GameFAQs Contests
Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 457
JustForFun1988 | Posted 9/3/2007 6:55:22 PM | message detail |
I don't think fans get split over companies (or at least not to the
degree that a lot of people seem to be implying). Diablo is a hack and
slash and Warcraft is a RTS. The overlap should not be large. Heck,
one's a normal Blizzard title and one is a Blizzard North title, which
might as well be two separate companies. >_> We are never implying that they will SFF just because they came from the same company Blizzard, we are saying that they will SFF because both are insanely famous online game that are released on the same system (PC). Many of my friends who love online gaming had played of Diablo and Warcraft before. |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 9/3/2007 6:56:46 PM | message detail |
The SFF isn't so much because they're both
Blizzard characters (though that plays a part) so much as the fact that
they're both PC characters. TuRtLe ~~~ "Like Darth Maul, the bastard child of Michael Flatley and Hellboy" -trancer1 BlAcK TuRtLe. The cream of Zero fanboyism |
SonicRaptor | Posted 9/3/2007 6:57:55 PM | message detail |
I don't think the PC fanbase is concentrated or passionate enough to
make SFF a factor, unlike the Blizzard fanbase which is pretty
tight-knit and fanatical. --- Today's Subliminal Thought Is: |
swirIdude | Posted 9/3/2007 6:58:55 PM | message detail |
That was a disturbing subliminal thought. --- Pokemon FC: 0129 8285 9148 Jump Ultimate Stars FC: 1504 2045 7334 |
Master Moltar | Posted 9/3/2007 7:05:43 PM | message detail |
Division 1: Round 1 - Match 2 – Arthas vs. Diablo vs. KOS-MOS vs. Mega Man Moltar’s Analysis Arthas Game/Series Known From: Warcraft Eh, I still say GTA should have won that match. Diablo Game/Series Known From: Diablo Seed in 2005: 5 Lost in 2005 to Sonic in Round 2 The dark horse of Spring 2005 returns. KOS-MOS Game/Series Known From: Xenosaga Seed in 2003: 7 Seed in 2004: 8 Seed in 2005: 7 Seed in 2006: 3 Lost in 2003 to Samus in Round 2 Lost in 2004 to Ryu in Round 1 Lost in 2005 to Luigi in Round 1 Lost in 2006 to Aeris in Round 2 Mmm…KOS-MOS, good to see her again, if you know what I mean. Mega Man Game/Series Known From: Mega Man Seed in 2002: 6 Seed in 2003: 2 Seed in 2004: 1 Seed in 2005: 1 Seed in 2006: 2 Lost in 2002 to Sephiroth in Round 3 Lost in 2003 to Sephiroth in the Final 4 Lost in 2004 to Link in the Final 4 Lost in 2005 to Crono in the Final 4 Lost in 2006 to Solid Snake in the Elite 8 Mega’s back. Let’s hope he doesn’t embarrass himself again this year. As bad as Mega Man looked last year, he has no problem of grabbing the #1 spot here. Now let’s get to the part of the match that’s actually worth debating over? Who grabs #2? Well, the two most likely candidates are Diablo and KOS-MOS. If you go by stats, then 2006 KOS-MOS > Diablo > 2005 KOS-MOS. However, that doesn’t really help us here seeing as how 2006 x-stats can definitely be described as “lol”. So since stats aren’t too effective, looks like there’s nothing else we can say…or is there? Well, KOS-MOS has an advantage in this match, and that’s having a hardcore RPG fanbase on her side. The theory is that these kind of characters should do well in this kind of format, as they have a dedicated (and usually vocal) fanbase that would vote their character over any opposition. Now we’ve seen KOS-MOS for 4 years straight, and each time she appears, she does decently. You can thank her fans for that. Diablo is a bit different. He does have his fans, but they don’t seem all that loyal when he needs it. Two examples are Ganondorf and Sonic. Diablo, whose claim to fame was beating heavyweights like Ridley, M. Bison, and Kefka, ended up getting destroyed by Ganondorf. A little later, he gets whooped again by Sonic. This isn’t to say KOS-MOS is flawless here either, as she suffered an embarrassment at Luigi’s hands in 2005. Still, her track record here is better than Diablo’s. Plus, we haven’t even gotten to another factor in this match, which is Arthas. Do I see him getting enough support to steal second here? No. However, I do see him getting some Blizzard love, and that’s another obstacle for Diablo. Just like with Rikku and Vaan, I can see a split of support between Diablo and Arthas as a hindrance here. Diablo (arguably) may be