GameFAQs Contests

Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 384
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/10/2006 8:06:54 PM | message detail |
Assuming the next character contest starts as late as this one did, we
could potentially see MGS4 and/or SSBB release mid-contest... Snake/Sephiroth on MGS4's release date? Believe. --- *kills self* Commit it to memory. |
MyWorldIsZelda | Posted 10/10/2006 8:07:14 PM | message detail |
If Bowser can get the doubling I'll consider him an outside threat to Crono. If Bowser gets the doubling on Leon, you can expect me to call this sucker a lock. Oh you heard me! --- "Looking good, Princess, especially from this angle!" |
EvenMyROgetsB7 | Posted 10/10/2006 8:07:52 PM | message detail |
If Bowser gets the doubling, I too will call for Bowser > Crono. I'm that confident in it never happening. --- I'm so hardcore. |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/10/2006 8:08:48 PM | message detail |
Time Division: Round 1 - Match 30 – (4)Bowser vs. (5)Leon Kennedy Moltar’s Analysis Bowser Game/Series Known From: Super Mario Extrapolated Rank in 2003: 13th (30.97%) Extrapolated Rank in 2004: 31st (20.41%) Adjusted Value: 18th (28.88%) Extrapolated Rank in 2005: 9th (33.49%) Seed in 2003: 5 Seed in 2004: 7 Seed in 2005: 3 Lost in 2003 to Cloud in Round 3 Lost in 2004 to Mario in Round 2 Lost in 2005 to Solid Snake in the Elite 8 Rawr! Leon Game/Series Known From: Resident Evil Extrapolated Rank in 2005: 26th (25.20%) Seed in 2005: 5 Lost in 2005 to Mega Man in Round 2 “Leon!” Bowser, who went 50-50 with Snake last Contest…is wasted as a 4 seed. darn you nominations and female bracket. It wouldn’t be as bad too if he was a 4 in Sora’s division, but no, it’s in Crono’s. Oh well… His opponent is also wasted here. Leon was able to avoid a doubling from Mega Man last year, which is pretty good for a new character. With RE4 being out longer and on another console, he should be a bit stronger. Of course, he’s still no match for Bowser. Let’s see if he shows us why he’s the strongest non-Noble nine character. Moltar’s Bracket Says: Bowser will win. Moltar’s Prediction is: Bowser: 61% - Leon: 39% Ulti’s Analysis Was Bowser overrated in 2005?! Tune in at midnight to see! (These easy matches are killing my material here.) Prediction: Bowser with 61.11% HM’s Analysis Both of these guys came out looking mighty impressive last year. For Bowser, he nearly did the unthinkable by beating Snake and Leon turned heads by putting on a very good performance against Mega Man despite not blowing out Gordon Freeman. Heading into this contest, both of these two are looking to see some slight increases in their strength and come out proving that there was nothing overrated about them last year! There’s really nothing too debatable here as far as the match goes because Bowser is going to win with ease, but what will be interesting to see is if he can still maintain his 60%+ projection from last year. Leon has had the PS2 release of Resident Evil 4 to help him out while Bowser is coming off of NSMB and more of a Nintendo shift. I’m expecting both of them to come out a bit stronger than they were last year, but it’ll cancel out and remain at the same percentage. If Bowser significantly overperforms or underperforms though, we may have to raise some questions about that Dream Division…but I don’t think we’ll be worrying about that. It’s unfortunate that Leon couldn’t have been put into a better position in the bracket. Aitch Emm’s Bracket: Bowser Aitch Emm’s Prediction: Bowser – 63% ; Leon Kennedy – 37% Aitch Emm’s Vote: Bowser Yoblazer’s Analysis Dull match here. The only way this can get exciting is if Bowser beats Leon badly enough to warrant whispers of the big baddie taking out Crono in the next round. Seeing as how Nintendo's early performances so far have been a mixed bag, I doubt that that will happen. Leon received a significant sales boost with the PS2 port of Resident Evil 4 late last year, so he should have maintained his 2005 level. I would be completely shocked if Bowser were to somehow meet or exceed Mega Man's percentage against Leon last year, but he should have the power to get within a few percentage points. My prediction: Bowser def. Leon Kennedy (63-37) Lopen’s Analysis I can't think of anything to say about these dudes. 60% on Ryu vs… 60% on Gordon Freeman? But, as your analysis writer, it is my duty to make this match seem interesting… and so I shall! |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/10/2006 8:09:02 PM | message detail |
