GameFAQs Contests
Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 501
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 9/26/2007 10:00:19 PM | message detail |
Kirby 2k5 is weaker than Kirby 2k6. Remember, Kirby had a 1-seed there.
I'd peg him at about = to Luigi, who seems to have stayed roughly
constant in the stats between 2k5 and 2k6 (despite him taking advantage
of a high seed to win his fourpack). TuRtLe ~~~ 71/96 in the contest. Next pick: Kirby > L-Block BlAcK TuRtLe. The cream of Zero fanboyism |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 9/26/2007 10:01:18 PM | message detail |
True, I forgot about Phoenix, but Phoenix needed every last ounce of
Board 8 rallying to not lose to Bomberman. I'd hardly call that
impressing. TuRtLe ~~~ 71/96 in the contest. Next pick: Kirby > L-Block BlAcK TuRtLe. The cream of Zero fanboyism |
PortugalTheMann | Posted 9/26/2007 10:01:29 PM | message detail |
...considering that I just said 2K6 > 2K5 if anything, I don't know what the hell your point is. --- Explicit Content. I wish Lei Fang were my mom. I'd like drug her and feel her up and stuff. - Ken |
creativename | Posted 9/26/2007 10:02:48 PM | message detail |
This has got to be the absolute final nail in the coffin of the "Hardcore Fanbase" theory. Most characters you'd expected to overperform due to this effect have flopped hard, or disappointed. Kefka, Frog, CATS, ToS characters, most Resident Evil characters, now Laharl - just a bad, bad track record. The total opposite, "Casual Fanbase" theory actually seems to have benefited, if anything - Pokemon, XBox characters and so on. With Metal Gear characters thrown in (that's most likely just franchise growing strength more than anything though) --- |
LShaped Tetris Block | Posted 9/26/2007 10:04:32 PM | message detail |
Bet no one saw this ass-kicking I'm delivering coming *takes a swig out of a bottle of whiskey* --- "I AM SHAPED LIKE A BOOT TO KICK YOUR ASS!" |
dragoontheguy | Posted 9/26/2007 10:05:14 PM | message detail |
Well I still say master chief will show huge improvements, due to anti-votes more or less being null now. --- sig |
creativename | Posted 9/26/2007 10:05:25 PM | message detail |
So, after all the "cult characters will florish in this format", how
many cult characters have we seen actually impress? If anything, they
all did much much worse than even our lowest expectations. I was posting something similar as you posted this. The notion of cult non-linearity has been wiped out - something which surprises me, though isn't shocking. Not what I expected though. And I don't know why this would be the case (it's easy to see the dynamics for how cult/hardcore fanbases would benefit in this format, hard to see how they would get hurt) --- |
Who Cares? | Posted 9/26/2007 10:05:36 PM | message detail |
This has got to be the absolute final nail in the coffin of the "Hardcore Fanbase" theory. Most characters you'd expected to overperform due to this effect have flopped hard, or disappointed. Kefka, Frog, CATS, ToS characters, most Resident Evil characters, now Laharl - just a bad, bad track record. I'd be shocked to not see Snake > Nightmare at this point. --- Current Points: 73 Maximum Possible Points: 745/768 |
HaRRicH | Posted 9/26/2007 10:05:44 PM | message detail |
...upon thinking further on the matter after rereading my own post and
reading some others, as scary as it sounds, L-Block has a shot. I
retract the crazy-talk statement, but I would want to see L-Block hold
up decently through-out the rest of the match first too. I know
everybody knows Tetris and has played it, but to have THAT kind of
power to beat the FFX-lead head-to-head with four pixels from a game
