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Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 463

UltimaterializerX | Posted 9/5/2007 7:19:45 PM | message detail
I know you're both reading this, and I'd like to let you know that you're the worst vote-stuffers ever. You're cheating and Axel is gaining anyway. At least Romero caused some damage.

Petition for a system notification when a contribution is removed:
AerisDS | Posted 9/5/2007 7:20:12 PM | message detail
Worse than Luster?
Now in portable form!
Xene_Elk | Posted 9/5/2007 7:20:28 PM | message detail
From KamikazePotato | Posted 9/5/2007 10:17:51 PM | #147
Oh, look. Frog randomly drops to 60 votes again.

I wonder why!


I wish I could understand that post >_>
Xenosaga is way better then any crappy game you enjoy.
And I don't like Haley Scarnato.
UltimaterializerX | Posted 9/5/2007 7:20:29 PM | message detail

Petition for a system notification when a contribution is removed:
Chamek | Posted 9/5/2007 7:20:41 PM | message detail
If someone linked a forum to it? Plenty to make a difference when it's this close.

True. I hadn't thought along those lines until Ulti's second post. Ahh... too crazy! I wonder how stringent SB will be about cheaters. Hopefully more than CJayC was, because he seemed to discredit a lot of cheating votes that could have easily swayed the way the match went.
Upon having Rosie O'Donnell corner him in the forest, the pizza delivery man knew how a Goomba felt when Mario got a star. ~ SSJ3 Popo
KamikazePotato | Posted 9/5/2007 7:20:44 PM | message detail
It wasn't an Axel spike, Frog dropped off the face of the earth.
doo doo doo I got no sig
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 9/5/2007 7:20:59 PM | message detail
Do you really think that site is getting any traffic whatsoever though?

Besides, it's obvious that any stuffing here is going on for both sides. The match has been following the trends to a T. Right now is the time I'd expect Frog to start making some kind of move.

"Like Darth Maul, the bastard child of Michael Flatley and Hellboy" -trancer1
BlAcK TuRtLe. The cream of Zero fanboyism
KleenexTissue50 | Posted 9/5/2007 7:21:06 PM | message detail
Check out that KERRIGAN update!
Kleenex - Now with an invigorating blast of citrus cherry flavor.
UltimaterializerX | Posted 9/5/2007 7:21:07 PM | message detail
And I like how you both post and act like I don't notice <_<

Petition for a system notification when a contribution is removed:
UltimaterializerX | Posted 9/5/2007 7:22:04 PM | message detail
From BlAcK TuRtLe Posted 9/5/2007 10:20:59 PM #157
Do you really think that site is getting any traffic whatsoever though?

Besides, it's obvious that any stuffing here is going on for both sides.

Yes, and if there's cheating on Axel's side I haven't found anything yet. Let me look a bit.

Petition for a system notification when a contribution is removed:
Xene_Elk | Posted 9/5/2007 7:22:47 PM | message detail
Yes, and if there's cheating on Axel's side I haven't found anything yet. Let me look a bit.

I know for a fact there was cheating on Axel's side.
Xenosaga is way better then any crappy game you enjoy.
And I don't like Haley Scarnato.
greatone10 | Posted 9/5/2007 7:22:54 PM | message detail
This is madness!
Donkey Kong Country 2 for next Games contest.
This line reserved for next Guru winner. Unless it's me, therefore reserving plenty of noms for Dixie/DKC2.
AmazingKirby | Posted 9/5/2007 7:23:00 PM | message detail

Tell me I didn't vote for Frog in that Boy/Girl thing.
Seginustemple | Posted 9/5/2007 7:23:17 PM | message detail
Awww.....cheating....I had hoped Frog was really making a comeback.

Well, there's always the oracle....
If I had written the book, I would have made it so the spirit of man pops out of Winston and socks O'Brien in the face really hard...
KamikazePotato | Posted 9/5/2007 7:23:26 PM | message detail
And I like how you both post and act like I don't notice <_<

I was going to make a joke about me being one of them, but then I realized that'd get me B7d really fast, even if I was joking, so I'll settle for saying I honestly have no idea who the second person you're referring to is. Pretty sure who I know who the first is, but...
doo doo doo I got no sig
Xene_Elk | Posted 9/5/2007 7:23:46 PM | message detail
From AmazingKirby | Posted 9/5/2007 10:23:00 PM | #163

Tell me I didn't vote for Frog in that Boy/Girl thing.

Look at the script.

Its for Frog.
Xenosaga is way better then any crappy game you enjoy.
And I don't like Haley Scarnato.
UltimaterializerX | Posted 9/5/2007 7:24:10 PM | message detail
I know for a fact there was cheating on Axel's side.

