GameFAQs Contests

Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 436
Ngamer64 | Posted 2/2/2007 9:23:13 PM | message detail |
How accurate has GameFAQs historically been regarding the big game? I'm glad you asked! 2006 Who do you think will win the Super Bowl? Pittsburgh Steelers 58.41% 35046 Seattle Seahawks 41.59% 24952 TOTAL VOTES 59998 Result: Steelers by 11 2005 (Final Four) Who do you think will win the Super Bowl? Atlanta Falcons 16.27% 6389 New England Patriots 37.35% 14668 Philadelphia Eagles 19.88% 7810 Pittsburgh Steelers 26.5% 10410 TOTAL VOTES 39277 Result: Patriots by 3 (over the Eagles) 2004 Who do you think will win the Super Bowl? Carolina Panthers 40.38% 19527 New England Patriots 59.62% 28830 TOTAL VOTES 48357 Result: Patriots by 3 2003 Who do you think will win the Super Bowl? Oakland Raiders 59.97% 26543 Tampa Bay Buccaneers 40.03% 17721 TOTAL VOTES 44264 Result: Bucs by 27 2002 Who do you think will win the Super Bowl? New England 34.29% 6629 St. Louis 65.71% 12701 TOTAL VOTES 19330 Result: Pats by 3 2001 Who do you think will win the Super Bowl? Baltimore Ravens 43.52% 3596 New York Giants 56.48% 4667 TOTAL VOTES 8263 Result: Ravens by 27 2000 Who do you think will win the Super Bowl? St. Louis 27.67% 1490 Tennessee 35.43% 1908 I just don't care 36.9% 1987 TOTAL VOTES 5385 Result: Rams by 7 Ouch at those early years! But as our vote totals have gone up, so has our accuracy. --- = lol x-stats Still smarting from the beatdown Rufus applied in the Guru Contest! |
YoAriel33 | Posted 2/2/2007 9:25:38 PM | message detail |
XD @ "I just don't care" winning the first Super Bowl poll. Eat it, NFL! GameFAQs doesn't give a rat's ass about you! --- Watch and you'll see, someday I'll be... part of your world! yoblazer33: NO LIMITZ |
swirIdude | Posted 2/2/2007 9:31:12 PM | message detail |
GameFAQs picked the Giants? What a joke. --- ENTER THE KAIBA CAVE! No, there is an elephant in the way. |
HaRRicH | Posted 2/2/2007 11:26:11 PM | message detail |
Those stats show game-nerds can't compare with casual gamers when it
comes to football and game-nerds are gettin' out-numbered! Beware of
Madden '08 > Chrono Trigger!!! --- The Office > you. |
Big Bob | Posted 2/2/2007 11:39:18 PM | message detail |
Loop me in the "I don't care" group. Which group is the one Ulti hates? I'll vote for that one. --- "The only thing allowed to interrupt me is death itself!" - Franziska von Karma |
transience | Posted 2/2/2007 11:43:51 PM | message detail |
RPGuy96 | Posted 2/3/2007 9:58:03 PM | message detail |
Heh, Power Hour says 45% of the site owns a Wii and 75% wants one. I
wonder how long it took the Cube and PS2 to hit 45% ownership? *goes
poll checking* --- Mustache...and green... |
Mac Arrowny | Posted 2/3/2007 10:06:33 PM | message detail |
For someone who wants a Wii as soon as SSBB comes out, this poll has
irritating options. I'm sure that at least a few people who feel the
same voted for the fourth option. --- "I am the Scourge of God, appointed to chastise you! You are wicked, but I am more wicked than you!" |
RPGuy96 | Posted 2/3/2007 10:10:47 PM | message detail |
GameCube - 37% in May 2002, 52% in November 2002, so between 6 and 12
months after launch,. And, given that it's split down the middle,
probably about 9 months in. PlayStation 2 - 45% in late September 2001, so almost 12 months after release. Wii (Power Hour boosted) - 45% about two and a half months in. I wonder if it stays above 40%? --- Mustache...and green... |
Ngamer64 | Posted 2/3/2007 10:42:29 PM | message detail |
To put that ~45% into perspective, here was what I found as the latest
ownage percentage for all the consoles, as of October 21st 2006.
