GameFAQs Contests

Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 373
Osfan | Posted 10/1/2006 8:32:23 AM | message detail |
Against Samus: Sonic: 42.49% Ganondorf: 40.34% LOL this is comical comparing a Nintendo vs. Nintendo SFF to a Sega versus Nintendo match if anything this should make sonic fans worry even more oh well at least we can all agree that Vince will lose by at least 5% whats going to be funny is when Ganon makes Sonic look on par with Vince ;-) --- "I'll do it with my magic!" Tellah-Final Fantasy 4 |
Tediz247 | Posted 10/1/2006 8:33:01 AM | message detail |
Damn it, why did I switch to Yoshi? It was one of two changes I made a
few hours before lockdown (the other being Snake > Mega Man, which I
still feel pretty good about). Now, to hold on to hope that Yoshi still
wins, I have to hope that Mario/Zero was accurate and Riku got a hell
of a boost from KH2. I think that's where I'll be losing my perfect
(Which means I still have the utmost confidence in Vincent!!) I'm still not worried about Zero. This is more evidence to me that the Devil Division was completely legitimate, and no ridiculous excuse is going to change my mind on that. --- That... was her final mission. And like a true soldier, she saw it through to the end. ZSB [aX] |
MarioSuperstar | Posted 10/1/2006 8:34:05 AM | message detail |
I changed to Dante > Yoshi the last minute. --- Dante vs. Ryu Hayabusa/ Bracket: Dante / Vote: Ryu (18/19) Tomorrow / Bracket: Sora / Vote: Tingle |
consolefreak | Posted 10/1/2006 8:43:33 AM | message detail |
Great performance by Dante today. Adds credence to Dante > Yoshi and Vincent > Ganondorf. By the way, with it's 19th straight "majority rules" decisions, this contest now holds the record for the most predictable start of all time. That's not necessarily true though. If the 19th first matches all had a prediction percentages of 50.01%, would you consider this contest to have the most predictable start of all time? But I agree that the start has been pretty predictable so far. Riku/Yoshi and especially The Boss/Celes and Kari/Claire were difficult though, IMO. Anyway, it's not like this was unexpected. We knew beforehand that there would only be 2 difficult matches in the first round of the female side (and then Joanna Dark/Cortana and Terra/Kerrigan, but Cortana and Kerrigan were obvious upset picks). If everything else goes as expected as well, the bracket should redeem itself shortly.'re expecting sales to translate that linearly? I didn't hear this from you before, Mr. 58%! They don't need to translate very linearly for HM to be right here, though. MGS3: Subsistence sold less than a 10th of its original counterpart, whereas DMC3: SE apparently sold about the same. Big difference. And, hey, Hayabusa should still bring this down a bit with the day vote, which should put this right in line with what the stats now project! Fancy that! So the Devil Division is not overrated? DMC3: SE is probably largely compensated by Ninja Gaiden Black. we might have to rely on... Terra?! Vincent! so what's the current status on yoshi/dante? Dante should have been the favourite to begin with. Their matches confirm this. Yoshi could win, but I really don't see it happening. Riku beating Ryu as badly as Sora? Doubtful. Against Samus: Sonic: 42.49% Ganondorf: 40.34% LOL this is comical comparing a Nintendo vs. Nintendo SFF to a Sega versus Nintendo match if anything this should make sonic fans worry even more oh well at least we can all agree that Vince will lose by at least 5% Yes, yes. A logical conclusion indeed. --- CB: 19/19. Today: Dante vs. Ryu. Tomorrow: Sora vs. Tingle. |
Who Cares? | Posted 10/1/2006 9:02:21 AM | message detail |
Votals at the halfway mark: Riku/Yoshi -- 63269 [2nd] Yuna/Roll -- 61936 [3rd] Dante/Ryu H -- 59701 Aeris/Marle -- 59514 [6th] The Boss/Celes -- 56916 [10th] Not bad! *Sigh* Vincent/Ganondorf can't come soon enough! --- Chun-Li's Road to the Female Final Four: vs Lara Croft (October 21th) One down, two to go! *Just 9 days until Tales of the Abyss* |
longbladeofhiko | Posted 10/1/2006 9:27:18 AM | message detail |
Hayabusa needs to break 35% so any Dante > Zero supporters will go away >_> --- WWEGSB Hardcore Legend Masa I jobbed to Z1mZum in the Guru Contest. Did you? |
