GameFAQs Contests

Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 400
HaRRicH | Posted 10/22/2006 5:49:29 PM | message detail |
So then, do you feel like Ryu's goin' to underperform against Mega Man? They're also Capcom, heh..... =P --- Next celebrity I hope to out-rank: Adam Sandler (#1) |
Big Bob | Posted 10/22/2006 5:54:31 PM | message detail |
In response to Ulti's comment about Luigi that nobody remembers now... I'm still backing Kirby, and I'm assuming that The Prince just managed to hit the top of his range. In 2k3 Yoshi easily lost to Bowser. In 2k4 Luigi easily lost to Yoshi. Bowser has increased since then, and Kirby put up strong numbers on Bowser AFTER the increase. Luigi may have increased as well, but I still believe Kirby has this in the bag. --- Gordon Freeman finally won, but somehow, the universe survived... thus allowing me to tell said universe about how I was owned by NClark128. |
AmazingKirby | Posted 10/22/2006 7:48:51 PM | message detail |
Talk about most overhyped match ever. >_> Lara/Alyx got more discussion than this. So how high is this going to rank on the top votals list? --- caps |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/22/2006 7:50:46 PM | message detail |
Patriot Division: Round 2 - Match 42 – (6)Yoshi vs. (2)Dante Moltar’s Analysis Yoshi Round 1 – 55.20% vs. Riku (44.80%) Seems KH2 helped out Riku a lot, as he was able to put up 45% on Yoshi. Dante Round 1 – 65.20% vs. Ryu H. (34.80%) Dante looking just as strong as he did last year. Before this Contest, I thought this was the single toughest Round 2 match to predict. In the end, I went with Dante because I saw him as slightly, and I mean very slightly over Yoshi. Now? I feel a bit different on the match. Yoshi looked bad in Round 1, plain and simple. As high as I put Yoshi pre-Contest, I don’t see Riku jumping up from Frog’s level to near Yoshi’s. Oh, and I had Yoshi around Dante’s level, which is 32% on Base Link. Now, I don’t think Riku jumped up over 6% from his rather small role in KH2 to justify Yoshi being that high. Of course, Yoshi has some nice factors going for him. Of course, he’s Nintendo, and more mainstream than Dante. Also, if KH2 did for Riku what it looks to have done for Kairi and Axel, then Yoshi might have beaten a beastly Riku. That’s…about it though. Dante, on the other hand, looked good on Ryu H. While looking at Zero and Ryu H. this year, it seems that they’ve both either dropped from 2005, or were actually overrated (I find that hard to believe…). Still, Dante seems at or around his 2005 numbers, and that should be more than enough to take Yoshi out without too much trouble. I’m going to guess this four-pack ends up in the stats for something like (rounded, and adjusted, because Snake gon’ kill Dante) 33% for Dante, 31% for Yoshi, 28% for Riku. Hey, I’ll be happy if the Dino ends up at 30% on BL, and Riku boosting 3-4% from KH2 sounds a lot more reasonable. Oh, and time for the obligatory Yoshi-fanboy paragraph. Dante is awesome, but Yoshi is above that. If Yoshi pulls the upset, I’ll be very happy. I mean, we’ve never gotten a good read on Yoshi, and if he turns out to be stronger than Dante…wow! And then, the Yoshi > Snake bandwagon will be in full gear! Moltar’s Bracket Says: Dante will win. Moltar’s Prediction is: Dante: 53% - Yoshi: 47% Ulti’s Analysis Dante's killing of Ryu H paired with Ganon getting clipped made it look like Yoshi had zero chance to win this, but then Luigi and Peach and Zelda had to go all berserk afterwards. Just when you think NintendoFAQs is dying, it shows itself in some funny ways. And with some of the morons around here that constantly whine about it, you half hope it continues getting worse. Anyway at a glance, it seems Dante has the advantage here. He's coming off of said Ryu H beating as well as DMC3: Special Edition. There's also been a ton of DMC4 news out over the past couple of months, including an EGM cover story. Has anyone seen Yoshi lately? Dante has outperformed Yoshi every year, but one stat jumps out at me: Yoshi scored 43.67% against Bowser in an SFF match in 2003. Dante 2005 supposedly would score 44.79% on Bowser 2005. If Yoshi was noticeably SFFd in 2003, then he has a good chance of beating Dante. The problem is that the entire Dream Division from 2005 has tanked this contest, so Bowser is a bad measuring stick. Dante will likely win this barring some NintendoFAQs magic, but I'm picking Yoshi anyway just to keep with what I have in the bracket. By the way, anyone using Riku as a basis for why Yoshi may do bad here needs some common sense. Have you people SEEN what KH2 has done over the past two contests? Prediction: Yoshi with 50.15% HM’s Analysis Yoshi Previous Matches: Yoshi – 55.2% -- 69,394 Riku – 44.8% -- 56,325 Dante Previous Matches: Dante – 65.2% -- 77,894 Ryu Hayabusa – 34.8% -- 41,576 |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/22/2006 7:51:19 PM | message detail |