Let us consult the X-Stats! What I am claiming is, Bowser is not as
strong as the X-Stats say! He has been rSFFing every opponent since the
2004 contest! His true form? It was against Mario! No no… no "SFF
adjusting there", that was all legit, baby! Let's take a look and see
how the match will really go! Bowser (2004c raw) VS Leon Kennedy (2005c) Bowser has a strength of 21.88. Leon Kennedy has a strength of 27.50. Leon Kennedy wins with 60.22% of the vote! A win of 18,841 with 92,193 total votes cast. Now you say… "how will Leon Kennedy resist Bowser's vile rSFF?". Well, it's simple, zombies don't like Bowser. Yeah… easy win for Miiister Kennedy. Or was that MISTAAAAHHHH… KENNEDY!! Lopen's prediction: Leon Kennedy with 60.22% of the vote, X-Stats don't lie! … KEN-NE-DY! No, no, that's not my prediction! Really! Sorry. That analysis was stupid, random, filled with references you don't get, and blatantly lying. I probably should've just gave a line about wasted Bowser and Leon potential (Their bracket placement sucks big time, man! Damned Female's bracket!) beyond that first paragraph and been done with it, but… that's not fun! Lopen's prediction: Bowser with 61.11% KH’s Analysis lol x-stats history BOWSER "They have no IDEA what they're up against! I'm lightning in a bottle! I'm an earthquake in a can!" Summer 2003 Contest Extrapolated Strength --- 17th Place [29.97%] Summer 2004 Contest Extrapolated Strength --- 18th Place [28.88%] Spring 2005 Contest Extrapolated Strength --- 3rd Place [40.45%] Summer 2005 Contest Extrapolated Strength --- 10th Place [33.49%] Yo, it's the good Nintendo villain strutting his stuff now! For all the things I hate and despise about Ganondorf, Bowser does them all right. Having great humor, an interesting personality, being distinctive and unique, Bowser is truly gaming's villain. If any character were to be worthy of breaking the Noble Nine, Bowser would be the top candidate -- and he very nearly pulled it off last year. Many have decried him as "overrated" despite his fantastic performance, but the Koopa King is looking to prove he's no fluke! WOO BOWSER LEON KENNEDY "This is no ritual, it's terrorism!" Summer 2005 Contest Extrapolated Strength --- 28th Place [25.20%] Leon Kennedy is back in style, representing the revitalization of the Resident Evil series. After his shocking performance on Mega Man in 2005 (considering his lackluster showing against Gordon Freeman) he is rewarded with an unwinnable match here. I mean, I like Jill, Claire, and Ada as much as the next CATS, but no way did they deserve to get much more favorable setups than Mr. Kennedy. I'd have called him a virtual lock to the third round in Claire or Jill's place, but instead he's being fed to Bowser. And it's a shame, too. WOO LEON Notable Releases Since Last Appearance Bowser: New Super Mario Brothers (DS) Leon Kennedy: Resident Evil 4 (PS2) Upcoming Releases Bowser: N/A Leon Kennedy: Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles (WII) Not even in question, this one. Leon may do a bit better thanks to RE4 being on the PS2, but its main fanbase here is on the GC and that may hurt him here (though it certainly didn't against THE KING OF SFF!!). Karma Hunter's Vote: Bowser. Though it is a tough choice! Karma Hunter's Krazy Prediction: Bowser with 62.45%. Going high (for me, anyway) after seeing what Luigi did to Zero. Make me proud, Koopa King! Upset Potential: 0% Not a chance !! |
PokemonPatriarch | Posted 10/10/2006 8:09:19 PM | message detail |
