GameFAQs Contests

Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 388
EvenMyROgetsB7 | Posted 10/13/2006 4:42:55 PM | message detail |
If it did we'd see a hell of a lot more fluctuation in characters from
match to match than we do, Board 8 obviously bracket votes to all hell,
and I'm guilty of it too, unless it's a character I really like, I
don't care either way, even when I know it's gonna be a blowout. --- I'm so hardcore. |
MarioSuperstar | Posted 10/13/2006 4:43:40 PM | message detail |
Hmm.. though he's 3,000 votes ahead, I can't help but get a little worried. --- Master Chief vs. Sub-Zero / Bracket: Sub-Zero / Vote: Sub-Zero (29/31) Tomorrow / Bracket: Samus / Vote: Samus |
trannyscience | Posted 10/13/2006 4:43:55 PM | message detail |
there is no doubt that bracket voting in close matches is very rampant
at the beginning of the poll. when I saw that Sub-Zero was going 50-50
in the first minute, I knew MC was in a lot of trouble. --- xyzzy "12 percent of those who liked opera had experimented with magic mushrooms." - Reuters |
LeonhartForever | Posted 10/13/2006 4:43:59 PM | message detail |
Generally I only bracket vote when I don't care about either character. ...I bracket voted a lot in the female division. --- Squall Leonhart's Road to the Character Battle V Championship: Round 1: Status of Tidus - LIONHEART'D |
charmander6000 | Posted 10/13/2006 4:46:36 PM | message detail |
Now that was a big gain. --- "I was trying to escape. Obviously, it didn't work." - President Bush |
EvenMyROgetsB7 | Posted 10/13/2006 4:46:45 PM | message detail |
there is no doubt that bracket voting in close matches is very
rampant at the beginning of the poll. when I saw that Sub-Zero was
going 50-50 in the first minute, I knew MC was in a lot of trouble. Yeah... whenever I think there might be a close match, and I'm not there for the start, I go to, close my eyes, and scroll to the bottom of the updater, then go update by update. I'm lame like that. Anyway, as soon as I saw MC's 1 minute freeze, I knew it was done. --- I'm so hardcore. |
Tequilla Gundam | Posted 10/13/2006 4:47:14 PM | message detail |
Down 80; keep it up MC. TG |
EvenMyROgetsB7 | Posted 10/13/2006 4:47:48 PM | message detail |
Master Chief, evening vote extraordinaire! --- I'm so hardcore. |
Blade Of Evils Bane | Posted 10/13/2006 4:48:25 PM | message detail |
If I'm not mistaken Master Chief only has like four hours left. Theres no way he can pull off a win. --- Can't think of a good sig. |
LeonhartForever | Posted 10/13/2006 4:48:34 PM | message detail |
That was Sub-Zero tanking. --- Squall Leonhart's Road to the Character Battle V Championship: Round 1: Status of Tidus - LIONHEART'D |
trannyscience | Posted 10/13/2006 4:48:37 PM | message detail |
too bad you weren't here. MC started out at 53 and just dropped like a
rock. it was awesome to watch and the board was going nuts. half were
pissed and half were lovin' it. --- xyzzy "12 percent of those who liked opera had experimented with magic mushrooms." - Reuters |
EvenMyROgetsB7 | Posted 10/13/2006 4:49:44 PM | message detail |
too bad you weren't here. MC started out at 53 and just dropped like
a rock. it was awesome to watch and the board was going nuts. half were
pissed and half were lovin' it. Yeah, even though I wanted MC to win, just for my bracket (Yes, I'm aware it's shot!), I couldn't help but laughing as I went through the updater. --- I'm so hardcore. |
LeonhartForever | Posted 10/13/2006 4:51:09 PM | message detail |
Sub-Zero with the stall! --- Squall Leonhart's Road to the Character Battle V Championship: Round 1: Status of Tidus - LIONHEART'D |
EvenMyROgetsB7 | Posted 10/13/2006 4:51:10 PM | message detail |
If MC wants to make a run, he needs to pull in consistent 58% updates,
now random sporadic ones, not happening! Anyway, time for me to go do
nothing and sleep, hooray standardized tests! --- I'm so hardcore. |
