GameFAQs Contests
Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 504
charmander6000 | Posted 9/30/2007 6:57:06 AM | message detail |
Ryu had a lead of over 700 votes against Riku + Roxas, it's down to 300
and it won't hold, but Hayabusa looks great right now and for next
round. --- The Board 8 BOP - Match 28: Ryu Hayabusa > Riku Points: 78/108 |
Karma Hunter | Posted 9/30/2007 7:01:58 AM | message detail |
Hey, I wasn't kidding about the Dante/Ryu H. SFF, y'know. It's why I
went as high as Lopen for Dante in 2k6, and it paid off! Ever played a
DMC game and one of the three
versions of the new Ninja Gaiden? The similarities between the two are
ASTOUNDING, and that's something that transcends things like console
gaps to action game fanatics. The overlap in terms of a contest setting
is slight, but you've also got to take into account Ryu H. had
Ninja Gaiden: Black between his 2k5 match and 2k6, and (lol) Sigma
since then. As for the rest (aside from it being clear that Hayabusa boosted or Riku dropped from their relative stats)?... let's just say I don't buy Yoshi being indirectly stronger than Dante in 2006, and leave it at that. --- Samus 2K5 is horribly underrated, and is indirectly stronger than Mario. KHF sucks and never existed either, much like my package. |
JustForFun1988 | Posted 9/30/2007 7:11:58 AM | message detail |
Looks like the kids prefer Riku over Roxas. --- Proud Supporter of Solid Snake, Dante and Ryu. Alt Account of someone who is lame and stupid |
Master Moltar | Posted 9/30/2007 7:21:30 AM | message detail |
Hey, I wasn't kidding about the Dante/Ryu H. SFF, y'know. It's why I
went as high as Lopen for Dante in 2k6, and it paid off! Ever played a
DMC game and one of the three versions of the new Ninja Gaiden? The
similarities between the two are ASTOUNDING, and that's something that
transcends things like console gaps to action game fanatics. Here goes KH telling me things about myself that I didn't even realize. I did vote Dante in that match because I prefer him and DMC over NG. An overperformance from Dante isn't a bad reason for this result. Of course, there are a number of other factors I believe are going on here too. Ryu benefitting from the format, Riku not being the beast he was in 2006, a more Xbox friendly site. This match just played out perfectly for Ryu. --- Moltar Status: The Analysis Crew...believe Haseo/Riku/Roxas/Ryu H. - Bracket: Riku > Ryu H. - Vote: Riku (91/108) |
KamikazePotato | Posted 9/30/2007 7:21:42 AM | message detail |
tag --- The apples were too strong for him.- Abomstar |
RPGuy96 | Posted 9/30/2007 7:27:55 AM | message detail |
Personally I'm thinking Riku was overrated. He was darn close to
Sora in the stats... remember when we thought Magus was close to Crono?
We thought Zero was pretty close to Mega Man too, then they went and
lost to Knuckles and Luigi. Ryu Hayabusa is Riku's Knuckles. I agree that Riku is probably overrated through Yoshi...but that brings Hayabusa down as well! I can probably buy Dante/Hayabusa SFF, though. --- Mustache...and green... |
AmazingKirby | Posted 9/30/2007 7:29:02 AM | message detail |
All I can say is I'm disappointed some dumb ninja is beating the two best characters ever. --- caps |
Kratos_42 | Posted 9/30/2007 7:33:18 AM | message detail |
This is the most powerful display of SFF I think I've ever seen. On the other hand, I expect the tables to be turned next round in this situation. --- He wields the blade of a fallen hero, but now he is the hero, and it is the others who fall. He is rising. |
GrapefruitKing | Posted 9/30/2007 7:34:26 AM | message detail |
This is the most powerful display of SFF I think I've ever seen. This is your first contest, I assume? --- Oracle Challenge - Today's prediction:~ Riku 36.03% - Ninja 35.21% - Roxex 20.76% - Hase-who? 8.00% ~ Status: Meh |