Now here's a question I'd like to pose to you all out there... If Captain Falcon and Nidoran were in a match, who would win, and by what percentage? The winner is obvious, but I'd like to guess that the Captain would barely miss doubling the venomous bunny rabbit. --- Proud fanboy of the Ogre Battle saga!!! ~~~Allah Approves~~~ |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/10/2006 8:10:13 PM | message detail |
Guest’s Analysis - Explicit Content Okay, why are we even talking about this match? I mean seriously, Bowser is going to be defeating Crono next round right? NOT SO FAST STARFOX! Bowser's lucky that he's high enough above Leon that he doesn't have to worry about losing, but that doesn't mean he won't be worrying about horribly underperforming! Let's start with Bowser, or rather, this mysterious "Nintendo Boost of 2K5." More like "Overrated Boost of 2K5" m i rite? Let's start at the top o' the ladder, with my good friend, Mr. Mario Mario. At first glance it may appear that Mario came out of nowhere, and decided to gangbang the competition with a whopping 6% boost, but really, let's put that baby in perspective. Mario goes from taking Crono, and ***** slapping him every single year, to losing miserably to him 2K4. Miserably being a relative term right there. There was a massive push for Crono to finally take down the great Mario, from people who were tired of seeing Mario own Crono year after year, even I, yes, I, the great EC was caught up in it, and I -HATE- everything CT. That game just reeks of suck and horrible, but I digress. The point is, if someone who loves Mario as much as me (SM64 > Sex), and hates CT as much as me (Having a beaver gnaw at your balls > CT), can be swayed, I'm sure there were others as well. So basically, we take Mario 2K4 and boost him up to Crono's 2K4 value --- 39.87%, and that's assuming Mario simply goes 50/50 with him, which isn't out of the ordinary. That massively cuts down on his boost, to a reasonable 3%. Now it's time for everyones favorite plumber, and better brother, Luigi! Oh I went there girlfriend. 2K3, Luigi loses in a board heartbreaker to Squall (though I'm sure Leon was busting a nut, if he was around at least!), Squall, Samus, and finally Samus, Link. Now we all know the true king of SFF, (no not MM you silly goose), would be able to score some sort of SFF on Samus, underrating Luigi in 2K3, however no adjustments were ever made, and Samus would do some redonkulous boosting the next year. Coincidence? I think not! Now let's go to 2K4, where Luigi suffers a rSFF beatdown at the hands of Yoshi, a character who Luigi would outperform indirectly any day of the week, once again hiding his true strength, while Yoshi goes on to get beatdown by Link, causing Luigi to get MASSIVELY underrated, setting up a huge 2K5 boost, or rather, proving himself to always have been a character with strength. And yes, Yoshi was adjusted up to his 2K3 numbers, but he had a nice match with Bowser that year, and I don't think anyone would argue SFF, so even adjusted the duo are both definitely underrated. Which leads us to Yoshi, who apparently didn't boost in 2K5, that takes care of Yoshi's apparent boost in 2K5 as well. See the trend? Donkey Kong, meat Master Chief, Master Chief, meet completely ****ing up the x-stats, you sly devil you. And Samus? She seemingly didn't boost at all, I definitely still think Mario rSFFed her, and she was under adjusted, but not by much. So that keeps her pretty constant with her previous year. Now when you put everything into perspective, and look at everything on an individual match by match basis, instead of just looking at the x-stats and saying "HOLY BOOST SAUCE BATMAN!" it becomes apparent that this huge Mario/Ninty boost really wasn't so big at all. |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/10/2006 8:10:57 PM | message detail |
Now what was the point of that? Bowser. Bowser
seemingly boosts up 6% in 2K5, similar to Mario's over exaggerated
boost. The cause of this? Bowser/Snake. Not only was Snake lucky enough
to be graced with his horrible sprite, but Bowser got the background
