GameFAQs Contests
Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 451
Master Moltar | Posted 8/16/2007 8:30:12 PM | message detail |
I'm never counting on the Chief again. Not even with Halo 3 on the
whole. He always ****ing screws me over. Can someone tell me how much
of a boost Halo 2 gave him? Well, he went from equaling Frog in 2004 (who was nearly equal to Solid Snake) to being slightly stronger than DK. If Halo 3 continues the trend, Chief should be able to put up a good match with Peach. --- Moltar Status: Bored and slightly sarcastic. The Analysis Crew...believe |
The n00b Avenger | Posted 8/16/2007 8:30:41 PM | message detail |
Those examples don't lead in the opposite direction. Those are all
understandable variations. A character's popularity is not in
consistent ratio to his game's popularity per example. That has nothing
to do with my point. My point was simply that there's more potential for a character from a game that is already popular. A point that I thought was obvious, but apparently not since people seem to refute it vehemently. --- This story is not an end yet. Because only you are in the infinity loop. |
therealmnm | Posted 8/16/2007 8:35:34 PM | message detail |
Why is the top 100 list always brought up when we STILL don't know how many entries there were? --- Currently playing: Guitar Hero 2, Gears of War, Saint's Row, SotN (XBLA), Burnout Revenge |
Karma Hunter | Posted 8/16/2007 8:36:56 PM | message detail |
Why is it so hard to believe that Snake = Mario 2K5 indirectly? Sure
Mario would kick his ass, because his Nintendo backing would completely
dessert him, Mario has proven to be able to SFF people, and SFF them
hard. Samus? Everyone loves to bring up her inability to SFF anyone
ever, yet now all of a sudden you want to say she SFF'd Snake to make
that equality look even more insane. Except it's precisely the opposite - while I bring it up simply because the theory is so prevalent I can't ignore it, I don't advocate the theory that Samus SFFed Snake. Snake is right where he should be from where I'm standing. We all saw what happened when Snake went up against Mario in 2005. He got the worst beating of his life, and ended below 43%. He's stronger now, yes, but as big as that trailer was, it was ONE TRAILER. A jump that big, especially when he was already extremely popular already... like I said before, if that's true, expect Snake > Cloud in 2008. With not even a particularly close match In 2K5 Mario beat Crono with 53.85% of the vote. In 2K6 Snake beat Sonic with 55% of the vote. Sonic beat Crono with 50.77% of the vote. That means Snake is projected to beat Sonic with 55.69% of the vote, which is what I'd call siginificantly better than how Mario beat Crono just a year ago. I know everyone wants to say Crono weakened this year, but really, it's only about 1% in the stats Prove it. , which basically ends up making Snake 2K6 indirectly = Mario 2K5 (yes Mario would kick his ass 1v1). So really, why is it so absolutely absurd and crazy for that to be true? Unless of course you think Mario is suddenly going to be on par with Sephiroth, who beat him with 56% of the vote in Mario's best year to date. That's a LOT of flimsy number twisting to ignore the obvious, which is that Snake (and Samus) didn't perform as Mario should (and would) have performed in 2k6. He dominated that bracket like crazy in 2k5, nothing came remotely close. It wasn't strings of mid-50% victories up until the end - he didn't even drop below 60% until he hit the Nobles (after which he proceeded to look even MORE dominating). Extenuating circumstances aside, let's not forget that the two characters that came closest to making the Noble Nine break are Snake and Samus. A single number be damned, even if everything leading up to it were legit - Snake and Samus just weren't consistent. Unless of course you think Yuna is suddenly a Noble Nine breaker, since of course she beat Joanna Dark nearly as bad as Mario. That stats for 2k6 are VERY obviously busted if you take them with Samus that high - no matter what adjustments you make. --- "TIME TO _____ THEN." - Karma Hunter, ABSENT 8 Commit it to memory. |
Aprosenf | Posted 8/16/2007 8:40:11 PM | message detail |
KamikazePotato Posted 8/16/2007 10:10:04 PM message detail Can someone give me the link to the Favorite FF7 character poll? But keep in mind, that poll was taken over 5 years ago on 3/29/2002. And I think this is as good a time as any to point out that I've re-ran my poll script (after losing it to a failed hard drive and then rewriting it), so the following page contains all of the POTDs from the beginning until yesterday's poll (I didn't include today's since it's not done yet obviously): It also has a few joke polls there at the bottom. --- If life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Then try to find someone whose life has given them vodka. |
ZFS | Posted 8/16/2007 8:41:04 PM | message detail |
I can't remember how much Halo 2 boosted the Chief -- it wasn't
supposed to be a whole lot -- but I think there's a few reasons why
Halo 3 could, and should, be regarded as an entirely different animal.