__Smurf__ | Posted 10/1/2006 9:31:59 AM | message detail |
After today..... Who wins this 4 pack? Dante Kirby Knuckles Zero --- Smurf. The Cream of Knuckles Fanboyism. |
Cavalier Lowen | Posted 10/1/2006 9:49:36 AM | message detail |
After today..... Who wins this 4 pack? Dante Kirby Knuckles Zero Dante>Zero. Kirby is a massive fraud, the Devil Division is somewhat overrated, and Zero is the most deceptive fraud of all. I still have full confidence in Yoshi>Dante and Ganon>VV, along with Luigi>his fourpack. You can check my analysis topic for this match, I said Dante would approach, if not reach, a doubling, and that it would prove nothing except that Zero is a fraud. I guess I'll just have to wait till Luigi/Zero to see if I'm right. Though, I will have to revise my planned 55/45 Yoshi>Dante prediction, probably going to be a lot closer now (52/48 or so). Just curious, if Riku would beat Hayabusa with 60/40 (since that's honestly what I think would happen), what does that put Yoshi/Dante at, assuming Dante wins with around 65.5/34.5? --- Z1mZum owned me in the guru contest (by two points!). Damn you Z1mZum! |
creativename | Posted 10/1/2006 10:50:23 AM | message detail |
Unexpected day vote strength by Dante here. Yoshi is certainly looking like the big underdog now. The tables have turned! </Trogdor> --- |
__Smurf__ | Posted 10/1/2006 10:53:35 AM | message detail |
He's getting 65% on an Xbox character 2 years past his peak. Yoshi is so screwed! --- Smurf. The Cream of Knuckles Fanboyism. |
Mac Arrowny | Posted 10/1/2006 11:06:30 AM | message detail |
Then there's Ganon, but just as I said before Sonic should've gotten
stronger than in 2004, now I expect him to break 45% on Samus. Also
Sonic will be the big bracket favourite in this match. Ganondorf and Vincent are so screwed. Meh, it's not like Ganon's the favorite in Sonic/Ganon, like he would've been if the match were post-TP. But he's certainly got a chance to win that match, just like Male Winner has a chance to defeat Samus, and Cloud has a chance to defeat Link. For all you know, Sonic could suffer as big of a drop between 2k5 and 2k6 as he did between 2k2 and 2k3 (unlikely) and Ganon could boost as much as he did in both 2k4 and 2k5 (somewhat likely). --- Pity for the guilty is treason to the innocent. |
shadow8021 | Posted 10/1/2006 11:16:49 AM | message detail |
"LOL this is comical comparing a Nintendo vs. Nintendo SFF to a Sega versus Nintendo match" Wait a second, you mean Samus can SFF Ganondorf but NOT Nidoran F? --- Character Battle Score: 19/19 Today's Pick: Dante |
Kaxon | Posted 10/1/2006 11:19:33 AM | message detail |
He's getting 65% on an Xbox character 2 years past his peak. You keep repeating that, but that doesn't make it true. Ryu had the extremely well reviewed Ninja Gaiden Black within the last year. He also has by far his best picture ever today when two years ago he got stuck with horrible unrecognizable pictures. ... plus there's the fact that he ranked higher in 2005 than 2004, so by definition, his peak was not two years ago. --- ....TCELES B HSUP |
BDawg | Posted 10/1/2006 11:21:31 AM | message detail |
Heh, do we even know if Ganon is in TP? And I mean a cool OoT or WW Ganon, not some stupid pig demon crap. --- Should I start running now? |
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/1/2006 11:38:23 AM | message detail |
Dante has only been doing better as the day hits? Unexpected,
especially against this XBox character. Even if you don't believe in
Mario/Zero SFF at all, this projects Dante to be above his 2005 self. ...well, sucks to be Yoshi (and Ganon) right now! --- Commit it to memory. |
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/1/2006 11:39:08 AM | message detail |
Then again, I believe in a touch of SFF here -- but no one else does, sadly! =( --- Commit it to memory. |
Heroic Mario | Posted 10/1/2006 11:39:16 AM | message detail |
Yoshi? Yes. Affect Ganon? lol no. --- "Master using it and you can have this." |
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/1/2006 11:40:35 AM | message detail |
If DMC3: SE boosted Dante from an overrated status to significantly ABOVE that value, I'd hate to see what DoC did to Vincent! --- Commit it to memory. |
Heroic Mario | Posted 10/1/2006 11:42:17 AM | message detail |
