GameFAQs Contests

Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 433
Master Moltar | Posted 11/17/2006 9:16:48 PM | message detail |
Snake with 8.52%! --- Moltar Status: 12th on the leaderboard! Go my alt! Battle Royale Day 5 - Bracket: Cloud - Vote: Link (160/224) |
Karma Hunter | Posted 11/17/2006 9:17:12 PM | message detail |
Oh, wait, there it is. 8.52% for Snake. --- *kills self* Commit it to memory. |
RPGuy96 | Posted 11/17/2006 9:18:03 PM | message detail |
All Time Most Popular Polls 01. 159347 - Link vs Cloud Strife vs Sephiroth vs Solid Snake vs Mario vs Samus Aran (2006 Characters Battle Royale Day 1) 02. 158527 - (1) The Legend of Zelda vs (1) Final Fantasy (2006 Series Final) 03. 157773 - (1) Final Fantasy vs (1) Super Mario Bros. (2006 Series Semfinal) 04. 151369 - Link vs Cloud Strife vs Solid Snake (2006 Battle Royale Day 4) 05. 147637 - (1) Cloud Strife vs (1) Link (2003 Characters Semifinal) 06. 144128 - (1) Samus Aran vs (1) Tifa Lockhart (2006 Characters Quarterfinal) 07. 141969 - Link vs Cloud Strife vs Sephiroth vs Solid Snake vs Mario (2006 Characters Battle Royale Day 2) 08. 137961 - (1) Solid Snake vs (1) Sonic the Hedgehog (2006 Characters Semifinal) 09. 137513 - (1) Metal Gear vs (2) Kingdom Hearts (2006 Series Quarterfinal) 10. 136154 - (1) Final Fantasy vs (2) Resident Evil (2006 Series Quarterfinal) 11. 135980 - (1) Solid Snake vs (4) Squall Leonhart (2006 Characters Round 2) 12. 135562 - (1) Final Fantasy vs (4) Mega Man (2006 Series Sweet Sixteen) 13. 135555 - Link vs Cloud Strife vs Solid Snake vs Sephiroth (2006 Characters Battle Royale Day 3) 14. 135217 - (1) Princess Zelda vs (1) Yuna (2006 Characters Quarterfinal) 15. 134604 - (1) The Legend of Zelda vs (2) Metroid (2006 Series Sweet Sixteen) 16. 134577 - (3) Auron vs (7) Sub-Zero (2006 Characters Round 2) 17. 133797 - (2) Mega Man vs (1) Sora (2006 Characters Sweet Sixteen) 18. 133005 - (1) Mario vs (4) Crono (2003 Characters Sweet Sixteen) 19. 132410 - (1) The Legend of Zelda vs (1) Metal Gear (2006 Series Semifinal) 20. 132251 - (1) Sonic the Hedgehog vs (2) Luigi (2006 Characters Sweet Sixteen) 21. 131875 - (1) Samus Aran vs (2) Princess Zelda (2006 Characters Semifinal) 22. 130058 - (2) Luigi vs (7) Zero (2006 Characters Round 1) 23. 129977 - (1) The Legend of Zelda vs (5) Mega Man X (2006 Series Sweet Sixteen) 24. 129703 - (1) Mario vs (2) Cloud Strife (2002 Characters Quarterfinal) 25. 129569 - (6) Yoshi vs (2) Dante (2006 Characters Round 2) 2002 Characters - 1 2003 Characters - 2 2004 Games - 0 2004 Characters - 0 2005 Villains - 0 2005 Characters - 0 2006 Series - 8 2006 Characters - 14 --- Mustache...and green... |
RPGuy96 | Posted 11/17/2006 9:18:36 PM | message detail |
All Time Lowest Prediction Percentages: 01. 06.00% - (1) Cloud Strife vs (2) Sephiroth (2003 Characters Final) 02. 07.16% - (2) Super Smash Bros. Melee vs (16) StarCraft (2004 Games Quarterfinal) 03. 07.91% - (16) StarCraft vs (5) The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (2004 Games Sweet Sixteen) 04. 08.52% - Link vs Cloud Strife vs Solid Snake (2006 Battle Royale Day 4) 05. 09.96% - Link vs Cloud Strife vs Sephiroth vs Solid Snake vs Mario (2006 Characters Battle Royale Day 2) 06. 12.47% - (5) Vincent Valentine vs (2) Squall Leonhart (2005 Characters Sweet Sixteen) 07. 12.54% - (1) Samus Aran vs (1) Solid Snake (2006 Characters Final) 08. 12.80% - (2) Link vs (1) Mario (2002 Characters Final) 09. 13.31% - (1) Sonic the Hedgehog vs (1) Crono (2006 Characters Quarterfinal) 10. 13.40% - (1) Cloud Strife vs (1) Link (2003 Characters Semifinal) 11. 14.18% - (2) Super Smash Bros. Melee vs (3) Final Fantasy X (2004 Games Quarterfinal) 12. 