GameFAQs Contests
Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 443
therealmnm | Posted 7/2/2007 11:35:53 PM | message detail |
Pure fanboyism for SSB-fans? Eh...we're a rabid bunch, sure, but
it's no worse than Halo outside of SSB being much bigger here than Halo. Oh no, you took that the wrong way. I meant pure fanboyism meaning that the game was catered to Nintendo fans. It was going to be popular regardless. Why do you think Kingdom Hearts was so popular? It catered to fans. Of course those aren't the only reasons why said games are popular, but I'd argue that they were the drawing points. --- Currently playing: Guitar Hero 2, Gears of War, Saint's Row, SotN (XBLA), Burnout Revenge |
HaRRicH | Posted 7/2/2007 11:46:47 PM | message detail |
Ha, I was THIS close to using Kingdom Hearts instead of Halo in my example..... I sadly can't see the Mega Man series come back without both Capcom giving a good MM console game a big budget for advertising AND having Mega Man in SSBB. Otherwise, I don't see why they would want to slowly build up the series again. Mega Man has worn itself dead much worse than Resident Evil did, and lots of people need a reason to care about the Blue Bomber again. --- PETITION: a "Contest Suggestions" board. Life-changing details below: |
Karma Hunter | Posted 7/2/2007 11:48:15 PM | message detail |
Obviously of course, Zelda's gonna beat FF a mite harder (and perhaps
more than that) simply through virtue of TP, not to mention how much
better the Wii has been received here than anything else and how much
the site has shifted. It'd be interesting to note if the ratio of
people who considered it the best series EVER stayed the same...
because really, it's hard to believe that's the same voting pool a mere
day apart. It's just as likely that Zelda would have put up 60% on FF
looking at it... --- "TIME TO _____ THEN." - Karma Hunter, ABSENT 8 Commit it to memory. |
therealmnm | Posted 7/2/2007 11:52:24 PM | message detail |
Exactly. But it wouldn't really take that much to pull Mega Man back up. All he needs is a Resident Evil 4-type game that redefines his series. It's not that
hard. I mean even Tomb Raider was able to come back from the dead after
Crystal Dynamics took over the series. And I could have sworn that Angel of Darkness was the point of no return for the series. --- Currently playing: Guitar Hero 2, Gears of War, Saint's Row, SotN (XBLA), Burnout Revenge |
transience | Posted 7/2/2007 11:52:54 PM | message detail |
the thing with Mega Man -- would anybody buy such a game? --- xyzzy *waits patiently for CJayC to announce a Game Contest* |
transience | Posted 7/2/2007 11:53:22 PM | message detail |
(by "anybody", I mean a casual fan. MM has worn out his welcome for all but the hardcore MM fans.) --- xyzzy *waits patiently for CJayC to announce a Game Contest* |
therealmnm | Posted 7/2/2007 11:58:54 PM | message detail |
They bought Tomb Raider... Seriously, when was the last time a console Mega Man game was released that was actually hyped
and well marketed? X7 and X8 were on the PS2 yes, but there was no buzz
about them. It's not that people weren't interested, but Capcom didn't
make the game stand out. As bad as some of the past few Sonic games
have been, you can't say they weren't well marketed... Sonic Riders got more hype than Mega Man X7 and X8 combined. --- Currently playing: Guitar Hero 2, Gears of War, Saint's Row, SotN (XBLA), Burnout Revenge |
transience | Posted 7/3/2007 12:05:34 AM | message detail |
*looks at Tomb Raider in the poll* I know it's not the best example.. but I don't think it's helping very much. --- xyzzy *waits patiently for CJayC to announce a Game Contest* |
Karma Hunter | Posted 7/3/2007 12:05:55 AM | message detail |
I hardly consider myself a big MM fan, and I've touched nary a thing
outside of the collections which I picked up on a whim - but if there
was a serious attempt at a revolutionary MM game, you can be sure I'd
follow it from day one and have it at launch. It could basically be an
extension of RE4's gameplay except in the MM universe (although if
they're serious about such a thing, they'd probably reboot the universe
and pretend most of the last decade or so never happened). It could be
an FPS for the Wii promising to maximize the system's potential. It
could be an evolution of the "RPG-platformer", i.e. Super Paper Mario.
