50 = BvA Extrapolated Standings for All Contests (links to all brackets are on the left): *Solarshadow's Sites* Summer 2002 Contest: Summer 2003 Contest: Spring 2004 Contest: (not currently updating) *Old Stats topics* Summer 2002 Contest: Summer 2003 Contest: (See note) 2003-2004 Off-Season: (See note) Note: Don't use the links in the topic to browse through the pages, change the page number in the URL. Spring 2004 Pre-Season (Chance the number after "Season" to view other pages; there are three of them): Spring 2004 Contest (Change the number after "Stats" to view other pages; there are eight of them): *Match Pictures* All the match pics, and thanks to RockMFR for finding the missing ones! *Miscellaneous* Creativename's Page of Links: UltimaterializerX's Contest Sites (some offensive language): NGamer64's Archive Site and (lol) X-Stats Sim (some offensive language): A List of Acronyms, A Lesson on Percentages, and Some Odd Matches: All Time Top 10 Lists: RPguy's Hourly Poll Updates: HaRRicH's Fourpack of Fun Board: TRE's poll listing (every poll!): Aprosenf's Poll Script: GameFAQs' Top 100 Games Manual Poll Updater: ~*ST*~ |
Luis_Sera89 | Posted 10/6/2007 12:14:45 PM | message detail |
Samus > Bracket --- "Eet's game time..." |
SonicRaptor | Posted 10/6/2007 7:19:36 PM | message detail |
Scorpion will always be my favorite contest character, his performance
seems to always entertain me because nobody sees anything in him. --- Today's Subliminal Thought Is: |
FFDragon | Posted 10/6/2007 7:20:21 PM | message detail |
I like how both Ninjas will be in the final 32. --- Married to PepsiPlunge June 01, 2005: HERO'S PLUNGE! The revenge was swift and sweet (Metal Gear Solid 2) |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/6/2007 8:04:52 PM | message detail |
Division 2: Round 2 - Match 35 – Marcus Fenix vs. Kefka vs. Cloud vs. Revolver Ocelot Moltar’s Analysis Marcus Round 1 – 36.79% vs. Kefka, Tom Nook and Zelos Power of the Xbox! Kefka Round 1 – 31.99% vs. Marcus, Tom Nook and Zelos Never fails to disappoint. Cloud Round 1 – 61.24% vs. Ocelot, Jill and Zolom Been a while since we’ve seen him dominate. Ocelot Round 1 – 17.68% vs. Cloud, Jill and Zolom Manages to beat out Jill. Another pretty tough match pre-contest looks a bit easier after Round 1. Of course, Cloud takes the first spot with ease. This group isn’t that much stronger than his first group, so expect a high percentage for him. Number 2 is up for grabs between Ocelot, Kefka and Marcus. First character we can rule out is Kefka. For one thing, he couldn’t even impress last round, as he allowed Marcus to pull one of the biggest turn-arounds in Contest history. Now he’s could the main Final Fantasy man Cloud to suck up some of his voters. Between Ocelot and Fenix, it’s a bit tougher to choose who takes second. We’ve seen how Ocelot holds up with Cloud, but I think Marcus will take it. Last round we saw the core Xbox base push him to an easy first, and this time around, I think they’ll be able to keep him alive in this match. Cloud will be putting the hurt on Ocelot and Kefka, so Marcus shouldn’t have too much of a problem getting through thanks to his independence. Moltar’s Bracket Says: Cloud > Marcus Moltar’s Prediction is: Cloud: 54% - Marcus: 20% - Ocelot: 15% - Kefka: 11% Ultimaterializer’s Analysis Very odd match here. Kefka gave up a huge lead to Fenix in the first round, but both managed to make it through. Ocelot if only here because he was SFFd slightly less by Cloud than Jill Valentine was. The funny thing here is that Fenix being the odd character out works in his favor here. Ocelot is likely to get SFFs again, and even though we've never seen FF6 vs FF7 (not that I can remember off the top of my had, anyway), I'm pretty sure Kefka will get SFFd as well. Fenix, by virtue of not sharing a fanbase with anyone else here might actually come in second place. Ulti's Prediction: Cloud [48.00%] Fenix [22.00%] Ocelot [16.00%] Kefka [14.00%] Heroic Mario’s Analysis After Cloud impressed in the first round with a crazy 61% on Ocelot and