GameFAQs Contests
Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 509
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 10/4/2007 6:54:50 PM | message detail |
I can't wait to see some of these matches. Maybe I'll do a quick list of what matches I want to see the most. TuRtLe ~~~ 101/128 in the contest. Next pick: Mega Man > Knuckles BlAcK TuRtLe. The cream of Zero fanboyism |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 10/4/2007 6:56:00 PM | message detail |
Round 1 Review Top 10 Stars of the Round: 1. Master Chief- Yeah, many people expected him to thrive in this format, and with Halo 3, but not many expected him to thrive to the extent that he did. It's looking like this will be MC's coming out year, and I must say it's about damn time. 2. Pikachu- Once again, most expected him to advance to round 2, a few had him impressing against Tidus, but nobody had him outright winning his match. On the downside, he cost me 2 points that almost everybody missed there. On the plus side, Leon > Pikachu is looking like a damn lock at this point, which should net me 4 points that not many will have. aww yeah dark horse #2 3. L-Block- A joke entrant that was placed in a debateable match for second place with Laharl, he erased all doubts by holding the lead over Kirby at the beginning of the match, and managing to hold on to it for 30 minutes before finally "collapsing". Easily the strongest joke character we've had, and honestly a serious threat to advance to round 3. 4. Ryu Hayabusa- Kingdom Hearts dropping or not, Ryu H managed to get 45% for himself, and beat Riku and Roxas combined votal. I'm convinced this was more Kingdom Hearts being bloated last year due to recency, but Ryu H is looking dead sexy to advance to round 3 in a match where very few had him advancing. 5. Ryu- Street Fighter's main character, and basically the face of the fighting game genre, Ryu didn't just take advantage of Nintendo SFF to advance, he flat-out manhandled his fourpack. He did so good there, that people are honestly considering him to advance over Bowser in round 2. Whether he advances or not, he will undoubtedly prove that 2k5 was a weird year for him. 6. Marcus Fenix- Marcus rode the X-Box boost to a stunning comeback against Kefka where the end result made it look as though he was never in any danger of losing. The fact that he's performing like Tommy Vercetti's 2k5 self did in his inaugeral contest (and after Final Fantasy 6 Advance came out to boot) speaks volumes of the shifting demographic we later saw where X-Box characters have been impressing. Marcus is looking good to advance to round 3. Go dark horse #3! 7. Kratos- The good Kratos, he managed to prove his mettle against DK and Marth, and showed us all that he is a great up-and-comer that may get up to guys like Dante when God of War 3 comes out. 8. Mudkip- so i herd u like mudkipz? Mudkip managed to put up fairly impressive numbers on Luigi, and left Tingle and newcomer Pit clawing for the scraps. Normally that wouldn't be too impressive, but he's looking to actually be a threat in round 2. Scary..... 9. Mewtwo- Despite competing with 2 Nintendo characters in one of the strongest round 1 fourpacks, Mewtwo managed to come pretty damn close to Bowser, which really speaks volumes as to how far Pokemon has come since the days of anti-voting Pikachu. Mewtwo is looking to be a strong midcarder, and I can't wait to see him in a normal contest. 10. Fox- Fox came out and proved that he should have never been snubbed from the bracket all those years by dominating a fourpack of weak Nintendo characters. Nobody expected him to score as high as he did, and Fox is looking like a shoe-in to go to Round 3 with Sephiroth. Honourable Mentions: Auron, Sub-Zero, Resident Evil 4 characters, Metal Gear characters and Phoenix Wright TuRtLe ~~~ 101/128 in the contest. Next pick: Mega Man > Knuckles BlAcK TuRtLe. The cream of Zero fanboyism |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 10/4/2007 6:56:34 PM | message detail |
Bottom 10 Losers of the Round: 1. Gordon Freeman- He may not have had the most impressive loss, but he is the one character that should NOT have been that weak looking at his performances for the last 2 years. What the hell happened? Perhaps Sonic can shed some light on this in round 2, where we can see whether this was Duke impressing or Gordon bombing epicly. My money's on the former. 2. Raiden- Prior to this contest, Raiden's only match was a round 1 loss to Solid Snake in the 2003 contest. Many felt he deserved a second chance, and he was given that chance in the possible upset of him beating out Zero in round 2. Especially with the way Big Boss and The Boss performed prior to his match. Well, Raiden went out and completely sucked. Like, high fodder AT BEST suck. Some attributed this to Sam Fished being really strong, but all you need to do is look at how far they were from Crono to realize this was Raiden legitimately bombing. 3. Frog- In 2004, Frog was a complete blast to watch, and even his 2k5 matches were interesting to see. It seems as though he's dropped quite a bit since then though, because he turned a 55-45 victory against Riku 2 years ago into a down-to-the-wire comeback against Axel. Frog was the favourite to go to round 3 with Samus, but right now it's looking as though Scorpion should be pretty safe there. 4. Magus- Magus followed Frog's lead by completely sucking against his weakass competition. One could compare his fourpack to Zero's, but he performed almost 10% less. This is definitely not the same Magus that went toe-to-toe with Ganondorf in 2003. 