It could be a friggin' MMO (well... maybe). The idea is that you give the me SOME reason to care, some reason to show that it's different and unique, with the budget and development crew to back it up. Do that, and you'll get people interested - forget old fans, there's a whole untapped market out there that probably doesn't even know who the hell Mega Man is. --- "TIME TO _____ THEN." - Karma Hunter, ABSENT 8 Commit it to memory. |
Karma Hunter | Posted 7/3/2007 12:09:48 AM | message detail |
*looks at Tomb Raider in the poll* I know it's not the best example.. but I don't think it's helping very much. GameFAQs didn't like Lara even in her prime, honestly. Too much overexposure doomed her even before she started, and her actually sucking by the time any contests rolled around didn't help any. Tomb Raider could be rolling strong as ever now and it wouldn't change *terribly* much here. Can't really take this as too much of an indication of anything, though. Spider-Man doesn't even have a percent, and those games sell RIDICULOUSLY well and hang around the top FAQs routinely. --- "TIME TO _____ THEN." - Karma Hunter, ABSENT 8 Commit it to memory. |
HaRRicH | Posted 7/3/2007 12:13:31 AM | message detail |
It could be an FPS for the Wii promising to maximize the system's potential. That's where the premise fails -- this assumes Mega Man can aim up or down. --- PETITION: a "Contest Suggestions" board. Life-changing details below: |
transience | Posted 7/3/2007 12:14:31 AM | message detail |
hey, it worked for Metroid! --- xyzzy *waits patiently for CJayC to announce a Game Contest* |
therealmnm | Posted 7/3/2007 12:14:39 AM | message detail |
Eh, using this poll to gauge Tomb Raider's popularity is pretty much a
waste of time. How many people are going to pick Tomb Raider as their favorite
series against this competition? Tomb Raider Legend may have been well
received, but it certainly isn't more popular than GoW2, DMC3, TP,
MGS3, or GTA:SA. But that doesn't mean that the game isn't liked. But anyways, I brought up Tomb Raider Legend to say that even though the series was left for dead, it still was able to churn out a game that was well received. If Lara Croft can do it, you don't think friggin' Mega Man can? --- Currently playing: Guitar Hero 2, Gears of War, Saint's Row, SotN (XBLA), Burnout Revenge |
HaRRicH | Posted 7/3/2007 12:16:18 AM | message detail |
Yeah, but Samus is a woman -- she's supposed to be flexible and versatile. Mega Man...not so much! --- PETITION: a "Contest Suggestions" board. Life-changing details below: |
therealmnm | Posted 7/3/2007 12:16:38 AM | message detail |
That's where the premise fails -- this assumes Mega Man can aim up or down. Obviously HaRRiCH has never played Mega Man Legends. Seriously, the formula already has been proven. Throw Mega Man in a Ratchet & Clank style game and people would eat it up. --- Currently playing: Guitar Hero 2, Gears of War, Saint's Row, SotN (XBLA), Burnout Revenge |
transience | Posted 7/3/2007 12:18:03 AM | message detail |
I think well-received and popular are two different things, though. how
much did X8 or whatever sell? would it be able to pull RE4-like numbers
given the apathy of most fans towards the series? if I'm not mistaken, TR has always sold well. it's got movies and hot chicks and all that, after all. MM doesn't have that. --- xyzzy *waits patiently for CJayC to announce a Game Contest* |
HaRRicH | Posted 7/3/2007 12:18:26 AM | message detail |
I'm not saying it can't, but it takes more than Capcom to do it --
they've got to get people to care if he's returning with a bang too... ...hey, what about a DMC-styled Mega Man game? Would that work by chance? I never really played the DMC games, but from what I've seen it might be a fun attempt to watch..... --- PETITION: a "Contest Suggestions" board. Life-changing details below: |
Karma Hunter | Posted 7/3/2007 12:20:56 AM | message detail |
That's the other thing, too - I *loved* MML, even before I played a
single "proper" MM game. Not because it was Mega Man (Me: What the hell
is a MegaMan?), but because it was a total package third-person
shooting adventure with all kinds of whimsy. Sure, it's pretty clunky
and dated now (so is every Tomb Raider ever made... and heck, if you
wanna go with something POPULAR here, the original MGS), but the
concept is sound. MML tried to do too much, with too little advertising
and too little budget, but give Capcom the budget for an RE4 or even a
DMC3 and let them go wild... it'd work. --- "TIME TO _____ THEN." - Karma Hunter, ABSENT 8 Commit it to memory. |