JustForFun1988 | Posted 9/30/2007 7:35:29 AM | message detail |
This is the most powerful display of SFF I think I've ever seen. Ganon/Link is the most powerful display of SFF IMHO. --- Proud Supporter of Solid Snake, Dante and Ryu. Alt Account of someone who is lame and stupid |
Master Moltar | Posted 9/30/2007 7:36:50 AM | message detail |
Ganon/Link is the most powerful display of SFF IMHO. That match never happened IMHO. plz stop making stuff up kthx --- Moltar Status: The Analysis Crew...believe Haseo/Riku/Roxas/Ryu H. - Bracket: Riku > Ryu H. - Vote: Riku (91/108) |
charmander6000 | Posted 9/30/2007 8:17:34 AM | message detail |
Hayabusa is increasing? --- The Board 8 BOP - Match 28: Ryu Hayabusa > Riku Points: 78/108 |
HaRRicH | Posted 9/30/2007 8:30:59 AM | message detail |
Hayabussa's only dropped about half of a percent since I went to bed
last night? ...Niiiice. There's still all day, but this ain't bad so
far, ha. --- PETITION: a "Contest Suggestions" board. Life-changing details below: |
Tequilla Gundam | Posted 9/30/2007 8:33:12 AM | message detail |
This performance is making Ryu look like a noble niner >_> --- Feel my truth. |
therealmnm | Posted 9/30/2007 8:49:06 AM | message detail |
- we've never had a read on his true strength. in 2k4, it was
Arabusa. 2k5 and 2k6 were against Zero and Dante, two characters that
could overlap with him for whatever reason. I don't feel so good about
saying that about Zero, but Dante does share the most similarities to
Hayabusa. It doesn't have to be Zero/Ryu SFF. This just confirms that Zero was definitely SFF'd by Mario and Luigi! His match in this contest you say? He was just, uh, "gone into hiding while he healed" </MMX6> As for the Akuma talk from last topic, I don't necessarily buy him not being in the original SFF hurting him significantly. The Vs. series was probably just as prominent as SF2 collectively, and as it was said before, Akuma has had a major presence in the SF series since he was introduced. But more importantly, people are forgetting that Akuma being that much more liked than the Bisons and the Chun Lis by people that do know him pretty much offsets him not being in the original. It's not like he's obscure or anything. Plenty of people still know who he is. --- Currently playing: Call of Duty 2, Maverick Hunter X, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, Dead Rising, Tomb Raider Legend |
HeroicTronBonne | Posted 9/30/2007 9:01:38 AM | message detail |
I really can't believe Ryu H is doing so well. I mean expected Ryu H
> Riku all along, and thought me taking Riku > Ryu H was a big
time upset since Roxas would likely siphon votes, but good lord, he is
dominating here. Anybody care to tell me why Ryu H is doing so well?
Surely this can't be all Gaiden Sigma's doing. --- Pokemon Pearl Code: 2663-9266-2709 WWEGSB Hardcore Legend and Board 8er Masa/Hiko |
Master Moltar | Posted 9/30/2007 9:02:34 AM | message detail |
Anybody care to tell me why Ryu H is doing so well? Sunday Sigma Factor --- Moltar Status: The Analysis Crew...believe Haseo/Riku/Roxas/Ryu H. - Bracket: Riku > Ryu H. - Vote: Riku (91/108) |
AmazingKirby | Posted 9/30/2007 9:20:59 AM | message detail |
This match would at least be mildly entertaining on a weekday. But noooo. --- caps |
Kratos_42 | Posted 9/30/2007 9:29:40 AM | message detail |
This is your first contest, I assume? Nope, fifth. I just can't remember any better examples of how SFF can really annihilate a character's chances. --- He wields the blade of a fallen hero, but now he is the hero, and it is the others who fall. He is rising. |
Lady Ashe | Posted 9/30/2007 9:37:33 AM | message detail |