5. Tidus- Another character that went even with Ganondorf in 2003, I didn't think Tidus could sink much lower than his 2k5 match against Kirby, but then he went out and got tripled by Squall last year. Then I didn't think he could top that, and he let Pikachul beat him by a very comfortable margin. Granted, a lot of that was Pikachu increasing from the last time we saw him, but come on Meg Ryan. 6. Vaan- lol vaan is about all I can say here. He managed under 10% in his poll, which despite Rikku's presence, is pretty craptastic. 7. Shadow the Hedgehog- He advanced, but he definitely didn't look good doing it. This was definitely not the same Shadow we saw in 2003 by a long shot. This was just an embarassing performance. 8. Zelda- Last year, Zelda outdid Ganondorf on Samus by 5%. Since then she has had massive Wii success, and the very popular Twilight Princess. How did she handle her match with these tools in hand? By getting destroyed by Vincent, making her look like her 2005 self. God damn that female bracket is wonky. 9. Zidane- He was placed in a fourpack that was expected to be a very tight race between all the characters, and given that his only match was against Crono, he had every chance to be a player in that match. Instead, he took a seat on the sidelines as soon as the poll started and watched the other characters not suck. The only consolation he can take is that Vaan looks weaker than him, but at least Vaan had an SFF excuse. 10. Yuna- She went from being a candidate to advance through this division, to possibly being eliminated by Alucard/Liquid next round. She suffered the same fate as Zelda, in that she looked great in the female bracket last year, but is now looking much closer to her 2005 self. Man I wish Tifa was in this bracket, just so we could see her fall flat on her boobs. Honourable Mentions: lol Nathan Hale, lol Matt, lol Vyse, lol Balthier, lol female bracket and of course, lol "Fails of" characters TuRtLe ~~~ 101/128 in the contest. Next pick: Mega Man > Knuckles BlAcK TuRtLe. The cream of Zero fanboyism |
charmander6000 | Posted 10/4/2007 6:56:44 PM | message detail |
So out of the 64 characters in the second round we have 9 that are new characters Midna Marcus Fenix Meta Knight Bidoof Mudkip Amaterasu Balthier L-Block Nightmare That's pretty good considering that we only had 35 new characters to begin with. So who makes it to the next round? I think Marcus and Amaterasu will be the only ones going to round 3. --- The Board 8 BOP - Match 32: Sonic the Hedgehog > Sub-Zero Points: 91/124 |
Gaddswell | Posted 10/4/2007 7:01:34 PM | message detail |
lol "Fails of" characters Back to the usual I see. --- Who the hell do you think you are getting off being so egotistical like that? - hochiminh155 to Takfloyd_mkII__ |
swirIdude | Posted 10/4/2007 7:01:40 PM | message detail |
The only ones with a shot are Fenix, Amaterasu, and L-Block. Personally
I don't think any of these three are advancing, but if I had to pick,
I'd give it to Fenix just because I can't shake off these weird FF7/MGS
results. --- Squall > Sora is a lock. ~Lady Ashe |
MegatokyoEd | Posted 10/4/2007 7:05:09 PM | message detail |
I think Mudkip has a chance if something wonky goes down in Ganon/Luigi. --- Demyx is better than Axel. |
charmander6000 | Posted 10/4/2007 7:10:15 PM | message detail |
Match XXXIII: Yoshi vs Knuckles vs Mega Man vs KOS-MOS Past Matches Round 1 Yoshi - 35.48% Knuckles - 27.84% Rikku - 27.14% Vaan - 9.54% Mega Man - 50.49% KOS-MOS - 18.43% Arthas - 15.67% Diablo - 15.42% Analysis Last round Yoshi started off so well that it looked like not even SFF this round could stop him though throughout the day he dropped to what we see him have now and is in range of losing to SFF. Knuckles like other Sonic characters didn’t do too well at the beginning and had to come back against Rikku. In the end it looked like Knuckles drop and Rikku boosted. Mega Man and KOS-MOS did just as expected while Arthas and Diablo split the Blizzard vote. First match of the round and by looking at some of the matches most of them have the potential to be very close. While first in this poll is pretty much known it is second that is very debatable. Sure the upset has lost a lot of its strength because of last round, but Knuckles is still within range of taking down Yoshi. Mega Man will take first in this match just like last time. However it won’t be as easy as it was last round for him. Right now Mega Man needs to prove whether or not he has what it takes to go against Samus next round. I guess for Mega Man he’d rather have Yoshi advance though since he acts like a Nintendo character as well it may do more harm than help. Due to Yoshi’s performance last round he has become the favorite to take second despite him suffering SFF. Last round Yoshi beat Knuckles by about 8% and if you were to compare the Mega Man/Yoshi match back in 2k5 you’d noticed that Mega Man only SFF him by about 5%. However that was SFF adjusted Yoshi which we used Laharl to get that value and using 2k6 Yoshi the value jumps up to about 15%, but we don’t know if Yoshi or Mega Man stayed constant over the year. For Knuckles to have a chance at the next round he better hope that Mega Man SFF Yoshi badly or won’t have a chance. In the last paragraph I listed Yoshi’s extremes, but if you were to use 2k5 Luigi and base it off of what he got against Yoshi in 2k4 you have Mega Man SFF Yoshi by about 12.5% this does give Knuckles enough room to work with, but these numbers