GameFAQs Contests
Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 463
greatone10 | Posted 9/5/2007 7:39:45 PM | message detail |
Oh, and XD at the last three updates. Now THAT is a stall job. --- Donkey Kong Country 2 for next Games contest. This line reserved for next Guru winner. Unless it's me, therefore reserving plenty of noms for Dixie/DKC2. |
Xene_Elk | Posted 9/5/2007 7:40:10 PM | message detail |
From ZenOfThunder | Posted 9/5/2007 10:37:40 PM | #196 I thought I had Midna>Scorpion and I just checked to find I have Midna>Kratos >_< Owned :o --- Xenosaga is way better then any crappy game you enjoy. And I don't like Haley Scarnato. |
Seginustemple | Posted 9/5/2007 7:41:10 PM | message detail |
He wouldn't tank if you just rallied! If I didn't rally Frog would be 200 more votes in the gutter! I didn't actually care about him though! I've never even played Chrono Trigger! I figured he'd take it over this Axel guy (never played Kingdom Hearts either, call me a bad gamer if you will) easily. I voted for Samus. Bah, stupid dumb characters and their green skin and red hair.... --- If I had written the book, I would have made it so the spirit of man pops out of Winston and socks O'Brien in the face really hard... |
Tai | Posted 9/5/2007 7:43:26 PM | message detail |
7 vote gain. Failure. --- Chris Benoit - Showing you how roid rage brings out the monster in all of us. :-) Shall he burn in hell. |
BDawg | Posted 9/5/2007 7:44:10 PM | message detail |
I seriously doubt Frog is quite done @#$*ing with us yet, but I'll write him off just to feel good. --- Should I start running now? |
Master Moltar | Posted 9/5/2007 7:44:12 PM | message detail |
Division 1: Round 1 - Match 4 – Agent 47 vs. Kratos Aurion vs. Midna vs. Scorpion Moltar’s Analysis Agent 47 Game/Series Known From: Hitman Seed in 2005: 7 Lost in 2005 to Sora in Round 1 Um…should I be happy he’s back? Kratos A. Game/Series Known From: Tales of Symphonia Seed in 2005: 4 Lost in 2005 to Diablo in Round 1 Yay Kratos! Always cool to see ToS around. Midna Game/Series Known From: Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess She should be a very interesting character to watch. Scorpion Game/Series Known From: Mortal Kombat Seed in 2002: 5 Seed in 2003: 10 Seed in 2004: 14 Lost in 2002 to Link in the Elite 8 Lost in 2003 to Zero in Round 1 Lost in 2004 to Auron in Round 1 Scorps returns! “Get over here!” Divison 1 ends with a semi-predictable match. Agent 47 ends up last easily enough. He isn’t going anywhere from 2005. The next three are pretty interesting though. Kratos lost to Diablo in 2005, but he has the loyal Tales fanbase behind him, which should keep him from ending up too far behind. Scorpion, who usually ends up out in Round 1, is in a four-pack that he could end up taking. Looking at his matches with Zero and Auron, he easily ranks above Kratos. Plus, Sub-Zero did very well last year, so if anything, Scorpion could benefit from a MK boost. However, the huge wildcard is Midna. Ever since last year, speculation about her strength is high all around. Twilight Princess was, at least at GameFAQs, the Game of the Year last year. Midna was a very important character in the game, and we already know that anything in Zelda, even Tingle, won’t bomb. Midna could rank from either a low-midcard at worst to high-midcard at best. Why does this matter? Well, it makes all the difference between her taking #1 or #2. That means I get to do a little guessy-guessy as to how Midna will do. I think TP is big enough to get her the push over Scorpion. I would actually say Scorps is the safe bet in this match, as MK does have a good-sized fanbase here, but for those of us that like to live ON THE EDGE, Midna isn’t a bad choice at all. Moltar’s Bracket Says: Midna > Scorpion > Kratos > Agent 47 Moltar’s Prediction is: Midna: 36% - Scorpion: 32% - Kratos: 22% - Agent 47: 10% Ultimaterializer’s Analysis This is the first really difficult match of the bracket, because all we know for sure is that Agent 47 likely takes last place. As popular as Midna is, she's a new and untested character, and it's