One, it's releasing in the middle of the contest; in fact, it's a few
days after his first match. There's undoubtedly going to be a "Halo
High" around gaming (the hype train is at its peak, Halo is everywhere,
people are playing it, etc.) during that time. For someone like Master
Chief, I think hype like that is far more important to than the actual
game itself changing people's perceptions of him. That may not make a whole lot of sense, but stick with me here. I know the whole idea of "hype = boost" doesn't sit well with a lot of folks, but Master Chief is a bit different, I think. The Chief embodies Halo; he is Halo; when you think Halo, you think of the Chief. That's why he has a core base and an anti-vote base who both love and hate him over everything else. When there's that absurd level of hype everywhere, people -- regardless of how they may normally feel about Halo -- get sucked in; their interest is piqued some, they kinda want to get in on the fun of anticipating Halo. Halo hype extends well beyond merely the Internet and the hardcore gaming community, which is why that's particularly important. I think that sorta hype -- and there is nothing like it -- is more beneficial to someone like Master Chief than another character. It's like one year later, after the Halo hype has died down and people have "moved on" (except his core fans), he's back to being regular ol' Chief. He's not the center of attention from the media, his game isn't in the news for destroying sales records, and the advertising ceased. All that excitement has come and gone. Does that make any sense? I'm not sure who else feels the same about it, but that's how I've always felt about him ever since Halo 2 came out. Halo 3 will be bigger for him now than it would be in a contest a year from now. There's a couple of other reasons, too, which are easier to get across. One is the Xbox 360 being a much more accepted console, the other is a game as big as this for a character with actual strength being released mid-contest. The only other time that happened that I can think of is like... Mario. That was way longer than I thought it was going to be...! --- Believe |
Lopen | Posted 8/16/2007 8:43:20 PM | message detail |
So I started doing write ups for the AC... Wouldn't it be better, Moltar, to just post the top two %s? I think that makes scoring easier, too. Pretty simple: Closest combined % difference with both right in right order > closest combined % difference both right in wrong order. Anything less, like the contest, gives no points. Why am I bringing it up? I dunno, having four %s seems a bit chunky, I'm thinking. --- "GUYS I JUST DRANK A MASTER CHIEF SODA, MASTER CHIEF FOR 2007!" - Swirldude |
trannyscience | Posted 8/16/2007 8:43:56 PM | message detail |
ah, yeah. when do you want those? just before the match? --- xexyz |
hochiminh155 | Posted 8/16/2007 8:44:32 PM | message detail |
Halo 2 didn't do anything for Master Flop and Halo 3 (Which has less
hype) won't do anything either. MC is relying on his hardcore fanbase
which should be enough to make him go far --- Fc: 4768 3939 5325 |
Master Moltar | Posted 8/16/2007 8:49:39 PM | message detail |
ah, yeah. when do you want those? just before the match? I forgot you're new at this. You should send them to be ASAP, as it's better to have already done a good amount in advance than do one for the match the following day every day. If you have any changes to make before I put them up, just IM me. And it would be better if you predicted all 4 characters, even if its just taking a shot in the dark. Yeah, the last two probably won't matter, but it'd be nice to know how you think the match will fully play out. --- Moltar Status: Bored and slightly sarcastic. The Analysis Crew...believe |
Samurai7 | Posted 8/16/2007 8:50:06 PM | message detail |
Halo 2 didn't do anything for Master Flop and Halo 3 (Which has less
hype) won't do anything either. MC is relying on his hardcore fanbase
which should be enough to make him go far lol over 1 million preorders = less hype --- It's a sad fact that you had to derail this topic because you are afraid of the power of the PS3 -- cade |
Lopen | Posted 8/16/2007 8:53:26 PM | message detail |
Alright, just a suggestion. I guess there is some merit to having all 4. I do think that scoring should definitely only be based on the first two, though. Of course you probably figured that anyway. --- "GUYS I JUST DRANK A MASTER CHIEF SODA, MASTER CHIEF FOR 2007!" - Swirldude |
