GameFAQs Contests

Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 441
UltimaterializerX | Posted 6/7/2007 12:07:31 AM | message detail |
From HeroicTronBonne Posted 6/7/2007 2:36:31 AM #149 Jill totally got screwed in the female bracket. I don't care what Ulti says and his Smash-Turnips say, Jill is just a cooler character than Peach :P I'm not some idiot that thinks Peach is some well-done character, you know. Of course Jill is a better *character* in the pure sense of the word, because her games require her person to have... character? =p Peach is an avatar, just like most Nintendo characters. ~*ST*~ --- 2/4/2007 - SUPER BOWL CHAMPION COLTS!! Now Playing: Final Fantasy 3, Guitar Hero 2, Final Fantasy 12 |
UltimaterializerX | Posted 6/7/2007 12:08:43 AM | message detail |
Chun-Li probably would win, or it would at least be close. Peach got *really* lucky last year, all things considered. ~*ST*~ --- 2/4/2007 - SUPER BOWL CHAMPION COLTS!! Now Playing: Final Fantasy 3, Guitar Hero 2, Final Fantasy 12 |
Karma Hunter | Posted 6/7/2007 12:12:05 AM | message detail |
After seeing the absolute disaster that was Chunners last year... it's
her that'd need to get lucky, not Peach. And they'd have to hope that
Tifa was INSANELY overrated, to the point of Jill being just about
square with her 2k4 level (or less!). Peach will likely be even stronger last year, not taking any "sophomore slump" that characters occasionally seem to suffer into account (perhaps not as much bandwagoning?). I'd take her over Jill a second time... at least until Umbrella Chronicles for the Wii comes out. Then Jill isn't being stopped. --- "TIME TO _____ THEN." - Karma Hunter, ABSENT 8 Commit it to memory. |
UltimaterializerX | Posted 6/7/2007 12:15:23 AM | message detail |
By the way, you guys might be interested in the 1/2 seeds for my upcoming 128 games contest. 1s: Zelda: OOT (overall #1), Mario 3, Super Mario World, SSBM (actually got the most noms, but I slapped it on the left half of the bracket to prevent a repeat final), RE4, Starcraft, Mario 64, Metal Gear Solid 2s: Phoenix Wright: AA, Final Fantasy 7, Final Fantasy 6, Final Fantasy 9, Zelda: LTTP, Metal Gear Solid 3, Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy 8 First division has OOT 1, PW 2. Keep that pattern going for all the 1-2 matchups. Yeah, that means MGS vs FF8 if they get that far. Sorry, Leon :( I'll do the rest tomorrow and post it on all the boards. ~*ST*~ --- 2/4/2007 - SUPER BOWL CHAMPION COLTS!! Now Playing: Final Fantasy 3, Guitar Hero 2, Final Fantasy 12 |
LeonhartForever | Posted 6/7/2007 12:16:28 AM | message detail |
Oh please, Yuna would EASILY get 60% on Peach! Easily! --- "I'm only here to see how the story plays out. Any self-respecting leading man would do the same." - Balthier |
LeonhartForever | Posted 6/7/2007 12:18:16 AM | message detail |
What in the...? FFVIII got a TWO seed? ...What did FFX get, by the way? Strange to see FFVI-FFIX with two seeds and no sight of FFX. --- "I'm only here to see how the story plays out. Any self-respecting leading man would do the same." - Balthier |
Ngamer64 | Posted 6/7/2007 12:22:01 AM | message detail |
Trend Watch! Next Gen Ownership growth from 4/15/07 to 6/6/07 (using the current Sony poll numbers) PS3: +1.46% 360: +1.11% Wii: +4.29% (!) Nintendo had a tougher climb for itself having already entered with 43% ownership, yet it still quaded the best efforts of the other options. Jeez, if SPM alone can have that effect, scary to think of the jump we'll be seeing when Prime and Mario hit... could be up there near the GC lifetime numbers in no time! Pretty good growth for the 360 though, and brings it one step closer to knocking off the original as the site's most-owned Xbox. Halo 3 enough might be enough to make up the difference at this point. The weird thing about yesterday's poll is that now the GameCube has actually pulled AHEAD of the N64 in current ownership! I guess you have to expect numbers to fall off some once a system starts getting 10+ years in the rear view mirror, but still, odd to think that OoT's generation now trails both the NES and GC. --- = lol x-stats Still smarting from the beatdown Rufus applied in the Guru Contest! |