that was rather sporadic in the Game Contest? I'd love to see it, but I'd have to see it to believe it. --- PETITION: a "Contest Suggestions" board. Life-changing details below: |
KleenexTissue50 | Posted 9/26/2007 10:05:45 PM | message detail |
What is this 7% update for Hale bull****. --- Kleenex - Now with an invigorating blast of citrus cherry flavor. CB6 - 69/96; Oracle - 22nd |
Xcarvengery | Posted 9/26/2007 10:06:29 PM | message detail |
Yesssssssh, Nathan %age is increasing! >_> --- ~*~Xcarvengerx~*~ ...only with a different variable... |
Master Moltar | Posted 9/26/2007 10:07:14 PM | message detail |
I'd be shocked to not see Snake > Nightmare at this point. I wouldn't be shocked at all, seeing as how I know it's happening! Almost his turn to rock some faces. --- Moltar Status: The Analysis Crew...believe Kirby/L-Block/Laharl/Nathan- Bracket: Kirby > L-Block - Vote: Kirby (79/96) |
dragoontheguy | Posted 9/26/2007 10:07:34 PM | message detail |
Nathan is clearly stealing away L-block's fanbase somehow. --- sig |
Gaddswell | Posted 9/26/2007 10:07:57 PM | message detail |
From LShaped Tetris Block Bet no one saw this ass-kicking I'm delivering coming *takes a swig out of a bottle of whiskey* You actually have a space account? --- Finally a damn bracket! |
creativename | Posted 9/26/2007 10:08:01 PM | message detail |
I'd be shocked to not see Snake > Nightmare at this point. I wouldn't be shocked if that didn't happen, but you're preaching to the choir. I've said Nightmare would be strong for years. No way I ever would've taken Vyse over him. --- |
creativename | Posted 9/26/2007 10:09:28 PM | message detail |
Looking back, I'm pretty sure The Legend of Zelda SFFed Tetris like
crazy. (though I probably thought this at the time too, I just don't
remember) --- |
KleenexTissue50 | Posted 9/26/2007 10:10:50 PM | message detail |
Nathan Hale above 6% what is this madness. --- Kleenex - Now with an invigorating blast of citrus cherry flavor. CB6 - 69/96; Oracle - 22nd |
creativename | Posted 9/26/2007 10:11:17 PM | message detail |
And, and let me say...this totally makes up for the Pikachu debacle. Pikachu advancing sucked, but L-Block being a force is a blast. --- |
Who Cares? | Posted 9/26/2007 10:11:27 PM | message detail |
Oh I've had Nightmare since day one...hell I've been waiting
since...what, the 2k3 offseason for Nightmare to finally get in one of
these things, I'm ready to see him kick some arse! --- Current Points: 73 Maximum Possible Points: 745/768 |
Sugand | Posted 9/26/2007 10:12:21 PM | message detail |
Amaterasu is also a cult character. --- RIP DW RPG, some great memories(check out the cool banner): |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 9/26/2007 10:12:24 PM | message detail |
I just realized Laharl is currently tripling Nathan Hale. That's absolutely hilarious. TuRtLe ~~~ 71/96 in the contest. Next pick: Kirby > L-Block BlAcK TuRtLe. The cream of Zero fanboyism |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 9/26/2007 10:13:44 PM | message detail |
I'm still a little wary about my Nightmare pick. It just seems to me
that Soul Calibur is WAY past it's prime. Laharl and Tales bombing make
me feel a little better, but it's the only round 1 match outside of
Gordon's fourpack that I'm not feeling 100% confident on. TuRtLe ~~~ 71/96 in the contest. Next pick: Kirby > L-Block BlAcK TuRtLe. The cream of Zero fanboyism |
creativename | Posted 9/26/2007 10:14:03 PM | message detail |
Wait a minute...the Part 500 isn't even filled yet?? And people have mostly filled this up? Wow, it's amazing how much that ASCII crap is a total buzzkill. People were anticipating the 500 for months, and now they're avoiding it like the plague! That's pretty sad. I think we need a "no more ASCII" stats topics rule, and flay the skin off the next person who makes one :) --- |
