GameFAQs Contests

Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 386
MastaHealer | Posted 10/12/2006 7:31:43 PM | message detail |
SILLY!!?? How dare they!!! --- *is wavedash101* Satai gets Biggest Surprise EVER Award! ^_^ |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/12/2006 7:40:13 PM | message detail |
Time Division: Round 1 - Match 32 – (2)Master Chief vs. (7)Sub-Zero Moltar’s Analysis Master Chief Game/Series Known From: Halo Extrapolated Rank in 2003: 26th (26.15%) Extrapolated Rank in 2004: 15th (26.96%) Adjusted Value: 14th (29.96%) Extrapolated Rank in 2005: 21st (28.29%) Seed in 2003: 3 Seed in 2004: 3 Seed in 2005: 1 Lost in 2003 to Aeris in Round 2 Lost in 2004 to Frog in Round 2 Lost in 2005 to Crono in Round 3 That kerwazy Chief is back! Sub-Zero Game/Series Known From: Mortal Kombat Sub-Zero…actually made it? Hmmm… *We now interrupt your regularly scheduled analysis for something more…special.* Master Chief vs. Sub-Zero: The Beginning of the End *The scene starts off in a dark room. A large table is in the room, illuminating it. A bunch of men dressed in black are sitting around this table. In the background, a sign that reads “CS&D Room” is hanging above a door.* creativename: So it is agreed then, Lopen’s mom would get 45% on HM’s mom in the finals, that is, if HM’s mom could beat EC’s mom. *Much agreement followed this* Lopen: More like KH’s mom for the upset! Random guy: lol lopen Moltar: So what’s next then? Yoblazer: Well, it seems today’s match is Master Chief vs. Sub-Zero. KH: Sub-Zero is so screwed. Draco: Not exactly, Master Chief isn’t all that strong, and Sub-Zero shouldn’t be all that weak. Cyko: Scorpion level? Cause Chief would still win. Leon: Sub-Zero and Scorpion aren’t connected, Sub should be stronger. *400 posts about Chief being a wildcard, Sub-Zero’s strength, Sub-Zero vs. DK, random inequalities, people making crazy claims, misuse of the x-stats, calls of the winner over Crono and Halo vs. Mortal Kombat later* creativename: Ugh, we’ll just agree to disagree. Random n00b: No way, you guys can’t agree on anything! Lol stats topix, Magus > Knux lolol x-stats, hey can I speak my opinion. Sub-Zero will win because more people know and like him. *Siren goes off* STATS ROOM NOOB ALERT! STATS ROOM NOOB ALERT! Ulti: Quick, get him out of here! *Two bouncers then arrive, throwing out the n00b from the Stats Room.* Ulti: See, I predicted something like that would happen, so I hired guards! EC: Good good, you know if our Elitism Meter drops below 94.5%, bad things happen! Moltar: Anyway, the match is starting, let’s direct our attention to the screen. *The scene switches to the battlefield.* Referee: Alright, the battle between Master Chief and Sub-Zero is about to begin. Competitors, are you ready? Master Chief: I’m ready to win. Sub-Zero: I’m ready to kill. Referee: Then let the match….begin! *Master Chief pulls out an Sub-Machine Gun, but Sub-Zero hits him before he can even attack with a ball of ice.* Sub-Zero: First Strike! Master Chief: Hold on buddy, give my shield time to regenerate. Sub-Zero: Uh…alright. *A few seconds pass* Sub-Zero: So…how’s the wife and kids? Master Chief: Oh, they’re fine. Jimmy just started school. Sub-Zero: That’s great! *Shield fully regenerates, and the two continue their epic battle, which I cannot go into detail because of how great it is, so instead, I’ll just take us back to the Stats topic.* HM: Impressive, Sub-Zero is holding up better than we thought. Too bad Chief is going to run away with this by morning!! *transience bursts into the Stats Room, panting heavily* transience: It’s crazy out there in Building 8. People everywhere and going crazy. Mac: Good thing we have our refuge in here from that! |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/12/2006 7:40:36 PM | message detail |
*Smurf enters the Stats room, a collective sigh is heard* creativename: *quietly* Alright guys, let’s try to be nice. Smurf: I’m almost done with my Smurf Stats, guys! It has Mega Man out of the noble nine, and…well, actually, the whole Noble Nine are Sonic characters! Leon: How’d you manage something like that?! Smurf: I found a way with the Smurf Stats! By the way, I have some insider info to tell. I have a feeling that the Snubs are going to interfere, with a few new members. *Everyone gasps* Moltar: Impossible, the Snubs were locked up after their interference last year! Smurf: Yeah, someone let them out >_>;;;;;;;; In fact, I have a good feeling about it happening right…no-. *Just as he says that, Giant Ocelot bursts through the Battle Arena.