GameFAQs Contests

Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 410
TehMissingLink | Posted 10/29/2006 1:49:14 AM | message detail |
I should add a little note to that... *Except when facing Link -- --- "Let's face it: the princess Zelda has always been a symbol of sexual desire." |
transience | Posted 10/29/2006 1:54:41 AM | message detail |
yeah, Crono looked like crap against Bowser, after all! --- xyzzy |
VinnieMac | Posted 10/29/2006 1:56:12 AM | message detail |
Interesting discussion about Leon and Magus. Personally, I would favor
Magus in that matchup, but like others have said I would be pretty wary
about it. I'd probably have a similar bracket as Xuxon if the division
ever showed up in the contest. I might consider Scorpion > MC,
though. As for the joke division I created, I'd probably take Cait Sith winning the division as well. --- "Hey Jack. Have you noticed, wherever you go, there's a body count?" - George Mason And that's the end of that chapter. *Tosses scarf over shoulder* |
TehMissingLink | Posted 10/29/2006 1:57:39 AM | message detail |
yeah, Crono looked like crap against Bowser, after all! All he needs to do is stay constant! It's not about Crono sucking !! --- "Let's face it: the princess Zelda has always been a symbol of sexual desire." |
UltimaterializerX | Posted 10/29/2006 1:01:33 AM | message detail |
I'm Magus's biggest fan, and believe me when I say he's still overrated to hell. As for Magus/Leon, um... *runs some numbers* brb ~*ST*~ --- Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest Now Playing: Disgaea 2, KH:COM (Sora), Castlevania: LoI, MMZX |
transience | Posted 10/29/2006 1:01:42 AM | message detail |
Crono sucking what --- xyzzy |
UltimaterializerX | Posted 10/29/2006 1:02:35 AM | message detail |
I'd probably pick Leon, actually. ~*ST*~ --- Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest Now Playing: Disgaea 2, KH:COM (Sora), Castlevania: LoI, MMZX |
__Smurf__ | Posted 10/29/2006 1:07:20 AM | message detail |
Magus would take down Leon. I think Magus has gone from slightly overrated to havily underrated. He only lost to Knuckles because he boosted, he may not have hit that 56% he was expecting the previous year, but I'd have expected him to win anyway. He may not be a near noble anymore, but he's still a very strong upper midcarder. I'd certainly consider taking him over Bowser and easily over Leon. CT characters apparently aren't going away in the foreseeable future. --- Smurf. The Cream of Sonic The Hedgehog Fanboyism. FOREVER INFERIOR TO SONIC! |
VinnieMac | Posted 10/29/2006 1:45:11 AM | message detail |
Hmm, I should have thrown Zero and Revolver Ocelot in that division
somewhere (maybe replace Sora and Master Hand). It'd be interesting to
see how people would decide matches involving characters that have just
come off of a disappointing loss. --- "Hey Jack. Have you noticed, wherever you go, there's a body count?" - George Mason And that's the end of that chapter. *Tosses scarf over shoulder* |
Draco1214 | Posted 10/29/2006 1:48:51 AM | message detail |
Zero vs. Magus would be a hell of a match to predict. --- Currently Playing: Okami, King of Fighters 2002/2003, Gradius V |
Haste_2 | Posted 10/29/2006 1:55:12 AM | message detail |
Poll: that Bowser outperformed Mega Man on Ryu, yet still lost to Crono handily, how do you explain it? You can say "lol x-stats" (gosh, "lol [anything]" gets on my nerves), but mid-carders and up have proven themselves to work with x-stats, except for maybe Master Chief. Some ideas include: A)Bowser over-performed against Ryu (and perhaps likewise on Chun Li) and Solid Snake. B)Mega Man dropped a good deal. C)Ryu redeemed himself a bit from last year. D)Crono actually over-performed on Bowser, and Snake/Bowser was fine. E)Ryu/Mega Man anomaly, whether it was a little rSFF or a bad picture on MM's part. F)Bowser just fell in popularity. G)Crono gained. ...Or any combination of the above...or, something else. I figure it's a combination of at least two of them... I think most of you would agree that B is one of them. You can tell that I'm bored. --- Sign the Petition for more stats in the GameFAQs Contests here: |
Haste_2 | Posted 10/29/2006 1:56:50 AM | message detail |
Zero vs. Magus would be a good match...funny how even before the
weakening of Zero and the exposure of Magus' true strength, Zero vs.
