GameFAQs Contests

Contest Stats and Discussion- Part 375
THEJackSparrow | Posted 10/3/2006 7:15:26 AM | message detail |
I have to hand it to you Draco, I'm convinced this isn't a Gordon with the strength he appeared to have through the 2k5 stats. Hey, I was arguing Gordon's non-linearity (a la Master Chief) first!! Congrats to Gordon on breaking 56% now! if Kratos gets, say, 40%+, would that make people feel better about Zero > Kirby? KOS-MOS got 38% on Ryu two years ago. 40% is well within manageable range for Kratos. Two possible projections (not accounting for a boost): Through Sora 2004: Kratos is at 22.98% on BL, meaning he gets 35.90% on 2004 Ryu, and 38.33% on 2005 Ryu. Through Alucard 2003: Kratos is at 24.52% on BL, meaning he gets 38.31% on 2004 Ryu, and 40.89% on 2005 Ryu. I only bring up 2004 Ryu because something about that match with Bowser seemed weird. Ryu has faced three Noble Niners and did better against all of them than he did against Bowser. Something seems off about that, and I certainly can't imagine him being much lower than where he already is. If anything, I would consider Ryu underrated. --- Captain Jack Sparrow's Run to the NCAA Character Contest II Championship: Week 2: Etna |
wavedash101 | Posted 10/3/2006 7:28:10 AM | message detail |
I wonder how the afterschool vote is gonna affect this? --- Our shields cannot withstand wavedashing of this magnitude! Board 8's Unofficial Master of the Phoenix Down |
THEJackSparrow | Posted 10/3/2006 7:31:12 AM | message detail |
I see Gordon increasing pretty much all day long. --- Captain Jack Sparrow's Run to the NCAA Character Contest II Championship: Week 2: Etna |
Kaxon | Posted 10/3/2006 7:32:23 AM | message detail |
Gordon is really trucking now. I hope Phoenix can stem the bleeding and
keep him under 57%... his best hope is probably after school voters not
knowing who either of them are and voting for Phoenix because he looks
cooler. --- ....TCELES B HSUP |
Zylo the wolf | Posted 10/3/2006 7:32:40 AM | message detail |
The universe is so screwed --- Supporter of Alucard. |
THEJackSparrow | Posted 10/3/2006 7:32:55 AM | message detail |
Speaking of increasing, that was a big update for Mr. Freeman. --- Captain Jack Sparrow's Run to the NCAA Character Contest II Championship: Week 2: Etna |
Kaxon | Posted 10/3/2006 7:35:24 AM | message detail |
Anyone have the time to calculate percentages by hour so far? --- ....TCELES B HSUP |
Aprosenf | Posted 10/3/2006 7:37:34 AM | message detail |
Gordon is steamrolling now. He's been getting about 62% or so each
update now, raising his total percentage by about 4-7 hundredths per
update. --- For the sake of simplicity, I'm going to refer to Gordon Freeman versus Tanner as Schrodinger's Match. -Phoenix Flattener |
YoAriel33 | Posted 10/3/2006 7:38:47 AM | message detail |
Keep hitting those 60's, Gordy! --- The Little Mermaid 2-Disc Platinum Edition DVD Coming October 3, 2006 |
XIII_rocks | Posted 10/3/2006 7:39:53 AM | message detail |
...XD This is superb. Not because Gordon is winning, because Phoenix isn't actually doing horribly. --- Sign plz AC2K6 Score: 20/20 Tomorrow: Gordon |
THEJackSparrow | Posted 10/3/2006 7:47:34 AM | message detail |
*sighs* I wish Ryu stood a chance of beating Mega Man. He's slowly but surely working his way through the entire Noble Nine. I'm sure he'll end up facing Crono next year somewhere. But for being such a solid competitor, it feels like he ought to be more than just ONE Sweet Sixteen appearance. Bah. Of course, I'm more upset about it than others due to being a big Ryu fan. --- Captain Jack Sparrow's Run to the NCAA Character Contest II Championship: Week 2: Etna |