HeroicTronBonne | Posted 8/16/2007 8:57:30 PM | message detail |
I still think Games = / = Characters(Even MORE so in Halo's case),
which dismembers the hype for Master Chief giving him a great advantage
theory, and therefore, I'm sticking with my Ganon and Luigi picks. For
now at least. --- Pokemon Pearl Code: 2663-9266-2709 WWEGSB Hardcore Legend and Board 8er Masa/Hiko |
HeroicTronBonne | Posted 8/16/2007 8:58:28 PM | message detail |
Not to mention Halo just jobbed in the Series Contest last year to Castlevania pretty poorly IMO... --- Pokemon Pearl Code: 2663-9266-2709 WWEGSB Hardcore Legend and Board 8er Masa/Hiko |
Team Rocket Elite | Posted 8/16/2007 9:04:11 PM | message detail |
lol over 1 million preorders = less hype Halo 2 had over 1.5 million: --- "Those whose memories fade seek to carve them in their hearts..." "All dreams are but another reality. Never forget..." |
therealmnm | Posted 8/16/2007 9:04:51 PM | message detail |
Yeah, I'm wary on the so-called "hardcore Halo voters" automatically
voting for Master Chief over two widespread Nintendo characters who are
actually popular
(sorry Donkey Kong). Even Xbox fans would respect Luigi and I'm sure
Ganondorf is up there as well. Yeah, Chief did well against Crono, but
Crono isn't as widely known and liked as someone like Luigi. He's just extremely
popular amongst those who know him and are fans of his game. I'm
definitely not as eager to hop on that Halo/Master Chief bandwagon as
some people have been. This contest is one which Chief thrives in, but
it doesn't mean he would do it against just anybody. --- Currently playing: Guitar Hero 2, Gears of War, Saint's Row, SotN (XBLA), Burnout Revenge |
Mac Arrowny | Posted 8/16/2007 9:06:37 PM | message detail |
Back in the day, Xenogears and Chrono Cross were more popular than
Final Fantasy Tactics. Switch Xenogears and FFT in the games contest
and I doubt performances change all that much. --- Rapid analysis, accurate judgment, and superb powers of concentration. That is all we need. |
Karma Hunter | Posted 8/16/2007 9:07:06 PM | message detail |
Yeah, Chief did well against Crono, but Crono isn't as widely known and liked as someone like Luigi. On GameFAQs? Err... I guess more people know who Luigi *is*, but I don't see Chief's hardcore voters abandoning him in droves just they know who Luigi is... --- "TIME TO _____ THEN." - Karma Hunter, ABSENT 8 Commit it to memory. |
HeroicTronBonne | Posted 8/16/2007 9:08:13 PM | message detail |
The question I'm asking myself MNM is who would win a SFF war between Luigi and Ganondorf. --- Pokemon Pearl Code: 2663-9266-2709 WWEGSB Hardcore Legend and Board 8er Masa/Hiko |
Mac Arrowny | Posted 8/16/2007 9:08:56 PM | message detail |
Warcraft's hardcore voters abandoned it in droves against SMB. I'm not seeing a huge difference there. --- Rapid analysis, accurate judgment, and superb powers of concentration. That is all we need. |
Karma Hunter | Posted 8/16/2007 9:09:42 PM | message detail |
Back in the day, Xenogears and Chrono Cross were more popular than
Final Fantasy Tactics. Switch Xenogears and FFT in the games contest
and I doubt performances change all that much. the risk of sounding indignant, MGS is worth more than 55% or whatever on Pokemon G/S/C. And FFVII didn't SFF Xenogears *that* badly (that'd have to be like, what, LttP/SM or something?) --- "TIME TO _____ THEN." - Karma Hunter, ABSENT 8 Commit it to memory. |
Kratos_42 | Posted 8/16/2007 9:10:34 PM | message detail |
Next Character Battle, we need to rally in Mr. L. He'd be way more popular than Luigi. --- He wields the blade of a fallen hero, but now he is the hero, and it is the others who fall. He is rising. |
Karma Hunter | Posted 8/16/2007 9:10:54 PM | message detail |
Warcraft's hardcore voters abandoned it in droves against SMB. I'm not seeing a huge difference there. Except that WarCraft didn't already have a good showing against the Chrono series when that match took place. Chief's performance on Crono can't be ignored. --- "TIME TO _____ THEN." - Karma Hunter, ABSENT 8 Commit it to memory. |
swirIdude | Posted 8/16/2007 9:20:09 PM | message detail |