transience | Posted 7/3/2007 12:22:14 AM | message detail |
I'd actually like to see a 'classic' MM game on the DS. you know,
level-based and all that good stuff, 2d, etc etc. not like ZX with a
world map, but just a straight up
pick-the-stage-kill-the-boss-get-the-power-repeat formula that Mega Man
is loved for. --- xyzzy *waits patiently for CJayC to announce a Game Contest* |
Karma Hunter | Posted 7/3/2007 12:22:25 AM | message detail |
...hey, what about a DMC-styled Mega Man game? Would that work by
chance? I never really played the DMC games, but from what I've seen it
might be a fun attempt to watch..... It'd have to star Zero... and it'd work brilliantly, as he'd take the role of a futuristic, much more serious Dante. Or you could give MM a sword or something, but MMX6 showed us how bad an idea that was... --- "TIME TO _____ THEN." - Karma Hunter, ABSENT 8 Commit it to memory. |
therealmnm | Posted 7/3/2007 12:27:26 AM | message detail |
if I'm not mistaken, TR has always sold well. it's got movies and hot chicks and all that, after all. MM doesn't have that. Not the PS2 games. Eidos themselves admitted that the game was a failure. And again, we're talking two different scales. Mega Man is much more popular than Lara Croft. If Mega Man were to have the same style resurrection, it would definitely be more on the lines of RE4 than Tomb Raider Legend. X7 and X8 didn't sell that well because Capcom didn't market it. Only core X fans paid attention to the game. Capcom did nothing to make it stand out among the many good PS2 action games. I mean, even Castlevania: Lament of Innocence is on the map somewhat. ...hey, what about a DMC-styled Mega Man game? Would that work by chance? I never really played the DMC games, but from what I've seen it might be a fun attempt to watch..... As long as it starred Zero, I'm all for it. --- Currently playing: Guitar Hero 2, Gears of War, Saint's Row, SotN (XBLA), Burnout Revenge |
PortugalTheMann | Posted 7/3/2007 9:07:56 AM | message detail |
I'm with mnm on this one. If I didn't come to GameFAQs I wouldn't even
be aware of the existence of the X games. And f'd much sooner compare
MM's status to that of RE than I would of TR, but even if you would
rather compare it to TR, it still was able to churn out a
well-respected addition to the series, even after so many horribly
failed attempts. MM could be resurrected easily, they just have to make a good game, and actually market it. --- Explicit Content. I wish Lei Fang were my mom. I'd like drug her and feel her up and stuff. - Ken |
HaRRicH | Posted 7/3/2007 9:37:03 AM | message detail |
If Capcom could make an inspired game and market it well, especially if
it happened to come shortly after an appearance in SSBB, people would
definitely care again. Fans of the old games WANT to like it still,
fans of the new games are hardly seen, and there's a lot of people who
aren't familiar with Mega Man... ...I don't know if the series could get a game as big as RE4 because there is a much bigger gap between when people stop caring about MM games to now compared to when people stopped caring about RE games to RE4, not to mention that the RE series is probably more marketable overall. That said, there's no reason Mega Man can't easily have the biggest game of his history -- what is it right now, MM2? It's high-time for Mega Man to once again rock, man. --- PETITION: a "Contest Suggestions" board. Life-changing details below: |
ZFS | Posted 7/3/2007 9:56:40 AM | message detail |
Tomb Raider is actually a really good example of a series being run
into the ground, and then being handed off to a different development
team within the company and being "resurrected." Might not be the best
example to use on GameFAQs since, as KH said, the voters here never
seemed to keen on Lara -- but the contests ran after her time as the
most popular character in gaming had dwindled significantly because of
the bad games, so you know. I still think Lara could end up getting
decently strong here if the good games keep on coming. She's already
2/2 in the past couple of years -- Legend and Anniversary. And if that could happen to her, someone like Mega Man, who's already really popular here in spite of his horrible games, should be able to do the same. But that's all if Capcom's willing to put forth the effort to do it now. Mega Man, even back during the NES and SNES days, was never a huge seller, and after the brand has been tarnished somewhat, it'd take some real effort to push out a new, revolutionary Mega Man game. It'd be awesome to see it happen, though, because these Mega Man XZZSSXX BLUE SUPER VERSION games are trash. Hell, Sonic could probably use a similar treatment, too. --- Death by irony is always painful. |
