GameFAQs Contests

Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 439
ZFS | Posted 4/16/2007 7:39:20 PM | message detail |
I don't think Nintendo is going to be getting any sort of drastic boost
this year. Some of the characters are going to increase, but you're not
going to see anything crazy. I could be wrong, but I hope not, at least. There's nothing fun about Nintendo characters getting stronger while everyone else just hangs out. --- "Listen to my story. This may be our last chance." -- Tidus |
Ngamer64 | Posted 4/17/2007 2:34:49 AM | message detail |
It's not exactly comparing apples to apples, since the PS3 still trails
the competition by a good 20% in marketshare, but still... Sony might
be heartened to see they only lost to the Nintendo by 6% in yesterday's
poll. These kind of "what do you think you will buy before the year ends?" polls are generally wildly inaccurate, but just for kicks I'll apply the numbers and see where they would put us. So if everyone who "plans" to purchase a 360/PS3/Wii in 2007 actually went ahead and did it, then at the checkup poll this Christmas the marketshare numbers we'd see would be: 12/31/07 1. Wii - 63.53% 2. 360 - 49.12% 3. PS3 - 27.17% ...yeah, none of which look too realistic, especially considering the Xbox never managed even 44% saturation on this site. While we're on the subject, looks like I get to update the handheld numbers after today, oh goody. Jeez, if this early PSP value is accurate, things are certainly not looking good for Sony in that department... as of right now, it's actually managed to lose users over the past 7 months. --- = lol x-stats Still smarting from the beatdown Rufus applied in the Guru Contest! |
LegendarySnake | Posted 4/17/2007 7:46:42 AM | message detail |
Hopefully, I'll be the owner of a Wii sometime this year... --- "I never felt truly alive until I was staring death in the face." "I'll die...after I kill you." |
HaRRicH | Posted 4/17/2007 1:23:49 PM | message detail |
I too hope to have a Wii soon, and probably will by the end of summer. I don't think Nintendo is going to be getting any sort of drastic boost this year. Some of the characters are going to increase, but you're not going to see anything crazy. I could be wrong, but I hope not, at least. There's nothing fun about Nintendo characters getting stronger while everyone else just hangs out. 1: DS ownership after eight months - 32.5% Wii ownership after four months - 42.79% (36.19% were still loving it) GC ownership two months before LoZ:TP - 72.67% (37.46% still played it regularly, 11.54% didn't but wanted a Wii) Wasn't the DS's release -- not necessarily its games -- what's believed to have brought a Nintendo influx? Just saying, it seems like there's plenty more room for another Nintendo Boost of sorts based on that. 2: SM64DS's total in the DS GotY poll - 77.59% Difference between SM64DS and Feel The Magic: XY/XX - 67.57% LoZ:TP's total in the Wii GotY poll - 80.96% Difference between LoZ:TP and Wii Sports - 71.34% LoZ:TP's total in the GC GotY poll - 86.31% Difference between LoZ:TP and Harvest Moon: Magical Melody - 81.24% SM64DS looked the least dominant in those polls and allowed Feel The Magic to perform better against it than LoZ:TP let Harvest Moon or a game that was packed in with the Wii. That just sounds so much more dominant it's not even funny. We also at least heard good things about Trauma Center and saw ads for other games it faced, whereas SM64DS faced complete nobodies. This looks very good for already the most powerful franchise here, which can only help the cause for Nintendo this year as well. 3: SM64DS's total in the overall-GotY poll - 5.12% Games SM64DS outdid in it - Metroid: Zero Mission, Burnout 3: Takedown Next game ahead of SM64DS - FF11 GotY in 2k4 - GTA:SA LoZ:TP's total in the overall-GotY poll - 43.25% Games LoZ:TP outdid in it - FF12, Gears of War, Oblivion, NSMB, and more..... LoZ:TP's total in the final-GotY poll - 53.83% GotY in 2k6 - LoZ:TP Once you get outside of the system's fanbases, look how much more rampant LoZ:TP was