GameFAQs Contests

Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 390
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/16/2006 9:51:56 AM | message detail |
Though it's possible if there is anything akin to VC antivoting in this
thing...but I think the existence of the male half keeps that to a
minimum, if at all. Tifa getting 45% would stun me, especially if Samus
still ended up winning the main bracket. --- *kills self* Commit it to memory. |
transience | Posted 10/16/2006 9:56:05 AM | message detail |
I don't know if Samus is seen as the massive favourite that Sephiroth was to the everyday person. Poll 1970 (04/14/2005) Who do you think will win the villains character battle? 4367 7.01% Bowser 7412 11.9% Ganondorf 3379 5.42% Kefka 29139 46.77% Sephiroth, by a landslide 11560 18.55% Sephiroth, but it'll be close 6446 10.35% Another character Which female character do you think will win the battle? Samus Aran 43.1% 41396 Tifa Lockhart 25.77% 24753 Yuna 6.58% 6323 Zelda 20.12% 19329 One of the lower seeds 4.43% 4252 TOTAL VOTES 96053 --- xyzzy |
RydiaOfTheMist | Posted 10/16/2006 9:58:56 AM | message detail |
The big issue i have with Samus is the lack of any kind of evidence to
this so called "power" she has. I mean yeah she beat Sonic that one
year but is that value even close to what we could expect now,
otherwise every stat is based on SFFs by the hands of Mario and Link.
She may go on to win the main bracket but I'm not willing to rely on
her SFF based stats until she proves it on someone that has some
strength that is not affiliated with Nintendo. She beats
Crono/Snake/Sonic then she puts up 55 on Tifa otherwise good luck with
that. --- Rydia: It's not yours! Edge: That's okay it would be happy to be used by us! |
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/16/2006 10:01:12 AM | message detail |
Yeah, the fact that Samus didn't half of the brackets take her out of
her cakewalk division last year (<_______________<) speaks
volumes about her contest strength just not being as respected as
Sephy's. Anti-voting against Samus would perplex me. Sure, Tifa's going
to look reasonably good when she goes out thanks to her being a
powerful Square going out against powerful Nintendo...just not 45% good. --- *kills self* Commit it to memory. |
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/16/2006 10:04:16 AM | message detail |
Uh...I don't agree with that, though. I
may not have Samus winning the bracket, but she's proven herself time
and again as a consistently strong character. She beat Sonic once and
put 47% up on pre-KH Sephy, went on to beat Sonic AGAIN in a thrashing
then put 40%+ on Cloud, and has never shown herself close to any kind
of upset strength. I laugh in the face of her SFF 'power' (MM >
Samus, yo), but Samus is a proven force in these things. --- *kills self* Commit it to memory. |
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/16/2006 10:05:56 AM | message detail |
*never shown herself close to any kind of upset threat --- *kills self* Commit it to memory. |
Ed Bellis | Posted 10/16/2006 10:07:35 AM | message detail |
She may go on to win the main bracket but I'm not willing to rely on
her SFF based stats until she proves it on someone that has some
strength that is not affiliated with Nintendo Among numerous others. --- This was Ed Bellis. |
transience | Posted 10/16/2006 10:09:03 AM | message detail |
I could see a bandwagon start up when she steps on Tifa's head in the
semifinals, but until then I don't think the average person would see
her as a beast. remember when Samus beat Sonic in 2002? I was shocked
that Samus had that kind of power here. Samus just doesn't seem like a
character that would have massive strength. she also doesn't have that
"oh ff7 wins everything" thing going on that Sephiroth did. --- xyzzy |
XxSoulxX | Posted 10/16/2006 10:11:04 AM | message detail |
Some things never change. Tifa gets a lot higher then expected against
weak competition, and people suddenly thinks she has a shot versus the
elite. Samus will follow in Sonic's footsteps and smash Tifa into the
ground. --- - Why the hell did I bet against a character as deep, awesome and badass as Lara Croft, instead favouring a character from something as lame as HL2? Forgive me, XIII. |
consolefreak | Posted 10/16/2006 10:13:51 AM | message detail |
I would never expect Auron to have significantly SFFed Big Boss. FFX
and FFVII are just two different beasts when it comes to SFF. Note how