It’s great how we get to the male bracket and kick it off with two really good matches. You almost have
to be rewarded with this after enduring that awful female bracket. This
match is one that has been hotly debated since the beginning of the
contest and one that probably will be debated right up until the
beginning of the match. With reason to doubt Yoshi’s ranking –
potentially underrated – and reason to doubt Dante’s ranking –
potential overrated – this match should definitely be a good one. Dante, by the adjusted 2005 stats, is projected to win this match with somewhere around 55%. The choice on who wins this should seem very obvious at first, but there’s definitely the possibility that Yoshi was underrated last year when he had that strange match with Mega Man. The adjustments could have undershot where he really is and considering he only gained 2% last year during the great Nintendo Boost, there’s even more reason to be skeptical. However, Dante comes into the match with a huge win over Hayabusa and with a new game (DMC: Special Edition) under his belt. The advantages are clearly all in Dante’s corner and it would probably be a surprise to quite a few people to see him lose today. I think Yoshi can definitely upset here with the possibility of an NSMB boost, Riku gaining more from KH2 than anticipated, and Dante not being too far off from his 2005 ranking. It requires quite a bit, but I think the green dinosaur is going to be able to squeak one out. I’m probably going to be the only one deviating from the Dante choice after what appears to be overwhelming evidence pointing to the Demon Hunter winning, but the same could be said in Zero/Luigi !! Believe. Aitch Emm’s Bracket: Dante Aitch Emm’s Prediction: Yoshi – 50.5% ; Dante – 49.5% Aitch Emm’s Vote: Yoshi Yoblazer’s Analysis Round 2's most debated match is also the only one where I just can't seem to make up my damned mind. On the one hand, I know Dante is (rightfully) the favorite going into the contest; on the other, I have Yoshi in my bracket, and going against one's own bracket is a decidedly difficult thing to do, especially in a match as disputed as this. When the contest started, I felt good about having Yoshi for a few reasons. One, for as good as Dante ended up looking in the 2005 stats, the strongest opponent he's ever actually beaten is Miles "Freakin' Tails" Prower. It's not his fault for getting matched up with fodder every year, but this does he's largely untested outside his match with Vincent. On the off chance that Vincent overperformed against Crono (Advent Children, rSFF, whatever), Dante suddenly doesn't look quite as strong. Apart from Dante possibly being overrated and an unproven winner, I also felt that Yoshi was stronger than the stats have ever shown him. The poor dino; he's been in three contests and has gone out in an SFF match three times. That's just unfair. I figured that Yoshi's probably around Luigi's strength, if not a bit higher (he did beat him, after all), and that was good enough for me. Then, of course, the two took center stage. Whereas Dante outperformed Zero by over 2%, Yoshi performed bellow expectations on Riku. Dante immediately became the favorite. The Dante supporters suddenly became much louder, bleaching their hair and shouting mind-numbingly cheesy one liners in unison. They did, apparently, want to be the ones to fill my dark soul with annoyance. Well, I guess that's that. Dante wins and proceeds to get mauled by Snake, making his fourpack look so, so bad in the process. |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/22/2006 7:52:03 PM | message detail |
But wait! We still have to like, have the match or
something. Fortunately, I've still got a few tricks up my sleeve which
may prove to work in Yoshi's favor (no not cheating, you dolts –
brilliant analysis!). The biggest piece of evidence Yoshi currently has
going against him is his underwhelming win against Riku. How can this,
the same Riku who kinda stunk it up last year, break 44% against Yoshi?
