GameFAQs Contests

Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 377
Tequilla Gundam | Posted 10/5/2006 3:37:20 PM | message detail |
-- Tier 1 - Clinkeroth Cloud Link Sephiroth -- Tier 2 - The Rest of the Noble 9 Mario Crono Samus Sonic Snake Megaman -- Tier 3 - Elites Bowser Vincent Squall Tifa Lockheart Ganondorf -- Tier 4 - Near Elites Aeris Dante Zelda Kirby Zero Knuckles --- Scooped in a coupe, Snoop we got news/Your girl was trickin' while you was draped in your county blues I ain't been out a second/And already gotta do some mutha****in chin checkin |
janembaman | Posted 10/5/2006 3:40:09 PM | message detail |
Tifa>Zero? Why? --- your lives that I spit on are now but a caricature of a cartoon by a kid who is stupid! |
Tequilla Gundam | Posted 10/5/2006 3:42:01 PM | message detail |
She was > Zero last year. Add in KHII and you can take it from there. --- Scooped in a coupe, Snoop we got news/Your girl was trickin' while you was draped in your county blues I ain't been out a second/And already gotta do some mutha****in chin checkin |
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/5/2006 3:42:15 PM | message detail |
KH2 boost most likely. --- *kills self* Commit it to memory. |
XIII_rocks | Posted 10/5/2006 3:46:28 PM | message detail |
Correct me if I'm wrong (I'm not), but if I recall correctly, it was
you saying that Dirge of Cerberus was going to be a good game because
they were fixing all the mistakes that the japanese version had. Ding! Before the bracket release, I made some stupid argument about DoC hurting Vincent and Squall being the favourite in a rematch (I had forgotten about Post-FFX2 Yuna and Post-DMC2 Dante). HM was the main one arguing with me there. "You honestly don't think Vincent is going to get a decent boost from a game starring him? Besides, they're likely going to fix the US version anyway." That was roughly what he said. Thanks for reminding me, TRT. What say you, HM? --- Sign plz AC2K6 Score: 24/24 Today: Megaman |
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/5/2006 3:47:33 PM | message detail |
He'll say he was crazy -- back then. Mega Man > Samus crazy! BUT NOW HE'S SEEN THE LIGHT! --- *kills self* Commit it to memory. |
XIII_rocks | Posted 10/5/2006 3:50:19 PM | message detail |
Something like that. >_> It sucks that I'm agreenig more and more with Smurf lately. :( I feel somehow wrong. But I'm liking Snake > Megaman and Sonic > Crono right now. I obviously don't agree with MM being out of the noble nine, though. --- Sign plz AC2K6 Score: 24/24 Today: Megaman |
MasterMoltar | Posted 10/5/2006 3:50:40 PM | message detail |
*scrolls past some of these tiers* I think my eyes are bleeding... --- It's MOOOOOOLLLLLTTTAAAARRRR!!!! |
therealmnm | Posted 10/5/2006 3:53:15 PM | message detail |
Mega Man/Snake 2004 was flukish. I think Snake will pull closer than he
did in 2k3, but Mega Man will still eke out a victory. I say it will go
52-48. I want
Sonic to beat Crono and nearly took the upset... But something just
didn't seem right. Sonic already overperformed his ass off against Mega
Man. Even if it was totally legit, I don't see him stepping up AGAIN to
take out Crono. He might make it close, but I don't see him winning. I
hope I'm wrong though. --- Vote for Soma Cruz Currently playing: Grand Theft Auto 3, Castlevania:Curse of Darkness, Mega Man ZX |
wavedash101 | Posted 10/5/2006 3:53:18 PM | message detail |
Tifa and Squall over Zelda, Zero, and Ganon? I am trying to figure out how one reaches this outrageous conclusion? --- Our shields cannot withstand wavedashing of this magnitude! Board 8's Unofficial Master of the Phoenix Down |
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/5/2006 3:55:28 PM | message detail |
With KH2, it's not really that hard of a conclusion to make. Tifa and
Squall are already above or on par with at least Zelda and Zero going
just by the 2k5 stats, and they have KH2 (and it's Tifa's first KH