Whoever just used Bomberman's 2003 value against Phoenix is doing the little guy NO JUSTICE! Phoenix Wright (2006c) VS Bomberman (2004c) Phoenix Wright has a strength of 21.19. Bomberman has a strength of 22.36. Bomberman wins with 52.62% of the vote! A win of 4,974 with 95,064 total votes cast. And this Bomberman value is behind Squall/Cloud, so he may have been even stronger than this indicates. --- Pokemon FC: 0129 8285 9148 Jump Ultimate Stars FC: 1504 2045 7334 |
HeroicTronBonne | Posted 8/16/2007 9:20:27 PM | message detail |
At this current juncture, I'm wondering if Yuna getting in front of the
Chief in Round 2 is a good upset pick. She's definitely not getting
past Ganon or Luigi in Round 3 anytime soon, but I just looked at some
of her numbers, and good lord, she did quite well for herself last
year. Her performance against Zelda isn't too much of a laughing
matter, neither is how she handled Joanna and Chun Li. Hell I haven't
seen anyone talk of her since the bracket was made yet. --- Pokemon Pearl Code: 2663-9266-2709 WWEGSB Hardcore Legend and Board 8er Masa/Hiko |
therealmnm | Posted 8/16/2007 9:23:00 PM | message detail |
The question I'm asking myself MNM is who would win a SFF war between Luigi and Ganondorf. I think they both will do well actually. I've said before that the Nintendo fanbase is strong enough that between them they can take a HUGE chunk of that vote. I don't see one really benefiting much from SFF. I'm just thinking that the sheer chunk of the vote that they take would be enough to squeeze out the other two. --- Currently playing: Guitar Hero 2, Gears of War, Saint's Row, SotN (XBLA), Burnout Revenge |
marioinblack | Posted 8/16/2007 9:23:09 PM | message detail |
This contest seems perfect for MC, because we all know MC will have his
votes. There also has been a ton of anti-votes to go with him. This
time the antivoters are split 3 ways, plus they may only be able to
push one character over MC. With MC's given vote, I don't think the
anti-voters can push 2 above MC until major characters start appearing
in his path. The lack of SFF is also something to look at. I have MC and Yuna in the 1st round, and again in the 2nd round. Then I have Ganondorf and MC going to the round of 16 before MC submits to Dante in the 2nd spot with Ganondorf leading the vote totals. --- USF Bulls 0-0 (0-0) //// Tampa Bay Buccaneers 1-0 Who cares if it's preseason, obviously Bucs > Pats. |
Mac Arrowny | Posted 8/16/2007 9:23:55 PM | message detail | the risk of sounding indignant, MGS is worth more than 55% or
whatever on Pokemon G/S/C. And FFVII didn't SFF Xenogears *that* badly
(that'd have to be like, what, LttP/SM or something?) 58%. Pokemon went 50/50 with Metroid in the Series contest, so I think you might be underestimating Pokemon here. With its only other rep being Pikachu, that's understandable, but it is a significant force (just like Metroid). Probably around that level, I suppose. FFVII and Xenogears came out the same year, and were two of the first popular JRPGs on the PS1. They no doubt have a massive overlap, and thinking about it this year, Fei's probably one of the most deserving entrants to never make it into a contest. He's not as strong as he would've been anymore, but I doubt he was ever weaker than Aya Brea or Ramza. Except that WarCraft didn't already have a good showing against the Chrono series when that match took place. Chief's performance on Crono can't be ignored. Crono hasn't shown himself to be the sort who gets that kind of "mainstream SFF" though. Switch him and Mario, and Pac-Man suddenly becomes the majority pick to come in second. I know, there's a big difference between Pac-Man and Master Chief, but there it is. Not that I think that Luigi would do much to the Chief. Mario would, but not Luigi. And your opinion of WarCraft depends on your opinion of GTA, I suppose. I really think it's underrated in the stats. It might not be, but that's my opinion. --- Rapid analysis, accurate judgment, and superb powers of concentration. That is all we need. |
GyratingGrandma | Posted 8/16/2007 9:24:38 PM | message detail |