(thanks TRE!) Have You Ever Owned... 1 PS2 81.71 2 GB 80.33 3 N64 79.11 4 NES 78.18 5 GC 77.42 6 GBA 74.72 7 PSX 73.58 8 Xbox 48.29 9 DS 46.48 10 DC 40.54 11 Atari 35.67 12 PSP 25.90 13 360 16.14 14 VB 13.25 In 2.5 months, the Wii has very nearly matched the GameFAQs market share the Xbox was able to tap in 6 years. It's also well out in front of the DreamCast and PSP, and within striking distance of the DS (though that % has surely climbed with this last Christmas, hopefully we get a poll to update that number soon). --- = lol x-stats Still smarting from the beatdown Rufus applied in the Guru Contest! |
swirIdude | Posted 2/4/2007 9:58:32 AM | message detail |
Anyone think CJay forgot that he started a contest again? He did that once before didn't he? --- ENTER THE KAIBA CAVE! No, there is an elephant in the way. |
PortugalTheMann | Posted 2/4/2007 12:25:43 PM | message detail |
It continues to amaze me how long the nomination periods last... all
talk has died down, everyone that is going to nominate already has, and
everyone's just waiting on a bracket. The tallying process seems like a
pretty easy process too, seems like a simple script could do the trick. Not that I really care, as I have no interest in this contest, but whatever! --- Explicit Content. Cheer Up Emo Kids |
XIII_rocks | Posted 2/4/2007 1:41:37 PM | message detail |
*taps foot impatiently* This is getting annoying now. --- Sign plz Anticipating: RE5, MGS4, SSBB, GoW 2 |
Mikey Lenetia | Posted 2/4/2007 1:48:27 PM | message detail |
Hm. Who knows? Maybe it's taking a while since there might be a ton of nominations? *shrug* That's the only thing I can think of, really, since this really opens up doors to so many different quotes, there might be a few he'll have to cut out. --- Aerith: Who would you go for? Marth, Roy, or Link? If you had to choose. Peach: Link. I'd sooner slap the other two around. Literally. |
RPGuy96 | Posted 2/4/2007 9:54:07 PM | message detail |
(steals from Ngamer who stole from TRE) Have You Ever Owned... 01. 81.71% PlayStation 2 02. 80.33% Game Boy 03. 79.11% Nintendo 64 04. 78.18% Nintendo 05. 77.42% GameCube 06. 74.72% Game Boy Advance 07. 73.58% PlayStation 08. 72.63% Super Nintendo 09. 48.29% XBox 10. 46.48% DS 11. 42.07% Wii 12. 40.54% DreamCast 13. 35.67% Atari 14. 25.90% PlayStation Portable 15. 16.14% XBox 360 16. 13.25% Virtual Boy 17. 10.41% PlayStation 3 18. 01.54% N-Gage I added a(n old) SNES poll, as well as the N-Gage for comedy value. And to keep the PS3 from being last, apparently. --- Mustache...and green... |
UltimaterializerX | Posted 2/4/2007 9:54:50 PM | message detail |
GO COLTS! ~*ST*~ --- "On a long enough time line, the survival rate for everything drops to zero." Now Playing: Disgaea 2, KH:COM (Sora), Castlevania: PoR |
HaRRicH | Posted 2/4/2007 10:34:43 PM | message detail |
Hooray, UT-alum! --- The Office > you. |
Ngamer64 | Posted 2/5/2007 2:56:42 AM | message detail |
I didn't steal from TRE! He just helped me find where I'd first posted the listing back in October. Regardless though, that's a mighty fine update. --- = lol x-stats Still smarting from the beatdown Rufus applied in the Guru Contest! |
cyko | Posted 2/5/2007 3:49:39 AM | message detail |
it is now official - Virtual Boy > Playstation 3 --- "I am the reinforcements." - Ashley Riot (Vagrant Story) |
transience | Posted 2/5/2007 3:50:55 AM | message detail |
NINTENDOFAQS HAHAHAHA --- zyxxy "Theo is well again." - FFDragon |
LeonhartForever | Posted 2/5/2007 8:35:02 AM | message detail |
Peyton Manning: Super Bowl champion! Huzzah! --- "I'm only here to see how the story plays out. Any self-respecting leading man would do the same." - Balthier |
LeonhartForever | Posted 2/5/2007 11:42:03 AM | message detail |
Day 19 of the Nomination Rally Tournament: --- "I'm only here to see how the story plays out. Any self-respecting leading man would do the same." - Balthier |
HeroicTronBonne | Posted 2/5/2007 8:29:17 PM | message detail |
Glad to see PS2 is still on top --- Mr. Inverse Absolute Power WWEGSB Hardcore Legend and Board 8er Masa/Hiko |
UltimaterializerX | Posted 2/5/2007 9:05:00 PM | message detail |