indirectly stronger than KOS-MOS, but thanks to a less loyal fanbase, and Arthas potentially getting a share of his votes, KOS-MOS has a better shot at #2. Moltar’s Bracket Says: Mega Man > KOS-MOS > Diablo > Arthas Moltar’s Prediction is: Mega Man: 56% - KOS-MOS: 19% - Diablo: 16% - Arthas: 9% Ultimaterializer’s Analysis When was the last time we had a tough match on the second day of a contest? Ness vs CJ? This one has the potential to be another "omgwtf I lost my perfect/zero on the second day I sux" match. The first place character is easy enough to spot. Mega Man will take this, even though he's clearly on the decline. Capcom treating his series like crap is starting to catch up with him, and Mega could start falling bit by bit unless they save him with a *good* new game, like Mega Man X9 or Mega Man 9, not this Battle Network Transmission 46 Beta v9 junk. |
Master Moltar | Posted 9/3/2007 7:06:09 PM | message detail |
The other three is where it gets interesting.
Contest strength indicates Diablo > KOS-MOS > Arthas (assuming
Arthas is as craptacular as Kerrigan, and I don't see why he wouldn't
be; Starcraft is a far more popular series than Warcraft. and its most
popular character has done *nothing* in these contests), but if Arthas
can syphon even a percent or two of votes away from Diablo, KOS-MOS
could squeak into second place. Furthermore, this contest was slated to
begin on September 3rd. That puts this match on a Tuesday, when the WoW
servers are down for maintenance. Rallying/cheating will have a much
bigger impact in a four-way poll than a heads-up, and even though
Arthas won't get nearly the support that Warcraft did against GTA, he
wouldn't need a whole hell of a lot. Unless he's weaker than Kerrigan,
which he should be. I do enjoy his presence though, because the guy
kicks ASS in Warcraft 3. The end of the first campaign is one of the
best scenes ever in gaming. YouTube "Warcraft 3 Human ending" if you
haven't seen it yet. I love how Lordaeron just lets him walk in with
two Acolytes and all that death armor on, too. Idiots. The only reason I haven't much faith in KOS-MOS pulling the upset is because ever since the original Xenosaga, she hasn't made any noise at all in contests. That and she's far enough behind Diablo that she'd need Arthas to take a LOT of votes from him if she hopes to snag second place. And we've already seen that Blizzard fans care about games enough to cheat and rally, but not so much with the characters. Kerrigan has been embarrassed twice, and Diablo's strength gets overrated to hell and back by his perceived strength from the villain's contest. Going toe to toe with Kefka is not something to be proud of. Pac-Man did the same once. Though Diablo should still have enough strength in the tank to advance here. Ulti's Prediction: Mega Man [39.24%] Diablo [24.75%] KOS-MOS [20.72%] Arthas [15.29%] Heroic Mario’s Analysis Mega Man -- 59% KOS-MOS -- 20% Diablo -- 15% Arthas -- 6% My gut reaction to this match was to go with Diablo, but after thinking it over, and looking at certain polls, I decided against it. As far as one-on-one matches are concerned, I think KOS-MOS would end up beating Diablo without a whole lot of trouble. It wouldn’t be a blowout, but it wouldn’t be a barnburner either. The main support for Diablo in this one is him being a Blizzard character (people hate picking against them for whatever reason) and him sharing the namesake of his series. But neither of those are something I’m willing to put a whole lot of faith in, particularly after we’ve seen him do so horribly in a multi-way poll before. After the villains contest, there was a poll run asking “Who is really the baddest villain,” or something like that. Sephiroth came in first, obviously, Ganondorf put up a respectable second, CATS pulled third, Kefka was fourth, and Diablo brought up the distant rear. The thing about this is that Diablo had beaten Kefka in the contest, but lost to him here. That’s with Sephiroth in the very same poll. With that in mind, and there being another Blizzard character to split up the hardcore Blizzard vote, I can’t see Diablo advancing out of this one. Sure, the competition he’s facing here isn’t as steep as Sephiroth, Ganon, Kefka, and CATS, but it’s hardly the ideal setting for him. I think KOS-MOS has enough to squeak by this one. Oh, and of course, Mega Man dominates the poll. Bracket: Mega Man > KOS-MOS Vote: Arthas |