* Ocelot: Bang, Bang, *****es! Ocelot is back with the Snubs! Random n00b: Ur a prafet, smurf! *Random n00b is thrown out, Elitism Meter remains high* Ulti: Thanks n00b avenger! XIII: It seems the Snub Army has grown since the last Contest. Ocelot: Now, my minions, go out and destroy! Liquid, Tails, Shadow! Show them how it’s done! Knuckles, Magus, Frog, DK, Kefka, watch carefully! *The 8 of them attack the Battle Arena for MASSIVE DAMAGE!* SDR: So, I hugged a 11 year old-*destroyed* Aeon: And then I said, that’s not a badger, that’s my so-*obliterated* JP: I can’t believe Aeris made it back, I’m so happy I could jump up and do-*sent to the Shadow Realm* Master Chief: Hey, what the hell? Sub-Zero: Stop interrupting our epic battle! Ocelot: Quiet, weaklings! Master Chief: Weaklings? I didn’t lose to Pac-Man! *Ocelot crushes them with his Master Hand* charmander: This is bad, looks like the Contest regulars need to step in! Not the females though, they’re all off at the salon. KH: Like they would have done anything anyway… Soma: *crushed* Squall: …Whatever. *leaves* Tidus: I’ll take you down! HYYYYAAA! *crushed by one of Tails’ tails* Riku: The power of semi-DARKNESS will *crushed by a Black Wind* Yoshi: *flutters off* Dante: THIS PARTY’S GETTING CRAZY! *does some badass stuff, but defeated* Ryu H.: I’m a Ninja, BELIEVE IT! *crushed* Tingle: KOO-LIMPAH! *beats everyone within an inch of their life, but fails to finish the job* Phoenix: OBJECTION! *Kefka runs towards him* HOLD IT! *is BARRIER’D to death* Gordon: *jobs to gravity* Kratos: I can only be defeated by one person here! Hopefully, I don’t have to face them *draws Shadow*…Oh crap *defeated* Ryu: *Street dances* Axel: Awesome catchphrase attack! Got it….memor-*punched out by Knuckles* CATS: *is laughed at* Vincent and Ganondorf: *too busy playing Yu-Gi-Oh!!* Vincent: You might have beaten me in Pokemon, but now you’re in my house! Kirby: *Getting high* Prince: *Gets “I’m you, I’m your shadow’D”* Luigi: *too busy wondering if he should wear pink or magenta* Zero: What am I fighting fooooooor! *Jobs to Pink Shirt Luigi, then DK beats his bongos* Capt: Falcon: *stuck on Mission 7 on Very Hard in F-Zero GX* Bowser: *announcer at Vincent and Ganondorf’s game, by the way, feel free to insert your favorite Abridged Series line here, cause it’s the only Abridged reference you’ll get* Leon: Your Master Hand comes off? *Frog slays him* Auron: *Doesn’t care, remains silent and badass staring out at the sky* Alucard: *Atop the Battle Arena* Yes…this is all a part of my plan. Moltar: Well, that was pathetic. Creativename: We need to get…the Legendary Four. Mnm: Woah, but don’t they only come together if we do a Buster Call? We don’t have time for that! Draco: Hey, they’re there! *Link, Sephiroth, Cloud and Mario are all standing in front of Giant Ocelot and his gang of Snubs.* |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 10/12/2006 7:41:18 PM | message detail |
Random guy: lol lopen Yes! I got mentioned! TuRtLe ~~~ I used my brain and statistics to make my bracket. Karma Hunter used MGS fanboyism. KH won. Commit it to memory. |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/12/2006 7:41:58 PM | message detail |
Snake: Looks like the gang is all here. Now, Noble Nine, let’s fight! Knuckles and Frog: We can’t beat him! *defeated by Melting Man and/or Solid **** Snake picture, I couldn’t tell* Mega Man: Wee, blasting stuff is fun! *Hits Tails and Shadow* Crono: …!! *Defeats Liquid and DK* Sonic: *streaks by Kefka and Magus* Ocelot: No!! Hey, where is Sora? Snake: Let’s just say he’s…all tied up. The 1-seed Initiation Ritual is tough to pass. Sonic: Yeah, he won’t be wanting to sit down for a week! Ocelot: Eww…oh well, *crushes Snake, Mega Man, Sonic and Crono with Handgestures* Mario: Looks like it’s up-a to us, guys! Link: You’re so lame, Mario. *Link and Mario fight, and Cloud and Sephiroth are also in a flashy battle about crap no one cares about. Back in the Stats Room, the room has been flooded by n00bs* Ulti: No, the Elitism, it’s too low! Lopen: That’s it, it’s the end of the world! *Takes Dante over Main bracket* KH: Everyone is so screwed. Bulding 8 people: We love Sony! The PS3 won’t flop and the Wii will! RIIIIDGE RACER > Twilight Princess! Moltar: The only way I can save the world now is…activate DEUS-EX MACHINA! *Slams the button, summoning a giant robot, then hops inside and goes berserk. I’m talking Eva Unit-01 berserk, on everything. World ends, then is reborn and everything is set right, give or take a time paradox and some religious references.