therealmnm | Posted 7/3/2007 10:37:44 AM | message detail |
And if that could happen to her, someone like Mega Man, who's
already really popular here in spite of his horrible games, should be
able to do the same. But that's all if Capcom's willing to put forth
the effort to do it now. Mega Man, even back during the NES and SNES
days, was never a huge seller, and after the brand has been tarnished
somewhat, it'd take some real effort to push out a new, revolutionary
Mega Man game. It'd be awesome to see it happen, though, because these
Mega Man XZZSSXX BLUE SUPER VERSION games are trash. Hell, Sonic could
probably use a similar treatment, too The handheld Mega Man games are actually GOOD, so I don't know what you're talking about there. They just are on handhelds. No need to trash them simply because you don't like handheld games. They just aren't the type of games that make a dramatic impact on Mega Man's popularity. Mega Man games sold well enough on the NES and SNES. They didn't have huge numbers because they weren't the games that pushed the system like the Mario and Zelda games. But it's not like they were niche or anything. The Mega Man series was just as popular as any other. But like Sonic, what killed the series is its transition into the N64/PSX era. I don't think it was necessarily Capcom's fault, but had Mega Man 8, Mega Man X4, and Mega Man Legends been released on the N64 where his true fanbase resided, the Mega Man series would still be booming today. Nintendo fans would have ate those games up during the first 3 years of the N64. Instead, they decide to release Mega Man Legends as "Mega Man 64" 5 years later after the N64 was all but dead. All they needed to do was release the N64's Mega Man game in succession with the Mario, Star Fox, and Zelda games during those years. Granted there was the whole Nintendo sticking with cartridges thing. But taking the game to the PSX meant that they had to redefine their fanbase. Square was able to do that with Final Fantasy, and the series' popularity took off from there. Capcom... wasn't able to do the same thing. As for Sonic... they TRIED to bring Sonic back in a big way with next-gen Sonic. Everyone was hyped about the game and looking forward to Sonic finally getting a good game after the Adventure games. They just failed miserably. Sonic Team simply can't make good Sonic games anymore. And even though they suck, they still continue to somewhat sell, so it's not like Sega is going to take the series away from them (plus with them being Sonic Team, I don't think that move would go all too well anyways. --- Currently playing: Guitar Hero 2, Gears of War, Saint's Row, SotN (XBLA), Burnout Revenge |
HeroicTronBonne | Posted 7/3/2007 10:41:46 AM | message detail |
Mega Man just needs the Mega Man Legends series to return >_> --- *Has nothing to say at the top* WWEGSB Hardcore Legend and Board 8er Masa/Hiko |
ZFS | Posted 7/3/2007 11:02:45 AM | message detail |
The handheld Mega Man games are actually GOOD, so I don't know what
you're talking about there. They just are on handhelds. No need to
trash them simply because you don't like handheld games. They just
aren't the type of games that make a dramatic impact on Mega Man's
popularity. The Mega Man Zero games are good, the Battle Network games aren't. That Star Force thing, or whatever it's called, I haven't tried, but I don't have any desire to even bother with Mega Man anymore at this point. Most of his games aren't good anymore, irrespective of it being on handhelds or not. As for Sonic... they TRIED to bring Sonic back in a big way with next-gen Sonic. Everyone was hyped about the game and looking forward to Sonic finally getting a good game after the Adventure games. They just failed miserably. Sonic Team simply can't make good Sonic games anymore. And even though they suck, they still continue to somewhat sell, so it's not like Sega is going to take the series away from them (plus with them being Sonic Team, I don't think that move would go all too well anyways. That's the sort of problem that Tomb Raider ran into before Eidos took it away from Core Design and gave it to Crystal Dynamics. When you attempt to bring back a series to its glory days, try to give it a fresh start, and then fail like Sonic Team did with the next-gen Sonic, that's the red flag going up; that's the signal that they're time has passed. I mean, Sega is a pretty crappy company nowadays in terms of overall game quality, but you'd figure they would see that the current development studio just isn't being able to do their main franchise justice and hand it over to another. But, I guess Sonic games do make them money, regardless of the game's quality. No idea why people still buy Sonic games. --- Death by irony is always painful. |
