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Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 405

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UltimaterializerX | Posted 10/24/2006 10:24:59 PM | message detail
Wireless internet is a joke.

*Creativename's websites*

Everything you could ever imagine:

Sortable Table for Every Contest Match:

*Extrapolated Standings*

Explanation of Extrapolated Standings:

Simple Explanation of Extrapolated Standings:
A = Strongest Character
B = Character Weaker than A
C = Character Weaker than B
To figure out a character's Xsts Percentage ---> [(CvB)(BvA)]/50 = CvA
To compare how C would do against B ---> [(CvA)/(BvA)]*50 = CvB
To figure out how B would do against A ---> [(CvA)/(CvB)]*50 = BvA

Extrapolated Standings for All Contests (links to all brackets are on the left):

*Solarshadow's Sites*

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*Old Stats topics*

Summer 2002 Contest:

Summer 2003 Contest: (See note)

2003-2004 Off-Season: (See note)
Note: Don't use the links in the topic to browse through the pages, change the page number in the URL.

Spring 2004 Pre-Season (Chance the number after "Season" to view other pages; there are three of them):

Spring 2004 Contest (Change the number after "Stats" to view other pages; there are eight of them):

*Match Pictures*

All the match pics, and thanks to RockMFR for finding the missing ones!


Creativename's Page of Links:

UltimaterializerX's Contest Sites (some offensive language):

NGamer64's Archive Site and (lol) X-Stats Sim (some offensive language):

A List of Acronyms, A Lesson on Percentages, and Some Odd Matches:

All Time Top 25/Top 10 Lists:

HaRRicH's Fourpack of Fun Board:

TRE's poll listing (every poll!):

Aprosenf's Poll Script:

GameFAQs' Top 100 Games (down for now, so here's a new link):

Manual Poll Updater:
KleenexTissue50 | Posted 10/24/2006 10:25:57 PM | message detail
CB5 Points: 51/54, Current Oracle placement: 21/165
Now playing: Okami
SensiShadeSlaye | Posted 10/24/2006 10:26:24 PM | message detail
Ulti, your site is STILL broke.
why was my message deleted off the off topic board for being of topic - dagluginataking
I am a Christian.
Haste_2 | Posted 10/24/2006 10:31:49 PM | message detail
What's this? Mega Man's actually winning the night vote? Let's give it an hour or two more...

Sign the Petition for more stats in the GameFAQs Contests here:
rpgapzx | Posted 10/24/2006 10:52:35 PM | message detail
Poker is proof that men are the irrational sex.
SC2K6: 53/54 // Today: Megaman // Leaderboard: 9th
Starion | Posted 10/25/2006 2:09:36 AM | message detail
Hmm, Megaman got that update but 55% isn't impressive for him.
Now playing: New SMB | Queue: Okami | Waiting for: SMT:Devil Summoner, FF12, Castlevania:POR
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/25/2006 2:10:37 AM | message detail
The fact that we have to note when MM wins updates against Ryu isn't impressive in the slightest, I agree.
*kills self
Commit it to memory.
janembaman | Posted 10/25/2006 2:10:40 AM | message detail
Ulti site is going to recover in 1/11?
Oh man...
zwong1 | Posted 10/25/2006 2:15:29 AM | message detail
Where do i find out how many updates does Ryu won.
After his match with Dante, Yoshi will do respectable against Snake
janembaman | Posted 10/25/2006 2:16:40 AM | message detail
Two-three updates from now,Megaman percentages are going to be lower than Bowser had at this hour
Haste_2 | Posted 10/25/2006 2:18:33 AM | message detail
So, I've had veggies, cottage cheese, a chimichanga, a bowl of apricots, and two bowls of cereal for dinner...and I'm still hungry.

Should we consider more strongly the idea of Mega Man dropping in popularity? First Zero loses, and now this. Heh, if Mega Man can barely outdo Snake when Snake has SQUALL and Mega Man has RYU...meh, of course we'll see Mega Man beat Snake, anyway. ;_;

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Karma Hunter | Posted 10/25/2006 2:18:37 AM | message detail
Where do i find out how many updates does Ryu won.


Bowser's percentage against Ryu at 5:15 -- 57.00%
Mega Man's percentage against Ryu at 5:15 -- 57.10%

Bowser was on the upswing right now too, Mega is on his way down. Granted Mega Man's day vote should be a fair bit more potent than Bowser's, but the new starting time should significantly cut down on trend swings.
*kills self
Commit it to memory.
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/25/2006 2:20:59 AM | message detail
I'm not going so far as to say Mega Man has dropped in popularity...but I will say that I chose between two big upsets for my bracket, either Snake > Mega Man or Mega Man > Samus.