LeonhartForever | Posted 6/7/2007 12:23:52 AM | message detail |
Does that poll really count toward current ownership though? It's asking if you've EVER owned one, not if you own one now. --- "I'm only here to see how the story plays out. Any self-respecting leading man would do the same." - Balthier |
UltimaterializerX | Posted 6/7/2007 12:23:59 AM | message detail |
FFX is actually the highest #3 seed, which is good until you note that it'll get stuck in OOT's division. Nintendo and Square were basically 1 and 1a in nominations. As for 8 being a 2, it was well on its way to getting a 1 until the LUE and Board 8 topics. It's also not hard to get a 1 or 2 in a 128 game contest, given that you only need to place in the top 16. ~*ST*~ --- 2/4/2007 - SUPER BOWL CHAMPION COLTS!! Now Playing: Final Fantasy 3, Guitar Hero 2, Final Fantasy 12 |
LeonhartForever | Posted 6/7/2007 12:26:38 AM | message detail |
Still, I seem to recall FFVIII's seed being around a 5 the last time you had that contest. Wasn't really expecting that. --- "I'm only here to see how the story plays out. Any self-respecting leading man would do the same." - Balthier |
Ngamer64 | Posted 6/7/2007 12:42:12 AM | message detail |
Yeah, it's asking ever owned, which makes the N64 fall all the more
surprising to me. Back in late 2005 over 79% of the site had owned an
N64 at some point; didn't expect that to drop nearly 6 points. Now it will be interesting to see if the PSX holds up to the passage of time better. --- = lol x-stats Still smarting from the beatdown Rufus applied in the Guru Contest! |
Zylo the wolf | Posted 6/7/2007 3:02:53 AM | message detail |
Since I think Leon spend a lot of time with his 128 bracket, I'll predict it. Round 1 (I don't expect many difficult matches in this round. Hyrule Division (1) Link (8) Miles “Tails” Prower (5) Sora (4) Luigi (11) Ness (3) Squall Leonhart (7) Diablo (2) Zero Not much to say in this round. It's funny that Strider has a high seed, and it sure would be interesting to see him in another battle, but since when was Marvel VS Capcom more popular than SSB? And I love Tails VS Nemesis, since I would then see Tails win an easy match and see Nemesis lose. ^_^ Chaos Division (1) Sonic the Hedgehog (8) The Prince of Persia (5) Ken Masters (4) Master Chief (6) Princess Peach (3) Tidus (7) Scorpion (2) Solid Snake PoP > Sam seems obvious to me, and I just can't see Lavos winning a match against a popular character. 20XX Division (1) Mega Man (9) Kefka (5) Liquid Snake (4) Frog (6) Chun-Li (3) Shadow the Hedgehog (7) Axel (2) Tifa Lockhart Kefka VS Ocelot would be tough to predict, but I'll go with the character who won over Pac-Man. I'm also a bit worried that Pac-Man could upset Chun Li, but my fanboyism says that Chun wins. (1) Samus Aran (8) Bomberman (5) Rikku (4) Sub-Zero (11) Zidane Tribal (3) Auron (7) M. Bison (2) Auron Bomberman > Kratos is a strange pick I admit, but I think that match would be the new Ocelot VS Pac-Man. Mushroom Division (1) Mario (8) Kairi (12) Fox McCloud (4) Riku (6) Tommy Vercetti (3) Yoshi (7) KOS-MOS (2) Ganondorf I love how Claire got a high seed, but she's not winning over Fox McCloud. Jenova Division (1) Sephiroth (9) Viewtiful Joe (5) Vivi Orunitia (4) Leon Kennedy (11) Isaac (3) Aeris Gainsborough (10) Protoman (2) Princess Zelda This division has three interesting matches. 1: VJ VS PW, I have no idea which Capcom hero who wins, but HENSHIN A GO GO BABY! > OBJECTION. Felix VS Issac is just so damn evil, Issac I guess. And Protoman > Ryu Hayabusa, because Protoman HAS to make it back to the contest and win a match! Guardia Division (1) Crono (8) Ramza Beoulve (5) Alucard (4) Kirby (6) Jill Valentine (3) Dante (7) Donkey Kong (2) Vincent Valentine No comment.... Midgar Division (1) Cloud Strife (9) Ridley (5) Yuna (4) Knuckles the Echidna (6) Kratos (3) Yuna (WTF?) (7) Wario (2) Bowser Yuna wins twice. Nothing in this division is hard to predict. --- Ngamer64: Zylo, you're making less sense every day. |