The answer is simple: it isn't the same Riku. Kingdom Hearts changed
him, AND IT SHOWS! ... Actually, it really really does. Several Kingdom Hearts II characters, including Riku, Kairi, Axel, and Auron, have all obliterated the board's combined expectations. If this Riku is a good deal stronger than the Axel who broke 30% on Mega Man, then Yoshi's win looks pretty respectable. In addition, while Dante outperformed Zero by a little over 2%, Luigi cleaned Zero's clock outright. It was a result that some of us were expecting, but it was a margin of victory that hardly anyone saw coming. If Yoshi is around Luigi's strength (and, to be honest, I have yet to hear a convincing argument of why he now shouldn't be), this should be one hell of a match. While no one can take away Dante's status as the favorite going in, no one should claim that Yoshi doesn't have a realistic shot at the win. Hell, seeing as how all of his matches have either been against fodder, wrought with SFF, or against characters who experienced incalculable off-season boosts, it can be argued that we've never gotten a clear read on Yoshi. And for me, folks, that's practically a guarantee for something wacky (and maybe a win). My prediction: Yoshi def. Dante (51-49) Lopen’s Analysis I never thought this match was really in question, and I still don't think it is. Maybe it's just my Dante fanboyism coming into play, but I didn't overestimate him against Vincent last year! Okay, I did… I said he'd win, but I didn't say he'd win easily. Alright, back on topic here… looking at what Yoshi and Dante did last round, it'd be silly to say that Dante isn't looking better coming in. Dante made it look like 2005 was legit and then some. What did Yoshi do? He did beat Riku, (more credit than I gave him, I'll admit) but he didn't exactly trounce him. My theory of Yoshi just doing well because of SFF was proven mostly wrong, but I still don't think he's everything those X-Stats say he is. Add into that the fact that Dante has beaten Yoshi every year in the X-Stats, Squall and Vincent have looked to be everything last year said they were, and Dante's looking even better to win this match with ease! You know what they say… you can't make an omelet without beating a few eggs out of Yoshi first. Watch as Dante illustrates that principle, tonight! This poll is gettin' crazy! Lopen's prediction: Dante with 57.35% KH’s Analysis lol x-stats history YOSHI "(Wish I could run faster.)" Summer 2003 Contest Extrapolated Strength --- 23rd Place [26.17%] Summer 2004 Contest Extrapolated Strength --- 26th Place [ 25.22%] Summer 2005 Contest Extrapolated Strength --- 27th Place [26.59%] Yoshi underperforms heavily against Riku. The question is, is it an absolutely massive KH2 boost or is a Yoshi weakness? The fact that we have to ask the question is not a good sign for Yoshi. DANTE "I SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE ONE TO FILL YOUR DARK SOUL WITH LIIIIIIIIIIGGGHHHHTTT" Summer 2002 Contest Extrapolated Strength --- 18th Place [25.02%] Summer 2003 Contest Extrapolated Strength --- 21st Place [27.32%] Summer 2004 Contest Extrapolated Strength --- 23rd Place [ 25.49%] Summer 2005 Contest Extrapolated Strength --- 17th Place [29.99%] |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/22/2006 7:52:56 PM | message detail |
Dante overperforms notably against Hayabusa. Does this mean that
Hayabusa is weaker than he appears (or SFF is to blame) or that Dante
is looking stronger than ever? The fact that we have to ask the
question is a very good sign for Dante. Notable Releases Since Last Appearance Yoshi: N/A Dante: Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition (PS2) Upcoming Releases Yoshi: N/A Dante: Devil May Cry 4 (PS3) I don't really want to dwell on this match. Why didn't I take Dante?! He kicks ass in all sorts of ways, is in some of the best action games this generation has to offer, has the cornball humor lines that I find absolutely hilarious, and is generally the better character and the safer pick. He looks better, has all the intangibles...Yoshi has "lol Nintendo." Don't make me dwell on this too much longer. Karma Hunter's Vote: Dante. I'M WORKING AGAINST MYSELF Karma Hunter's Krazy Prediction: Dante with 53.24%. I have no idea why I'm going high, no matter what I do Lopen's going to go higher. =( Upset Potential: 42.5% UPSET ALERT UPSET ALERT UPSET ALERT There's still a reason why I picked Yoshi here in the first place, darn it! After Luigi whipping up on Zero (enough for him to be projected over Dante through Hayabusa 2k5, I think), Yoshi should have this