GameFAQs Contests

Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 390
HaRRicH | Posted 10/16/2006 6:09:37 PM | message detail |
Sumimasen. Just curious, but what does that mean? --- Z1mZum performed a hit and run on me in the Guru Contest. It still hurts to be rear-ended like that..... |
The n00b Avenger | Posted 10/16/2006 6:14:27 PM | message detail |
The better question is why is he using random Japanese words in his posts O_o --- ertyu and VeghEsther are truly proof that there is much about this world we still do not understand. |
HaRRicH | Posted 10/16/2006 6:29:24 PM | message detail |
As this match draws closer and closer -- and I've been feelin' like
this since I locked my bracket down from myself -- I've been feeling
more and more confident in Peach. If she loses, I'll be surprised...but
there's no way she'll get the doubling. If she doubles Jill up, I will
eat some random game from my own video game collection. --- Z1mZum performed a hit and run on me in the Guru Contest. It still hurts to be rear-ended like that..... |
Draco1214 | Posted 10/16/2006 6:32:04 PM | message detail |
Heh, I've actually been feeling more and more confident in Jill, actually. --- Character Battle V Score - 33/36 points Current Prediction - Tifa Lockhart vs. The Boss |
GrapefruitKing | Posted 10/16/2006 6:32:08 PM | message detail |
Damnit, if Peach wins I'll fall off the leaderboard again... And I probably won't get back up there until Yoshi/Dante --- CB5 Oracle Challenge - Today's prediction: Tifa Lockheart with 70.94% |
HaRRicH | Posted 10/16/2006 6:34:27 PM | message detail |
Heh, well Draco, you're wrong. *slaps you with a glove* As a side-note, I think I've had my Guru sig long enough now to make up for not nominating Toadette. --- Next celebrity I hope to out-rank: Alyssa Milano (#44) |
dragoontheguy | Posted 10/16/2006 6:38:53 PM | message detail |
I nominated Toadette and still have my guru sig anyways... mostly out of sheer laziness on my part. --- When D... I'd be able to finish this sig if Z1mZum didn't own me so hard in the guru contest. Congrats on your victory! |
Incompetence | Posted 10/16/2006 6:43:06 PM | message detail |
"ChichiriMuyo Posted 10/16/2006 5:23:45 PM message detail Ah, then I do say you're off to an excellent start. I didn't catch that this was a preliminary work. I'm sorry." Fikst. >_> --- |
dragoontheguy | Posted 10/16/2006 6:48:53 PM | message detail |
Upon finally inspecting the match pic for tomorrow, all I can say is: lol Soviet Jill. Good luck tomorrow comrade! >_> --- When D... I'd be able to finish this sig if Z1mZum didn't own me so hard in the guru contest. Congrats on your victory! |
ChichiriMuyo | Posted 10/16/2006 6:53:43 PM | message detail |
Sumimasen means excuse me. At times, it can be used to say "I'm sorry",
but there is also gomen (nasai) for that. It's often a combination of
the two concepts. If you wanted someone to move out of your way so you
could walk through a door you would say sumimasen. Also, I use random Japanese words in my post because I use random Japanese in my daily speach. It's a byproduct of taking Japnese courses. --- If B8 were any more like the WWE I'd be getting paid for this message. If you mark someone for flaming/trolling, you probably deserved it. |
ChichiriMuyo | Posted 10/16/2006 6:55:11 PM | message detail |
And no, that's not "fiksd" because that's not context of the word in that conversation. --- If B8 were any more like the WWE I'd be getting paid for this message. If you mark someone for flaming/trolling, you probably deserved it. |
dragoontheguy | Posted 10/16/2006 6:57:48 PM | message detail |
but there is also gomen (nasai) for that. This is the point in your post where I became confused, and had no idea what the hell you were saying. >_> --- When D... I'd be able to finish this sig if Z1mZum didn't own me so hard in the guru contest. Congrats on your victory! |
ChichiriMuyo | Posted 10/16/2006 7:03:11 PM | message detail |
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster] |
Incompetence | Posted 10/16/2006 7:03:26 PM | message detail |
Wow. Nothing gets by you, Chich. --- |
ChichiriMuyo | Posted 10/16/2006 7:05:09 PM | message detail |
Gomen also means "I'm sorry". Gomen nasai would be the polite form. Typically, if I've wronged you somehow and wished to appologize I would say "gomen nasai", though that's me. When I say sumimasen, I almost always mean it as a sort of combination of excuse me and I'm sorry. --- If B8 were any more like the WWE I'd be getting paid for this message. If you mark someone for flaming/trolling, you probably deserved it. |