Prove it. Prove what exactly? I listed a bunch of things that already happened (ie: facts), and then said that in the stats he's only dropped about 1% from a year before? What exactly would you like me to prove, and if that's really all we need for a rebuttal around here nowadays, debating is gonna be a whole lot easier. That's a LOT of flimsy number twisting to ignore the obvious, which is that Snake (and Samus) didn't perform as Mario should (and would) have performed in 2k6. He dominated that bracket like crazy in 2k5, nothing came remotely close. It wasn't strings of mid-50% victories up until the end - he didn't even drop below 60% until he hit the Nobles (after which he proceeded to look even MORE dominating). I really wouldn't call what Mario did in 2K5 dominating the bracket up until the end. He got to SFF Joanna and Ness, beat an inflated Zero (hell he's even lower in the stats in 2K6 than he was in 2K5, so really, the match was thought to be impressive at the time, but really, it's not.) He then goes on to kick the living hell out of Samus, which was I admit, very damn impressive, but once again, SFF rears it's ugly head. Or should I have just responded with "Prove it" instead? As for Yuna, it's really as simple as simple fodder fluctuation. We've seen plenty of times where complete trash isn't linear. It's not as if Link is going to go and beat down Yuri any much harder than Samus did, but that certainly doesn't mean Samus is anywhere in the realm of Link. --- mmm feel the vibration baby |
therealmnm | Posted 8/16/2007 9:28:13 PM | message detail |
And this Bomberman value is behind Squall/Cloud, so he may have been even stronger than this indicates. You don't even have to look at Bomberman's stat value there. Phoenix Wright is never getting 35% on Squall. I mean, we're talking 3 years after FFX-2... Oh, and as for Yuna, I personally think she was fueled by her 1-seed in that contest. I see no reason for her to have automatically become that popular all of a sudden. --- Currently playing: Guitar Hero 2, Gears of War, Saint's Row, SotN (XBLA), Burnout Revenge |
Mac Arrowny | Posted 8/16/2007 9:30:54 PM | message detail |
You don't even have to look at Bomberman's stat value there. Phoenix
Wright is never getting 35% on Squall. I mean, we're talking 3 years
after FFX-2... Bomberman's not as strong as he was then. And you're underestimating Phoenix Wright. --- Rapid analysis, accurate judgment, and superb powers of concentration. That is all we need. |
therealmnm | Posted 8/16/2007 9:31:27 PM | message detail |
On GameFAQs? Err... I guess more people know who Luigi *is*, but I
don't see Chief's hardcore voters abandoning him in droves just they
know who Luigi is... That's the thing. I don't think Chief's voters are as "hardcore" as we think. We're using Halo's strength in the GotY polls, but as for Master Chief the character, we're only using the Crono matchup to claim that people would vote him over anyone. I don't think Crono is enough to prove that though. I wanna see it against a Mario or Sonic or somebody. --- Currently playing: Guitar Hero 2, Gears of War, Saint's Row, SotN (XBLA), Burnout Revenge |
Karma Hunter | Posted 8/16/2007 9:33:05 PM | message detail |
58%. Pokemon went 50/50 with Metroid in the Series contest, so I
think you might be underestimating Pokemon here. With its only other
rep being Pikachu, that's understandable, but it is a significant force
(just like Metroid). No, Pokemon/Metroid is just another case of Metroid disappointing and proving that Samus is the powerhouse that she is because of 1.) her character design and 2.) SSB. Samus/Tifa and Samus/Mario prove those points well enough. Probably around that level, I suppose. FFVII and Xenogears came out the same year, and were two of the first popular JRPGs on the PS1. At the risk of sounding indignant, again - is XG's popularity even in the same galaxy as FFVII's? What was the difference in sales? I wouldn't even classify XG as "popular" outside a site like this one, it's just too cult/niche. They no doubt have a massive overlap, and thinking about it this year, Fei's probably one of the most deserving entrants to never make it into a contest. He's not as strong as he would've been anymore, but I doubt he was ever weaker than Aya Brea or Ramza. Why you're bringing up Aya Brea (let alone comparing her to err, Ramza) is baffling enough, but characters =/= games... and even if Fei was stronger than Ramza (I doubt it), XG is a far more character-centric game than FFT. --- "TIME TO _____ THEN." - Karma Hunter, ABSENT 8 Commit it to memory. |
GyratingGrandma | Posted 8/16/2007 9:33:23 PM | message detail |
Crono's match is hardly our reason for believing that. It was