Magus was quite debated. --- Sign the Petition for more stats in the GameFAQs Contests here: |
zwong1 | Posted 10/29/2006 1:58:54 AM | message detail |
I think B. --- After his match with Dante, Yoshi will do respectable against Snake |
Haste_2 | Posted 10/29/2006 2:00:40 AM | message detail |
If you only said B, though, you're basically saying Mega Man dropped to 33-34% on BL, though. ;p --- Sign the Petition for more stats in the GameFAQs Contests here: |
Draco1214 | Posted 10/29/2006 2:01:26 AM | message detail |
I think it's a combination of A and C, though B looks like a very good possibility. --- Currently Playing: Okami, King of Fighters 2002/2003, Gradius V |
zwong1 | Posted 10/29/2006 2:01:51 AM | message detail |
Then maybe B and C. Anyway, what was Megaman percentage on BL last year. --- After his match with Dante, Yoshi will do respectable against Snake |
Haste_2 | Posted 10/29/2006 2:04:14 AM | message detail |
Myself, I'm thinking it might be a combination of B, C, and E, heh... at least two of the three. --- Sign the Petition for more stats in the GameFAQs Contests here: |
Zylo the wolf | Posted 10/29/2006 2:21:32 AM | message detail |
I refuse to believe in B, so I say A and C. --- Supporter of Chun Li |
__Smurf__ | Posted 10/29/2006 2:30:11 AM | message detail |
Megaman dropped and sharply. If you don't think that, explain the following. 1) Him getting a lower seed than all the other Noble niners. Including Crono, who generally does bad with the nominations. 2) The undeniable decline of Zero. In seeding, but more importantly in performance. 3) The way he's declined consistently each and every year. Why would this year be any different? 4) Him crapping himself aganist Axel. 5) Performing worse than Bowser on Ryu, While Ryu would have no reason to gain. (and he never does anyway). 6) His horrible prediction percentage, where unlike Sonic, there should have been no debating about him winnning his 4 pack. 7) His series performing noteably weaker than the likes of Sonic and Metal Gear in the recent series contest. Face it, he's done for. ^_~ --- Smurf. The Cream of Sonic The Hedgehog Fanboyism. FOREVER INFERIOR TO SONIC! |
Zylo the wolf | Posted 10/29/2006 2:31:15 AM | message detail |
=( --- Supporter of Chun Li |
zwong1 | Posted 10/29/2006 2:34:09 AM | message detail |
__Smurf__ , a incredible list. --- After his match with Dante, Yoshi will do respectable against Snake |
zwong1 | Posted 10/29/2006 3:41:44 AM | message detail |
At this rate, Auron might actually break 62% on Sub-Zero. --- After his match with Dante, Yoshi will do respectable against Snake |
Zylo the wolf | Posted 10/29/2006 3:49:30 AM | message detail |
WARNING, FANBOYISM AHEAD: Megaman dropped and sharply. If you don't think that, explain the following. 1) Him getting a lower seed than all the other Noble niners. Including Crono, who generally does bad with the nominations. I dunno, maybe KH2, or the fact that CjayC is a huge Kingdom Hearts fan? Rememīber when a 2nd seed won a contest or when a second seed killed Mario? Seeds means nothing. 2) The undeniable decline of Zero. In seeding, but more importantly in performance. We are talking about Megaman, not Zero. >_> Frog and Magus declined last year but Crono didn't. 3) The way he's declined consistently each and every year. Why would this year be any different? I'm not going to bother with this one. 4) Him crapping himself aganist Axel. Once again, it's Kingdom Hearts fans, they will vote for anything from Kingdom Hearts. 5) Performing worse than Bowser on Ryu, While Ryu would have no reason to gain. (and he never does anyway). And he still did better than Samus, Solid Snake and Sonic. And Bowser did 10% WORSE than Megaman on Leon. 6) His horrible prediction percentage, where unlike Sonic, there should have been no debating about him winnning his 4 pack. Since when was the casual bracketmaker smart? Remember when 50% of the brackets had Crono over Kefka, Vercetti and Zidane? 7) His series performing noteably weaker than the likes of Sonic and Metal Gear in the recent series contest Unlike those two he had two series in the contest, and I guess you now mean that NIdoran would give Samus a great match and that Samus is done against Tifa? Als how weak wouldn't Crono be because his series didn't even make it in the contest and he still kicked out the main villain from the 3rd strongest series yesterday. The blue bomber > blue smurfs --- Supporter of Chun Li |
MyworldisSmurf | Posted 10/29/2006 4:08:04 AM | message detail |
I dunno, maybe KH2, or the fact that CjayC is a huge Kingdom Hearts
fan? Rememīber when a 2nd seed won a contest or when a second seed