You mean the same DoC that was reviled by even FFVII fans and sold less than half of what DMC3: SE has sold? Expect something huge! --- "Master using it and you can have this." |
__Smurf__ | Posted 10/1/2006 11:42:39 AM | message detail |
I'd hate to see what DoC did to Vincent! About the same that StH did for Shadow. --- Smurf. The Cream of Knuckles Fanboyism. |
consolefreak | Posted 10/1/2006 11:44:11 AM | message detail |
Just curious, if Riku would beat Hayabusa with 60/40 (since that's
honestly what I think would happen), what does that put Yoshi/Dante at,
assuming Dante wins with around 65.5/34.5? Dante wins with 51.87%. --- CB: 19/19. Today: Dante vs. Ryu. Tomorrow: Sora vs. Tingle. |
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/1/2006 11:47:08 AM | message detail |
You mean the same DoC that was reviled by even FFVII fans and sold
less than half of what DMC3: SE has sold? Expect something huge! I thought "no matter how DoC is received, Vincent should boost massively as he's only been running off of that singular role in FFVII and is now is receiving the role of a main character in DoC!" Not verbatim, of course! About the same that StH did for Shadow. It's not like we have Shadow in the contest to see any difference, nor would we be able to separate what was the overall Sonic boost and what was StH. That being said, I'd take him over Knuckles without too much sweating. And I'd hate it. --- Commit it to memory. |
MasterMoltar | Posted 10/1/2006 11:49:36 AM | message detail |
Dante unexpectedly winning the day vote?
Meh, I called for them to more or less split it, (If by winning the day
vote, you mean going up/down in percentage), which it looks to be. And there's no way I take Riku to 60-40 Hayabusa. I don't even see Dante/Yoshi as all that close anymore. --- It's MOOOOOOLLLLLTTTAAAARRRR!!!! |
Heroic Mario | Posted 10/1/2006 11:50:44 AM | message detail |
I thought "no matter how DoC is received, Vincent should boost
massively as he's only been running off of that singular role in FFVII
and is now is receiving the role of a main character in DoC!" Until... "DoC was received poorly beyond imagination, not even managing to get even average scores. Even then, the advertising was not in that big of abundance, even FFVII fans dislike the game, and it didn't sell particularly well! Not only that, but it's been so long and the game was so unmemorable that you rarely even hear about it anymore! lol massive boost" --- "Master using it and you can have this." |
consolefreak | Posted 10/1/2006 11:56:03 AM | message detail |
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster] |
longbladeofhiko | Posted 10/1/2006 11:57:26 AM | message detail |
I wish once Hayabusa was put in a situation where he could actually win
more than just one match, or be put against some guy who just needs
somebody to test his/her strength. --- WWEGSB Hardcore Legend Masa I jobbed to Z1mZum in the Guru Contest. Did you? |
consolefreak | Posted 10/1/2006 11:58:24 AM | message detail |
You mean the same DoC that was reviled by even FFVII fans and sold
less than half of what DMC3: SE has sold? Expect something huge! Reviled? Where did you get that idea? Gamerankings' user score: 7.4. Gamespot's user score: 7.9. Gametrailers' user score: 9.3. GameFAQs average: 69.5. For comparison, DMC2 scores 7.2, 7.3, 8.3 and 7.3 respectively. --- CB: 19/19. Today: Dante vs. Ryu. Tomorrow: Sora vs. Tingle. |
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/1/2006 12:00:00 PM | message detail |
"DoC was received poorly beyond imagination, not even managing to
get even average scores. Even then, the advertising was not in that big
of abundance, even FFVII fans dislike the game, and it didn't sell
particularly well! Not only that, but it's been so long and the game
was so unmemorable that you rarely even hear about it anymore! lol
massive boost" I wonder why you're arguing with your former self so vehmently! I wish once Hayabusa was put in a situation where he could actually win more than just one match, or be put against some guy who just needs somebody to test his/her strength. Hayabusa is cool and has okay strength, but he's really not a character that deserves to get past the second round. --- Commit it to memory. |
Heroic Mario | Posted 10/1/2006 12:06:53 PM | message detail |
Reviled? Where did you get that idea? Gamerankings user score: 7.4.