voltch | Posted 10/3/2006 8:09:41 AM | message detail |
when does the after school vote hit though? --- Z1mZum humiliated me to hell and back in the Best.Series.Ever contest. |
Kaxon | Posted 10/3/2006 8:14:57 AM | message detail |
After school vote ramps up between 2:30 and 3pm eastern. --- ....TCELES B HSUP |
THEJackSparrow | Posted 10/3/2006 8:15:36 AM | message detail |
It's not quite that early. It's more like 3:30-4:00 P.M. --- Captain Jack Sparrow's Run to the NCAA Character Contest II Championship: Week 2: Etna |
THEJackSparrow | Posted 10/3/2006 8:26:47 AM | message detail |
At the 11:25 mark, this match has 49367 votes. To compare with other matches at the same time: Samus/Nidoran F - 49552 Jill/Sheena - 48895 Snake/Soma - 47475 Squall/Tidus - 50730 Wow, I kinda figured this match would've dropped off a bit by now. --- Captain Jack Sparrow's Run to the NCAA Character Contest II Championship: Week 2: Etna |
XIII_rocks | Posted 10/3/2006 8:28:56 AM | message detail |
Nice. So even Phoenix is quite the vote draw. Must be the objection
rallying (there's a link for it in the bottom-right hand corner of
every objection) --- Sign plz AC2K6 Score: 20/20 Tomorrow: Gordon |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 10/3/2006 8:36:40 AM | message detail |
After school vote started at exactly 3 eastern during Kairi/Claire, and ran for about 3 hours. TuRtLe ~~~ I used my brain and statistics to make my bracket. Karma Hunter used MGS fanboyism. KH won. Commit it to memory. |
Kaxon | Posted 10/3/2006 8:50:56 AM | message detail |
If you look at Kairi/Claire's percentage by 5 minute update and votes
by 5 minute update, it's pretty clear the shift started at 2:30 and
ramped up until 3, when it was basically in full swing. Another decent
example is Crono/MC from last year... there the votes per update really
start to increase at 11:40 (Pacific time) and the percentage takes a
big swing in MC's favor there too. 2:30-3 is really the time to watch
to spot any momentum swings. --- ....TCELES B HSUP |
BDawg | Posted 10/3/2006 8:54:36 AM | message detail |
Now that Gordon has finally won does that mean we can stop putting him
in brackets? The funny thing is Gordon has pretty much outlasted all
the people that beat him up until Leon. --- Should I start running now? |
SonicRaptor | Posted 10/3/2006 8:56:46 AM | message detail |
I'm just glad that stupid GFNW joke dies and that people can start
appreciating what Half-Life 2 did. Seriously, it's a fun game. --- Today's Subliminal Thought Is: |
Who Cares? | Posted 10/3/2006 8:59:17 AM | message detail |
Now that Gordon has finally won does that mean we can stop putting
him in brackets? The funny thing is Gordon has pretty much outlasted
all the people that beat him up until Leon. Heh, I was just about to post something along the lines of 'Will his match vs Sora be the last of his contest career?' Seriously, a good chunk of noms come from Board 8 simply because of GFNW! --- Chun-Li's Road to the Female Final Four: vs Lara Croft (October 21th) One down, two to go! *Just 7 days until Tales of the Abyss* |
XIII_rocks | Posted 10/3/2006 9:12:51 AM | message detail |
KNW will replace GFNW, now. Ceej overcompensates by putting him in unwinnable matches every year, so he can't be accused of rigging the contest in the favour of somebody he likes. Fair enough, I guess. --- Sign plz AC2K6 Score: 20/20 Tomorrow: Gordon |
KingBartz | Posted 10/3/2006 9:13:31 AM | message detail |