Rikku in all probability barely SFFed Kairi, if she did at all. Then
look at how Aeris absolutely demolished Sora. Now of course Rikku is no
Aeris, but Kairi is definitely no Sora. FFX/MGS SFF just ain't happening. Well SFFing abilities vary from character to character, of course. Sephiroth SFF'd Liquid badly, but Solid Snake SFF'd Squall and Sora pretty badly as well. Aeris resisted it better, but the point still stands. I'd never expect Rikku to do much SFFing, against any one, contrary to Auron, who I'd expect to be pretty good with it. You also have to keep in mind that The Boss would probably be a lot better at resisting SFF than Big Boss, due to how much her fanbase likes her. I would expect Tifa-The Boss SFF to be a bit more apparent, but to make little difference in the end (compared to Auron-Big Boss). Also, chronologically, FFX-MGS3 SFF makes a bit more sense than FFVII-MGS3 SFF. Of course, it's FFVII. But also, it's Auron. Remember the favourite FFX poll? Oh, and Tifa getting 45% on Samus means she's beating Snake and hanging with Sonic after getting her ass handed to her just a year before...sure, I believe in the power of KH2, but just as Auron ain't beating Crono, Tifa ain't beating Sonic. Tifa would come quite a lot closer to Sonic than Auron would come to Crono. Last year, Tifa was probably closer to Sonic than Auron was to Crono. Since then, she's had her first KH as well (a lesser role than Auron of course, but still) and AC, of which she couldn't even experience a leak against Sonic. Also, I can totally see Tifa being on Snake's -2k5- level. A 3% boost for debuting in KH and AC? Sounds pretty reasonable to me. But I believe Snake's quite a bit stronger this year, plus there's always Snake-Tifa SFF. I'd never take Tifa to beat Snake. --- CB: 32/34. Today: Tifa vs. The Boss. Tomorrow: Jill vs. Peach. |
RydiaOfTheMist | Posted 10/16/2006 10:15:57 AM | message detail |
My point wasnt intended to say oh Tifa = strong because she can SFF a
MGS character im saying Samus has a great deal of potential to be
overated. Samus has had this hype before and fallen hard from it. Tifa
won't be Samus but saying Samus is a guranteed win in the final might
be over zealous. Thats all im saying. --- Rydia: It's not yours! Edge: That's okay it would be happy to be used by us! |
transience | Posted 10/16/2006 10:16:44 AM | message detail |
guaranteed win in the final of the female bracket? yeah, that's guaranteed. --- xyzzy |
mmmApplesauce | Posted 10/16/2006 10:18:45 AM | message detail |
After Samus curb stomps Tifa everyone will be on the Samus for main
bracket champ bus, and then when she underperforms on Zelda in the next
round, everyone will jump on Crono (or whoever from the male side), and
then Samus still manages to kick ass and take names in the final. This is all assuming that Zelda beats Aeris of course! --- I love bananas. |
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/16/2006 10:18:52 AM | message detail |
Samus never had a guaranteed win in the final, even if every inch of
her 2k4 stat was legit. That's, what, a 53% win over Crono? A Samus
dip, a Crono boost (hey, we've seen it before -- twice), or even Mega
Man/Sonic coming out of nowhere could put that to rest. --- *kills self* Commit it to memory. |
consolefreak | Posted 10/16/2006 10:19:23 AM | message detail |
Some things never change. Tifa gets a lot higher then expected
against weak competition, and people suddenly thinks she has a shot
versus the elite. Samus will follow in Sonic's footsteps and smash Tifa
into the ground. Even going from Tifa's 2k5 (through Sonic) value, Tifa only needs a 3.65% boost to break 45% on -adjusted- Samus 2k5. That's a boost that I, at least, would expect from KH2 and AC. From what we've seen so far, she's certainly showing boosting. For her to fail to break 40% on adjusted Samus, Tifa would actually have to drop from her 2k5 value. Not happening. --- CB: 32/34. Today: Tifa vs. The Boss. Tomorrow: Jill vs. Peach. |
mmmApplesauce | Posted 10/16/2006 10:19:29 AM | message detail |
If Tifa gets 45% on Samus I will run into a brick wall repeatedly. --- I love bananas. |
Zylo the wolf | Posted 10/16/2006 10:20:26 AM | message detail |
While we are talking about Samus. Samus has a strength of 41.69 against Base Link. Albert Wesker has a strength of 15.56 against Base Link. Samus 81.34% 72,109 Albert Wesker 18.66% 16,544 TOTAL VOTES 88,653 Samus wins with 81.34% of the vote! A 55,565 vote margin of victory. While I still think it's impressive that Samus almost got 80% on Ada Wong, Ada can't be stronger than Wesker, right? --- Supporter of Ryu. |
