GameFAQs Contests
Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 422
Lady Ashe | Posted 11/9/2006 1:26:07 PM | message detail |
If Zelda doesn't get a Sheik picture for the female finals, this contest will have lost all credibility. *Creativename's websites* Everything you could ever imagine: Sortable Table for Every Contest Match: *Extrapolated Standings* Explanation of Extrapolated Standings: Simple Explanation of Extrapolated Standings: A = Strongest Character B = Character Weaker than A C = Character Weaker than B To figure out a character's Xsts Percentage ---> [(CvB)(BvA)]/50 = CvA To compare how C would do against B ---> [(CvA)/(BvA)]*50 = CvB To figure out how B would do against A ---> [(CvA)/(CvB)]*50 = BvA Extrapolated Standings for All Contests (links to all brackets are on the left): *Solarshadow's Sites* Summer 2002 Contest: Summer 2003 Contest: Spring 2004 Contest: (not currently updating) *Old Stats topics* Summer 2002 Contest: Summer 2003 Contest: (See note) 2003-2004 Off-Season: (See note) Note: Don't use the links in the topic to browse through the pages, change the page number in the URL. Spring 2004 Pre-Season (Chance the number after "Season" to view other pages; there are three of them): Spring 2004 Contest (Change the number after "Stats" to view other pages; there are eight of them): *Match Pictures* All the match pics, and thanks to RockMFR for finding the missing ones! *Miscellaneous* Creativename's Page of Links: UltimaterializerX's Contest Sites (some offensive language): NGamer64's Archive Site and (lol) X-Stats Sim (some offensive language): A List of Acronyms, A Lesson on Percentages, and Some Odd Matches: All Time Top 25/Top 10 Lists: HaRRicH's Fourpack of Fun Board: TRE's poll listing (every poll!): Aprosenf's Poll Script: GameFAQs' Top 100 Games (down for now, so here's a new link): Manual Poll Updater: |
__Smurf__ | Posted 11/9/2006 1:27:05 PM | message detail |
lol joke alt --- Smurf. The Cream of Sonic Fanboyism. |
ExThaNemesis | Posted 11/9/2006 1:29:05 PM | message detail |
Zelda isn't going to win either way, nub. --- New York Mets: 97-65: At least we had a better run than the Yankees! # 1 Fan of the best video game character, Squall Leonhart <3 |
UltimaterializerX | Posted 11/9/2006 3:05:11 PM | message detail |
T^ag. ~*ST*~ --- Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest Now Playing: Disgaea 2, KH:COM (Sora), Castlevania: LoI, MMZX |
creativename | Posted 11/9/2006 8:20:56 PM | message detail |
Snake turns a 57-43 defeat into a 55-45 win...Good. My alma mater turns a 56-5 loss into a 28-25 win...even better. --- |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 11/9/2006 8:24:39 PM | message detail |
Snake > Mega Man > Crono Sonic & Samus <_< TuRtLe ~~~ 81/88 in the contest. My analysis topic here: |
Gaddswell | Posted 11/9/2006 8:41:44 PM | message detail |
We're going to need this now. --- By the time we localize the programs, kids don’t even know they’re from Japan any more. - 4Kids CEO Al Kahn |
Big Bob | Posted 11/9/2006 8:42:43 PM | message detail |
This is gonna get crazy.. --- Gordon Freeman finally won, but somehow, the universe survived... thus allowing me to tell said universe about how I was owned by NClark128. |
MyWorldIsZelda | Posted 11/9/2006 8:42:51 PM | message detail |
It doesn't really matter how this ends, the gap between the Noble Nine
and non-Noble Nine characters is going to be very small. No sense in
trying to say you can't see someone winning because another character
would be too close. --- "My ambition is to create the coolest Link that's ever existed." -- Keisuke Nishimori, Twilight Princess |
Adept of Aiur | Posted 11/9/2006 8:44:13 PM | message detail |
The artist formerly known as Heroic Mario makes a valid point. --- "An intellectual is a man who takes more words than necessary to tell more than he knows." |
LinkLegend27 | Posted 11/9/2006 8:45:18 PM | message detail |
I like the last post of the previous topic. --- CB5:70 out of 76. BSE:78 out of 80. |
BDawg | Posted 11/9/2006 8:45:51 PM | message detail |
*grabs pitchfork, calls for Megaman's head next year* You know just like Snake, Sonic, well now Zero Suit Samus... --- Should I start running now? |
Ngamer64 | Posted 11/9/2006 8:47:13 PM | message detail |