match in the bag. He beat Luigi, directly! He's always looked stronger, sans that time when he ran smack dab into the KING OF SFF. And yet...argh! Stupid Yoshi. Why couldn't you just lose to Luigi in 2004 and make things make sense? Upset Prediction: Yoshi with 51.01% Guest’s Analysis - King Morgoth Finally! The first day the bracket came out this is the match that had sexy upset written all over it. Sure there were other good ones, but Yoshi was so far under Dante in the stats that most people would think there would be no chance Yoshi wins. Alright, I was wrong, but that one never changed in my bracket. Yoshi symbolises everything that's good in life. He's friggin' green and he's happy! What? That's not enough to win the match? Let's go with Stats then, Stats!!! Dante His 2k5 value: 32.73% With a constant Ryu H.: 34.12% With constant Terra and Zelda: 24.31% (aka lol xstats) Yoshi His 2k5 value: 29.01% Through his match with Bowser: 31.91% Through his match with Luigi: 34.40% Through his match with Luigi with a constant Zero: 38.07% Through a constant Riku: 26.93% As usual, numbers can mean anything, and it comes to whether or not you'd take Dante over Zero, Yoshi over Luigi and by how much. And no matter what you think, there'll be numbers to back your argument. So that leaves us with only ONE single solid and valid argument: ... He's green... And he's happy... And that's really all he'll need come tomorrow Prediction: Yoshi with 52.76% Crew Consensus: 4 to 3 in favor of Yoshi. You know what that means!!! |
EvenMyROgetsB7 | Posted 10/22/2006 7:54:58 PM | message detail |
It means Dante's about to kick some serious ass, that's what! --- I'm so hardcore. |
RPGuy96 | Posted 10/22/2006 7:58:32 PM | message detail |
Woah, votals. It's only 6k behind Metal Gear/Kingdom Hearts (how
appropriate!), which is 4th for votals (behind LoZ/FF, FF/SMB, and
Cloud/Link). Even if it doesn't reach MG/KH, it's already got a place
on the top ten with an hour to spare. --- Mustache...and green... |
transience | Posted 10/22/2006 8:05:31 PM | message detail |
woo, Yoshi arguments have gone from "he's in my bracket" to "he's green and happy!" I'm still not confident about Dante here though - picking against a Nintendo mascot just seems wrong. Yoshi is all kinds of photogenic and just classic to a lot of people. I won't feel better until Dante has a sizable lead. oh, and Yoshi probably has a decent night vote as opposed to what you might think. I think these two have similar trends, so if Dante gets a lead overnight I'll be hesitant to say Yoshi has a chance to come back. I fully expect the board/bracket vote to go to Dante though, so I won't say anything conclusive until we get into the real night vote. --- xyzzy |
EvenMyROgetsB7 | Posted 10/22/2006 8:06:41 PM | message detail |
Because there's really no good reason to actually go with Yoshi in this match. Sure it could happen, but there's really no argument you can make for him winning other than it feels right. --- I'm so hardcore. |
MyWorldIsZelda | Posted 10/22/2006 8:07:30 PM | message detail |
Good thing Yoshi is winning! --- The Master Sword is the most sought-after blade in Hyrule. He who wields it carries with him the hope of the kingdom. |
Draco1214 | Posted 10/22/2006 8:08:18 PM | message detail |
The only argument for Yoshi at this point is assuming that him and Luigi are still tied by the hip, which is possible. --- Character Battle V Score - 45/50 points Current Prediction - Yoshi vs. Dante |
EvenMyROgetsB7 | Posted 10/22/2006 8:09:19 PM | message detail |
HM, this is 4th Nintendo character you've jumped on this contest, so
far 2 have failed miserably, 3 would have, but unfortunately we have to
wait for Zelda/Samus, how good does it make you feel to be horribly
wrong so often? --- I'm so hardcore. |
EvenMyROgetsB7 | Posted 10/22/2006 8:11:24 PM | message detail |
The only argument for Yoshi at this point is assuming that him and Luigi are still tied by the hip, which is possible. Please believe that Riku goes 50/50 with Luigi. Please. --- I'm so hardcore. |
MyWorldIsZelda | Posted 10/22/2006 8:11:27 PM | message detail |
HM, this is 4th Nintendo character you've jumped on this contest, so
far 2 have failed miserably, 3 would have, but unfortunately we have to
wait for Zelda/Samus, how good does it make you feel to be horribly
wrong so often? Luigi rocked, Peach rocked, and Zelda has kicked serious amounts of ass. We can expect to add Yoshi to that list shortly. --- The Master Sword is the most sought-after blade in Hyrule. He who wields it carries with him the hope of the kingdom. |