Zylo the wolf | Posted 6/7/2007 3:13:54 AM | message detail |
Since I think Leon spend a lot of time with his 128 bracket, I'll predict it. Round 2 Hyrule Division (1) Link (5) Sora (3) Squall Leonhart (2) Zero Sora VS Luigi could be an interesting match, the others are obvious. Chaos Division (1) Sonic the Hedgehog (5) Ken Masters (3) Tidus (2) Solid Snake Unless HALO 3 has been released, this is match Ken Master just have to win. A Mortal Kombat character can win over MC but not one of the biggest SF characters? I can't accept that! 20XX Division (1) Mega Man (4) Frog (3) Shadow the Hedgehog (2) Tifa Lockhart Frog Vs Liquid Snake 2, no matter if Ct is getting weaker and MGS is getting stronger, I'm still taking Frog. Unless Liquid Snake has a huge role in MGS4 (1) Samus Aran (5) Rikku (3) Auron (2) Auron Double win for Auron!. Mushroom Division (1) Marioi (4) Riku (3) Yoshi (2) Ganondorf No comment. Jenova Division (1) Sephiroth (4) Leon Kennedy (3) Aeris Gainsborough (2) Princess Zelda Vivi could surprise against Leon tough.... Guardia Division (1) Crono (4) Kirby (3) Dante (2) Vincent Valentine No comment.... Midgar Division (1) Cloud Strife (4) Knuckles the Echidna (3) Yuna (WTF?) (2) Bowser The 1 seeds wins over the 2nd seeds in the next two rounds. (Only Sonic VS Snake is a tough prediction, if Sonic gets in SSBB that is.) Link > Sonic Samus > Megaman Sephiroth > Mario Cloud > Crono Link > Samus Cloud > Sephiroth Link > Cloud.... --- Ngamer64: Zylo, you're making less sense every day. |
HaRRicH | Posted 6/7/2007 6:21:54 AM | message detail |
if you're going to voice an unpopular opinion, you should expect to have to argue it! Ha, ya'll remember me well enough from Kuja/MH that I oftentimes don't mind being the underdog. Last night though, I just felt like people flat-out refused to hear me out on the basis that I was attacking so deep into it...and I'll still defend my points, but I ain't gonna get defensive about it all again. I just can't agree that Wario gets any special break against Ness. --- PETITION: a "Contest Suggestions" board. Life-changing details below: |
therealmnm | Posted 6/7/2007 9:08:16 AM | message detail |
I just disagree with you using SSB as a sticking point for Ness over
another Nintendo character. Without SSBB, Wario still could have a
fighting chance against Ness right now. Now that Wario is on the SSB
map, I don't see how you can list that as an advantage for Ness. If Wario takes anything away from Ness with SSBB, then that only serves as a disadvantage for Ness. --- Currently playing: Guitar Hero 2, Gears of War, Saint's Row, SotN (XBLA), Burnout Revenge |
HaRRicH | Posted 6/7/2007 9:22:51 AM | message detail |
Worded like that, I agree -- it can't hurt Wario at all and would help him some
amount. It was just sounding to me like that he was going to control or
take the SSB-votes because of his appearance, which I wasn't about to
agree with. --- PETITION: a "Contest Suggestions" board. Life-changing details below: |
XIII_rocks | Posted 6/7/2007 9:24:31 AM | message detail |
Chun a disaster? Can't people just accept Lara has some decent strength? --- Sign plz "Proud" owner of 1 V-TOKEN! |
therealmnm | Posted 6/7/2007 9:41:31 AM | message detail |
Okay XIII, we all like Lara and wish she stuck her boobs in our mouths. --- Currently playing: Guitar Hero 2, Gears of War, Saint's Row, SotN (XBLA), Burnout Revenge |
HaRRicH | Posted 6/7/2007 10:06:56 AM | message detail |
Lara's not a joke like 2k4 implied...but she's not that terribly strong. --- PETITION: a "Contest Suggestions" board. Life-changing details below: |
PortugalTheMann | Posted 6/7/2007 12:30:21 PM | message detail |
You have no idea how badly I want to see a Ness/Wario match-up in the
next contest now.... I'm extremely confident in Ness taking that one
down. --- Explicit Content. Body type: Muscles, baby. ~ Durango |
Zylo the wolf | Posted 6/7/2007 12:31:46 PM | message detail |
I would bet my account that Wario would win if I cared more for him >_> --- Ngamer64: Zylo, you're making less sense every day. |
Warsola | Posted 6/7/2007 12:34:46 PM | message detail |
