GameFAQs Contests

Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 440
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therealmnm | Posted 6/4/2007 9:20:28 PM | message detail |
Leon/Yoshi - He got 45% on Bowser, and Yoshi SHOULD be weaker. How close can Leon get? I really don't think Yoshi is that much weaker than Bowser anymore... at least compared to the 2k3 match. Leon's match against Bowser was impressive, but I don't see him being able to take down Dante... Luigi/Aeris - Weegi did very well against Tifa. Could he actually beat Aeris? I'd go for that one. Zelda made Aeris look terrible. Plus Luigi and Aeris have a common opponent in KOS-MOS. Luigi is definitely at least up to the challenge. Chun-Li/Kairi - Something about this matchup just seems interesting. Eh, I don't see it. I mean Kairi did beat Claire... but it's a Claire who has been out of the RE spotlight for a while now. I don't see Kairi taking down Chunners. Master Chief/Lara Croft - Heh, this is like MC/Crash, part two. "Which one do I anti-vote?!" .... Bowser/Sora - Sora got nearly 46% on Mega Man while Bowser got 42% on Crono, and yet I feel like most people would side with the Koopa King. You're damn right. Sonic/Zelda in the Elite Eight - The stats actually have Zelda above Sonic. Was there a fluke in Zelda/Samus, Snake/Samus, or Snake/Sonic somewhere? Many have stepped up, but Sonic has been consistent in taking down near-elite challengers. --- Currently playing: Guitar Hero 2, Gears of War, Saint's Row, SotN (XBLA), Burnout Revenge |
transience | Posted 6/4/2007 9:58:25 PM | message detail |
I agree with mnm's post. I'd take Luigi, Bowser and Sonic. --- xyzzy |
HaRRicH | Posted 6/4/2007 10:00:52 PM | message detail |
I'll take Sora instead, but I'll agree with everything else. --- PETITION: a "Contest Suggestions" board. Life-changing details below: |
LeonhartForever | Posted 6/4/2007 10:21:53 PM | message detail |
If we got Villains Contest Bowser back, I'd probably take him over
Sora. If we get SC2K6 Bowser back, I'll take Sora. At the very least, I
can't see him getting less than 47-48% without something odd happening. --- "I'm only here to see how the story plays out. Any self-respecting leading man would do the same." - Balthier |
transience | Posted 6/4/2007 10:24:58 PM | message detail |
Bowser's getting Super Paper Mario and a Wii influx, plus all those
million minigame games like Mario Party. Sora's getting pretty much
nothing. I would have taken Bowser over Sora the day after sc2k6 as well. --- xyzzy |
LeonhartForever | Posted 6/4/2007 10:26:29 PM | message detail |
Bowser gets a new Mario Party appearance every single year. Those games
get churned out like every six to twelve months. Being on the Wii will
likely help, obviously, but I just don't know how much more
Nintendo-centric this site can get and how much more the Nintendo
characters can massively boost. --- "I'm only here to see how the story plays out. Any self-respecting leading man would do the same." - Balthier |
HaRRicH | Posted 6/4/2007 10:39:01 PM | message detail |
I would have taken Bowser > Sora after 2k5 and even after KH2...but
not after 2k6 -- Bowser failed to do anything impressive against Crono
and Sora impressed against Mega Man. I'm suspicious of Mega Man being
over-rated in the stats, and especially enough so Bowser could
statistically beat Sora. SPM and the Wii influx should help, yes, but I
wouldn't count on it doing THAT much for Bowser. I do think Nintendo in
general is going to kick some ass this year and it will be very hard to
bet against a Nintendo character in a close match...but I don't think
Bowser/Sora would be THAT close to allow that to happen. --- PETITION: a "Contest Suggestions" board. Life-changing details below: |
therealmnm | Posted 6/4/2007 10:49:38 PM | message detail |
Eh, I'm not a fan of suddenly discounting a character off of one bad
match when we've seen them in tons of matches before just like I'm not
a fan of praising a character after one good match. Sure if you base
Sora/Bowser off of Bowser's match with Crono then yeah, Sora is the