* Master Chief: SUB-ZERO!!!!! Sub-Zero: MASTER CHIEF!!!!! *The two collide, a big explosion follows, and both are on the ground. After several moments, Chief slowly stands back up.* Referee: This game’s winner is…Master Chief! *two people cheering are heard* Ulti: I predicted that! CJayC: darn u ulti *Scene ends with everyone flooding back into the stadium, since Samus is back from the salon and ready to beat Ada.* Samus: Hi boys! ^_^ *wink* teehee NOSEBLEEDS!!!! Moltar’s Bracket Says: Master Chief will win. Moltar’s Prediction is: Master Chief: 56% - Sub-Zero: 44% Ulti’s Analysis I have Chief winning, but I'll just laugh my ass off if Sub-Zero pulls this one out. The hilarious thing is that he very well may. ...actually, wait, no one with common sense cares about Mortal Kombat. Prediction: Chief with 63.33% HM’s Analysis Why oh why is this match so debated? It seems to me that there are merely a few vocal Sub-Zero fans (excuse me while I vomit at the thought) who think that Master Chief is somehow weak enough to lose to this Mortal Kombat trash. Hopefully the Chief silences his critics after he beats Sub-Zero without any problem in today’s match. There is some reason to suspect that Master Chief is overrated in 2005, but the amount that people wanting to put him is rather absurd to me. He’s still a strong contestant in these things and not just anyone is going to beat him. The fact that he went nearly even with DK does not speak down about the Chief; rather, it speaks of DK’s increased strength from previous years past – and DK is pretty much a Mario character at this point. I have never had much faith in Sub-Zero and it baffles me that people think he is going to be worth something. We have yet to see an instance where a fighting game character outside of Ryu has performed extremely well. Chun-Li would easily take care of Sub-Zero. And the real kicker here is that I would not dare take Sub-Zero over DK. Easy enough – Master Chief wins. Aitch Emm’s Bracket: Master Chief Aitch Emm’s Prediction: Master Chief – 57% ; Sub-Zero – 43% Aitch Emm’s Vote: Master Chief (Mortal Kombat and all things associated with it suck horribly and should immediately cease to exist.) |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/12/2006 7:42:38 PM | message detail |
Yoblazer’s Analysis Poor, poor Master Chief. You just can't seem to blow anyone out, can ya? You had a terrible contest debut against some dude named Felix, the closest loss in history against Frog, and, to this day are the only character in Character Battle history to allow CATS to not only break 20%, but 30%. Wish every opponent were a Playstation platformer star, don't ya? Hey, don't fret, Chief! You've actually held your own against stronger opponents like Aeris and Crono! Just how in the hell do you manage to pull that crap off, anyway? Regardless, your next opponent is Sub-Zero, and he's no Crash Bandicoot. Subzy is without a doubt the most popular MK character. Don't give me that bull about being equal with Scorpion. If that were true, why is Sub-Zero the only MK character with his own game? He's always been the most popular. He has old school cred and a ton of recognizability. Like Ryu, people will remember their youth (good times) when they see Sub-Zero, and that's something Chief simply doesn't have. My god, what I wouldn't give to see the upset go down. It would be glorious. Sadly, however, I really doubt Chief will underperform badly enough to actually lose. That doesn't mean he won't get the piss scared out of him for the first few hours, though. =P My prediction: Master Chief def. Sub-Zero (54-46) Lopen’s Analysis People don't believe in Master Chief, they don't believe the hype. Why's this, anyway? I blame the hairy ape! It's all his fault! People just can't see Auron struggling with the ape. Well, to be honest, I couldn't see it either. But… let's think about this. After 2003 and 2004, could anyone see Luigi beating Zero… with ease? How about Knux > Magus? Just because we don't accept the position of the stinking ape doesn't mean it's not true. Boosts gotta come from somewhere, and he did shut down Sam Fodder pretty well. Okay, he's fodder… but he's strong fodder. We shouldn't necessarily assume Master Chief is overrated in the X-Stats just because "they don't look right". So, why am I bringing it up? Well, I'd say any hype this match is getting is because people think MC's overrated. Well, guess what I'm saying? If you know me, I'm saying he's not. Now, I do think this is a fiercer Sub-Zero than anything Scorpion has ever dished