Kaxon | Posted 7/3/2007 11:49:58 AM | message detail |
I don't think it was necessarily Capcom's fault, but had Mega Man 8,
Mega Man X4, and Mega Man Legends been released on the N64 where his
true fanbase resided, the Mega Man series would still be booming today. I can't agree with that. The N64 was a trainwreck and Capcom was smart to get away from it. X4 was also one of the best Mega Man games and I think it was more popular than X2 and X3. The problem is that people had already been losing interest by that time because Capcom churned out so many of them that were all basically rehashes. Capcom has a tendency to drive their series into the ground by releasing too many sequels too quickly, and that's basically what hurt Mega Man. --- Tia mi aven Moridin isainde vadin *waits impatiently for CJayC to announce a Game Contest* |
voltch | Posted 7/3/2007 12:10:59 PM | message detail |
quick question. how does Bass rank in the mega man series popularity wise? i'm assuming he's behind protoman which in turn should make him a rather weak character. --- Rufus shinra destroyed my bracket in the sc2k6 contest. |
Mac Arrowny | Posted 7/3/2007 12:52:33 PM | message detail |
That's the sort of problem that Tomb Raider ran into before Eidos
took it away from Core Design and gave it to Crystal Dynamics. When you
attempt to bring back a series to its glory days, try to give it a
fresh start, and then fail like Sonic Team did with the next-gen Sonic,
that's the red flag going up; that's the signal that they're time has
passed. I mean, Sega is a pretty crappy company nowadays in terms of
overall game quality, but you'd figure they would see that the current
development studio just isn't being able to do their main franchise
justice and hand it over to another. But, I guess Sonic games do make
them money, regardless of the game's quality. No idea why people still
buy Sonic games. People aren't buying the latest ones. They're not out in Europe yet, but Sonic Next Gen has only sold 360,000 and SatSR only 300,000, which is extremely low compared to Sonic Heroes, which sold ~4 million. Can't find Shadow the Hedgehog sales, but those are probably much better too. --- Rapid analysis, accurate judgment, and superb powers of concentration. That is all we need. |
therealmnm | Posted 7/3/2007 12:57:34 PM | message detail |
I can't agree with that. The N64 was a trainwreck and Capcom was
smart to get away from it. X4 was also one of the best Mega Man games
and I think it was more popular than X2 and X3. The problem is that
people had already been losing interest by that time because Capcom
churned out so many of them that were all basically rehashes. Capcom
has a tendency to drive their series into the ground by releasing too
many sequels too quickly, and that's basically what hurt Mega Man. I'm probably one of the biggest X4 fans on this board (where do you think my Zero fanboyism stems from?). I'm talking about the long term effects of the popularity of the series. The N64 may have ended up a trainwreck, but it wasn't always that way. Notice that the most popular games on the N64 were mostly all released during the first 3 years. And those are the games that the N64 is mostly known for. The release of those Mega Man games for the PSX were during the same time period. I'm fairly certain that Mega Man games would still be on the map to Nintendo console gamers today if Mega Man had one big release on the N64 during that time. --- Currently playing: Guitar Hero 2, Gears of War, Saint's Row, SotN (XBLA), Burnout Revenge |
trannyscience | Posted 7/3/2007 1:35:01 PM | message detail |
Mega Man games sold well enough on the NES and SNES. They didn't
have huge numbers because they weren't the games that pushed the system
like the Mario and Zelda games. But it's not like they were niche or
anything. The Mega Man series was just as popular as any other. But
like Sonic, what killed the series is its transition into the N64/PSX
era. I don't think it was necessarily Capcom's fault, but had Mega Man
8, Mega Man X4, and Mega Man Legends been released on the N64 where his
true fanbase resided, the Mega Man series would still be booming today.