always a risk putting a lot of faith in new and untested characters. Unless you're in the most hyped Zelda game of all time and end up with some very good character development. Midna is similar to Navi, only she doesn't suck ass. I *think* putting Midna in first place is the best choice, partly because of her role as a popular Zelda character, and partly because I just don't think Kratos or Scorpion can hack it with her. Which brings us to Scorpion and Kratos. The last time we saw Kratos, he was one and done in the Summer 2005 Contest and put up a decent performance on Diablo. The last time we saw Scorpion was the Summer 2004 Contest, where he put up 35% on Auron and ended up pretty damn underrated because of Sephiroth going SFF on Auron in that contest. Then there's Sub-Zero, whose amazing feats of last year can't really be chalked up as a fluke, because he broke 40% on Auron well after the release of Armageddon and the whole Master Chief mess. The MK duo has some deceptive strength to them, and both are considerably stronger than Kratos heads-up. |
Karma Hunter | Posted 9/5/2007 7:44:13 PM | message detail |
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster] |
Master Moltar | Posted 9/5/2007 7:44:28 PM | message detail |
Kratos's only hope is that fan favorites tend to
overperform in big polls like this, but Tales of Symphonia has fallen
so far off the map since its first year of being beloved that I don't
think Kratos can make up the ground on Scorpion. Midna > Scorpion
here seems safe enough, but Kratos could still surprise. Ulti's Prediction: Midna [32.36%] Scorpion [27.84%] Kratos Aurion [23.35%] Agent 47 [16.45%] Heroic Mario’s Analysis Midna -- 38% Scorpion -- 33% Kratos Aurion -- 21% Agent 47 -- 8% First close match of the contest? aww yeah. I’m not sure what most people are expecting for this match, but I’m expecting Scorpion to do pretty well. The fighting game fans are a loyal bunch. If they’re still supporting their character even without any major new games, they’re not going to jump ship when it comes to competition like this. Scorpion combines the loyal fighting game fanbase and being huge casual bait. It could end up being enough for him to slip by and get a win here. It’s tough to gauge just how well Midna’s going to do in these contests, too, because even though she was a highlight in Twilight Princess, Zelda characters that aren’t Link, Zelda, or Ganon are unproven. For a series as hugely popular here as Zelda, it has only produced three constant characters, which is as big a sign as any, I think -- not many people care about any of the others, regardless of their role. Although Midna having a central role in a game as popular as TP should be better than some of the other secondary Zelda characters we’ve seen over the years. If Scorpion can manage a close second, it should give us an idea of how well he’ll do when Samus is thrown into the equation. Almost stealing a win in this match would just about ensure that he’ll be able to take second in the Samus fourpack due to SFF; a close second would give him the favorite status; getting blown out (and losing, obviously) would just about ruin his chances. But, as far as this match is concerned, the two winners are obvious. It’s just a matter of figuring out which of them comes out on top, and I’m going to go with the Zelda character on this one. Bracket: Midna > Scorpion Vote: Midna Yoblazer’s Analysis Here's a match which could get interested. We have two contest newcomers, an old timer who's returning for the first time in years, and a lower-tier character with very little contest experience. Agent 47, get out. One down. Scorpion, move your iconic self to the next round. That's two. Now, much to my surprise, I did hear some pre-contest debate as to whether or not Midna, the newest star from the famed Legend of Zelda series, can even make it out of this round, so I'll address this in slight detail. Logically assuming that Scorpion is a lock for the next round and Agent 47 is a lock for a relatively distant fourth place finish, Midna's only real competition here is Kratos