favorite. But that one match doesn't really define Bowser. It's not the
same situation like Tidus or Magus where we saw him have one good match
and ride the wave. We've seen the best and worst of Bowser. He's certainly capable of taking Sora down.... And no, I'm not just making excuses for Bowser. I feel that way about a bunch of characters. I've been bitten way too many times by taking a single bad match and running with it (just the same as I've taken one good match and ran with it). --- Currently playing: Guitar Hero 2, Gears of War, Saint's Row, SotN (XBLA), Burnout Revenge |
LeonhartForever | Posted 6/4/2007 10:51:16 PM | message detail |
Well, except for that match with Tingle (who was an unknown anyway),
Sora looked very good throughout. Plus, Riku got nearly 45% on Yoshi
himself. You've gotta think Sora himself could do noticeably better on
Bowser. --- "I'm only here to see how the story plays out. Any self-respecting leading man would do the same." - Balthier |
transience | Posted 6/4/2007 10:54:36 PM | message detail |
along that train of thought, I guess you could say that Sora had one good match as well. Tingle and GF didn't exactly inspire. and if you think MM "overperformed" on Snake or whatever, he drops further. --- xyzzy |
therealmnm | Posted 6/4/2007 10:58:04 PM | message detail |
Oh, I didn't say Sora was a one-hit wonder. Hell, he's one of the ones
who falls into that "one bad match" category with his match against
Snake. He's had solid wins over Ryu Hayabusa and Alucard, and solid
losses against Samus and Mega Man. I still don't think he automatically
just takes Bowser just based on Bowser's match against Crono. --- Currently playing: Guitar Hero 2, Gears of War, Saint's Row, SotN (XBLA), Burnout Revenge |
transience | Posted 6/4/2007 11:00:44 PM | message detail |
it's tough to gauge Leon Kennedy, but he didn't exactly look all that great vs. him either. then again, I think Leon vs. Sora would be a real tossup come next contest given the Wii rerelease of RE4. --- xyzzy |
therealmnm | Posted 6/4/2007 11:03:43 PM | message detail |
Leon Kennedy who we hadn't seen since RE4 was released on PS2? Just
like Kratos, you knew an improvement was coming (although it did catch
me by surprise... but then again, I hadn't played Resident Evil 4 at
the time. I can see the Leon popularity now just given how good the
game was) --- Currently playing: Guitar Hero 2, Gears of War, Saint's Row, SotN (XBLA), Burnout Revenge |
LeonhartForever | Posted 6/4/2007 11:24:46 PM | message detail |
and if you think MM "overperformed" on Snake or whatever, he drops further. Overperformed? Oh my. Ehh, I'd sooner say Snake overperformed on Sonic than to say that Mega Man overperformed on Snake. That sounds...ridiculous. Either way makes Bowser look better though. I've gotta believe he's underrated to some extent though because he ain't having a close rematch with Ryu. I'm just not sure where the anomaly is. --- "I'm only here to see how the story plays out. Any self-respecting leading man would do the same." - Balthier |
transience | Posted 6/4/2007 11:32:24 PM | message detail |
2k6 stats are just all kinds of messed up. I feel better gauging
individual matches than looking at them in x-stat form. I would agree
with you that Snake/Sonic looks "funnier" than Snake/Mega Man, but I have no idea if there's an overperformance or an underperformance or what going on there. --- xyzzy *waits patiently for CJayC to announce a Game Contest* |
HaRRicH | Posted 6/4/2007 11:37:28 PM | message detail |
It's not automatic -- Sora is by no means out of Bowser's league -- but
I don't think Bowser's intangibles are enough to overcome Sora's
strength advantage over him if you assume Mega Man and Crono are legit
last year (which I do). It wouldn't be a blow-out either way, but Sora
ought to be able to fend Bowser off if Solid/Mega and Crono/Bowser are