game, for kicks). Ganny's the big wild card, but he could possibly be
weaker. --- *kills self* Commit it to memory. |
UltimaterializerX | Posted 10/5/2006 3:56:46 PM | message detail |
Smurf would have to feed Sonic about 5000 votes for Sonic to win that,
and even then it might not be enough. There are signs of a swingback in
Square's favor this contest. ~*ST*~ --- Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest Now Playing: Disgaea 2, KH:COM (Sora), FE8, Castlevania: LoI |
janembaman | Posted 10/5/2006 3:57:39 PM | message detail |
Tifa and Squall over Zelda, Zero, and Ganon? I am trying to figure out how one reaches this outrageous conclusion? Well,Squall got 60% on Luigi and 55% on Kirby And Zero>Kirby & Luigi is debatable so... --- your lives that I spit on are now but a caricature of a cartoon by a kid who is stupid! |
XIII_rocks | Posted 10/5/2006 3:58:29 PM | message detail |
I want Sonic to beat Crono and nearly took the upset... But
something just didn't seem right. Sonic already overperformed his ass
off against Mega Man. Even if it was totally legit, I don't see him
stepping up AGAIN to take out Crono. I'm banking on Crono FINALLY decreasing...and the new, younger influx of voters voting for the character who has had the most recent exposure; Sonic the Hedgehog. Of course, it's a complete gamble and Crono's the favourite. But with the right voter shift, it could happen. Younger voters have especially come in since KH2. A KH2 Sonic boost? CRAZY, you say? *Scoffs* >_> --- Sign plz AC2K6 Score: 24/24 Today: Megaman |
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/5/2006 3:58:38 PM | message detail |
I'm adhering to a strict policy of giving Nintendo characters at least
a 5% advantage in favorite status against Square characters around
their level until a non-Noble Square character gets over the hump
against a Ninty one. If Vincent beats Ganondorf I'll feel much more
confident in Square, but 'till then... --- *kills self* Commit it to memory. |
trannyscience | Posted 10/5/2006 3:59:16 PM | message detail |
I'm banking on Crono FINALLY decreasing...and the new, younger
influx of voters voting for the character who has had the most recent
exposure; Sonic the Hedgehog. I've heard this before... as in last year, and probably the year before.. --- xyzzy "12 percent of those who liked opera had experimented with magic mushrooms." - Reuters |
UltimaterializerX | Posted 10/5/2006 3:59:27 PM | message detail |
I'm banking on Crono FINALLY decreasing...and the new, younger
influx of voters voting for the character who has had the most recent
exposure People say this EVERY SINGLE YEAR. ~*ST*~ --- Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest Now Playing: Disgaea 2, KH:COM (Sora), FE8, Castlevania: LoI |
XIII_rocks | Posted 10/5/2006 3:59:40 PM | message detail |
For the record, the least I expect from Sonic this year is to
outperform Megaman on Crono. If he doesn't even manage that, I'll
definitely be sceptical about him in the future. --- Sign plz AC2K6 Score: 24/24 Today: Megaman |
XIII_rocks | Posted 10/5/2006 4:03:13 PM | message detail |
Yeah, well it could finally happen this year! I mean, it's been 10
years since Crono's last appearance or something. People turn 13 every
day. Crono would still have a massive fanbase to work off, but Sonic's
is increasing while Crono's remains pretty much stagnant and/or
dropping. --- Sign plz AC2K6 Score: 24/24 Today: Megaman |
Draco1214 | Posted 10/5/2006 4:03:50 PM | message detail |
Sonic won't beat Crono because, let's face it, Sonic is the NN's
biggest choker. Blowing away a 1500 vote lead to Samus in the final
hours of a poll in which he was the overwhelming favorite to win,
getting doubled by Cloud, not even bothering to show up to the rematch
against Samus, choking against Mega Man when he was in a perfect
position to steal the match from him. I'd be surprised if he took down