Ditto. ~*ST*~ --- 2/4/2007 - SUPER BOWL CHAMPION COLTS!! Now Playing: Disgaea 2, KH:COM (Sora), Castlevania: PoR |
Ngamer64 | Posted 2/6/2007 12:18:26 AM | message detail |
After seeing the mess that was my old slap-dash attempt at those
console numbers, I decided to recheck my numbers against those Apr
posted a few months back, plus update with all the latest. The most
important change is that now I'm tracking both the Max Market Share
(the best Yes I Own It % it ever got) as well as
the Current Market Share (from the latest poll). Wait, that's the 2nd
most important change. The #1 is that I'm tracking the exact poll dates
on all this data now, so we'll know if it's so old we shouldn't even
trust it. If you see a * in this list, that means that the Current Market is actually lower than the Max, which doesn't make much sense, so there's probably something fishy going on. A ** means that number is really, really messed up. GameFAQs All-Time Market Share (aka "Do You Own" OR "Have You Ever Owned" these consoles) 1 PS2 82.80% 9/2/06 2 GB 80.33% 9/14/00 3 N64 79.12% 11/9/05 4 NES 78.18% 1/30/04 5 PSX 76.25% 11/9/05 6 GC 74.57%* 2/28/06 7 GBA 74.72% 3/5/06 8 SNES 72.63%** 8/20/00 9 DC 56.24%* 1/17/01 10 DS 54.88% 9/6/06 11 Xbox 43.5%* 3/1/06 12 Wii 42.07% 2/4/07 13 360 36.17% 12/28/06 14 Atari 35.67% 1/31/04 15 PSP 29.16% 9/7/06 16 VB 13.25% 1/29/04 17 PS3 10.71%* 11/20/06 18 Ngage 2.02%* 2/27/04 * The GC fell from that 74 to 72.66% in the 9/5/06 poll, but that's probably just because there was a "I'm waiting for the Wii" option sucking away Nintendo votes. * The Xbox fell from that 44 to 40.96% in the 9/3/06 poll, but that's probably just because there was a "No, I have a 360" option sucking away the Microsoft votes. * The DreamCast fell from that 56 back in 2001 to a mere 40.56% in the 3/7/06 poll. No explaining away a shift that massive- the site demographic has clearly just changed as the site has expanded in 5+ years. * Yesterday's poll had the PS3 at only 8.59%... that 10% poll from November was just nuts. With so many new console owners surging to the site, the poll drew over 150k votes and threw results way off from what we're used to seeing. I'd trust the Share between 9 and 7 numbers that other polls have been consistently showing. * The N-gage toppled from 2.02 at its "peak" in Feb 04 to only 1.54% 8 months later. Proportionally a big drop, but meh, it's just half a percent. ** The SNES number is way out of whack... it's from a poll in '00 that only drew 10k votes, and made voters pick between NES/SNES/N64 choices, or combos of them. It's unbelievable that there hasn't been a single, straight up "Have You Owned an SNES?" poll in this site's history, given how it dominates every Favorites poll. I'd be shocked if the Share wasn't up there at 80% if you held the poll tomorrow. --- = lol x-stats Still smarting from the beatdown Rufus applied in the Guru Contest! |
Ngamer64 | Posted 2/6/2007 6:29:48 PM | message detail |
After looking over that info, I decided it was too cool for school and made an article to help track it. Also, I sent a form to CJay informing him of how badly we need a Got SNES? PotD. So we'll see if that goes over. --- = lol x-stats Still smarting from the beatdown Rufus applied in the Guru Contest! |
HaRRicH | Posted 2/6/2007 7:38:54 PM | message detail |
NGamer, I was actually about to do that (about the SNES poll). Nice job. --- The Office > you. |
PortugalTheMann | Posted 2/7/2007 5:42:56 AM | message detail |
HaRR, I was actually about to do that (your mother). Nice job. --- Explicit Content. Cheer Up Emo Kids |
LeonhartForever | Posted 2/7/2007 10:36:36 AM | message detail |
Day 20 of the Nomination Rally Tournament: --- "I'm only here to see how the story plays out. Any self-respecting leading man would do the same." - Balthier |
PortugalTheMann | Posted 2/7/2007 5:07:24 PM | message detail |
Thinking about it now... how the hell hasn't "Not even death can save
you from me" been thrown around like crazy for nominations? --- Explicit Content. Cheer Up Emo Kids |
Ngamer64 | Posted 2/7/2007 7:40:51 PM | message detail |