are only based off of a one on one match and like we’ve learned last round many of those numbers have become useless. Had Yoshi/Knuckles been a one on one match using last round numbers Yoshi wins in a 56/44 match, a 12% difference. KOS-MOS did very well last round, but she doesn’t have what it takes to compete with her opponents. She was only able to get 18.5% last round so I wouldn’t be surprised if she is fighting for 10% in this poll. Mega Man will take first and while my bracket has Knuckles but my heart has Yoshi. I don’t really care who comes in second just as long as the match is much closer than what it was last round. Here’s to a great second round. charmander6000’s Bracket: Mega Man > Knuckles charmander6000’s Prediction: Mega Man - 38.74%, Knuckles - 23.42%, Yoshi - 23.01%, KOS-MOS - 14.83% --- The Board 8 BOP - Match 32: Sonic the Hedgehog > Sub-Zero Points: 91/124 |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 10/4/2007 7:20:03 PM | message detail |
Round 2 Preview: Mega Man/Yoshi/Knuckles/KOS-MOS This should be a fairly interesting match. Yoshi has to be the favourite to take second given how far ahead of Knuckles he was last round, but that Mega Man/Yoshi match in 2005 looms over this one. Has potential to be a tight match if Yoshi is significantly hurt by the Blue Bomber Samus/Frog/Scorpion/Midna This was supposed to be a relatively close victory for Frog, but he went and completely sucked last round, compared to Scorpion's looking decently impressive. Was that Midna/Kratos Aurion being completely crap? Or does Scorpion have what it takes to go on another Cinderella run? Cloud/Marcus/Kefka/Ocelot Marcus >= Kefka >= Ocelot going by the round 1 match and Ocelot's match with Pac-Man, but Ocelot proved that he was a different beast this year by beating out the favoured Jill Valentine. However, one factor that should push Marcus through is the release of Halo 3 last week, which has increased X-Box traffic to the site. Auron/Bowser/Ryu/Shadow A great match on paper, I think this will end up being a little disappointing when it actually happens. Auron > Bowser > Ryu > Shadow is damn near lock status, and barring anything overly fishy, should be a match that's "close", but not close enough for an actual upset. Sephiroth/Meta-Knight/Fox/Wario Should be fairly straightforward. The way Fox manhandled his fourpack means that Meta-Knight winning here is extremely unlikely. Mario/Big Boss/Magus/Phoenix Wright Big Boss' impressive first round performance and Magus' complete crapfest have started the upset train a rollin', but I think Magus still has this comfortably. There's still enough doubt in my mind that this is a match worth watching though. Link/Bidoof/Vincent/Zelda The only interesting part of this match will be whether or not Bidoof beats out Zelda for third. Actually, I fully expect Vincent to come out of this match looking extremely good due to the Nintendo SFF, which should get the Vincent > Crono bandwagon going. Crono/Zero/Raiden/HK-47 Another fairly straightforward match, the only thing I want to see is how good Zero does on Crono so I can get some read on how my upset is looking for round 3. I suppose HK/Raiden has potential to be hilarious too. Luigi/Mudkip/Ganondorf/Vergil A key match here, both because it will give us an idea of how Ganondorf and Luigi split, and because.... well, Mudkip has a very realistic shot of advancing. What happens in this division's finals will probably be answered here. Master Chief/Yuna/Liquid/Alucard Should be a very interesting match, because we'll get to see how much Halo 3 coming out has helped MC, and Yuna looking weak means there's a potential 3-horse race for second place. Even if Yuna stays ahead of those 2, it will be fun to watch who takes third. Dante/Amastaserasru/Balthier/Ada Another interesting match, we'll finally get an idea on what the hell happened in Ada's round 1 match, and we'll get to see if she folds when up against Dante. Leon/Vivi/Tidus/Pikachu I hate to say I told you so, but I told you so. Pikachu looking DAMN good to take second here, both by how much he beat Tidus, and by the fact that Tidus and Vivi will be splitting the Square vote. Kirby/L-block/Kratos/DK Kratos > Kirby is the logical result of this match, but this contest so far has been anything but logical. L-block has a serious chance to advance if DK and Kirby split evenly enough. Hopefully this is where DK's choketacularness willl shine. TuRtLe ~~~ 101/128 in the contest. Next pick: Mega Man > Knuckles BlAcK TuRtLe. The cream of Zero fanboyism |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 10/4/2007 7:21:00 PM | message detail |
Snake/Nightmare/Ryu H/Riku Another match that should answer some first round questions, Ryu is the favourite to take second here, but Riku advancing wouldn't surprise me in the slightest. Squall/Aeris/Sora/Lara Can the Square dudes split enough to let Lara take second? Who gets the lion's share of what Squall doesn't take of the Square vote? Probably my most anticipated round 2 matchup Sonic/Sub-Zero/Gordon/Duke Had Sub-Zero bombed today, I would have called this a potentially intersting match. As it is, all we'll be able to take from this match is who can be blamed for Duke > Gordon. TuRtLe ~~~ 101/128 in the contest. Next pick: Mega Man > Knuckles BlAcK TuRtLe. The cream of Zero fanboyism |
ZFS | Posted 10/4/2007 7:21:06 PM | message detail |
Uh, not so sure about that. Yuna and Rikku boosted from X-2 and
Auron boosted from KH2. Without that, I think FFX would be looking
