GameFAQs Contests

Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 415
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HaRRicH | Posted 11/5/2006 6:17:51 PM | message detail |
...or Crono, if Samus was simply over-adjusted and the male hierarchy holds in place. --- Diddy did it. Diddy did it. DAMMIT! What didn't Diddy do?! |
Master Moltar | Posted 11/5/2006 6:20:35 PM | message detail |
Samus...over-adjusted? More like correctly-adjusted (maybe even under-adjusted)! Samus > everyone in the main bracket with at least 53%!! --- Moltar Status: Feeling good and hot-blooded. Sonic vs. Luigi - Bracket: Sonic - Vote: Sonic (80/88) |
dethfdddddh | Posted 11/5/2006 6:22:28 PM | message detail |
Hence why I said IMAGINE, >_____>.... --- z1mzum was the one to fill my dark soul with LIIIIGHHHT! |
Kyle Bowen | Posted 11/5/2006 7:45:12 PM | message detail |
This is a positive match for Squall. Squall beat Luigi by the same amount that Sonic is... Sure things have changed over time... but it's one of those matches that helps Squall to look good. KB |
The_Lady_Ashe | Posted 11/5/2006 7:47:57 PM | message detail |
From Master Moltar Samus...over-adjusted? More like correctly-adjusted (maybe even under-adjusted)! Samus > everyone in the main bracket with at least 53%!! Zelda and her 56% on Base Link this year would like a word with you. ~~~ The one. The only. Lady Ashe. |
Gaddswell | Posted 11/5/2006 7:50:43 PM | message detail |
Just throwing this in there, but has anyone considered the possibility
of a slight Sonic overpreformance just because it's a Mario character
he's up against? I mean, Shadow did do well with it against Mario. Also, where does this current result put Zero and Kirby on BL? --- By the time we localize the programs, kids don’t even know they’re from Japan any more. - 4Kids CEO Al Kahn |
Master Moltar | Posted 11/5/2006 7:50:51 PM | message detail |
Time Division: Round 3 - Match 56 – (1)Crono vs. (3)Auron Moltar’s Analysis Crono Round 1 – 74.16% vs. Capt. Falcon (25.84%) Round 2 – 57.44% vs. Bowser (42.56%) Crono does better than expected against Bowser Auron Round 1 – 64.40% vs. Alucard (35.60%) Round 2 – 59.63% vs. Sub-Zero (40.37%) Looks like Sub-Zero wasn’t as weak as some thought. Ouch, with Crono exposing Bowser, that was certainly the final nail concerning his status. He was overrated. Crono also hasn’t seemed to have lost a step last year. How about Auron? Well, he looked good against Alucard, and not so much so against Sub-Zero. It seems that for having one of the biggest cameos in KH2, he hasn’t changed much from last year. Not to mention, this makes Alucard look pretty bad. Wonder what happened to him? Anyway, this is a good match to see where Auron lies. We haven’t gotten a good read on him in forever. Yeah, even though both characters are Square, I don’t expect anything fishy in this match. Not much more to say here, really… Moltar’s Bracket Says: Crono will win. Moltar’s Prediction is: Crono: 58% - Auron: 42% Ulti’s Analysis Crono/Kefka, Crono/Magus, Crono/Vincent, and now Crono/Auron. 4th year in a row where Crono faces a Square character in an easy to call match that won't tell us a damn thing. Unless Auron does well, because then we'll just assume a constant Crono and a massive boost from the other side like we did with Vince <_< And don't laugh, because that paid off in the Ganon match. Anyway, uh... Auron has been behind SFF all three contests prior, so stats mean little here. Auron will probably do a mite better than 40%. Prediction: Crono with 59.85% HM’s Analysis Crono Previous Matches: Crono – 74.16% -- 84,090 Captain Falcon – 25.84% -- 20,306 Crono – 57.44% -- 68,821 Bowser – 42.56% -- 50,986 Auron Previous Matches: Auron – 64.4% -- 74,808 Alucard – 35.6% -- 41,357 Auron – 59.63% -- 80,252 Sub-Zero – 40.37% -- 54,325 Crono did away with any idea that he was going to get upset this contest by any non-Noble Nine character after taking care of Bowser without much trouble. Auron put up some rather disappointing numbers against Sub-Zero, at least as far as I’m concerned because I so wanted the doubling! Looking at the stats, this match might seem pretty uninteresting with Crono taking it easily with 60%+. However, Auron is a bit underrated in the stats and it doesn’t take into account his new Kingdom Hearts II boost. Although the possibility for SFF remains here, I doubt we’re going to see much simply because of the two generation gap between them. Auron