transience | Posted 9/26/2007 10:16:07 PM | message detail |
yeah, I've said that Tetris = Pac-Man for years now. put Tetris up
against a non-"classic" game and it does a hell of a lot better. I've always wanted to see Tetris/Halo. --- ZFStix: nin nin nin ima ninja!!! nin nin nin XD ZFStix: kill it |
dragoontheguy | Posted 9/26/2007 10:16:56 PM | message detail |
I don't really see the big deal about topic 500. I'm just avoiding it
because it didn't seem to have any discussion going on in it when I
looked. --- sig |
HaRRicH | Posted 9/26/2007 10:20:50 PM | message detail |
Between the ASCII when we just had an ASCII topic on #493 for a silly reason and it being made when #499 was at seventy-three
posts, I felt the need to make this topic when I saw #499 was closed. I
made it a lot earlier than I'd like to see them made, but I think this
one filling so quickly compared to #500 is a testament that #500 is a
bit unwanted for a reason. --- PETITION: a "Contest Suggestions" board. Life-changing details below: |
MegatokyoEd | Posted 9/26/2007 10:21:21 PM | message detail |
I really don't think Laharl's doing that bad here. He has 17%(and
rising quickly) in a poll against Kirby and a character(...block) who
is apparently near equals with Kirby. He's doing around what everyone
expected, L-Block was just a beast. --- Demyx is better than Axel. I don't like Haley Scarnato |
RPGuy96 | Posted 9/26/2007 10:23:05 PM | message detail |
Yeah, I don't want to deal with any of that ASCII nonsense. This is actually kind of nice. --- Mustache...and green... |
HeroicTronBonne | Posted 9/26/2007 10:23:13 PM | message detail |
this is the greatest thing to happen in a contest ever --- Pokemon Pearl Code: 2663-9266-2709 WWEGSB Hardcore Legend and Board 8er Masa/Hiko |
PortugalTheMann | Posted 9/26/2007 10:23:24 PM | message detail |
Laharl isn't doing much worse than my expectations... Kirby is, and all of it is going to L-Block. --- Explicit Content. I wish Lei Fang were my mom. I'd like drug her and feel her up and stuff. - Ken |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 9/26/2007 10:23:40 PM | message detail |
500 was filling slower, but the start of the match had all the "only exciting match" 1 time posters go there instead of here. This is easily the funniest match. L-block being this close to Kirby, Laharl tripling Nathan Hale, everything. TuRtLe ~~~ 71/96 in the contest. Next pick: Kirby > L-Block BlAcK TuRtLe. The cream of Zero fanboyism |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 9/26/2007 10:24:50 PM | message detail |
Anyone think this is a case of L-block rSFFing Kirby? Not in the
traditional sense, but something like if Pac-Man were to impress on
Mario or something? TuRtLe ~~~ 71/96 in the contest. Next pick: Kirby > L-Block BlAcK TuRtLe. The cream of Zero fanboyism |
PortugalTheMann | Posted 9/26/2007 10:25:34 PM | message detail |
It would be cool if you ever decided to do the math and realize Laharl isn't actually tripling him but ok. --- Explicit Content. I wish Lei Fang were my mom. I'd like drug her and feel her up and stuff. - Ken |
HaRRicH | Posted 9/26/2007 10:26:58 PM | message detail |
Ha, considering what Mario did to Pac-Man a week or two ago, perhaps another example would be better..... --- PETITION: a "Contest Suggestions" board. Life-changing details below: |
KleenexTissue50 | Posted 9/26/2007 10:33:23 PM | message detail |
Well, only took him an hour and a half, but Hale finally broke 1000 votes. ...good job, I guess? --- Kleenex - Now with an invigorating blast of citrus cherry flavor. CB6 - 69/96; Oracle - 22nd |
transience | Posted 9/26/2007 10:34:16 PM | message detail |
this is about the time when Phoenix fell off, I think. let's see if the Block is a first-hour kind of dude. --- ZFStix: nin nin nin ima ninja!!! nin nin nin XD ZFStix: kill it |