flawless. Also, as a side-note for Sora since this crossed my mind...he's never REALLY looked good in a contest situation. I'd argue his only good matches were against Alucard (after he let Kratos do rather well on him, plus look at Alucard in 2k6) and Mega Man (after he let Axel and Ryu impress against him first) even then, those matches are jaded to him. Sora/Aeris was an embarrassment, Sora/HK-47 wasn't awe-inspiring, Sora/Hayabusa was only impressive until Sora/Samus went down and we saw in 2k5 that Hayabusa picked up some strength with a "real" picture of him, Sora/Agent 47...ha, remember all the Neo-Tanner talk? That was fun. Sora/Solid was classically bad for him, too. This last year, Sora made two board jokes look much better than expected... ...just saying, Sora's never been known to really show off in a contest (or at least get due credit). Most of those matches had either newcomers or SFF, and the few shots he gets to redeem himself in something concrete, another excuse seems to get in the way. Samus/Sora (outdated), Sora/Alucard (also outdated), Sora/Gordon (outside of winning for once, this is easily Gordon's best match), and Sora/Mega (who is heavily suspected of dropping) are the only matches you could try to get a decent read from, and they are either old or have their negative connotations. I think that gives people a hard time to put faith behind him sometimes..... --- PETITION: a "Contest Suggestions" board. Life-changing details below: |
transience | Posted 6/4/2007 11:39:52 PM | message detail |
I've always been of the opinion that Sora will fold against elite
competition. Snake/Sora is most likely clouding my opinion here, but I
just don't see Sora as the type that can stand up to good competition.
I feel the same way about Tidus. if you give me a debatable match, I'm going against Sora every time. --- xyzzy *waits patiently for CJayC to announce a Game Contest* |
LeonhartForever | Posted 6/4/2007 11:41:06 PM | message detail |
...Why was Samus/Sora a bad match for him? He did just about as well or better than people expected. --- "I'm only here to see how the story plays out. Any self-respecting leading man would do the same." - Balthier |
HaRRicH | Posted 6/4/2007 11:43:32 PM | message detail |
I was thinkin' of it from the angle of people still believing Hayabusa
was some powerhouse...looking over that point again, I see I kind of
pushed it. Forgive me, lack of sleep and studying Greek mythology throws me off. --- PETITION: a "Contest Suggestions" board. Life-changing details below: |
ZFS | Posted 6/4/2007 11:46:48 PM | message detail |
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster] |
ZFS | Posted 6/4/2007 11:47:13 PM | message detail |
Just going to chime in on some of those matches Leon pointed out earlier with picks! Leon/Yoshi - Yoshi Luigi/Aeris - Luigi Chun-Li/Kairi - Chun-Li Master Chief/Lara Croft - Master Chief with ease. Bowser/Sora - Gimme Sora. Sonic/Zelda in the Elite Eight - ...Sonic. --- Called "Godslayer" by some, feared by most. |
PortugalTheMann | Posted 6/5/2007 12:31:16 PM | message detail |
I really don't think Yoshi is that much weaker than Bowser
anymore... at least compared to the 2k3 match. Leon's match against
Bowser was impressive, but I don't see him being able to take down
Dante... I don't think he ever was... Yoshi has suffered from underinflated stats, and Bowser has had inflated ones. Still, I'm with you on Yoshi > Leon. --- Explicit Content. Body type: Muscles, baby. ~ Durango |
PortugalTheMann | Posted 6/5/2007 12:40:57 PM | message detail |
I'm surprised Sora/Bowser is getting put off as just "Oh well it's Bowser so I'll take him." Riku got 45% on Yoshi... and I sincerely, sincerely doubt that Yoshi is that much weaker than Bowser. If Leon = Dante, Bowser beats Yoshi with 54.95% , and who here is really taking Leon > Dante? Because I sure as hell am not. It may be close, but I really doubt it's happening. The more you think Dante would beat Leon, the closer Bowser and Yoshi are pushed together. Discounting SFF or rSFF, I see Bowser taking it with maybe 52% of the vote or so, probably even less. And I definitely think Sora is going to be able to do better than Riku (I mean seriously, is anyone taking Riku > Sora? Because I'm not). So even if you think Sora would only do 5% better on Yoshi than Riku did, and I think that's being very generous, there's a very small window for Bowser to end up > Sora. Give me Sora in that match, please. --- Explicit Content. Body type: Muscles, baby. ~ Durango |