ChichiriMuyo | Posted 10/16/2006 7:06:42 PM | message detail |
Lots of things get by me. Like, that totally sounds like sarcasm, but I have completely no idea why. --- If B8 were any more like the WWE I'd be getting paid for this message. If you mark someone for flaming/trolling, you probably deserved it. |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/16/2006 7:14:43 PM | message detail |
Limit Division: Round 2 - Match 36 – (3)Jill Valentine vs. (2)Princess Peach Moltar’s Analysis Jill Round 1 – 62.03% vs. Sheena (37.97%) Sheena may have made the end result look a lot better for her, but Jill still wins it. Peach Round 1 – 83.10% vs. Daisy (16.90%) Peach basically faces her clone, and manages 83% on her. Ahh, this match. It’s pretty weird to talk about personally, as I had Jill up until the final hour of the bracket period. I then switched to Peach. It seemed like the safe pick, right? Well, after Round 1…I don’t know. Neither impressed me much last round. Jill started off well against Sheena, but Sheena sliced into the percentage and ended up looking good. Peach, on the other hand, practically had a free “Kick ass” card, yet couldn’t even manage 85% on a freakin’ clone of hers. I mean, does Daisy even have a fanbase of 18,000+? Anyway…now we arrive here. There was lots of talk pre-Contest about Peach. It was tough as nails to predict where she would land. She could end up anywhere from low fodder (lol wario) to decent midcarder (y helo thar dk). It all depended on if she would get the backing of the Mario fanbase, which wasn’t guaranteed (lol wario again). They supported her over Daisy, but Jill is in a whole ‘nother league. While she seems to be getting weaker over the years, she’s still a semi-decent midcarder. If Sheena = Lloyd indirectly, then Jill is about at her 2004 number. Can I see Peach going toe-to-toe with Hayabusa? Pre-Contest, I said no. Now, I say…no still. Yeah, I still don’t have high hopes for Peach. “But Moltar!,” You scream, “Then why did you pick Peach to beat Jill.” Honestly, Peach just feels like the safe pick here. Jill probably wouldn’t go 50-50 with Hayabusa anymore, and if Sheena is under Lloyd, then Jill has gotten even weaker. All Peach needs to do is be at low-midcarder level (22-23%) on Base Link and she wins the match. Peach will probably get the Nintendo and the “I know her, she’s a freakin’ Mario character!” backing, and RE characters not named Leon haven’t been looking so hot. Jill has a very good chance, but I’m going with Peach for the win. Moltar’s Bracket Says: Peach will win. Moltar’s Prediction is: Jill: 47% - Peach: 53% Ulti’s Analysis Anyone notice how all the hype for this match completely died after Claire's loss to Kairi and Jill's percentage bleed against Sheena? It's as if the hype for this match never even happened, though there's good reason for hype here to exist. Peach only performed well because she was facing an exact clone of her in the first round, and no one gives a crap about Daisy. As for why this match is hyped, uh... everyone else and their walls of text can deal with that. I'm sticking with fanboyism alone here!1! Prediction: Peach with 54.45% HM’s Analysis Jill Valentine Previous Matches: Jill Valentine – 62.03% -- 70,699 Sheena Fujibayashi – 37.97% -- 43,275 Princess Peach Previous Matches: Princess Peach – 83.1% -- 90,611 Princess Daisy – 16.9% -- 18,423 This is another one of those special debated match-ups of the female bracket. The other we had was Claire/Kairi – and that turned out to be pretty good – but this match is definitely more important from a point perspective and features two popular females going at it. Personally, my initial reaction was always to go with Peach here and I slowly gained more confidence in the pick as time went on. |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/16/2006 7:15:00 PM | message detail |
A lot of people think that Peach has no fans or
that no one really cares about her because she doesn’t do much – but
you could say that about tons
of characters. That doesn’t stop people from liking those characters
for whatever reason. It helps that Peach is perhaps the most well-known
female, and one of the most well-known characters, in this entire