Jill, I’m thinking he can do even better here -- nearly 60% against Fenix, Ocelot and Kefka. A tall order? Maybe! But I like what I’m seeing from Cloud this year; in fact, I like what I’m seeing from most of the FF7 crew. I don’t want to jump the gun and say anything crazy (oh yeah I do), but if Cloud does I’m expecting this match, I think we may see some...unexpected results in the later rounds! What’s leftover from Cloud’s domination is up for grabs, though. I could actually see all three of these guys managing to steal second here and advance. Out of them all, I’d say Kefka is the most unlikely, but I wouldn’t completely count him out of it. I’m going to be siding with Fenix here over Ocelot, though. Fenix’s performance last round was a bit more impressive than Ocelot’s, and despite the good showings from MGS in the contest so far, the Xbox characters are the ones who have been kicking the most ass. Another advantage here is that Fenix is the most independent of the guys here. He’s not affiliated with Square in any way, and he’s got no connection to Ocelot. With someone who is looking as good as Fenix, being the most independent is bound to have its perks. I think this ends up a lot closer than the past couple of matches we’ve seen, but I’m sticking Ocelot as the “Knuckles” of this match -- not out of it, but unlikely to advance. |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/6/2007 8:05:16 PM | message detail |
So this match is going to prove one thing -- CLOUD IS GUN’ BE ABLE TO BEAT LINK BELIEVE !! Cloud – 57% Marcus Fenix – 16% Revolver Ocelot – 15% Kefka – 12% Bracket: Cloud > Kefka Vote: Cloud Yoblazer’s Analysis This match has some good potential for a second place barn burner, but the fact that my personal Round 3 prediction, Jill Valentine, is long gone, I don't care as much as I should. Cloud is a guarantee to rock the next handful of matches, and I think he'll maintain a percentage well into the 50's here; his competition is just too weak. The only possibility for excitement rests with Marcus Fenix and Revolver Ocelot. Ocelot used his fan favorite status and Metal Gear's impressive strength in these polls to easily outlast Jill, but Fenix's surprising route and killer day vote place him as the favorite in my eyes. The fact that he's exclusive to a console that is independent of Cloud Strife just reinforces that. Cloud > Fenix. Cloud Strife - 54% Marcus Fenix - 18% Revolver Ocelot - 16% Kefka - 12% Lopen’s Analysis The Ocelot... renowned for its appetite for green leafy vegetables. Watch as it approaches is prey, slowly... sneaking... as it approaches, it lets out its ferocious hunting cry... "An Ocelot never lets his prey escape" Shots ring out. The lettuce is terrified. It rolls out of the lettuce patch... it is hindered by the sand, but the lettuce knows how to roll much quicker than its brethren. It makes a dash. Lettuce hope it gets away this ti-- "It doesn't feel right to shoot an unarmed head of lettuce... but I'll get over it." More bullets permeate the air, all but deafening the lettuce. He turns, looking to his leafy fellowship. They resemble something that could be bought at the Olive Garden now, somehow gracefully destroyed by the rounds. The lettuce's eyes meet up with those of his stalker for a brief moment. He twirls his revolver, and lets loose not a bullet, but a hand gesture. The lettuce is befuddled. "Uwehehe! Why didn't the kitten shoot me!?" he thinks to himself as he ducks into a log. "Reloading like this, it's a revolution." "Hehehe..." It darts from its log hearing that, and drawing upon the power of the Goddesses as it rolls out, the lettuce sheds its leafy exterior. A humanoid begins to take shape. "I am not lettuce, but a man, with a name!", it's shrill voice booms as it completes its transformation. "You shall call me MASTER!" The madman conjures up a Cloud to rain lightning down as the Ocelot reloads... but... nothing happens? "Plain name, but I wont forget it," Ocelot retorts, nearly finished reloading, not turning his attention to the Cloud. As he speaks, the