Aurion, a side character from Tales of Symphonia. Kratos, whose only contest match was a 43% loss against Diablo two years ago, doesn't stand much of a chance here. Even if ToS has maintained its popularity from 2-3 ago (something I'm not so quick to pass off as a guarantee), he's still up against the central character of the most popular Zelda game since Ocarina of Time. I believe that some people are doubtful of Midna's strength because other more recent Zelda characters, most notably Tingle and Navi, have been completely rejected by the fanbase. Midna differs from these losers not only because she is critical to Twilight Princess's plot and gameplay, but because her fan reception has been overwhelmingly positive. I don't see what Kratos can do against her other than sit down and be quiet. |
MarioSuperstar | Posted 9/5/2007 7:44:28 PM | message detail |
I was considering an Axel upset but I chickened out. --- Today: Samus > Frog - Vote: Frog. Tomorrow: Midna > Scorpion - Vote: Midna - Points: 8/8 |
Master Moltar | Posted 9/5/2007 7:45:14 PM | message detail |
While Midna's place in Round 2 is guaranteed, her
opening match placement isn't. Unlike Kratos Aurion and Agent 47,
Scorpion is a gaming icon and a contest veteran with some very
respectable results under his belt. After seeing what his (admittedly
cooler and stronger) buddy, Sub-Zero, did last year, it's safe to say
that the masked Mortal Kombat ninjas still have some power. Is that
enough to give him the top nod here? Doubt it. Once again, Scorpion may
be a good competitor, but he's up against the well-received, central
character of the most popular game to hit this site in years. I have
Midna doing very well in her inaugural contest, and I have her winning
today. Midna - 38% Scorpion - 32% Kratos - 21% Agent 47 - 9% Lopen’s Analysis I'll just shoot straight here: I'm not a good one to do any "analysis" on this match. Midna is the hard thing to place in this one, and I've just got no idea on it. I've heard thoughts on Midna ranging from "the most significant character in Twilight Princess" to "Twilight Princess's Navi." I'm not even sure what she looks like. I google image search her and find pictures of various Zelda characters, a piranha plant, and a very nice George Foreman Grill. So yeah, I'm worthless for this match. AGENT 47 IS GOIN' DOWN, MAN! I took Midna to win second, but I can't say for sure that I'd pick that if I were educated on this match. But hey, I'll try Twilight Princess... eventually. Scorpion vs Kratos Aurion is not to be ignored here, either, but I figure Midna hurts Kratos (and vice versa, hence why I've taken Scorpion for 1st) more than Scorpion, so I'm taking Scorpion. And Scorpion's just done more in these things than Kratos. Give me any result that doesn't involve Agent 47 and I'm not too surprised, though. Lopen's Prediction: Scorpion – 33.12% Midna – 27.14% Kratos Aurion – 24.70% Agent 47 – 15.04% Karma Hunter’s Analysis This contest keeps trying to top itself with each new match, eh? Well, here we have something that's *hopefully* a bit more predictable. Midna and Scorpion are almost assuredly ahead of 47 and Kratos A. here (knock on wood), but who wins between them? Scorpion has always been a decent midcarder, but he hasn't seen the contest in years and has been overshadowed by Sub-Zero's stellar upset of MC last year (although that probably gives some people confidence in him as well). Midna... is an absurd looking creature who wouldn't get many votes at all except for one reason - her stature in the new Zelda: Twilight Princess. Basically I find this to be faith in Zelda - TP specifically - against a semi-proven midcarder. I'm not about to stop believing in Nintendo - let alone ZELDA - yet, so I'm tossing her my confidence. Karma Hunter's Vote: Agent 47. The Hitman would blow away all of these losers in a proper world. =/ Karma Hunter's Krazy Prediction: Midna with 34%, Scorpion with 30.5%, Kratos Aurion with 22.5%, Agent 47 with 13% Upset Prediction: 70% Crapshoot, crapshoot, crapshoot. Right there is Scorpion, with his iconic picture, one that EVERYONE will recognize. Not everyone - not even hardcore Zelda fans - have played TP, let alone who Midna is. ToS's stalwart niche/cult vote is certainly gonna be there for Kratos A. And there's even Agent 47 there... who might siphon votes or something? It's hard to tell what's gonna happen here. I'll hold on to Zelda and the proven contestant and hope for the best. |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 9/5/2007 7:45:24 PM | message detail |