RydiaOfTheMist | Posted 10/16/2006 10:20:42 AM | message detail |
I just thought of an interesting idea. Put Sora in Samus' spot in the
tourney. Would you take Sora being in the finals? I mean the female
bracket is just not that strong... --- Rydia: It's not yours! Edge: That's okay it would be happy to be used by us! |
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/16/2006 10:21:57 AM | message detail |
Uh, if anything I'd expect Ada to be stronger than Wesker thanks to her
much bigger roles in RE2 and RE4, the most popular RE games. That match
makes Samus look good no matter how you slice it. --- *kills self* Commit it to memory. |
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/16/2006 10:22:45 AM | message detail |
I just thought of an interesting idea. Put Sora in Samus' spot in
the tourney. Would you take Sora being in the finals? I mean the female
bracket is just not that strong... Sora doesn't survive Tifa. --- *kills self* Commit it to memory. |
consolefreak | Posted 10/16/2006 10:22:56 AM | message detail |
If Tifa gets 45% on Samus I will run into a brick wall repeatedly. Sure you will. I think you're really underestimating today's performance. Dante got like 71.5 on Terra. Tifa's getting 75% on The Boss, who broke 60% on Celes. How much of that can be SFF? --- CB: 32/34. Today: Tifa vs. The Boss. Tomorrow: Jill vs. Peach. |
Zylo the wolf | Posted 10/16/2006 10:23:44 AM | message detail |
Curse you Karma HUnter and all your perfect logic! --- Supporter of Ryu. |
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/16/2006 10:24:02 AM | message detail |
How much of that can be SFF? Frog (2005c) VS Liquid Snake (2005v) Frog has a strength of 24.97. Liquid Snake has a strength of 20.71. Frog wins with 58.53% of the vote! A win of 14,971 with 87,754 total votes cast. --- *kills self* Commit it to memory. |
RydiaOfTheMist | Posted 10/16/2006 10:24:44 AM | message detail |
Alot of that can be SFF... --- Rydia: It's not yours! Edge: That's okay it would be happy to be used by us! |
XxSoulxX | Posted 10/16/2006 10:26:00 AM | message detail |
Sure you will. I think you're really underestimating today's
performance. Dante got like 71.5 on Terra. Tifa's getting 75% on The
Boss, who broke 60% on Celes. Let's not forget that Tifa overperformed against Vyse as well. Maybe she just overperforms on weak characters? Hell, maybe FF7 just overperforms on characters with very little strength. --- - Why the hell did I bet against a character as deep, awesome and badass as Lara Croft, instead favouring a character from something as lame as HL2? Forgive me, XIII. |
RydiaOfTheMist | Posted 10/16/2006 10:29:34 AM | message detail |
I really cant wait for the Mega Man/Sora match. I
mean Sora might finally have a good read other then the huge game he
just released this year... But in terms of SFF it should be even. About
Sora/Tifa I think that would be interesting especially after yesterdays
match. Is FFX that hated, Rikku that hated, Sora more hated, Does Tifa
KH boost apply against Sora, so many questions i really wanna see this
match! --- Rydia: It's not yours! Edge: That's okay it would be happy to be used by us! |
dragoontheguy | Posted 10/16/2006 10:30:09 AM | message detail |
I could see people looking for a tifa upset if she was going to be
facing one of the weaker noble niners, but against samus? I just don't
see it being remotely possible. --- When D... I'd be able to finish this sig if Z1mZum didn't own me so hard in the guru contest. Congrats on your victory! |
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/16/2006 10:30:53 AM | message detail | Why are we pretending that this match doesn't exist? --- *kills self* Commit it to memory. |
RydiaOfTheMist | Posted 10/16/2006 10:34:49 AM | message detail |
Sora had alot more hate in 2k3 then he does now. I mean did you see his
character in KH1 Sora pre KH2 = fodder. Plus FF7 was also bigger on
this site then. That match would be closer this year. Sora also has
seeding which as bad as it sounds does play a role in some peoples
voting. (Except for Halo of course LOL) --- Rydia: It's not yours! Edge: That's okay it would be happy to be used by us! |
transience | Posted 10/16/2006 10:34:51 AM | message detail |
I don't see Tifa as a threat to any of the NN. maybe Mega Man if he dropped. --- xyzzy |
