GameFAQs Contests

Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 416
zwong1 | Posted 11/6/2006 9:19:40 PM | message detail |
OK, i get you. --- I am a Singaporean and I hope Snake will beat Megaman. |
Haste_2 | Posted 11/6/2006 9:19:56 PM | message detail |
Samus is doing awful...oh, man, I hope this is because of her picture.
...I hope she doesn't primarily get that SSBB picture in the
final...or, dear me, against Zelda and flat out loses. Tifa'll get the
night vote, so the percentage will continue going down... but the fact
that Peach didn't win it by much against Tifa concerns me. --- Sign the Petition for more stats in the GameFAQs Contests here: |
YoAriel33 | Posted 11/6/2006 9:20:02 PM | message detail |
Zelda > Samus confirmed. --- I don't know when, I don't know how, but I know something starting right now... Watch and you'll see, someday I'll be... part of your world! |
MyWorldIsZelda | Posted 11/6/2006 9:20:41 PM | message detail |
Zelda > Samus confirmed. Good man, good man. --- "Let's face it: the princess Zelda has always been a symbol of sexual desire." |
Tequilla Gundam | Posted 11/6/2006 9:21:05 PM | message detail |
Tifa could take the lead during the dead hours?! --- Feel my truth. |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 11/6/2006 9:21:37 PM | message detail |
At least my prediction of a Tifa overperformance seems to be coming true. Now all we need is a massive Zelda overperformance, and Snake jobbing to Mega Man, and all my seemingly whacky predictions will have come true! (aside from Celes/Boss. lol ff6) TuRtLe ~~~ 81/88 in the contest. My analysis topic here: |
Draco1214 | Posted 11/6/2006 9:22:29 PM | message detail |
It's hard to deny KH2F after the last two matches. --- Currently Playing: Final Fantasy XII, Tales of the Abyss, King of Fighters 2002/2003 |
MoogleKupo141 | Posted 11/6/2006 9:22:31 PM | message detail |
Any time now, CJay... feel free to remove Vlado's cheated votes... --- Dancing with myself! Oh-oh! Dancing with myself! Oh-oh! And I'll sweat! Sweat! Sweat! Sweat! Sweat! Sweat! SWEAT! SWEAT! |
Chamek | Posted 11/6/2006 9:22:39 PM | message detail |
Zelda > ZSS, easily. Zelda > "normal" Samus? Not so plausible. But certainly possible, considering Metroid, sadly, cannot SFF anything. --- Upon having Rosie O'Donnell corner him in the forest, the pizza delivery man knew how a Goomba felt when Mario got a star. ~ SSJ3 Popo |
Lopen | Posted 11/6/2006 9:23:30 PM | message detail |
I wish I'd known Barbie was gonna be used... I'd have dropped my Samus prediction down a bit. --- Squall: "Hi, like Cloud from the last game, I am full of angst and am named after weather." - Slow Beef |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 11/6/2006 9:23:31 PM | message detail |
And I just realized this is Samus vs Tifa with a
massive Tifa overperformance in the first hour. If she keeps this up
(or God forbid, takes the lead O_O) Vlado is going to be damn near
unbearable. Though what a riot it would be if out of all the Noble Niners and possible breakers, Samus and Tifa are the ones to end the tradition >_< TuRtLe ~~~ 81/88 in the contest. My analysis topic here: |
creativename | Posted 11/6/2006 9:23:54 PM | message detail |
I'm liking how Tifa is doing here. Too bad for Aeris though...but Tifa seems like she'll redeem FF7 somewhat here. --- |
MyWorldIsZelda | Posted 11/6/2006 9:24:19 PM | message detail |
Zelda needs to get that new TP picture next round too !! --- "Let's face it: the princess Zelda has always been a symbol of sexual desire." |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 11/6/2006 9:24:54 PM | message detail |
Just thinking about it, Crono/Sonic looks like it might have the
biggest vote swing of all time with these increased votals and the
trends so far in this contest. lol ct day vote TuRtLe ~~~ 81/88 in the contest. My analysis topic here: |
Big Bob | Posted 11/6/2006 9:25:00 PM | message detail |
Zelda's the last chance to break the NN this year. --- Gordon Freeman finally won, but somehow, the universe survived... thus allowing me to tell said universe about how I was owned by NClark128. |
HaRRicH | Posted 11/6/2006 9:25:20 PM | message detail |