14.50% - (2) Mega Man vs (1) Solid Snake (2003 Characters Quartefinal) 13. 14.60% - (5) Crono vs (2) Solid Snake (2002 Characters Quarterfinal) 14. 14.76% - (7) Diablo vs (1) Kefka (2005 Villains Quarterfinal) 15. 15.62% - (16) StarCraft vs (9) Kingdom Hearts (2004 Games Round 2) 16. 17.30% - (5) Scorpion vs (1) Pac-Man (2002 Characters Sweet Sixteen) 17. 17.83% - Link vs Cloud Strife vs Solid Snake vs Sephiroth (2006 Characters Battle Royale Day 3) 18. 20.27% - (7) Sub-Zero vs (2) Master Chief (2006 Characters Round 1) 19. 21.70% - (2) Sephiroth vs (2) Mega Man (2003 Characters Semifinal) 20. 22.03% - (2) Super Smash Bros. Melee vs (7) Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (2004 Games Round 2) 21. 22.56% - (6) Frog vs (3) Master Chief (2004 Characters Sweet Sixteen) 22. 24.09% - (16) StarCraft vs (1) Halo (2004 Games Round 1) 23. 24.20% - (13) Magus vs (12) Ganondorf (2003 Characters Round 2) 24. 24.49% - (2) Crono vs (1) Mega Man (2005 Characters Semifinal) 25. 24.63% - (1) Chrono Trigger vs (1) Super Mario Bros. 3 (2004 Games Semifinal) 2002 Characters: 3 2003 Characters: 5 2004 Games: 7 2004 Characters: 1 2005 Villains: 1 2005 Characters: 2 2006 Series: 0 2006 Characters: 6 Fourth on two lists...not bad. --- Mustache...and green... |
BDawg | Posted 11/17/2006 9:19:16 PM | message detail |
Well Link great job. I hope you enjoy stomping on Cloud's throat
because CJay will probably never let you molest regular characters
again. I'm gonna miss you, buddy. If only you could've learned to take
a dive. --- Should I start running now? |
Blade Of Evils Bane | Posted 11/17/2006 9:21:27 PM | message detail |
"Well Link great job. I hope you enjoy
stomping on Cloud's throat because CJay will probably never let you
molest regular characters again. I'm gonna miss you, buddy. If only you
could've learned to take a dive." Well Marios out and he lost to Crono in the past. Besides CJays going to have to do something eventually or this will become a fodder contest with all the popular characters removed. --- Can't think of a good sig. |
Mac Arrowny | Posted 11/17/2006 9:23:29 PM | message detail |
Pic 2 is awesome! Kinda reminiscent of the 2k3 finals... --- "Luckily, I brought my smart sword. It won't hurt anyone 'friendly'. In fact, it makes them talk!" - Princess Zelda |
ChichiriMuyo | Posted 11/17/2006 9:29:26 PM | message detail |
Umm... the all-time most popular Battle was the 6 way. That shows
there's interest in this sort of thing as well. Also, the list of
all-time top voted matches is littered with CB5 matches. Seems to me
things are working just fine, and I bet Ceej agrees. --- If this post was overly verbose, that means I tried very hard to not call you an idiot. Me, owned? Damn you Rufus Shinra, Guru Champion. |
-LusterSoldier- | Posted 11/17/2006 9:30:25 PM | message detail |
I was almost expecting Link to get above 55%, especially since I used
the current poll results from about 20 minutes before the start of this
match to get an idea of what Link would get if he received a certain
percentage of Snake's votes. Using the final results of the last poll,
here is what Link would be expected to get if he received a certain