bracket. Peach’s competition, while not weak, isn’t exactly a beast herself. She allowed Sheena Fujibayashi to nearly bring her under 40%, and she lost the day vote hard in the process. Resident Evil certainly hasn’t appeared to have lost a step here, but the only real impressive RE character as of late has been Leon Kennedy thanks to Resident Evil 4. Jill should gain no such benefit considering she has absolutely no role, or even a mention, in the game. Aside from Peach’s iconic history in the Mario series as a damsel-in-distress, she has recently gotten her own game on the hottest system in gaming right now – the Nintendo DS. Super Princess Peach was given some pretty good scores and it sold about 253,000 copies in America (for those keeping up, that’s 47,000 less than Dirge of Cerberus). I think Peach should be able to benefit some from that, even if only slightly. She at least can claim that she is more than a damsel-in-distress with a main game, even if she has played the DID role for most of her history. Peach coming the revered Super Mario Bros. series should get her plenty of votes, too. Mario characters have looked pretty damn impressive in the past couple of years, even against characters with big games and plenty of reason to increase. I think the Mario series as a whole is on a rise and it doesn’t look to be stopping anytime soon. I don’t think this match is going to be too close – a Luigi/Zero affair – but it shouldn’t be a blowout either. I predict Peach gets the lead out of the gate and never looks back. It would be great if Peach could just dominate Jill tonight and give me some reason to jump on board the PEACH > TIFA bandwagon! Well, maybe that bandwagon isn’t even established yet…BUT I WILL BE THERE SHOULD PEACH DO THE UNTHINKABLE. PEACH > TIFA FOR LIFE. Aitch Emm’s Bracket: Princess Peach Aitch Emm’s Prediction: Princess Peach – 54% ; Jill Valentine – 46% Aitch Emm’s Vote: Princess Peach Yoblazer’s Analysis Well, here it is - the hottest match of the entire ****ing bracket. It's a shame that both of these lovely ladies can't move on, but they, them's the breaks. Let's get on with the match, shall we? This is easily the most debated female match of Round 2, and one of only two with the potential to be any good. However, this is potential that I'm not buying, as I think Peach will take this match relatively easily. For me, there's never been any reason to assume Jill being far-and-away stronger than Claire Redfield. Both star in two RE games that have been whored out to every console known to man, and while Jill is the first RE diva, Claire has the more popular games under her belt. If I were to take an educated guess, I'd say that Jill's ceiling would be around Kairi's level (enough to go toe-to-toe with Kairi and possibly eek out a win). Now, do I think Princess Peach can beat Kairi? Yes. Easily. Keeping with my very risky and potentially stupid "Jill is approximately equal to Kairi" theory, it must be noted that Kairi was able to score almost 42% against Rikku. Do I think Peach can beat Rikku? No, not quite, but I do think she'd get very close. I have the craziest urge to go high in this match, but I'm getting warning signs from both sides. One is saying "Jill isn't weak, you idiot." and the other is saying "You're overestimating Peach, bozo." Since these voices are starting to scare me, I think it best to take Peach in a relatively easy (but not dominant) win. My prediction: Princess Peach def. Jill Valentine (56-44) |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/16/2006 7:15:48 PM | message detail |
Lopen’s Analysis Another match where I only have one right. Maybe to save my credibility I should stop bringing this up… nah! Anyway, I had Sheena here, in hopes that Jill would've dropped some more, and that Sheena was higher than Lloyd. Sheena beating Jill was the big speed bump I foresaw in my plan. Peach? Peach is fodder, folks! I had no internal debate about Sheena > Peach. And yeah, call me stubborn, but I still think Sheena could beat Peach. People aren't drones. They aren't just gonna vote Peach because she's a Mario character. Check out the favorite Mario character poll: Peach got 2% or so. Guess who the only character was that was even close to that area was. Yeap, Wa-friggin-Luigi. It's easy to accept Wa-friggin-Luigi as fodder, right? Right? Of course I can't base my whole argument on a "favorite Mario character" poll… but that's concrete evidence that supports what I've seen in life. Sure, we all know Peach. But do we like Peach? I'd say most of us are ambivalent when it comes to Peach. Will that get her votes? Sure, it gets Pac-Man votes. Will it get her big wins, though? Absolutely not. Lopen's Prediction: Jill Valentine with 63.12% KH’s Analysis lol x-stats history Jill Valentine Summer 