Because you changed the script to cancel out the Frog votes. I'm not an idiot, and neither is Ceej. You know that none of the votes actually get counted, right?

Petition for a system notification when a contribution is removed:
Xene_Elk | Posted 9/5/2007 7:24:56 PM | message detail
Because you changed the script to cancel out the Frog votes.

Xenosaga is way better then any crappy game you enjoy.
And I don't like Haley Scarnato.
AmazingKirby | Posted 9/5/2007 7:25:43 PM | message detail
=O =O =O

Wow. Pathetic Frog losers.
UltimaterializerX | Posted 9/5/2007 7:26:42 PM | message detail
I'm also guessing you think I'm unaware that you made the same script for Phoenix Wright last year. Those votes weren't counted either, just FYI.

Petition for a system notification when a contribution is removed:
Tequilla Gundam | Posted 9/5/2007 7:26:48 PM | message detail
Blah, if only they would do this contest by registered users. No more drama. No more no more drama.
Feel my truth.
samurai485 | Posted 9/5/2007 7:27:15 PM | message detail
to FFDragon:

your vote doesn't have to be based off popularity. you can base your vote off anything else, like who you think would actually win.

it seems that YOUR logic was mixed up somewhere.
,,, ;.; ,,, grrrr...
greatone10 | Posted 9/5/2007 7:27:35 PM | message detail
No more votals either. You do remember the Xeno/Poke disaster right?
Donkey Kong Country 2 for next Games contest.
This line reserved for next Guru winner. Unless it's me, therefore reserving plenty of noms for Dixie/DKC2.
Tai | Posted 9/5/2007 7:28:07 PM | message detail
Xeno/Poke was a *****.
Chris Benoit - Showing you how roid rage brings out the monster in all of us. :-) Shall he burn in hell.
matrix007 | Posted 9/5/2007 7:28:52 PM | message detail
They should just let everyone vote as many times as they want. Then the winner would be the one with the fans who are losers enough to keep voting over and over.

The new noble nine would consist of all FF characters.
Alexander feels a strange pulling sensation.
RockMFR 5 | Posted 9/5/2007 7:29:10 PM | message detail
Umm, it's doubtful that they would block votes with non-gamefaqs referral headers if they haven't already. It's a basic social engineering trick. I'm sure CJayC has thought about blocking votes with bad headers or implementing a token system on the poll. Until someone abuses it on a massive scale, it's not worth the trouble in "fixing" it.
Save the cheerleader, save the world. o_0
The Ohio State University: We are so much better than m*ch!g@n.
FFDragon | Posted 9/5/2007 7:29:38 PM | message detail
to FFDragon:

your vote doesn't have to be based off popularity. you can base your vote off anything else, like who you think would actually win.

it seems that YOUR logic was mixed up somewhere.

I honestly have no idea why you would tell me this, nor what logic I've mixed up. >_>
Married to PepsiPlunge June 01, 2005: HERO'S PLUNGE!
The revenge was swift and sweet (Metal Gear Solid 2)
KamikazePotato | Posted 9/5/2007 7:30:18 PM | message detail
Back to contest topic: This match makes Mega Man look good.
doo doo doo I got no sig
UltimaterializerX | Posted 9/5/2007 7:31:46 PM | message detail
From RockMFR 5 Posted 9/5/2007 10:29:10 PM #176
Umm, it's doubtful that they would block votes with non-gamefaqs referral headers if they haven't already. It's a basic social engineering trick. I'm sure CJayC has thought about blocking votes with bad headers or implementing a token system on the poll. Until someone abuses it on a massive scale, it's not worth the trouble in "fixing" it.

Except Romero did abuse it on a massive scale.

Petition for a system notification when a contribution is removed:
FFDragon | Posted 9/5/2007 7:31:52 PM | message detail
OH OH OH, right. Wait. Gotcha. Earilier in the topic comments.

True that you can base your vote off of anything, including who can make a PB&J sandwich the quickest while sacrificing three goats to Satan. Doesn't change the fact that this is a popularity contest and nothing more, which is clearly explained in the rules.
Married to PepsiPlunge June 01, 2005: HERO'S PLUNGE!
The revenge was swift and sweet (Metal Gear Solid 2)
Karma Hunter | Posted 9/5/2007 7:32:07 PM | message detail
Or Frog look bad! *friggin' overrated turd*

...I mean of course it makes Mega Man look good after all I have MM > Samus in my bracket that's not a stupid pick at all or anything
delicious cats
Commit it to memory.
Seginustemple | Posted 9/5/2007 7:32:25 PM | message detail
Who cheated in the PW/GF match? Was that one really worth cheating over? I mean, I don't really remember it being that close anyways....