should be pretty impressive here, but I don’t think there’s much of a chance at him pulling off any kind of crazy upset. He’s been looking pretty good in this contest, but not that good. For now, it looks like the Noble Nine held strong this year despite having some damn fine competition. Auron will take a respectable loss here. Aitch Emm’s Bracket: Crono Aitch Emm’s Prediction: Crono – 56% ; Auron – 44% Aitch Emm’s Vote: Auron Yoblazer’s Analysis Crono wins, I suppose. By how much, NO ONE KNOWS. Hahahaha Sorry. My prediction: Crono def. Auron (59-41) Lopen’s Analysis This match doesn't seem too interesting either. I guess we'll finally get a read on how much Auron boosted from Kingdom Hearts 2, though. I'm not thinking there's a big boost, myself, but anyway... it's time for more percentage calling. |
Master Moltar | Posted 11/5/2006 7:51:09 PM | message detail |
Now, people will think because Master Chief got
38% on Crono last year that Auron will do better than that? Well, I'm
not so sure he does. Auron's strength advantage is nil in a match vs. a
noble niner because Master Chief is a freak. Therefore last year Auron probably about matches what Master Chief did against Crono, that's what I'm saying. Then there's this "KH2 boost" thing and yearly fluctuation, and I'm just thinking Auron's getting somewhere between 35% and 45% on Crono. Yeah, I can't lose. Lopen's prediction: Crono with between 55 and 65%. … what? Not good enough for you? You want more precision? Well, I need to warm up first. Let's analyze just a bit more! *Marle annoyingly walks down an annoying street, annoyingly skipping, and she annoyingly approaches Auron, who looks visibly annoyed* Marle: Hi, wha… Auron: FAREWELL! *Auron blows Marle away with Shooting Star* Ahh… excellent. Lopen's prediction: Crono with 58.14% KH’s Analysis lol x-stats history CRONO "..." Summer 2002 Contest Extrapolated Strength --- 7th Place [37.43%] Summer 2003 Contest Extrapolated Strength --- 6th Place [38.14%] Summer 2004 Contest Extrapolated Strength --- 5th Place [37.18%] Summer 2005 Contest Extrapolated Strength --- 6th Place [36.54%] Crono does a number on Bowser last round, making him either look decently overrated or implying a bit of a Crono boost. Since I have him taking the main bracket, you know what this means !! WOO CRONO AURON "Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!" Summer 2003 Contest Extrapolated Strength --- 20th Place [27.80%] Summer 2004 Contest Extrapolated Strength --- 20th Place [27.38%] Summer 2005 Contest Extrapolated Strength --- 22nd Place [28.30%] Auron seems to have a tougher than expected fight against Sub-Zero, and with no excuses that MC's linearity would have given. Though he still did significantly better than the stats say, I suppose! WOO AURON Notable Releases Since Last Appearance Crono: N/A Auron: Kingdom Hearts II (PS2) Upcoming Releases Crono: N/A Auron: N/A Just another stepping stone to the Sonic/Crono clash, of course. Sonic is doing pretty well against Luigi today, so Crono needs to put on a show and show, once again, that he is a consistent beast here. Honestly, does anyone expect any weakness out of Crono by now? Karma Hunter's Vote: Auron. Farewell. Karma Hunter's Krazy Prediction: Crono with 57.65%. Coupled with my wishful thinking of a Crono boost and a nice gain for Auron from KH2, this is what we get here. Sah-weet! Upset Potential: 5% Y'know, in terms of straight stats Auron is projected to give Crono a really tough fight. KH2 and possible rSFF could allow him to pull it off! lol master chief Upset Prediction: Auron with 50.28% Guest’s Analysis - Luis_Sera89 Crono Round 1: Beat Captain Falcon with 74.16% Round 2 : Beat Bowser with 57.44% Crono looked as consistent as ever in his opening two matches this contest, beating Falcon of F-Zero and SSB fame with similar numbers that would be expected against Ness, then never looking in any danger against one of the success stories of 2k5 Bowser, in a match that a certain bandwagon of users were predicting to be close. Auron Round 1: Beat Alucard with 64.40% Round 2: Beat Sub Zero with 59.63% |
Master Moltar | Posted 11/5/2006 7:51:57 PM | message detail |
Auron started impressively, blowing away Alucard in an utterly
dominating display, indicating that the katana wielding badass may just
be one of the biggest beneficiaries of KH2F, as well as continuing his
run of victories in the low to mid 60’s range in first round matches.