I am, at the moment, infinitely relieved I chose the former.
*kills self
Commit it to memory.
janembaman | Posted 10/25/2006 2:21:13 AM | message detail
It was about now that Bowser got stronger,but I can't see Megaman doing the same this hour
janembaman | Posted 10/25/2006 2:23:03 AM | message detail
05:20:00 Bowser - 57.08%
05:21:39 Megaman - 57.07%

Karma Hunter | Posted 10/25/2006 2:24:06 AM | message detail
And on a personal note, I believe I am on track to drop approximately one billion places in the Oracle Challenge after my 65% prediction for Mega Man. ph33r me
*kills self
Commit it to memory.
zwong1 | Posted 10/25/2006 2:25:25 AM | message detail
Karma Hunter, who do you have as your champion.
After his match with Dante, Yoshi will do respectable against Snake
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/25/2006 2:26:42 AM | message detail
Crono. Not exactly feeling bad about it either, though it'll sadden me in terms of preference.
*kills self
Commit it to memory.
janembaman | Posted 10/25/2006 2:27:16 AM | message detail
57.01% X_X
I take back my words about comparing Megaman to Bowser in the last topic
KH,you were right :(
zwong1 | Posted 10/25/2006 2:27:35 AM | message detail
Karma Hunter, i know your favourite character are Mario and Snake.
After his match with Dante, Yoshi will do respectable against Snake
zwong1 | Posted 10/25/2006 2:28:06 AM | message detail
janembaman, who do you have as champion.
After his match with Dante, Yoshi will do respectable against Snake
voltch | Posted 10/25/2006 2:29:45 AM | message detail
wtf,megaman should be doing much better than this or has ryu increased out of nowhere?
Z1mZum humiliated me to hell and back in the Best.Series.Ever contest.
janembaman | Posted 10/25/2006 2:30:16 AM | message detail
Im sure he will take Snake/Megaman out,but I have no idea about his match against Samus...
zwong1 | Posted 10/25/2006 2:32:09 AM | message detail
Megaman had been dropping all these years.
After his match with Dante, Yoshi will do respectable against Snake
Haste_2 | Posted 10/25/2006 2:32:25 AM | message detail
Ryu could've pulled a Snake...just randomly dropping one year, then recovering the next year.

Sign the Petition for more stats in the GameFAQs Contests here:
zwong1 | Posted 10/25/2006 2:34:27 AM | message detail
At least Snake had SSBB and MGS4 hype, was Ryu in any popular game this year.
After his match with Dante, Yoshi will do respectable against Snake
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/25/2006 2:34:57 AM | message detail
He could have, but mind that Snake's value in 2004 is unreliable due to Link/Mega SFF (I maintain 2004 was MM's strongest year thanks to MMAC), and he had MGS3 for 2k5. Ryu has no such advantages, if anything he was supposed to have been overrated.
*kills self
Commit it to memory.
transience | Posted 10/25/2006 2:35:21 AM | message detail
you're reading Bowser's time wrong... remember that there's a three hour difference. at this point in the match, Bowser had 56.29%, though the match was only 2:35 old. Ryu has had the entire night vote to make this percentage comeback as well - there isn't going to be a second night vote hitting once the daytime comes.

for the record, Bowser's highest percentage actually came at 1:45 pm, Ryu took him down for the rest of the day. that will probably be delayed now thanks to school being in session, but once the evening hits Ryu should do okay at stabilizing. it's that morning and afterschool vote that's going to mess him up pretty good.
janembaman | Posted 10/25/2006 2:42:13 AM | message detail
*doesn't live in the USA*
Isn't it 2AM now there?
transience | Posted 10/25/2006 2:43:24 AM | message detail
janembaman | Posted 10/25/2006 5:42:13 AM | message detail | #029
*doesn't live in the USA*
Isn't it 2AM now there?

that's eastern time.. the poll starts at midnight EST now. last year it started at midnight PST, which is three hours later.
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/25/2006 2:45:36 AM | message detail
I understand that the new starting time skews this a bit (like that'll stop me from using it!!) but with it comes less drastic voter shifts, if I understand correctly. Yeah, Ryu's got no second night vote to fall back on, but he shouldn't get as obliterated during the morning/afterschool vote as his Bowser match.

Or maybe is Ryu we're talking about here, of course.
*kills self
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rpgapzx | Posted 10/25/2006 2:46:32 AM | message detail
you're reading Bowser's time wrong... remember that there's a three hour difference. at this point in the match, Bowser had 56.29%, though the match was only 2:35 old. Ryu has had the entire night vote to make this percentage comeback as well - there isn't going to be a second night vote hitting once the daytime comes

Tranny is correct.
It's very difficult to both get accurate comparisonal percentages that account for both percentage and weight. To get an accurate comparison of old percentages, one needs to account for both. For instance, to get the first 3 hours of a match now(9-12PM EST), one would likely want to take the 1st hour(0:00-1:00 now), and the last 2 hours(22:00-24:00) and scale the 22-24 to the correct number of votes. There may be a way to do this, but it would be quite difficult to get anything accurate for sure.