2002 Contest Extrapolated Strength --- 16th Place [27.37%] Summer 2003 Contest Extrapolated Strength --- 28th Place [24.56%] Summer 2004 Contest Extrapolated Strength --- 37th Place [20.64%] After winning her first match since making the Sweet Sixteen in 2002, Jill is primed for an attempt to do it again. Unfortunately, she has nothing here to make her look like the definite favorite. Jill basically met expectations in her last match, but not much more...if anything, some considered it disappointing. Of course, Peach's insane range may just hand her the win anyway... Princess Peach lol N/A In the biggest example of rSFF we've ever had, Peach squeaks out a victory against Daisy and now gets a chance to prove herself against, y'know, a real opponent. Peach may have exceeded some people's expectations and failed to meet those of others, but in a completely worthless match like that it's probably better if we pretend she's never been in a contest before. Yup... Notable Releases Since Last Appearance Jill Valentine: N/A Princess Peach: Super Mario Bros. 2 (NES), Super Mario RPG (SNES), Super Princess Peach (DS) Upcoming Releases Jill Valentine: Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles (WII) Princess Peach: N/A The most debated match of the (female) second round is here...and I'm really thinking it's going to be anticlimactic. I'm finding it harder and harder to see Jill winning here, and that really saddens me. For one, while the idea of a second Nintendo boost is more or less ludicrous, there has been little to suggest that Nintendo has actually *lost* a step since its big boost in 2005. Peach, being a Mario character, can only benefit from this boost. So while Jill beating Luigi could be argued way back in 2003, there's a chance that Jill would be losing to Wario today. Though I'm not sold on her being stronger, Peach isn't going to be too far off from Wario. Peach also has the monster of SSBM on her side. While I believe Jill 2k4 is underrated, the fact that Captain Falcon and Ness would be projected to have close matches with her cannot be ignored. Peach absolutely manhandles either. The fact that Peach's match with what was essentially herself nearly garnered as many votes as Jill/Sheena is not something to overlook here. Yes, Leon impressed against Bowser. What does this mean? It means that if Jill was the main character of RE4 we could have seen her make a run at Tifa. darn you capcom |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/16/2006 7:16:28 PM | message detail |
I expect Peach to take this handily, and this is a
low percentage for me. I'm asking Jill to prove me wrong, but I asked
the same of The Boss, too. I don't make a habit of being wrong. Karma Hunter's Vote: Jill Valentine. FOR DAISY Karma Hunter's Krazy Prediction: Princess Peach with 54.23%. Yeah...easy win, but no blowout for the embodiment of female stereotypes in gaming... Upset Potential: 35% UPSET ALERT UPSET ALERT UPSET ALERT Hope springs eternal, however...let's say, for argument's sake, that Jill 2k4 is underrated and that Jill 2k3 is her value today. Jill easily beats any version of Donkey Kong that isn't overrated by MC 2k5, and that's Peach's absolute ceiling IMO. Even better for Jill is that she's behind Squall 2k3, who is potentially underrated by Link/Samus SFF. The optimal Jill Valentine is a value that Peach isn't touching, and never will touch. If Jill can retain a fraction of that magic that she had in her prime...well, she very well could prove me wrong. So here's hoping! Upset Prediction: Jill Valentine with 52.08%. Guest’s Analysis - Luster Soldier Previous matches Jill Valentine/Sheena Fujibayashi Jill Valentine - 62.03% Sheena Fujibayashi - 37.97% Princess Peach/Princess Daisy Princess Peach - 83.10% Princess Daisy - 16.90% x-stats history (based off Base Link) Jill Valentine Summer 2002 Contest - 27.37% Summer 2003 Contest - 25.38% Summer 2004 Contest - 22.13% Princess Peach No previous contest history. In the first match, Jill Valentine managed to defeat Sheena Fujibayashi fairly easily without too much trouble at all. While Jill has been slowing falling in the x-stats over the years, her first 60%+ victory shows she hasn't completely fallen off the map just yet. Princess Peach managed to dispose of Princess Daisy with the help of SFF. Even without SFF, Peach could probably get at least 70% against Daisy. I don't know why this match is even up for debate. Even though Jill performed better this year, it doesn't really pose a threat to Peach. Even though we