advantage, and Snake got a quote that made him look like a complete
fool. Normally I'm opposed to pics having a serious affect on a match,
but in Snake's case I make an exception. After taking into
consideration Frog/Snake, and then Frog's massive drop off in 2K5, (I
estimate about 5%, after adjusting Samus), it's very realistic to think
that a combo of CT characters performing better with Sprites, and
Snake, not, that Frog becomes overrated. Fast forward to 2K5, and you
have plenty of reason to think Bowser overperformed against a much
stronger Snake than 2K4 showed us. Reduce Bowser's boost to a
reasonable 3%, and he's at 33.5% on BL instead of a crazy 36.5%. Moving on to Leon! Not nearly as much to say about this one, and after that tangent, I'll try and keep it short. Leon did pretty well for himself in 2K5, landing at 27.5% on BL, with the highly acclaimed RE4 on GC recently out, no reason to assume anything fishy went on there, but the problem comes in with the PS2 version of RE4 coming out since the last contest, AND selling more than than it's GC counterpart. Taking everything into consideration with how boosts have worked in the past, and I think a 2.5% boost for Leon is very fair. Now, let's have some fun with lol x-stats, since I'm too lazy to calculate for myself. Leon 2K5 - 27.5%. Adjusted up 2.5% for RE4. - Projected 2K6 Value - 30.00%BL (2K5 Ryu) Bowser 2K5 - 36.5% Adjusted down 3% for Bowser/Snake. - Projected 2K6 Value - 33.5%BL (2K5 Tifa) Ryu (2005c) VS Tifa (2005c) Ryu has a strength of 29.98. Tifa has a strength of 33.57. Tifa wins with 55.35% of the vote! A win of 10,175 with 95,144 total votes cast. 55.35% for Bowser it is! But I'm too much of a dirty little girl to go that low, so I'll bump it up, because honestly, who is going to be as low as me? Explicit Content's Horribly, And Disgustingly Right Prediction: Bowser with 56.5% Crew Consensus: Yay Stats! Yay everyone between 61-63% except the Guest. Yay MIIISSTTTAAHHH KENNEEEDDYYY!!! |
BDawg | Posted 10/10/2006 8:18:50 PM | message detail |
After that wall of text I hope Bowser makes like Lee Harvey Oswald. --- Should I start running now? |
HaRRicH | Posted 10/10/2006 8:19:10 PM | message detail |
If Bowser even matches Mega Man's
performance against Leon, I'll take Bowser in a close one against
Crono. On top of the PS2 port being released since last year, but I
just feel like Bowser could do well against Crono anyway as opposed to most other Noble Niners. --- Z1mZum performed a hit and run on me in the Guru Contest. It still hurts to be rear-ended like that..... |
EvenMyROgetsB7 | Posted 10/10/2006 8:19:39 PM | message detail |
Gets framed? --- I'm so hardcore. |
longbladeofhiko | Posted 10/10/2006 8:19:51 PM | message detail |
You know, I love Leon and all, but I hope Bowser just flat out
decimates him. Of all the characters to benefit from the Nintendo
boost, I'd like him to get the most out of it this year. The guy is a
beast. And I've been playin Mercaneries and all sorts of RE4 and even a
few RE2 speed runs lately. --- WWEGSB Hardcore Legend Masa I jobbed to Z1mZum in the Guru Contest. Did you? |
Sir Auron | Posted 10/10/2006 8:20:35 PM | message detail |
I got that same feeling of "Man, Bowser's going to do amazing on Crono." --- "That's a cruel, rotten, disgusting idea -- and I love it!" |
trannyscience | Posted 10/10/2006 8:21:07 PM | message detail |
EC could have suicided in the middle of that wall and no one would have noticed. --- xyzzy "12 percent of those who liked opera had experimented with magic mushrooms." - Reuters |
Sir Auron | Posted 10/10/2006 8:21:33 PM | message detail |
I might suggest that EC get acquainted with his "Enter" key more. --- "That's a cruel, rotten, disgusting idea -- and I love it!" |
HaRRicH | Posted 10/10/2006 8:22:44 PM | message detail |
The winner is obvious, but I'd like to guess that the Captain would barely miss doubling the venomous bunny rabbit. Assuming Samus = Crono this year, Nidoran F gets 35.05% on Captain Falcon...factor in Samus SFF'ing her if you like. --- Z1mZum performed a hit and run on me in the Guru Contest. It still hurts to be rear-ended like that..... |