Gamespot's user score: 7.9. Gametrailer's user score: 9.3. GameFAQs
average: 69.5. I have not seen many people at all even give it the slightest of praises, and those people are FFVII fans. For those who aren't already fans of the game, I have not even heard that they played the game. People were heavily advised to stay far away from the game by virtually every critic imaginable. This isn't one of those "FFX-2 is hated by a select group of people." There really aren't that many people who have even played the game and even with those who have, it is hardly one that is accepted as good. The fact that people were willing to give that game that high of a score is honestly shocking to me. Now I have seen some ridiculous fanboys thinking the game is apparently so damn good that it deserves a 9 or a 10 -- AKA, people who would have already voted for Vincent. Most of what I have seen has been nothing but rather significant amounts of dislike toward the game, certainly enough to lower any type of boost that Vincent could have expected. If he gains anything other than a percent from it I would be rather shocked. I wonder why you're arguing with your former self so vehmently! Former self was so dumb. "Mega Man will rSFF Samus" dumb! =( --- "Master using it and you can have this." |
consolefreak | Posted 10/1/2006 12:12:14 PM | message detail |
I have not seen many people at all even give it the slightest of
praises, and those people are FFVII fans. For those who aren't already
fans of the game, I have not even heard that they played the game.
People were heavily advised to stay far away from the game by virtually
every critic imaginable. The fact that people were willing to give that game that high of a score is honestly shocking to me. Now I have seen some ridiculous fanboys thinking the game is apparently so damn good that it deserves a 9 or a 10 -- AKA, people who would have already voted for Vincent. Most of what I have seen has been nothing but rather significant amounts of dislike toward the game, certainly enough to lower any type of boost that Vincent could have expected. If he gains anything other than a percent from it I would be rather shocked. Have you been to the DoC board? It was pretty positive about the game last time I was there. And DoC does cater to new fans. I've read a lot of topics about people finally "getting the chance" to play a Final Fantasy game. Anyway, DoC is comparable to DMC2 on all fronts. Still gave Dante a solid boost. This isn't one of those "FFX-2 is hated by a select group of people." There really aren't that many people who have even played the game and even with those who have, it is hardly one that is accepted as good. Naturally. FFX-2 is actually liked by most gamers. --- CB: 19/19. Today: Dante vs. Ryu. Tomorrow: Sora vs. Tingle. |
Lopen | Posted 10/1/2006 12:14:04 PM | message detail |
Man, I wish I'd taken Dante > Snake right about now. I'm not saying
Dante's the favorite now or anything like that, I'm just saying I'd be
having a lot more fun trying to hype Dante as having a chance right
now. (And I do think he does... although very slight) Yoshi's not even a factor. Dinosaur's goin' down! --- Squall: "Hi, like Cloud from the last game, I am full of angst and am named after weather." - Slow Beef |
Heroic Mario | Posted 10/1/2006 12:16:17 PM | message detail |
Have you been to the DoC board? It was pretty positive about the game last time I was there. And DoC does cater to new fans. The last time I went to the DoC board was around the beginning of when the game came out. It wasn't really a positive place. Nowadays that's likely to have changed since the only people who would go there now are people who really enjoy the game -- and people enjoying that much make me want to weep for them when a great game comes along. I've read a lot of topics about people finally "getting the chance" to play a Final Fantasy game. The game only has sold around 200,000 copies. The amount of those who are just playing a Final Fantasy game, especially here, are going to be in an extreme minority. Anyway, DoC is comparable to DMC2 on all fronts. Still gave Dante a solid boost. It's comparable only in the fact that it is an action game that is not liked by that many people. I sincerely doubt you will see many new Vincent fans as a result of that game. Most people haven't even played it. --- "Master using it and you can have this." |