don't have a value for Peach in the x-stats yet, the only thing to work off of is her match with Daisy. Jill was able to pull off 40% against Squall back in 2003. Since Peach cannot possibly be stronger than Squall, it follows that Peach will most likely not win with over 60%. Looking at an earlier match, Samus/Ada, many people were expecting Ada to do fairly decently against Samus because of her absolute destruction of Jade. Instead, Ada got sent to the trash and Samus made Ada look like nothing at all. I have a feeling this sort of situation could happen here but Peach will end up winning the match. This match will make Peach look weaker than she appears to be. Luster Soldier's prediction: Princess Peach with 53.77% Crew Consensus: Peach wins in a kinda close one. Only Lopen is going with Jill...and he's going big. |
EvenMyROgetsB7 | Posted 10/16/2006 7:17:32 PM | message detail |
Oh hey look, Lopen wants to be horribly wrong again! --- I'm so hardcore. |
AmazingKirby | Posted 10/16/2006 7:18:46 PM | message detail |
lol crew lol lopen lol jill --- caps |
ChichiriMuyo | Posted 10/16/2006 7:19:08 PM | message detail |
Again? When has Lopen given any sign that he wants to stop being
horribly wrong? He thrives on the attention of being so wrong. --- If this post was overly verbose that means I tried very hard to not call you an idiot. If you mark someone for flaming/trolling, you probably deserved it. |
Janus5000 | Posted 10/16/2006 7:20:03 PM | message detail |
15% difference between Lopen and everyone else? Haha, wow. --- "Those who cast the vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything." |
Draco1214 | Posted 10/16/2006 7:20:13 PM | message detail |
I mentioned this in the other topic, but the hilarious thing about his
prediction is that if Jill wins, he gets the point just because he's
the only one to have Jill winning. --- Character Battle V Score - 35/38 points Current Prediction - Jill Valentine vs. Princess Peach |
EvenMyROgetsB7 | Posted 10/16/2006 7:20:47 PM | message detail |
Good thing that won't be happening then, eh? --- I'm so hardcore. |
dragoontheguy | Posted 10/16/2006 7:21:52 PM | message detail |
Lopen's Prediction: Jill Valentine with 63.12% I don't know why, but I seriously laughed for nearly a minute straight after reading that. --- When D... I'd be able to finish this sig if Z1mZum didn't own me so hard in the guru contest. Congrats on your victory! |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 10/16/2006 7:23:10 PM | message detail |
From Karma Hunter Posted 10/16/2006 8:44:54 PM BOLD PREDICTION: Certain people will use this match to justify a second Nintendo boost -- no matter what the outcome. If you're referring to me, I don't plan on it. Unless Peach somehow breaks 60% or something. We don't know where Peach stood before, so it's hard to use the match as the basis for a company boost. Zelda/Terra however is fair game. TuRtLe ~~~ I used my brain and statistics to make my bracket. Karma Hunter used MGS fanboyism. KH won. Commit it to memory. |
Masato_Tanaka | Posted 10/16/2006 7:25:40 PM | message detail |
So I just took a look at the Jill/Peach pic. ....Peach is so screwed ~Hiko~ --- I'm a 6' 238 lb Gladiator! Dagan Bomb For The WIN! |
AmazingKirby | Posted 10/16/2006 7:26:25 PM | message detail |
Yeah, Peach is so screwed with a far better pic than Jill. --- caps |
dragoontheguy | Posted 10/16/2006 7:28:33 PM | message detail |
I wonder if daisy would rival tanner for crappiest character we've ever
seen if Lopens prediction came true and you didn't factor in sff... --- When D... I'd be able to finish this sig if Z1mZum didn't own me so hard in the guru contest. Congrats on your victory! |
EvenMyROgetsB7 | Posted 10/16/2006 7:29:25 PM | message detail |
So I just took a look at the Jill/Peach pic. Totally. Looking like a coke addicted hooker is obviously the biggest advantage one can get. --- I'm so hardcore. |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 10/16/2006 7:29:39 PM | message detail |
Also, I use random Japanese words in my post because I use random Japanese in my daily speach. It's a byproduct of being an Otaku nerd Fix'd TuRtLe ~~~ I used my brain and statistics to make my bracket. Karma Hunter used MGS fanboyism. KH won. Commit it to memory. |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/16/2006 7:30:00 PM | message detail |