Master Moltar | Posted 9/3/2007 7:06:48 PM | message detail |
Yoblazer’s Analysis I don't get Blizzard. I've been doing the dirty contest dance for many years, and I've never once truly "gotten" Blizzard. The company punched my lights out with Starcraft in 2004, blessed me with Diablo in 2005, and slapped me across the face with Warcraft in 2006. If these contests are a family reunion, Blizzard is the bat**** uncle who compliments the food one minute and throws a turkey leg across the table the next. It should come as no surprise, therefore, that a match featuring two god damned Blizzard characters has me a bit unnerved. Can the series-crossing combo of Diablo and Arthas be enough for everyone's favorite company to wreak havoc again? Let's examine this in further detail. Upon first glance, anyone with some contest knowledge will recognize Mega Man as the elephant in the room. He'll easily clean up here and leave the other three competitors fighting for scraps. That ain't the challenge here, bucko! The challenge is in figuring out if either of the Blizzard entrants can draw a respectable enough rally to eek past KOS-MOS. Fortunately for KOSSY, going up against two characters who will possibly (probably?) be splitting fanbase votes is a benefit, not a detriment. If rallied votes from the Warcraft forums favor Arthas, Diablo will need his own source of votes. If the Diablo sites favor their series' namesake, the same holds true for Arthas. Obviously, the prospect of two concurring rallies from the same general fanbase diminishes the strength of the infamous "Blizzard rally," which has always been perceived as a very unified vote. This, combined with the fact that any rally will be much smaller and less effective in nature (seeing as how Mega Man will be soaking up most of the votes and rallied people from any source are now presented with more voting options), favors KOS-MOS. On her own accord, the voluptuous cyborg is a contest veteran, possesses a small but dedicated fanbase, and has shown the ability to win matches. She is, according to past stats, also very comparable in strength to Diablo. I feel she also has a number of very tiny but potentially helpful factors in her favor, such as being the only female (bringing back TJF; good lord it's 2002 all over again!!11!) and console RPG character in the match. Combined, all these factors should give her just enough to nab the 20% or so needed to advance. Mega Man (54%) KOS-MOS (19%) Diablo (18%) Arthas (9%) Lopen’s Analysis Mega Man comes in first. Does anyone disagree? *looks around* Okay, good! Now, KOS-MOS comes in second... does anyone disagree? *angry mob forms* Damn. Alright, fine, I'll talk about second place! Now, Diablo has looked clearly better in these contests in comparison to KOS-MOS. However, this four way thing throws a monkey wrench into the workings. Some might say that Arthas and Diablo share some sort of Blizzard fanbase, and KOS-MOS should be chosen because of that. To those people, I say "poppycock!" I don't expect a significant overlap between Warcraft and Diablo fans. The games are from the same company, and both for the PC... but... just nah. I think the appeal of the games are different enough, and that the PC gaming base for these two series is also big enough. Now, where does he get screwed if not by Arthas? Look no further than Mega Man. Mega Man is a dangerous guy.. blowing the faces of fools clear off. Mega Man will take you and make you look much worse than you should (unless you're in a position to give him something resembling a challenge). KOS-MOS, with her devoted cult fanbase, can resist this face destruction better than Diablo can. Plus KOS-MOS is hot. Now I know Diablo is fresh out of the depths of hell, but he just can't compete with this. So she has the apathy vote, and the cult vote, which will be enough to counter Diablo's better casual vote which Mega Man will gladly turn to dust. |
Master Moltar | Posted 9/3/2007 7:07:27 PM | message detail |
