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Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 405

HeroicTronBonne | Posted 10/25/2006 3:40:57 PM | message detail
DKC made mine levels famous. DKC got snubbed outta the Games Contest, didn't it?
Proud Member of The Bonne Pirate Family and Creator of the Servbots!
WWEGSB Hardcore Legend and Board 8er Masa/Hiko
thok | Posted 10/25/2006 3:53:51 PM | message detail
No discussion of mine levels is complete without a brief mention of the terror that was Dark Savior's mine carts.
UltimaterializerX | Posted 10/25/2006 3:54:30 PM | message detail
My ability to turn any stats topic into a good debate is awesomesauce. Ph33r.

Oh and WTF Ryu, stop trailing off.

Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest
Now Playing: Disgaea 2, KH:COM (Sora), Castlevania: LoI, MMZX
Kegger9 | Posted 10/25/2006 3:57:21 PM | message detail
Deku Link: "Hay GuyZ l00k at mee, i cAn blow teh BuBBlez, lol!"

what ever i always new bruce wayne was batman anyway - ertyu
Phoenix Wright will be a little weaker then King of All Cosmos. Just a little.
YoAriel33 | Posted 10/25/2006 4:31:57 PM | message detail
After this match, Ryu will have faced four different Noble 9 members, and his worst loss is still against Bowser. An outstanding (if not pretty weird) job by the fighting legend.
The Little Mermaid 2-Disc Platinum Edition DVD
Coming October 3, 2006
KingBartz | Posted 10/25/2006 4:38:01 PM | message detail
Those bubbles were perfectly useless.
That was too close. You were almost a Jill sandwich.
SC2k6: 48/54 Today's pick: Mega Man
therealmnm | Posted 10/25/2006 4:55:10 PM | message detail
Okay, so what's been going on today? Have people agreed on my theory about Ryu and possibly Zero simply having a weakness to Nintendo (SNES roots?) Or are people using Ryu/Bowser and Ryu/Kratos to say that Mega Man has fallen off as well? I KNOW there are some people saying the latter. Let me catch up (and see what this debate Ulti's talking about is...)
Currently playing: Grand Theft Auto 3, Devil May Cry, Mega Man ZX
trannyscience | Posted 10/25/2006 4:57:11 PM | message detail
you can put me in the latter camp. if Bowser can "SNES SFF" Ryu, why wouldn't Mega Man? and if you say it's because his best games were on the NES, what happened with Yoshi?
"that'll do, pig."
therealmnm | Posted 10/25/2006 5:01:17 PM | message detail
Mega Man isn't awesome enough to overperform against Ryu like Bowser! Mwa ha ha ha
Currently playing: Grand Theft Auto 3, Devil May Cry, Mega Man ZX
Master Moltar | Posted 10/25/2006 5:08:39 PM | message detail
but mm iz teh KING OF SFF!11!!1

And i'm about ready to just call a fluke on Bowser/Ryu last year (maybe even Ryu 2005 as a whole), and that this is the Ryu of 2004 we all know and love.

Only Rikku may say otherwise, since 45% on 2004 Ryu puts her pretty high, which in turn puts Kairi up there as well, but I guess we'll see with Samus.

Now if MM stinks it up against Sora (and that's really hard to say what "stinks up" will be, since all we have so far is Tingle and Freeman to judge him on), then maybe i'll hop on the MM-haterz bandwagon.
Moltar Status: Feeling good and hot-blooded.
Ryu vs. Mega Man - Bracket: MM - Vote: MM (48/54)
YoAriel33 | Posted 10/25/2006 5:13:24 PM | message detail
I'm very confident that, barring another terrible picture, Mega Man will put up 60%+ on Sora.
The Little Mermaid 2-Disc Platinum Edition DVD
Coming October 3, 2006
trannyscience | Posted 10/25/2006 5:15:25 PM | message detail
I would buy a random overperformance before I bought "SFF", even though the end result is the same. I also struggle to think of Ryu being even at his 2k5 value last year.. when everyone else in your division looks bad, it's hard to expect much out of Ryu as well. I struggle to see Rikku being a high midcarder like this match suggests, though Yuna did look good against her pathetic fourpack..