Lopen's Prediction: Jill Valentine with 63.12% I don't know why, but I seriously laughed for nearly a minute straight after reading that. I'd laugh too, seeing as how some people were saying Peach = Luigi!! I'd give anything to see it end up near Lopen's pick. That'd be great, and Daisy would look god-awful (I'm talking 6-7% on BL). --- Moltar Status: Feeling good and hot-blooded. Tifa vs. The Boss - Bracket: Tifa - Vote: The Boss (32/36) |
EvenMyROgetsB7 | Posted 10/16/2006 7:30:16 PM | message detail |
And the byproduct of you being a douche is what? You? --- I'm so hardcore. |
King Bowser | Posted 10/16/2006 7:31:09 PM | message detail |
....Peach is so screwed Perhaps if it weren't for the fact that Peach's picture is far better than Jill's! --- "Thank You Mario! But our Princess is in another castle!" |
Incompetence | Posted 10/16/2006 7:31:22 PM | message detail |
Peach is nothing to look at herself... Then again, when your opponent looks like a dog it doesn't really matter. --- |
dragoontheguy | Posted 10/16/2006 7:31:52 PM | message detail |
I'd give anything to see it end up near Lopen's pick. That'd be great, and Daisy would look god-awful (I'm talking 6-7% on BL). Well that would be pretty damned funny sure, but it really is a ridiculous prediction to make. --- When D... I'd be able to finish this sig if Z1mZum didn't own me so hard in the guru contest. Congrats on your victory! |
AmazingKirby | Posted 10/16/2006 7:32:00 PM | message detail |
Man, I recognize like 4 people in this topic. More like Contest Alts and Discussion. >_> --- caps |
ChichiriMuyo | Posted 10/16/2006 7:33:16 PM | message detail |
Yes, well. It seems that throwing away user names that are well known
and recognizable for no good reason is the theme of 2k6. God forbid
we'd be capable of recognizing who is who without having to remember
500 different screen names, amirite? --- If this post was overly verbose, that means I tried very hard to not call you an idiot. If you mark someone for flaming/trolling, you probably deserved it. |
AmazingKirby | Posted 10/16/2006 7:34:00 PM | message detail |
urrite --- caps |
EvenMyROgetsB7 | Posted 10/16/2006 7:34:17 PM | message detail |
Yes, well. It seems that throwing away user names that are well
known and recognizable for no good reason is the theme of 2k6. God
forbid we'd be capable of recognizing who is who without having to
remember 500 different screen names, amirite? Pfft... I get banned once a year, this is tradition! --- I'm so hardcore. |
dragoontheguy | Posted 10/16/2006 7:34:47 PM | message detail |
I definitely agree... if you people are going to make ridiculous
account bets, you could make your new account similar to your old one
at least. It took me days to figure out that king bowser was HM. --- When D... I'd be able to finish this sig if Z1mZum didn't own me so hard in the guru contest. Congrats on your victory! |
ChichiriMuyo | Posted 10/16/2006 7:35:12 PM | message detail |
It's hard to wait here for another hour and a half for this next match.
Well.. I think my roomate wants to play Secret of Mana soon, so maybe
I'll go get that set up. --- If this post was overly verbose, that means I tried very hard to not call you an idiot. If you mark someone for flaming/trolling, you probably deserved it. |
Incompetence | Posted 10/16/2006 7:35:46 PM | message detail |
Wasn't AmazingKirby originally a Leonhart alt? --- |
ChichiriMuyo | Posted 10/16/2006 7:35:49 PM | message detail |
Speaking of, who are you 'b7'? --- If this post was overly verbose, that means I tried very hard to not call you an idiot. If you mark someone for flaming/trolling, you probably deserved it. |
King Bowser | Posted 10/16/2006 7:36:37 PM | message detail |
It took me days to figure out that king bowser was HM. I made a topic earlier stating that this was my new name, though I don't blame you for not seeing it. I'm not a big fan of putting who I am in a signature, so I decided to have one signature consistently across the accounts I use until this one gets to unlimited posting, as you can see below! --- "Thank You Mario! But our Princess is in another castle!" |
Draco1214 | Posted 10/16/2006 7:37:00 PM | message detail |
B7 = EC --- Character Battle V Score - 35/38 points Current Prediction - Jill Valentine vs. Princess Peach |
HaRRicH | Posted 10/16/2006 7:37:10 PM | message detail |
I think Leonhart was loaned that account awhile after he was fooled by Smurf, but I don't think it was actually his own. --- Next celebrity I hope to out-rank: Alyssa Milano (#44) |
EvenMyROgetsB7 | Posted 10/16/2006 7:37:18 PM | message detail |
Speaking of, who are you 'b7'? HoorayProxies/mmmApplesauce/Gyrating Grandma/PortugalTheMann/EC --- I'm so hardcore. |