Cloud increases in size at an alarming rate. Ocelot twirls his now loaded revolvers, ready to fire at the lettuce turned man. But it's too late. The Cloud has already enveloped both competitors... they are now unseen, unheard, completely obscured by the Cloud. Marcus Fenix, a few hundred feet in the distance, turns his head quizzically to one side, shrugs, and walks away. Lopen's Prediction: Cloud - 50.99% Marcus Fenix - 22.01% Ocelot - 14.37% Kefka - 12.63% Karma Hunter’s Analysis Marcus Fenix The GeoW protagonist returns as a probable favorite for Round 3 here among most of the board - and after Xbox has performed so far, you can't really blame most of 'em. I personally think there's a bit of overestimation being done here (he WAS losing to Kefka half the day), but he's definitely looking good to advance. |
KamikazePotato | Posted 10/6/2007 8:05:20 PM | message detail |
tag --- The apples were too strong for him.- Abomstar |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/6/2007 8:06:13 PM | message detail |
Kefka aka Dead in the Water. As if his epic collapse against Marcus wasn't bad enough, he's got Cloud breathing down his neck to make sure he looks like utter crap today. Cloud Strife Our current #2 is looking to try to impress again, which will be agreed by all to be a fantastic display until Link decimates that bar down the line. Revolver Ocelot Taking down the BIG favorite to Round 3, Ocelot now has to face down another pretty darn big favorite here in Fenix. Unable to catch a break with an MGS3 picture here, can Ocelot pull off another stunning upset? Our first semi-iffy match of the round comes in the form of Fenix v Ocelot. This is likely an answer to not only GeoW's presence on this site to an extent, but also the question of which entity has been more impressive this round; Xbox or MGS. On the one hand, you could say Marcus is a near-lock when comparing the strengths of Kefka and Ocelot, who have presumably been near-equals thanks to measuring through Pac-Man. They've even got comparable 'fan-favorite' status, and you could certainly expect Kefka to be higher on his pecking order! But let's not forget that Ocelot beat a character who would DEFINITELY beat Kefka (and one who would conceivably beat Ocelot one-on-one) in this format, and that even fodder MGS characters have something that FF6 doesn't - people *really* care about them, and they stay relevant. Fenix is certainly the most independent character here, but we've already seen how Ocelot held up against the character that was supposed to drain him (Cloud). I consider it a very impressive performance. So does this all make Ocelot the favorite? Heck no, but I'm the MGS fanboy on this Crew and I have a duty to take him when I feel he can. I've already been MGShamed on Jill, so I'm not doubting you this time, Ocelot. Karma Hunter's Vote: Revolver Ocelot. THROUGH THIS ARM Karma Hunter's Krazy Prediction: Cloud Strife with 57.5%, Revolver Ocelot with 16%, Marcus Fenix with 15%, Kefka with 11.5% etc etc believe Upset Probability: 70% blah blah XBOXFEAR walla walla Transience’s Analysis this is an interesting match, though I think we've decided on a favourite. Marcus Fenix has by far the most independent fanbase in this match - the other three have shown to overlap with FF7 in the past, and I sure wouldn't trust anyone when Square's alpha dog is the one they have to draw votes away from. besides, did you see that day vote? I don't care that he was going against Kefka, one of the worst day votes of all time. that was crazy. but with Marcus, who knows? Lettuce Kefka may have made Kefka unrecognizable to casual voters -- if anyone is affected by pictures, it's Kefka. Marcus Fenix also seems like a guy that needs a good picture, which is what he got in round 1. if he gets a bad one here, he could be scary. plus, we've seen Ocelot impress when he gets a "young ocelot" picture, and not do as well with an "old ocelot" picture. I think the picture might be very significant here. I won't count any of these guys out for second, not even Kefka. Kefka