I don't know, I think waiting to judge this match is the way to go. I was hoping this would be the final nail in the coffin for Luigi > Kirby and now I'm just more confused. whatever.

all I know is that the buildup for the last week of this contest is going to be truly awesome.
"that'll do, pig."
trannyscience | Posted 10/25/2006 5:15:53 PM | message detail
also, where did this "KING OF SFF!!" stuff come from? Yoshi?
"that'll do, pig."
therealmnm | Posted 10/25/2006 5:18:32 PM | message detail
I expect Mega Man to stay fairly constant from last year. As I said for Zero, there's no reason why they should have actually lost popularity within the past year, even IF there has been another voter shift. It's not like Mega Man has been stagnant as far as games go. It was actually a pretty good year for him and Zero:

Mega Man ZX
Mega Man Powered Up
Maverick Hunter X
Mega Man X Collection
Mega Man Zero 4
Mega Man Battle Network 5: Double Team (DS)

Most of those games (don't know about Powered Up) were well received, so it's not like they were just tossed out as "meh more Mega Man games". There shouldn't really be a reason for a drop in popularity from 2k5. I still expect Mega Man to do well in the end.
Currently playing: Grand Theft Auto 3, Devil May Cry, Mega Man ZX
TehMissingLink | Posted 10/25/2006 5:19:57 PM | message detail
also, where did this "KING OF SFF!!" stuff come from? Yoshi?

I always thought it was more of a joke than anything. I would hope people wouldn't really think that Mega Man, who has SFFed all of one opponent, is the "King of SFF."

The Master Sword is the most sought-after blade in Hyrule. He who wields it carries with him the hope of the kingdom.
trannyscience | Posted 10/25/2006 5:20:42 PM | message detail
yeah, but I figured the joke came from somewhere. king of blowouts maybe, but SFF? huh?
"that'll do, pig."
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/25/2006 5:21:18 PM | message detail
also, where did this "KING OF SFF!!" stuff come from? Yoshi?

That, and the magic of the wonderful fantabulous Karma Hunter Propaganda Machine!

Just wait 'till this baby switches gears and gets to work on Snake > Link next year!
*kills self
Commit it to memory.
CleanExVeemon | Posted 10/25/2006 5:21:46 PM | message detail
Maybe Ryu just likes overperforming on the Noble Nine? <_<
How disturbing.
We are mr_BRIAN. Though We dislike underscores.
TehMissingLink | Posted 10/25/2006 5:22:15 PM | message detail
And I almost have to agree with Tran here on the whole Mega Man deal. I have a hard time buying any of that Bowser/Ryu SFF nonsense. While I'm not entirely sure what to think here, I would definitely say that Mega Man has dropped a bit from last year. He's not going to lose to all these different near-elites or anything, but dropping him and Zero by about 1.5% ended up producing some fairly reasonable results all around (based on a constant Ryu).

The Master Sword is the most sought-after blade in Hyrule. He who wields it carries with him the hope of the kingdom.
TehMissingLink | Posted 10/25/2006 5:23:16 PM | message detail
Just wait 'till this baby switches gears and gets to work on Snake > Link next year!

I can actually support this. You'll knock out so many potential brackets!

The Master Sword is the most sought-after blade in Hyrule. He who wields it carries with him the hope of the kingdom.
KingBartz | Posted 10/25/2006 5:24:29 PM | message detail
Link will always > snake.
That was too close. You were almost a Jill sandwich.
SC2k6: 48/54 Today's pick: Mega Man
therealmnm | Posted 10/25/2006 5:25:34 PM | message detail
And I almost have to agree with Tran here on the whole Mega Man deal. I have a hard time buying any of that Bowser/Ryu SFF nonsense. While I'm not entirely sure what to think here, I would definitely say that Mega Man has dropped a bit from last year. He's not going to lose to all these different near-elites or anything, but dropping him and Zero by about 1.5% ended up producing some fairly reasonable results all around (based on a constant Ryu).

Again, it may seem right to think that... but watch the results at the end of this contest and how everyone struggles to find an explanation for the final x-stats. I just have a feeling...
Currently playing: Grand Theft Auto 3, Devil May Cry, Mega Man ZX
UltimaterializerX | Posted 10/25/2006 5:27:07 PM | message detail
King of SFF is a fad.

Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest
Now Playing: Disgaea 2, KH:COM (Sora), Castlevania: LoI, MMZX
Lopen | Posted 10/25/2006 5:28:10 PM | message detail
Oh they'll be struggling to find an explanation for sure when Ryu is the second highest on the X-Stats!

The fighting spirit has denied the King of SFF, but the others have no defense!
Squall: "Hi, like Cloud from the last game, I am full of angst and am named after weather." - Slow Beef
mr_BRIAN | Posted 10/25/2006 5:28:39 PM | message detail
What if this is SFF?
I know you love me... I wanna wad you up into my life...
We may be Janus5000. But We may not be. We are not sure.
RPGuy96 | Posted 10/25/2006 5:28:54 PM | message detail
Mega Man looked terrible in the second round last year, too, if you'll recall.
Mustache...and green...
TehMissingLink | Posted 10/25/2006 5:29:21 PM | message detail
Again, it may seem right to think that... but watch the results at the end of this contest and how everyone struggles to find an explanation for the final x-stats. I just have a feeling...