percentage of Snake's votes: 55% of Snake's votes.......................55.45% 56% of Snake's votes.......................55.65% 57% of Snake's votes.......................55.84% 58% of Snake's votes.......................56.04% 59% of Snake's votes.......................56.23% 60% of Snake's votes.......................56.43% 61% of Snake's votes.......................56.63% 62% of Snake's votes.......................56.82% 63% of Snake's votes.......................57.02% 64% of Snake's votes.......................57.22% 65% of Snake's votes.......................57.41% The results above will be slightly off because the total votes that are cast in today's match will vary somewhat from yesterday. But I expect it to exceed 150000 for a final battle match in the Battle Royale. --- Luster Soldier - Popular at school. ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~ |
Karma Hunter | Posted 11/17/2006 9:31:31 PM | message detail |
Hmm...Power Hour or not, this is a marvel, though. Link's had a bad
tendency to finish pretty close to his NPH percentages this year, so it
might look damn ugly even by the end...not this ugly, though. <<
I thought Cloud would be a HEAVY favorite in my mind after a FFVII
remake, now it looks like he'd need one of those and an appearance in
the SSB series just to compete. Oh, and are there more pics now or is it just me??? --- *kills self* Commit it to memory. |
xp1337 | Posted 11/17/2006 9:32:49 PM | message detail |
They're reproducing! --- xp1337: Don't you wish there was a spell-checker that told you when you a word out? SC2k6 (174/224) Link v Cloud |
Blade Of Evils Bane | Posted 11/17/2006 9:33:31 PM | message detail |
"Link's had a bad tendency to finish pretty close to his NPH percentages this year, so it might look damn ugly even by the end." Theres no afterschool vote today though, so thats something. --- Can't think of a good sig. |
Agent M | Posted 11/17/2006 9:34:13 PM | message detail |
Indeed there is, 8 in total. I was gonna say, I felt pretty lucky being chosen out of only 4 pictures for the final battle. |
Chinballz | Posted 11/17/2006 9:42:55 PM | message detail |
Link has achieved so many power levels he puts Goku to shame. It would
seem he is now officially out of every character in existence's league. --- And that's The Word. |
xp1337 | Posted 11/17/2006 9:43:35 PM | message detail |
And TP isn't even out yet --- xp1337: Don't you wish there was a spell-checker that told you when you a word out? SC2k6 (174/224) Link v Cloud |
dragoontheguy | Posted 11/17/2006 9:44:37 PM | message detail |
This is just crazy. Link really is in a league of his own now. --- Currently listening to: A Twist in the Myth, Amputechture, Deus Ex Machinae, Black Wings of Destiny, Let Mortal Heroes Sing your Fame, and others. |
shadow8021 | Posted 11/17/2006 9:45:36 PM | message detail |
Uh oh, Ceej has got something up his sleeve!!! --- Character Battle Score: 164/216 Today's Vote: Link |
Mister Mario | Posted 11/17/2006 9:47:12 PM | message detail |
Hah, yeah. This is a full 24 hours before Twilight Princess even comes out. I wish that this match was tomorrow, just to see what kind of stomping Link would give Cloud then. --- Z1mZum more like Z1mAwesome. Support Toadette in the S2k6 Character Contest! |
Master Moltar | Posted 11/17/2006 9:47:19 PM | message detail |
Tag Team Contest? Another Games Contest? Return to the standard SC format? Next year couldn't come soon enough! --- Moltar Status: 15th on the leaderboard! Go my alt! Battle Royale Day 5 - Bracket: Cloud - Vote: Link (160/224) |
Karma Hunter | Posted 11/17/2006 9:48:42 PM | message detail |
I hope he doesn't try anything *too*
creative...this contest was definitely my favorite, but it could have
been even BETTER without the female half holding it down. Just going to
a proper Games Contest would yield incredible results, and wouldn't
require much thought at all. Just don't separate the games by
generation...and heck, you'll have TP, the vaunted "FFVII killer"
(though really, OoT would beat FFVII too now, and I'd take it over TP