Nintendo fans would have ate those games up during the first 3 years of
the N64. Instead, they decide to release Mega Man Legends as "Mega Man
64" 5 years later after the N64 was all but dead. All they needed to do
was release the N64's Mega Man game in succession with the Mario, Star
Fox, and Zelda games during those years. probably nitpicking here, but.. couldn't you say the same about Final Fantasy? I think it has more to do with the quality of the games than the platform they were on. it's not like Nintendo fans only had an N64 or anything. --- xyzzy "313 down 687 to go 1000" - ertyu |
trannyscience | Posted 7/3/2007 1:43:35 PM | message detail |
oh yeah: Devil May Cry 6.65% 5034 God of War 6.02% 4553 come, day vote! --- xyzzy "313 down 687 to go 1000" - ertyu |
Karma Hunter | Posted 7/3/2007 1:46:48 PM | message detail |
I'm surprised DMC is actually beating GoW, to be honest. I still think
GoW might turn the tables in a head-to-head match, but I feel much
safer in Dante > Kratos for the moment --- "TIME TO _____ THEN." - Karma Hunter, ABSENT 8 Commit it to memory. |
trannyscience | Posted 7/3/2007 1:48:40 PM | message detail |
well, it isn't much of a sample, but it's telling us what we already
knew: DMC = GOW >> POP. I thought it would be close, especially
with such a small sample. I think GOW would be doing better if Zelda
wasn't here. --- xyzzy "313 down 687 to go 1000" - ertyu |
therealmnm | Posted 7/3/2007 1:49:13 PM | message detail |
People aren't buying the latest ones. They're not out in Europe yet,
but Sonic Next Gen has only sold 360,000 and SatSR only 300,000, which
is extremely low compared to Sonic Heroes, which sold ~4 million. Can't
find Shadow the Hedgehog sales, but those are probably much better too. You're critically forgetting about install base. Surely you're not expecting 4 million sales for an average game on any of this gen's systems yet are you? --- Currently playing: Guitar Hero 2, Gears of War, Saint's Row, SotN (XBLA), Burnout Revenge |
therealmnm | Posted 7/3/2007 1:58:44 PM | message detail |
probably nitpicking here, but.. couldn't you say the same about
Final Fantasy? I think it has more to do with the quality of the games
than the platform they were on. it's not like Nintendo fans only had an
N64 or anything. Eh, I touched on this earlier. Final Fantasy had a monster of a game at the time in FF7 with the move for FMVs and quasi-3D graphics. Plus the demo for the game was included with the Playstation for a while. Square didn't have to worry as much about retaining its core fanbase simply due to the game attracting that many more new fans to the series and RPGs in general. Yes, there were plenty of fans of the series during the Nintendo days that moved on to the PSX. But it also brought a new fanbase to the game (2D FF vs. 3D FF etc. etc.). Can't say the same for MMX4 and MM8. They were just extensions of the series. Nothing really redefining. Final Fantasy is a unique case. --- Currently playing: Guitar Hero 2, Gears of War, Saint's Row, SotN (XBLA), Burnout Revenge |
trannyscience | Posted 7/3/2007 2:02:29 PM | message detail |
didn't every series in that generation get redefined thanks to the move
to 3d? Mario 64 is certainly a huge shift. OOT is different from LTTP,
if only for the move to 3d. Sonic was a shift when it jumped into the
third dimension. Castlevania was a shift, just not a good one. Mega Man just didn't have a good game, one that was universally liked. it doesn't have to do with the console, it has to do with the game. --- xyzzy "313 down 687 to go 1000" - ertyu |
therealmnm | Posted 7/3/2007 2:06:51 PM | message detail |
*sigh* You're taking this in an entirely different direction... --- Currently playing: Guitar Hero 2, Gears of War, Saint's Row, SotN (XBLA), Burnout Revenge |
Kaxon | Posted 7/3/2007 2:08:44 PM | message detail |
Exactly. The move to the PS did nothing but give them more potential for success - they just failed to capitalize on it. --- Tia mi aven Moridin isainde vadin *waits impatiently for CJayC to announce a Game Contest* |
Kaxon | Posted 7/3/2007 2:09:11 PM | message detail |