I don't think the results at the end of the contest will end up differing too much, actually. I remember last year when people were trying to find some silly explanation for why Zero decreased a small amount by coming up with Mario/Zero SFF, which was promptly shut down this year. Mega Man and Zero dropping -- not falling off the map -- isn't unreasonable or something that should send off alarms. He has constant games coming out, sure, but how many people still care? There's no doubt that people will always love Mega Man, but he always has games coming. This past year has been no different than any other Mega Man filled year.

I think we're going to see Mega Man ending up weaker this year than he was last year. It won't be "OMG MEGA MAN OUT OF THE NOBLE NINE," but a drop nonetheless.

The Master Sword is the most sought-after blade in Hyrule. He who wields it carries with him the hope of the kingdom.
trannyscience | Posted 10/25/2006 5:29:51 PM | message detail
to be honest, I don't think we need an explanation. Mega Man is underperforming by what, 3-4% here? this isn't the end of the world here. some people here struggle to look outside of the x-stats at times and get absolutely floored when a result is a percent or two off. I will freely admit to being among these types at times, but this surely isn't something to get all up in arms about. Snake/MM had every reason to be debated before this match and even if MM got 61%, you could make a good case for him. I agree with KH and some others that if Snake is going to win this year, he's going to do it based on his own power, not because MM is going to come crashing down for some unknown reason.
"that'll do, pig."
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/25/2006 5:30:15 PM | message detail
You all think it's just a fad...just like you all thought _______ is so screwed. was just a fad. was. But Final Fantasy ended up being so screwed in the end! It all works, dammit!
*kills self
Commit it to memory.
therealmnm | Posted 10/25/2006 5:32:16 PM | message detail
isn't unreasonable or something that should send off alarms. He has constant games coming out, sure, but how many people still care?

Uhhhh, this was actually a GOOD year for Mega Man games. People DID actually care... at least more than years past. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with both of them dropping in popularity... but I personally don't see why they would have declined THIS year. LAST year maybe, but Mega Man seemed to do just fine against Crono... I'm still waiting to see how it ends up.
Currently playing: Grand Theft Auto 3, Devil May Cry, Mega Man ZX
MegatokyoEd | Posted 10/25/2006 5:32:29 PM | message detail
Mega Man only looked terrible because everyone was hung up on Gordon getting over 40% on Leon.
Demyx > Axel
Z1mZum owned me in the Guru Contest with his mad skills!
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/25/2006 5:32:51 PM | message detail
Mega Man looked terrible in the second round last year, too, if you'll recall.

To be fair, that was due to Gordon Freeman...and Leon was a newcomer. But yes, MM/Leon Kennedy was definitely what I thought of when I saw this result.

This is sort of two strikes against Mega Man where he's failed to impress so far. That's hardly damning, but if he ends up letting Sora give him a real scare it may be.
*kills self
Commit it to memory.
BlastTheSpeaker | Posted 10/25/2006 5:33:51 PM | message detail
I'm telling you. Tomorrow, Sonic is finished >_> The Noble Nine will be broken by the best character FF7 has to offer(and no I don't mean in Contest strength)

Blast the Speakers!!
WWEGSB FPV Main Roster Member
BlastTheSpeaker | Posted 10/25/2006 5:34:44 PM | message detail
Oh, and I hope CJayC gives MM one hell of a match pic advantage at Sora, just to poke fun at the destruction Snake did upon him last year. I want Snake/Mega Man III to be a five star classic.
Blast the Speakers!!
WWEGSB FPV Main Roster Member
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/25/2006 5:35:12 PM | message detail
And while I really don't expect MM to drop very much, if at all (and certainly not to the extent this match implies), you don't necessarily need a reason to drop. Snake had TTS in 2004 and it was his worst year ever. Compare to 2003 where he had his second best year ever thanks to...Substance?
*kills self
Commit it to memory.
BlastTheSpeaker | Posted 10/25/2006 5:35:58 PM | message detail
Snake was also placed in the wierdest division these contests have ever seen in 04.
Blast the Speakers!!
WWEGSB FPV Main Roster Member
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/25/2006 5:37:41 PM | message detail
Weird division or not, outside of Tanner we have him in his worst match ever against Knuckles, letting Frog break 48% on him (fluke or not), and failing to break 43% on Mega Man. I don't think he's quite as bad as he looks thanks to Mega Man being underrated in 2004, but it's hard to say he didn't look like crap there.
*kills self
Commit it to memory.
BlastTheSpeaker | Posted 10/25/2006 5:39:53 PM | message detail
Its hard to say Snake didn't look awesome last year, unless you argue the Bowser(the strongest we've seen him) and Zelda matches.
Blast the Speakers!!
WWEGSB FPV Main Roster Member
MegatokyoEd | Posted 10/25/2006 5:40:07 PM | message detail
Snake DIRECTLY did worse on MM than Zero. There is nothing you can say to defend his 2k4 performance. It was horrible.
Demyx > Axel
Z1mZum owned me in the Guru Contest with his mad skills!
BlastTheSpeaker | Posted 10/25/2006 5:42:14 PM | message detail
I'm not arguing that. All I'm doin is bein the token dude who says "Hay guys, it don't matta, Snake has boosted in the last two years!"