too). --- *kills self* Commit it to memory. |
dragoontheguy | Posted 11/17/2006 9:51:51 PM | message detail |
I don't know KH, the female bracket was underrated. It had way more twists and turns then we gave it credit for... --- Currently listening to: A Twist in the Myth, Amputechture, Deus Ex Machinae, Black Wings of Destiny, Let Mortal Heroes Sing your Fame, and others. |
Master Moltar | Posted 11/17/2006 9:54:22 PM | message detail |
I don't know KH, the female bracket was a massive waste of time. Fixed! I mean, what, it had Peach/Jill, which was alright, but would have been better if people actually cared for either character. I was much more pumped with the Seph/Snake showdown. What else...Tifa's overperformance...meh, Samus still rocked the bracket. Nope, can't find anything worth my time in the female half. --- Moltar Status: 15th on the leaderboard! Go my alt! Battle Royale Day 5 - Bracket: Cloud - Vote: Link (160/224) |
Karma Hunter | Posted 11/17/2006 9:56:02 PM | message detail |
For all the 'twists and turns' it gave us, the end result for me (and
most others here) was a perfect female half. Honestly, I'd say the most
interesting things it gave us were 1.) Samus being noticeably hurt by
ZSS and 2.) messed up stats. And I guess throw in the two RE girls for
putting on a show. You conceivably have all of these things and more in
a regular bracket, without crap like KOS-MOS/Amy Rose and Lara/Alyx and
Rikku/Lenneth and Ada/Jade and Joanna/Cortana and... --- *kills self* Commit it to memory. |
dragoontheguy | Posted 11/17/2006 9:56:28 PM | message detail |
Tifa's overperformance sent the board into more of a stir then you're
admitting... but think of it this way; had there been no female
bracket, it would have messed up the order of the characters and halted
much of what made this contest worth while. --- Currently listening to: A Twist in the Myth, Amputechture, Deus Ex Machinae, Black Wings of Destiny, Let Mortal Heroes Sing your Fame, and others. |
xp1337 | Posted 11/17/2006 9:57:03 PM | message detail |
Guys, we're all forgetting the real highlight of this contest. 1 v 2 --- xp1337: Don't you wish there was a spell-checker that told you when you a word out? SC2k6 (174/224) Link v Cloud |
Karma Hunter | Posted 11/17/2006 9:57:16 PM | message detail |
Wait...huh? --- *kills self* Commit it to memory. |
RPGuy96 | Posted 11/17/2006 9:57:16 PM | message detail |
The female bracket wasn't that bad. It gave us two
of the twenty-five closest matches (Samus/Tifa shockingly so), and had
some pretty big surprises, if only by percentage and not victories. It
also kept Samus out of the male bracket, which was undoubtedly a good
thing. It had bad points - Characters like Jade, Daisy, Amy, and
Cortana kept characters like Magus, Knuckles, Donkey Kong, Kefka, and
Pac-Man out of the bracket, and there were a lot of boring blowouts
because of it - but it wasn't a huge failure or anything. --- Mustache...and green... |
dragoontheguy | Posted 11/17/2006 9:58:47 PM | message detail |
Wait...huh? Get rid of the female half of the bracket, and the contest's bracket would have been completely rearranged. It served a purpose, even if just to set up matches in the male half we didn't know were going to be good. --- Currently listening to: A Twist in the Myth, Amputechture, Deus Ex Machinae, Black Wings of Destiny, Let Mortal Heroes Sing your Fame, and others. |
Karma Hunter | Posted 11/17/2006 10:00:00 PM | message detail |