RPGuy96 | Posted 10/13/2006 4:51:32 PM | message detail |
It's not like MC has even a fraction of prayer. He needs 177 votes/15
minutes to come back, something he hasn't been remotely close to during
any period thus far. Give it up already. --- Mustache...and green... |
wavedash101 | Posted 10/13/2006 4:52:04 PM | message detail |
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster] |
EvenMyROgetsB7 | Posted 10/13/2006 4:53:05 PM | message detail |
It's not like MC has even a fraction of prayer. He needs 177
votes/15 minutes to come back, something he hasn't been remotely close
to during any period thus far. Give it up already. The only person that seems to think MC has a chance is TG, but everyone ignores him anyway, so it's all good. --- I'm so hardcore. |
EvenMyROgetsB7 | Posted 10/13/2006 4:53:23 PM | message detail |
Tests, HM? >_> --- I'm so hardcore. |
Tequilla Gundam | Posted 10/13/2006 4:54:07 PM | message detail |
And this is EC speaking! TG |
wavedash101 | Posted 10/13/2006 4:56:49 PM | message detail |
I mixed up alts. I'm tired and I got bloody SATs tomorrow...thrilling indeed >_> --- Our shields cannot withstand wavedashing of this magnitude! Board 8's Unofficial Master of the Phoenix Down |
LeonhartForever | Posted 10/13/2006 5:01:38 PM | message detail |
It took MC 3 hours, 15 minutes to go from 4000 to 3000. --- Squall Leonhart's Road to the Character Battle V Championship: Round 1: Status of Tidus - LIONHEART'D |
trannyscience | Posted 10/13/2006 5:03:43 PM | message detail |
looks like MC will go up 3% in the day against Sub. to compare, Auron did the same thing vs. Alucard. had this been Alucard instead of Sub, MC could have come back! --- xyzzy "12 percent of those who liked opera had experimented with magic mushrooms." - Reuters |
LeonhartForever | Posted 10/13/2006 5:06:14 PM | message detail |
And Master Chief is starting to slow down big time. --- Squall Leonhart's Road to the Character Battle V Championship: Round 1: Status of Tidus - LIONHEART'D |
Just Some Person | Posted 10/13/2006 5:17:31 PM | message detail |
I'll admit, MC is putting up the good fight. But it's just too late for him. Sub-Zero's going to uppercut his head off in less than 4 hours! :o --- ¤ ¹ ² ³ ² ¹ ¤ |
MarioSuperstar | Posted 10/13/2006 5:17:51 PM | message detail |
Hmm.. I wouldn't be too sure. What if Alucard had a stronger night vote? --- Master Chief vs. Sub-Zero / Bracket: Sub-Zero / Vote: Sub-Zero (29/31) Tomorrow / Bracket: Samus / Vote: Samus |
Phediuk | Posted 10/13/2006 5:18:13 PM | message detail |
Why the hell did the day vote take so long to kick in for MC? He's doing an impressive job here, by the way. But there's not enough time for a comeback. v_v --- "Thank you, Mario. But our princess is in another castle." -Toad in Super Mario Bros. |
LeonhartForever | Posted 10/13/2006 5:23:57 PM | message detail |
It kicked in right around when it was supposed to. MC's strength has always been in the after school vote. --- Squall Leonhart's Road to the Character Battle V Championship: Round 1: Status of Tidus - LIONHEART'D |
charmander6000 | Posted 10/13/2006 5:35:34 PM | message detail |
Match XXXIII: (1) Samus Aran vs. (4) Ada Wong Previous Matches Samus Aran Defeated Nidoran F, 81.85% - 18.15% Ada Wong Defeated Jade, 75.89% - 24.11% Analysis: Last round Samus was suppose to crush Nidoran F, but instead proved her inability to SFF opponents and on top of that letting Nidoran F look like she could take over a third of the females. Ada on the other hand did much better than expected tripling Jade. I haven’t seen fodder beating up fodder this bad since Ryo/Guybrush back in 2k2. Samus may have done poorly and Ada may have done much better than expected, but that still doesn’t mean Ada has any kind of a chance against Samus, even Leon would struggle to get anywhere close to Samus. Speaking of Leon I may have underestimated the power of RE4 after it has been released