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/10/2006 8:23:38 PM | message detail |
I am digging Crono > Samus based on that !! --- *kills self* Commit it to memory. |
HaRRicH | Posted 10/10/2006 8:24:16 PM | message detail |
Essentially, you're right, and I forgot to note that in my last post, heh. --- Z1mZum performed a hit and run on me in the Guru Contest. It still hurts to be rear-ended like that..... |
Big Bob | Posted 10/10/2006 8:25:58 PM | message detail |
It'll take a little more than a doubling for me to think Bowser > Crono. 70%, and I'll jump on the bandwagon. Still, that ain't likely to happen. --- "My opinion matters more to me than yours does." - Ulti |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/10/2006 8:26:22 PM | message detail |
Assuming Samus = Crono this year, Nidoran F gets 35.05% on Captain Falcon...factor in Samus SFF'ing her if you like. That's possible..... ... What....don't look at me like that! --- Moltar Status: Feeling good and hot-blooded. Crono vs. Capt. Falcon - Bracket: Crono - Vote: Falcon (25/28) |
BowserClownCar | Posted 10/10/2006 8:26:34 PM | message detail |
Bowser with 70% |
BDawg | Posted 10/10/2006 8:31:33 PM | message detail |
Psh Jigglypuff is queen of Pokemon. And don't even bring up those sick abominations known as male Jigglypuffs. --- Should I start running now? |
Sir Auron | Posted 10/10/2006 8:45:05 PM | message detail |
I'm not sure why Bowser needs to do 5% more than Crono is projected to do here in order to convinced people that Bowser has a shot. --- "That's a cruel, rotten, disgusting idea -- and I love it!" |
Haste_2 | Posted 10/10/2006 8:48:15 PM | message detail |
If Bowser outdoes Crono by 5% on Leon, we've got another Tifa/Vyse or
Samus/Lara... not to say that means Bowser has no shot, of course...I'd
definitely keep the upset in mind and see how Yoshi and Luigi do. --- Sign the Petition for more stats in the GameFAQs Contests here: |
Haste_2 | Posted 10/10/2006 8:48:42 PM | message detail |
Er...Mega Man, not Crono. --- Sign the Petition for more stats in the GameFAQs Contests here: |
HaRRicH | Posted 10/10/2006 8:51:14 PM | message detail |
Crono with 91.12% of the brackets. --- Z1mZum performed a hit and run on me in the Guru Contest. It still hurts to be rear-ended like that..... |
Yesmar | Posted 10/10/2006 8:52:07 PM | message detail |
So was that comment about Ganondorf killing Link just speculation? --- Z1mZum totally owned me in the July 2006 Guru Contest The Funky Chickens in Trivia XVIII |
Sir Auron | Posted 10/10/2006 8:52:30 PM | message detail |
Of course. Something like that isn't going to leak out. --- "That's a cruel, rotten, disgusting idea -- and I love it!" |
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/10/2006 8:53:05 PM | message detail |
Yes, it was! Dirty HM fueled speculation that led to the pick of Ganon > Male Bracket! --- *kills self* Commit it to memory. |
transience | Posted 10/10/2006 8:54:36 PM | message detail |
Crono with 88.88%. Bowser with a wicked board vote that calms down after the first few minutes. --- xyzzy |
Sir Auron | Posted 10/10/2006 8:55:55 PM | message detail |
....**** you, Crono. I'm never voting for you again. --- "That's a cruel, rotten, disgusting idea -- and I love it!" |
XxSoulxX | Posted 10/10/2006 8:58:06 PM | message detail |
Crono with 92.25% of the brackets. --- - Why the hell did I bet against a character as deep, awesome and badass as Lara Croft, instead favouring a character from something as lame as HL2? Forgive me, XIII. |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/10/2006 8:59:02 PM | message detail |
Crono: NO SO FAST, AITCH EMM! YOU'VE ACTIVATED MY TRAP CARD "YOU DON'T GET THE POINT LAWL" --- Moltar Status: Feeling good and hot-blooded. Bowser vs. Leon - Bracket: Bowser - Vote: Bowser (26/29) |
cyko | Posted 10/10/2006 8:59:04 PM | message detail |
all i know is that if Leon hasn't broken 62% by
2:00 AM, Bowser's day vote will probably boost him over the doubling.