definitely a widely accepted belief even before his match with Crono,
and his match with him just gave those who believed it even more reason
to do so. --- mmm feel the vibration baby |
ZFS | Posted 8/16/2007 9:36:35 PM | message detail |
I still think Games = / = Characters(Even MORE so in Halo's case),
which dismembers the hype for Master Chief giving him a great advantage
theory, and therefore, I'm sticking with my Ganon and Luigi picks. For
now at least. Games don't always equal characters, but it's really hard to deny that Master Chief isn't far more representative of his game than your average character. Why is it you think people like Master Chief? His cool design and being a badass contribute to that, but it's more because of him being so easily associated with Halo. But at the same time, that invokes hate because of the people who don't like Halo. It's not like they're saying "MC sucks ass, but I love Halo." Ignoring all that, this format is entirely different from the norm. You can't look at a match like Sub-Zero or Donkey Kong and assume that he's not that strong, or that he'll "choke." This kind of format eliminates the biggest thing that holds him back -- anti-votes. Yeah, I'm wary on the so-called "hardcore Halo voters" automatically voting for Master Chief over two widespread Nintendo characters who are actually popular (sorry Donkey Kong). Even Xbox fans would respect Luigi and I'm sure Ganondorf is up there as well. Yeah, Chief did well against Crono, but Crono isn't as widely known and liked as someone like Luigi. Err, I don't know why you'd think that. Crono isn't as known, but he's far more liked and far more popular here over Luigi.I wouldn't expect any of that hardcore base to abandon him for Luigi if they didn't for Crono. But I think these two couple of polls lends credence to the hardcore Halo voters more than anything: One taken in January, the other right after E3. That's about as much competition as you can get, too. In both cases, Halo 3 got 19%. Everything else varied pretty wildly. --- Believe |
Karma Hunter | Posted 8/16/2007 9:37:34 PM | message detail |
Prove what exactly? I listed a bunch of things that already happened
(ie: facts), and then said that in the stats he's only dropped about 1%
from a year before? What exactly would you like me to prove, and if
that's really all we need for a rebuttal around here nowadays, debating
is gonna be a whole lot easier. ... You're not that stupid, EC, so I'm gonna cut out the middle man and try to put this plainly: YOU CAN'T USE A STATISTIC DERIVED FROM SAMUS 2K6 TO PROVE THAT VERY STATISTIC IS VALID Crono's 2k6 number is dependent upon Samus 2k6 being where you want, which is the whole argument. If you want to state Crono only fell 1% - prove it. --- "TIME TO _____ THEN." - Karma Hunter, ABSENT 8 Commit it to memory. |
therealmnm | Posted 8/16/2007 9:37:45 PM | message detail |
Hey hey there, Aya Brea was legit in 2k2! Parasite Eve was pretty popular... Square just blew it by letting a bunch of their good franchises die... --- Currently playing: Guitar Hero 2, Gears of War, Saint's Row, SotN (XBLA), Burnout Revenge |
FastFalcon05 | Posted 8/16/2007 9:40:07 PM | message detail |
Does that make any sense? I'm not sure who else feels the same about
it, but that's how I've always felt about him ever since Halo 2 came
out. Halo 3 will be bigger for him now than it would be in a contest a
year from now. There's a couple of other reasons, too, which are easier
to get across. One is the Xbox 360 being a much more accepted console,
the other is a game as big as this for a character with actual strength
being released mid-contest. The only other time that happened that I
can think of is like... Mario. You know, I think it does make sense (and I'm sure it has nothing to do with being one of Chief's stauncher backers here >_>). I remember, and took a greater part in, the hype for Halo 2, and it was absolutely sick. ilovebees and everything was so entertaining, and I agree that it contributed to an atmosphere that simply is not like any other. Sure, it's anecdotal, but I was much more excited right up to and including launch day for Halo 2 than I have been since. I played it on xbl for the first year, but never made it through campaign mode, as, I dunno, it was just okay, but the story was...? At any rate, Halo 3 is a different beast from Halo 2. The advertising has been much more blunt and widespread, it's Halo on a new system, and its the third game in a highly regarded series. In short, get out of MC's way. --- One of the most troublesome things in life is that what you do or do not want has little to do with what does or does not happen. ~ Lemony Snicket |