killed Mario? Seeds means nothing. Seeding means little. But seeding trends mean a lot. If a character's nominations decline, it's a cause for concern because that generally incdicates that they have lost popularity. That has happened to MM. Not so much because he's behind Sora, but because he's behind Crono. That's never happened before. We are talking about Megaman, not Zero. >_> Frog and Magus declined last year but Crono didn't. It generally happens that when one character from a series declines, the rest do also. Look at Sonic and Knuckles both boosting last year. I'd argue that Frog was overrated and that Magus's decline was minimal. Once again, it's Kingdom Hearts fans, they will vote for anything from Kingdom Hearts. Tell that to Ansem. A better known KH character who MM should have been tripling. And he still did better than Samus, Solid Snake and Sonic. And Bowser did 10% WORSE than Megaman on Leon. That's a different Ryu. The current Ryu bombs aganist Bowser and is the underdog to Kratos. As Gordon Freeman will tell you, Leon boosted this year because of the Ps2 release. Since when was the casual bracketmaker smart? Remember when 50% of the brackets had Crono over Kefka, Vercetti and Zidane? They don't have to be. What it shows is that confidence and support of MegaMan is falling. People are starting to doubt his ability to win simple matches. That never used to happen either. Unlike those two he had two series in the contest, and I guess you now mean that NIdoran would give Samus a great match and that Samus is done against Tifa? Als how weak wouldn't Crono be because his series didn't even make it in the contest and he still kicked out the main villain from the 3rd strongest series yesterday. As I've said before, CT sucks with nominations. It wasn't there, so you can't judge it. MM was there and fell a considerable distance behind, say Sonic. MM is a character without personality so needless to say, people who don't like the series would like his character. --- Smurf The cream of Sonic Fanboyism. FOREVER INFERIOR TO HARMONICA. |
zwong1 | Posted 10/29/2006 4:18:41 AM | message detail |
I am not siding with any one of you but i have to say it is a interesting argument. --- After his match with Dante, Yoshi will do respectable against Snake |
janembaman | Posted 10/29/2006 4:53:05 AM | message detail |
I'm siding with Zylo the wolf because Smurf's hate for Megaman blinded him completely --- laff |
MyworldisSmurf | Posted 10/29/2006 4:54:52 AM | message detail |
When Sora gets 48% on MM, let's see how blinded I am then. ^_~ --- Smurf The cream of Sonic Fanboyism. FOREVER INFERIOR TO HARMONICA. |
KamikazePotato | Posted 10/29/2006 5:34:31 AM | message detail |
Is Auron underpeforming here? I can't really tell. --- Do you really need me to bring out the Ovaltine?-Stripey12isback on why hes a war hero. |
janembaman | Posted 10/29/2006 5:34:31 AM | message detail |
I remember you said "Sora>Megaman" before Oh well... --- laff |
transience | Posted 10/29/2006 5:36:46 AM | message detail |
Auron is doing as expected. maybe 1% below expectations or something, but not any more than that. --- xyzzy |
zwong1 | Posted 10/29/2006 5:40:58 AM | message detail |
MyworldisSmurf, why did you hate Megaman so much. --- After his match with Dante, Yoshi will do respectable against Snake |
MyworldisSmurf | Posted 10/29/2006 5:44:15 AM | message detail |
MM is a series that has done nothing even remotely of note for 10 years. It's crazy that he's even in the noble 9. Although, the same applies for Crono. --- Smurf The cream of Sonic Fanboyism. FOREVER INFERIOR TO HARMONICA. |
Samurai7 | Posted 10/29/2006 5:48:19 AM | message detail |
Being recent is more important than being good apparently --- It's a sad fact that you had to derail this topic because you are afraid of the power of the PS3 -- cade |
MyworldisSmurf | Posted 10/29/2006 5:49:43 AM | message detail |
Both are important. If you're unable to get a single good game out over a 10 year period, you don't deserve to be among the elite. --- Smurf The cream of Sonic Fanboyism. FOREVER INFERIOR TO HARMONICA. |
Samurai7 | Posted 10/29/2006 5:53:56 AM | message detail |
Crono > Sonic --- It's a sad fact that you had to derail this topic because you are afraid of the power of the PS3 -- cade |
zwong1 | Posted 10/29/2006 5:53:58 AM | message detail |
Btw, what is the sales of the recent newer Megaman games. I guess it must be pretty average to good. --- After his match with Dante, Yoshi will do respectable against Snake |
janembaman | Posted 10/29/2006 5:57:28 AM | message detail |
Why Crono is still strong is beyond me Actually,I can't understand why he is strong in the first place --- laff |
MyworldisSmurf | Posted 10/29/2006 5:57:58 AM | message detail |
Woeful. In the last 10 years, only 2 MegaMan games have broke the
pitiful sales barrier of 1 thousand. Those were 2 battle network games.
