GameFAQs Contests
Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 460
UltimaterializerX | Posted 9/4/2007 9:24:42 PM | message detail |
I *hate* Frog. What a whiny little tool. *Creativename's websites* Everything you could ever imagine: Sortable Table for Every Contest Match: *Extrapolated Standings* Explanation of Extrapolated Standings: Simple Explanation of Extrapolated Standings: A = Strongest Character B = Character Weaker than A C = Character Weaker than B To figure out a character's Xsts Percentage ---> [(CvB)(BvA)]/50 = CvA To compare how C would do against B ---> [(CvA)/(BvA)]*50 = CvB To figure out how B would do against A ---> [(CvA)/(CvB)]*50 = BvA Extrapolated Standings for All Contests (links to all brackets are on the left): *Solarshadow's Sites* Summer 2002 Contest: Summer 2003 Contest: Spring 2004 Contest: (not currently updating) *Old Stats topics* Summer 2002 Contest: Summer 2003 Contest: (See note) 2003-2004 Off-Season: (See note) Note: Don't use the links in the topic to browse through the pages, change the page number in the URL. Spring 2004 Pre-Season (Chance the number after "Season" to view other pages; there are three of them): Spring 2004 Contest (Change the number after "Stats" to view other pages; there are eight of them): *Match Pictures* All the match pics, and thanks to RockMFR for finding the missing ones! *Miscellaneous* Creativename's Page of Links: UltimaterializerX's Contest Sites (some offensive language): NGamer64's Archive Site and (lol) X-Stats Sim (some offensive language): A List of Acronyms, A Lesson on Percentages, and Some Odd Matches: All Time Top 10 Lists: HaRRicH's Fourpack of Fun Board: TRE's poll listing (every poll!): Aprosenf's Poll Script: GameFAQs' Top 100 Games Manual Poll Updater: ~*ST*~ |
xp1337 | Posted 9/4/2007 9:25:11 PM | message detail |
IBomgearly!1!! --- xp1337: Don't you wish there was a spell-checker that told you when you a word out? SC2k6 (190/240) 99.4958 Percentile |
MadGamer_11 | Posted 9/4/2007 9:25:15 PM | message detail |
Frog's doing good, lets just hope the Kingdom Hearts day vote doesn't do amazing. --- "To be forgotten is worse than death"-Freya FFIX |
HeroicTronBonne | Posted 9/4/2007 9:25:36 PM | message detail |
How can you hate Frog? :( --- Pokemon Pearl Code: 2663-9266-2709 WWEGSB Hardcore Legend and Board 8er Masa/Hiko |
Shoenin_Kakashi | Posted 9/4/2007 9:25:40 PM | message detail |
Rate Freedom Call. --- Hi |
TimJab | Posted 9/4/2007 9:26:38 PM | message detail |
One of these days I'll make one of these topics. I always try to wait until at least 400, and then one shows up. I fail. --- alt.8: |
UltimaterializerX | Posted 9/4/2007 9:27:54 PM | message detail |
From HeroicTronBonne Posted 9/5/2007 12:25:36 AM #004 How can you hate Frog? :( He sits in his hole wrestling his trouser snake to the tomb of Cyrus and makes you do all of his work. If he wanted the Masamune so bad, he could have helped. And then you get it for him and he's the worst character in battle by a mile. ~*ST*~ --- Petition for a system notification when a contribution is removed: |
TimJab | Posted 9/4/2007 9:32:06 PM | message detail |
Frog is always in party. Marle and Ayla switch in and out until I get Magus. --- alt.8: |