For those who didn't peek into the Guru today... these are the stakes. The following will be eliminated with a Sonic victory: -King Morgoth- (MasterMage) -voltch- (Fett) -Ulti- (Rufus Shinra) -Ed Bellis- (SteinerShocker) -Sess- (SteinerShocker/Rufus Shinra) -meche- (Tirofog) -ExThaNemesis- (expaniol) -KleenexTissue- (MasterMage) -Radix- (Rufus Shinra) -ScorpionXtinct- (SteinerShocker) -jonthomson- (KingBartz) The following will be eliminated with a Crono victory: -MasterMage- (King Morgoth) -Tirofog- (meche/Fett) -SteinerShocker- (Ed Bellis) -expaniol- (ExThaNemesis) -yoshifan- (KleenexTissue) -KingBartz- (NintendoWii) Only 8 brackets not on the line. --- - "lol x-stats," The Contest Simulator - The Contest Archives |
Adept of Aiur | Posted 11/9/2006 8:48:52 PM | message detail |
And I just want to wish everyone I can eliminate luck while really hoping I utterly destroy them. --- "An intellectual is a man who takes more words than necessary to tell more than he knows." |
Ngamer64 | Posted 11/9/2006 8:51:25 PM | message detail |
New Guru topic up, for all the Mages in the audience. --- - "lol x-stats," The Contest Simulator - The Contest Archives |
HaRRicH | Posted 11/9/2006 8:51:46 PM | message detail |
Come on Sonic, don't be the only NN member to never beat a NN member now! Plus, you're just cooler than Crono! DO IT!!! --- Diddy did it. Diddy did it. DAMMIT! What didn't Diddy do?! |
Shoenin_Kakashi | Posted 11/9/2006 8:53:17 PM | message detail |
It doesn't really matter how this ends, the gap between the Noble
Nine and non-Noble Nine characters is going to be very small. No sense
in trying to say you can't see someone winning because another
character would be too close. I might be high or something, but did Gluteous Medianus just make a valid point 0_o? --- "I have no fear of losing my life - if I have to save a koala or a crocodile or a kangaroo or a snake, mate, I will save it. " -Steve Irwin |
Draco1214 | Posted 11/9/2006 8:54:17 PM | message detail |
Go Crono! --- Currently Playing: Final Fantasy XII, Tales of the Abyss, King of Fighters 2002/2003 |
Haste_2 | Posted 11/9/2006 8:55:19 PM | message detail |
Go, Sonic! We all wanted to see Solid Snake vs. Sonic the Hedgehog, right? --- Sign the Petition for more stats in the GameFAQs Contests here: |
Cavalier Lowen | Posted 11/9/2006 8:56:14 PM | message detail |
Go, Sonic! We all wanted to see Solid Snake vs. Sonic the Hedgehog, right? Two of my TOP 5 most hated characters in this bracket? Yeah right, this sucks, damn you Mega Man suckage. --- Z1mZum owned me in the guru contest (by two points!). Damn you Z1mZum! |
Adept of Aiur | Posted 11/9/2006 8:57:44 PM | message detail |
I just hope that if Sonic loses, he makes it close. --- "An intellectual is a man who takes more words than necessary to tell more than he knows." |
transience | Posted 11/9/2006 8:57:49 PM | message detail |
meh, here goes. Snake with 48%. --- xyzzy |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 11/9/2006 8:59:11 PM | message detail |
Snake with 50% TuRtLe ~~~ 81/88 in the contest. My analysis topic here: |
Haste_2 | Posted 11/9/2006 8:59:35 PM | message detail |
Snake with 54% support. oO; --- Sign the Petition for more stats in the GameFAQs Contests here: |
Master Moltar | Posted 11/9/2006 9:00:18 PM | message detail |
Sonic the Hedgehog 41.18% 7 Crono 58.82% 10 TOTAL VOTES 17 It begins! --- Moltar Status: Feeling good and hot-blooded. Sonic vs. Crono - Bracket: Crono - Vote: Sonic (104/120) |
Gaddswell | Posted 11/9/2006 9:00:35 PM | message detail |
Sonic the Hedgehog 46% 23 Crono 54% 27 TOTAL VOTES 50 --- By the time we localize the programs, kids don’t even know they’re from Japan any more. - 4Kids CEO Al Kahn |
Master Moltar | Posted 11/9/2006 9:00:49 PM | message detail |
48.34% had Snake winning his --- Moltar Status: Feeling good and hot-blooded. Sonic vs. Crono - Bracket: Crono - Vote: Sonic (104/120) |
GrapefruitKing | Posted 11/9/2006 9:01:02 PM | message detail |
Holy crap almost 50% had Snake in Male finals --- SC2k6 Oracle Challenge - Today's prediction: Crono with 50.95% |
MyWorldIsZelda | Posted 11/9/2006 9:01:03 PM | message detail |
Sonic the Hedgehog 43.25% 141 Crono 56.75% 185 TOTAL VOTES 326 ...Ouch! Nice prediction, tranny -- Snake with 48.34%! --- "My ambition is to create the coolest Link that's ever existed." -- Keisuke Nishimori, Twilight Princess |
transience | Posted 11/9/2006 9:01:26 PM | message detail |
hey, this looks familiar - the same percentage he had early on Bowser! --- xyzzy |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 11/9/2006 9:01:31 PM | message detail |
*eagerly awaits TRE's commentary about the leaderboard destruction* TuRtLe ~~~ 81/88 in the contest. My analysis topic here: |
RPGuy96 | Posted 11/9/2006 9:01:31 PM | message detail |