You can still keep Samus away from the males and not 'technically' have a female bracket. That's just good bracketmaking. Honestly, you automatically improve the female bracket just by ripping out a bunch of the boring crap and inserting in some random characters. Sure, you could have people wondering why one side of the bracket seems to be so female-heavy, but there'd be no complaints with the results! --- *kills self* Commit it to memory. |
dragoontheguy | Posted 11/17/2006 10:01:09 PM | message detail |
Holy ****, how the hell is cloud losing percentage? I can't even
describe how insanely strong link has gotten. The second strongest
character in the contest is struggling to stay over 42% on him. --- Currently listening to: A Twist in the Myth, Amputechture, Deus Ex Machinae, Black Wings of Destiny, Let Mortal Heroes Sing your Fame, and others. |
Blade Of Evils Bane | Posted 11/17/2006 10:01:12 PM | message detail |
Why is it that no one wants a non game characters contest? It would actually be something new for a change. --- Can't think of a good sig. |
Karma Hunter | Posted 11/17/2006 10:02:05 PM | message detail |
Get rid of the female half of the bracket, and the contest's bracket
would have been completely rearranged. It served a purpose, even if
just to set up matches in the male half we didn't know were going to be
good. But that happens with every contest -- it's just dumb luck, really. We might have missed out on Peach/Jill, sure, but in return we might have seen Samus go up against Vincent in the Elite Eight with a ZSS picture and possibly lose that match (or have the margin at least be as small). --- *kills self* Commit it to memory. |
dragoontheguy | Posted 11/17/2006 10:02:23 PM | message detail |
You can still keep Samus away from the males and not 'technically' have a female bracket. That's just good bracketmaking. That's also a pipe dream. There's no way in hell we would have gotten a remotely similar bracket without the female half existing. The seeding would have rearranged the whole thing. --- Currently listening to: A Twist in the Myth, Amputechture, Deus Ex Machinae, Black Wings of Destiny, Let Mortal Heroes Sing your Fame, and others. |
creativename | Posted 11/17/2006 10:03:19 PM | message detail |
Completely forgot to turn the updater back on, sorry guys. Didn't see an update topic. Anyone have the 5-minute updates? --- |
dragoontheguy | Posted 11/17/2006 10:03:28 PM | message detail |
But that happens with every contest -- it's just dumb luck, really.
We might have missed out on Peach/Jill, sure, but in return we might
have seen Samus go up against Vincent in the Elite Eight with a ZSS
picture and possibly lose that match (or have the margin at least be as
small). Your right it is dumb luck. Dumb luck which created one of the best contests we've ever had. --- Currently listening to: A Twist in the Myth, Amputechture, Deus Ex Machinae, Black Wings of Destiny, Let Mortal Heroes Sing your Fame, and others. |
UltimaterializerX | Posted 11/17/2006 10:03:40 PM | message detail |
From Blade Of Evils Bane Posted 11/18/2006 1:01:12 AM #181 Why is it that no one wants a non game characters contest? It would actually be something new for a change. Because this is a gaming website? Oh and you guys all totally need to sign this: ~*ST*~ --- PWNED BY RUFUS SHINRA in the Guru contest! Congrats! Now Playing: Disgaea 2, KH:COM (Sora), FF5A, Castlevania: LoI |
MegatokyoEd | Posted 11/17/2006 10:04:13 PM | message detail |
We might never have gotten Sonic vs Crono without the female side and that alone made it worthwhile. --- Demyx is better than Axel. Just like Rufus Shinra is better than me for winning the Guru Contest. |
xp1337 | Posted 11/17/2006 10:04:26 PM | message detail |