to the PS2. Leon did an amazing job against Bowser and even if you think Bowser was overrated you can’t think that he’s that overrated to let Leon get almost 45% on him. Ada may not have had as big of a role as Leon did, but it also means that she won’t be pure fodder like I originally thought she would. When I originally saw the bracket I thought Samus would be able to break 80% on Ada, but now I think she might be closer to Jill and Claire (though weaker than them). I still think Samus would still be able to manage the tripling, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she doesn’t. Resident Evil may not be the strongest characters, but it’s not like they are total fodder. charmander6000’s Bracket: Samus Aran over Ada Wong charmander6000’s Prediction: Samus wins, 75.72% - 24.28% --- "I was trying to escape. Obviously, it didn't work." - President Bush |
trannyscience | Posted 10/13/2006 5:41:33 PM | message detail |
oh, it's the end of the round. every year I rank the remaining characters so I can look back and see how wrong I was! 1. Samus 2. Crono 3. Sonic 4. Mega Man 5. Snake 6. Vincent 7. Squall 8. Bowser 9. Auron 10. Tifa 11. Aeris 12. Zelda 13. Dante 14. Luigi 15. Sora 16. Kirby 17. Yoshi 18. Ryu 19. Yuna 20. Rikku 21. Sub-Zero 22. Chun-Li 23. Peach 24. Jill 25. Kairi 26. KOS-MOS 27. The Boss 28. Gordon Freeman 29. Lara Croft 30. Ada Wong 31. Joanna Dark 32. Terra --- xyzzy "12 percent of those who liked opera had experimented with magic mushrooms." - Reuters |
LeonhartForever | Posted 10/13/2006 5:46:08 PM | message detail |
Joanna and Lara > Terra? Meh. Let's my stats, it goes: 1. Samus Aran 2. Crono 3. Mega Man 4. Sonic the Hedgehog 5. Solid Snake 6. Bowser Koopa 7. Auron 8. Vincent Valentine 9. Squall Leonhart 10. Kirby 11. Luigi 12. Dante Sparda 13. Princess Zelda 14. Tifa Lockhart 15. Aeris Gainsborough 16. Sora 17. Sub-Zero 18. Ryu 19. Yoshi 20. Rikku 21. Yuna 22. Gordon Freeman 23. Chun-Li 24. Jill Valentine 25. Princess Peach 26. The Boss 27. KOS-MOS 28. Kairi 29. Terra Branford 30. Ada Wong 31. Lara Croft 32. Joanna Dark 32. --- Squall Leonhart's Road to the Character Battle V Championship: Round 1: Status of Tidus - LIONHEART'D |
Draco1214 | Posted 10/13/2006 5:48:10 PM | message detail |
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster] |
BDawg | Posted 10/13/2006 5:53:36 PM | message detail |
This is old but based on what I saw many many pages ago I have to say I
would still take Ryu>Subzero any day of the week, lolxstats be
damned. --- Should I start running now? |
Draco1214 | Posted 10/13/2006 5:53:50 PM | message detail |
1) Samus Aran 2) Crono 3) Sonic the Hedgehog 4) Mega Man 5) Solid Snake 6) Vincent Valentine 7) Squall Leonhart 8) Auron 9) Bowser 10) Tifa Lockhart 11) Zelda 12) Aeris Gainsborough 13) Dante 14) Sora 15) Luigi 16) Yoshi 17) Kirby 18) Ryu 19) Yuna 20) Sub-Zero 21) Rikku 22) Chun-Li 23) Kairi 24) Jill Valentine 25) KOS-MOS 26) Princess Peach 27) The Boss 28) Gordon Freeman 29) Ada Wong 30) Terra Branford 31) Lara Croft 32) Joanna Dark --- Character Battle V Score - 29/31 points Current Prediction - Master Chief vs. Sub-Zero |
BDawg | Posted 10/13/2006 5:57:52 PM | message detail |
Seeing that Joanna and Terra are still alive makes me depressed. HOORAY FEMALE BRACKET! HOORAY BEER! --- Should I start running now? |
swirIdude | Posted 10/13/2006 6:00:35 PM | message detail |
BAH GAWD THE FEMALES ARE BACK IN 3 HOURS. --- The FFP is the best topic on the board. It's a fact, look it up. |
xp1337 | Posted 10/13/2006 6:01:37 PM | message detail |
To the bunkers! --- xp1337: Don't you wish there was a spell-checker that told you when you a word out? SC2k6 (028/031) MC v Sub-Zero |
charmander6000 | Posted 10/13/2006 6:11:50 PM | message detail |