than SM64DS. It's not like we didn't expect LoZ:TP > SM64DS -- very obviously not the case at all -- but when you mow through the competition like that, there's going to be an increase somewhere outside of Link. 4: DS's total in the overall-SotY poll - 13.22% Top three systems that year, in order - PS2, Xbox, GC (DS was 4th) Wii's total in the overall-SotY poll - 39.62% Top three systems that year, in order - Wii, 360, PS2 Considering the two huge hits that the 360 had last year and the PS2 had solid releases as well, for the Wii to smash them is amazing. The DS wasn't able to compete with the Xbox or GC in 2k4, and they each only had one real notable game (as did the DS, but you could also argue that for the Wii and look how it did). Now with Super Paper Mario out and SSBB is still the most anticipated game this side of internet game sites, not to mention the anticipation that follows with SMG and MP3:C or the continued success of the, there's seemingly no way there won't be another Nintendo Boost to me. I don't see how it won't happen...doesn't have to be big and it would surely help LoZ characters the most, but I think some kind of overall boost will be seen. --- This is my main account, but I see all the cool people doing it...... HaRRicH |
HaRRicH | Posted 4/17/2007 1:24:33 PM | message detail |
Also...just curious, but do we have numbers on what games have sold the best for the Virtual Console? --- This is my main account, but I see all the cool people doing it...... HaRRicH |
therealmnm | Posted 4/17/2007 1:48:21 PM | message detail |
2: SM64DS's total in the DS GotY poll - 77.59% Difference between SM64DS and Feel The Magic: XY/XX - 67.57% LoZ:TP's total in the Wii GotY poll - 80.96%bring in anything even slightly relevant to your arguments, but come on now. :P You're comp Difference between LoZ:TP and Wii Sports - 71.34% LoZ:TP's total in the GC GotY poll - 86.31% Difference between LoZ:TP and Harvest Moon: Magical Melody - 81.24% SM64DS looked the least dominant in those polls and allowed Feel The Magic to perform better against it than LoZ:TP let Harvest Moon or a game that was packed in with the Wii. That just sounds so much more dominant it's not even funny. We also at least heard good things about Trauma Center and saw ads for other games it faced, whereas SM64DS faced complete nobodies. This looks very good for already the most powerful franchise here, which can only help the cause for Nintendo this year as well. I wouldn't put any stock into those polls at all. I know you try to bring in anything even slightly relevant to your arguments, but come on now. :P You're comparing a port on a handheld to the release of one of the most anticipated games of all time on a new console? And did you really use italics for Wii Sports? Yeah, it was packed in... but did you really expect it to get many votes over a brand spanking new Zelda game? And hell, speaking of pack-ins, what ever happened to the Metroid Prime: Hunters surge due to the pack-in? --- Currently playing: God of War 2, Fable, Ultimate Spiderman, FFVI Advance |
HaRRicH | Posted 4/17/2007 2:02:39 PM | message detail |
THAT WAS A DEMO GAWD I WAS DUMB I've still heard so much more about Wii Sports than I heard about many games this past year...or, hell, more than I heard about SM64DS for that matter. I thought that Wii Sports would have managed quite afew more votes than it did due to its reception and pack-in 15% or better. Instead, like you said, LoZ:TP annihilated it; obviously that's a testament of its strength, but I still don't think Wii Sports is pure trash like that poll made it look like. It's still a selling point of the Wii, that one can pay less for one that comes with a fun game than the 360 or PS3 without a game. Besides...hey, the GC-port of LoZ:TP kicked even more ass in its poll than the Wii-version, so SM64DS can't entirely hide behind that excuse. Not the same situation obviously, I understand the fallacy behind this, but I still see it as being a small compliment to the other points I made for there being another Nintendo Boost this year. --- This is my main account, but I see all the cool people doing it...... HaRRicH |