out. However, it's not because I think Sub-Zero > Scorpion as much as a recent Mortal Kombat: Armageddon. Though I won't entirely factor out the possibility of Sub-Zero being a bigger competitor than Scorpion. There are definitely signs he could be. But you know what? It doesn't matter! Master Chief's gonna kick that fool's face in. Master Chief's near elite, you watch! He doesn't even need a weapon! Lopen's Prediction: Master Chief with 60.01%. KH’s Analysis lol x-stats history MASTER CHIEF "I think we're just getting started." Summer 2003 Contest Extrapolated Strength --- 26th Place [25.31%] Summer 2004 Contest Extrapolated Strength --- 14th Place [29.96%] Summer 2005 Contest Extrapolated Strength --- 23rd Place [28.29%] |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/12/2006 7:43:28 PM | message detail |
And now for the character who has been dubbed by many as the biggest
oddball in contest history. Master Chief has seen and done most
everything one might think of in his contest career. He's been
underestimated, he's been massively overrated (and arguably multiple
times), he was involved in the closest match in contest history, he's
made the biggest successful comeback in contest history...every year he
is a massively entertaining character to watch, and this is due to the
contrast between the massive anti-votes he gets for being Halo/XBox and
the massive unconditional support he receives from the Halo/XBox
fanbase that is here. He sure as hell ain't linear, he's probably not
even transitive, and he is once again in a position where a match is
his to lose. So...put on a show for me, Chief! WOO MASTER CHIEF SUB-ZERO "Let's get something straight...I am not a ninja. I am Lin Kuei!" N/A The last of the Nomination Rally Winners that made it into the contest, Sub-Zero happens to also be the one with the only winnable match. And it's a bit of a longshot, too -- but if there's one character that you want to face in a longshot upset, you better believe that character is Master Chief. Out to prove where MK stands in the scheme of things nowadays (and with Armageddon just releasing a few days ago), this is a shot at redemption and to prove his place as a permanent midcarder contender. However, he'll likely have to win just to get that much respect...after all, no one's going to take his X-Stat placing seriously if he loses, right? WOO SUB-ZERO Notable Releases Since Last Appearance Master Chief: N/A Sub-Zero: Mortal Kombat (ARC), Mortal Kombat II (ARC), Mortal Kombat: Armageddon (Multi) Upcoming Releases Master Chief: Halo 3 (X360) Sub-Zero: N/A Whoa, an interesting match to cap off the first round! Once again, we've got a midcarder opponent going up against Master Chief...and the last time this happened, MC ended up having to make the biggest comeback of all time to win the match. However, the way he went out against Crono makes his true strength a little fuzzy. How much did Donkey Kong boost, I ask? I'd take Sub-Zero over the Donkey Kongs I saw before 2k5, but with the Nintendo boost (and Halo 2) this match becomes a lot more difficult. It sounds really weird to think of the Chief as 'proven' competition, but he is the *more* proven competitor here...we know he won't just roll over and die, whereas Subby has a slight chance of doing that if MK really has fallen off the map. That's enough for me to give MC the slight nod here, though I'm anything but confident. Karma Hunter's Vote: Sub-Zero. I've always been a bit of an MK mark, at least more than a Halo mark... Karma Hunter's Krazy Prediction: Master Chief with 52.86%. I see this being another MC/Felix affair, with Halo 2 making the difference... Upset Potential: 40.55% UPSET ALERT UPSET ALERT UPSET ALERT Don't count Sub-Zero out by any stretch of the imagination, of course. Scorpion's 2k2 and 2k3 values are nearly equal to Master Chief's 2k3 value, and with MC playing down to competition I feel confident in saying Scorpion would have won in those years. Then there's Scorpion's 2k4 value, but that's behind an underrated Auron -- bringing Sephy up to his 2k3/2k5 levels and accounting for some potential Seph/Auron SFF, Scorpion has perhaps been one of the more consistent competitors throughout contest history. |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/12/2006 7:43:50 PM | message detail |
Now, of course, MC likely seals the deal much like
he did with Frog if you add in Halo 2. However, there is a good chance
that Scorpion is significantly weaker than Sub-Zero...and if Sub-Zero's
difference is good enough, he can compete with the post-Halo 2 Chief.