Draco1214 | Posted 10/22/2006 8:12:29 PM | message detail |
Uh, Peach rocked? Peach won by 27 votes in a match most figured she'd take easily. --- Character Battle V Score - 45/50 points Current Prediction - Yoshi vs. Dante |
MyWorldIsZelda | Posted 10/22/2006 8:13:18 PM | message detail |
Rocked, won, whatever. --- The Master Sword is the most sought-after blade in Hyrule. He who wields it carries with him the hope of the kingdom. |
HaRRicH | Posted 10/22/2006 8:13:20 PM | message detail |
I just realized there was another way to extrapolate Yoshi for last year that I never heard used... ...Conker... ...which -- even after C:L&R -- only puts Yoshi at 27.74%, about a percent higher than what Laharl or Pac-Man puts him at. Even with that standing, Yoshi is still only able to get 46.25% on Dante last year. Yes, Conker/Laharl/Pac-Man/Ryo are all fodder, but all of them have said Dante takes it, on top of everything else (Dante's increased his seeding advantage over Yoshi every year, Yoshi > Dante has not yet been seen in any of our stats, DMC3:SE, DMC2 going Greatest Hits, Riku did rather nice on Yoshi, Dante derailed Hayabusa, and probably more)...I just thought I would throw one more match into the fire. --- Next celebrity I hope to out-rank: Adam Sandler (#1) |
EvenMyROgetsB7 | Posted 10/22/2006 8:14:02 PM | message detail |
Luigi rocked, Peach rocked, and Zelda has kicked serious amounts of ass. We can expect to add Yoshi to that list shortly. I was actually talking about Ganon/Bowser/Zelda. It's just too bad we have to wait for Zelda to not even come close to 45% !! Luigi rocking should have been seen coming a mile away, and Peach won by 29 votes. Okay, the Luigi thing not so much, but it's not like he never had no chance to win that match, the fact that he was as big of an underdog as he was, was insane. I took Luigi and never thought about changing it. I always knew Zero was a definite threat, but it's not like that was a crazy outcome. --- I'm so hardcore. |
MyWorldIsZelda | Posted 10/22/2006 8:14:59 PM | message detail |
It's just too bad we have to wait for Zelda to not even come close to 45% !! Indeed. She'll be getting a whopping 55%! Because she knows how to work rSFF! --- The Master Sword is the most sought-after blade in Hyrule. He who wields it carries with him the hope of the kingdom. |
EvenMyROgetsB7 | Posted 10/22/2006 8:15:24 PM | message detail |
Oh please. --- I'm so hardcore. |
Cavalier Lowen | Posted 10/22/2006 8:16:03 PM | message detail |
I'll post mine from my topic here since I actually wrote a lot for once... (2) Dante vs. (6) Yoshin This match means a lot to my bracket. Seriously. In my mind this will validate or invalidate my MM>main bracket pick. KH2 boost is real, very real, and damnit Yoshi is going to prove it. If Yoshi breaks 46, I feel confident in MM>Snake, and that's all, if Yoshi breaks 49, I think MM>Snake is assured and MM>Sonic/Crono is possible, if Yoshi wins in a close one, I feel confident in MM>Sonic/Crono, if Yoshi wins with 52.5+ I feel that MM>Males is very possible. MM>Samus is all based on an rsff theory, so this match doesn't really effect that. AXEL IS A BEAST DAMNIT, BELIEVE! Anyway, now for some ANALYSIS. To analyze this match you have to answer three questions. #1, is the Devil Division overrated? My answer? Yeah, sure, look at Terra/Kerrigan, FFF (fodder fluctuation factor) can only explain so much. However, Dante's match with Ryu was not a fluke, a boost from DMC3:SE should knock him higher than even his 2k5 value I suppose. But, Ryu does look awfully chumpish if Zero is a fraud, which I believe I stated correctly in my Luigi/Zero and Dante/Ryu analyses. #2) What the hell is Yoshi's value? Okay, so no one knows the answer to this one. If you think KH2 did little to nothing for some stupid reason, then Yoshi is weak as hell, if you think it did a lot, then his match with Riku proves nothing but his strength. Face it, Kairi/Rikku all but proved a decent KH2 boost for actual KH characters. Running into the King of SFF last year gave a lot of people a flawed impression of Yoshi, that should change after this match. #3) Is there a general boost for Mario characters this contest? I say yes. Luigi/Zero points to this, Bowser/Leon doesn't. However, Leon has reason to boost like a cracked up Sephiroth i.e. his 2k2-2k3 boost. Be honest guys, do you all seriously think SMB challenges FF in a BSE last year? I doubt it very much. Why wouldn't the advent of the DS in the past year (highly increased ownership)+MKDS+NSMB help Mario characters? Anyway, I'd be lying to you if I said I knew who would win, I'll just make my prediction and get it over with. Yoshi with 54% --- Z1mZum owned me in the guru contest (by two points!). Damn you Z1mZum! |