consolefreak | Posted 10/16/2006 10:34:52 AM | message detail |
How much of that can be SFF? Frog (2005c) VS Liquid Snake (2005v) Frog has a strength of 24.97. Liquid Snake has a strength of 20.71. Frog wins with 58.53% of the vote! A win of 14,971 with 87,754 total votes cast. Let's see here.. Going off Dante's performance on Terra last year compared to Tifa's performance today, Tifa beats Dante 2k5 with 65.86%. She beats her former value with 65%. The only flaws here are assuming Celes = Terra, and assuming Tifa ends with 75% (which might prove to be beneficial to Tifa, if she gets the day vote), and these flaws are more than compensated by the fact that Sephiroth should, by all means, be a lot better with SFF than Tifa, and The Boss can likely resist it as good, if not better than Liquid. --- CB: 32/34. Today: Tifa vs. The Boss. Tomorrow: Jill vs. Peach. |
Zylo the wolf | Posted 10/16/2006 10:35:30 AM | message detail |
Beacuse that match us all consider Jill VS Ryu H a three point match in 2004? --- Supporter of Ryu. |
transience | Posted 10/16/2006 10:35:38 AM | message detail |
Sora pre KH2 = fodder. ...oh yeah, I think I'll stop reading this argument for now --- xyzzy |
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/16/2006 10:38:58 AM | message detail |
and these flaws are more than compensated by the fact that Sephiroth
should, by all means, be a lot better with SFF than Tifa, and The Boss
can likely resist it as good, if not better than Liquid. No, you see, THESE are the flaws. Check Cloud/Vyse and Tifa/Vyse. Tifa is going to garner more SFF because she's weaker. And Liquid would definitely put some SFF on The Boss. Fans of MGS didn't stop being fans with MGS3, and the SFF will follow. Do NOT try to draw any conclusions from this match. At least you'll have some semblance of an argument once we see Peach take on Tifa, as we'll be able to compare through Jill with no possibility of SFF. --- *kills self* Commit it to memory. |
consolefreak | Posted 10/16/2006 10:39:04 AM | message detail |
Let's not forget that Tifa overperformed against Vyse as well. Maybe
she just overperforms on weak characters? Hell, maybe FF7 just
overperforms on characters with very little strength. I'd like to think The Boss is quite a bit stronger than Vyse though. But yeah, you've got a point there. She'll break 40% for sure though. I'm expecting 45. I could see people looking for a tifa upset if she was going to be facing one of the weaker noble niners, but against samus? I just don't see it being remotely possible. No one us calling for Tifa to win though. Just breaking 40-45%. --- CB: 32/34. Today: Tifa vs. The Boss. Tomorrow: Jill vs. Peach. |
RydiaOfTheMist | Posted 10/16/2006 10:39:10 AM | message detail |
Ok what did pre KH2 Sora do that makes him anymore then a midcarder at
best. Fodder too harsh he acted like it in the game... thats another
story i suppose... but above midcarder for someone who has proven
nothing is ridiculous. --- Rydia: It's not yours! Edge: That's okay it would be happy to be used by us! |
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/16/2006 10:40:30 AM | message detail |
Ok what did pre KH2 Sora do that makes him anymore then a midcarder at best. He whipped Hayabusa's ass all over the poll en route to getting 35% on Samus, he got 55% on Alucard fodder, now? --- *kills self* Commit it to memory. |
consolefreak | Posted 10/16/2006 10:43:36 AM | message detail |
No, you see, THESE are the flaws. Check Cloud/Vyse and Tifa/Vyse. Tifa is going to garner more SFF because she's weaker. That match is one thing that makes today look less impressive. Remember though, like I said, even going from Tifa's match against Sonic, her breaking 45% on adjusted 2k5 Samus is very, very reasonable, if not overly conservative. And Liquid would definitely put some SFF on The Boss. Fans of MGS didn't stop being fans with MGS3, and the SFF will follow. Sephiroth wouldn't SFF Tifa? I'd certainly expect the SFF to be worst in the latter match. Do NOT try to draw any conclusions from this match. At least you'll have some semblance of an argument once we see Peach take on Tifa, as we'll be able to compare through Jill with no possibility of SFF. My argument doesn't rely on this match at all, really. It just confirms a solid KH2/AC boost. But you didn't need this match to know that. --- CB: 32/34. Today: Tifa vs. The Boss. Tomorrow: Jill vs. Peach. |