Lopen's Prediction: Mega Man – 52.58% KOS-MOS – 21.12% Diablo – 19.28% Arthas - 7.02% Transience’s Analysis KOS strikes me as one of those characters with a small-but-devoted fanbase. she's not as strong as Diablo, but she makes up for it in a four-way poll like this with her devoted fanbase. plus, she's a hot chick. that probably counts for something when you're dealing with ugly bastards like Diablo. there's the possibility of Diablo and Arthas splitting votes here, seeing as they're both Blizzard characters. I don't think it's a very big deal though because I don't have a lot of respect for Arthas. (then again, I didn't have a lot of respect for Diablo in 2005 either, so maybe I'm underestimating him. plus, this match is on a TUESDAY OH HOLY CRAP IT'S A TUESDAY ARTHAS TO DA FINALS) Leonhart pointed out this poll to me (and I'm probably not the only person to bring it up): Poll 2020 (06/03/2005) Is Sephiroth truly the greatest video game villain of all time? 36655 44.61% Yep, there's nobody badder 19977 24.31% No way, Ganondorf was much worse 5808 7.07% Yeah right, Diablo's where it's at 9485 11.54% Hardly, Kefka should have won it 10235 12.46% All my base are belong to CATS TOTAL VOTES: 82160 that's a pretty crappy result from Diablo. hell, he beat Kefka in the Villain Contest and Kefka still outdid him despite the fact that Sephiroth was in the poll. am I reading too much into this? probably. but when you're being outpolled by guys like CATS and Kefka, you proooooobably don't have the most dedicated fanbase. KOS does have that, and while she isn't as popular, I have faith that they won't abandon her for Mega Man. I can't say that about Diablo. KOS-MOS is weaker voters like hot android chicks Diablo gets third transience's prediction: Mega Man - 50.89%, KOS-MOS - 19.43%, Diablo - 16.77%, Arthas - 12.91% Guest’s Analysis - Bokonon_Lives Hay Board 8. Fully acknowledging that the smart vote is Mega Man > KOS-MOS, here is my plea for a dark horse upset only a few stragglers saw coming. No, not Diablo. Mega Man > ARTHAS. Yeah, I'm crazy. There's a laundry list of reasons why that could never happen. To name a few: Starcraft's success and Sarah Kerrigan's downfall. Board consensus being that Diablo is about on par with KOS-MOS. Diablo stealing Blizzard votes from Arthas. TJF. But what's the point of a newcomer to this contest without some nuthead picking him to surprise us all? Seriously, though... I'm not just talking out of my ass. There is a distinct possibility - just as there is a possibility Arthas will get last place - that the planets will align just right, and Arthas will sneak his way into second place. Here's the pic. Take a close look. Arthas has FAR AND AWAY the best pic. Most importantly, it's better than Diablo's (the worst of the four). Diablo as a franchise is still somewhat popular today, but especially put against a character that spans the gap between Warcraft 3 and World of Warcraft - arguably at least one-and-a-half game fanbases, at least the latter of which surpasses Diablo in popularity - it's getting weaker every day. Arthas' cold, dead, evil stare, instantly recognizable from the Warcraft 3 splash screen, combined with the recent exciting news of his entrance into the next World of Warcraft expansion (plus, as I said, looking way more badass than Diablo in this pic) should all combine to give Arthas enough of a boost to avoid what happened to Vaan on Day 1. Okay, Boko, so we've gone from fodder to mid-to-upper-level fodder. MAYBE even he beats Diablo. How can Arthas beat KOS-MOS, especi! ally with Diablo leeching at least a few votes from him? |
Master Moltar | Posted 9/3/2007 7:07:59 PM | message detail |
The answer? I don't know. But I'll make a case for it. Arthas is the first character in the list and has enough of a badass pic that the truly diehard WoW fans will probably vote for him almost mindlessly. KOS-MOS has a great pic as far as TJF goes, and I've been told that it's her most recognizable character art, but is it really? Whatever the case, it's a different pic than has usually been used for her in contests. If fans are used to, say.... this: it may take them a minute to make the connection between in-game model and cartoony portrait. No, it's not quite Amano art, but it is certainly different. Meanwhile, forget pics... In her worst performance to date, KOS-MOS finished below Sam Fisher in both the non-adjusted and SFF-adjusted x-stats...... far below Diablo. And finally... let's tackle SFF. World of Warcraft >> Diablo in popularity. I checked, and while it's pretty close on this site, it's a fact. Admittedly, Diablo > Warcraft 