Come to think of it, this will be the first close match I called wrong. Sonic/Mega, Jill/Peach, Ocelot/Pac, Claire/Kairi, all of them I lucked out on. Shame that the one to finally screw me would be one of my favourite characters. TuRtLe ~~~ "Like Darth Maul, the bastard child of Michael Flatley and Hellboy" -trancer1 BlAcK TuRtLe. The cream of Zero fanboyism |
Master Moltar | Posted 9/5/2007 7:45:50 PM | message detail |
Transience’s Analysis Midna is perhaps our most unpredictable new entrant. Twilight Princess is easily the most popular game that has come out in the last twelve months, and Midna is pretty much the featured character throughout. if 25% of the site will vote an unlikable character in Tingle over Sora, what are they going to do with the new and exciting Midna? on the other hand, she's just a more likable Navi from a less popular game, and I doubt many people would pick Navi over Scorpion and Kratos Aurion. still, I think the Nintendo support that she'll pull in should be enough to take first place comfortably here. you can make a case for Kratos coming in second. 2005 stats put him as Kefka's equal, and he probably has the same kind of hardcore fanbase that Kefka inspires. the Tales of Symphonia fanbase is a pretty rabid bunch and they're not as small as your standard non-Square RPG. if Scorpion or Midna ends up flopping, I wouldn't be *too* surprised to see Kratos take it here. but as it is, I'm going with the safe pick. Scorpion's looking to do well after Sub-Zero impressed so many last year, and Midna's got Nintendo on her side. tough to argue against either of those. sorry Kratos, you got a bad draw. if you were in Lloyd's place we'd have a near consensus for second, and if you were in Zelos's division a lot more people would be going for the upset. Midna's in Zelda Scorpion's the most well-known Kratos ends up third transience's prediction: Midna - 38.54%, Scorpion - 31.33%, Kratos Aurion - 24.78%, Agent 47 - 5.35% Crew Consensus: Everyone (except for Lopen of course!) has Midna > Scorpion here. Banking on the power of TP! |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 9/5/2007 7:46:33 PM | message detail |
I've really gotta stop doing that to you Moltar =( TuRtLe ~~~ "Like Darth Maul, the bastard child of Michael Flatley and Hellboy" -trancer1 BlAcK TuRtLe. The cream of Zero fanboyism |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 9/5/2007 7:48:30 PM | message detail |
Round 1- Division 1 Group D Characters Involved: Agent 47 Summer 2005 Contest Gear Division - 7 Seed Gear Round 1 --- Lost to (2) Sora, 25796 [29.27%] - 62348 [70.73%] Extrapolated Strength --- 63rd Place [13.78%] The main character of the Hitman games, noone expects him to be a bastion of strength here (especially since his lone appearance was a 70-30 beating at the hands of pre-KH2 Sora. Kratos Aurion Summer 2005 Contest Chaos Division - 4 Seed Chaos Round 1 --- Lost to (5) Diablo, 37162 [43.24%] - 48783 [56.76%] Extrapolated Strength --- 46th Place [19.19%] Some crappy obscure RPG character. Got beat solidly by Diablo. Next. Midna The first of this year newcomers that are expected to do something, Midna is basically the Navi of the latest Zelda game, Twilight Princess. Though apparantly she is much deeper than that, I wouldn't know since I haven't played it. The only gauge we have on her is Tingle's 70-30 loss to Sora last year, and all we can draw from that is that Tingle is her absolute floor. People who have played the game say she's a central character and is much more likeable than "HEY! LISTEN". One of the contenders to move on. TuRtLe ~~~ "Like Darth Maul, the bastard child of Michael Flatley and Hellboy" -trancer1 BlAcK TuRtLe. The cream of Zero fanboyism |