transience | Posted 6/5/2007 12:49:21 PM | message detail |
I'm not that bound to previous results, especially when you're talking a percent or two. I'd probably take Yoshi or Luigi over Sora, too. well, Luigi's a tossup... --- xyzzy *waits patiently for CJayC to announce a Game Contest* |
PortugalTheMann | Posted 6/5/2007 12:53:08 PM | message detail |
Well looking back on things, I'd actually take Yoshi > Bowser,
straight up without SFF. Put SFF into it, and anything can happen
really, but I'll still take Yoshi. Yeah, you heard me boys. From 2K5
->2K6 I didn't feel as lost as I do from 2K6->2k7, and I don't
even think it's because of how crazy 2K6 was at points, but I have to
constantly keep looking back at what happened last year to get a better
feel for things, last year I feel like I knew more right off the top of
my head. Anyway, my stats last year have sora at 35.71 and Bowser at 32.97. And I'm sticking with 'em baby. --- Explicit Content. Body type: Muscles, baby. ~ Durango |
transience | Posted 6/5/2007 12:59:51 PM | message detail |
Mega Man's division looks so high to me in your stats.. Sora - 35.71 Ryu (SF) – 32.77 Kratos (GoW) – 28.11 Gordon Freeman – 25.76 Axel – 23.53 Phoenix Wright – 21.54 Tingle – 17.42 I don't think any of these guys are this strong. I'd drop each of them about two points if I was making custom stats. I know GF is maybe an anomaly, but seriously, Ryu at 32.77? Axel way over the fodder line? Phoenix Wright over the fodder line? --- xyzzy *waits patiently for CJayC to announce a Game Contest* |
PortugalTheMann | Posted 6/5/2007 1:12:53 PM | message detail |
Anything through GF I don't really trust anyway, (can we please get the
goddamn bracket up on, I mean seriously), I think
he overperformed on Sora, and underperformed on Phoenix, but I really
have nothing to base it off of. As for Ryu, in 2K5 it was accepted that
he would have a damn close match with Bowser, and then when he fell
apart against him suddenly he was worthless. I'm not willing to throw
Ryu away over one poor performance with Bowser, and really, he's not
all that much higher in the stats than he was in 2K5 (granted I think
Bowser was overrated there, so it would drop him down some more,) but I
feel like it more or less evens out with how underrated Ryu was. And
Kratos had plenty of reason to boost. As for Axel, I would have never
believed it pre-contest, but with how damn impressive Riku looked, and
a decent outing from Kairi, it's not too hard for me to believe. Looking back on it, I do think it may be slightly inflated, but I don't think it's to the same extent that you believe. Mega Man is so god damn AUGH last year. --- Explicit Content. Body type: Muscles, baby. ~ Durango |
transience | Posted 6/5/2007 1:20:09 PM | message detail |
my opinion of Ryu has more to do with where Kratos ended up than his
performance against Bowser. Ryu didn't look all that great vs. Rikku
and then looked kinda average vs. Kratos as well. I won't touch the
Bowser match even though that's the worst of the three. his only "good"
match in the last two years was that one with Mega Man. I just don't
think he's as good as numbers make him look. --- xyzzy *waits patiently for CJayC to announce a Game Contest* |
LeonhartForever | Posted 6/5/2007 2:15:03 PM | message detail |
Well, Ryu is generally thought of as Mr. Consistency, and 32.77 would be consistent with what he's put up in the past. And Luigi > Sora? Ehh, I'm pretty sure Sora could get 40% on Sonic with ease. He did get 45.72% on Mega Man, after all. Sora/Yoshi would be a good matchup though. Sonic would have to beat Mega Man worse than Snake did for Luigi to be equal with Sora. Yeah, I know, stats and all, but I think that's one of those instances where it's too much for Luigi to overcome and pull an upset in spite of the stats. --- "I'm only here to see how the story plays out. Any self-respecting leading man would do the same." - Balthier |