Ulti, at first I was like "WTF? FFIX's villain lost to a hand!" Then I realized you weren't making possible seedings for a 2k7 Games Contest ;;;;>____> --- D/P FC: 3909 3994 5325 War13104 |
Karma Hunter | Posted 6/7/2007 12:36:32 PM | message detail |
Chun a disaster? Can't people just accept Lara has some decent strength? I wasn't even thinking about Lara at the time. I was more referring to the fact that Chun got massacred by Yuna in ways that still make men cringe. --- "TIME TO _____ THEN." - Karma Hunter, ABSENT 8 Commit it to memory. |
PortugalTheMann | Posted 6/7/2007 12:37:43 PM | message detail |
Well you have to remember, Yuna was horribly underrated in 2K5, still Peach > Chunners! --- Explicit Content. Body type: Muscles, baby. ~ Durango |
Heroic Mint | Posted 6/7/2007 12:42:48 PM | message detail |
I agree with Harrich, I'm not ready to hand that match to Wario.
Obviously Wario's more well known, but do many people actually like
him? It seems like Ness is just more well liked, which should win him
the SSB vote. It kind of seems like another Ness/CJ to me. --- Once I find the relic, it's going to be world domination time! Second place in Character Battle V |
Karma Hunter | Posted 6/7/2007 12:43:35 PM | message detail |
Well you have to remember, Yuna was horribly underrated in 2K5 Oh, yes. After all, she got 60-40'd (in a match where there was actually some pretty obvious cheating for her) by a character that she was actually stronger than by 2k6 stats - now that's underrating! --- "TIME TO _____ THEN." - Karma Hunter, ABSENT 8 Commit it to memory. |
PortugalTheMann | Posted 6/7/2007 12:45:31 PM | message detail |
haw haw... I was clearly referring to Samus, and we all know that
female bracket needs some serious adjusting down, whether they went
through Tifa or Zelda. --- Explicit Content. Body type: Muscles, baby. ~ Durango |
Karma Hunter | Posted 6/7/2007 12:46:25 PM | message detail |
I agree with Harrich, I'm not ready to hand that match to Wario.
Obviously Wario's more well known, but do many people actually like
him? It seems like Ness is just more well liked, which should win him
the SSB vote. It kind of seems like another Ness/CJ to me. CJ was untested and Ness' win was pretty much the first inkling of the Nintendo boost - and this is coming from someone who had Ness in his bracket from day one. Wario has BEEN tested in a contest, and he's really not that shabby. Now he's getting SSBB on top of all of that, and the argument for Ness is pretty much him being "better liked" (of which there is zero evidence), which means it's pretty much a euphemism for him being around longer and being the "safer" pick. --- "TIME TO _____ THEN." - Karma Hunter, ABSENT 8 Commit it to memory. |
Karma Hunter | Posted 6/7/2007 12:50:01 PM | message detail |
haw haw... I was clearly referring to Samus Because a Ganondorf underrating certainly means that Samus MUST have been underrated, therefore could not POSSIBLY have SFFed the leech! After all, measuring Yuna through Ganon 2k6 makes everything in her division line up - except, of course, for absolutely everything. Underrating is only a part of the story, and from where I'm standing it was quite a small part indeed. Yuna just plain looked STRONGER in 2k6, plain and simple. --- "TIME TO _____ THEN." - Karma Hunter, ABSENT 8 Commit it to memory. |
PortugalTheMann | Posted 6/7/2007 12:56:26 PM | message detail |
Why does everyone keep brining up SSBB? Honestly, if we have another
character contest, and Ness/Wario is featured in it, I seriously doubt
SSBB is out in time, and even if it is, Ness still has the advantage of
being in the other 2, and actually not being hated. Peach is about 300
times more important to the Mario universe than Wario is, and after how
much she was written off last year, I am completely stunned at all of
the Wario support. Hell, the only thing we've even seen from Wario in
SSBB is him farting in the trailer, which was completely stupid and
