GameFAQs Contests

Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 436
trannyscience | Posted 1/22/2007 7:00:55 PM | message detail |
all-time guru ranking points? oh, the horror!!!! I think I'll wait to see what kind of bracket we get. I can't tell how unpredictable this is yet. depends on what we get. --- xyzzy™ "Time to strike then!" - Jay Solano |
UltimaterializerX | Posted 1/22/2007 7:01:03 PM | message detail |
Well after the next character contest, I'll remember to change it to
"Winner also gets a nom from everyone for the next contest" instead of
being an idiot. ~*ST*~ --- "On a long enough time line, the survival rate for everything drops to zero." Now Playing: Disgaea 2, KH:COM (Sora), Castlevania: PoR, Phoenix Wright 2 |
LeonhartForever | Posted 1/23/2007 6:47:26 AM | message detail |
Day 9 of the Nomination Rally Tournament right here: --- "I'm only here to see how the story plays out. Any self-respecting leading man would do the same." - Balthier |
LeonhartForever | Posted 1/23/2007 6:06:02 PM | message detail |
Day 10 of the Nomination Rally Tournament has begun here: --- "I'm only here to see how the story plays out. Any self-respecting leading man would do the same." - Balthier |
Who Cares? | Posted 1/23/2007 6:11:06 PM | message detail |
Ulti said he doesn't want a Character nom on the line for this. Agreed, Gurus? Aww, and I was considering finally signing up this time for that very reason! :( |
Kaxon | Posted 1/23/2007 7:24:22 PM | message detail |
Maybe the winner of this guru contest should get a nomination in the
next random crazy contest Ceej decides to run instead of the character
battle. --- ....TCELES B HSUP |
Ngamer64 | Posted 1/23/2007 7:35:53 PM | message detail |
But who would remember that a year from now? Wait, actually, we
wouldn't even know what the Contest would be, so the winner would have
to make his decision as soon as the crazy noms came up, and THEN we'd
all have to remember to look for what he wanted. Seems a touch
complicated. --- = lol x-stats Still smarting from the beatdown Rufus applied in the Guru Contest! |
trannyscience | Posted 1/23/2007 7:42:33 PM | message detail |
we just need a board regular to actually win one of these things so they can tell us what to do! --- xyzzy™ "Time to strike then!" - Jay Solano |
HaRRicH | Posted 1/23/2007 8:33:08 PM | message detail |
I volunteer for that. --- The Office > you. |
NewLib | Posted 1/23/2007 8:41:44 PM | message detail |
Leonhart, I almost think you shouldnt have put in Balthier in the
Nomination Rally Tournament. He is such a lock to get in and this
screws everyone over in his division. Actually, I also think Midna will be a lock to get in, but I know people will argue with that one. --- --NL-- Z1mZum made me look like Toadette. And made me nominate her. |
trannyscience | Posted 1/23/2007 8:51:04 PM | message detail |
yeah, Balthier winning the NRT would be kinda pointless since he's making it anyway. but eh, no real reason to keep him out. ..then again, Slow kept Jay Solano out because he knew what kind of beast we have unleashed on board 8! --- xyzzy™ "Time to strike then!" - Jay Solano |
HeroicTronBonne | Posted 1/23/2007 9:02:37 PM | message detail |
So is something else besides a sig bet gonna be on the line at all for the Quotes Guru Contest? And honestly, I hope Akuma and Mewtwo tear the Rally Tournament apart. --- Mr. Inverse Absolute Power WWEGSB Hardcore Legend and Board 8er Masa/Hiko |
Janus5000 | Posted 1/23/2007 9:05:01 PM | message detail |
Pffft. After the NRT is over, you will all learn to fear the Ripper. *MINOR FFXII SPOILERS* ...Or, rather, you all would if the whole death thing worked against Basch fon Ronsenberg of Dalmasca. :< *END SPOILERS* --- Those who cast the vote decide nothing. Rufus Shinra 18 decides everything. |
Haste_2 | Posted 1/23/2007 9:49:15 PM | message detail |
If you (or I) haven't been paying attention, nominations are now on the front page. --- "Ah, a party! We haven't had one of those. It could be fun! So...what is a party?" "Well, you drink punch and eat CAKE! ...I think." |
RPGuy96 | Posted 1/23/2007 10:08:05 PM | message detail |
With any luck, that means they'll be closed by this weekend or so. I
can't imagine him leaving them up on the front page for too long. I wonder what quotes the "casuals" will nominate? Maybe I'm just not enough of a Final Fantasy VII fan, but nothing from that game really stands out (aside from "This guy are sick" and Barret's "shiny golden wire of hope," to me anyway). Same with Ocarina of Time (and Link to the Past, for that matter). --- Mustache...and green... |