Next round needs to feature alternating pictures of Samus and Zelda owning one-another in SSBM. --- Diddy did it. Diddy did it. DAMMIT! What didn't Diddy do?! |
zwong1 | Posted 11/6/2006 9:25:35 PM | message detail |
I am asking the super lame question now. Who will you take to be the
strongest FF character in this contest, Auron, Vincent or Tifa. --- I am a Singaporean and I hope Snake will beat Megaman. |
Karma Hunter | Posted 11/6/2006 9:25:43 PM | message detail |
Zelda's the last chance to break the NN this year. Well duh, there won't be anyone else left after Zelda/Yuna. =/ --- *kills self* Commit it to memory. |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 11/6/2006 9:25:52 PM | message detail |
And if FF12 can help Tifa this much, how much will TP hype help Zelda
when the match is about a week before the most anticipated release of
the last 3 years. TuRtLe ~~~ 81/88 in the contest. My analysis topic here: |
Big Bob | Posted 11/6/2006 9:26:11 PM | message detail |
Vincent. And I woulda said that last year too. --- Gordon Freeman finally won, but somehow, the universe survived... thus allowing me to tell said universe about how I was owned by NClark128. |
Karma Hunter | Posted 11/6/2006 9:26:39 PM | message detail |
...someone tell me how to get GameFOX now so I can block Turtle. --- *kills self* Commit it to memory. |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 11/6/2006 9:27:09 PM | message detail |
I'll stick with Vincent. Auron seems strong, but 48% on a roided Sonic seems so much more impressive. Today's match is likely a combination of pic factor and FF12 traffic. TuRtLe ~~~ 81/88 in the contest. My analysis topic here: |
XxSoulxX | Posted 11/6/2006 9:28:28 PM | message detail |
Vincent. --- - Why the hell did I bet against a character as deep, awesome and badass as Lara Croft, instead favouring a character from something as lame as HL2? Forgive me, XIII. |
HeroicTronBonne | Posted 11/6/2006 9:29:14 PM | message detail |
Vinny Mac --- Proud Member of The Bonne Pirate Family and Creator of the Servbots! WWEGSB Hardcore Legend and Board 8er Masa/Hiko |
zwong1 | Posted 11/6/2006 9:29:49 PM | message detail |
I am crazy now, go go go Zelda, rSFF Samus and claims the glory. --- I am a Singaporean and I hope Snake will beat Megaman. |
XxSoulxX | Posted 11/6/2006 9:30:41 PM | message detail |
That was almost a whole percentage cut there for Tifa...... --- - Why the hell did I bet against a character as deep, awesome and badass as Lara Croft, instead favouring a character from something as lame as HL2? Forgive me, XIII. |
YoAriel33 | Posted 11/6/2006 9:30:43 PM | message detail |
Since when did Sonic become "roided"? --- I don't know when, I don't know how, but I know something starting right now... Watch and you'll see, someday I'll be... part of your world! |
Shivan Reincarnated | Posted 11/6/2006 9:30:45 PM | message detail |
Wow..... --- Let the snow fall deep, the rain drive down, and the wind buffet my cloak. I care not for I've a road worth walking ~ Drizzt Do'Urden |
YoAriel33 | Posted 11/6/2006 9:31:28 PM | message detail |
Holy ****. Zelda > Samus guaranteed. --- I don't know when, I don't know how, but I know something starting right now... Watch and you'll see, someday I'll be... part of your world! |
Karma Hunter | Posted 11/6/2006 9:31:29 PM | message detail |
Oh my God. --- *kills self* Commit it to memory. |
XxSoulxX | Posted 11/6/2006 9:31:33 PM | message detail |
Since when did Sonic become "roided"? Since his match with CATS. --- - Why the hell did I bet against a character as deep, awesome and badass as Lara Croft, instead favouring a character from something as lame as HL2? Forgive me, XIII. |
MegatokyoEd | Posted 11/6/2006 9:31:47 PM | message detail |
Zelda's beating Samus if she gets a TP picture. I gurantee it. --- Demyx > Axel Z1mZum owned me in the Guru Contest with his mad skills! |
Majin Lou | Posted 11/6/2006 9:32:09 PM | message detail |
Heh, Tifa won that 5 minute update by 12 votes. --- I like my coffee black, just like my metal. |
Gaddswell | Posted 11/6/2006 9:32:32 PM | message detail |
Tifa actually WON an update in the Nintendo Power Hour? Uh-oh... --- By the time we localize the programs, kids don’t even know they’re from Japan any more. - 4Kids CEO Al Kahn |