All the cool people already did! --- xp1337: Don't you wish there was a spell-checker that told you when you a word out? SC2k6 (174/224) Link v Cloud |
Mumei | Posted 11/17/2006 10:04:41 PM | message detail |
In 2004, Link's lead over Cloud at 1:00 was 297 votes. In 2005, Link's lead over Cloud at 1:00 was 104 votes. In 2006, Link's lead over Cloud at 1:00 was 1854 votes. @_@ --- "I believe that words uttered in passion contain a greater living truth than do those words which express thoughts rationally conceived"- Sensei, "Kokoro" |
YoAriel33 | Posted 11/17/2006 10:05:25 PM | message detail |
Fat tub of lard giving it an 8.8. Same dumbass gave Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 a 10.0. Pile of puke. --- I don't know when, I don't know how, but I know something starting right now... Watch and you'll see, someday I'll be... part of your world! |
xp1337 | Posted 11/17/2006 10:05:42 PM | message detail |
The other years the poll started at 3 AM ESt, didn't it? Still, those numbers are just insane. Hilarious though. >_> --- xp1337: Don't you wish there was a spell-checker that told you when you a word out? SC2k6 (174/224) Link v Cloud |
Blade Of Evils Bane | Posted 11/17/2006 10:05:58 PM | message detail |
"Because this is a gaming website?" Yeah but it would be interesting to see how it would go with the Gamefaqs users. Oh well. --- Can't think of a good sig. |
Yesmar | Posted 11/17/2006 10:06:00 PM | message detail |
I hope Ceej does something big, not not gimmicky for the fifth anniversary next year. Here are my predictions: 1) A 128 Character Contest 2) A Game and Character Contest held virtually back to back 3) A Game and Character Contest held simultaneously. --- Z1mZum totally owned me in the July 2006 Guru Contest The Funky Chickens in Trivia XVIII |
Karma Hunter | Posted 11/17/2006 10:06:15 PM | message detail |
XD @ yo --- *kills self* Commit it to memory. |
dragoontheguy | Posted 11/17/2006 10:07:23 PM | message detail |
Yeah but it would be interesting to see how it would go with the Gamefaqs users. Oh well. Not really. If we had a band contest, I can almost ensure that every band with a good deal of strength would be classic rock (probably with queen on top). An actor contest would just blow since nobody would be interested in it. --- Currently listening to: A Twist in the Myth, Amputechture, Deus Ex Machinae, Black Wings of Destiny, Let Mortal Heroes Sing your Fame, and others. |
Karma Hunter | Posted 11/17/2006 10:07:59 PM | message detail |
I wouldn't mind a 128 Game Contest, myself. Much as I prefer characters, I'm firmly in the minority, and we deserve a real Games Contest (y'know, where matches average over 100,000 votes). --- *kills self* Commit it to memory. |
dragoontheguy | Posted 11/17/2006 10:08:57 PM | message detail |
What we need is a generic character contest. (i.e. goombas, slimes, etc.) --- Currently listening to: A Twist in the Myth, Amputechture, Deus Ex Machinae, Black Wings of Destiny, Let Mortal Heroes Sing your Fame, and others. |
dragoontheguy | Posted 11/17/2006 10:09:53 PM | message detail |
Or a transvestite villain contest. Kuja might win a match for once! --- Currently listening to: A Twist in the Myth, Amputechture, Deus Ex Machinae, Black Wings of Destiny, Let Mortal Heroes Sing your Fame, and others. |
Karma Hunter | Posted 11/17/2006 10:10:22 PM | message detail |
*slaps you* --- *kills self* Commit it to memory. |
dragoontheguy | Posted 11/17/2006 10:10:40 PM | message detail |
Or a planetary contest. Angry sun vs. majoras moon final! --- Currently listening to: A Twist in the Myth, Amputechture, Deus Ex Machinae, Black Wings of Destiny, Let Mortal Heroes Sing your Fame, and others. |