pretty bad...and I'd count on it to be weaker in a games contest than
it was in 2k4. Can't agree with that at all. I'm not sure what you qualify as "bad," but they would at the very least be solid midcarders if you take away any extra boosts they've received. FF7 would still be far ahead, but FF10 characters come out ahead of every other FF series if you removed the KH boosts from them, too. I would expect FF10 to perform just as well, if not a bit better, in another games contest. It's not like the game has aged poorly or been forgotten. Check it out -- Still where you'd figure it to be -- second to FF7. --- let's mosey |
YoAriel33 | Posted 10/4/2007 7:21:52 PM | message detail |
It's earned a new voter right here. --- yoblazer33: NO LIMITZ Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world! |
8976201 | Posted 10/4/2007 7:21:59 PM | message detail |
Turtle, you forgot to put Zero in your losers. |
trannyscience | Posted 10/4/2007 7:23:28 PM | message detail |
have you finished it yet? --- xyzzy "And just to clear up any remaining confusion, tranny > icon." -Shaggy |
ZFS | Posted 10/4/2007 7:24:39 PM | message detail |
aww yeah 'blazer Finish it? --- let's mosey |
YoAriel33 | Posted 10/4/2007 7:25:48 PM | message detail |
Nope, I've been way too swamped with school. Actually, I'm kinda glad,
because I want to keep it around as long as possible. The sidequests
seem like they take quite a bit of work, so I'm hoping this is the game
that'll hold me until Galaxy (hell, maybe even Brawl). --- yoblazer33: NO LIMITZ Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world! |
KamikazePotato | Posted 10/4/2007 7:27:53 PM | message detail |
What's yoblazer working on? --- The apples were too strong for him.- Abomstar |
YoAriel33 | Posted 10/4/2007 7:29:05 PM | message detail |
A performance report for a struggling S&P 500 company. ='( --- yoblazer33: NO LIMITZ Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world! |
YoAriel33 | Posted 10/4/2007 7:29:19 PM | message detail |
GOTY though --- yoblazer33: NO LIMITZ Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world! |
KamikazePotato | Posted 10/4/2007 7:30:27 PM | message detail |
Anyway KP prediction Uhhhh MM>Yoshi Pretty definitive considering Knuckles is probably as much of an 'old character' as Yoshi is and will get SFFd somewhat too --- The apples were too strong for him.- Abomstar |
YoAriel33 | Posted 10/4/2007 7:32:25 PM | message detail |
The longer we wait, the worse I feel about Knuckles's chances. (I'm working on FFX, by the way) --- yoblazer33: NO LIMITZ Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world! |
KamikazePotato | Posted 10/4/2007 7:34:35 PM | message detail |
FFX is great --- The apples were too strong for him.- Abomstar |
trannyscience | Posted 10/4/2007 7:37:41 PM | message detail |
where are you? still Bevelle? --- xyzzy "And just to clear up any remaining confusion, tranny > icon." -Shaggy |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 10/4/2007 7:38:25 PM | message detail |
I fail to see how Zero's performance was bad. It wasn't good, but he
broke 40% on a fourpack similar to the one Magus barely broke 30% on.
And a fourpack quite a bit stronger than the one Dante had. TuRtLe ~~~ 101/128 in the contest. Next pick: Mega Man > Knuckles BlAcK TuRtLe. The cream of Zero fanboyism |
KamikazePotato | Posted 10/4/2007 7:38:54 PM | message detail |
Zero didn't break 40%. --- The apples were too strong for him.- Abomstar |
YoAriel33 | Posted 10/4/2007 7:41:10 PM | message detail |
FINAL FANTASY X SPOILERS I'm currently fighting Sin. It's the fight where I have to kill him before he fully opens his mouth. Nearing the end, I suppose? --- yoblazer33: NO LIMITZ Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world! |
trannyscience | Posted 10/4/2007 7:41:15 PM | message detail |
1.) Zero's fourpack was worse. 2.) if you're trying to show Zero didn't suck, you shouldn't use someone that BOMBED as your example. --- xyzzy "And just to clear up any remaining confusion, tranny > icon." -Shaggy |
KamikazePotato | Posted 10/4/2007 7:41:45 PM | message detail |
Yeah, you're really close to the end. Has the end been spoiled for you? --- The apples were too strong for him.- Abomstar |
YoAriel33 | Posted 10/4/2007 7:43:33 PM | message detail |
I don't think so. I already knew some stuff (Sin's identity being the
biggest), but if there's an extra twist in the ending, then no, it
hasn't been spoiled. --- yoblazer33: NO LIMITZ Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world! |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 10/4/2007 7:43:44 PM | message detail |
*SPOILERS* Tidus reveals he is actually Ellen Degeneres, and he leaves the party to pursue a career in comedy. TuRtLe ~~~ 101/128 in the contest. Next pick: Mega Man > Knuckles BlAcK TuRtLe. The cream of Zero fanboyism |
KamikazePotato | Posted 10/4/2007 7:45:23 PM | message detail |
Well if you knew 'some stuff' it's probably already been spoiled for you. It's one of the big things of the game. --- The apples were too strong for him.- Abomstar |
RPGuy96 | Posted 10/4/2007 7:48:33 PM | message detail |
Sub-Zero just won his first 15 minute update of the match. --- Mustache...and green... |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/4/2007 7:50:20 PM | message detail |