Add in the new MK game that *just* came out, and...I'm really scared
for MC here. I'd love to see the upset, though -- and if it happens,
this will be the third time in the last three character-based contests
that the 7 seed has upset the 2 seed in the last match of the first
round. Let's do it! Upset Prediction: Sub-Zero with 51.89% Guest’s Analysis - transience Master Chief (2005c) VS Scorpion (2004c) Master Chief has a strength of 30.87. Scorpion has a strength of 20.65. Master Chief wins with 66.55% of the vote! A win of 30,137 with 91,030 total votes cast. easy, right? Sub-Zero's a palette swap of Scorpion and MC is projected to double Scorpion, right? no. why? well, a thousand reasons. it's a well-known fact that Master Chief exists to screw up x-stats. he has a sizable fanbase that votes for him unconditionally over everyone else and an anti-fanbase that votes against him in the same manner. the stronger the opponent is, the better Master Chief ends up looking. put him up against Link and he probably scores 35%. Master Chief's contest resume includes a comeback victory against Donkey Kong, the biggest choker in contest history, and a 7 vote loss to Frog who then overperformed on Solid Snake thanks to one of the most unfair pictures in history. his other highlights beating down Crash (who people care about even less than MC) and allowing some guy named Felix to get 47% on him. I'm not even sure if this Felix guy originates in a video game or not. Scorpion, on the other hand, is behind Sephiroth/Auron SFF that's unaccounted for in 2004. his 2003 value is much higher and is far more reliable unless MK characters just took a drastic drop in 2004 for no apparent reason. let's judge Scorpion's 2003 value vs. the guy MC went 50/50 with, Frog: Scorpion (2003c) VS Frog (2005c) Scorpion has a strength of 24.74. Frog has a strength of 24.97. Frog wins with 50.46% of the vote! A win of 792 with 86,013 total votes cast. wow, that's a lot closer! no surprise. to be fair, MC has since had Halo 2. how much did it do for him? it doesn't look like very much. CATS from this year projects MC at something like 25% and Sam Fisher might be even lower. he clearly has increased, though how much is up for debate and we might never know. anyway, back to Sub-Zero. is he stronger than Scorpion? let me bring up the poll everyone else has probably already referenced: Sub-Zero did significantly better than Scorpion in this poll. does that mean that he's way stronger? no, probably not, maybe a percentage point or two. but if Sub-Zero:Scorpion is anything like Ryu:Ken, this match isn't even debatable. it's unlikely, but possible. |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/12/2006 7:44:31 PM | message detail |
Sub-Zero combats Halo 2 with a whole slew of new
MK games. those games seem to come out every two weeks these days and
people buy them by the millions. the big x-factor for this match is the
new MK game, Armageddon, which came out a day or two ago. how much is
it going to matter? it's impossible to say, but it's clear that it's
bringing MK fans to the site. the game is #2 and #22 (PS2 and XBox
respectively) on the top 50 list and the PS2 message board already has
1575 topics and over 20,000 messages. (and holy crap, every single one
of them is moronic.) by the time this gets posted, I bet MKA is #1 and
the XBox version is in the top 10. if Sub-Zero gets a "Super Mario
Sunshine"-esque boost like Mario seemed to in 2002, Master Chief's
going to have a hard time even keeping it close. the people who are
calling for MC getting 60%+ are nuts and I don't think this match ends
up with one side having more than 55%. everything is set up in
Sub-Zero's favour and I think he's going to pull it off. transience's prediction: SUB-ZERO WINS with 51.69% Crew Consensus: No one is sure what will happen. Predictions anywhere from Sub-Zero winning to Master Chief with over 60%. |
cyko | Posted 10/12/2006 7:51:51 PM | message detail |