Freeman will always be nominated. It's part of who he is... Not that it will matter. We have less than 12 hours until our destruction is assured. --- UNIVERSE IMPLOSION IMMINENT! Time Remaining: 11 hours, 47 minutes! SC2K6: 20/21 Today's pick: Gordon Freeman |
KingBartz | Posted 10/3/2006 9:14:21 AM | message detail |
KNW? --- UNIVERSE IMPLOSION IMMINENT! Time Remaining: 11 hours! SC2K6: 20/21 Today's pick: Gordon Freeman |
XIII_rocks | Posted 10/3/2006 9:14:25 AM | message detail |
Pretty much. I'd forgotten! --- Sign plz AC2K6 Score: 20/20 Tomorrow: Gordon |
PartOfYourWorld | Posted 10/3/2006 9:23:00 AM | message detail |
Heh, I was just about to post something along the lines of 'Will his
match vs Sora be the last of his contest career?' Seriously, a good
chunk of noms come from Board 8 simply because of GFNW! I will always nominate Gordon. Only two of my nomination spots are reserved every year: one belongs to Gordon, and the other belongs to CATS. |
DaruniaTheGoron | Posted 10/3/2006 9:29:01 AM | message detail |
Gordon's really taking off now.. just as I thought. This is gona get UGLY. --- CB06 - Score: 20/21 Rank: Tied - 991st Yesterday's Pick: Sora Today's Pick: Gordon Tomorrow's Pick: Ryu Losses: Cortana |
XIII_rocks | Posted 10/3/2006 9:37:24 AM | message detail |
Damn, I had an orcale of 59.xx% before I changed it. -_- Oh well, hopefull Gordon can land on 60-ish% by the end! --- Sign plz AC2K6 Score: 20/20 Tomorrow: Gordon |
H__RR____H | Posted 10/3/2006 9:44:16 AM | message detail |
I'd like to see Gordon get 60+% out of pride, but
I'd like to see him stay under 60% out of tradition. In other words,
**** it. Let the chips fall where they may, heh. --- Damn, most of my dates involve mocking and/or beating up people like you and your bride-to-be, so I really have no advice --Horatio |
H__RR____H | Posted 10/3/2006 9:45:11 AM | message detail |
Oh... ...Phoenix Wright VS King of all Cosmos. Who do you take? --- Damn, most of my dates involve mocking and/or beating up people like you and your bride-to-be, so I really have no advice --Horatio |
Kaxon | Posted 10/3/2006 9:47:11 AM | message detail |
I nominated Gordon the last two years, but I probably won't nominate
him any more... it's not as funny now that he's won. CATS I would keep
nominating no matter what. --- ....TCELES B HSUP |
THEJackSparrow | Posted 10/3/2006 9:52:05 AM | message detail |
I'd still take the King of All Cosmos to beat Phoenix. It'd probably be a close one, but I'd feel confident enough. 57% breached for Mr. Freeman. --- Captain Jack Sparrow's Run to the NCAA Character Contest II Championship: Week 2: Etna |
creativename | Posted 10/3/2006 9:54:33 AM | message detail |
Regarding the fad, GFNW could now become GFNW-1 (GFNW minus one) Though I don't really expect to see Gordon back next year. I'm not sure how he made it this year. --- |
creativename | Posted 10/3/2006 9:55:12 AM | message detail |
What's KNW? --- |
THEJackSparrow | Posted 10/3/2006 9:57:31 AM | message detail |
The Mortal Kombat rendering of "CATS Never Wins." --- Captain Jack Sparrow's Run to the NCAA Character Contest II Championship: Week 2: Etna |
PartOfYourWorld | Posted 10/3/2006 9:57:41 AM | message detail |
Kratos Never Wins? I'm not sure if that's it, but if so, it won't hold up for long. CJayC would have to place him against guys like Ryu and Dante every year, and even then, he might overtake them somewhere down the line. |
PartOfYourWorld | Posted 10/3/2006 9:58:53 AM | message detail |
The Mortal Kombat rendering of "CATS Never Wins." ...? Not sure if you're joking, but why not just make it CNW? |
THEJackSparrow | Posted 10/3/2006 9:59:52 AM | message detail |
I'm pretty sure that, for some reason, it's