therealmnm | Posted 4/17/2007 2:15:32 PM | message detail |
I didn't emphasize on my point that you are talking about Super Mario 64 DS. A port. On a handheld. People just don't care as much about those Mario ports. Even the mighty SM64DS. What it got against Feel the Magic, or any other game just doesn't mean as much. I wouldn't try to use it's performance to compare with Twilight Princess. It's just not in the same boat. --- Currently playing: God of War 2, Fable, Ultimate Spiderman, FFVI Advance |
therealmnm | Posted 4/17/2007 2:16:10 PM | message detail |
*its... dammit --- Currently playing: God of War 2, Fable, Ultimate Spiderman, FFVI Advance |
HaRRicH | Posted 4/17/2007 2:29:46 PM | message detail |
Mainly my theme on a Nintendo boost can be emphasized with what you
said; LoZ:TP was incredibly anticipated on a new console while also
being ported to the GC...SM64DS was ported on a handheld and was simply
looked forward to. People claimed the Nintendo Boost came from an
influx of new gamers that came because of the DS, and Mario certainly
reaped the benefits (not looking back right now to see how other
Nintendo characters did)...and Nintendo's always had the handheld
demographic under control. Now, with a newborn-classic driving a system
that is already looking to be more successful than the Gamecube was and
perhaps even win this generation's system-war, it could get mighty
dangerous to bet against Nintendo in anything possibly debatable once
before. I also just thought of this...but Nintendo's had the last three super-classics (or games debatable to be in our former Super Seven) on this site: LoZ:OoT (which was also ported on the GC and I think is now on the VC), SSBM, and LoZ:TP. I'm not counting FF3/6 port due to looking at the original's release date instead of the port's, but it's also worth mentioning that the handheld-port and original were both on Nintendo systems. Now, with Nintendo having the console advantage again, this site could get mighty potent with Nintendo fans. --- This is my main account, but I see all the cool people doing it...... HaRRicH |
therealmnm | Posted 4/17/2007 3:14:04 PM | message detail |
Yes, Nintendo has had a new system out, which is reason for that
particular demographic to remain strong on this site. But it's not like
there hasn't been anything to strengthen the non-Nintendo
demographic on this site. The Xbox 360 is going strong, and the PS3 HAS
been released, although it's not doing as well. And it's pretty hard
for Nintendo to spread the gap even further as far as contest strength
goes. --- Currently playing: God of War 2, Fable, Ultimate Spiderman, FFVI Advance |
LeonhartForever | Posted 4/17/2007 5:07:34 PM | message detail |
I thought we realized that GOTY polls have borne little relevance on contest strength a long time ago... --- "I'm only here to see how the story plays out. Any self-respecting leading man would do the same." - Balthier |
therealmnm | Posted 4/17/2007 7:13:24 PM | message detail |
I thought we realized that GOTY polls have borne little relevance on contest strength a long time ago... Eh, I was more or less arguing against his use of those polls. Besides, aren't we discussing a potential influx and not the strength of the discussed games? --- Currently playing: God of War 2, Fable, Ultimate Spiderman, FFVI Advance |
HaRRicH | Posted 4/17/2007 9:35:34 PM | message detail |
Yes, Nintendo has had a new system out, which is reason for that
particular demographic to remain strong on this site. But it's not like
there hasn't been anything to strengthen the non-Nintendo demographic