Who Cares? | Posted 11/6/2006 9:32:41 PM | message detail |
THIS. IS. AWESOME. Heres to Zelda next round! --- Chun-Li's Road to the Female Final Four: Failed! She should've stayed away from the summoner! *Go play Tales of the Abyss* |
MyWorldIsZelda | Posted 11/6/2006 9:32:46 PM | message detail |
........ Wow. This is...good grief. ZELDA > SAMUS CONFIRMED! --- "Let's face it: the princess Zelda has always been a symbol of sexual desire." |
Karma Hunter | Posted 11/6/2006 9:32:55 PM | message detail |
Snake is so winning this damn bracket. --- *kills self* Commit it to memory. |
Cecil | Posted 11/6/2006 9:33:08 PM | message detail |
Never saw anything in Samus(only like Super Metroid) but I didn't expect Tifa to be doing this well. |
FourthDeus | Posted 11/6/2006 9:33:36 PM | message detail |
Can Samus/Tifa end up like Link/Cloud 2k3? BELIEVE! --- 5/18/05 Never forget. Never forgive. |
Karma Hunter | Posted 11/6/2006 9:34:45 PM | message detail |
Meh, Link only had the lead for the very first
update in Link/Cloud 2k3. Tifa may take the lead during the night
though, which would make her only the second character to hold a
sustained lead on a Noble Niner since Ryu did it to Sonic. --- *kills self* Commit it to memory. |
ShadowOwns | Posted 11/6/2006 9:34:51 PM | message detail |
will samus be the character remembered as the only one to lose outside the NN???? stay tuned for saturday nov. 11th to find out. --- NHL, get new officials please. Lovin Oil Country. |
Kaxon | Posted 11/6/2006 9:35:17 PM | message detail |
Tifa's looking mighty fine here. An update win? In the first half hour?
Against the consensus strongest character in the bracket? A NINTENDO
character? Man, I'm loving this. --- ....TCELES B HSUP |
Keno316 | Posted 11/6/2006 9:36:37 PM | message detail |
Looking at this I would have LOVED to have had a Tifa/Zelda match! --- "Opinions are like butts, little girl. Everyone's got one and nobody thinks their's stink." -Lunar 2:EB *Claims KG's Eclair & Millia Rage* |
KleenexTissue50 | Posted 11/6/2006 9:36:44 PM | message detail |
Looks like Vlado stopped vote stuffing >_> --- CB5 Points: 91/96, Current Oracle placement: 22/169 Now playing: Phoenix Wright 2, Final Fanasy XII, Children of Mana |
Yesmar | Posted 11/6/2006 9:37:13 PM | message detail |
Well looks like more there's gonna be at least one huge anomaly this year. I really think that the picture is hurting Samus here. Plenty of people have seen the trailer and the name Samus should attract voters, but the same could be said for Solid **** and Snake bombed with that pic. --- Z1mZum totally owned me in the July 2006 Guru Contest The Funky Chickensin Trivia XVIII |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 11/6/2006 9:37:42 PM | message detail |
From XxSoulxX Since when did Sonic become "roided"? Since his match with roided Luigi Fix'd TuRtLe ~~~ 81/88 in the contest. My analysis topic here: |
Who Cares? | Posted 11/6/2006 9:37:56 PM | message detail |
Looking at this I would have LOVED to have had a Tifa/Zelda match! Indeed, biggest bracketmaking snafu of the contest! :( --- Chun-Li's Road to the Female Final Four: Failed! She should've stayed away from the summoner! *Go play Tales of the Abyss* |
Karma Hunter | Posted 11/6/2006 9:38:12 PM | message detail |
And yet Snake still puts up 57% on Yoshi with his worst sprite ever !! Aw yeah. --- *kills self* Commit it to memory. |
Chamek | Posted 11/6/2006 9:38:41 PM | message detail |
Damn you Zelda!! Using illegitimate means to get ahead of the competition... stupid rSFF! Samus really is so screwed. As is the NN... unless if somehow this is a combination of the work of a huge influx of FFXII players and the match picture working in Tifa's favor... ARGH!!! --- Upon having Rosie O'Donnell corner him in the forest, the pizza delivery man knew how a Goomba felt when Mario got a star. ~ SSJ3 Popo |
Kaxon | Posted 11/6/2006 9:39:06 PM | message detail |
Snake is so winning this damn bracket. More like Tifa takes the lead after the Nintendo Power Hour, beats Zelda, and FF VII > MGS SFFs Snake in the finals, am I right? --- ....TCELES B HSUP |