Poker is proof that men are the irrational sex.
SC2K6: 53/54 // Today: Megaman // Leaderboard: 9th
transience | Posted 10/25/2006 2:48:19 AM | message detail
it's also Bowser though.. like I said earlier, I expect a 2.5% shift by the time the main afterschool vote is done, and it could be more. you know as well as I do how bad the SF early vote is. it won't be enough to redeem Mega Man here - he's getting 50% updates regularly but the percentage is still far above that, so when the day vote is significantly better it might not increase the actual percentage all that much - but at least it won't look like an absolute disaster as it does right now.
rpgapzx | Posted 10/25/2006 2:52:51 AM | message detail
Easier way to say this.
The shift shouldn't change that much percentage wise other than the first hour when "FIRST/BOARD" votes are in play, but the votals do. The shift in time weakens the 2nd night vote, not only percentage wise, but weight wise as well.


Poker is proof that men are the irrational sex.
SC2K6: 53/54 // Today: Megaman // Leaderboard: 9th
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/25/2006 3:02:01 AM | message detail
Ryu is definitely slowing down now...oh, is that the sun I see shining in the distance?

Well, y'had a good run, Ryu. Sorry for doubting ya, my boy.
*kills self
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janembaman | Posted 10/25/2006 3:02:24 AM | message detail
So...Megaman is back on he should gain a percentile or something
janembaman | Posted 10/25/2006 3:07:59 AM | message detail
4000+ lead...
XIII_rocks | Posted 10/25/2006 3:40:57 AM | message detail
XD @ MM. This is pathetic, but at least he'll attone somewhat during the morning hours.
--- Sign plz
AC2K6 Score: 52/54 Today: Megaman
janembaman | Posted 10/25/2006 3:41:32 AM | message detail
Finally MM increased his % !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
zwong1 | Posted 10/25/2006 3:43:35 AM | message detail
I think Megaman will break 52% on Ryu after the end of the match.
After his match with Dante, Yoshi will do respectable against Snake
zwong1 | Posted 10/25/2006 3:44:01 AM | message detail
I mean 58% not 52%.
After his match with Dante, Yoshi will do respectable against Snake
janembaman | Posted 10/25/2006 3:44:11 AM | message detail
52%? @_@
janembaman | Posted 10/25/2006 3:44:23 AM | message detail
transcience | Posted 10/25/2006 3:45:43 AM | message detail
Mega Man will get to 59% at least, I'd think. that is, assuming Ryu is done ripping percentage off him.
XIII_rocks | Posted 10/25/2006 3:50:20 AM | message detail
Even 59% is disappointing for MM...that's only .02 higher than Ryu got against Bowser. And it's not like MM is a lock to hit 59%, either.
--- Sign plz
AC2K6 Score: 52/54 Today: Megaman
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/25/2006 3:53:06 AM | message detail
I'm not willing to talk about the extent of this 'disappointing' until we actually see how much MM can recover.

*looks at last update* See, now that one was the best he's had in a LONG time. Ryu is pretty damn bad with the day, too. Stick around, we could see this over 60% if MM gets lucky.
*kills self
Commit it to memory.
zwong1 | Posted 10/25/2006 3:53:33 AM | message detail
I have to say it but i am afraid of offending others. Zero and Megaman are declining this year. Snake had shown great boost from Snake vs Squall match. Snake will be beating Megaman regardless of whether its it sprite round.
After his match with Dante, Yoshi will do respectable against Snake
XIII_rocks | Posted 10/25/2006 3:54:21 AM | message detail
Oh, and GOD ****ING DAMMIT!

100 people with -2 or above and I'm STILL not on the damn leaderboard? Ugh. I'll never get a chance like this again...hopefully we lose a few today and on Sonic/Vincent, and that's my last chance - I have Zero winning on Friday.
--- Sign plz
AC2K6 Score: 52/54 Today: Megaman
XIII_rocks | Posted 10/25/2006 3:57:56 AM | message detail
I have to say it but i am afraid of offending others. Zero and Megaman are declining this year. Snake had shown great boost from Snake vs Squall match. Snake will be beating Megaman regardless of whether its it sprite round.

Meh, it's still not a lock. I mean, Snake STILL has 57% to overturn in two years, let's not forget that...I've definitely got more faith in Snake, particularly if he boosted this year.
--- Sign plz
AC2K6 Score: 52/54 Today: Megaman
janembaman | Posted 10/25/2006 4:13:38 AM | message detail
56.88%'s getting better