ZFS | Posted 1/23/2007 10:10:21 PM | message detail |
Nothing wrong with Balthier getting a crapload of nominations! --- "With each passing day, the world finds new and exciting ways to kill a man. " |
XxSoulxX | Posted 1/23/2007 10:10:53 PM | message detail |
Casuals will just guarantee that "Do a Barrel Roll!", "All your base
are belong to us", and maybe "I need a weapon" will be the top seeds. --- - "Ha, the gaming industry, PS3 included, just got Wii'd." - Wanglicious |
Team Rocket Elite | Posted 1/23/2007 10:14:20 PM | message detail |
and Link to the Past, for that matter "You are doing well, lad. But can you break through this secret technique of Darkness? En Garde!" But no one really nominated it so maybe it's not as memorable as I think. --- Rufus Shinra 18 decimated me in the Summer 2006 Guru Contest. Support Wario for the Summer 2007 Contest! |
HaRRicH | Posted 1/23/2007 10:14:45 PM | message detail |
The "This train..." quote(s) is/are plausible for FF7, though I don't really see LoZ being a force for quotes. I imagine most nominations from the casuals will be shorter quotes from more casual-friendly games like "I need a bigger weapon", and MAYBE more catch-phrases like "Headshot!" opposed to longer quotes from more obscure games like Conker's "I am the Great Mighty Poo, and I'm going to throw my **** at you!". That said, I don't see many casual nominating quotes like if it were games/series/characters. --- The Office > you. |
transience | Posted 1/23/2007 10:32:16 PM | message detail |
FF7's only real quote is "this guy are sick". everything else you have
to be a fan of to remember. I don't even know what the heck that Barret
line is and I've beaten the game a few times. I think RPGs are really
at a disadvantage in something like this since you only see the line
once in the entirety of the game. it has to be really memorable, so
something at a big climactic scene or a funny quote that sticks in your
head. --- yzzyx "Time to strike then!" - Jay Solano |
Big Bob | Posted 1/23/2007 10:33:26 PM | message detail |
It's over, Final Fantasy VII! Skies of Arcadia has the high ground! --- "The only thing allowed to interrupt me is death itself!" - Franziska von Karma |
greatone10 | Posted 1/23/2007 10:47:04 PM | message detail |
Speaking of Skies of Arcadia, I think quotes like "Impossible" have a
good chance of going far due to the fact that you do not have to have
played the game to like that quote. Whereas some of the inside jokes or
catchphrases could suffer because they only appeal to their fanbase. --- RIP Eddie Guerrero 1967-2005 Rufus Shinra made me look like Jade in the Guru contest. Wario/Monkey Island for 2K7! |
HaRRicH | Posted 1/23/2007 11:09:11 PM | message detail |
Ironically enough, I don't remember "This guy are sick" all, and
I've beat it probably four times. Other than that, I agree with tran
and greatone. --- The Office > you. |
transience | Posted 1/23/2007 11:10:41 PM | message detail |
I don't either actually, but I hear people say it all the time. that's
really all you need to be memorable. I rarely talk to townspeople I
don't need to so I've probably just never seen it. --- yzzyx "Time to strike then!" - Jay Solano |
ZFS | Posted 1/23/2007 11:11:07 PM | message detail |
This contest needs one quote -- "BASCH LIVES!" That would be enough to make the contest for me. --- "With each passing day, the world finds new and exciting ways to kill a man. " |
BASCH LIVES | Posted 1/23/2007 11:12:39 PM | message detail |
I agree completely. --- I'm Captain Basch Fon Ronsenburg of Dalmasca! Don't listen to Ondore's lies! |
ZFS | Posted 1/23/2007 11:14:33 PM | message detail |
That, sir, is a brilliant account. --- "With each passing day, the world finds new and exciting ways to kill a man. " |
Team Rocket Elite | Posted 1/23/2007 11:17:47 PM | message detail |
FF7's only real quote is "this guy are sick". everything else you have to be a fan of to remember. 26% of this site claim it's their favorite game so... I think RPGs are really at a disadvantage in something like this since you only see the line once in the entirety of the game. And quotations from the same game will SFF each other. You could fill out the form on Chrono Trigger of FF3us alone. But almost no one will and they won't all choose the same 2-3 quotations from the game either. --- Rufus Shinra 18 decimated me in the Summer 2006 Guru Contest. Support Wario for the Summer 2007 Contest! |
transience | Posted 1/23/2007 11:20:54 PM | message detail |
agree, TRE. though even if FF7 is your favourite game, is there a quote