Crono. --- Character Battle V Score - 22/23 points Current Prediction - Mega Man vs. Axel |
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/5/2006 4:04:31 PM | message detail |
There is a big argument for Crono decreasing in 2005, of course. Not by
anything monumental, but depending on who you use to adjust the stats
Crono could have taken a bit of a dip. Of course, what you would attribute said dip to, whether it be CT aging or just random variation, is up to you. --- *kills self* Commit it to memory. |
MyworldisSmurf | Posted 10/5/2006 4:07:18 PM | message detail |
Crono's performances have at times already suggested that he's in decline. But the x-stat system in place, rewards only a characters final performance. Of which, he tends to do very well. He has a dedicated fanbase, but not a huge one. Which means that its very easy to overperform on him when you're losing, very difficult to overperform on him when you're winning. The thing that I'm mostly intrested in his the voter increase this year. Those increases are not from Cronos base. Those are mostly new school gamers. That will be Crono's downfall. --- My World is still Smurf! |
therealmnm | Posted 10/5/2006 4:08:17 PM | message detail |
Why do people continually hold Sonic's loss to Mega Man against him?
Sure, he gave away a lead but he wasn't even supposed to be in the
match in the first place! And he still only barely
lost. That's like saying Squall is a choker because he failed to
capitalize on Vincent keeping him in the match or something... --- Vote for Soma Cruz Currently playing: Grand Theft Auto 3, Castlevania:Curse of Darkness, Mega Man ZX |
Draco1214 | Posted 10/5/2006 4:09:45 PM | message detail |
But it was the way Sonic lost that was humiliating. He had built up a
ton of momentum during the day and was on his way to coming back when
all of a sudden his momentum just...stopped. Then Mega Man used the
second night vote to pull away. I still think that was his biggest
choke. --- Character Battle V Score - 22/23 points Current Prediction - Mega Man vs. Axel |
LeonhartForever | Posted 10/5/2006 4:10:14 PM | message detail |
...Samus had better odds to win SC2K2 than Sonic did. He wasn't the overwhelming
favorite. Besides, calling Sonic a choker for losing that is tantamount
to calling Crono a choker for losing to Mario in 2003. It wasn't
entirely legitimately his fault. And I really don't know why people consider losing to Mega Man a choke job when few people gave him any chance of even being competitive. --- Squall Leonhart's Road to the Character Battle V Championship: Round 1: Status of Tidus - LIONHEART'D |
Haste_2 | Posted 10/5/2006 4:11:45 PM | message detail |
Yay for Axel. Even Axel's biggest supporters weren't expecting him to
do this well... makes me wonder if Riku or Sora are more popular than
anyone imagined. --- Sign the Petition for more stats in the GameFAQs Contests here: |
SecksThaNemesis | Posted 10/5/2006 4:13:05 PM | message detail |
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster] |
SecksThaNemesis | Posted 10/5/2006 4:13:39 PM | message detail |
Samus > Crono > Snake > Megaman > Sonic Book it. --- Pride. Power. Pinstripes. |
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/5/2006 4:15:07 PM | message detail |
Yeah, this match is making me feel marginally better about Yoshi's
chances against Dante. Axel is getting 30% on Mega Man, and he's not
even in Riku's league. Actually, Riku 2k5 will only be projected to get 53% or so on Axel by the end of this, I think, assuming a static Mega Man. That's phenomenal. --- *kills self* Commit it to memory. |
Cavalier Lowen | Posted 10/5/2006 4:16:07 PM | message detail |
The Snake support here is absolutely ridiculous. Just because you all
love him so much does not mean he's going to beat Mega Man. It'd be
nice to see some facts other than "Snake is teh badass and Axel=fodder". --- Z1mZum owned me in the guru contest (by two points!). Damn you Z1mZum! |