that Nintendo day-vote has been no joke this contest. --- i have officially been Z1mZum'D in the guru contest. Vincent Valentine to win the Blast Division!! |
transience | Posted 10/10/2006 9:00:19 PM | message detail |
whoa, what the? --- xyzzy |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/10/2006 9:00:41 PM | message detail |
Bowser: No poll for you! --- Moltar Status: Feeling good and hot-blooded. Bowser vs. Leon - Bracket: Bowser - Vote: Bowser (26/29) |
Sir Auron | Posted 10/10/2006 9:00:42 PM | message detail |
GET OUT OF MY WAY TALES OF THE ABYSS! --- "That's a cruel, rotten, disgusting idea -- and I love it!" |
FastFalcon05 | Posted 10/10/2006 9:00:45 PM | message detail |
that's not a poll.. --- Revenge is a dish best served by Z1mZum in the 2k6 Series Guru Contest. |
cyko | Posted 10/10/2006 9:01:06 PM | message detail |
no poll = weirdness!!! --- i have officially been Z1mZum'D in the guru contest. Vincent Valentine to win the Blast Division!! |
Janus5000 | Posted 10/10/2006 9:01:16 PM | message detail |
Wh-where is the poll? Is this some conspiracy where Bowser loses and no one can testify to him winning? --- "Those who cast the vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything." |
AmazingKirby | Posted 10/10/2006 9:01:41 PM | message detail |
Tales of the Abyss > this poll --- caps |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/10/2006 9:01:56 PM | message detail |
YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS GUYS, CONTEST IS DELAYED FOR A DAY, LINK/CLOUD NOW LANDS ON WII RELEASE DAY! Cloud is so screwed. --- Moltar Status: Feeling good and hot-blooded. Bowser vs. Leon - Bracket: Bowser - Vote: Bowser (26/29) |
therealmnm | Posted 10/10/2006 9:02:08 PM | message detail |
sabatoge! Damn you Ceej! --- Currently playing: Grand Theft Auto 3, Castlevania:Curse of Darkness, Mega Man ZX |
Dekar TKB | Posted 10/10/2006 9:02:14 PM | message detail |
Impressive performance by Leon, dead even after the first minute! --- Chief of Patrol in Sir Chris' police force DA! Captain Falcon for Sc2k6! |
Gaddswell | Posted 10/10/2006 9:02:20 PM | message detail |
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster] |
Sir Auron | Posted 10/10/2006 9:02:24 PM | message detail |
I'm informing Namco that I am longer buying this game nor recommending it to anyone! --- "That's a cruel, rotten, disgusting idea -- and I love it!" |
Haste_2 | Posted 10/10/2006 9:02:28 PM | message detail |
A contest isn't a contest without SOMETHING going wrong, right? --- Sign the Petition for more stats in the GameFAQs Contests here: |
KleenexTissue50 | Posted 10/10/2006 9:02:56 PM | message detail |
Ceej declares Crono the winner after the first round! --- CB5 Points: 26/28, Current Oracle placement: 8/163 Now playing: Okami |
transience | Posted 10/10/2006 9:03:05 PM | message detail |
huh, the stats didn't even update. a one day delay means one more day of FF12 being out before Zelda/Aeris! hahahaahaha --- xyzzy |
Gaddswell | Posted 10/10/2006 9:03:14 PM | message detail |
No poll today? Link vs Cloud on Wii release day! --- By the time we localize the programs, kids don’t even know they’re from Japan any more. - 4Kids CEO Al Kahn |