everyone would really rally behind? I don't think people are that
square, no pun intended. they will vote outside of their tastes on
this. the only thing that matters is that since FF7 is so popular,
everyone has played it and thus know the quote(s) better than, say,
Skies of Arcadia. "let's mosey" (my personal choice if we were to get
an FF7 quote) would crush anything SOA has to offer even if it's a
"good" quote. --- yzzyx "Time to strike then!" - Jay Solano |
ZFS | Posted 1/23/2007 11:34:12 PM | message detail |
I couldn't think of too many good FFVII quotes, myself. The one I nominated was "Let's mosey!" --- "With each passing day, the world finds new and exciting ways to kill a man. " |
Team Rocket Elite | Posted 1/23/2007 11:59:36 PM | message detail |
"Attack while It's tail's up! It's gonna counterattack with its laser." That line sticks out to me but I have't actually played the game so I don't know how memorable it actually is. --- Rufus Shinra 18 decimated me in the Summer 2006 Guru Contest. Support Wario for the Summer 2007 Contest! |
ChichiriMuyo | Posted 1/24/2007 12:01:39 AM | message detail |
"Ironically enough, I don't remember "This guy are sick" all, and
I've beat it probably four times. Other than that, I agree with tran
and greatone." Guy in the pipe in sector six, first screen of the town, left-hand side. IIRC. --- Once I was human. Now I am far more. |
Karma Hunter | Posted 1/24/2007 12:33:29 AM | message detail |
These are the ten best quotes I gathered on a whim from Final Fantasy
VII, ordered as best as I could in how powerful I think they'll be.
Decide how badly I failed!!: "This guy are sick." -- Aeris Gainsborough "In my veins runs the blood of the Ancients. I am one of the rightful heirs to this planet!" -- Sephiroth "Shut up! Sit your ass down in that chair and drink your goddamn tea!!" -- Cid Highwind "Let's mosey." -- Cloud Strife "What I have shown you is reality. What you remember, that is the illusion." -- Sephiroth "There ain't no gettin' offa this train we're on!" -- Barret Wallace "I don't care what you are doing, so much as the idiotic way that you are doing it." -- Vincent Valentine "My fingers are tingling. My mouth is dry. My eyes are burning!" -- Cloud Strife "A little fear will control the minds of the common people. There's no reason to waste money on them." -- Rufus Shinra "The gate of tomorrow is not the light of heaven, but the darkness in the depths of the Earth." --Vincent Valentine ...I have an urge to play FF7 now lol bbl --- *kills self* Commit it to memory. |
transience | Posted 1/24/2007 12:37:07 AM | message detail |
see, I would never be able to quote Sephiroth's ancient line, but if I
saw it I'd know it instantly. this goes for every FF7 fan. (speaking of
which, "I'm going to go see my mother" or whatever it is would probably
be #6 or 7 on that list at the very least) so yeah, I think those at the top would do moderately well, but I'm fairly sure they aren't memorable in terms of something that comes to mind instantly for most FF7 fans. so I don't expect to see more than one, maybe two FF7 quotes in a 32 bracket. --- yzzyx "Time to strike then!" - Jay Solano |
ZFS | Posted 1/24/2007 12:47:23 AM | message detail |
"What I have shown you is reality. What you remember, that is the illusion." -- Sephiroth This would easily be Sephiroth's strongest quote, not the one about the inheriting the power of the Ancients. --- "With each passing day, the world finds new and exciting ways to kill a man. " |
Karma Hunter | Posted 1/24/2007 12:48:32 AM | message detail |
Well sorry --- *kills self* Commit it to memory. |
ZFS | Posted 1/24/2007 12:50:17 AM | message detail |
You're going to have to beg for forgiveness !! </Sephiroth> --- "With each passing day, the world finds new and exciting ways to kill a man. " |
cyko | Posted 1/24/2007 4:38:25 AM | message detail |
"There ain't no gettin' offa this train we're on!" -- Barret Wallace that is easily the most memorable quote from FF7 for me. i would figure that to be one of the most if not THE most well-known FF7 quote. --- "I am the reinforcements." - Ashley Riot (Vagrant Story) |
therealmnm | Posted 1/24/2007 8:07:23 AM | message detail |
Ugh, I hate Sephiroth quotes. People think they are so awesome for some
reason... He's just making simple statements. He didn't even say them
in a way that stands out. "I'm going to see my mother". And I'm going
to get laid! ""What I have shown you is reality. What you remember,