on this site. I'm not arguing that so much as the influx. However, although Ngamer has pointed out this kind of answer has been traditionally inaccurate, that GC poll I pointed out said that 11.54% of the 27.33% that didn't have a GC wanted to get a Wii...about 42% of people without a GC wanted a Wii. I'd like to think that means something, but again, similar options have proven inaccurate before (not to mention other variables like people who had a GC and was heartbroken by it) and I'm arguing more for the influx anyway. The Xbox 360 is going strong, and the PS3 HAS been released, although it's not doing as well. And it's pretty hard for Nintendo to spread the gap even further as far as contest strength goes. It's certainly possible though -- LoZ:TP has proven it trumps any game they can dish at it right now (and, honestly, probably any game Xbox/PS2 made last generation too), and I'd like to see the five strongest characters that came from either the 360 or PS3 so far too...hell, how about the top five characters that's at least made an appearance on one of them in case there's a character with halfway-decent strength I'm missing there? Besides, this is still a big turn-around for Nintendo's situation. At GameFAQs it was PS2 > GC > Xbox...and right now, it's Wii > 360 > PS3. In sales it was PS2 >>> Xbox > GC...and now it's looking like the Wii and 360 will be duking it out for first while the PS3 is lingering behind as #3. Let's compliment that with how the PSP ownership has apparently dropped about a percent while the DS ownership went up another 3% yesterday on GameFAQs. I agree, it's bound to be hard to spread the gap that already exists here, but Nintendo's making a bigger gap become almost reasonable. --- This is my main account, but I see all the cool people doing it...... HaRRicH |
Big Bob | Posted 4/17/2007 9:41:52 PM | message detail |
It's been too long since a contest. For once, I honestly don't care if X will beat X. --- *sigh* |
MnMZero | Posted 4/17/2007 10:40:36 PM | message detail |
It's been too long since a contest. For once, I honestly don't care if X will beat X. But Zero would beat X, M I RITE??!?!??! --- *Is therealmnm* Proud Supporter of Zero |
HaRRicH | Posted 4/17/2007 10:46:47 PM | message detail |
Whatever, X would SFF Zero to the ground. Zero was just lucky Mega Man's from a different series! --- This is my main account, but I see all the cool people doing it...... HaRRicH |
Ngamer64 | Posted 4/17/2007 11:45:02 PM | message detail |
omgomg way to steal my thunder. The DS makes yet another strong push, charging ahead of the DreamCast and into 9th place on the overall Share ranks. At 59%, you've got to consider this an excellent start for the young handheld, especially considering that the incredibly popular GBA peaked at just 74%... certainly within range if the DS keeps up the good work. Now for a trend watch! * In the past 7 months, the DS grew its userbase by a respectable 4.13%. I hope we get another poll a month or two down the line, to see what kind of effect Pokemon has. * In the past 7 months, the PSP anti-grew its userbase by a rather disturbing 0.74%. In other news, goodness me is GameFAQs ever looking old as the poll stands currently. But of course I speak too soon... we've got to wait until the kiddies wake up! Literally, for once. Someone should paste in the Age results from just before the sun rises EST, so we can actually track how young the infamous "morning vote" and "after-school vote" really is. --- = lol x-stats Still smarting from the beatdown Rufus applied in the Guru Contest! |
redrocket | Posted 4/18/2007 3:06:47 AM | message detail |
POTD Results as of 6:00 AM EDT Under 10 0.75% 221 10-13 2.4% 702 14-17 23.15% 6781 18-20 33.59% 9839 21-25 28.71% 8410 26-30 7.78% 2279 31-40 2.77% 812 Over 40 0.83% 244 TOTAL VOTES 29288 --- Pacific Islands Heart Beat aims to make a difference by encouraging and supporting individuals to make positive lifestyle changes. |
LeonhartForever | Posted 4/18/2007 5:50:09 AM | message detail |
Hmmm...I don't feel as old looking at that poll, heh. I wonder how many of these old fogeys actually use our boards. --- "I'm only here to see how the story plays out. Any self-respecting leading man would do the same." - Balthier |
Haste_2 | Posted 4/18/2007 7:30:53 AM | message detail |
I'm rather surprised only like 11% of the voters
are aged 26 and older. I mean, I'm 21, and there are guys who've been