Division 1: Round 2 - Match 33 – Yoshi vs. Knuckles vs. Mega Man vs. KOS-MOS Moltar’s Analysis Yoshi Round 1 – 35.48% vs. Knuckles, Rikku and Vaan Yoshi easily walks over his competition. Knuckles Round 1 – 27.84% vs. Yoshi, Rikku and Vaan Almost losing to Rikku? What happened, Knux? Mega Man Round 1 – 50.49% vs. KOS-MOS, Arthas and Diablo Can’t expect less from Noble Niner. KOS-MOS Round 1 – 18.43% vs. Mega Man, Arthas and Diablo Diablo wasn’t her problem here, Arthas was. Oh boy, I’ve been so caught up in Round 1 that I nearly forgot we have a Round 2 coming up! Better start writing these analyses! Anyway, I’m surprised about my performance so far. To think that I would have the top bracket on GameFAQs after Round 1 is just…mind-blowing. Of course, it comes down to the later rounds in this contest, especially with the crazy amount of points the later matches are. Therefore, I’m not feeling confident about getting a prize, or even finishing on the leaderboard yet. So, the match, yeah. Round 2 is starting off with a doozy. Mega Man is the clear favorite to take first here. Of course, since his opponents are actually decent now, don’t expect him to slaughter like Round 1. The big debate here is Knuckles vs. Yoshi for second. KOS-MOS has a small chance to slip into second, but it’s doubtful with all these strong opponents around her. Last round, Yoshi did much better on his group than most expected, while Knuckles failed to impress. I mean, a lot of people didn’t even consider Rikku in contention, so imagine the shock once we see her over Knuckles for a while. So Yoshi proved his fan favorite status here, while Knuckles was just a sign of Sonic Team underwhelming. Knuckles does have one big thing going for him though, and that’s Mega Man/Yoshi back in 2005. Mega Man SFFed Yoshi into the ground in that match, and many Knuckles-hopefulls are banking on the same thing to happen here. Well, I thought it would happen too pre-Contest, but before the lock, I changed my mind. I’m thinking I made the right choice too. I don’t really see MM hurting Yoshi too much in this kind of format. Yoshi looked too good last round, so I think his fans will pull him through. If Knuckles does advance though, it’ll be because Mega Man’s dominating Yoshi. Still…it looks like Yoshi might have hurt Knuckles last round…and I don’t even know where to begin with percentages. Moltar’s Bracket Says: Mega Man > Yoshi Moltar’s Prediction is: Mega Man: 37% - Yoshi: 26% - Knuckles: 22% - KOS-MOS: 15% Ultimaterializer’s Analysis Everyone is bound to bring that poll up when discussing this match, but that was two years ago. Mega Man seems to be a lot weaker today; at least, he doesn't seem strong enough to SFF Yoshi into oblivion again. On a related note, Yoshi finished so far ahead of Knuckles in the first round that the only chance Knuckles has to come in 2nd place is for Mega Man to repeat his 2005 performance. I highly doubt this happens. As for KOS-MOS, she's no factor. Ulti's Prediction: Mega Man [35.00%] Yoshi [30.00%] Knuckles [20.00%] KOS-MOS [15.00%] Heroic Mario’s Analysis This is as good a match as you can ask for to kick off round 2. After Yoshi’s beat down of Knuckles last round, I’m thinking that Yoshi is a good bet to move on to round 3, even with the possibility of something wonky happening there due to Mega Man. For whatever reason -- I can’t even tell you what it is -- I’ve always been skeptical of that happening in this format, even before Yoshi rocking last round. It might be that Mario favorites poll where he beat out Mario sticking out in my mind, but I’m expecting to see Yoshi performing like he would against anyone else here. |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/4/2007 7:50:36 PM | message detail |
But if something were to go crazy, I
think Yoshi still had a strong enough of a performance last round to
keep it competitive with Knuckles. If you believe that Yoshi pulled
some SFF on Knuckles -- which I don’t -- then you would have to expect
to see some of that again here. That said, Knuckles isn’t out of the
running – far from it, in fact. I wouldn’t bat an eye if Knuckles was
the one who advanced here. There’s always a possibility, even if I
don’t believe it, that Mega Man will steal a good chunk of Yoshi’s
fanbase while Knuckles remains unaffected. Mega Man should perform well, too. I’m not sure what the expectations are, or even what I would consider to be a “good” performance, but somewhere between the mid to high 30s seems about right, although he could start climbing into the 40s if he whips out some SFF. Mega Man – 35% Yoshi – 27% Knuckles – 25% KOS-MOS – 13% Bracket: Mega Man > Yoshi Vote: Yoshi Yoblazer’s Analysis Ah, we've finally reached Round 2! The contest is half over, and as the matches actually mean something starting now, it's fair to say that the second half is always better, and that's a beautiful thing. However, it's a lot less beautiful for me, as I can realistically open this second round with four consecutive misses. Today will probably be the first. It's a match between Mega Man, Yoshi, Knuckles, and KOS-MOS, and I, like most other Board 8ers, have Knuckles advancing behind the Noble 9er. The reasoning behind this is clear: the 2005 match between Mega Man and Yoshi. In said match, Mega Man absolutely obliterated the dino, making him look nearly as weak as Axel. It was one of the most extreme cases of SFF we'd ever seen, and it practically solidified Mega Man's status as a Nintendo character from a different company. Based on such a result, Knuckles was automatically the safe pick. He must hold up better, right? Unfortunately for my bracket, I'm finding more and more wrenches throwing themselves at that theory. First and foremost, Yoshi beat up Knuckles pretty badly in the first round, to the tune of 8%. Even if Mega