X freaking D! Moltar's analysis was truly incredible. *gives two thumbs up* it's so funny because it's all true. for example, i DO say things like, "Scorpion level? Cause Chief would still win." ^___^ my other favorite line: Gordon: *jobs to gravity* --- i have officially been Z1mZum'D in the guru contest. Vincent Valentine to win the Blast Division!! |
Ngamer64 | Posted 10/12/2006 8:02:40 PM | message detail |
creative is our leader! Very nice writeup, Molts. Although, to be fair, I seriously doubt anyone's cracking 45% on HM's Mom... --- - "lol x-stats," The Contest Simulator - The Contest Archives |
charmander6000 | Posted 10/12/2006 8:07:27 PM | message detail |
XD Moltar as soon as I read the first few lines it brought back memories of Pac-Man/Ocelot. Also I got mentioned! --- "I was trying to escape. Obviously, it didn't work." - President Bush |
BDawg | Posted 10/12/2006 8:07:40 PM | message detail |
Personally I don't give a crap about either of these characters but if
Subzero wants to upset it's fine with me. Although I could see Auron
putting up good enough numbers on Chief to intiate "Auron>Crono"
whereas I don't think anybody will care when Auron demolishes Subzero. --- Should I start running now? |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/12/2006 8:09:54 PM | message detail |
Eh, Lopen's mom is underrated due to Leon's Mom/Tranny's Mom SFF. And yeah, I went through one page of one of the stats topics, and whoever was on it was mentioned. So don't hate if you weren't! --- Moltar Status: Feeling good and hot-blooded. Auron vs. Alucard - Bracket: Auron - Vote: Auron (27/30) |
trannyscience | Posted 10/12/2006 8:10:51 PM | message detail |
are you saying that Leon's mom and mine have the same fanbase? ..interesting. --- xyzzy "12 percent of those who liked opera had experimented with magic mushrooms." - Reuters |
longbladeofhiko | Posted 10/12/2006 8:12:02 PM | message detail |
Molt's writeup needs moar Hiko >_> Seriously though, hilarious. Good stuff indeed. --- WWEGSB Hardcore Legend Masa I jobbed to Z1mZum in the Guru Contest. Did you? |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/12/2006 8:12:12 PM | message detail |
Don't try and deny it! --- Moltar Status: Feeling good and hot-blooded. Auron vs. Alucard - Bracket: Auron - Vote: Auron (27/30) |
cyko | Posted 10/12/2006 8:16:23 PM | message detail |
are you saying that Leon's mom and mine have the same fanbase? THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!!! --- i have officially been Z1mZum'D in the guru contest. Vincent Valentine to win the Blast Division!! |
MastaHealer | Posted 10/12/2006 8:17:42 PM | message detail |
Needs more Hiko dropkicking things, but I srsly <3 it! --- *is wavedash101* Satai gets Biggest Surprise EVER Award! ^_^ |
cyko | Posted 10/12/2006 8:18:48 PM | message detail |
as a side note, i don't recall seeing anyone mention that they would
take care of writeups for the Turds and Stars of the Round since the
MIA Slowflake would always write them up. therefore, since i would
always post my own version anyways, i would like to stake a claim and
do the write-up for Slow. what ever happened to him, anyways? i miss the Slowflake curse! =( --- i have officially been Z1mZum'D in the guru contest. Vincent Valentine to win the Blast Division!! |
HaRRicH | Posted 10/12/2006 8:19:27 PM | message detail |
HAY GUYS IM NOW IN STATS DISCUSSION LOL TAG Seriously, have I missed anything in the past, say...twenty-four hours worth noting in either the match or topics? --- Z1mZum performed a hit and run on me in the Guru Contest. It still hurts to be rear-ended like that..... |
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/12/2006 8:19:47 PM | message detail |
i don't recall seeing anyone mention that they would take care of writeups for the Turds and Stars of the Round transience is doing that...though I'd imagine he'd want you to feel free to do your own. --- *kills self* Commit it to memory. |
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/12/2006 8:21:09 PM | message detail |
Seriously, have I missed anything in the past, say...twenty-four hours worth noting in either the match or topics? Me: GRR MASTER CHIEF IS OVERRATED Others: GRR NO HE'S NOT AND SUB-ZERO IS A LOSER HM: GRR MK SUX EVERYONE: GRR I'LL KILL YOU --- *kills self* Commit it to memory. |