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/1/2006 12:23:31 PM | message detail |
You don't really need DoC to bring in "new" fans to the fold...after
all, it's not like most of this site hasn't played FFVII, and the vast
majority of those know who Vincent is. And of course, there's no way
Cloud or Sephiroth would even be argued here. Vincent has room to be
liked more -- and say what you will about DoC's gameplay, but Vinnie
comes off as nothing
less than cool, calm, and badass through every inch of the game. If you
played it, chances are you're going to like Vincent more. Why wouldn't
you? --- Commit it to memory. |
consolefreak | Posted 10/1/2006 12:23:40 PM | message detail |
The last time I went to the DoC board was around the beginning of
when the game came out. It wasn't really a positive place. Nowadays
that's likely to have changed since the only people who would go there
now are people who really enjoy the game -- and people enjoying that
much make me want to weep for them when a great game comes along. I went there at the beginning as well. It was mixed, sure, but most topics were like: this game's no Final Fantasy, but it's not a 5/10 either. And pretty much everyone who had played it, whether they had played it or not at least agreed on Vincent being badass. Reviews mentioned this as well: the gameplay sucks, but the story is pretty cool. The game only has sold around 200,000 copies. The amount of those who are just playing a Final Fantasy game, especially here, are going to be in an extreme minority. That is lackluster. Didn't it sell like 500,000+ in Japan? How are DMC2 sales? It's comparable only in the fact that it is an action game that is not liked by that many people. I sincerely doubt you will see many new Vincent fans as a result of that game. Most people haven't even played it. DMC2 did attract a lot of new fans? --- CB: 19/19. Today: Dante vs. Ryu. Tomorrow: Sora vs. Tingle. |
consolefreak | Posted 10/1/2006 12:24:37 PM | message detail |
Argh. That's "whether they liked it or not" --- CB: 19/19. Today: Dante vs. Ryu. Tomorrow: Sora vs. Tingle. |
Mac Arrowny | Posted 10/1/2006 12:41:14 PM | message detail |
Wait a second, you mean Samus can SFF Ganondorf but NOT Nidoran F? Really, I'd expect Metroid to have more in common with LoZ than with Pokemon, and for Nidoran F to be somewhat un-SFFable. And besides, Ganon himself is the most SFF'd character ever, so I don't see what's so odd about getting SFF against him and not Nidoran F. Besides, who says Nidoran F didn't get SFF'd? Pokemon seems stronger now than it ever was before. Anyway, DoC is comparable to DMC2 on all fronts. Still gave Dante a solid boost. Dante was behind Sprite Snake in 2k3, and dropped accordingly the next year. DMC2 didn't give him a boost, or if it did, it was absolutely tiny. Besides, DMC2 was far bigger relative to DMC1 than DoC is compared to FFVII. Like, five times bigger. Of course, we can also go back to my favorite FFX-2 comparison. I'd expect FFX-2 to boost Yuna at least five times as much as DoC boosted Vincent, so the more Vincent gets from DoC, the more underrated Ganon was last contest! --- Pity for the guilty is treason to the innocent. |
consolefreak | Posted 10/1/2006 12:58:02 PM | message detail |