However in his surprise second round match up against Mortal Kombat’s
Sub Zero, it seemed he dropped a ball in a contest that people were
thinking would be even more crushing. Sub Zero as strong as a 2k5 Frog
assuming a constant Auron, as well as performing almost 5% better than
Alucard? Either Subbie a lot stronger than we gave him credit for,
Auron’s old timer pic really hurt him or he just plain aint gonna be
troubling the near elites quite yet. This match isn’t about whether Crono’s Elite Eight appearance is under threat, but rather how Auron places in the group of characters including Bowser, Tifa and Dante. Interestingly, Crono’s last match against Bowser should provide a good indication of just where he places in said group, and if he indeed cracks 42.66% he’s doing very well for himself indeed. Crono exceeded X stat expectations against Bowser based off of last years standings, but of course that was a trail blazing Bowser hot off of going 50/50 against Solid **** and looking the favourite for the Holy Grail of 10th strongest character. It turned out to be all about just how overrated he would be, ending up as a respectable 1.5%ish, saving face for the Koopa King. Most importantly, Crono’s long awaited drop seems to have skipped a year once again, and he seems to be on his way to the main bracket finals for the second year in succession for a hotly anticipated match up against Samus Aran. One thing I know I am taking into consideration is how much SFF, if any at all we will be witnessing. Crono has faced Square’s Kefka, Magus, Zidane and Vincent in the past. Of those, one is from his own game, one was untested and one was from FFVII. Only Kefka seemed to perform below expectations, although it was by a fairly significant 7/8%. So what of Auron? As of 2006, FFX has never seemed to hold up well against stronger Square games, Auron himself suffering the wrath of Cloud and Sephiroth in 2k3 and 2k4 respectively. Based on last years X-stats: Crono (2005c) VS Auron (2005c) Crono has a strength of 39.87. Auron has a strength of 30.88. Crono wins with 61.27% of the vote! A win of 21,366 with 94,756 total votes cast. Adding in a 1.5/2% KH2 boost for Auron, and accounting for the potential double SFF from being behind both Samus/Ganon and Mario/Samus, that will go someway to negate any SFF Crono may get on him, and so I don’t expect Crono to be 60/40ing Auron. It’s all down to Auron to prove just how much he’s gained on the rest of the pack this year, and for Crono to silence the Sonic/Mega Man/Snake crowds. Luis’ prediction: Crono with 58.79% Crew Consensus: Crono wins in the mid-to-high 50's range, just like every other Round 3 match. |
Iamyoursnake | Posted 11/5/2006 8:17:11 PM | message detail |
Zelda and her 56% on Base Link this year would like a word with you. This is coming from a person who has Aeris over Zelda. LOL to the highest point. |
Mac Arrowny | Posted 11/5/2006 8:41:07 PM | message detail |
HM's the only one with Auron > Bowser? I thought that you mentioned
that you would've taken that upset, KH. And I'm surprised that nobody
else did either. --- 99% of people just make up statistics on the spot. If you are part of the 1%, post this in your sig |
cyko | Posted 11/5/2006 8:58:26 PM | message detail |
i'm going with HM on this one. post - KH2, i totally would have taken
Auron over Ganondorf or Bowser. he could be near Vincent's level now!