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/5/2006 4:17:55 PM | message detail |
Cry for me. --- *kills self* Commit it to memory. |
SecksThaNemesis | Posted 10/5/2006 4:18:47 PM | message detail |
Because being in a Smash Bros. game hasn't done anything for anyone ever.(I'm aware it's not out yet, but still). +Subsistance +MGS4 +Look at Mega Man, honestly I really don't see how it's impossible. --- Pride. Power. Pinstripes. |
Mac Arrowny | Posted 10/5/2006 4:18:48 PM | message detail |
Blowing away a 1500 vote lead to Samus in the final hours of a poll in which he was the overwhelming favorite to win Well, Samus was a bigger favorite to win 2k2 than Sonic was, and her prediction percentage wasn't that bad, so I'm skeptical about Sonic actually being the favorite in that match. Yeah, this match is making me feel marginally better about Yoshi's chances against Dante. Axel is getting 30% on Mega Man, and he's not even in Riku's league. Actually, Riku 2k5 will only be projected to get 53% or so on Axel by the end of this, I think, assuming a static Mega Man. That's phenomenal. Is Axel really that far behind Riku? Axel's CoM role seems like it would've been enough to make him high end fodder even before KH2...and who's KH2 role was bigger, Axel's or Riku's? --- Pity for the guilty is treason to the innocent. |
KleenexTissue50 | Posted 10/5/2006 4:20:06 PM | message detail |
Riku's was bigger, but only slightly. --- CB5 Points: 21/23, Current Oracle placement: 31/162 Now playing: Okami |
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/5/2006 4:21:26 PM | message detail |
Is Axel really that far behind Riku? Axel's CoM role seems like it
would've been enough to make him high end fodder even before KH2... Trust me, it wouldn't have. KH: CoM's sales weren't anything to really gush over and it was recieved with minimal did get a bit more play thanks to KH2, but that's to be expected. I love Axel for CoM,'s CoM. and who's KH2 role was bigger, Axel's or Riku's? Axel's, assuredly, but Riku's just in an entirely different league than him. --- *kills self* Commit it to memory. |
Mac Arrowny | Posted 10/5/2006 4:21:28 PM | message detail |
As for KH2 affecting all of Square: Just look at the series contest. If KH2 had boosted all Square, Final Fantasy should've done much better than it did. Otherwise, even Mario would've beat it last year, and Zelda would've crushed it even harder. --- Pity for the guilty is treason to the innocent. |
MasterMoltar | Posted 10/5/2006 4:21:47 PM | message detail |
Snake will beat Mega Man in '07. And I wouldn't expect Axel to be that close to Riku... --- Back from the shadows... |
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/5/2006 4:22:49 PM | message detail |
As for KH2 affecting all of Square: Just look at the series contest. If KH2 had boosted all Square, Final Fantasy should've done much better than it did. Otherwise, even Mario would've beat it last year, and Zelda would've crushed it even harder. ...and what's to say that wouldn't have happened? The board's expectations? I'm sorry, but that's what got the FF brackets slaughtered in the first place. --- *kills self* Commit it to memory. |
Mac Arrowny | Posted 10/5/2006 4:23:02 PM | message detail |
Trust me, it wouldn't have. KH: CoM's sales weren't anything to
really gush over and it was recieved with minimal did get
a bit more play thanks to KH2, but that's to be expected. I love Axel
for CoM,'s CoM. So, where would you rank CoM Axel in the stats? Ulti suggested he'd be above Axel, which would put him around 19%. --- Yes, I asked this before, but I didn't get many answers. >_<. |
therealmnm | Posted 10/5/2006 4:23:21 PM | message detail |
And seriously, Axel's role in KH2 was a letdown after CoM. Sure he was
awesome in the beginning... but nothing really distinguished him from
the rest of Organization XIII after that. I'd even say that Demyx