ridiculous. It only made my hatred for him increase. Aside from his appearances in random Mario games (in which there's really nothing different or special about him to make him stand out), all he has is GB Wario Land days, and Warioware, and I'm really not willing to put that up against Earthbound and appearances in both Smash games, in which Ness is actually a unique character, as opposed to just another person thrown into Mario games for the sake of having another character. I can't fathom how this many people think this match is a lock in favor of Wario, when I can't even come up with anything to indicate a victory for him. --- Explicit Content. Body type: Muscles, baby. ~ Durango |
UltimaterializerX | Posted 6/7/2007 12:57:42 PM | message detail |
Video Game Battle 2 bracket is up: ~*ST*~ --- 2/4/2007 - SUPER BOWL CHAMPION COLTS!! Now Playing: Final Fantasy 3, Guitar Hero 2, Final Fantasy 12 |
transience | Posted 6/7/2007 12:58:32 PM | message detail |
Wario is hated now? --- xyzzy *waits patiently for CJayC to announce a Game Contest* |
PortugalTheMann | Posted 6/7/2007 12:59:00 PM | message detail |
And so did Riku, and Ganon, and Auron, and Samus... oh hey, everyone from Samus' division who came back in 2K6. --- Explicit Content. Body type: Muscles, baby. ~ Durango |
PortugalTheMann | Posted 6/7/2007 12:59:37 PM | message detail |
I know I've seen plenty of Wario hatred. It may not be completely widespead, but it's definitely out there. --- Explicit Content. Body type: Muscles, baby. ~ Durango |
Karma Hunter | Posted 6/7/2007 1:01:32 PM | message detail |
Because what you just said is total bollocks. Wario was in 2k3. I see
no way that he's not stronger than he was in 2k3 right now. Adjusting
through Shadow 2k4 he's still far, FAR stronger than Ness would ever be
without SSB. I was one of the main detractors of Peach - and I stick to that detracting now. I had her beating Jill with ease, she ended up winning by 27 votes. The Nintendo Boost and SSB are two clear advantages over what Wario had in 2k3 (which is why I picked her), he'll obviously benefit from The Boost and SSBB is on the horizon. Ness has the advantage of being in earlier SSB games, sure, but that obviously didn't help him against Bowser, it wouldn't help him against Peach, and I have a phenomenally hard time thinking it'll do anything against Wario. --- "TIME TO _____ THEN." - Karma Hunter, ABSENT 8 Commit it to memory. |
Kaxon | Posted 6/7/2007 1:02:28 PM | message detail |
Hell, the only thing we've even seen from Wario in SSBB is him
farting in the trailer, which was completely stupid and ridiculous. It
only made my hatred for him increase. This. I don't expect Wario to be getting a Snake-like boost for his lame and unsurprising appearance in the trailer. And I don't understand why people think being in the SSBB trailer negates the fact that Ness was in the first two games while he wasn't. --- "Kaxon is a joke account!" - MoogleKupo141 "Kaxon = Kleenex = _kro" - Redtooth |
Luis_Sera89 | Posted 6/7/2007 1:02:32 PM | message detail |
The only hatred I've seen for Wario was the aftermath of the Brawl
trailer. And even that was people just moaning about the fart being
juvenile. I've not heard anyone mention it for a while though. --- "Eet's game time..." |
Karma Hunter | Posted 6/7/2007 1:05:31 PM | message detail |
And so did Riku, and Ganon, and Auron, and Samus... oh hey, everyone from Samus' division who came back in 2K6. Except I was already talking about Ganon, throw him out. Auron? Behind Ganon. Riku? AHAHAHAHAAAAAA lol KH2. In fact, just about all those characters had reason to boost 'cept Samus, and you know what? I'm not buying she boosted. Samus didn't do a damn thing last year to show me that she was stronger than Mario, with not ONE match I don't see Mario outdoing her with laughable ease. She's not stronger than Mario, directly or indirectly. I know I've seen plenty of Wario hatred. It may not be completely widespead, but it's definitely out there. Again: Peach. --- "TIME TO _____ THEN." - Karma Hunter, ABSENT 8 Commit it to memory. |
PortugalTheMann | Posted 6/7/2007 1:07:08 PM | message detail |
Because what you just said is total bollocks. Wario was in 2k3. I
see no way that he's not stronger than he was in 2k3 right now.