HeroicTronBonne | Posted 9/4/2007 9:33:15 PM | message detail |
Worst character in battle?! Sits in his hole? Man negro plz. He just
needed some inspiration in form of the most badass sword ever. And then
he cuts a ****ing mountain in half and turns it into a cave. Come on
now. --- Pokemon Pearl Code: 2663-9266-2709 WWEGSB Hardcore Legend and Board 8er Masa/Hiko |
Big Bob | Posted 9/4/2007 9:34:02 PM | message detail |
I am SICK of getting every match wrong. -_- |
Draco1214 | Posted 9/4/2007 9:34:07 PM | message detail |
Predictable match today. --- Currently Playing: Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, Persona 3 |
redrocket | Posted 9/4/2007 9:36:37 PM | message detail |
I hate Frog too. I still voted for him though just because he represents CT. Call me a robot if you must.... --- |
voltch | Posted 9/4/2007 10:49:09 PM | message detail |
Chrono trigger's becoming a spent force these days. --- Rufus shinra destroyed my bracket in the sc2k6 contest. |
__hiei__ | Posted 9/4/2007 10:51:01 PM | message detail |
redrocket Robot! |
JustForFun1988 | Posted 9/4/2007 10:56:05 PM | message detail |
I don't like Frog either but i bracket voted for Frog, call me a loser if you must...... |
Warsola | Posted 9/4/2007 10:57:20 PM | message detail |
I voted fro forg 'cause the other characters in the poll are teh suck. --- It is pitch black. I don't like Haley Scarnato Proud Member of the RAGE OF WARCRAFT! *War13104* |
Warsola | Posted 9/4/2007 10:58:22 PM | message detail |
Also, the zero brackets are getting completely owned so far. --- It is pitch black. I don't like Haley Scarnato Proud Member of the RAGE OF WARCRAFT! *War13104* |
Xcarvengerx | Posted 9/4/2007 11:01:20 PM | message detail |
I like Frog because he speaketh in ancient English. --- Xcarvengerx (scar-fan-gear-rex) /n/ = A plethora of quixotic illumination. Common mispronounce = eks-car-fan-gear-eks |
Panthera | Posted 9/4/2007 11:21:13 PM | message detail |
I voted Frog because the other characters are either no one I've
experienced in their games or just a plain non-entity [yo Samus], and
because he has awesome music. Also, no, he did *not* want the Masamune.
Why would he help you get it? He felt he was unworthy of it because of
his constant failures-failure to protect the princess, failure to have
been any sort of threat to Magus, perceived failure to ever be a real
help to Cyrus, then losing the Hero Medal as well. --- Our quest of the highest theory is controlled by that theory~Vintersorg-The Essence Nobody really sigs each other anymore - M120T |
ChichiriMuyo | Posted 9/4/2007 11:22:23 PM | message detail |
It's not called "ancient" English, it's considered archaic English. And
though the words he uses are considered archaic, many of them were
created during the period in the English language known as Modern
English. It's pretty much not even old enough to be considered Middle
English, let alone Old English (which is about as ancient as the
language gets before you have to trace its roots to another language
entirely). --- Once I was human. Now I am far more. |
KohlrabiGod | Posted 9/4/2007 11:28:05 PM | message detail |
Beowulf was written in true Old English. Frog speaks in Modern English.