gaming long before I have. --- "Ah, a party! We haven't had one of those. It could be fun! So...what is a party?" "Well, you drink punch and eat CAKE! ...I think." |
Ngamer64 | Posted 4/18/2007 7:38:19 AM | message detail |
Thanks for the timely update, redrock! --- = lol x-stats Still smarting from the beatdown Rufus applied in the Guru Contest! |
LeonhartForever | Posted 4/18/2007 10:45:46 AM | message detail |
Out of pure boredom and a lack of a contest, I've decided to start up a
"Rate the Contest Match" string of topics. At least it should give us
something to talk about and it'll bring back nostalgia. Yeah, "Rate
the..." topics are overdone, but whatever. I don't think one such as
this is so bad. You can check the first day out there if you want. --- "I'm only here to see how the story plays out. Any self-respecting leading man would do the same." - Balthier |
Ngamer64 | Posted 4/18/2007 6:45:56 PM | message detail |
Ok, prime "Day Vote" time is over, so let's see how this broke down. Currently we stand at How old are you? Under 10 0.79% 836 10-13 5.38% 5669 14-17 30.55% 32191 18-20 27.96% 29462 21-25 23.73% 25007 26-30 7.56% 7968 31-40 3.02% 3184 Over 40 1% 1053 TOTAL VOTES 105370 Is there really such a thing as the "kiddie vote?" The results... may shock you! If we consider everything under 18 to be the kiddies, then during the Night Vote (midnight to 6) that rocky caught, 26.30% of the total votes were cast by kiddies. But during the Day vote, from 6am until 8, the % of kiddies jumped to... 40.74%! Quite a turnover... any wonder that Crono and Mega Man crumble once that crowd starts to have their say? Now let's see how old this so-called "second night vote" from 8 to midnight is. --- = lol x-stats Still smarting from the beatdown Rufus applied in the Guru Contest! |
PortugalTheMann | Posted 4/18/2007 7:21:13 PM | message detail |
Wow... 18-20 was dominating when I voted this morning. --- Explicit Content. V-Tokens: 847 |
trannyscience | Posted 4/18/2007 7:22:01 PM | message detail |
darn you kiddies --- yzzyx V-Tokens: 1 |
PortugalTheMann | Posted 4/18/2007 7:22:35 PM | message detail |
shut up gramps go find your teeth --- Explicit Content. V-Tokens: 847 |
Ngamer64 | Posted 4/20/2007 12:20:08 AM | message detail |
Let's assume all the "Under 10" voters were 9, all the "Over 40" voters
were 41, and that the average voter from each of the other categories
was right in the middle of that age range. Sounds reasonable enough,
eh? Given that, we find that the average GameFAQs user is currently 19.71 years old. Given its reputation as a hive of 15 year old male fanboys, that age is pretty impressive, IMO! Now let's go back to a point King Morgoth first brought up back in '05. His claim at that time was that the Nintendo Boost could be partially explained by the site getting older; "the kiddies" are now supporting the GTAs and Halos of the world, while your Marios and Mega Mans get massive backing through nostalgia alone. Doing so, we find that the average GameFAQs age in September of 2003 was... 18.82 years. In terms of "kiddies" aged 17 or younger, we've gone from 52.79% of the site to just 37.96%- a pretty dramatic shift, I'd say. When I brought this up last year I was criticized on the basis that "of course people are going to get older in 3.5 year's time!" But that's a rather narrow-minded approach, because the universal perception has always been that playing videogames is a 13 year old boy's hobby, one that he's sure to "grow out of" once he gets his driver's license... or failing that, certainly when he finishes high school. But as we clearly see, that isn't happening. In other news, that "second night vote" from 8 until midnight really surprised me- 46.75% of votes cast during the period were made by kiddies, up 5% over the standard Day Vote! Even if we consider kiddies to be voters under the age of 14, a whole ton of them were still online between 8 and midnight, which I also didn't expect. The pre-teen (or 13) breakdown went as follows: Night Vote: 3.15% Day Vote: 7.34% 2nd Night: 8.75% If it wasn't clear that CJay polltime change killed the Night Vote that used to determine matches in the last few hours, it's certainly apparent now! --- = lol x-stats Still smarting from the beatdown Rufus applied in the Guru Contest! |