Dante was behind Sprite Snake in 2k3 There was a clear picture of them in the background, though. and dropped accordingly the next year. He "dropped" less than 1 %. That can be attributed to a lot. Besides, Dante 2k4 still beats Dante 2k2 with over 54%. DMC2 didn't give him a boost, or if it did, it was absolutely tiny. Besides, DMC2 was far bigger relative to DMC1 than DoC is compared to FFVII. Like, five times bigger. Not really. Dante was the main character for both DMC1 and 2. The same can't be said for Vincent, who goes from secret character to main character. Of course, we can also go back to my favorite FFX-2 comparison. I'd expect FFX-2 to boost Yuna at least five times as much as DoC boosted Vincent, so the more Vincent gets from DoC, the more underrated Ganon was last contest! We all know Ganondorf's underrated in the 2k5 unadjusted stats. No sane Vincent supporter is arguing this: Vincent beats unadjusted Ganondorf with over 60%, before AC and DoC. --- CB: 19/19. Today: Dante vs. Ryu. Tomorrow: Sora vs. Tingle. |
Mac Arrowny | Posted 10/1/2006 1:03:29 PM | message detail |
There was a clear picture of them in the background, though. Indeed, although it's not really all that clear. It was a lesser effect in that match. How else do you explain Ryu doing worse than Frog? He "dropped" less than 1 %. That can be attributed to a lot. Besides, Dante 2k4 still beats Dante 2k2 with over 54%. Well, of course he went up between 2k2 and 2k4. DMC2 did help him a bit (although not as much as it looks like), DMC1 went GH, and Dante was in Viewtiful Joe. Not really. Dante was the main character for both DMC1 and 2. The same can't be said for Vincent, who goes from secret character to main character. Being a secret character isn't really all that relevent. We are, after all, on a FAQ website. And if Vincent was stronger than Aeris and Tifa before, how much more could he hope to gain? We all know Ganondorf's underrated in the 2k5 unadjusted stats. No sane Vincent supporter is arguing this: Vincent beats unadjusted Ganondorf with over 60%, before AC and DoC. I'm talking about adjusted Ganon being underrated. --- Pity for the guilty is treason to the innocent. |
Xuxon | Posted 10/1/2006 1:03:56 PM | message detail |
I just noticed, creativename predicted Gordon's upcoming win two years ago in a stats topic! Pretty incredible. Maybe Gordon's popularity goes up exponentially every year! At this rate, he'll win the whole thing in 2K6. Gordon Freeman in 2006! --- Take off every sig. |
voltch | Posted 10/1/2006 1:06:15 PM | message detail |
Ganon is probably not as strong as people say. --- Z1mZum humiliated me to hell and back in the Best.Series.Ever contest. |
Mac Arrowny | Posted 10/1/2006 1:13:56 PM | message detail |
Crono is probably going to lose to Auron. --- Pity for the guilty is treason to the innocent. |
consolefreak | Posted 10/1/2006 1:27:30 PM | message detail |
Indeed, although it's not really all that clear. It was a lesser
effect in that match. How else do you explain Ryu doing worse than Frog? Huh? Snake did better on Ryu, yes. Ryu being stronger than Frog, indicating that the pic factor was far less apparent. Well, of course he went up between 2k2 and 2k4. DMC2 did help him a bit (although not as much as it looks like), DMC1 went GH, and Dante was in Viewtiful Joe. He boosted over 2%, actually. According to Vgcharts, Viewtiful Joe's and DMC's accumulated sales for 2k3-2k4 are 204,500. I think it's safe to say that the grand majority of Dante's boosting came from DMC2. Being a secret character isn't really all that relevent. We are, after all, on a FAQ website. And if Vincent was stronger than Aeris and Tifa before, how much more could he hope to gain? What? Look at Cloud and Sephiroth. Obviously, there's a lot of room to gain. And being secret is very relevant. You don't think Vincent would've been stronger if he was as important to the story and as forced upon you as, say, Tifa? I'm talking about adjusted Ganon being underrated. Adjusted Yuna 2k5 beats Yuna 2k3 with 54.67%. This is very impressive, seeing as how FFX characters seem to be dropping (Tidus 2k3 beats Tidus 2k5 with 56.74%) . It's an Xs jump of 2.5%, despite Yuna not being very likeable story-wise (unlike Vincent and Dante for their games). --- CB: 19/19. Today: Dante vs. Ryu. Tomorrow: Sora vs. Tingle. |