Present-day English is called Contemporary English, I believe, meaning
it is a definition constantly changing. Try reading that <_< ___ *watches* o_o |
Eggplant Lord | Posted 9/4/2007 11:28:45 PM | message detail |
Huh. Well, now I have an active message on that account. ___ *watches* o_o |
Xcarvengerx | Posted 9/4/2007 11:31:08 PM | message detail |
yay for technicality! --- Xcarvengerx (scar-fan-gear-rex) /n/ = A plethora of quixotic illumination. Common mispronounce = eks-car-fan-gear-eks |
voltch | Posted 9/4/2007 11:34:42 PM | message detail |
i'm to my first day back to school,only two more years left. i hope when i come back axel doesn't catch up to frog. --- Rufus shinra destroyed my bracket in the sc2k6 contest. |
transience | Posted 9/5/2007 6:02:32 AM | message detail |
time to play "come up with ridiculous conclusions based on one match" -- Frog edition: Phoenix Wright is so screwed Crono is so screwed Ryu Hayabusa is so screwed Aeris is so screwed --- "where the heck does diablo get his votes from on weekends? He should be losing because christians are fresh from the church and voting against evil" -voltch |
Starion | Posted 9/5/2007 6:02:53 AM | message detail |
The shift (either for Axel or Frog) isn't happening right now. I'm going to bed. --- 100% Frog Log Quest: Current Progress- 400 of 627 Completed: Jaster, Kisala, Deego |
lettuce Kefka | Posted 9/5/2007 6:03:29 AM | message detail |
Frog > Ulti ¬_¬ --- Ahem! There's LETTUCE on my boots! |
transience | Posted 9/5/2007 6:03:59 AM | message detail |
no, this is going to be a stall until the day vote. and the day vote is going to be brutal. --- "where the heck does diablo get his votes from on weekends? He should be losing because christians are fresh from the church and voting against evil" -voltch |
red sox 777 | Posted 9/5/2007 6:07:00 AM | message detail |
Frog has stalled Axel for an hour and a half now. Now he has 6 hours to
try to increase his lead a bit before the inevitable massive collapse
this afternoon. Axel is strong from 3 all the way to the end of the
poll, so there'll be no second comeback for Frog like he pulled against
MC. --- Character Battle VI -- Points: 8/8 -- T-1 (1616 way) Bracket: Samus > Frog -- Vote: Frog |
Buzzup | Posted 9/5/2007 6:07:32 AM | message detail |
1300 votes is a bit much to overcome though, especially in a 4 way poll. |
swirIdude | Posted 9/5/2007 6:07:55 AM | message detail |
Ryu Hayabusa is so screwed Parlaying this into Riku and Roxas to Round 3 confirmed. --- Pokemon FC: 0129 8285 9148 Jump Ultimate Stars FC: 1504 2045 7334 |
transience | Posted 9/5/2007 6:09:04 AM | message detail |
Knuckles came back 1700 votes a couple of days ago. Rikku is much better in the day than Frog. KH characters are -- get ready for it -- better than Sonic characters in the day. --- "where the heck does diablo get his votes from on weekends? He should be losing because christians are fresh from the church and voting against evil" -voltch |
Xcarvengerx | Posted 9/5/2007 6:09:14 AM | message detail |
Crono >>>> Magus >>> Frog >>>>> Robo > Marle > Ayla > Lucca --- Xcarvengerx (scar-fan-gear-rex) /n/ = A plethora of quixotic illumination. Common mispronounce = eks-car-fan-gear-eks |
JustForFun1988 | Posted 9/5/2007 6:09:28 AM | message detail |
It isn't looking too good for Frog right now but still GO GO GO FROG. I just want to be on the leader board for 1 day and therefore i cannot afford to lose my perfect bracket now, please Froggy. |
Guess how many teens | Posted 9/5/2007 6:11:09 AM | message detail |
Yeah well axel was doing good 2 hours ago but has been doing nothing since then. --- I got owned by Rufus Shinra, the 2k6 CB Guru Champion! The Cream of Smurf FODDER |
transience | Posted 9/5/2007 6:12:17 AM | message detail |
although... last year, we figured it was Mega Man's fault that he collapsed after the first few hours of the poll. he was at 75% at 03:00 and ended up under 70%, bleeding percentage throughout the entire day (though it was worse during the daytime). maybe that was Axel's doing and he has some strange trend? I don't know, I'm overthinking this, but I guess it's possible. by the way, Mega Man increased in the day yesterday, so it's not like he has a bad day vote. it's merely average; KH is just that good. --- "where the heck does diablo get his votes from on weekends? He should be losing because christians are fresh from the church and voting against evil" -voltch |
Osfan | Posted 9/5/2007 6:12:49 AM | message detail |
But if you look at the match Axel had before with Mega he was losing
updates pretty consistently throughout the poll in the 150-200 even at
15:00 and on. Granted Kairi killed with the afterschool vote but we
gotta keep in mind that was Claire one on one, Axel has to worry about
Samus stealing some of that strength just like Mega took it before...