Still waving my sad frog flag here :/
If I had written the book, I would have made it so the spirit of man pops out of Winston and socks O'Brien in the face really hard...
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 9/5/2007 7:32:35 PM | message detail
Like I said earlier, there's been nothing but mounting evidence supporting Mega Man = Sonic and a pretty big Crono drop last year.

"Like Darth Maul, the bastard child of Michael Flatley and Hellboy" -trancer1
BlAcK TuRtLe. The cream of Zero fanboyism
charmander6000 | Posted 9/5/2007 7:32:55 PM | message detail
Match IV: Agent 47 vs Kratos Aurion vs Midna vs Scorpion


Name: Agent 47
Game/Series From: Hitman series
Past Contests: CB2k5
Wins: None
Losses: Sora (2k5)

Name: Kratos Aurion
Game/Series From: Tales of Symphonia
Past Contests: CB2k5
Wins: None
Losses: Diablo (2k5)

Name: Midna
Game/Series From: Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Past Contests: None
Wins: N/A
Losses: N/A

Name: Scorpion
Game/Series From: Mortal Kombat series
Past Contests: CB2k2, CB2k3, CB2k4
Wins: Kazuya (2k2), Max Payne (2k2), Pac-Man (2k2)
Losses: Link (2k2), Zero (2k3), Auron (2k4)


Well this should be an interesting match we have a new character, two characters have had only one match in the past and a character that isn’t very strong. I can see three of the characters advancing in any way. I don’t think this match will be as great as yesterday’s match, but if it is we’re in for one of the most unforgettable contests ever.

First let’s talk about the character I don’t see advancing, while Agent 47 wasn’t as weak as some members of board eight first thought he only got 30% on pre-KHII Sora. To put that to perspective Tingle got 25% on post-KHII Sora and most people would agree that Midna is much stronger than Tingle. As for him taking second back in 2k4 Scorpion got about the same percent as Ness did again Auron and I wouldn’t take Agent 47 over Ness even if Scorpion has dropped a bit.

Midna, according to the board has the best chances to take first in this match. From what I’ve got from playing the game Midna is the Navi in Twilight Princess, except she’s not annoying and the story pretty much revolves around her. It also doesn’t hurt that Twilight Princess was ranked Game of the Year by several gaming sites and was the game to get for the Wii until MP3 which only came out just last week. I think people are over estimating the strength of Midna. People have her ranked just a tier below Zelda and Ganondorf and some people have her as strong as Master Chief. Personally I don’t see Midna being that much stronger than the characters in this poll.

Scorpion has had the most contest experience than all of the characters, but that doesn’t mean that he’s strong. We haven’t seen Scorpion since 2k4 so his strength could be very different. Scorpion has had a few games under his belt since his last contest appearance so that should at least maintain his 2k4 strength if not make him stronger. I don’t think he’ll be as strong as Sub-Zero who by the way was able to do better against a post-KHII Auron than Scorpion. Looking at people’s prediction it looks like Scorpion is the favorite to take second.

Finally we have Kratos who lost to Diablo in the first round back in 2k5. Kratos is from a type of game where it was very popular when it was released, but people forget about years after the release. Kratos is usually ranked as the most popular Tales of Symphonia character and being a fan favorite could help him in a four way poll.

In the end I think Midna will take first with Scorpion not that far behind and Kratos not far behind him. Agent 47 will take last and won’t be in the match. This could be our fourth close poll in a row and we’re only in our fourth match. Too bad I’ve lost by perfect, darn you Axel.

charmander6000’s Bracket: Midna > Scorpion

charmander6000’s Prediction: Midna - 29.72%, Scorpion - 27.85%, Kratos Aurion - 25.16%, Agent 47 - 17.27%

The Board 8 BOP -
Match 3: Samus Aran > Frog Points: 8/8
Tai | Posted 9/5/2007 7:32:56 PM | message detail
Kefka/Vercetti was the most hilarious match in Summer Contest history. XD

This board WAS a riot.
Chris Benoit - Showing you how roid rage brings out the monster in all of us. :-) Shall he burn in hell.
KamikazePotato | Posted 9/5/2007 7:33:23 PM | message detail
For the third time tonight, Frog has made an epic 1 vote cut.
doo doo doo I got no sig
KamikazePotato | Posted 9/5/2007 7:33:47 PM | message detail
...I mean of course it makes Mega Man look good after all I have MM > Samus in my bracket that's not a stupid pick at all or anything.