Mac Arrowny | Posted 10/1/2006 1:49:05 PM | message detail |
Huh? Snake did better on Ryu, yes. Ryu being stronger than Frog, indicating that the pic factor was far less apparent. That's exactly what I said. Snake's underperformance was far smaller (though still existent) in that match. He boosted over 2%, actually. According to Vgcharts, Viewtiful Joe's and DMC's accumulated sales for 2k3-2k4 are 204,500. I think it's safe to say that the grand majority of Dante's boosting came from DMC2. VGCharts's American data is woefully incomplete. DMC sold a huge amount of its copies (1.3M total) between 2k2 and 2k4, and VJ/2 also had most of its sales in that period. What? Look at Cloud and Sephiroth. Obviously, there's a lot of room to gain. And being secret is very relevant. You don't think Vincent would've been stronger if he was as important to the story and as forced upon you as, say, Tifa? Cloud was terribly underrated in 2k2,and KH is a whole different ball game from DoC. KH appealed to non-FF fans, while pretty much the only people buying DoC are the most hardcore FFVII fans. Sure, it's possible that Vincent would've been stronger if he were more important to the story in FFVII. Being important to FFVII's story is a big deal. Being important to DoC's story, however, is not. Adjusted Yuna 2k5 beats Yuna 2k3 with 54.67%. This is very impressive, seeing as how FFX characters seem to be dropping (Tidus 2k3 beats Tidus 2k5 with 56.74%) . That's not impressive at all. FFX-2 did qutie well in comparison to FFX (more than half as well) and was actually liked by the majority of its fans. Plus, Yuna had your vaunted side character to main character shift. Tidus's drop is overblown. He went from getting 55% on Claire to getting 42% on Kirby over 3 years. Using 2k3 Tidus is just a joke. It's an Xs jump of 2.5%, despite Yuna not being very likeable story-wise (unlike Vincent and Dante for their games). As I recall, one of the reasons DMC2 was panned was Dante not being nearly as cool as he was in DMC1 or DMC3. Is DoC Vincent as good of a character as FFVII Vincent? Even if he is, I doubt he's liked better. Yuna's FFX-2 persona was quite different from her FFX persona, and most people who disliked her in FFX (which is a lot of people) liked her far more in FFX-2. --- Pity for the guilty is treason to the innocent. |
therealmnm | Posted 10/1/2006 1:51:46 PM | message detail |
Tidus's drop is overblown. He went from getting 55% on Claire to
getting 42% on Kirby over 3 years. Using 2k3 Tidus is just a joke. More like 41% on Sonic to 42% on Kirby! --- Vote for Soma Cruz Currently playing: Grand Theft Auto 3, Castlevania:Curse of Darkness, Mega Man ZX |
Mac Arrowny | Posted 10/1/2006 1:56:27 PM | message detail |
Kirby has a strength of 34.99 against Base Link. Sonic has a strength of 34.92 against Base Link. Kirby 50.10% 44,928 Sonic 49.90% 44,748 TOTAL VOTES 89,676 Kirby wins with 50.10% of the vote! A 179 vote margin of victory. Quite impressive on Tidus's part, IMO!! --- Pity for the guilty is treason to the innocent. |
Draco1214 | Posted 10/1/2006 2:09:28 PM | message detail |
Out of curiosity, where does Sam Fisher lie through 2005 Magus? --- Character Battle V Score - 19/19 points Current Prediction - Dante vs. Ryu Hayabusa |
Mac Arrowny | Posted 10/1/2006 2:18:07 PM | message detail |
Exactly where he is in the 2k5 stats. --- Pity for the guilty is treason to the innocent. |
consolefreak | Posted 10/1/2006 3:06:18 PM | message detail |