Draco1214 | Posted 9/26/2007 10:34:26 PM | message detail |
So what chance does Nathan Hale have of getting the 0.00% update? --- Currently Playing: Wild Arms 3, Persona 3 |
KleenexTissue50 | Posted 9/26/2007 10:36:40 PM | message detail |
That enough of an L-Block drop off for you? --- Kleenex - Now with an invigorating blast of citrus cherry flavor. CB6 - 69/96; Oracle - 22nd |
HaRRicH | Posted 9/26/2007 10:36:58 PM | message detail |
Nathan getting the zero-vote update probably won't happen if Agent J
and Zolom couldn't do it...but when the day-vote hits, it could still
be fun to watch. --- PETITION: a "Contest Suggestions" board. Life-changing details below: |
KleenexTissue50 | Posted 9/26/2007 10:37:11 PM | message detail |
Actually, I didn't look at the percentages. Guess it wasn't a drop off at all. --- Kleenex - Now with an invigorating blast of citrus cherry flavor. CB6 - 69/96; Oracle - 22nd |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 9/26/2007 10:39:24 PM | message detail |
He might as well be tripling him. And when I posted that he was tripling him. TuRtLe ~~~ 71/96 in the contest. Next pick: Kirby > L-Block BlAcK TuRtLe. The cream of Zero fanboyism |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 9/26/2007 10:40:50 PM | message detail |
And Kirby over 40% Gnight TuRtLe ~~~ 71/96 in the contest. Next pick: Kirby > L-Block BlAcK TuRtLe. The cream of Zero fanboyism |
creativename | Posted 9/26/2007 10:41:10 PM | message detail |
I think this one filling so quickly compared to #500 is a testament that #500 is a bit unwanted for a reason. I thought it was rather dumb, but I was posting there. Most seem to be ignoring it though, and you have to discuss where the discussion is :) (almost Yogi Berra-esque that). Also this was the only stats topic visible when I came back to post. this is the greatest thing to happen in a contest ever It's up there for sure. I don't know about the greatest - we've had some awesome finishes - but this is terrific. --- |
Gaddswell | Posted 9/26/2007 10:41:32 PM | message detail |
And Kirby's over 40%! He's not bombing compared to my expectations. It's all L-Block impressing here. --- Finally a damn bracket! |
YoAriel33 | Posted 9/26/2007 10:42:39 PM | message detail |
I'm just following the discussion regardless of what topic it's in.
Just to let you guys know, however; I think the influx of ASCII posts
has mellowed. --- yoblazer33: NO LIMITZ Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world! |
Lucid Faia | Posted 9/26/2007 10:43:20 PM | message detail |
Heh, this topic might pass Part 500. --- The Ohio State Buckeyes: 4-0. #1 in the Big Ten! UNMUTUAL. |
KleenexTissue50 | Posted 9/26/2007 10:43:55 PM | message detail |
Here's something to chew on: What do prediction percentages look like for this match? Kirby should be pretty solidly in first - especially being first in the poll, but what does 2nd look like? I can't help but feel like L-Block will be a pretty solid favorite for number 2. --- Kleenex - Now with an invigorating blast of citrus cherry flavor. CB6 - 69/96; Oracle - 22nd |
creativename | Posted 9/26/2007 10:44:06 PM | message detail |
It's cool how after all these years, these contests can still fill us jaded contest vets with joy ^_^ And yeah I don't consider this a Kirby flop at all (Laharl too is doing OK, even if he finishes a little lower than where he's at now). The competition is just 'roided-up. --- |
Gaddswell | Posted 9/26/2007 10:44:14 PM | message detail |
Nah... There's going to be a massive ASCII influx near the end as everyone tries to go for 500. --- Finally a damn bracket! |
fluffyflyingpig | Posted 9/26/2007 10:46:19 PM | message detail |
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