From HeroicTronBonne Posted 9/30/2007 12:01:38 PM #116 I really can't believe Ryu H is doing so well. I mean expected Ryu H > Riku all along, and thought me taking Riku > Ryu H was a big time upset since Roxas would likely siphon votes, but good lord, he is dominating here. Anybody care to tell me why Ryu H is doing so well? Surely this can't be all Gaiden Sigma's doing. Yeah, I never got why Ryu > Riku was an upset either. But then again, I also thought Axel would put up a fight and Marcus would beat Kefka though, so... <_< ~~~ Ashe. The Cream of Final Fantasy Fanboyism. |
hochiminh155 | Posted 9/30/2007 9:43:07 AM | message detail |
First off, let me reiterate that this match was obvious. Next, allow me to point out something you guys fail to grasp - Haseo. Who do you think Haseo is hurting here? 10% isn't THAT bad and it's obvious that the vast majority of those votes would have gone to Riku/Roxas. Take out Haseo Roxas and suddenly you're looking at a 52-48 victory for Riku. - Next round is going to be tough. Nightmare did decent but I don't think he did well enough. Remember what Snake did to Sora? Snake will do the same to Riku, although Riku does have the benefit of being the sole RPG character. - If there was a Snake/Dante match, do you all earnestly believe Dante would do as expected? Of course not. Call it SFF or whatever you like but Snake would overperform on Dante just like Dante overperformed on Ryu H. Snake should hinder Ryu H. in this same way. Round 2 should be good. --- Hochiminh155's Trail to Failure swirldude has exposed me as a prediction fraud. |
JustForFun1988 | Posted 9/30/2007 9:47:31 AM | message detail |
All hail great hochi, the man who is behind the theory of " Sonic will
take away 13% from Link while he takes only 1% from Snake and Cloud
each." --- Proud Supporter of Solid Snake, Dante and Ryu. Alt Account of someone who is lame and stupid |
Karma Hunter | Posted 9/30/2007 10:20:27 AM | message detail |
Who do you think Haseo is hurting here? 10% isn't THAT bad and it's
obvious that the vast majority of those votes would have gone to
Riku/Roxas. Yup, Haseo having 80% overlap with Riku confirmed --- Samus 2K5 is horribly underrated, and is indirectly stronger than Mario. KHF sucks and never existed either, much like my package. |
Kaxon | Posted 9/30/2007 10:46:04 AM | message detail |
- Haseo. Who do you think Haseo is hurting here? 10% isn't THAT bad
and it's obvious that the vast majority of those votes would have gone
to Riku/Roxas. Take out Haseo Roxas and suddenly you're looking at a
52-48 victory for Riku. Exactly. Remember when all of Snake's votes went to Cloud and he beat Link in the next match? Oh wait... --- R.I.P. Robert Jordan, 1948-2007 |
PortugalTheMann | Posted 9/30/2007 11:05:02 AM | message detail |
Just getting around to looking at this match now, and I don't have the
time to go read everything that's happened since last night, so... who takes Riku > Ryu H. in a 1v1 match still? And if you do, what's the %. Also, Microsoft boost confirmed. --- Explicit Content. I wish Lei Fang were my mom. I'd like drug her and feel her up and stuff. - Ken |
Janus5000 | Posted 9/30/2007 11:14:31 AM | message detail |
Haseo dropped more in percentage with the morning vote than Ryu. Hahaha. --- "Those who cast the vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything." - Joseph Stalin |
Mac Arrowny | Posted 9/30/2007 11:15:33 AM | message detail |
Just one interesting and fun fact on Akuma: Street Fighter 2 sold 16 million copies. All other Street Fighter games combined sold 4 million copies. There's a good reason that it's thought that being exclusive to the later Street Fighters is a bad thing, especially considering that arcades were most popular in SF2's time. The vs. series helps out, yes...but I don't think that'll be enough for Akuma to match the likes of Ken. --- Rapid analysis, accurate judgment, and superb powers of concentration. That is all we need. |