UltimaterializerX | Posted 4/20/2007 9:23:24 PM | message detail |
Good stuff as always, NGamer <3 ~*ST*~ --- 2/4/2007 - SUPER BOWL CHAMPION COLTS!! Now Playing: Final Fantasy, FF6A, Castlevania: Lament of the Innocence, Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance |
Ngamer64 | Posted 4/21/2007 3:46:52 PM | message detail |
Yikes, we've backslid into full-on purge fighting mode! --- = lol x-stats Still smarting from the beatdown Rufus applied in the Guru Contest! |
LeonhartForever | Posted 4/21/2007 4:09:07 PM | message detail |
Sounds like a good time to shamelessly plug "Rate the Contest Match," featuring the legendary Magus/Knuckles matchup today! --- "I'm only here to see how the story plays out. Any self-respecting leading man would do the same." - Balthier |
PortugalTheMann | Posted 4/21/2007 9:03:09 PM | message detail |
Rate the Contest Match more like Rate ______ #20467 m i rite ulti? --- Explicit Content. V-Tokens: 847 |
UltimaterializerX | Posted 4/21/2007 9:06:06 PM | message detail |
rite ~*ST*~ --- 2/4/2007 - SUPER BOWL CHAMPION COLTS!! Now Playing: Final Fantasy, FF6A, Castlevania: Lament of the Innocence, Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance |
PortugalTheMann | Posted 4/21/2007 9:06:24 PM | message detail |
thx i no --- Explicit Content. V-Tokens: 847 |
HeroicTronBonne | Posted 4/22/2007 7:39:25 AM | message detail |
These contest stats topics need more cowbell during off-season. --- The Angel of Death and Leader of the Anti-NATION WWEGSB Hardcore Legend and Board 8er Masa/Hiko |
XIII_rocks | Posted 4/22/2007 4:38:01 PM | message detail |
CONTEST NOW THANKS --- Sign plz "Proud" owner of 1 V-TOKEN! |
HaRRicH | Posted 4/22/2007 5:35:35 PM | message detail |
LAWL HES WORKIN ON IT GAWD you think it'd piss CJay off pretty bad if we sent him afew quote-brackets of our own via feedback tickets? it would. --- This is my main account, but I see all the cool people doing it...... HaRRicH |
Ngamer64 | Posted 4/22/2007 8:16:12 PM | message detail |
Well, TRE made that one based off all the noms from the board. We could always send that. --- = lol x-stats Still smarting from the beatdown Rufus applied in the Guru Contest! |
PortugalTheMann | Posted 4/22/2007 8:41:52 PM | message detail |
we could also get naked and lick each other just a suggestion --- Explicit Content. V-Tokens: 847 |
ZFS | Posted 4/22/2007 8:42:31 PM | message detail |
did someone say naked im so here --- "Listen to my story. This may be our last chance." -- Tidus |
HaRRicH | Posted 4/22/2007 8:44:59 PM | message detail |
Ha, true. I don't really wanna be the guy to send it to him if it gets
sent though, since I just recently sent a ticket asking merely for some
kind of official contest update since this board's demotivated of the
idea...and it went to Read rather quick. I meant it more in jest 'cuz I'm not gonna do it...but hey, maybe if somebody else thought it would be a good idea then go for it. CJay needs something to get this contest going, I would think..... --- This is my main account, but I see all the cool people doing it...... HaRRicH |
swirIdude | Posted 4/22/2007 9:01:51 PM | message detail |
This topic needs more Piplup. --- ENTER THE KAIBA CAVE! The sonic demo is awesome. Its a total reminder that bad things can always get worse. ~red13n |
XIII_rocks | Posted 4/23/2007 12:21:22 AM | message detail | you think it'd piss CJay off pretty bad if we sent him afew
quote-brackets of our own via feedback tickets? it would. Do it! It might actually remind him it exists. --- Sign plz "Proud" owner of 1 V-TOKEN! |
LeonhartForever | Posted 4/23/2007 10:38:22 AM | message detail |
...So when did the Series Contest start last year anyway? --- "I'm only here to see how the story plays out. Any self-respecting leading man would do the same." - Balthier |
HaRRicH | Posted 4/23/2007 11:20:09 AM | message detail |