Adjusting through Shadow 2k4 he's still far, FAR stronger than Ness
would ever be without SSB. I was one of the main detractors of Peach - and I stick to that detracting now. I had her beating Jill with ease, she ended up winning by 27 votes. The Nintendo Boost and SSB are two clear advantages over what Wario had in 2k3 (which is why I picked her), he'll obviously benefit from The Boost and SSBB is on the horizon. Ness has the advantage of being in earlier SSB games, sure, but that obviously didn't help him against Bowser, it wouldn't help him against Peach, and I have a phenomenally hard time thinking it'll do anything against Wario. Well of course Wario would beat Ness without SSB, I'm not a goddamn moron. And yes, Wario will have had the Nintendo boost, but so does Ness, and yes, he has SSBB on the horizon, but guess what? Ness already has had two Smash games, and probably has SSBB on the horizon as well, so I really don't understand why that's such a big plus for Wario in everyone's books. Sure it's better than not being in SSBB, but to suggest that it takes away Ness' Smash advantage is completely insane. And yes, being in smash didn't help Ness against Bowser or Mario, but hey, guess what, they also appeared in both Smash games, plus they actually mean a damn to the Mario franchise. Trying to relate them to Wario is a stretch, and a very, very big one at that. --- Explicit Content. Body type: Muscles, baby. ~ Durango |
PortugalTheMann | Posted 6/7/2007 1:08:29 PM | message detail |
So you want me to believe that Riku jumps up that damn much from 2K5 to 2K6, and far more than Sora? Sorry, but I don't. Sure he boosted from KH2, but it wasn't that much. --- Explicit Content. Body type: Muscles, baby. ~ Durango |
Karma Hunter | Posted 6/7/2007 1:15:27 PM | message detail |
Well of course Wario would beat Ness without SSB, I'm not a goddamn moron. So obviously it then follows that Wario would beat Ness - and easily - if he had appeared in all the Smash games up to now. Yes, he's missed two, and that gives Ness something of an advantage, but it only takes one game to get in with the SSB crowd, and it doesn't help that Wario is getting a lot of spotlight for being a new character. And yes, Wario will have had the Nintendo boost, but so does Ness, and yes, he has SSBB on the horizon, but guess what? Ness already has had two Smash games, and probably has SSBB on the horizon as well, so I really don't understand why that's such a big plus for Wario in everyone's books. Sure it's better than not being in SSBB, but to suggest that it takes away Ness' Smash advantage is completely insane. It WILL take away Ness' Smash advantage, this is an undeniable fact. The degree to which that advantage will be negated is debatable, sure, but even taking away a quarter puts Wario within striking distance. The fact that freakin' Snake can negate so much of a Smash advantage simply from a trailer is extremely telling. Am I saying the trailer will boost Wario over Ness? That's a dubious claim at best (though I wouldn't put it out of the question, much like I wouldn't have put it out before the trailer), but I'm discussing what happens when the game actually releases. It's not as if this argument is limited to the next contest only - how long was Peach argued, again? And yes, being in smash didn't help Ness against Bowser or Mario, but hey, guess what, they also appeared in both Smash games, Bowser was in SSBM only. plus they actually mean a damn to the Mario franchise. Trying to relate them to Wario is a stretch, and a very, very big one at that. "Meaning" something is quite inconsequential in the face of the exposure Wario has compared to Ness. It's not as if we're talking about C. Falcon here - people know who Wario is. --- "TIME TO _____ THEN." - Karma Hunter, ABSENT 8 Commit it to memory. |
HaRRicH | Posted 6/7/2007 1:16:54 PM | message detail |
I feel the need to quote myself for a second. 2) more hypothetical "if Ness wasn't in SSB/M and was only in EB, then Wario would certainly win"-like "points" -- they're pointless. You could say "if Sub-Zero wasn't in the MK fighting games and was only in Mythologies, then Wario would certainly win"...but why would you? What notable difference is there here, outside of EB > Mythologies and SSB > MK here (though I'm not saying Ness > Sub-Zero)? Certainly none that would help Wario's case PLUS it wouldn't matter since it's already happened, so I'd like to never hear that brought up again. Plus, I'll add in that "if Wario wasn't in Mario's side-games and was only in Warioware, then Ness would certainly win"...which is equally pointless. Please, no more of those useless hypotheticals. --- PETITION: a "Contest Suggestions" board. Life-changing details below: |