dragoontheguy | Posted 10/22/2006 8:16:27 PM | message detail |
While I'd like to see yoshi pull off a win, my bracket be damned, I was
entirely serious last night when I said I'll be impressed if he can
break 45% since that would at least finally prove that he has a lot of
legitimate strength. I'm not trying to sound arrogant about my pick or anything, but the only signs that point to yoshi seem to be ones that take some of his matches from two or three years ago and apply them to this year by linking him directly to certain characters, and even then it looks iffy to me. --- When D... I'd be able to finish this sig if Z1mZum didn't own me so hard in the guru contest. Congrats on your victory! |
cyko | Posted 10/22/2006 8:18:06 PM | message detail |
if you ask me, tomorrow's match could go either way. i will only be
surprised if either character finishes over 60%. my instinct is telling
me that Yoshi will squeal this one out, though. for one thing, Yoshi is
represented much better in the match-pic. Yoshi does indeed look green
and happy. Dante, on the other hand, does not have the bad-ass pic he
had last round. instead, he loos like a crappy, short-haired version of
Advent Children-Sephiroth. in a match that could be very close, a
crappy match pic really could make the difference. plus, Luigi, Samus, and Zelda have all put up great performances so far, suggesting that Nintendo may not have lost it's power that it had last year. and it's just plain foolish to deny that Kingdom Hearts 2 has boosted it's characters. we can't yet determine exactly how much Riku has boosted, but it wouldn't surprise me at all to now see him stronger than Ness, Tails, and Scorpion. therefore, Yoshi's win might be more impressive than we gave it credit for. so, yeah, i'm calling for Yoshi to pull off a narrow victory. --- i have officially been Z1mZum'D in the guru contest. Vincent Valentine to win the Blast Division!! |
MyWorldIsZelda | Posted 10/22/2006 8:19:11 PM | message detail |
Oh please. I expect that to extend to "Oh please, please, HM, stop being right all the time" when the match rolls around !! --- The Master Sword is the most sought-after blade in Hyrule. He who wields it carries with him the hope of the kingdom. |
KingBartz | Posted 10/22/2006 8:19:55 PM | message detail |
From: KingBartz | Posted: 10/21/2006 3:26:39 PM | Message Detail 57% Victory! You heard it here first. yays! --- That was too close. You were almost a Jill sandwich. SC2k6: 42/46 Today's pick: Chun-Li |
EvenMyROgetsB7 | Posted 10/22/2006 8:20:32 PM | message detail |
plus, Luigi, Samus, and Zelda have all put up great performances so far, suggesting that Nintendo may not have lost it's power that it had last year. Samus/Nidoran was a huge disappointment initially, we have no clue were she or Ada stand. Luigi > Zero should never have been a surprise like it was here. 53% isn't that big of a win. Impressive? Yeah, but with Zero's recent decline, and if he continued that decline, it really isn't. And yeah, Zelda is obviously on the level of Mario, oh, and Yuna is on Zelda's 2K6 level. --- I'm so hardcore. |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 10/22/2006 8:20:38 PM | message detail |
Dante, on the other hand, does not have the bad-ass pic he had last
round. instead, he loos like a crappy, short-haired version of Advent
Children-Sephiroth. DANTE > SNAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TuRtLe ~~~ 43/48 in the contest. My analysis topic here: |
Draco1214 | Posted 10/22/2006 8:20:54 PM | message detail |
If Yoshi = Dante through Hayabusa, it means Riku got a 5%+ boost from
KH2. Apply that same boost to Sora and it means that he's knocking on
Snake's door... ...yeah, Yoshi's performance against Riku was damn crappy. --- Character Battle V Score - 45/50 points Current Prediction - Yoshi vs. Dante |
EvenMyROgetsB7 | Posted 10/22/2006 8:21:30 PM | message detail |
I expect that to extend to "Oh please, please, HM, stop being right all the time" when the match rolls around !! Even if GameFAQs decided to turn into Soviet Russia in the next 40 minutes, you'd still never be able to claim always being right !! --- I'm so hardcore. |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 10/22/2006 8:22:07 PM | message detail |
Samus/Nidoran was a huge disappointment initially, we have no clue
were she or Ada stand. Luigi > Zero should never have been a
surprise like it was here. 53% isn't that big of a win. Impressive?