and Sonic with 47.53% of the brackets! --- i have officially been Z1mZum'D in the guru contest. Vincent Valentine to win the Blast Division!! |
Janus5000 | Posted 11/5/2006 8:59:28 PM | message detail |
Sonic with 49.90% of the brackets. --- "Those who cast the vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything." |
Karma Hunter | Posted 11/5/2006 9:00:02 PM | message detail |
HM's the only one with Auron > Bowser? I thought that you mentioned that you would've taken that upset, KH. Sub-Zero sort of dampened my prospects a bit. I'm still calling for Auron = Bowser though, so we'll see I guess. --- *kills self* Commit it to memory. |
Master Moltar | Posted 11/5/2006 9:00:19 PM | message detail |
Crono 70% 7 Auron 30% 3 TOTAL VOTES 10 Ouch... --- Moltar Status: Feeling good and hot-blooded. Crono vs. Auron - Bracket: Crono - Vote: Auron (84/92) |
Gaddswell | Posted 11/5/2006 9:00:31 PM | message detail |
Crono 66% 33 Auron 34% 17 TOTAL VOTES 50 --- By the time we localize the programs, kids don’t even know they’re from Japan any more. - 4Kids CEO Al Kahn |
Master Moltar | Posted 11/5/2006 9:01:18 PM | message detail |
40.02% for Sonic, not bad for a tough as nails division... --- Moltar Status: Feeling good and hot-blooded. Crono vs. Auron - Bracket: Crono - Vote: Auron (84/92) |
Janus5000 | Posted 11/5/2006 9:01:18 PM | message detail |
Crono 66.67% 14 Auron 33.33% 7 TOTAL VOTES 21 Damn DBZ speed freaks. 40.02%? Amazing. --- "Those who cast the vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything." |
Lindiriel | Posted 11/5/2006 9:01:34 PM | message detail |
Crono 64.29% 18 Auron 35.71% 10 TOTAL VOTES 28 Better than I did last night... |
BDawg | Posted 11/5/2006 9:02:51 PM | message detail |
The noble nine are such jerks crushing and discarding challengers with such ease. --- Should I start running now? |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 11/5/2006 9:03:02 PM | message detail |
From HaRRicH Man, whoever claimed that Sonic and Luigi had very similar trends before the match started is right -- this match, just...I dunno, it doesn't move! Heh, that was me. Oddly enough I called this exactly. Sonic winning the morning by a wee bit and Luigi winning the day by a wee bit. TuRtLe ~~~ 55/62 in the contest. My analysis topic here: |
Big Bob | Posted 11/5/2006 9:03:13 PM | message detail |
Dang, I figured Auron would be more popular with the board vote. --- Gordon Freeman finally won, but somehow, the universe survived... thus allowing me to tell said universe about how I was owned by NClark128. |
Karma Hunter | Posted 11/5/2006 9:03:59 PM | message detail |
Crono really seems to hold his own with the board vote, which is really weird to me looking at how poorly FFVII does. --- *kills self* Commit it to memory. |
BlastTheSpeaker | Posted 11/5/2006 9:05:33 PM | message detail |
Crono is a flat out beast this year. ~Hiko~ --- Blast the Speakers!! WWEGSB FPV Main Roster Member |
Yesmar | Posted 11/5/2006 9:05:40 PM | message detail |
Crono really seems to hold his own with the board vote, which is really weird to me looking at how poorly FFVII does. But FFVII doesn't have indie cred! --- Z1mZum totally owned me in the July 2006 Guru Contest The Funky Chickens in Trivia XVIII |
Gaddswell | Posted 11/5/2006 9:05:45 PM | message detail |
At the freeze: Crono 59.89% 757 Auron 40.11% 507 TOTAL VOTES 1264 --- By the time we localize the programs, kids don’t even know they’re from Japan any more. - 4Kids CEO Al Kahn |
ccbfan | Posted 11/5/2006 9:05:48 PM | message detail |
Not supprising considering Crono is pretty close to nintendo while ff7 is the bane of nintendo. |
Master Moltar | Posted 11/5/2006 9:06:01 PM | message detail |
Crono at just under 60% at the pause...hmm. I can see Auron bringing this down a bit...not sure where it will finish though. --- Moltar Status: Feeling good and hot-blooded. Crono vs. Auron - Bracket: Crono - Vote: Auron (84/92) |
dragoontheguy | Posted 11/5/2006 9:06:08 PM | message detail |