Heroic_Vyers | Posted 9/30/2007 11:16:41 AM | message detail |
Also this will be 5 straight matches for me of full points. And suddenly my bracket is twitching. -SC --- Next Game: The Orange Box |
KleenexTissue50 | Posted 9/30/2007 11:17:35 AM | message detail |
So I logged on this morning and expected Ryu to be down bu a percent or two and he's only dropped half? Yeesh. --- Kleenex - Now with an invigorating blast of citrus cherry flavor. CB6 - 79/108; Oracle - 29th |
Dekar TKB | Posted 9/30/2007 11:19:25 AM | message detail |
who takes Riku > Ryu H. in a 1v1 match still? And if you do, what's the %. I still would, I think. I have to assume that nearly all of the Roxas votes would go to Riku. After that, it's a question of where the other PS2 RPG character's vote go to. Looks good for Riku, all things considered. I'd probably take him with 52%. --- |
PortugalTheMann | Posted 9/30/2007 11:19:26 AM | message detail |
There's a good reason that it's thought that being exclusive to the later Street Fighters is a bad thing, especially considering that arcades were most popular in SF2's time. The vs. series helps out, yes...but I don't think that'll be enough for Akuma to match the likes of Ken. I had Squall > Akuma for a loooooong time in my bracket, just because I don't have any faith in Aeris, plus Squall should be dealing a nice amount of damage to her... but then I thought "lol akuma" and switched to Squall > Aeris. Akuma still can place, just because of the possibility of LFF or SFF tomorrow, it just depends how severe it is. --- Explicit Content. I wish Lei Fang were my mom. I'd like drug her and feel her up and stuff. - Ken |
Janus5000 | Posted 9/30/2007 11:19:41 AM | message detail |
Aaaaaand Riku + Roxas > Ryu again. Bleh. At least Ryu was beating them combined for over half the match. <_< --- "Those who cast the vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything." - Joseph Stalin |
PortugalTheMann | Posted 9/30/2007 11:20:46 AM | message detail |
The thing is... I would have never even thought of Riku/Ryu H as a
close match... and now I'm starting to think Ryu should be considered
the favorite. Master Chief > Link believe --- Explicit Content. I wish Lei Fang were my mom. I'd like drug her and feel her up and stuff. - Ken |
Mac Arrowny | Posted 9/30/2007 11:21:08 AM | message detail |
who takes Riku > Ryu H. in a 1v1 match still? And if you do, what's the %. Well, Riku's getting a KH game or two in the next year...but Ryu might be getting NG2, and NG2 is definitely a bigger deal than a couple portable KHs. If all those come out, Ryu definitely takes it. Oh, and Ryu's getting Dragon Sword too, which turns the match even more decisively in his favor. --- Rapid analysis, accurate judgment, and superb powers of concentration. That is all we need. |
MegatokyoEd | Posted 9/30/2007 11:22:30 AM | message detail |
Yeah after NG2(With this site seemingly going more and more 360
centric) and Dragon Sword to expand his fanbase even more, Ryu's
looking really good for the future. --- Demyx is better than Axel. I don't like Haley Scarnato |
Lopen | Posted 9/30/2007 11:26:02 AM | message detail |
Riku would have to get 80% of his Roxas's and
Haseo's votes to beat Ryu Hayabusa here. Haseo is a huge stretch for
that, and I don't even buy that 80% of Roxas's go to Hayabusa. Anyone
who's only played KH2 is a strong candidate to have Roxas > Ryu >
Riku in their voting priorities, as Riku didn't do that much in that
game. Anyone who takes Riku to beat Hayabusa 1v1 is just wearing X-Stat blinders at this point, I say. --- "GUYS I JUST DRANK A MASTER CHIEF SODA, MASTER CHIEF FOR 2007!" - Swirldude |
Mac Arrowny | Posted 9/30/2007 11:31:43 AM | message detail |
I don't get why people say that Riku didn't have much of a role in KH2.