3 going by the GameFAQs game and message board rankings, but WoW alone gives Arthas a die-hard fanbase; W3 is the frosting on the cake. Arthas' pic advantage and arguably his first placement in the poll will give him an advantage over Diablo. And oh yeah...... Tuesday, Tuesday, Tuesday. Arthas will officially have "The Horde" on his side this match. That's a Horde that will unanimously vote for Arthas over Mega Man, unlike casual Xenosaga fans who might have to struggle with the decision. The casual (and nostalgic) vote goes to Mega Man; Xenosaga fans are split between KOS-MOS and Mega Man; Diablo fans are split between Arthas, Diablo and Mega Man; the general RPG vote is split 3, maybe 4 ways; but true WoW fans will push Arthas almost exclusively. In a 1-on-1 match, this doesn't make enough ! difference. In a four-way, you'd better at least be nervous it matters more than robotic boobies. Arthas Menethil: 20.10% Diablo: 11.38% KOS-MOS: 18.00% Mega Man: 50.52% Your friend, Bokonon_Lives P.S. I fully anticipate massive lulz from youze guyzes if Arthas should fail miserably. ;-) Crew Consensus: 4 of us have Mega Man > KOS-MOS, 1 has Mega Man > Diablo, and our guest has Mega Man > Arthas. Who will fate side with? |
Master Moltar | Posted 9/3/2007 7:09:57 PM | message detail |
Karma Hunter’s Analysis Today we have our classic match featuring a Noble Niner dominating while three substandard characters battle it out for first place. KOS-MOS has always been a consistent gal more or less, just hovering around low midcarder range and snagging a couple of wins over fodder in her contest career. Diablo has been a fair bit more exciting, storming many a bracket in the Villains Contest as he made the Final Four, but his contest history has been much more brief. Arthas is a newcomer, one that people are down on because they fear he'll suffer from "Kerrigan syndrome" (never mind that he has quite a bit more going for him than Kerrigan), and one whose problems are compounded with fellow Blizzard rep Diablo in the mix. The consensus pick here among those who don't make their brackets based off of Blizzardfear is KOS-MOS. And while I've doubted her strength, it's hard to argue that she doesn't have the hardcore fans to thrive in this setting. That being said... I'm gonna go with Diablo here (unlike my bracket, and we all know that thing's starting out in a sorry shape). I see the Diablo and WarCraft fanbases being fairly independent, as well as strong enough on their own to carry one of their representatives to a victory. Factor in that Diablo shares the name of his game and that I feel he would win decisively against either competitor in a one-on-one match... it's an upset, but one that more and more I feel is gonna happen. So I'll throw my lot in with Blizzard this time. It's not like such an entity making an upset is unprecedented. <.< Karma Hunter's Vote: Arthas. I may not be able to play WC3 worth beans, but the Lich King has always had my favor. Karma Hunter's Krazy Prediction: Mega Man with 49.5%, Diablo with 20.7%, KOS-MOS with 17.7%, Arthas Menethil with 12.1% Upset Probability: 65% After seeing today's match, I feel confident in asserting how many ways matches can go "wonky" in this setting. Mega Man's 1st is virtually assured, but KOS-MOS can easily come in second, as I already explained. And there's even a bit of a case to be made for Arthas, however slight. AFTER ALL LOL TUESDAY FACTOR |
PokemonPatriarch | Posted 9/3/2007 7:22:49 PM | message detail |
With regards to "Bracket voters going Yoshi", I see that, yet don't see that at the same time. I guess that... Casual bracket voters will go with who they think will WIN the whole thing. Competitive bracket voters will go with whoever they think will be second (unless the 1st/2nd affair is close?) --- Proud fanboy of the Ogre Battle saga!!! ~~~Allah Approves~~~ |
emanresU weN | Posted 9/3/2007 7:44:04 PM | message detail |
I switched my bracket from KOS MOS to Diablo at the last second, let's see if it pays off. --- This is The_Ocelot |
RPGuy96 | Posted 9/3/2007 7:44:47 PM | message detail |
That match has cracked into the top 5 highest
votal matches, and has a decent shot of cracking the top three, which
currently consists of Battle Royale Day 1 (159.3k), The Legend of Zelda
vs Final Fantasy (158.5k), and Final Fantasy vs Super Mario Bros.