He turned us down! HaR, hit him with our second wave... aka, you! I saw that Death being said quite a bit, I thought, but looking at it now I only see it nommed once in Ulti's topic. Hm. --- = lol x-stats Still smarting from the beatdown Rufus applied in the Guru Contest! |
trannyscience | Posted 2/7/2007 7:41:48 PM | message detail |
I don't even know what that quote is off the top of my head. --- xyzzy™ "oh man if i could get in a giant robot and have sex with other robots it would be so great." - windmage |
HaRRicH | Posted 2/7/2007 7:45:51 PM | message detail |
D2. Not as in Battleship. --- The Office > you. |
trannyscience | Posted 2/7/2007 7:46:50 PM | message detail |
aha. no wonder I don't know it. --- xyzzy™ "oh man if i could get in a giant robot and have sex with other robots it would be so great." - windmage |
Team Rocket Elite | Posted 2/7/2007 8:54:52 PM | message detail |
He turned us down! Mine was just set to Read, did you get a response? --- Rufus Shinra 18 decimated me in the Summer 2006 Guru Contest. Support Wario for the Summer 2007 Contest! |
Ngamer64 | Posted 2/8/2007 12:25:08 AM | message detail |
Nay, mine was also just set to Read. But in my experience, that's always meant he tossed it in the trash. But thanks for backing the cause, TRE! --- = lol x-stats Still smarting from the beatdown Rufus applied in the Guru Contest! |
PortugalTheMann | Posted 2/8/2007 5:46:54 AM | message detail |
Read = lol u guys sux You want it to be filed, or answered immediately! --- Explicit Content. Cheer Up Emo Kids |
HeroicTronBonne | Posted 2/8/2007 4:06:04 PM | message detail |
So yeah, this topic sure is moving slow these days. HOW BOUT THAT BRACKET? >_> --- Mr. Inverse Absolute Power WWEGSB Hardcore Legend and Board 8er Masa/Hiko |
wavedash101 | Posted 2/8/2007 4:06:50 PM | message detail |
WE WANT IT!!! --- Our shields cannot withstand wavedashing of this magnitude! Annoying posters! I am the great wavedash! |
trannyscience | Posted 2/8/2007 4:12:21 PM | message detail |
yeah, my hope in a game contest is dissipating pretty quickly unless we
get a break from the character battle. and that would be unprecedented. --- xyzzy™ "It's not trolling. It's justice." - Lightning Strikes |
Haste_2 | Posted 2/8/2007 4:13:23 PM | message detail |
Any ideas on what the twist could be in the next character battle? --- "Ah, a party! We haven't had one of those. It could be fun! So...what is a party?" "Well, you drink punch and eat CAKE! ...I think." |
wavedash101 | Posted 2/8/2007 4:14:08 PM | message detail |
I fear a sidekick contest...I hope it never happens... --- Our shields cannot withstand wavedashing of this magnitude! Annoying posters! I am the great wavedash! |
trannyscience | Posted 2/8/2007 4:14:30 PM | message detail |
hopefully, there isn't one. it will have been three years since
Clinkeroth faced the main bracket.. well, two and a half for Sephiroth.
I wouldn't mind seeing them flex their strength for us again. --- xyzzy™ "It's not trolling. It's justice." - Lightning Strikes |
HaRRicH | Posted 2/8/2007 4:16:59 PM | message detail |
SOLID OVER SEPHIROTH 2007 BOOK THAT BANK --- The Office > you. |
wavedash101 | Posted 2/8/2007 4:17:38 PM | message detail |
YOU ON CRAZY PILLS AGAIN!!! --- Our shields cannot withstand wavedashing of this magnitude! Annoying posters! I am the great wavedash! |
trannyscience | Posted 2/8/2007 4:17:54 PM | message detail |
as usual, H is onto something. if only The List could prove such a fact. --- xyzzy™ "It's not trolling. It's justice." - Lightning Strikes |
HeroicTronBonne | Posted 2/8/2007 4:18:13 PM | message detail |
I've got one. How bout a "Every person Hiko nominates gets in" Contest >_> --- Mr. Inverse Absolute Power WWEGSB Hardcore Legend and Board 8er Masa/Hiko |
trannyscience | Posted 2/8/2007 4:18:35 PM | message detail |
nah, we're looking for good twists here ! --- xyzzy™ "It's not trolling. It's justice." - Lightning Strikes |
wavedash101 | Posted 2/8/2007 4:18:50 PM | message detail |
^Sounds awesome --- Our shields cannot withstand wavedashing of this magnitude! Annoying posters! I am the great wavedash! |
HaRRicH | Posted 2/8/2007 4:18:52 PM | message detail |
Hey, MGS1 did outdo KH1 on The List..... --- The Office > you. |