Man/Yoshi SFF rears its ugly head once more, that's still a lot of ground for Knuckles to make up. Secondly, as more time passes, it's seeming more and more like that insane MM/Yoshi result was more an anomaly spurred on by a terribly unfair picture rather than pure SFF. Would Yoshi consistently perform that poorly against Mega Man? It's very hard for me to imagine, especially after comfortably finishing in the 40's against a much stronger Solid Snake the following year. Give them a rematch with a fair picture, and I have no doubt that Yoshi would outdo his 2005 percentage with ease. Lastly, there's a big unanswered question about Knuckles, himself. As bad as Yoshi bombed in 2005, we've never seen Knuckles in an SFF match. He's never faced a Sonic character, a Nintendo character, or anyone that could conceivably SFF him. Hell, he might hold up worse than Yoshi. How are we supposed to know? I have lingering doubts as to Knuckles's fanbase being more loyal than Yoshi's, and he's the one with 8% to make up, not his opponent. The echidna might make a match of it, but I'm going with the mean green eating machine. Goodbye, cruel bracket. Also, I have a feeling Mega Man won't impress as much as his supporters would want him to. **** the SFF, Mega Man only overperforms on fodder or when he's shooting people in the face. YOU'RE OUT OF LUCK IN THIS PICTURE, *****. Mega Man - 35% Yoshi - 27% Knuckles - 22% KOS-MOS - 16% Lopen’s Analysis Well as we all know... Knuckles, he doesn't chuckle. And despite not having played her game yet, KOS-MOS doesn't seem like the type to chuckle either. Yoshi? Yoshi chuckles too much. |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/4/2007 7:51:25 PM | message detail |
Well you know Mega Man, he hates chucklers. Just
ask KOS-MOS. She told me there was a 99.34% probability that Mega Man
would target the chuckler first, blowing its face clean off. The last
match supports this too. Diablo man, he's got some sense of humor.
Remember that time when he used a cathedral
as the gateway to hell? Oh man, delicious irony, let me tell ya. And
Arthas is... well... uh... looking at the match pic it seems like his
face was already blown off. No Mega Man intervention needed. And uh... yeah, I suppose this might help my case too: (PSST YOSHI CHUCKLING MEANS NINTENDO SFF) So what does this mean? This means despite Yoshi beating Knuckles pretty handily next round, Knuckles still has a chance here. Yoshi is going to have his support nuked by the Blue Bomber. However, will it be enough of a nuking? That's the question. Knuckles has a large defecit to overcome here, larger than I expected, and Mega Man's best efforts just might not be enough. I think (hope?) it'll succeed, but barely. Lopen's Prediction: Mega Man - 40.88% Knuckles - 23.33% Yoshi - 23.04% KOS-MOS - 14.75% Karma Hunter’s Analysis The second round begins! And after Sonic has looked pretty vulnerable against this competition, we'll see if the first Noble of this round can turn any of that around. Yoshi A dominating opening win, made even moreso by how percentages have looked this contest. Sure, Mega might SFF him, but will it even be enough with the dino's ridiculous strength in this format? Knuckles the Echidna Nearly lost to Rikku, what was once a sexy upset pick is now a LOOOOONG outside shot. Sure, SFF might help out there, but it's not even assured that Mega will do that to any significant degree... not to mention what he might do to Knuckles. Mega Man A decent first round and the Blue Bomber is back for more, this time against much sterner competition. He shouldn't be in any danger of losing here, but how will he look? Samus has MP3 in the bank (for what, ahem, little that's worth =/) and awaits soon. KOS-MOS An impressive win last round leaves KOS-MOS feeling good about performing here, but not much more. After all, either of the Blizzard boys would've beaten her without draining... how much will she impress here? I feel like everyone should do good here outside of SFF sans Knuckles, and I'm going to negate the SFF here mostly because of Yoshi's weird power in this format. Should be rather clear cut, though Knuckles has a chance to upset (much like KOS-MOS has a chance to come in third!). Mega Man will look rather good if he can get anywhere near Sonic's percentage - unlikely, and other than that it's just about looking at Yoshi and Knuckles. Hopefully. Karma Hunter's Vote: Knuckles the Echidna. For epic, um, non-suckage Karma Hunter's Krazy Prediction: Mega Man with 35.5%, Yoshi with 28.75%, Knuckles the Echidna with 24.25%, KOS-MOS with 15% woo decimals Upset Prediction: 40% No, I don't give Knuckles that much credit! Mega might end up dipping under one of these guys too, y'never know... okay, whatever <.< Transience’s Analysis round 2 !! there's a lot to think about here. for starters, there's the Mega Man / Yoshi match - a match where Mega Man beat Yoshi a full 10% harder than most expected. between that and the Link/Mega Man SFF-fest from 2004, it's fairly safe to say that Mega Man has some overlap with Yoshi. the question: how much, and how much will it affect him in this format? |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/4/2007 7:52:13 PM | message detail |
that match caused a lot of people, myself included, to pick Knuckles
for second. Knuckles and Yoshi are close strength-wise, so that overlap
means Knuckles sneaks past Yoshi, right? it looks good, but Knuckles
pretty much bombed that first round match. he was expected to stay
close to Yoshi, not be in danger of losing to Rikku.