I have Samus>MM. >_>
doo doo doo I got no sig
cyko | Posted 9/5/2007 7:33:48 PM | message detail
man, Frog is a little green bastard. first he screws me over by coming back against Master Chief. then he screws me over by hanging on against Riku. now, he will screw me over yet again by choking the one time i pick him to win!

I support the following SC2K6 characters:
L-Block, Phoenix Wright, Magus, Agent J, Vincent Valentine, Miles Edgeworth, HK-47, Zero, Kefka
greatone10 | Posted 9/5/2007 7:35:04 PM | message detail
Cyko, trying backing Jill Valentine. I have never predicted her path correctly, and I have participated in every contest.
Donkey Kong Country 2 for next Games contest.
This line reserved for next Guru winner. Unless it's me, therefore reserving plenty of noms for Dixie/DKC2.
Draco1214 | Posted 9/5/2007 7:36:00 PM | message detail
Ugh, I picked Jill > Peach, and I thought I had finally called a board upset right. Now I know what it feels like to lose by 27 votes.
Currently Playing: Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, Persona 3
KamikazePotato | Posted 9/5/2007 7:36:07 PM | message detail
Villains Contest: Ridley will beat Diablo!
2k5: Kratos Aurion for the upset!
Now: Diablo's burned me twice, so he's sure to come through this time!

****ing Diablo.
doo doo doo I got no sig
Xene_Elk | Posted 9/5/2007 7:36:55 PM | message detail
From Seginustemple | Posted 9/5/2007 10:32:25 PM | #182
Who cheated in the PW/GF match? Was that one really worth cheating over? I mean, I don't really remember it being that close anyways....

Still waving my sad frog flag here :/

That was the one I did.

And admit to.

Didn't make this one.

"lol dante"
Xenosaga is way better then any crappy game you enjoy.
And I don't like Haley Scarnato.
cyko | Posted 9/5/2007 7:36:57 PM | message detail
Jill, on the other hand, i've gotten right every time. against Kirby, Ryu H, and Peach. for me, it's always the Sonic characters and Frog that screw me!

I support the following SC2K6 characters:
L-Block, Phoenix Wright, Magus, Agent J, Vincent Valentine, Miles Edgeworth, HK-47, Zero, Kefka
Karma Hunter | Posted 9/5/2007 7:36:59 PM | message detail
My albatross is Crono. Had him losing to Simon Belmont in 2k2, Kefka in 2k3, Mario in 2k4, had him winning 2k5, and winning 2k6...

delicious cats
Commit it to memory.
Seginustemple | Posted 9/5/2007 7:37:12 PM | message detail
man, Frog is a little green bastard. first he screws me over by coming back against Master Chief. then he screws me over by hanging on against Riku. now, he will screw me over yet again by choking the one time i pick him to win!


After all these years of picking him to lose slightly and then coming out on top by ridiculously close cuts (7 votes!?!?!?), the one time I pick him to win one he goes and starts tanking on an epic calibur. Damn you, Frog! Damn you, Axel!
If I had written the book, I would have made it so the spirit of man pops out of Winston and socks O'Brien in the face really hard...
ZenOfThunder | Posted 9/5/2007 7:37:40 PM | message detail
I thought I had Midna>Scorpion and I just checked to find I have Midna>Kratos

(|| ' ' ||) Rate the Match Pic: Agent 47 vs Kratos Aurion vs Midna vs Scorpion
. /|_|\
Keno316 | Posted 9/5/2007 7:37:55 PM | message detail
That's just the way the CHRONO TRIGGER ROLLS!!!
"Opinions are like butts, little girl. Everyone's got one and nobody thinks their's stink." -Lunar 2:EB
*Claims KG's Eclair, C.C. & Tear Grants*
PokemonPatriarch | Posted 9/5/2007 7:38:10 PM | message detail
He wouldn't tank if you just rallied! If I didn't rally Frog would be 200 more votes in the gutter!
Proud fanboy of the Ogre Battle saga!!!
~~~Allah Approves~~~
KamikazePotato | Posted 9/5/2007 7:38:18 PM | message detail
Hmm, Axel winning is good for the FFP though, as we've laid some groundwork for the KH characters and done almost nothing with Frog.
doo doo doo I got no sig
greatone10 | Posted 9/5/2007 7:39:06 PM | message detail
Well, go rally another 200 then.
Donkey Kong Country 2 for next Games contest.
This line reserved for next Guru winner. Unless it's me, therefore reserving plenty of noms for Dixie/DKC2.