(that was supposed to be a follow up to tranny) --- Tia mi aven Moridin isainde vadin *waits impatiently for CJayC to announce a Game Contest* |
Lopen | Posted 7/3/2007 2:17:19 PM | message detail |
I'd say Mega Man X4 and Mega Man Legends were
good enough to at least keep Mega Man alive in the new generation, they
just wasn't marketed nearly well enough to the new audience. I have to
agree with mnm, here. FFVII's marketing as a revolution and the demo
disc exposure and the mass commercials and stuff, it helped bring in
the old fans. Heck, I didn't even know Mega Man X4 existed when I got a PS. I just happened to see it and was like "oh cool!" Unfortunately... even with marketing, the others for the PS might've sunk the series... adding nothing much in the way of innovation. --- Lopen is bye bye. Now is ninja time. |
therealmnm | Posted 7/3/2007 2:20:10 PM | message detail |
I have to disagree. I don't know about you, but most people that I know that have played MMX4 and Mega Man Legends like
the games (I haven't played MM8 so I can't vouch for it). Quality of
the games has very little to do with it. It's just that not enough Mega
Man fans knew about the game, and with that those games certainly
weren't marketed enough to create a splash among a new fanbase on the
PSX. You certainly can't compare those games to the massively hyped
marketing machine of FFVII. I never said the games needed to be on the N64 to be successful. I'm just saying that the series wouldn't have slipped had those games been released on the N64 with a little bit of marketing, since the system was starved for games at the time and Nintendo fans would have had their Mega Man game for the system. The series could have also done better had it been marketed more (and better) on the PSX, but it probably would have been a lot easier on the N64. --- Currently playing: Guitar Hero 2, Gears of War, Saint's Row, SotN (XBLA), Burnout Revenge |
therealmnm | Posted 7/3/2007 2:20:43 PM | message detail |
And Lopen beats me to the punch with far less words grrrr --- Currently playing: Guitar Hero 2, Gears of War, Saint's Row, SotN (XBLA), Burnout Revenge |
trannyscience | Posted 7/3/2007 2:21:51 PM | message detail |
okay, that I agree with. I find that when you've got a decent ownership
but a small library, you sell a lot more of each individual game. TOS
seems to be the best example from the last generation - compare it to
TOTA and it's a joke. --- xyzzy "313 down 687 to go 1000" - ertyu |
ZFS | Posted 7/3/2007 2:37:17 PM | message detail |
People aren't buying the latest ones. They're not out in Europe yet,
but Sonic Next Gen has only sold 360,000 and SatSR only 300,000, which
is extremely low compared to Sonic Heroes, which sold ~4 million. Can't
find Shadow the Hedgehog sales, but those are probably much better too. Heh. Europeans are usually the one's you have to worry about when it comes to Sonic. They seem to eat them up for whatever reason. --- Death by irony is always painful. |
HaRRicH | Posted 7/3/2007 4:13:29 PM | message detail |
GTA is pretty close to getting on LoZ with MG and six other options in
the poll what WC would be expected to get against LoZ
head-to-head...pretty amazing. --- PETITION: a "Contest Suggestions" board. Life-changing details below: |
therealmnm | Posted 7/3/2007 4:47:12 PM | message detail |
Yeah, you know I'm beginning to think that GTA is similar to
Halo/Master Chief in that it will always lose admirably, but it's
intrinsic strength isn't as high as what it's losses and GotY polls
would indicate. The only win it has in a contest setting is against
KOTOR, and Tommy Vercetti didn't really blow anybody out (Kite got 35% on him). --- Currently playing: Guitar Hero 2, Gears of War, Saint's Row, SotN (XBLA), Burnout Revenge |
Mega Mana | Posted 7/3/2007 7:52:17 PM | message detail |
I'm surprised Legend of Zelda is winning by so much. --- "The wha..?" Helen scrunched up her face in an exaggerated look of disbelief. "The -SPLEEN??- What the hell does the SPLEEN do?" |
trannyscience | Posted 7/3/2007 7:52:57 PM | message detail |
not I - I'd like to see a poll between Zelda and God. --- xyzzy "313 down 687 to go 1000" - ertyu |