may be overlapping with Cloud here, but he *does* have a lot of people that care about him. it's unlikely he advances, but I won't say it's impossible, especially when Fenix has to deal with one of the most recognizable characters on the site being in the poll with him in Cloud. and that's saying nothing of Ocelot, a very loved character from a series that has done nothing but impress so far (well, except for Raiden, but who knows what's up there?). I'll predict Marcus here solely due to his independence, but god only knows what happens. |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/6/2007 8:06:52 PM | message detail |
I'm not going to be around to see the picture, but
if we get Young Ocelot, Unrecognizable Marcus and Crappy Kefka, I'd
probably back Ocelot. if we get recognizable Fenix, he takes this. and
if we get a Kefka sprite for some random reason? god only knows. Fenix, beat Ocelot? probably not one-on-one but Cloud's in the poll transience's prediction: Cloud with 50.78%, Marcus Fenix with 19.45%, Revolver Ocelot with 18.78%, Kefka with 10.99% Guest’s Analysis - Lady_Ashe So... this match is pretty much pointless now. At first, there was some potential for argument over who takes second between Ocelot and Marcus. Then this happened: ...Yeah, not much to say there. Marcus dominates the picture, while Cloud is invisible and will still grab 5000% of the vote. So the argument now shifts to Ocelot and Kefka, until people realize there isn't any argument there either. MGS has been kicking ass and taking names, while all non-Big Name FF characters have been doing poorly. There is no reason to believe this will change. Especially with the number one Final Fantasy character in the poll with Kefka. So the result will be Cloud > Marcus > Ocelot > Kefka. There is no possible way anything else could happen. What about percentage? Kefka will get annihilated by Cloud, Ocelot and Cloud will both drop from last round somewhat due to the stronger competition, and Marcus will ride his X-Box fanbase to Round 3. Kefka - 10.54% Ocelot - 14.85% Marcus - 17.43% Cloud - 57.18% ...Why did I sign up for this match? Crew Consensus: Cloud > Fenix, aww yeah xbox |
ZFS | Posted 10/6/2007 8:24:12 PM | message detail | what --- let's mosey |
charmander6000 | Posted 10/6/2007 8:35:54 PM | message detail |
Match XXXV: Marcus Fenix vs Kefka vs Cloud vs Revolver Ocelot Past Matches Round 1 Marcus Fenix - 36.79% Kefka - 31.99% Tom Nook - 18.69% Zelos Wilder - 12.53% Cloud - 61.24% Revolver Ocelot - 17.68% Jill Valentine - 15.57% Midgar Zolom - 5.51% Analysis Last round Marcus was able to show the he was a day vote beast by losing to Kefka to winning by almost 5%. Out of all the new characters Marcus has the best chance out of all of them to make it to the next round. Cloud was able to show why he’s the second strongest character in this contest by breaking 60% on two low mid-carders and a SFF fodder. Ocelot too was able to surpass his expectations by having no problems at beating Jill. Cloud will obviously take first in this poll the only thing people should be wondering is whether or not he’ll break 50%. Out of all the matches in the second round this match has the biggest chance where one character is able to break 50%. Kefka is comparable to Jill in terms of strength so Marcus would have to get enough to take over 11% of Cloud’s votes plus some percent from Ocelot and Kefka on top of what he’ll be getting from Zolom (which isn’t much). It’ll be close, but I think Cloud is capable at breaking 50% in this match. The fight for second is between Marcus and Ocelot. Marcus is the favorite here because Ocelot failed to beat Pac-Man while Kefka did and Marcus has already won against Kefka. However this year Ocelot and Metal Gear characters as a whole look a lot stronger in this format. Maybe the reason MG characters look stronger is because their opponents are weaker than we thought; Jill was in the female bracket, Pac-Man was SFF by Mario which could have resulted in a LFF, Sonic characters have been underperforming in this