chocoboslayer | Posted 9/5/2007 7:48:30 PM | message detail |
Whoo Lopen! Someone else has Scorpion > Midna! --- PotD's OFFICIAL King of Games! The Choco. The Cream of Yuna Fanboyism. |
DpObliVion | Posted 9/5/2007 7:48:55 PM | message detail |
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster] |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 9/5/2007 7:49:30 PM | message detail |
Scorpion Summer 2002 Contest South Division - 5 Seed Southern Round 1 --- Defeated (12) Kazuya Mishima, 42327 [71.01%] - 17282 [28.99%] Southern Quarterfinals --- Defeated (4) Max Payne, 39171 [65.37%] - 20754 [34.63%] Southern Semifinals --- Defeated (1) Pac Man, 39539 [57.74%] - 28936 [42.26%] Southern Finals --- Lost to (2) Link, 21991 [24.02%] - 69544 [75.98%] Extrapolated Strength --- 22nd Place [24.02%] Summer 2003 Contest East Division - 10 Seed Eastern Round 1 --- Lost to (7) Zero, 41916 [37.16%] - 70885 [62.84%] Extrapolated Strength --- 31st Place [23.94%] Summer 2004 Contest Midgar Division - 14 Seed Midgar Round 1 --- Lost to (3) Auron, 31660 [35.15%] - 58404 [64.85%] Extrapolated Strength --- 39th Place [19.25%] The original Cinderella run in these contests, Scorpion rode his incredibly weak opponents to a quarterfinal loss to Link in the inaugeral contest. He then showed his true colours in 2k3 and 2k4 by being blown to hell by Zero and Auron. The other character moving on today. Predictions: I'm not even going to mention Agent 47 and Kratos because they are basically non-factors. So we have Midna, a main character in the latest Zelda against a washed up has-been who technically, never was. Expect Midna and Scorpion to be well ahead of the fodder this match. TuRtLe's Prediction: Midna 35%, Scorpion 30%, Kratos 15%, Agent 47 10% TuRtLe's Bracket: Midna > Scorpion TuRtLe's Vote: ugh Midna I suppose, simply because the other 3 are utter crap. TuRtLe ~~~ "Like Darth Maul, the bastard child of Michael Flatley and Hellboy" -trancer1 BlAcK TuRtLe. The cream of Zero fanboyism |
Yesmar | Posted 9/5/2007 7:50:04 PM | message detail |
Um, Midna's not a dude. --- Twisted Misters: 2007 World Series of Pop Culture Champions!!! |
bloodhawks return | Posted 9/5/2007 7:50:59 PM | message detail |
Tomorrow's Predictions First Glance: It consists of: Agent 47 Kratos Aurion Midna Scorpion Its going to be a close one, They all have sweet pics, mostly Agent 47. However: Midna: 32.18% Yoshi got 36 off of stronger competition, and Midna is definitely a good bit weaker than him, but her opponents are close in competition as well. Twilight Princess is a freakin' awesome game, and Midna is not annoying like Navi was in OoT. This should get her enough votes to win. Scorpion: 29.64%. Scorpion, definitely not as cool as Sub-Zero, but still hardcore enough to knock into the next round. He hasn't been around for awhile, but with this easy competition, he should take 2nd with no problem. Kratos A.: 22.36% I didn't know who this was prior to the match, but apparently, Kratos (of ToS) is supposed to give the others a good run for their money. He might, its hard to tell, but In the end, I say no. Agent 47: 15.82% Thats right, Agent 47 falls to last, despite his hardcore pic. I don't think many people know who he is, although they will probably recognize him off of his pic. But why would they vote for him without playing the game? >_> Lawl, the other guy called Midna a guy, I win. >_> --- Come visit my board, Hektik, In the C-64 today! Not changing this until Casey Mears wins his 2nd Nascar Cup race. Started 7/7/07 |
DpObliVion | Posted 9/5/2007 7:51:51 PM | message detail |
I've obviously never played since when is Midna female. --- Dp, you are one awesome, sexy bastard. I less than 3 you. -Shadow Ryoko See Quote for Character Battle VI Printable Bracket |
MarioSuperstar | Posted 9/5/2007 7:52:45 PM | message detail |
you people expect Agent 47 to get lower than 10? just look at Sarah Kerrigan. the guy will at least get 10%. --- Today: Samus > Frog - Vote: Frog. Tomorrow: Midna > Scorpion - Vote: Midna - Points: 8/8 |