I didn't like him at all in KH1, but the stuff he did in KH2 was all
extremely awesome...he was at the center of the best parts of the game. Oh, and KH1 was a bigger game than KH2, so I'm willing to bet that almost everyone on GameFAQs who played KH2 also played KH1. The segment that's just played KH2 is so small as to be irrelevant. --- Rapid analysis, accurate judgment, and superb powers of concentration. That is all we need. |
Lopen | Posted 9/30/2007 11:32:08 AM | message detail |
Er... 80% of Roxas's votes going to Riku. Not to mention there are no doubt KH fans that just don't really like Riku (fools as they may be). I mean just because you've played both games doesn't mean you like Roxas and Riku enough to vote them over Hayabusa. --- "GUYS I JUST DRANK A MASTER CHIEF SODA, MASTER CHIEF FOR 2007!" - Swirldude |
Janus5000 | Posted 9/30/2007 11:32:54 AM | message detail |
Ryu H regains the lead! --- "Those who cast the vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything." - Joseph Stalin |
Lopen | Posted 9/30/2007 11:33:42 AM | message detail |
And Hayabusa retakes the lead against Riku/Roxas! KH day vote... pah! --- "GUYS I JUST DRANK A MASTER CHIEF SODA, MASTER CHIEF FOR 2007!" - Swirldude |
TexasAggie | Posted 9/30/2007 11:34:17 AM | message detail |
I dont think the board or the gurus understood how SFF worked in this format coming into this match. Let's assume that pre-match you believed the x-stats were right and Riku would get 61% on Ryu H head to head. If he wins 61-39, that means he's won by 22%. Now throw Roxas into the mix. Assuming there's 100% SFF between the 2, all Roxas has to do is leach 23% of Riku's votes. Meaning you'd have to believe Riku could beat Roxas 77-23 head to head. Let's say the SFF isnt quite that strong, and Riku would only need to beat Roxas 70-30. That's still a huge stretch. Yes I took Riku too, but only because the name "Roxas" didnt register with me when I was making my picks. --- Contest pts: 88 (leaderboard position #11) Today: Riku>Ryu H |
PortugalTheMann | Posted 9/30/2007 11:34:19 AM | message detail |
KH day vote is a joke when compared to MICROSOFTFEAR --- Explicit Content. I wish Lei Fang were my mom. I'd like drug her and feel her up and stuff. - Ken |
KleenexTissue50 | Posted 9/30/2007 11:35:06 AM | message detail |
Kingdom Flops --- Kleenex - Now with an invigorating blast of citrus cherry flavor. CB6 - 79/108; Oracle - 29th |
PortugalTheMann | Posted 9/30/2007 11:36:22 AM | message detail |
like your wang --- Explicit Content. I wish Lei Fang were my mom. I'd like drug her and feel her up and stuff. - Ken |
Janus5000 | Posted 9/30/2007 11:40:22 AM | message detail |
Now throw Roxas into the mix. Assuming there's 100% SFF between the
2, all Roxas has to do is leach 23% of Riku's votes. Meaning you'd have
to believe Riku could beat Roxas 77-23 head to head. Let's say the SFF
isnt quite that strong, and Riku would only need to beat Roxas 70-30.
That's still a huge stretch. I don't entirely understand your math. 39/61 ~= .64. Wouldn't Roxas have to take 36% of Riku's votes to even put the two equal? --- "Those who cast the vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything." - Joseph Stalin |
PortugalTheMann | Posted 9/30/2007 12:06:24 PM | message detail |
Yeah.. at this point I think I have to take Ryu H > Riku one on one.
He's probably only going to increase his % relative to Riku/Roxas
combined the rest of the way. Which would pretty much mean Riku needs
to get 100% of Roxas' votes and then the majority of Haseo's. I mean, I
guess it could happen, but yeah, not taking that, and I was a very big Riku supporter going into this year. --- Explicit Content. I wish Lei Fang were my mom. I'd like drug her and feel her up and stuff. - Ken |
Lopen | Posted 9/30/2007 12:16:04 PM | message detail |
Haha... 51.81% update from Hayabusa. Micro$oft owns this Kingdom's day vote, I'm afraid. --- "GUYS I JUST DRANK A MASTER CHIEF SODA, MASTER CHIEF FOR 2007!" - Swirldude |
Lopen | Posted 9/30/2007 12:18:17 PM | message detail |
This is also kinda weird... it's happening around 15 hours in on a
weekend. Maybe the after school vote being mostly related to school is
a misconception? --- "GUYS I JUST DRANK A MASTER CHIEF SODA, MASTER CHIEF FOR 2007!" - Swirldude |
YoAriel33 | Posted 9/30/2007 12:28:36 PM | message detail |
You know, if another Games Contest is our big draw next year, we won't
be seeing another Character Battle until 2009. That's a three year
break between our most traditional contest. Personally, I support that
bigtime; I can only wonder how much certain characters will have
changed by then. --- yoblazer33: NO LIMITZ Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world! |
PortugalTheMann | Posted 9/30/2007 12:30:16 PM | message detail |
I agree entirely... that is if I'm still here in 2009. Probably. Anyway, I'd rather have a games contest and a character battle next year, but if we're limited to one, bring on the games. --- Explicit Content. I wish Lei Fang were my mom. I'd like drug her and feel her up and stuff. - Ken |