format, even using the VC Liquid was almost equal to Alucard and Vyse is a complete fodder. This match will tell us if the board has been overrating MG characters as a whole. Kefka will not come in second, Marcus has already beaten him last round and in this match he has Cloud to worry about. The only way I can see Kefka avoiding last is if he doesn’t get SFF because it’s New Square vs Old Square and if Ocelot isn’t as strong as some people make him out to be. This will be the first NS vs OS match involving two Final Fantasy characters all the previous ones had Chrono Trigger characters in the poll so today we may see whether the two fanbases are that separate or if it is just a CT thing. It’ll be interesting to watch Marcus start off in last and work his way to second, of course that’ll only happen if Kefka can avoid SFF. While this match could be interesting I think it’ll be overshadowed by hype for the next match. charmander6000’s Bracket: Cloud > Marcus Fenix charmander6000’s Prediction: Cloud - 51.63%, Marcus Fenix - 20.04%, Revolver Ocelot - 15.22%, Kefka - 13.11% --- The Board 8 BOP - Match 34: Samus > Frog Points: 99/136 |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 10/6/2007 8:40:56 PM | message detail |
Round 2- Division 2 Semifinal A Previous Matches: Characters Involved: Marcus Fenix The Gears of war lead showed his mettle by swinging a massive amount of votes on Kefka. And seeing as how his main competition this round is Ocelot, I think we might see another good sized swing come morning. Kefka lol kefka Cloud After ripping through his first match, Cloud is looking primed to break 50% here, a feat that will probably only be matched by Sephiroth this round. Revolver Ocelot Ocelot showed us he wasn't a complete jobber by taking out Jill, but I think that was more a result of the deceptive female bracket than anything else. Predictions: Dark horse #1 impressed me last round, and it looks like he'll finish his role in my bracket by pulling out second here. First of all was his commanding day vote that put a potentially stronger Kefka (FF6A) away for good. Secondly, Halo 3 has come out since the last time we saw Marcus, so I can see increased X-Box traffic helping him greatly. The trick here is percentages. Kefka is guarenteed to be destroyed. He's looking at a ceiling of 12%, but I can see him going even below that. Ocelot scored 18% last round, but had weaker opponents, so I think 15-16% is a good place to put him. As for Fenix, I can see him breaking 20% here, which would be a very impressive performance for a contest newbie with only 1 X-Box 360 game to his name. I can see Fenix becoming a force if they decide to release a sequel to Gears. TuRtLe's Prediction: Cloud 51%, Marcus 20%, Ocelot 17%, Kefka 12% TuRtLe's Bracket: Cloud > Marcus TuRtLe's Vote: Kefka TuRtLe ~~~ 105/136 in the contest. Next pick: Samus > Frog BlAcK TuRtLe. The cream of Zero fanboyism |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/6/2007 8:42:24 PM | message detail |
So since I went low with Mega Man and Samus, I'm compensating by going high with Cloud. Impress me you airplane wing wielder! --- Moltar Status: The Analysis Crew...believe Marcus/Kefka/Cloud/Ocelot - Bracket: Cloud > Marcus - Vote: Ocelot (119/144) |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 10/6/2007 8:44:35 PM | message detail |
Hey Moltar, I was wondering if you could set aside Link's round 3 fourpack for me, since I didn't get a match this round. TuRtLe ~~~ 105/136 in the contest. Next pick: Samus > Frog BlAcK TuRtLe. The cream of Zero fanboyism |
transience | Posted 10/6/2007 8:46:01 PM | message detail |
actually, it looks like a lot of people are going high with Cloud. --- ZFStix: nin nin nin ima ninja!!! nin nin nin XD ZFStix: kill it |
TheCruelAngel | Posted 10/6/2007 8:46:10 PM | message detail |
I think Cloud will push for 60% here. I hope he fails to get to 50, though =p --- Warden: Talk! What is SeeD all about!? Squall: ...Flower. |
ZFS | Posted 10/6/2007 8:51:18 PM | message detail |