Blast the Speakers!!
WWEGSB FPV Main Roster Member
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/25/2006 5:43:27 PM | message detail
Its hard to say Snake didn't look awesome last year, unless you argue the Bowser(the strongest we've seen him) and Zelda matches.

Well, yeah, 2005 is Snake's best value going by the stats and he certainly validated himself to the doubters that were calling for his head. And I'd certainly have to hope so, having Snake > Mega Man this year. But 2004 was a different story. Snake simply just dropped. Whether you want to attribute it to lower vote totals or just being a bad year for MGS in general, it happened. There is no real concrete reason for it.

Mega Man could easily do the same. I don't expect him to, and I certainly am not counting on it. But he could.
*kills self
Commit it to memory.
therealmnm | Posted 10/25/2006 5:47:05 PM | message detail
Meh, Snake was underrated due to his match against Mega Man in 2k4. Of course, looking at his performance on Knuckles, he wasn't as strong as 2k3 (although some of that is on Knuckles increasing too, looking at Sonic rebound off of a bad 2k3). But as for Mega Man/Snake, Snake not only had to deal with a terrible pic against Mega Man (face blasted!), but everyone that follows these contests on GameFAQs knew that Snake lost to Mega Man the year before. Of course that calls for an even BIGGER fluke from Frog... but it's certainly possible. But even I didn't buy Snake being really weaker than Zero that year.
Currently playing: Grand Theft Auto 3, Devil May Cry, Mega Man ZX
HoorayProxies | Posted 10/25/2006 5:49:05 PM | message detail
Ice & Mine levels > Your life.

Hooray Beer, Hooray Proxies!
Ed Bellis | Posted 10/25/2006 5:51:56 PM | message detail
Late to the party, but Deku Link was cute. >_>
This was Ed Bellis, servant to the mighty Guru Z1mZum. Congrats, buddy!
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/25/2006 5:54:16 PM | message detail
Oh, and Ryu seems to have finally stemmed the bleeding a bit. He could end up above 42% at the end if he recovers.
*kills self
Commit it to memory.
BlastTheSpeaker | Posted 10/25/2006 5:54:18 PM | message detail
Mega Man could easily do the same. I don't expect him to, and I certainly am not counting on it. But he could.

Personally, I think Mega Man, Crono, and maybe Samus are the three most consistent members of the Noble Nine myself. I don't see Mega Man having much of a reason to drop so much, tons of well-received games that came out this year or not. I expect MM/Snake this year to be the closest yet, as we have a well-boosted Snake, and a consistent(IMO) Mega Man.

Blast the Speakers!!
WWEGSB FPV Main Roster Member
HoorayProxies | Posted 10/25/2006 5:54:36 PM | message detail
Oh, and after this match, I'm definitely saying Bowser overperformed on Ryu... but then again I've been saying that well before this match. I've also been saying that Bowser was overrated last year too, and I was just assuming Ryu's underperformance was cancelled out by Bowser's over. Sure that was a random guess of how bad each one was, and it appears that I may have been a bit extreme on how much Bowser was overrated, by say a 1%. Using that this match really isn't out of the ordinary. Does it look good for Snake? Yeah. But I'm still not calling him the favorite.

Hooray Beer, Hooray Proxies!
KamikazePotato | Posted 10/25/2006 5:59:56 PM | message detail
I agree that MM and Crono are consistent, but Samus got quite the boost from Metroid Prime.

Do you really need me to bring out the Ovaltine?-Stripey12isback on why hes a war hero.
BlastTheSpeaker | Posted 10/25/2006 6:02:31 PM | message detail
I agree that MM and Crono are consistent, but Samus got quite the boost from Metroid Prime.

Oh? I thought it was a slightly average boost. Or was 2003 the year she destroyed Sonic? I don't recall.
Blast the Speakers!!
WWEGSB FPV Main Roster Member
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/25/2006 6:02:46 PM | message detail
Crono hasn't been consistent either. He went from (probably) being a few thousand votes shy of beating Mario to (probably) being legitimately more popular in 2003 to beating him with over 53% in 2004...2005 was the only time Crono's ever really looked 'consistent'.
*kills self
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