AmazingKirby | Posted 9/5/2007 7:52:53 PM | message detail |
I really don't think Kratos even makes it to 22%. --- caps |
KamikazePotato | Posted 9/5/2007 7:52:54 PM | message detail |
Frog actually made a semi-decent cut into the lead? Gasp! --- doo doo doo I got no sig |
bloodhawks return | Posted 9/5/2007 7:53:11 PM | message detail |
[This message was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator] |
cyko | Posted 9/5/2007 7:53:33 PM | message detail |
oh, sure. NOW Frog makes a nice slice into Axel. YOU SUCK, FROG! --- I support the following SC2K6 characters: L-Block, Phoenix Wright, Magus, Agent J, Vincent Valentine, Miles Edgeworth, HK-47, Zero, Kefka |
Karma Hunter | Posted 9/5/2007 7:53:47 PM | message detail |
People are still paying attention to the match...? *checks* yay twelve votes --- delicious cats Commit it to memory. |
DpObliVion | Posted 9/5/2007 7:53:49 PM | message detail |
*repost to fix gender and not break up BT's analysis* You forgot the Guest Analysis! <_< I want to post this here anyway, even if I wasn't officially the guest. DpOblivion's Analysis: Okay, perfect bracket gone, and right before the big test, too. It seems the board, though fairly split, is favoring Midna beating out Scorpion. Midna is from the 2nd most popular series, The Legend of Zelda, appearing in the most recent installment, Twilight Princess. Only being in one new game should cause problems for Midna, but the board seems convinced that since that one game is Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, she should be fine. However, I do not think she will be fine. I see Scorpion and see him taking a majority of the casual votes. Mortal Kombat isn't too strong against tough competition, but against the less known, they can be mighty dangerous getting the casual vote. Sure, Midna being in LoZ could be considered casual, but it's only one game. If that one game was LttP or OoT, then it could be different, but this being the most recent installment could hurt, even though the game is still pretty popular already. Kratos Aurion shouldn't be overlooked, as he could be a dark horse, but he's not going to get the casual vote, so I can't see him being able to get ahead of Midna. Agent 47 doesn't pose much of a threat, but he may be underrated. Doesn't matter though. In the end, there's no big threat here. I don't even see the top competitors Scorpion and Midna being able to get 1/3 of the vote each, though I'm prepared to be proven wrong there. But I do expect the casual vote to carry Scorpion to victory. Though I'm prepared to be proven wrong there as well, honestly.... DpOblivion's bracket says: Scorpion > Midna DpOblivion's prediction is: Scorpion > Midna Confidence Rating: 40% Scorpion - 31.5% Midna - 29.5% Kratos Aurion - 22% Agent 47 - 17% --- Dp, you are one awesome, sexy bastard. I less than 3 you. -Shadow Ryoko See Quote for Character Battle VI Printable Bracket |
KleenexTissue50 | Posted 9/5/2007 7:54:59 PM | message detail |
Too little too late. Even if Frog starts making 20 votes cuts every update it won't be enough. --- Kleenex - Now with an invigorating blast of citrus cherry flavor. |
Shoenin_Kakashi | Posted 9/5/2007 7:55:38 PM | message detail |
Midna:~38% Scorp:~32% Kratos:~17% 47:~13% --- Hi |
Draco1214 | Posted 9/5/2007 7:55:51 PM | message detail |
Ryu Hayabusa had about 300 votes on Jill in the start of the final hour. Frog can do it, but I don't know if it's likely. --- Currently Playing: Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, Persona 3 |
X_Dante_X | Posted 9/5/2007 7:57:24 PM | message detail |
o_O at the last update --- Temp sig until I lose the Guru. Then I'll actually make a meaningful one. |
greatone10 | Posted 9/5/2007 7:57:31 PM | message detail |
If Frog would just do SOMETHING, I would give him a shot. But I can't
even remember the last time he gained more than 20 votes in an update. --- Donkey Kong Country 2 for next Games contest. This line reserved for next Guru winner. Unless it's me, therefore reserving plenty of noms for Dixie/DKC2. |
Karma Hunter | Posted 9/5/2007 7:57:45 PM | message detail |