Cloud getting 60% here would be something -- something awesome! Think that'd be asking too much here, though. --- let's mosey |
TheCruelAngel | Posted 10/6/2007 8:52:25 PM | message detail |
It probably is, but I have this awful feeling that he'll s somehow do it. Suck, Cloud! --- Warden: Talk! What is SeeD all about!? Squall: ...Flower. |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 10/6/2007 8:52:42 PM | message detail |
For Cloud to get 60% here, he'd have to SFF Kefka until he's at Zolomy levels, and Fenix would have to be under Ocelot. TuRtLe ~~~ 105/136 in the contest. Next pick: Samus > Frog BlAcK TuRtLe. The cream of Zero fanboyism |
YoAriel33 | Posted 10/6/2007 8:53:19 PM | message detail |
Cloud doesn't seem like a very good person to get high with. The best
Noble 9er to get high with would probably be Sonic. Mario is also a
good choice, since he's a nice guy and probably won't mind you raiding
his fridge afterwards. --- yoblazer33: NO LIMITZ Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world! |
transience | Posted 10/6/2007 8:56:09 PM | message detail |
I bet casuals own board 8 with Scorpion's prediction percentage here. --- ZFStix: nin nin nin ima ninja!!! nin nin nin XD ZFStix: kill it |
swirIdude | Posted 10/6/2007 8:57:19 PM | message detail |
Ayup --- Squall > Sora is a lock. ~Lady Ashe |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 10/6/2007 8:59:58 PM | message detail |
Dude, Mega Man. He'd be all like "WEED GET!" Sonic would be a hyper stoner. MM, Mario and Crono would be chill. Snake would freak out, and Cloud/Sephy would have a psychotic episode or something. TuRtLe ~~~ 109/144 in the contest. Next pick: Samus > Frog BlAcK TuRtLe. The cream of Zero fanboyism |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/6/2007 9:00:14 PM | message detail |
Marcus Fenix 23.08% 3 Kefka 38.46% 5 Cloud Strife 7.69% 1 Revolver Ocelot 30.77% 4 TOTAL VOTES 13 what --- Moltar Status: The Analysis Crew...believe Marcus/Kefka/Cloud/Ocelot - Bracket: Cloud > Marcus - Vote: Ocelot (119/144) |
YoAriel33 | Posted 10/6/2007 9:00:15 PM | message detail |
Marcus Fenix 12.5% 1 Kefka 50% 4 Cloud Strife 12.5% 1 Revolver Ocelot 25% 2 TOTAL VOTES 8 --- yoblazer33: NO LIMITZ Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world! |
ejm5446 | Posted 10/6/2007 9:00:36 PM | message detail |
Marcus Fenix 22.22% 4 Kefka 44.44% 8 Cloud Strife 5.56% 1 Revolver Ocelot 27.78% 5 TOTAL VOTES 18 |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/6/2007 9:00:43 PM | message detail |
augh augh yo --- Moltar Status: The Analysis Crew...believe Marcus/Kefka/Cloud/Ocelot - Bracket: Cloud > Marcus - Vote: Ocelot (119/144) |
Xcarvengerx | Posted 10/6/2007 9:00:49 PM | message detail |
Marcus Fenix 28.17% 20 Kefka 22.54% 16 Cloud Strife 25.35% 18 Revolver Ocelot 23.94% 17 TOTAL VOTES 71 --- Xcarvengerx (scar-fan-gear-rex) /n/ = A plethora of quixotic illumination. The cream of Chocobo fanboyism. |
Gaddswell | Posted 10/6/2007 9:00:54 PM | message detail |
Marcus Fenix 22.47% 40 Kefka 19.66% 35 Cloud Strife 37.64% 67 Revolver Ocelot 20.22% 36 TOTAL VOTES 178 --- Who the hell do you think you are getting off being so egotistical like that? - hochiminh155 to Takfloyd_mkII__ |
ZFS | Posted 10/6/2007 9:01:01 PM | message detail |
Oh, board 8. You and your anti-voting FF7 ways! --- let's mosey |
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/6/2007 9:01:11 PM | message detail |
Marcus Fenix 22.82% 34 Kefka 18.79% 28 Cloud Strife 38.26% 57 Revolver Ocelot 20.13% 30 TOTAL VOTES 149 I'd expect an inflated start for Kefka, but not for Fenix, which should bode good for him... --- Samus 2K5 is horribly underrated, and is indirectly stronger than Mario. KHF sucks and never existed either, much like my package. |
adamjaxe | Posted 10/6/2007 9:01:15 PM | message detail |
Marcus Fenix 25% 3 Kefka 41.67% 5 Cloud Strife 8.33% 1 Revolver Ocelot 25% 3 TOTAL VOTES 12 Cloud = last confirmed --- \ Axe With Tha Hax / Play me on Pro 6! |
Pondos | Posted 10/6/2007 9:01:18 PM | message detail |