transience | Posted 6/5/2007 2:22:16 PM | message detail |
didn't people think of Bowser/Ryu as being kinda weird? if so, Ryu didn't actually drop, he just sucked in that one match. but Rikku says differently. I don't think Rikku's at 29-30%, nope nope. it's hard to be consistent when you suck it up vs. a midcarder. it leaves two possibilities: 1 - Ryu declined in 2k5 and came back in 2k6 for no reason whatsoever; 2 - Ryu just sucks against those with a real fanbase, ie Nintendo and Square. I could see the latter being true, and I'd probably take the Luigis of the world over Ryu just because he might suffer there. I think the same thing about Zero right now, but that's really unproven. --- xyzzy *waits patiently for CJayC to announce a Game Contest* |
Zylo the wolf | Posted 6/5/2007 2:29:58 PM | message detail |
Ryu just sucks against those with a real fanbase, ie Nintendo and Square. ding ding ding, jackpot! Gamefaqs don't know that Street Fighter is one of the best series in the world, even if most of them have played at least one Street Fighter game. Ryu is so strong because everyone knows both him and his hadooken, which means he will always get many votes, but never take down those who are much stronger than him. But before you underestimate Ryu, name another non noble nine character who have won at least one match in every contest. Sure there's Dante, but that's one of the really strong characters that Ryu did win over. --- Ngamer64: Zylo, you're making less sense every day. |
LeonhartForever | Posted 6/5/2007 2:34:10 PM | message detail |
Yeah, even though Ryu "sucks" against those with a "real" fanbase, he's
still one of the few guys who still gets 40%+ in every defeat, even
when facing the Noble Nine. --- "I'm only here to see how the story plays out. Any self-respecting leading man would do the same." - Balthier |
PortugalTheMann | Posted 6/5/2007 2:48:38 PM | message detail |
HM, do you have sales numbers of GoW, pre SC2K5, and then around SC2K6 time? --- Explicit Content. Body type: Muscles, baby. ~ Durango |
ZFS | Posted 6/5/2007 3:03:55 PM | message detail |
HM, do you have sales numbers of GoW, pre SC2K5, and then around SC2K6 time? Yeah. When Kratos first appeared in a contest, his game had sold 600,000 copies. Then during the next year, it sold an extra 600,000 by dropping down to $20. --- Called "Godslayer" by some, feared by most. |
PortugalTheMann | Posted 6/5/2007 3:05:42 PM | message detail |
Alright... I thought it was around a doubling in sales, but I wanted to
be sure. It's really not an unreasonable gain for Kratos then from 2K5
to 2K6. He had only GoW for 2K5, and in 2K6 his popularity had
literally doubled. For him to go up just 8% in the stats isn't that
hard for me to believe, when he was able to achieve what he did in 2K5
with just 600,000 copies of him out there. --- Explicit Content. Body type: Muscles, baby. ~ Durango |
ZFS | Posted 6/5/2007 3:43:59 PM | message detail |
I'm not sure how much he gained between the two years, but yeah, it
never seemed odd for him to gain a whole lot. Doubling the game's sales
and it already appealing to the GameFAQs voters is pretty much as good
as it gets. He should end up getting another good boost from GoW2,
which is already over a million now, I think. --- Called "Godslayer" by some, feared by most. |
LeonhartForever | Posted 6/5/2007 3:46:56 PM | message detail |
And what are GOW1's total sales now? --- "I'm only here to see how the story plays out. Any self-respecting leading man would do the same." - Balthier |
ZFS | Posted 6/5/2007 3:55:27 PM | message detail |
~2 million, I believe. --- Called "Godslayer" by some, feared by most. |
LeonhartForever | Posted 6/5/2007 4:36:25 PM | message detail |
So...what do you guys think Samus, Zelda, and Tifa were worth on BL in
2006? I don't know if there was any consensus on the matter. Do you
think Samus increased? And since it seems obvious that Tifa
overperformed and likely Zelda did as well, what are they worth? --- "I'm only here to see how the story plays out. Any self-respecting leading man would do the same." - Balthier |