RydiaOfTheMist | Posted 10/16/2006 10:49:02 AM | message detail |
Alucard and Hayabusa represent cult games Kratos got 40 on Alucard is
Beating a Tales character 60/40 signs of strength now? Jill managed
better on Sheena and hasnt been in the contest in ages. They have some
strength but they are now low end midcards. They can beat the fodder
and other cults and nothing more. Before KH2 Sora even falls into the
cult midcard category he just wasnt as well known and those who knew of
him didnt like him. --- Rydia: It's not yours! Edge: That's okay it would be happy to be used by us! |
transience | Posted 10/16/2006 10:50:06 AM | message detail |
haha umm, wrong Kratos --- xyzzy |
Zylo the wolf | Posted 10/16/2006 10:50:30 AM | message detail |
Alucard is Beating a Tales character 60/40 signs of strength now¨ huh? --- Supporter of Ryu. |
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/16/2006 10:53:21 AM | message detail |
The fact that you can't differentiate between GoW Kratos and ToS Kratos
makes me inclined to disregard this argument, but I'll persist a little
longer. Firstly: WE'RE TALKING ABOUT GOD OF WAR KRATOS Secondly: Ryu (SF) didn't do that much better on Kratos than Alucard did. Thirdly:,, --- *kills self* Commit it to memory. |
XIII_rocks | Posted 10/16/2006 10:58:47 AM | message detail |
Assuming Big boss = The Boss lol no Oh, and EC, I don't care about what The Boss' position is - we all know this match is BS - Tifa deserves to be blownout for daring to beat a character of The Boss' calibre by this much. lol @ wrong Kratos, as well. --- Sign plz AC2K6 Score: 32/34 Today: Rikku |
RydiaOfTheMist | Posted 10/16/2006 11:00:43 AM | message detail |
Ok i give i cant win an argument with KH, i jus noticed the kirby match
how do you guys keep all these matches memorized i mean seriously i
witnessed em all but still dont remember matches point for point 2-3
years ago 8-) Alucard/Castlevania has some strength and Sora may have
been decent before KH2 but that all really makes him look even better
with a much better sequel recently out. Still makes you wonder about
the Series values though KH does better on Metal Gear but worse on
Castlevania. I'll be honest though and say i have no idea about pre kh2
Sora cuz well as can be seen in my posts I just didnt like him and
voted against him accordingly. ;-) --- Rydia: It's not yours! Edge: That's okay it would be happy to be used by us! |
mmmApplesauce | Posted 10/16/2006 11:04:04 AM | message detail |
For her to fail to break 40% on adjusted Samus, Tifa would actually have to drop from her 2k5 value. Not happening. Or *gasp* Samus could be underadjusted! Dante got like 71.5 on Terra. Tifa's getting 75% on The Boss, who broke 60% on Celes. And your point with Dante? everyone expected Celes to be weaker than Terra, it was just a question of how much. As for this match, there can be plenty of SFF, MGS and FF7 have shown to go wacky before. Oh, and Dante totally rocks Tifa. --- I love bananas. |
HaRRicH | Posted 10/16/2006 11:06:25 AM | message detail |
everyone expected Celes to be weaker than Terra Not everybody, I know I heard afew times that what Celes does at the end of FF3/6 is supposed to make her a big favorite...despite her doing worse than Terra in the FF3/6-poll and having a lower seed. --- Z1mZum performed a hit and run on me in the Guru Contest. It still hurts to be rear-ended like that..... |
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/16/2006 11:07:19 AM | message detail |
Or *gasp* Samus could be underadjusted! Looks like it didn't take you very long at all to get over Vincent/Ganon! --- *kills self* Commit it to memory. |
rpgapzx | Posted 10/16/2006 11:08:54 AM | message detail |
Terrible Thought: Megaman wins the male bracket and faces Samus. Samus
SFFs him. The female bracket looks really strong compared to the male
-_-. Rikku>Squall? :( --- Poker is proof that men are the irrational sex. SC2K6: 35/36 // Today: Tifa // Leaderboard: 41st |
mmmApplesauce | Posted 10/16/2006 11:09:27 AM | message detail |
Looks like it didn't take you very long at all to get over Vincent/Ganon! Ganon filled my dark soul with LIIIIIIIGHT! Seriously though, I said that the extent to which Samus is underadjusted has changed in my mind, it doesn't stop me from thinking she's still stronger than Mario indirectly. --- I love bananas. |
Zylo the wolf | Posted 10/16/2006 11:09:45 AM | message detail |
Rikku>Squall? I don't see any problem with that :D --- Supporter of Ryu. |