GyratingGrandma | Posted 8/16/2007 9:40:08 PM | message detail |
I actually used a constant Luigi! --- mmm feel the vibration baby |
Mac Arrowny | Posted 8/16/2007 9:41:13 PM | message detail |
No, Pokemon/Metroid is just another case of Metroid disappointing
and proving that Samus is the powerhouse that she is because of 1.) her
character design and 2.) SSB. Samus/Tifa and Samus/Mario prove those
points well enough. Um...what? Metroid Prime beats MGS2. Assuming Pokemon GSC is around equal to MP (a reasonable assumption IMO, I doubt any one Pokemon game is much different from any other), MGS beating it with 58% would make it stronger than SSBM. You're massively underestimating Pokemon here. At the risk of sounding indignant, again - is XG's popularity even in the same galaxy as FFVII's? What was the difference in sales? I wouldn't even classify XG as "popular" outside a site like this one, it's just too cult/niche. Sales-wise, FFVII > Xenogears > FFVI. I'm not trying to suggest that XG is as popular as FFVII, I'm merely trying to suggest that it's particularly vulnerable to SFF from FFVII. It's certainly popular on GameFAQs. And everything you say about Xenogears you could also say about FFT. Why you're bringing up Aya Brea (let alone comparing her to err, Ramza) is baffling enough, but characters =/= games... and even if Fei was stronger than Ramza (I doubt it), XG is a far more character-centric game than FFT. Oh, I was just bringing it up because I thought Fei would be a good person to get into the contest. Why all this rallying for Serge when Fei is so much more likely to be strong? --- Rapid analysis, accurate judgment, and superb powers of concentration. That is all we need. |
HeroicTronBonne | Posted 8/16/2007 9:42:16 PM | message detail |
As for Yuna, it's really as simple as simple fodder fluctuation.
We've seen plenty of times where complete trash isn't linear. It's not
as if Link is going to go and beat down Yuri any much harder than Samus
did, but that certainly doesn't mean Samus is anywhere in the realm of
Link. Lemme put it to ya in lamen's terms. Do you think Yuna could beat DK? And if so, by about how much? --- Pokemon Pearl Code: 2663-9266-2709 WWEGSB Hardcore Legend and Board 8er Masa/Hiko |
ZFS | Posted 8/16/2007 9:42:59 PM | message detail |
That's the thing. I don't think Chief's voters are as "hardcore" as
we think. We're using Halo's strength in the GotY polls, but as for
Master Chief the character, we're only using the Crono matchup to claim
that people would vote him over anyone. I don't think Crono is enough
to prove that though. I wanna see it against a Mario or Sonic or
somebody. I don't think there's any reason to cast doubt on it, personally. There hasn't been anything to show that Master Chief, or the hardcore Halo fanbase, abandons him or it for other things. Maybe if there was something there to show that it's not always the case, but eh, nothing out there like that. It's just poll after poll reinforcing the idea of those hardcore voters. --- Believe |
GyratingGrandma | Posted 8/16/2007 9:43:57 PM | message detail |
I still think Games = / = Characters(Even MORE so in Halo's case),
which dismembers the hype for Master Chief giving him a great advantage
theory, and therefore, I'm sticking with my Ganon and Luigi picks. For
now at least. well no god damn hell games = / = characters, but last I checked characters still derive their strength from the games they appear in. We're not relating the strengths of Halo and MC here, it's not like it's only Halo hype, everywhere I go I see MC's face plastered on some product. I've never been one for the hype boost myself, but considering that after Round 1, Halo 3 should be out, I'm not worried. --- mmm feel the vibration baby |
Mac Arrowny | Posted 8/16/2007 9:44:28 PM | message detail |
I'd certainly take Yuna over DK, especially after her impressive 2k6
performance. Yuna beat Chun Li by about 5% less than Bowser, so let's