stole the show from him in KH2. Axel's cool design nonwithstanding, if
he didn't have CoM and all the preview hype, I'd put him as Demyx's
equal in popularity. --- Vote for Soma Cruz Currently playing: Grand Theft Auto 3, Castlevania:Curse of Darkness, Mega Man ZX |
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/5/2006 4:23:55 PM | message detail |
I assume you mean pre-KH2 Ansem, I don't see CoM Axel above
him. But then again, he's the self-proclaimed master of all things KH,
so don't listen to me! --- *kills self* Commit it to memory. |
The n00b Avenger | Posted 10/5/2006 4:24:17 PM | message detail |
Axel had an extremely annoying catch phrase that people love to orgasm over though +10 popularity points --- ertyu and VeghEsther are truly proof that there is much about this world we still do not understand. |
KleenexTissue50 | Posted 10/5/2006 4:24:53 PM | message detail |
Not to mention that Demyx's boss fight was superior to Axel's. --- CB5 Points: 21/23, Current Oracle placement: 31/162 Now playing: Okami |
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/5/2006 4:25:14 PM | message detail |
"Commit it to memory." > anything Mega Man has done ...yes, I'm aware that's not the phrase that people orgasm over. BUT IT SHOULD BE. --- *kills self* Commit it to memory. |
therealmnm | Posted 10/5/2006 4:27:41 PM | message detail |
Pre-KH2 Axel still > Ansem to me. KH2 only allowed Axel to fully
realize his potential among the fanbase. He was still incredibly hyped
before the release of CoM/KH2. And KH fans ate up every
single preview tidbit that was dropped after KH (including Deep Dive,
etc.) Or am I the only one who remembered the tons of discussions about
"Unknown 1", "Duel-wielding unknown", etc.? --- Vote for Soma Cruz Currently playing: Grand Theft Auto 3, Castlevania:Curse of Darkness, Mega Man ZX |
MasterMoltar | Posted 10/5/2006 4:27:45 PM | message detail |
Demyx's boss fight was annoying. In fact, I can't remember much else about him save that fight. Axel's role in KH2 was still much bigger than his. --- Back from the shadows... |
Mac Arrowny | Posted 10/5/2006 4:28:04 PM | message detail |
Heh, I'd say that MM7's ending is enough to put Mega Man over anything
Axel's done. In 8 games, that was Mega Man's ONE great moment, but it
was absolutely incredible. --- Pity for the guilty is treason to the innocent. |
therealmnm | Posted 10/5/2006 4:28:39 PM | message detail |
Demyx's boss fight was annoying. In fact, I can't remember much else
about him save that fight. Axel's role in KH2 was still much bigger
than his. DANCE WATER DANCE! You really need to lurk among the KH fanbase more... <_<; --- Vote for Soma Cruz Currently playing: Grand Theft Auto 3, Castlevania:Curse of Darkness, Mega Man ZX |
LeonhartForever | Posted 10/5/2006 4:28:43 PM | message detail |
Is Axel really that far behind Riku? Axel's CoM role seems like it
would've been enough to make him high end fodder even before KH2... But Riku's portion of Chain of Memories is generally considered to be the highlight of the game,'d cancel out at best. and who's KH2 role was bigger, Axel's or Riku's? Axel's role wasn't that large in KHII, at least in terms of screen time, once you get past the introduction with Roxas. If you actually beat the game, Riku will have left a bigger impression on you, I think. --- Squall Leonhart's Road to the Character Battle V Championship: Round 1: Status of Tidus - LIONHEART'D |
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/5/2006 4:29:47 PM | message detail |
You're certainly not the only one, mnm, but you're talking about the
HARDCORE fanbase there, the one that followed and gobbled up the
previews like crazy. That's like saying Midna would have any semblance
of strength if we just threw her in the contest right now. Sure, she'll
have the hardcore Zelda vote, but to everyone else she simply wouldn't
be recognized. --- *kills self* Commit it to memory. |