Cloud's in last!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! --- Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it is too dark to read. -Groucho Marx |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 10/6/2007 9:01:21 PM | message detail |
Cloud wastes no time in getting high. Can't wait to see his percentage when the antivotes wear off. TuRtLe ~~~ 109/144 in the contest. Next pick: Samus > Frog BlAcK TuRtLe. The cream of Zero fanboyism |
KamikazePotato | Posted 10/6/2007 9:01:35 PM | message detail |
Nice 3-way start. --- The apples were too strong for him.- Abomstar |
Gaddswell | Posted 10/6/2007 9:02:24 PM | message detail |
Marcus Fenix 17.96% 109 Kefka 18.29% 111 Cloud Strife 45.14% 274 Revolver Ocelot 18.62% 113 TOTAL VOTES 607 Kefka's actually close! --- Who the hell do you think you are getting off being so egotistical like that? - hochiminh155 to Takfloyd_mkII__ |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 10/6/2007 9:02:30 PM | message detail |
Kefka > Ocelot gogogogogo TuRtLe ~~~ 109/144 in the contest. Next pick: Samus > Frog BlAcK TuRtLe. The cream of Zero fanboyism |
RockMFR 5 | Posted 10/6/2007 9:02:40 PM | message detail |
wtf h4x --- Save the cheerleader, save the world. o_0 The Ohio State University: We are so much better than m*ch!g@n. |
YoAriel33 | Posted 10/6/2007 9:02:44 PM | message detail |
This is the most boring close start ever. --- yoblazer33: NO LIMITZ Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world! |
__hiei__ | Posted 10/6/2007 9:02:45 PM | message detail |
Marcus Fenix 17.87% 99 Kefka 17.87% 99 Cloud Strife 44.95% 249 Revolver Ocelot 19.31% 107 TOTAL VOTES 554 tied there |
transience | Posted 10/6/2007 9:02:48 PM | message detail |
Marcus Fenix 17.88% 128 Kefka 17.88% 128 Cloud Strife 46.37% 332 Revolver Ocelot 17.88% 128 TOTAL VOTES 716 --- ZFStix: nin nin nin ima ninja!!! nin nin nin XD ZFStix: kill it |
redrocket | Posted 10/6/2007 9:03:06 PM | message detail |
Marcus Fenix 17.81% 132 Kefka 17.81% 132 Cloud Strife 46.56% 345 Revolver Ocelot 17.81% 132 TOTAL VOTES 741 Holy Crap! --- Madden FPS 08 for GOTY! |
Djungelurban | Posted 10/6/2007 9:03:24 PM | message detail |
I just got this update... I find it kinda funny! :D Marcus Fenix 17.81% 132 Kefka 17.81% 132 Cloud Strife 46.56% 345 Revolver Ocelot 17.81% 132 --- B.B. Hood for CB -08 The apples were too strong for him. |
hochiminh155 | Posted 10/6/2007 9:03:48 PM | message detail |
Kefka will lead at the beginning, Ocelot will overtake Kefka. Day hits. Marcus overtakes Kefka and then overtakes Ocelot --- Hochiminh155's Trail to Failure swirldude has exposed me as a prediction fraud. |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 10/6/2007 9:04:15 PM | message detail |
If anyone wants to doubt the existance of a weekend day vote, I urge them to follow this match's trends closely. TuRtLe ~~~ 109/144 in the contest. Next pick: Samus > Frog BlAcK TuRtLe. The cream of Zero fanboyism |
Gaddswell | Posted 10/6/2007 9:04:18 PM | message detail |
Marcus Fenix 17.02% 199 Kefka 18.56% 217 Cloud Strife 47.48% 555 Revolver Ocelot 16.94% 198 TOTAL VOTES 1169 Kefka in second! --- Who the hell do you think you are getting off being so egotistical like that? - hochiminh155 to Takfloyd_mkII__ |
Majin Lou | Posted 10/6/2007 9:05:56 PM | message detail |
Heh, Kefka in second at the break, but that's not surprising. --- Desert Rose, why do you live alone? If you are sad, I'll make you leave this life. |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 10/6/2007 9:05:58 PM | message detail |
Kefka is a Board vote guy right? I guess we'll see if he falls off the map at the first update. TuRtLe ~~~ 109/144 in the contest. Next pick: Samus > Frog BlAcK TuRtLe. The cream of Zero fanboyism |
ZFS | Posted 10/6/2007 9:06:05 PM | message detail |
Marcus Fenix 16.62% 245 Kefka 17.77% 262 Cloud Strife 48.1% 709 Revolver Ocelot 17.5% 258 TOTAL VOTES 1474 Impressive start for Cloud. --- let's mosey |
ejm5446 | Posted 10/6/2007 9:06:06 PM | message detail |
FREEZE Marcus Fenix 16.62% 245 Kefka 17.77% 262 Cloud Strife 48.1% 709 Revolver Ocelot 17.5% 258 TOTAL VOTES 1474 |