(157.7k). And it's just the first day! The final few matches could truly be a sight to behold...The first day of the last two contests had about 70% of the votals as the highest day, suggesting that we may see *well* over 200,000 votes in later rounds. --- Mustache...and green... |
Team Rocket Elite | Posted 9/3/2007 7:49:30 PM | message detail |
IIRC there's no more Tuesday maintenance for WoW. --- "Those whose memories fade seek to carve them in their hearts..." "All dreams are but another reality. Never forget..." |
JustForFun1988 | Posted 9/3/2007 7:52:09 PM | message detail |
For those who have Link > Cloud, you are bound to lose. The true final should be like this. |
PortugalTheMann | Posted 9/3/2007 7:52:58 PM | message detail |
Yeah, Tuesday maintenance has been over for quite some time now, so I hear. --- Explicit Content. I wish Lei Fang were my mom. I'd like drug her and feel her up and stuff. - Ken |
Karma Hunter | Posted 9/3/2007 7:53:56 PM | message detail |
That's just what the WarCraft ralliers want you to think --- delicious cats Commit it to memory. |
Haste_2 | Posted 9/3/2007 8:16:07 PM | message detail |
Today's match is most likely going to be among the highest scoring
matches in Round 1. Hopefully something will break 160,000, though. --- "Ah, a party! We haven't had one of those. It could be fun! So...what is a party?" "Well, you drink punch and eat CAKE! ...I think." |
HeroicTronBonne | Posted 9/3/2007 8:17:06 PM | message detail |
I'm thinking L-Block will break 160k by himself >_> --- Pokemon Pearl Code: 2663-9266-2709 WWEGSB Hardcore Legend and Board 8er Masa/Hiko |
Master Moltar | Posted 9/3/2007 8:29:57 PM | message detail |
If it doesn't, it would be considered a disappointment. --- Moltar Status: The Analysis Crew...believe Arthas/Diablo/KOS-MOS/Mega Man - Bracket: Mega Man > KOS-MOS - Vote: Mega Man (0/0) |
transience | Posted 9/3/2007 8:35:39 PM | message detail |
hmm. interesting thought on the idea of Rikku benefiting by Vaan being
in the poll, but I think it's way off. if another character is in the
poll, everyone
suffers, not just Rikku. if Vaan wasn't in there and this was a
three-way poll, Rikku obviously wins. I don't know how you can look at
that and say that Vaan isn't hurting Rikku. I love Arthas's picture. that's a hell of a match pic. I'm thinking he might do better than expected, and honestly I'm kinda scared of him. I'm still backing KOS, though. can't wait to see stats here... let's do our nightly 11:30-ish guessing. Yoshi with.. 65.44%, Knuckles with 43.56%? I'm not even sure if we'll be able to see how many got it in the right order. I bet we lose half of our perfects, though. already. --- "where the heck does diablo get his votes from on weekends? He should be losing because christians are fresh from the church and voting against evil" -voltch |
HaRRicH | Posted 9/3/2007 8:38:15 PM | message detail |
I'm curious if we might only see the number of people who got today's
match completely correct. If so, we're going to see some really low
numbers. --- PETITION: a "Contest Suggestions" board. Life-changing details below: |
Team Rocket Elite | Posted 9/3/2007 8:39:15 PM | message detail |
hmm. interesting thought on the idea of Rikku benefiting by Vaan
being in the poll, but I think it's way off. if another character is in
the poll, everyone suffers, not just Rikku. if Vaan wasn't in there and
this was a three-way poll, Rikku obviously wins. I don't know how you
can look at that and say that Vaan isn't hurting Rikku. It's not Vaan doesn't hurt Rikku, it's Vaan hurts Rikku the least because most Rikku voters like Rikku more Vaan. --- "Those whose memories fade seek to carve them in their hearts..." "All dreams are but another reality. Never forget..." |
MegatokyoEd | Posted 9/3/2007 8:40:26 PM | message detail |
I don't think Arthas will come in second but I don't think he'll be
anywhere as low as some people are predicting. Seriously, 5 and 7%?