You'd never know a match just started looking at how dead this topic is. --- Currently listening to: A Twist in the Myth, Amputechture, Deus Ex Machinae, Black Wings of Destiny, Let Mortal Heroes Sing your Fame, and others. |
MyWorldIsZelda | Posted 11/5/2006 9:06:34 PM | message detail |
Auron should end up making this look pretty good
by the end of it. He's got it under 60% at the freeze and I would
figure he'd do very well with the day vote considering his opponent. --- "Let's face it: the princess Zelda has always been a symbol of sexual desire." |
The_Lady_Ashe | Posted 11/5/2006 9:07:11 PM | message detail |
It's because Sonic vs. Luigi made most people fall asleep. It should
get interesting in say, ten minutes when we see a more reliable number. ~~~ The one. The only. Lady Ashe. |
Karma Hunter | Posted 11/5/2006 9:07:16 PM | message detail |
Yeah, Auron shouldn't be a beast with the day, but he should make some
headway against Crono. He just needs to keep it together throughout the
night. --- *kills self* Commit it to memory. |
The_Lady_Ashe | Posted 11/5/2006 9:07:53 PM | message detail |
Auron with 59.35%! ~~~ The one. The only. Lady Ashe. |
Team Rocket Elite | Posted 11/5/2006 9:07:53 PM | message detail |
Score-Brackets-% Right 87-----2--------100.0000000 86-----18-------100.0000000 85-----25-------96.0000000 84-----74-------94.5945946 83-----119------91.5966387 82-----178------86.5168539 81-----239------83.2635983 80-----296------84.7972973 79-----312------79.8076923 78-----405------73.8271605 77-----502------71.5139442 76-----538------74.5353160 75-----620------69.5161290 74-----715------65.0349650 73-----849------65.9599529 72-----919------62.5680087 71-----1115-----64.6636771 70-----1079-----57.1825765 69-----1112-----57.6438849 68-----1233-----53.5279805 67-----1261-----50.5154639 66-----1253-----48.8427773 65-----1245-----47.4698795 64-----1355-----44.2804428 63-----1293-----44.1608662 62-----1344-----42.7083333 61-----1342-----41.0581222 60-----1352-----38.6094675 59-----1304-----36.4263804 58-----1311-----36.9946606 57-----1303-----32.0798158 56-----1253-----33.2003192 55-----1251-----31.5747402 54-----1227-----26.9763651 53-----1192-----30.4530201 52-----1102-----28.0399274 51-----1105-----27.5113122 50-----1023-----24.8289345 49-----1043-----26.0786194 48-----912------22.2587719 47-----864------19.9074074 46-----844------21.6824645 45-----732------21.0382514 44-----695------21.1510791 43-----611------18.8216039 42-----547------15.9049360 41-----461------18.0043384 40-----464------17.0258621 39-----395------20.2531646 38-----329------17.0212766 37-----283------17.6678445 36-----235------13.6170213 35-----211------12.3222749 34-----155------16.7741935 33-----122------11.4754098 32-----107------9.3457944 31-----106------17.9245283 30-----81-------12.3456790 29-----71-------11.2676056 28-----52-------11.5384615 27-----34-------17.6470588 26-----33-------18.1818182 25-----22-------0.0000000 24-----26-------15.3846154 23-----19-------10.5263158 22-----13-------7.6923077 21-----7--------14.2857143 20-----5--------20.0000000 19-----3--------0.0000000 18-----5--------20.0000000 Everybody with a score or 17 or less got the match wrong. Overall prediction percentage: 40.02% Another great performace by the top tiers. The -1s and -2s manage to go perfect. The -3s, -4s and -5s break 90. Only one person fell off the Top 50 today. Heroic_Rufus bet against the Noble Nine and did not have Sonic winning today. --- I got pwnt by Z1mZum in the July 2006 Guru Contest. Support Toadette for the Summer 2006 Contest! |
Who Cares? | Posted 11/5/2006 9:08:58 PM | message detail |
..Meh, I'm just waiting for Snake/Mega Man at this point. These past few matches are nothing more than the final 'tune-ups' --- Chun-Li's Road to the Female Final Four: Failed! She should've stayed away from the summoner! *Go play Tales of the Abyss* |
The_Lady_Ashe | Posted 11/5/2006 9:11:00 PM | message detail |