Yeah, but with Zero's recent decline, and if he continued that decline,
it really isn't. And yeah, Zelda is obviously on the level of Mario,
oh, and Yuna is on Zelda's 2K6 level. Last I checked, Nidoran was a Nintendo character as well. And overperformance or not, Zelda's matches have been damn impressive. TuRtLe ~~~ 43/48 in the contest. My analysis topic here: |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/22/2006 8:23:10 PM | message detail |
Sora:*knocks* Hi Snake! Snake: Wee *overperforms with amazing CQC abilities* Sora: darn you --- Moltar Status: Feeling good and hot-blooded. Yoshi vs. Dante - Bracket: Dante - Vote: Yoshi (46/50) |
EvenMyROgetsB7 | Posted 10/22/2006 8:24:11 PM | message detail |
Last I checked, Nidoran was a Nintendo character as well. And overperformance or not, Zelda's matches have been damn impressive. So now Nintendo is impressing because of what Nidoran F did on Samus? ....good thing you're BT, and are used to being horribly wrong. Zelda's matches impressive? Against who? Carmen Sandiego? Hah, there's maybe 1 person I'd take her over in this contest, and I can't even say that with certainty. And please take her match with Terra for real, because she's clearly kicking Mario's ass this year. Clearly. --- I'm so hardcore. |
MyWorldIsZelda | Posted 10/22/2006 8:28:24 PM | message detail |
And please take her match with Terra for real, because she's clearly kicking Mario's ass this year. Clearly. I'm gonna need to reserve a spot over here for you on the bandwagon. We're gaining members by the minute! --- The Master Sword is the most sought-after blade in Hyrule. He who wields it carries with him the hope of the kingdom. |
EvenMyROgetsB7 | Posted 10/22/2006 8:30:01 PM | message detail |
To deviate from the current insane debate, how long does it usually
take to get sales figures of recent releases, and do they have to sell
a certain base amount to get them as well? Just wondering if I'll have
any idea how many copies DMC: GHC will have sold by the time November
3rd roles around (Dante > Snake day for the slow!), it's coming out
the day after tomorrow. --- I'm so hardcore. |
Sir Auron | Posted 10/22/2006 8:31:26 PM | message detail |
You won't know until about November 12th. --- The Master Sword is the most sought-after blade in Hyrule. He who wields it carries with him the hope of the kingdom. |
EvenMyROgetsB7 | Posted 10/22/2006 8:33:05 PM | message detail |
Awww.... :( --- I'm so hardcore. |
dragoontheguy | Posted 10/22/2006 8:35:42 PM | message detail |
What is devil may cry GHC unabbreviate into? My closest guess is
greatest hits collection, but I can't find any soon to be released dmc
games on the site. --- When D... I'd be able to finish this sig if Z1mZum didn't own me so hard in the guru contest. Congrats on your victory! |
EvenMyROgetsB7 | Posted 10/22/2006 8:44:16 PM | message detail |
It is, and GameFAQs doesn't have it in their database for whatever reason. --- I'm so hardcore. |
transience | Posted 10/22/2006 8:46:47 PM | message detail |
Snake with 78.55% of the brackets. --- xyzzy |
EvenMyROgetsB7 | Posted 10/22/2006 8:47:09 PM | message detail |
Snake with 74.23 --- I'm so hardcore. |
dragoontheguy | Posted 10/22/2006 8:50:00 PM | message detail |
That's really weird that they don't have it, especially considering how mainstream dmc is. I'm guessing that snake will have 64% of the brackets. --- When D... I'd be able to finish this sig if Z1mZum didn't own me so hard in the guru contest. Congrats on your victory! |
charmander6000 | Posted 10/22/2006 8:52:19 PM | message detail |
Snake will have almost 80%, he is in the top three highest champion choice. --- "I was trying to escape. Obviously, it didn't work." - President Bush |