Come on. --- Demyx is better than Axel. I don't like Haley Scarnato |
Draco1214 | Posted 9/3/2007 8:41:21 PM | message detail |
Well, if Vaan can struggle to get 9% in a poll with no noble niner, things look really bad for Arthas. --- Currently Playing: Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, Persona 3 |
PortugalTheMann | Posted 9/3/2007 8:41:43 PM | message detail |
yeah, you're not looking at it the right way tranny. Even then though,
I'm not convinced it's actually helping Rikku, but it's certainly a
sound theory. --- Explicit Content. I wish Lei Fang were my mom. I'd like drug her and feel her up and stuff. - Ken |
ZFS | Posted 9/3/2007 8:42:07 PM | message detail |
I could see Arthas at 5% or 15%. He's got a range. --- Experiment status report update: Metroid project 'Dread' is nearing the final stages of completion. |
PortugalTheMann | Posted 9/3/2007 8:43:06 PM | message detail |
Yeah... I could honestly see Arthas getting anywhere from 3-12%, and I put him at 7 myself. --- Explicit Content. I wish Lei Fang were my mom. I'd like drug her and feel her up and stuff. - Ken |
RPGuy96 | Posted 9/3/2007 8:45:25 PM | message detail |
if Vaan wasn't in there and this was a three-way poll, Rikku
obviously wins. I don't know how you can look at that and say that Vaan
isn't hurting Rikku. This is true, but besides the point. The question isn't what would happen if Vaan was removed, it's what would happen if Vaan was replaced. --- Mustache...and green... |
TimJab | Posted 9/3/2007 8:45:39 PM | message detail |
I have Diablo over KOS-MOS, but I'm starting to regret it. --- alt.8: |
transience | Posted 9/3/2007 8:46:17 PM | message detail |
It's not Vaan doesn't hurt Rikku, it's Vaan hurts Rikku the least because most Rikku voters like Rikku more Vaan. don't agree here. if it was someone that Rikku was significantly hurting, then yes, I'd agree. think Link/Ganon or Cloud/Squall, something like that. I don't think Vaan is worth much -- I'd pick Zidane over him, and most people seem to think Zidane is fodder. as such, she's actually getting the bad end of the stick here because the fanbase doesn't have a clear favourite here. just my opinion. --- "where the heck does diablo get his votes from on weekends? He should be losing because christians are fresh from the church and voting against evil" -voltch |
Dilated Chemist | Posted 9/3/2007 8:47:41 PM | message detail |
I have Master Chief > Alucard > Yuna > Luquid Snake Am I ****ed? --- DC |
redrocket | Posted 9/3/2007 8:48:33 PM | message detail |
OLBTWA --- |
RPGuy96 | Posted 9/3/2007 8:48:54 PM | message detail |
And that's entirely plausible. If I had adequate 3D graphing software, I might explore it a little further, but, alas. --- Mustache...and green... |
JustForFun1988 | Posted 9/3/2007 8:49:41 PM | message detail |
I have Master Chief > Alucard > Yuna > Luquid Snake I will take Yuna > Alucard without any hesitation Yuna scored 43% on Zelda while Alucard scored 36% on Auron. With higher votals this year, Alucard could drop even more. |
Yesmar | Posted 9/3/2007 8:50:39 PM | message detail |
Am I the only who noticed this new rule about ties? "Note on ties: With four characters battling each day, the chance of a tie increases, so if there is a tie between characters for first or second place at the end of the day's voting, ties will be broken by the number of votes from registered GameFAQs users. Further ties will be broken by random draw. " I don't have any problems with the first part, but if there's a further tie, the winner just gets decided randomly? Wouldn't a match between the two tied characters or just rerunning the entire match make more sense? --- Twisted Misters: 2007 World Series of Pop Culture Champions!!! |
charmander6000 | Posted 9/3/2007 8:50:53 PM | message detail |
Anyone think there will be a different color used if you predicted the
right character, but the wrong placing? I'm thinking Green = Perfect,