That's exactly what I said. Snake's underperformance was far smaller (though still existent) in that match. Actually, you just said "Dante was behind sprite Snake". I looked like you were suggesting some serious overratedness there. Anyway, the pic mattered, if at all, less than 1% Xs. VGCharts's American data is woefully incomplete. DMC sold a huge amount of its copies (1.3M total) between 2k2 and 2k4, and VJ/2 also had most of its sales in that period. Most of its sales still being pretty negligible. PS2's Viewtiful Joe's sales were just pitiful. And don't you have to complete the game once to play with Dante? As for DMC, I'd think the vast majority of its sales would have been before the first character battle. How many copies did it sell after the 2k2 contest? Cloud was terribly underrated in 2k2,and KH is a whole different ball game from DoC. KH appealed to non-FF fans, while pretty much the only people buying DoC are the most hardcore FFVII fans. I'm not saying Vincent's DoC boost will be comparable to Cloud's KH boost, I'm just saying Vincent still has a lot of potential to go up. Sure, it's possible that Vincent would've been stronger if he were more important to the story in FFVII. Being important to FFVII's story is a big deal. Being important to DoC's story, however, is not. He's still the main character. He's the one featured in the commercials, he's the one getting all the talks. It's like you're saying Cid would boost comparably from DoC. You don't believe this, right? Due to DoC's really crappy gameplay, it is, by many, played for its story. That's not impressive at all. FFX-2 did qutie well in comparison to FFX (more than half as well) and was actually liked by the majority of its fans. Plus, Yuna had your vaunted side character to main character shift. Yuna's FFX role was nothing like Vincent's FFVII role. She's considered a main character by a lot of people, her role is pretty much on a par with Tidus (who is the main character, of course), and she is the single most important person to the story line. FFX-2 had strong sales, but it did nothing to cater to new fans and it did nothing to expand on Yuna's character. If anything, it butchered her. Tidus's drop is overblown. He went from getting 55% on Claire to getting 42% on Kirby over 3 years. Using 2k3 Tidus is just a joke. And using 2k2 Claire is not a joke? He also got 41.17% on Sonic in 2k2. Compare that to 42% on Kirby. I was just showing that the FFX trend was dropping. Yuna raising like that is pretty impressive then. As I recall, one of the reasons DMC2 was panned was Dante not being nearly as cool as he was in DMC1 or DMC3. Is DoC Vincent as good of a character as FFVII Vincent? Even if he is, I doubt he's liked better. Yuna's FFX-2 persona was quite different from her FFX persona, and most people who disliked her in FFX (which is a lot of people) liked her far more in FFX-2. I can't comment on the DMC Dante's, only having briefly played the first edition, but I can say that DoC Vincent expands on Vincent's character in a very satisfying manner. Does it change it? Not really. But that was hardly necessarily. FFVII Vincent is mostly liked for his style and flair (he hardly speaks in that game). DoC adds on the badassery and gives him some more personality. And I beg to differ on Yuna FFX-2 being more liked than FFX Yuna. FFX-2 is liked by many for its gameplay and innovation (for FF). But for its characters? I have a really hard time believing this. --- CB: 19/19. Today: Dante vs. Ryu. Tomorrow: Sora vs. Tingle. |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 10/1/2006 3:09:22 PM | message detail |
I just realized that today's match spells trouble for most of the rest of my male bracket.... lol yoshi, zero and ganondorf TuRtLe ~~~ I used my brain and statistics to make my bracket. Karma Hunter used MGS fanboyism. KH won. Commit it to memory. |
MarioSuperstar | Posted 10/1/2006 3:15:11 PM | message detail |
I'm glad I have Dante > Yoshi, Kirby > Zeroo, and Vincent > Ganondorf! --- Dante vs. Ryu Hayabusa/ Bracket: Dante / Vote: Ryu (18/19) Tomorrow / Bracket: Sora / Vote: Tingle |