Let me try this and I've put them in tiers. 1. Samus 2. Crono 3. Sonic 4. Mega Man 5. Solid Snake 6. Squall 7. Vincent 8. Tifa 9. Aeris 10. Zelda 11. Bowser 12. Auron 13. Kirby 14. Luigi 15. Yoshi 16. Dante 17. Sora 18. Ryu 19. Yuna 20. Rikku 21. Peach 22. Sub-Zero 23. Chun Li 24. Kairi 25. Jill Valentine 26. KOS-MOS 27. Lara Croft 28. Gordon Freeman 29. The Boss 30. Terra 31. Ada Wong 32. Joanna Dark --- "I was trying to escape. Obviously, it didn't work." - President Bush |
LeonhartForever | Posted 10/13/2006 6:12:44 PM | message detail |
Peach > Master Chief? Are you crazy? --- Squall Leonhart's Road to the Character Battle V Championship: Round 1: Status of Tidus - LIONHEART'D |
trannyscience | Posted 10/13/2006 6:12:54 PM | message detail |
yeah, when making my list I giggled at how Ryu was so far ahead of the
next best. well not "far", but he seems on his own little island
between near-elite and midcarder. --- xyzzy "12 percent of those who liked opera had experimented with magic mushrooms." - Reuters |
trannyscience | Posted 10/13/2006 6:14:08 PM | message detail |
and Zelda > Bowser? wow. Solid Snake says differently, picture or not! (not that his picture was much better vs. Zelda!) --- xyzzy "12 percent of those who liked opera had experimented with magic mushrooms." - Reuters |
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/13/2006 6:16:38 PM | message detail |
If you believe in Bowser being significantly overrated by the picture
(at least to the degree that an unboosted Leon would imply), you've got
to put him on par with Zelda or assume Zelda was overrated as well. Aeris certainly doesn't mind the second possibility! --- *kills self* Commit it to memory. |
charmander6000 | Posted 10/13/2006 6:17:43 PM | message detail |
Peach > Master Chief? Are you crazy? Had MC won he would've been in Ryu's tier, but I'd take Peach > SZ. --- "I was trying to escape. Obviously, it didn't work." - President Bush |
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/13/2006 6:18:16 PM | message detail |
Not just ANYONE can take Master Chief...Peach wouldn't beat Donkey Kong. --- *kills self* Commit it to memory. |
trannyscience | Posted 10/13/2006 6:18:42 PM | message detail |
so.. Master Chief lost to a weaker opponent..?!? --- xyzzy "12 percent of those who liked opera had experimented with magic mushrooms." - Reuters |
LeonhartForever | Posted 10/13/2006 6:18:54 PM | message detail |
Had MC won he would've been in Ryu's tier, but I'd take Peach > SZ. So you're just bent on believing that Sub-Zero's weak still? Peach is NOT beating Donkey Kong. --- Squall Leonhart's Road to the Character Battle V Championship: Round 1: Status of Tidus - LIONHEART'D |
Draco1214 | Posted 10/13/2006 6:19:49 PM | message detail |
I don't think Sub-Zero would have any trouble beating Peach. Today's
match proves that Sub-Zero has some pretty damn good strength on this
site. --- Character Battle V Score - 29/31 points Current Prediction - Master Chief vs. Sub-Zero |
TehMissingLink | Posted 10/13/2006 6:20:10 PM | message detail |
People losing faith in Bowser makes me hurt inside. He's a percent overrated at best. --- "Looking good, Princess, especially from this angle!" |
wavedash101 | Posted 10/13/2006 6:20:45 PM | message detail |
You have to account for the massive antivotes. MC's true strength is
hidden from us. MK:A coming out didnt help. Its nearly impossible to
predict him. Either he massively underperforms or massively
overperforms. --- Our shields cannot withstand wavedashing of this magnitude! Board 8's Unofficial Master of the Phoenix Down |
nintendogirl1 | Posted 10/13/2006 6:21:01 PM | message detail |
MC carries on at the same speed he has for the last hour, he'll end the match down about 2300 votes. --- Not bad bearing in mind at one point he was down by 4264. But not good enough. |
trannyscience | Posted 10/13/2006 6:21:39 PM | message detail |
those antivotes don't go away though! they're just part of his natural strength. --- xyzzy "12 percent of those who liked opera had experimented with magic mushrooms." - Reuters |