Yellow = right character wrong placing and Red = completly wrong. --- The Board 8 BOP - Match 2: Mega Man > KOS-MOS Points: 4/4 |
swirIdude | Posted 9/3/2007 8:51:29 PM | message detail |
It would take longer though. Random draw would suck, but it likely won't happen. Let's hope it doesn't. --- Pokemon FC: 0129 8285 9148 Jump Ultimate Stars FC: 1504 2045 7334 |
Keno316 | Posted 9/3/2007 8:51:49 PM | message detail |
We'll see in 10 minutes. --- "Opinions are like butts, little girl. Everyone's got one and nobody thinks their's stink." -Lunar 2:EB *Claims KG's Eclair, C.C. & Tear Grants* |
transience | Posted 9/3/2007 8:52:42 PM | message detail |
I'm really curious to see the stat page. I'm such a dork. --- "where the heck does diablo get his votes from on weekends? He should be losing because christians are fresh from the church and voting against evil" -voltch |
HeroicTronBonne | Posted 9/3/2007 8:52:51 PM | message detail |
Come on big D. Whoop some ass Villains Contest style. Don't let Arthas suck off yo ass. --- Pokemon Pearl Code: 2663-9266-2709 WWEGSB Hardcore Legend and Board 8er Masa/Hiko |
TimJab | Posted 9/3/2007 8:53:18 PM | message detail |
That random drawing has a .000000000000000000001% chance of happening though. --- alt.8: |
MadGamer_11 | Posted 9/3/2007 8:54:08 PM | message detail |
what Tim said, and if it happens I will poo on my face. --- "To be forgotten is worse than death"-Freya FFIX |
PortugalTheMann | Posted 9/3/2007 8:54:47 PM | message detail |
I don't have any problems with the first part, but if there's a further tie, the winner just gets decided randomly? Wouldn't a match between the two tied characters or just rerunning the entire match make more sense? Or just keeping it going for another 5 minutes. Either way though, the chances of a tie are already slim, though certainly not impossible, however, the split being perfectly even among registered gamefaqs voters on top of that, is pretty damn impossible. --- Explicit Content. I wish Lei Fang were my mom. I'd like drug her and feel her up and stuff. - Ken |
Keno316 | Posted 9/3/2007 8:54:53 PM | message detail |
OK so...traditional guess on % that got match right? Or are we waiting to see the format? --- "Opinions are like butts, little girl. Everyone's got one and nobody thinks their's stink." -Lunar 2:EB *Claims KG's Eclair, C.C. & Tear Grants* |
charmander6000 | Posted 9/3/2007 8:54:58 PM | message detail |
I have a bad feeling that Blizzard is going to screw me over again. --- The Board 8 BOP - Match 2: Mega Man > KOS-MOS Points: 4/4 |
Team Rocket Elite | Posted 9/3/2007 8:55:02 PM | message detail |
This is true, but besides the point. The question isn't what would
happen if Vaan was removed, it's what would happen if Vaan was replaced. That doesn't really make sense. You're saying if it was a three-way poll it would be Yoshi > Rikku > Knuckles but if a fourth character was added, Knuckles would overtake Rikku. Unless the new character was biased towards hurting Rikku over Knuckles, I don't see why Rikku would be hurt more than Knuckles. --- "Those whose memories fade seek to carve them in their hearts..." "All dreams are but another reality. Never forget..." |
MadGamer_11 | Posted 9/3/2007 8:55:50 PM | message detail |
I have a bad feeling that Blizzard is going to screw me over again. oh gawd I hope you're RIGHT. --- "To be forgotten is worse than death"-Freya FFIX |
Big Bob | Posted 9/3/2007 8:56:35 PM | message detail |
I predict a 40% prediction percentage. --- Okay, I promise I won't put any more TOS-bypassing words in my sig. |
HaRRicH | Posted 9/3/2007 8:56:59 PM | message detail |
It's worth remembering that we've not ever seen a pure tie in a match
yet, and that the GameFAQs users should break any tie that takes place.
That said, though I don't like the random draw part, it's almost
exactly the same thing as whichever one of them gets the next vote
wins. I'm not bothered by it. --- PETITION: a "Contest Suggestions" board. Life-changing details below: |