"Kratos Never Wins," but that doesn't really make sense, considering
he's faced two perennial midcarders so far and hasn't had an opponent
he could realistically beat yet. Plus, this is only his second contest. --- Captain Jack Sparrow's Run to the NCAA Character Contest II Championship: Week 2: Etna |
Xuxon | Posted 10/3/2006 10:00:06 AM | message detail |
The only thing I can think of is... Ken? But he's only been in two contests, anyway. --- Take off every sig. |
H__RR____H | Posted 10/3/2006 10:02:55 AM | message detail |
I think it's him saying Knuckles Never Left with an Elmer Fudd accent, then abbreviating it. --- Damn, most of my dates involve mocking and/or beating up people like you and your bride-to-be, so I really have no advice --Horatio |
PartOfYourWorld | Posted 10/3/2006 10:03:03 AM | message detail |
If God of War 2 is released anytime before Character Battle VI, Kratos will probably be stronger than Alucard next year. It's probably not a good idea to attach such a fad to a character with such good potential. |
Xuxon | Posted 10/3/2006 10:06:28 AM | message detail |
Wait, must be Kerrigan. But I really doubt we'd see her return at this point. --- Take off every sig. |
PartOfYourWorld | Posted 10/3/2006 10:08:05 AM | message detail |
Let's do Tanner Never Scores More Than 6%. TNSMT6%. It practically rolls off the tongue. |
Heroic Mario | Posted 10/3/2006 10:08:10 AM | message detail |
Whoa! Freeman really kicked it in since last night. Hopefully with the help of the after school vote he'll be able to get around 60%. --- "Master using it and you can have this." |
H__RR____H | Posted 10/3/2006 10:09:19 AM | message detail |
Somebody asked for hour-by-hour updates on Gordon
awhile back, and I too would like to see this. Would somebody care to
while I continue working on my homework? --- Damn, most of my dates involve mocking and/or beating up people like you and your bride-to-be, so I really have no advice --Horatio |
Xuxon | Posted 10/3/2006 10:21:30 AM | message detail |
Gordon's percentage by the hour: 1 52.80 2 55.08 3 56.43 4 56.00 5 57.17 6 56.93 7 57.20 8 57.60 9 58.23 10 59.09 11 60.88 12 59.98 13 60.69 --- Take off every sig. |
Haste_2 | Posted 10/3/2006 10:28:55 AM | message detail |
*wonders how well the perfects will do* Gordon/Leon destroyed the perfects and -1s last year...I think like 70% of them got that match wrong. We might be seeing 80% of the perfects suriving today. --- Sign the Petition for more stats in the GameFAQs Contests here: |
H__RR____H | Posted 10/3/2006 10:36:53 AM | message detail |
80% should be too big of a stretch, but I would believe low-to-maybe-even-mid-70's. --- Damn, most of my dates involve mocking and/or beating up people like you and your bride-to-be, so I really have no advice --Horatio |
H__RR____H | Posted 10/3/2006 10:39:53 AM | message detail |
Also, thanks Xux -- Gordon's just showing off now. I believe TRE did this one before, but I'm hoping at the end of the contest this year that somebody will do x-stats based on the first 30/60 minutes of each match so we can see what kind of board/night votes and such take place better. Hell, even 1/5 minutes would be cool, though I don't really like how few votes that would feature (at least it'd be a more concentrated board vote though)..... --- Damn, most of my dates involve mocking and/or beating up people like you and your bride-to-be, so I really have no advice --Horatio |
SonicRaptor | Posted 10/3/2006 11:30:06 AM | message detail |
I'm going to go ahead and say Freeman gets over 70% of the brackets. --- Today's Subliminal Thought Is: |