But Frog is just so horrible in the day and he loves to keep it
ridiculously close its really a toss up until we see the damage Axel
can do with Samus in the poll... --- "I'll do it with my magic!" - Tellah FF4 |
charmander6000 | Posted 9/5/2007 6:14:24 AM | message detail |
Yeah well axel was doing good 2 hours ago but has been doing nothing since then. That was a small preview on what Axel is going to do to Frog in about 5 hours. --- The Board 8 BOP - Match 3: Samus Aran > Frog Points: 8/8 |
JustForFun1988 | Posted 9/5/2007 6:16:32 AM | message detail |
Yeah well axel was doing good 2 hours ago but has been doing nothing since then. If Knuckle/Rikku match was any indication, Knuckles only started making speedy comeback at EST 9.30am. I think Axel may strike in the next 15 mins. |
Guess how many teens | Posted 9/5/2007 6:17:03 AM | message detail |
Heh, I would be glad to see a close match, but I
wouldn't count on it. Rikku didn't do that good, and Knuckles + Yoshi
are as kiddy as Samus is alone --- I got owned by Rufus Shinra, the 2k6 CB Guru Champion! The Cream of Smurf FODDER |
lettuce Kefka | Posted 9/5/2007 6:17:27 AM | message detail |
Frog is over 1300 for the first time in a while! Lets hope it keeps going up and up! ¬_¬ (not going to happen ¬_¬) --- Ahem! There's LETTUCE on my boots! |
Guess how many teens | Posted 9/5/2007 6:18:16 AM | message detail |
So you're using a comeback AGAINST kingdom hearts to prove a comeback FOR kingdom hearts :P? --- I got owned by Rufus Shinra, the 2k6 CB Guru Champion! The Cream of Smurf FODDER |
swirIdude | Posted 9/5/2007 6:18:57 AM | message detail |
Oh snap, lettuce Kefka is a Smurf alt?? In more serious news, Frog might not even win the tiebreaker. --- Pokemon FC: 0129 8285 9148 Jump Ultimate Stars FC: 1504 2045 7334 |
transience | Posted 9/5/2007 6:19:20 AM | message detail |
ooh, stats got fixed, it looks like. that makes a lot more sense. --- "where the heck does diablo get his votes from on weekends? He should be losing because christians are fresh from the church and voting against evil" -voltch |
charmander6000 | Posted 9/5/2007 6:20:08 AM | message detail |
If Knuckle/Rikku match was any indication, Knuckles only started
making speedy comeback at EST 9.30am. I think Axel may strike in the
next 15 mins. That was a holiday, so the day vote has been delayed. Axel may stall during the time people wake up and go to school/work. --- The Board 8 BOP - Match 3: Samus Aran > Frog Points: 8/8 |
Guess how many teens | Posted 9/5/2007 6:21:59 AM | message detail |
What stats? --- I got owned by Rufus Shinra, the 2k6 CB Guru Champion! The Cream of Smurf FODDER |
JustForFun1988 | Posted 9/5/2007 6:22:08 AM | message detail |
So you're using a comeback AGAINST kingdom hearts to prove a comeback FOR kingdom hearts :P? So right now Rikku functions fully as a Kingdom Heart character due to that fairy cameo appearance. I am just saying "IF Knuckles/Rikku match was any indication, no need to be so worked up. |
jonthomson | Posted 9/5/2007 6:22:16 AM | message detail |
I'd just like to point out the awesomeness of the leaderboard for those
that haven't noticed. JaySolano leads, and as many people have Mudkip
winning as Cloud. --- Jon Thomson - 6/8, next picks: Samus beats Frog Bracket analysis: |
lettuce Kefka | Posted 9/5/2007 6:23:07 AM | message detail |
Smurf alt? What? --- Ahem! There's LETTUCE on my boots! |
Guess how many teens | Posted 9/5/2007 6:23:34 AM | message detail |
I'm not worked up, relax:) notice the :P --- I got owned by Rufus Shinra, the 2k6 CB Guru Champion! The Cream of Smurf FODDER |