Karma Hunter | Posted 6/7/2007 1:16:56 PM | message detail |
So you want me to believe that Riku jumps up that damn much from 2K5
to 2K6, and far more than Sora? Sorry, but I don't. Sure he boosted
from KH2, but it wasn't that much. You're presuming that Yoshi is within 2% of Mega Man with that statement. Adjust the dino down as I have, and you get much more reasonable numbers for Riku (as well as his proportion to Sora). --- "TIME TO _____ THEN." - Karma Hunter, ABSENT 8 Commit it to memory. |
Karma Hunter | Posted 6/7/2007 1:18:24 PM | message detail |
Plus, I'll add in that "if Wario wasn't in Mario's side-games and
was only in Warioware, then Ness would certainly win"...which is
equally pointless. Please, no more of those useless hypotheticals. A hypothetical is hardly useless if it parallels future events. Wario may not have made the first SSB games, but the fact that he will be in SSBB will make an impact. This should be accounted for. --- "TIME TO _____ THEN." - Karma Hunter, ABSENT 8 Commit it to memory. |
HaRRicH | Posted 6/7/2007 1:21:43 PM | message detail |
"Meaning" something is quite inconsequential in the face of the
exposure Wario has compared to Ness. It's not as if we're talking about
C. Falcon here - people know who Wario is. SSBM is the #6/7 game here, the SSB series is the #4 series, and over 85% of the site has (had?) a N64 or Gamecube. Wario isn't going to have such a big exposure advantage against Ness. I'll agree that once SSBB hits, Wario will probably be a contender against Ness (if not win, if he's any good in the game), but until then I'm assuming we're going off of the hype. --- PETITION: a "Contest Suggestions" board. Life-changing details below: |
Mac Arrowny | Posted 6/7/2007 1:25:33 PM | message detail |
The Nintendo boost isn't all Wario needs to beat Ness. After all, Ness
benefited from it as much as anyone...he probably would've lost to CJ
without it. Before SSBB, Ness would almost certainly beat Wario, and
even after it's somewhat debatable, since I see all the former Smash
characters getting yet another boost from SSBB. Every game helps. --- "I am the Scourge of God, appointed to chastise you! You are wicked, but I am more wicked than you!" |
Karma Hunter | Posted 6/7/2007 1:30:40 PM | message detail |
But NOTHING helps so much as your first. I expect a modest boost from
Samus when SSBB hits, but nothing to hold off Snake's. The parallel
isn't exact (Wario has had much more Ninty exposure than Snake of
course, Snake thus has more to gain), but remember: Wario 2k3 is at 18.79 on BL going through 2k4 Shadow. That's BEFORE the Nintendo boost, at which we estimate Ness being around 20.53 on BL. Even if you think that underrates Ness... that's him post-Nintendo boost. Now estimate how much Wario gains from said boost, and put SSBB on top of ALL of that... I said, I'd be very tempted to take Wario before SSBB. After? Really? --- "TIME TO _____ THEN." - Karma Hunter, ABSENT 8 Commit it to memory. |
HaRRicH | Posted 6/7/2007 1:30:42 PM | message detail |
I'm accounting for it, I just don't think it'll amount to much if it didn't help Solid so much against Samus and/or Yoshi. Also, looking back, I never thought of Wario as hated (though I know there's the occasional person who does), but he's certainly a quirky rip-off of Mario so that's thrown him off to alot of gamers if they just play Mario's games. He's got some fans too, but he just seems like a more dividing character than others in the Mario poll plus he has less exposure than them too (save for Waluigi). Not to say he's unknown by any stretch of the imagination, but he's not the same kind of Mario character as them either and I don't think he should be treated as if he's right up there with them if it came to Mario-loyalty. --- PETITION: a "Contest Suggestions" board. Life-changing details below: |
transience | Posted 6/7/2007 1:34:27 PM | message detail |
*still doesn't know why we're using stats to argue two characters that are purely Nintendo* Wario's had three games of his own since 2003, too. Warioware is a fairly popular series -- sure, it's no SSB, but it's certainly bigger than Earthbound at this point. I would be among the people that would consider Wario over Ness before SSB. --- xyzzy *waits patiently for CJayC to announce a Game Contest* |
HaRRicH | Posted 6/7/2007 1:35:28 PM | message detail |
You can't judge Ness post-Nintendo Boost though, the fairest way you
could judge him is by comparing him to Scorpion-2k3 via their 2k4
performances against Auron. The Nintendo Boost wasn't until 2k5. --- PETITION: a "Contest Suggestions" board. Life-changing details below: |