that is the illusion." Why thank you Doctor Phil! But seriously, none of his lines stand out to me at all! My favorite line from the game is Cid's drink your tea. Now THAT is a memorable quote! "There ain't no gettin' offa this train" is corny, but it at least gives Barret a sense of corniness. Same with Cloud and "Let's mosey". --- Currently playing: Resident Evil 4, Twilight Princess (GC), Castlevania PoR, Yoshi's Island DS |
Karma Hunter | Posted 1/24/2007 8:21:29 AM | message detail |
Ugh, I hate Sephiroth quotes. People think they are so awesome for some reason... He's just making simple statements. True, but that doesn't exactly have a bearing on popularity. Heck, as long as they can be associated with Sephiroth (and lines like 'blood of the Ancients' and 'going to see my mother' certainly have that advantage) they're going to garner a ton of votes on that merit alone. --- *kills self* Commit it to memory. |
consolefreak | Posted 1/24/2007 8:24:10 AM | message detail |
"What I have shown you is reality. What you remember, that is the illusion." -- Sephiroth I can't believe I didn't nominate that. Awesome, awesome quote. --- The blood of the weak shall be the ink with which we scribe great Yawgmoth's glorious name. - Stronghold Architect, journal (MTG) |
RPGuy96 | Posted 1/24/2007 8:52:45 AM | message detail |
I still like "To me, it looks like a golden shiny wire of hope,"
(Barret) because it seems like one of the translators told his peers
LeonhartForever | Posted 1/24/2007 11:46:37 AM | message detail |
"We may be retreating, but we're still victorious." - Reno --- "I'm only here to see how the story plays out. Any self-respecting leading man would do the same." - Balthier |
Big Bob | Posted 1/24/2007 11:47:59 AM | message detail |
"I just got double-crossed by a ****ing CAT?!" - Cloud --- "The only thing allowed to interrupt me is death itself!" - Franziska von Karma |
LeonhartForever | Posted 1/24/2007 11:49:54 AM | message detail |
Eh, I didn't really want to exclude Balthier and Midna based on the
"lock" status because there's really no such thing. Sure, they've got
great chances, but I'm not taking any chances by proclaiming them
locks. Heck, you could say that maybe 3 of the 5 who won the original
tournament were "locks" when I did it. Essentially, even if Balthier is
a lock, it's just a matter of putting him in better position to
actually win a match, I suppose. --- "I'm only here to see how the story plays out. Any self-respecting leading man would do the same." - Balthier |
KleenexTissue50 | Posted 1/24/2007 11:53:11 AM | message detail |
In case no one here noticed, nominations are on the front page, and have been for about a day now. --- Rufus Shinra won the Guru Contest. I didn't. Rufus > Kleenex. Now playing: Final Fantasy XII, Final Fantasy V Advance |
LeonhartForever | Posted 1/24/2007 11:54:14 AM | message detail |
Yeah, I noticed. It's a very small, easily missable sentence though. --- "I'm only here to see how the story plays out. Any self-respecting leading man would do the same." - Balthier |
Team Rocket Elite | Posted 1/24/2007 5:02:14 PM | message detail |
Heck, you could say that maybe 3 of the 5 who won the original tournament were "locks" when I did it. Revolver Ocelot, Tifa Lockhart and Sarah Kerrigan had already failed to make previous contests. Lloyd Irving never had a chance at a previous contest, but I wouldn't consider him a lock. Although Leon Kennedy could be considered a lock due to RE4, he did fail to make previous contests. Balthier and Midna haven't even had a chance to fail and it's unlikely that they would. --- Rufus Shinra 18 decimated me in the Summer 2006 Guru Contest. Support Wario for the Summer 2007 Contest! |
Mac Arrowny | Posted 1/24/2007 6:53:25 PM | message detail |
Regardless of how well they do at this early stage, it's likely enough
that they'll just fall in the end. Things like chance of getting in
anyway seem to matter more then. --- "I am the Scourge of God, appointed to chastise you! You are wicked, but I am more wicked than you!" |
cyko | Posted 1/24/2007 7:09:54 PM | message detail |
i'm still not sure which FFXII character will be a lock to get in or
even which one will be the strongest - whether it's Balthier, Basch,
Vaan, Ashe, or Fran. however, i do know that the only thing Vaan has going for him is his status as the "main character". and after playing through most of the game, even that is debatable. not only is there very little that is memorable or likable about Vaan, but i wouldn't even know that he's supposed to be the main character if the instruction manual didn't specifically tell me he was supposed to be. --- "I am the reinforcements." - Ashley Riot (Vagrant Story) |