I like my prediction for that update. >_> ~~~ The one. The only. Lady Ashe. |
BDawg | Posted 11/5/2006 9:17:27 PM | message detail |
I don't remember all the details of past contests but uh Crono didn't always have such a bad day vote, did he? --- Should I start running now? |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 11/5/2006 9:18:54 PM | message detail |
From BDawg I don't remember all the details of past contests but uh Crono didn't always have such a bad day vote, did he? XD TuRtLe ~~~ 81/88 in the contest. My analysis topic here: |
The_Lady_Ashe | Posted 11/5/2006 9:18:55 PM | message detail |
From BDawg I don't remember all the details of past contests but uh Crono didn't always have such a bad day vote, did he? Did you completely miss what KH2 did for Kairi and Sora? ~~~ The one. The only. Lady Ashe. |
__hiei__ | Posted 11/5/2006 9:19:31 PM | message detail |
Crono always have bad day vote except when he goes against mario.crono/mario matches never follow the standard trend |
Cecil | Posted 11/5/2006 9:20:00 PM | message detail |
Should Auron be this strong in the night vote? Seems like Crono is weaker then I thought, or is Auron for some reason pretty popular? |
Karma Hunter | Posted 11/5/2006 9:20:05 PM | message detail |
Crono's day vote has basically been a
below-average thing, but he's really been disappointing with it this
contest. Falcon and Bowser really gained percentage like crazy with the
day, which is especially disappointing in Bowser's case considering
that he lost the day to Leon Kennedy. Of course trends don't determine victors, strength does. And in terms of strength, Crono has yet to falter. --- *kills self* Commit it to memory. |
YoAriel33 | Posted 11/5/2006 9:20:46 PM | message detail |
Looks like I'm not the only one who doesn't care about this match. --- I don't know when, I don't know how, but I know something starting right now... Watch and you'll see, someday I'll be... part of your world! |
Karma Hunter | Posted 11/5/2006 9:21:41 PM | message detail |
Should Auron be this strong in the night vote? Seems like Crono is
weaker then I thought, or is Auron for some reason pretty popular? Auron is projected to get above 38% on Crono despite being behind the potential underrating that both Mario/Samus and Samus/Ganon created. Then there's the fact that he had THE standout role in KH2...Crono's doing just fine here. --- *kills self* Commit it to memory. |
The_Lady_Ashe | Posted 11/5/2006 9:21:43 PM | message detail |
Yeah! Back to 59.35%! Hold it there you two, and a perfect prediction is mine! ~~~ The one. The only. Lady Ashe. |
Iamyoursnake | Posted 11/5/2006 9:23:15 PM | message detail |
Actually most do not care much about Auron/Crono,Samus/Tifa and
Zelda/Yuna matches. The victors are obvious and their opponent doesn't
even come close. I am looking forward to Snake/Mega Man and Sonic/Crono. |
dragoontheguy | Posted 11/5/2006 9:26:12 PM | message detail |
Snake/megaman should be interesting. --- Currently listening to: A Twist in the Myth, Amputechture, Deus Ex Machinae, Black Wings of Destiny, Let Mortal Heroes Sing your Fame, and others. |
HaRRicH | Posted 11/5/2006 9:26:21 PM | message detail |
Yeah, the male-half after today, Samus/Zelda, and
the championship are the only matches left to really care about, though
I wonder if Samus might under-perform a bit against Tifa. --- Diddy did it. Diddy did it. DAMMIT! What didn't Diddy do?! |
UltimaterializerX | Posted 11/5/2006 9:26:25 PM | message detail |
From YoAriel33 Posted 11/6/2006 12:20:46 AM #493 Looks like I'm not the only one who doesn't care about this match. I don't give a crap either. Tonight was all about Pats/Colts. ~*ST*~ --- Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest Now Playing: Disgaea 2, KH:COM (Sora), Castlevania: LoI, MMZX |
Big Bob | Posted 11/5/2006 9:26:29 PM | message detail |
Sonic > Link --- Gordon Freeman finally won, but somehow, the universe survived... thus allowing me to tell said universe about how I was owned by NClark128. |