in fact, Knuckles probably isn't even in this match if Vaan wasn't
sucking some of Rikku's votes away. Knuckles went from 47% on Squall to
51% on Rikku. what's up with that? it's not just Knuckles, either. you could make the argument that Yoshi "SFFed" Knuckles and that that advantage will be neutralized by Mega Man being in the poll, but Sonic characters are looking bad all over the place. Shadow looked awful vs. Auron. Sonic's currently looking pretty mediocre vs. Sub-Zero. we have no idea just how bad these performances are, but three is a trend and all three have not done well; four if you want to include Tails losing to The Boss. I'm not sure if it's the format, a Sonic decline, coincidence or what, but I just can't trust Knuckles to do much of anything in this poll. plus, if both MM/Yoshi and Yoshi/Knux have some fanbase overlap, doesn't it make sense that MM/Knux probably has some too? it's probably pretty weak, but there's a chance there. Knuckles isn't completely dead in the water here, but I'd be pretty surprised if he managed to make a match of it here. oh, and as for KOS-MOS, I'm probably the only person who won't count her out here. she has by far the most independent fanbase of the four and if MM beats the hell out of both of these guys, KOS *could* sneak in and place. highly unlikely, but not impossible. Mega Man/Yoshi fanbase overlap? so what Knuckles still loses transience's prediction: Mega Man with 37.44%, Yoshi with 25.46%, Knuckles with 21.44%, KOS-MOS with 15.66% Guest’s Analysis - Kleenex Damn, the contest is half over already? Feels like it just started. Well, not really, but time does go fast. Anyway, Round 2! We've weeded through most of the fodder in this contest, so let's see what that's left us with. Mega Man, Yoshi, Knuckles and...KOS-MOS? Alright, technically she isn't fodder, but whatever. She does seem rather out of place in this fourpack, and as a result is almost assuredly taking last unless Yoshi suffers from some kind of uberSFF from Mega Man. Which brings us to the debate in today's match. Will Mega Man SFF Yoshi enough to allow Knuckled to slip through? Let is be known that, x-stats be damned, I still don't buy into Mega Man/2nd Tier Nintendo SFF. At least not to the effect that some people preach it. Knuckles didn't look so hot last round himself. Almost losing to Rikku? What happened there? Either way you slice it, Yoshi looked a lot better than Knuckles last round. So much better, in fact, that even if he does suffer from Mega Man's presence, I don't see it being enough to let Knuckles weasel his way into Round 3. As for how well Mega Man does here...who's to say? I think his range is pretty big based on what he could to to Yoshi. No way in hell he hits 50%. 40% is pretty out there, too. After all, this pack is pretty tough (barring KOS-MOS). Knuckles and KOS-MOS should actually end up with values similar to what they had in Round 1, while the Green One and the Blue One battle it out for what's left. And that's all there is to the analysis. No limericks. No haikus. No upsets. FINAL ESTIMATION: Mega Man (34.86%) > Yoshi (25.73%) > Knuckles (23.17%) > KOS-MOS (16.24%) Crew Consensus: SFFFEAR? Not here! Mega Man > Yoshi is the majority. |
KamikazePotato | Posted 10/4/2007 7:52:58 PM | message detail |
Out of all of those Lopen's looks the best simply because every other
person has about the exact same prediction and percentages. --- The apples were too strong for him.- Abomstar |
swirIdude | Posted 10/4/2007 7:55:07 PM | message detail |
Knuckles is so screwed because of that Final Estimation. --- Squall > Sora is a lock. ~Lady Ashe |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/4/2007 7:59:19 PM | message detail |
Out of all of those Lopen's looks the best simply because every
other person has about the exact same prediction and percentages. Knuckles fanboy blindly following bracket confirmed. ...nah, just messin' ... ... maybe --- Moltar Status: The Analysis Crew...believe Yoshi/Knuckles/Mega Man/KOS-MOS - Bracket: MM > Yoshi - Vote: Yoshi (107/128) |
KamikazePotato | Posted 10/4/2007 8:00:36 PM | message detail |
Bah screw Knuckles MM is where it's at! --- The apples were too strong for him.- Abomstar |
trannyscience | Posted 10/4/2007 8:00:45 PM | message detail |
woo die analysis crew go my bracket woo yeah Knuckles winning this would pretty much shock me and I feel like I'm even overestimating him at 20% --- xyzzy "And just to clear up any remaining confusion, tranny > icon." -Shaggy |
WildCherrySoul | Posted 10/4/2007 8:03:25 PM | message detail |