trannyscience | Posted 10/12/2006 8:21:39 PM | message detail |
yeah, mine is all written except the last match. I'll post it tomorrow. you are, of course, free to do as you wish. but mine'll be bigger and better!!! --- xyzzy "12 percent of those who liked opera had experimented with magic mushrooms." - Reuters |
dragoontheguy | Posted 10/12/2006 8:25:30 PM | message detail |
MC is definitely an oddity that gets overrated when facing stronger
characters, but also underperforms on fodder, but I don't see sub zero
any a chance at beating him. If he can hold over 45% of the vote by the
end of the match I'll be impressed, but I could quite easily also see
him being weak enough to get quite a bit under 40%. --- When D... I'd be able to finish this sig if Z1mZum didn't own me so hard in the guru contest. Congrats on your victory! |
cyko | Posted 10/12/2006 8:28:29 PM | message detail |
that's cool, tranny. i didn't realize you were gonna do it already. i
think i will post my viewpoint, too, though. and we'll see whose will
be bigger and better!!!! --- i have officially been Z1mZum'D in the guru contest. Vincent Valentine to win the Blast Division!! |
MastaHealer | Posted 10/12/2006 8:30:00 PM | message detail |
30 minutes to the final match of the first round... --- *is wavedash101* Satai gets Biggest Surprise EVER Award! ^_^ |
HaRRicH | Posted 10/12/2006 8:30:05 PM | message detail |
Heh, thanks for the summary. I'm intrigued by tomorrow's match -- out of all the matches I saw when I first made my speed bracket, Kairi/Claire and MC/Sub-Zero were the two that made me stop and think (and the first one was only because I didn't know if I knew Kairi). Those two are also matches I felt confident about being close but refused to leave my gut feeling... ...but, also, Claire already lost, so lord help me if MC loses this one too. Grrr...and I like both characters tomorrow, too. --- Z1mZum performed a hit and run on me in the Guru Contest. It still hurts to be rear-ended like that..... |
trannyscience | Posted 10/12/2006 8:31:14 PM | message detail |
Sub-Zero/MC and Yoshi/Dante are the two matches that made me pause for
a good minute on my "first impressions" bracket. everything else I
filled out pretty quickly, only stopping to ask who the hell someone in
the female bracket was and laughing hysterically at Gordon/Phoenix. --- xyzzy "12 percent of those who liked opera had experimented with magic mushrooms." - Reuters |
Big Bob | Posted 10/12/2006 8:31:44 PM | message detail |
Man, I don't know who I'm gonna vote for tonight. I'm not a big Halo
fan (or a FPS fan, period), and I'm certainly not a fighting game fan.
Yet I have played a few fun Halo matches, but I also have memories of
my childhood where I had a lot of fun playing Mortal Kombat. What a minute, that's the reason my parents didn't let me play M-Rated games! That's it, I'm supporting Master Chief. --- Gordon Freeman finally won, but somehow, the universe survived... thus allowing me to tell said universe about how I was owned by NClark128. |
MoogleKupo141 | Posted 10/12/2006 8:32:13 PM | message detail |
HM: GRR MK SUX HM ;_; --- Dancing with myself! Oh-oh! Dancing with myself! Oh-oh! And I'll sweat! Sweat! Sweat! Sweat! Sweat! Sweat! SWEAT! SWEAT! |
Draco1214 | Posted 10/12/2006 8:32:30 PM | message detail |
I hope Sub-Zero wins so I can say SUB-ZERO WINS...FATALITY --- Character Battle V Score - 28/30 points Current Prediction - Auron vs. Alucard |
MastaHealer | Posted 10/12/2006 8:33:12 PM | message detail |
FINISH HIM! --- *is wavedash101* Satai gets Biggest Surprise EVER Award! ^_^ |
longbladeofhiko | Posted 10/12/2006 8:33:18 PM | message detail |
If Sub-Zero happens to do good against MC, I suggest we pull an M Bison/Albedo and post a bunch of "FATALITY" esque messages on Board 8 the whole day >_> --- WWEGSB Hardcore Legend Masa I jobbed to Z1mZum in the Guru Contest. Did you? |
Redtooth | Posted 10/12/2006 8:33:23 PM | message detail |