Same Orphanage | Posted 6/5/2007 4:37:24 PM | message detail |
Hey, we went through this stats topic in less than a month. Quite an improvement! --- I made a living on time trial blowing myself off to cross the finish line at ludicrous speed. -transience |
PortugalTheMann | Posted 6/5/2007 5:06:55 PM | message detail |
My numbers are definitely not going to be liked by many, probably be nobody, but here they are anyway. Samus – 46.61 Tifa Lockhart – 33.71 Zelda – 33.71 --- Explicit Content. Body type: Muscles, baby. ~ Durango |
LeonhartForever | Posted 6/5/2007 5:12:02 PM | message detail |
So...Samus should've beaten them both with 63%+ and instead gave over
8% up to Zelda and 12% up to Tifa? I can believe 33.71 for Tifa and
Zelda, but giving Samus that much? Ehhh. Oh, and Rikku at 28.90? That means she's practically equal to Yuna and Aeris while you're at it. Aeris looked like crap last year, but she ain't getting held to 31% on Samus, and she ain't struggling to beat Rikku. --- "I'm only here to see how the story plays out. Any self-respecting leading man would do the same." - Balthier |
PortugalTheMann | Posted 6/5/2007 5:15:40 PM | message detail |
Why not? She certainly pimp slapped the hell out of Snake, and Snake ran through the men. --- Explicit Content. Body type: Muscles, baby. ~ Durango |
LeonhartForever | Posted 6/5/2007 5:21:54 PM | message detail |
I personally like the idea of holding Rikku constant for Samus, by the
way, which puts her at 42.83 on BL. I can't figure out what to do with
Zelda though. I want to hold Chun-Li constant, which puts Zelda at
37.02, which might be a bit high, really. It gives her 43.22% on Samus,
by the way. Putting Jill equal with Hayabusa 2005 puts Tifa right
around 34 on BL though, and I don't like the idea of Zelda beating Tifa
with 54% there. Jill is probably above Hayabusa now though, what with
RE4 coming out and all. --- "I'm only here to see how the story plays out. Any self-respecting leading man would do the same." - Balthier |
PortugalTheMann | Posted 6/5/2007 5:24:33 PM | message detail |
Well considering I have Snake at 43.71%, that Samus number doesn't really work with me. (No I don't think she rSFF'd him) --- Explicit Content. Body type: Muscles, baby. ~ Durango |
LeonhartForever | Posted 6/5/2007 5:26:19 PM | message detail |
Again, I don't like the idea of putting Rikku up that high, especially
considering what she did in the contest. Kairi at 24.11 on BL, and
Claire at 23.11? Seems a bit high to me. That puts Kairi awfully close
to 2005 Chun-Li and about right where Riku was in 2005. Of course, that
means you'd have to bring Jill up because I don't see Claire competing
with her, which means you keep bringing Tifa up. It's really got nothing to do with what she did to Solid Snake, really. I just don't like how much it brings up a lot of the female bracket. --- "I'm only here to see how the story plays out. Any self-respecting leading man would do the same." - Balthier |
LeonhartForever | Posted 6/5/2007 5:29:26 PM | message detail |
Plus, Samus showed me nothing to indicate she boosted to that extent,
outside of what she did against Snake, which would stand out more to me
as something weird. --- "I'm only here to see how the story plays out. Any self-respecting leading man would do the same." - Balthier |
PortugalTheMann | Posted 6/5/2007 5:31:24 PM | message detail |
She didn't boost, SHE WAS UNDERRATED GODDAMIT... anyway I have to go! --- Explicit Content. Body type: Muscles, baby. ~ Durango |
LeonhartForever | Posted 6/5/2007 5:34:26 PM | message detail |
Not that much, she wasn't. She's done nothing to me that would indicate
she's that strong. And no, I don't believe 2006 Snake > 2005 Mario
either. The entire Final Four of the 2006 bracket is full of weirdness
to me though. I don't know what to make of it. --- "I'm only here to see how the story plays out. Any self-respecting leading man would do the same." - Balthier |
LeonhartForever | Posted 6/5/2007 5:35:00 PM | message detail |
Squall > Samus --- "I'm only here to see how the story plays out. Any self-respecting leading man would do the same." - Balthier |