Go Knux Go! Prove your doubters wrong! Like always! --- - Owner of TWO sticky topics! Pearl Code: 3952 3520 2488 |
RockMFR 5 | Posted 10/4/2007 8:07:33 PM | message detail |
BOLD PREDICTION: Yoshi will be in first place and up 500 votes after the first hour. --- Save the cheerleader, save the world. o_0 The Ohio State University: We are so much better than m*ch!g@n. |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/4/2007 8:09:20 PM | message detail |
If that happens my faith in GameFAQs is restored. For about 5 minutes, but still! --- Moltar Status: The Analysis Crew...believe Yoshi/Knuckles/Mega Man/KOS-MOS - Bracket: MM > Yoshi - Vote: Yoshi (107/128) |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 10/4/2007 8:19:20 PM | message detail |
Round 2- Division 1 Semifinal A Round 1 Matches: Characters Involved: Yoshi Hot off an impressive round 1 performance, the green dino is looking for blood, and Knuckles being the only red character in the poll can't be a good thing. Mega Man The Blue Bomber is also fresh off an impressive round 1 performance and looking to test his might for his upcoming matches with Samus. Knuckles What happened man? In 2005, you were looking to be a high midcarder, yet last round you merely performed like an average midcarder. KOS-MOS Riding the 128 character pool, KOS-MOS makes the second round thanks to some convenient Blizzard SFF. Shame her boobs aren't visible this time around. Predictions: That right there is what made Knuckles such a sexy upset pick here. Mega Man absolutely obliterated Yoshi. Knuckles advancing here was a stats topic favourite until the first match of the contest where Knuckles completely bombed. The difference between him and Yoshi there means that he would need Yoshi to have one of the worst "SFF" collapses we've ever seen. Now you may ask why I have SFF in quotations, well... CRAZY BT THEORY ALERT A nice little theory I cooked up last round implies that Yoshi, like Pac-Man completely falls apart against iconic characters. It isn't a coincidence that Yoshi has been all over the board in terms of strength since he made the field. From beating Dante to getting crushed by Link. From getting crushed by Bowser/Mega Man to scoring almost 43% on 2k6 Snake. Yoshi is really inconsistant, and it shows especially in his matches against strong icons like MM and Link. The other part of this theory concerns Luigi and how he seemed to completely fold against Sonic last year despite beating Kirby and Zero, but that's for another day. Anyways, the possibility is still strong that Yoshi can collapse against the Blue Bomber, but it is indeed a longshot. I have to stick to my guns on this one though, because I can't get that 2k5 match out of my head. People like to bring up that Mario character favourites poll, but I think Bowser proved that it is irrelevant when he 56-44'd Yoshi in 2k3. Percentages, everybody obviously drops from their round 1 numbers. Hell, given the talent in this match, I can see KOS-MOS failing to break 10% here. TuRtLe's Prediction: Mega Man 36%, Yoshi, 26%, Knuckles 26%, KOS-MOS 12% TuRtLe's Bracket: Mega Man > Knux TuRtLe's Vote: Mega Man TuRtLe ~~~ 101/128 in the contest. Next pick: Mega Man > Knuckles BlAcK TuRtLe. The cream of Zero fanboyism |
The Mana Sword | Posted 10/4/2007 8:22:18 PM | message detail |
Huh, so Sonic fails to break 40% after all. Interesting. --- Kleenex - Not on his computer. |
Keno316 | Posted 10/4/2007 8:31:10 PM | message detail |
I don't know why, but I get the feeling Mega Man is going to disappoint in this match... --- "Opinions are like butts, little girl. Everyone's got one and nobody thinks their's stink." -Lunar 2:EB *Claims KG's Eclair, C.C. & Tear Grants* |
hochiminh155 | Posted 10/4/2007 8:35:52 PM | message detail |
MM: 38% Knux: 24% Yoshi: 22% KOS: 16% This is a logical prediction I think --- Hochiminh155's Trail to Failure swirldude has exposed me as a prediction fraud. |
Mac Arrowny | Posted 10/4/2007 8:36:54 PM | message detail |
Meh, Mega Man's expected to beat Yoshi by 1.5% or so (both are
overrated last year, so it cancels itself out). If MM disappoints, he's
losing to Yoshi. --- Rapid analysis, accurate judgment, and superb powers of concentration. That is all we need. |
FFDragon | Posted 10/4/2007 8:40:21 PM | message detail |
Okay, I tap. What does LFF stand for? I missed the birth of the acronym
and have silently been trying to figure it out for a while now.
>_> --- Married to PepsiPlunge June 01, 2005: HERO'S PLUNGE! The revenge was swift and sweet (Metal Gear Solid 2) |