Yeah, go Crono! --- Mustache...and green... |
dragoontheguy | Posted 11/9/2006 9:01:48 PM | message detail |
Sonic the Hedgehog 43.15% 233 Crono 56.85% 307 TOTAL VOTES 540 Holy **** crono is owning the board vote. --- Currently listening to: A Twist in the Myth, Amputechture, Deus Ex Machinae, Black Wings of Destiny, Let Mortal Heroes Sing your Fame, and others. |
cyko | Posted 11/9/2006 9:01:51 PM | message detail |
oh, i really hope Crono keeps building up his
lead. i figured Sonic would lead for the first couple of minutes since
this board practically worships him. --- i have officially been Z1mZum'D in the guru contest. Vincent Valentine to win the Blast Division!! |
The_Ocelot | Posted 11/9/2006 9:02:05 PM | message detail |
Cronownage right here --- Xbox Live Gamertag: PhoenyX101 |
KleenexTissue50 | Posted 11/9/2006 9:02:26 PM | message detail |
Hooray for being one of the 10 people who aren't on the leaderboard. --- CB5 Points: 107/112, Current Oracle placement: 22/169 Now playing: Phoenix Wright 2, Final Fanasy XII, Children of Mana |
Big Bob | Posted 11/9/2006 9:02:48 PM | message detail |
*prays it's just bracket voters* --- Gordon Freeman finally won, but somehow, the universe survived... thus allowing me to tell said universe about how I was owned by NClark128. |
Master Moltar | Posted 11/9/2006 9:02:54 PM | message detail |
Strong start for Crono. You know, if I didn't have my alt taking Sheena to win her four-pack, it would be in the Top 50... --- Moltar Status: Feeling good and hot-blooded. Sonic vs. Crono - Bracket: Crono - Vote: Sonic (104/120) |
transience | Posted 11/9/2006 9:03:13 PM | message detail |
the board loves Crono too, plus Sonic didn't have a high prediction
percentage either. and he's the board bracket favourite of course. not that people should still be bracket voting at this point, but whatever! --- xyzzy |
DpObliVion | Posted 11/9/2006 9:03:45 PM | message detail |
Sonic's not going away! --- Dp, you are one awesome, sexy bastard. I less than 3 you. -Shadow Ryoko NEW YORK METS: 2006 NL EASTERN DIVISION CHAMPS |
transience | Posted 11/9/2006 9:04:01 PM | message detail |
Sonic the Hedgehog 46% 506 Crono 54% 594 TOTAL VOTES 1100 nifty sample. Crono's dropping pretty quick all of a sudden. --- xyzzy |
trizob the hedgehog | Posted 11/9/2006 9:04:02 PM | message detail |
Sonic will probably take it down to at least around 52% by the time the
poll ends, but he has to start making a comeback pretty soon if he
wants a real shot at winning. --- "No, not just an urge - more than that. It was my destiny to be here; in the box." - Naked Snake |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 11/9/2006 9:04:10 PM | message detail |
So, Crono takes the board vote and will more than likely dominate all
night. How much of a lead will Crono need to be considered a lock?
Because I can see this swinging like 10,000 votes come morning <_< TuRtLe ~~~ 81/88 in the contest. My analysis topic here: |
MyWorldIsZelda | Posted 11/9/2006 9:04:10 PM | message detail |
Sonic's not letting Crono go crazy just yet !! --- "My ambition is to create the coolest Link that's ever existed." -- Keisuke Nishimori, Twilight Princess |
Adept of Aiur | Posted 11/9/2006 9:04:36 PM | message detail |
but he has to start making a comeback pretty soon if he wants a real shot at winning. I-It's been four minutes. --- "An intellectual is a man who takes more words than necessary to tell more than he knows." |
transience | Posted 11/9/2006 9:04:55 PM | message detail |
oh, and I see a Karma Hunter on the leaderboard! --- xyzzy |
Gaddswell | Posted 11/9/2006 9:05:24 PM | message detail |
At the freeze: Sonic the Hedgehog 46.16% 662 Crono 53.84% 772 TOTAL VOTES 1434 --- By the time we localize the programs, kids don’t even know they’re from Japan any more. - 4Kids CEO Al Kahn |
transience | Posted 11/9/2006 9:05:31 PM | message detail |
Sonic the Hedgehog 46.16% 662 Crono 53.84% 772 TOTAL VOTES 1434 annnnd we freeze. --- xyzzy |
MyWorldIsZelda | Posted 11/9/2006 9:05:34 PM | message detail |
Sonic the Hedgehog 46.16% 662 Crono 53.84% 772 TOTAL VOTES 1434 Lead of 104 at the freeze! Sonic can do this !! --- "My ambition is to create the coolest Link that's ever existed." -- Keisuke Nishimori, Twilight Princess |
ExThaNemesis | Posted 11/9/2006 9:05:38 PM | message detail |
Lead of 110 at the freeze! Nicely done Crono. I may finish with a respectable score after all(lol) --- New York Mets: 97-65: At least we had a better run than the Yankees! # 1 Fan of the best video game character, Squall Leonhart <3 |