EvenMyROgetsB7 | Posted 10/22/2006 8:53:13 PM | message detail |
That's really weird that they don't have it, especially considering how mainstream dmc is. It's probably because it's not actually one game with everything in it. It's like when you buy a trilogy of movies or whatever. It's just a box set with DMC, DMC2, and DMC3 PS cases in it. It's 40 bucks, which is a really good deal for all 3. It's perfect for anyone who has never played DMC before, but has always been interested. --- I'm so hardcore. |
HaRRicH | Posted 10/22/2006 8:54:59 PM | message detail |
Solid Snake with 76.12% of the brackets. --- Next celebrity I hope to out-rank: Adam Sandler (#1) |
dragoontheguy | Posted 10/22/2006 8:55:08 PM | message detail |
It's probably because it's not actually one game with everything in
it. It's like when you buy a trilogy of movies or whatever. It's just a
box set with DMC, DMC2, and DMC3 PS cases in it. It's 40 bucks, which
is a really good deal for all 3. It's perfect for anyone who has never
played DMC before, but has always been interested. True. Actually now after looking at it I think I'll be getting it myself. I've always wanted to play through the dmc games, and three for less then the price of one game is an awesome deal. --- When D... I'd be able to finish this sig if Z1mZum didn't own me so hard in the guru contest. Congrats on your victory! |
charmander6000 | Posted 10/22/2006 8:59:10 PM | message detail |
*Before the match starts* Go Yoshi!!! --- "I was trying to escape. Obviously, it didn't work." - President Bush |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 10/22/2006 8:59:22 PM | message detail |
From EvenMyROgetsB7 Posted 10/22/2006 11:24:11 PM Last I checked, Nidoran was a Nintendo character as well. And overperformance or not, Zelda's matches have been damn impressive. So now Nintendo is impressing because of what Nidoran F did on Samus? ....good thing you're BT, and are used to being horribly wrong. Zelda's matches impressive? Against who? Carmen Sandiego? Hah, there's maybe 1 person I'd take her over in this contest, and I can't even say that with certainty. And please take her match with Terra for real, because she's clearly kicking Mario's ass this year. Clearly. Did I say Nidoran impressed? I'm saying that if Nintendo boosted, Nidoran likely boosted along with it (5000 LUELinks votes couldn't hurt either) meaning that that match has no place in a discussion about Nintendo boosts. And did I ever say Zelda would be beating Mario? Overperformance or not, that match was damn impressive. Unless you think people underperforming is more impressive. Also, Snake with 85% TuRtLe ~~~ 43/48 in the contest. My analysis topic here: |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 10/22/2006 8:59:36 PM | message detail |
Round 2 Patriot Divisional Semifinals- Match 2 Yoshi (3) vs Dante (2) Today we have one of the most heavily debated matches of the contest. In the first round, Yoshi disappointed against a likely boosted-to-hell Riku while Dante outperformed Zero on Ryu Hayabusa. The reason this match is so heavily debated is partly because of Yoshi's previous matches, in which every year he gets stuck behind SFF or something else. Yoshi could range anywhere from midcarder to near-elite. Dante on the other hand posted a respectable 46% on Vincent last year, and has constantly been increasing from his 2002 value. Since we have no solid read on Yoshi, it's hard to analyse this match, so I'll just go with my gut saying Yoshi by a slim margin TuRtLe's Prediction: Yoshi with 50.5% TuRtLe's Bracket: Yoshi (lol censor bypass) TuRtLe's Vote: Yoshi (lol censor bypass again) TuRtLe ~~~ 43/48 in the contest. My analysis topic here: |