say Yuna wins with...53%. I think that's fair. --- Rapid analysis, accurate judgment, and superb powers of concentration. That is all we need. |
Karma Hunter | Posted 8/16/2007 9:44:36 PM | message detail |
A constant Luigi implies that Sonic didn't overperform on him in the
slightest. I find that improbable (your statement concerning Mario and
Zero is also somewhat doubtful in that light, although Samus being that
high is sort of a mitigating factor). A constant Luigi is *way* too suspicious, especially considering all he went through in 2k6. I never agreed with that, let alone the fact that you used that as the basis for ALL your stats. --- "TIME TO _____ THEN." - Karma Hunter, ABSENT 8 Commit it to memory. |
transience | Posted 8/16/2007 9:47:12 PM | message detail |
you can't compare Xenogears to FFT. you just can't. FFT to Chrono Cross? maybe. but there's no way I buy Xenogears being in the same league as FFT. it's not getting 50% on MGS. sorry. --- xyzzy 8-bit plastic love machine |
GyratingGrandma | Posted 8/16/2007 9:47:25 PM | message detail |
Lemme put it to ya in lamen's terms. Do you think Yuna could beat DK? And if so, by about how much? Actually I think Yuna barely loses to DK in a 1v1 match, saying 52-48 or so. I really don't see what your point is though. I know the idea of fodder fluctuation has been talked about many a time, and while not everyone buys into it, it's not like I just pulled this baby out of my ass 3 seconds ago. --- mmm feel the vibration baby |
HeroicTronBonne | Posted 8/16/2007 9:48:37 PM | message detail |
so let's say Yuna wins with...53%. I think that's fair. 53%. That's a couple more than MC beat DK with. And this is when he was supposed to receive somewhat of a boost from Halo 2. Yuna definitely has the potential to do something against Chief in Round 1 OR 2, folks. --- Pokemon Pearl Code: 2663-9266-2709 WWEGSB Hardcore Legend and Board 8er Masa/Hiko |
Mac Arrowny | Posted 8/16/2007 9:48:54 PM | message detail |
I don't think there's any reason to cast doubt on it, personally.
There hasn't been anything to show that Master Chief, or the hardcore
Halo fanbase, abandons him or it for other things. Maybe if there was
something there to show that it's not always the case, but eh, nothing
out there like that. It's just poll after poll reinforcing the idea of
those hardcore voters. I think the same is true for a lot of the more popular icons on the site. Like, 30% are hardcore Mario voters who never abandon him, 40% are hardcore Link voters who never abandon him, 35% are hardcore Cloud voters who never abandon him, 27% are hardcore Seph voters, 22% are hardcore Snake voters, etc. We just never see this hardcore fanbase because the games never do that poorly. Put MC in a poll with all those listed above and he will drop below what he "always" gets. Again though, I don't get why we're discussing this with regard to Luigi, who hasn't really proven himself to be the king of SFF. If it were Link/Snake/MC/Yuna, I could see an argument for Yuna > MC...but it's only Luigi. --- Rapid analysis, accurate judgment, and superb powers of concentration. That is all we need. |
Karma Hunter | Posted 8/16/2007 9:49:01 PM | message detail |
Um...what? Metroid Prime beats MGS2. Assuming Pokemon GSC is around
equal to MP (a reasonable assumption IMO, I doubt any one Pokemon game
is much different from any other), MGS beating it with 58% would make
it stronger than SSBM. You're massively underestimating Pokemon here. No, you just completely ignored the fact that MP is behind STARCRAFT Sales-wise, FFVII > Xenogears > FFVI. I'm not trying to suggest that XG is as popular as FFVII, I'm merely trying to suggest that it's particularly vulnerable to SFF from FFVII. It's certainly popular on GameFAQs. But to the extent that you're saying is highly unlikely, especially considering that it has a total of ONE appearance in any shape or form in contests. It's not like this is FFVI we're talking about here (which still manages to get characters represented in droves), it's Xenogears. The game has a clear main character, a clear fan-favorite, it's pretty much your typical RPG... that can't get a single character in. MGS has entered, what, six? seven? And everything you say about Xenogears you could also say about FFT. About Final Fantasy Tactics? You sure about that? --- "TIME TO _____ THEN." - Karma Hunter, ABSENT 8 Commit it to memory. |