Jill's comeback there may have been the fastest surge of votes in
contest history though... Frog *could* do it, sure, but there's a
reason why most people wrote Jill off then... --- delicious cats Commit it to memory. |
greatone10 | Posted 9/5/2007 7:57:55 PM | message detail |
Oh, nevermind. --- Donkey Kong Country 2 for next Games contest. This line reserved for next Guru winner. Unless it's me, therefore reserving plenty of noms for Dixie/DKC2. |
bloodhawks return | Posted 9/5/2007 7:58:06 PM | message detail |
Frog just went down to 272? Damn, if only he could do that the rest of the way. --- Come visit my board, Hektik, In the C-64 today! Not changing this until Casey Mears wins his 2nd Nascar Cup race. Started 7/7/07 |
KamikazePotato | Posted 9/5/2007 7:58:09 PM | message detail |
Son of a...WHAT THE ****. --- doo doo doo I got no sig |
KleenexTissue50 | Posted 9/5/2007 7:58:09 PM | message detail |
...uh huh. --- Kleenex - Now with an invigorating blast of citrus cherry flavor. |
Karma Hunter | Posted 9/5/2007 7:58:18 PM | message detail |
THAT will do it though... o.O --- delicious cats Commit it to memory. |
red sox 777 | Posted 9/5/2007 7:58:35 PM | message detail |
41 vote cut by Frog there. The beginning of the night vote? --- Character Battle VI -- Points: 8/8 -- T-1 (1616 way) Bracket: Samus > Frog -- Vote: Frog |
cyko | Posted 9/5/2007 7:58:35 PM | message detail |
If Frog would just do SOMETHING, I would give him a shot. But I
can't even remember the last time he gained more than 20 votes in an
update. how about 41 votes just now? --- I support the following SC2K6 characters: L-Block, Phoenix Wright, Magus, Agent J, Vincent Valentine, Miles Edgeworth, HK-47, Zero, Kefka |
FFDragon | Posted 9/5/2007 7:58:37 PM | message detail |
What the hell Frog? You really want the title of most epic matches don't you? --- Married to PepsiPlunge June 01, 2005: HERO'S PLUNGE! The revenge was swift and sweet (Metal Gear Solid 2) |
leadrboardsteve | Posted 9/5/2007 7:58:46 PM | message detail |
...bwa??!! I know that it's still practically a lost cause, but dammit Frog, now I can't look away! --- "I didn't think ninjas had super strength!" "He's a doctor too!" |
DpObliVion | Posted 9/5/2007 7:58:49 PM | message detail |
Where the hell did that come from? --- Dp, you are one awesome, sexy bastard. I less than 3 you. -Shadow Ryoko See Quote for Character Battle VI Printable Bracket |
greatone10 | Posted 9/5/2007 7:58:52 PM | message detail |
ABOUT MOTHERFRIGGIN TIME! --- Donkey Kong Country 2 for next Games contest. This line reserved for next Guru winner. Unless it's me, therefore reserving plenty of noms for Dixie/DKC2. |
Master Moltar | Posted 9/5/2007 7:59:07 PM | message detail |
Frog just pulled one of those near the end of the episode power-ups. --- Moltar Status: The Analysis Crew...believe Axel/Frog/Samus/Kerrigan - Bracket: Samus > Frog - Vote: Samus (8/8) |
KamikazePotato | Posted 9/5/2007 7:59:13 PM | message detail |
XD I love Frog's matches. --- doo doo doo I got no sig |
MegatokyoEd | Posted 9/5/2007 7:59:18 PM | message detail |
... If Frog actually comes back and wins this thing I don't even know what I'll do. --- Demyx is better than Axel. I don't like Haley Scarnato |
Heroic_Vyers | Posted 9/5/2007 7:59:29 PM | message detail |
Axel just totally choked there by the way. His votes fell through the floor. --- Sir Chris Tried to be witty with my sig and failed miserably. |
Lady Ashe | Posted 9/5/2007 7:59:29 PM | message detail |
I guess I'll post my own prediction for the next match. <_< Midna > Scorp > Kratos > 47 Midna is Zelda. Scorpion had 2k2. Kratos is from ToS, a mildly cult game. Who the hell is Agent 47? Midna - 40% Scorp - 37% Kratos - 15% Agent 47 - 8% I'm probably underestimating one or both of the characters who are missing out on the next round. Actually, I definitely am. Hell, I probably would have done the same with Rikku/Arthas/Axel if it wasn't for my fanboyism. <_< |
The_Dealer_7 | Posted 9/5/2007 7:59:40 PM | message detail |
>>XD --- The dark sky bleeds the truth to those who fail to look. Undead Dealer |