Which each sold a laughable 1.17m --- Smurf The cream of Sonic Fanboyism. FOREVER INFERIOR TO HARMONICA. |
zwong1 | Posted 10/29/2006 6:02:09 AM | message detail |
I was once a Megaman fan but haven't play a Megaman game for about 5 to
6 years. I don't even care about the PS2 Megaman games. Even though i
may not be a megaman fan anymore, i was hoping that the sales will be
good but clearly i was wrong. Let pray that Capcom puts in more effort in creating a better Megaman game. --- After his match with Dante, Yoshi will do respectable against Snake |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/29/2006 6:20:03 AM | message detail |
Good to see Auron push his way up to 60%, now on to 63%!! As for Knuckles and Magus, I'm also in the camp that says they are a bit overrated. Knuckles definitely did a little too well on Squall, helping out Magus as well. I'd take Ryu over both of them, and Leon and Zero over Magus. I'm not really sure who I would pick in Knuckles/Leon or Knuckles/Zero at the moment though, but I'm leaning towards Knux's opponents... --- Moltar Status: Feeling good and hot-blooded. Auron vs. Sub-Zero- Bracket: Auron - Vote: Auron (54/62) |
MyworldisSmurf | Posted 10/29/2006 6:25:12 AM | message detail |
On what basis, did he simply do "too well"? He boosted, that's it. He didn't have pic advantage, he didn't have bracket support. His 46% was genuine. --- Smurf The cream of Sonic Fanboyism. FOREVER INFERIOR TO HARMONICA. |
The_Lady_Ashe | Posted 10/29/2006 6:32:05 AM | message detail |
Axel is going to be underrated. :'( ~~~ The one. The only. Lady Ashe. |
cyko | Posted 10/29/2006 6:49:41 AM | message detail |
MM is a series that has done nothing even remotely of note for 10 years. It's crazy that he's even in the noble 9. Although, the same applies for Crono. the same thing also applies to Sonic, yet he unfortunately remains in the Noble Nine as well. --- i have officially been Z1mZum'D in the guru contest. Vincent Valentine to win the Blast Division!! |
GrapefruitKing | Posted 10/29/2006 7:22:33 AM | message detail |
At least Sonic seems to have a big next-gen game coming up... we can't say the same for Crono and MM... --- CB5 Oracle Challenge - Today's prediction: Auron with 60.61% |
The_Lady_Ashe | Posted 10/29/2006 7:49:25 AM | message detail |
It seems to have leveled off at 60.4X% If this is where it stays, and MC stayed where he was last time around(lol), where does this put Subby on Base Link? ~~~ The one. The only. Lady Ashe. |
The_Lady_Ashe | Posted 10/29/2006 7:50:20 AM | message detail |
And how much does it mean Auron boosted? I forgot the most important question. -_- ~~~ The one. The only. Lady Ashe. |
HoorayProxies | Posted 10/29/2006 7:51:49 AM | message detail |
What does Luigi need to get on a constant Sonic to make PoP worth 25% on BL? --- Hooray Beer, Hooray Proxies! |
HoorayProxies | Posted 10/29/2006 7:53:58 AM | message detail |
If this is where it stays, and MC stayed where he was last time around(lol), where does this put Subby on Base Link? Hell... even though I think Auron is underrated, extrapolating through him would be a better idea than using MC. He's lost to someone who is worth 25% on BL, and made himself look like he's worth 31% on BL. Using him for extrapolation is about as intelligent as lighting your crack pipe in front of a police officer. --- Hooray Beer, Hooray Proxies! |
The_Lady_Ashe | Posted 10/29/2006 7:56:09 AM | message detail |
Hence the "lol". I would still like an answer, though. :x ~~~ The one. The only. Lady Ashe. |
charmander6000 | Posted 10/29/2006 7:59:38 AM | message detail |
If Auron = 2k5 Ganondorf and DK is at his 2k3 strength then Auron would be expected to get 61% on Sub-Zero. --- "I was trying to escape. Obviously, it didn't work." - President Bush |