MM...that was beautiful =D --- Z1mZum>Redtooth Nice list, I counted twenty that would be in my top ten - BlondeAfroHero7 |
HaRRicH | Posted 10/12/2006 8:33:39 PM | message detail |
My speed-bracket says Yoshi and my real bracket says Dante, heh. --- Z1mZum performed a hit and run on me in the Guru Contest. It still hurts to be rear-ended like that..... |
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/12/2006 8:34:47 PM | message detail |
I almost feel that despite having MC winning here, Sub-Zero winning
will feel more like a win to me while MC will feel more like a loss. Maybe it's because I want to see HM's reaction if the upset happens...oh, who am I kidding, I always want to see HM's reaction. --- *kills self* Commit it to memory. |
MastaHealer | Posted 10/12/2006 8:35:31 PM | message detail |
If Sub-Zero happens to do good against MC, I suggest we pull an M
Bison/Albedo and post a bunch of "FATALITY" esque messages on Board 8
the whole day >_> I wholeheartedly support this! --- *is wavedash101* Satai gets Biggest Surprise EVER Award! ^_^ |
trannyscience | Posted 10/12/2006 8:36:22 PM | message detail |
I want to see Sub win just to spite HM as well. just because it'd be hilarious and his head might explode. mostly because Ganondorf will be sitting at home while Sub-Zero goes on to round 2! --- xyzzy "12 percent of those who liked opera had experimented with magic mushrooms." - Reuters |
longbladeofhiko | Posted 10/12/2006 8:36:50 PM | message detail |
First Master Chief....then Auron...then Crono...then THE WOOOORLD --- WWEGSB Hardcore Legend Masa I jobbed to Z1mZum in the Guru Contest. Did you? |
HaRRicH | Posted 10/12/2006 8:39:13 PM | message detail |
SUBBY >> GANNY --- Z1mZum performed a hit and run on me in the Guru Contest. It still hurts to be rear-ended like that..... |
MastaHealer | Posted 10/12/2006 8:40:30 PM | message detail |
SUBBY >> GANNY>>ZERO Fix'd! Sry Hiko... --- *is wavedash101* Satai gets Biggest Surprise EVER Award! ^_^ |
Draco1214 | Posted 10/12/2006 8:41:14 PM | message detail |
HaRRicH Posted 10/12/2006 8:39:13 PM message detail SUBBY >> GANNY FLAWLESS VICTORY! --- Character Battle V Score - 28/30 points Current Prediction - Auron vs. Alucard |
cyko | Posted 10/12/2006 8:41:16 PM | message detail |
If Sub-Zero happens to do good against MC, I suggest we pull an M
Bison/Albedo and post a bunch of "FATALITY" esque messages on Board 8
the whole day >_> HA! and when Master Chief breaks 60% with the day vote, i suggest that we litter the board with KILLING SPREE!! messages! --- i have officially been Z1mZum'D in the guru contest. Vincent Valentine to win the Blast Division!! |
trannyscience | Posted 10/12/2006 8:41:21 PM | message detail |
actually, scratch that - I want to see Sub win so HM can do something like AURON WITH 145.65% next round. --- xyzzy "12 percent of those who liked opera had experimented with magic mushrooms." - Reuters |
longbladeofhiko | Posted 10/12/2006 8:41:47 PM | message detail |
>_> Its ok, don't forget this though... TRON BONNE >> SUBBY >> GANNY>> ZERO <_< --- WWEGSB Hardcore Legend Masa I jobbed to Z1mZum in the Guru Contest. Did you? |
HaRRicH | Posted 10/12/2006 8:42:34 PM | message detail |
REPTILE >>>>>> TRON BONNE >> SUBBY >> GANNY>> ZERO --- Z1mZum performed a hit and run on me in the Guru Contest. It still hurts to be rear-ended like that..... |
longbladeofhiko | Posted 10/12/2006 8:42:50 PM | message detail |
HA! and when Master Chief breaks 60% with the day vote, i suggest that we litter the board with KILLING SPREE!! messages! But Boom Headshot is the official FPS slogan though! --- WWEGSB Hardcore Legend Masa I jobbed to Z1mZum in the Guru Contest. Did you? |
MastaHealer | Posted 10/12/2006 8:43:29 PM | message detail |
Nothing beats the Plan though... NOTHING!!! --- *is wavedash101* Satai gets Biggest Surprise EVER Award! ^_^ |
longbladeofhiko | Posted 10/12/2006 8:43:33 PM | message detail |
Reptile?! Come on Harrich, at least have the decency to make it be like...Cyrax or Ermac or something <_< --- WWEGSB Hardcore Legend Masa I jobbed to Z1mZum in the Guru Contest. Did you? |