Thinking about Zelda in a recent four-pack on my board, I don't think
I've really tried to force an argument on a seemingly-favorite subject
of mine like this: we already know that Zelda did much better against
Samus last year than Ganondorf did in 2k5 (44.73% to 40.34%). I also
know that people are skeptical of Zelda's value...but I don't really
remember people saying why. Did people finally crack about SSB/M
support being able to affect matches with big fanbases, or do people
feel like Zelda > Ganondorf now? You can have one or both be true,
but you can't have neither. You also can't say LoZ > Metroid since
they're both LoZ characters. I'd also like to compliment that with how Kirby did better against Bowser in 2k5 than he did against Luigi last year (47.88% to 47.69%) despite Bowser looking better than Luigi in every contest they've been in...and it's common knowledge that Bowser is horrible in SSBM. Not that Luigi is stellar, per say...but you can't say SMB > Kirby since they're both SMB characters, and Sonic/Luigi by itself would tell you Luigi actually weakened this year from 2k5 (though I'd argue otherwise -- Luigi/Zero and NSMB, for example). We don't know where PoP is, so we can't say anything on if Kirby dropped or not...but with the Nintendo/SSBB/Wii-hype from last year, why would he? Just saying, I wanna hear how people feel about it now: is Zelda stronger than Ganon? Can the SSB/M fanbase really have that much pull? Something has to give; I know neither theory has ever been popular. --- This is my main account, but I see all the cool people doing it...... HaRRicH |
HaRRicH | Posted 4/23/2007 11:23:07 AM | message detail |
It went on during May, during the explosive E3. However, CJay
apparently told Ulti this time last month that he was holding off the
contest due to this (March) being a busy time of the year for the game
industry... ...for as long of a wait as we've had and knowing he made it through E3 last year with the Series Contest, I'm convinced CJay just doesn't want to do it anymore. To that, if I'm right, I say fine, but I want some kind of official word on the matter -- that's all any of us want anymore, dare I say more than the actual Quote Contest itself. --- This is my main account, but I see all the cool people doing it...... HaRRicH |
PortugalTheMann | Posted 4/23/2007 11:26:43 AM | message detail |
You can have one or both be true, but you can't have neither. Well you actually can, if you just look at Samus' match with Tifa and say "something definitely went funny there, so it's not out of the realm of possibility for something equally as funny happening in Zelda/Samus." Call it whatever you'd like, but I don't think those are your only two options. --- Explicit Content. V-Tokens: 847 |
HaRRicH | Posted 4/23/2007 11:32:02 AM | message detail |
Right, but let me ask you this: if Samus was in her traditional armored
suit instead of her ZZS-look, do you think the match would have
remained the same? Also, who's to say where Tifa really is? She DID
have FF:AC and KH2 behind her going into the contest last year as well
as whatever influx FF12 and DoC:FF7 brought in..... Just saying, you can justify what "went funny" in Samus/Tifa. Where's the justification on Samus/Zelda? At least, what's your personal verdict on where Zelda stands if you or others insist on something merely funny happening? --- This is my main account, but I see all the cool people doing it...... HaRRicH |
XIII_rocks | Posted 4/23/2007 11:38:52 AM | message detail |
I always figured Zelda overperformed on Samus due to VCF >_> I can't believe E3 is next month (or is it? Did it get like changed or something?)! Has it really been a year since the Giant Enemy Crab/599 US Dollars crap started? --- Sign plz "Proud" owner of 1 V-TOKEN! |
HaRRicH | Posted 4/23/2007 11:44:38 AM | message detail |
I understand the format of E3 has changed, but not the time. I think it's still gonna be next month. VCF? ...Virtual Console Factor? --- This is my main account, but I see all the cool people doing it...... HaRRicH |