GameFAQs Contests

Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 371
KleenexTissue50 | Posted 9/28/2006 7:44:27 PM | message detail |
Not like anyone played KH2 anyway! --- CB5 Points: 15/16, Current Oracle placement: 19/158 Now playing: Xenosaga 3 (kinda) |
Master Moltar | Posted 9/28/2006 7:58:54 PM | message detail |
Patriot Division: Round 1 - Match 18 – (4)Squall Leonhart vs. (5)Tidus Moltar’s Analysis Squall Game/Series Known From: Final Fantasy VIII Extrapolated Rank in 2002: 20th (24.36%) Extrapolated Rank in 2003: 16th (31.72%) Extrapolated Rank in 2004: 19th (22.92%) - Adjusted Value:17th (29.58%) Extrapolated Rank in 2005: 11th (32.22%) Seed in 2002: 15 Seed in 2003: 6 Seed in 2004: 4 Seed in 2005: 2 Lost in 2002 to Sonic in Round 1 Lost in 2003 to Samus in the Round 3 Lost in 2004 to Cloud in the Round 3 Lost in 2005 to Vincent in Round 3 Hero of FF8 Tidus Game/Series Known From: Final Fantasy X Extrapolated Rank in 2002: 11th (33.80%) Extrapolated Rank in 2003: 13th (34.25%) Extrapolated Rank in 2004: 20th (22.82%) - Adjusted Value: 24th (25.35%) Extrapolated Rank in 2005: 24th (27.16%) Seed in 2002: 8 Seed in 2003: 5 Seed in 2004: 8 Seed in 2005: 4 Lost in 2002 to Sonic in Round 2 Lost in 2003 to Ganondorf in Round 1 Lost in 2004 to Mega Man in the Round 2 Lost in 2005 to Kirby in Round 2 Hero of FF10 Hero of FF8 vs. Hero of FF10?! Oh my, sounds like there could be some SFF here! But who will it go to, Squall or Tidus? Let’s find out. First, look at the Extrapolated Rankings of the characters over the years. As time passes, it seems that Squall gets stronger while Tidus gets weaker. Then again, Tidus was fresh off FFX back then, but it seems as time passes, the more he fades away. Squall still remains stronger, and thanks to the KH series, he seems to be getting stronger, thanks to a prominent role in the games. So now Squall, a guy who went toe-to-toe with Vincent last year, is facing Tidus, who got spanked against Kirby, who Squall beat 2 years ago. Wow, this already doesn’t even seem like it will be close. Now throw in some SFF and a possible KH2 boost for Squall, and you have Tidus on the receiving end of an ass-kicking. Moltar’s Bracket Says: Squall will win. Moltar’s Prediction is: Squall: 63% - Tidus: 37% Ulti’s Analysis This would have been a HUGE match last year, but now we've seen how much of a fraud Tidus 2003 is. Even with potential SFF (which would favor Squall, because FF fans hate Tidus more than him), I doubt this match deviates much from last year's stats. Prediction: Squall with 57.85% HM’s Analysis This match makes me hurt inside. I like both of these characters…but my preference is clearly toward Tidus – second best character ever! This match in 2003 would have great…or at least seemed great! Unfortunately, everything points to Squall winning this one without much trouble at all. Tidus – thanks to Magus – was overrated in 2003 and has gone from hanging with Ganon to getting beat down hard by Kirby, who Squall has beaten. The only way this match could get interesting is if the fanbase actually prefers Tidus over Squall. It’s a real stretch, but that’s about all Tidus has to work with. I would guess that this one gets a bit ugly and even uglier in the next round if there is anything to the Snake/Squall SFF theory – it seems Snake can SFF damn near everything! Aitch Emm’s Bracket: Squall Leonhart Aitch Emm’s Prediction: Squall Leonhart – 60.5% ; Tidus – 39.5% Aitch Emm’s Vote: Tidus |
Master Moltar | Posted 9/28/2006 7:59:28 PM | message detail |
Yoblazer’s Analysis If this match were held in 2002-2004, it would have easily been one of the most debated of the contest. I remember the long debates about which Final Fantasy hero was the second strongest, and I remember when Tidus had the upper hand in 2002 and throughout most of 2003. Needless to say, the tables have turned. Ever since his shocking win over Luigi in 2003, Squall Leonhart has establishes himself as FF's #2 hero. He beat Kirby without trouble in 2004, beat the surging Knuckles in a similar fashion in 2005, and then went 50/50 against Vincent Valentine in his next match. While Squall has been making impressive gains, Tidus has had a crap-filled spiral into the crappy depths of craptitude. He gave a decent effort but came up short against Ganondorf in Square's best contest year. In 2004, he got completely *****-slapped by Mega Man (did you guys know Heroic Mario called that match perfectly? No fooling. He did! Believe it! I do! Do you? You should! It's true!), and the poor guy suffered an even more humiliating loss against Kirby in 2005. At this point, the voters clearly favor Squall. Once you add Kingdom Hearts II and some Final Fantasy SFF in the mix, you have another painful, disappointing loss for Tidus. Serves him right. Know why? Because Squall is handsome; Tidus is just girlie. My prediction: Squall Leonhart def. Tidus (61-39) Lopen’s Analysis Man, think how debated this one would be had Kirby not embarrassed Tidus last year. Seriously, it's hard to think Tidus has a chance when Kirby beat him 57-43 or so… and when Squall beat Kirby 55-45 the year before. There's the infamous "Big N boost", but I'm still not quite buying that this is a debatable match. Luckily, I don't think any of you are either, so that makes my job easier. There is one thing this match has that can make it go really wack, and I'm sure my fellow analyzers will be spewing the letters SFF at every opportunity. But as for me? I really don't think so. I don't expect this match to get tainted by it that much. I think as the main character of their respective games, their games being probably about as popular as one another, and with a generation gap between FF8 and FFX to add to that, they should both hold their own pretty well. Something Fishy Factor in this match? Nope, Nothing Fishy Factor. Alright, maybe a little. Some But Not That Much Fishy Factor. (SBNTMFF, for those keeping score at home) Lopen's prediction: Squall Leonhart with 59.77% KH’s Analysis lol x-stats history SQUALL LEONHART "I'm not having anyone talk about me in the past tense!." Summer 2002 Contest Extrapolated Strength --- 20th Place [24.36%] Summer 2003 Contest Extrapolated Strength --- 16th Place [30.7% ] Summer 2004 Contest Extrapolated Strength --- 17th Place [29.58%] Summer 2005 Contest Extrapolated Strength --- 12th Place [32.22% ] My former personal favorite Final Fantasy character (well, tied with Vincent) has a place near and dear to my heart. And apparently much of GameFAQs feels the same way, because, 2002 outing aside, Squall has been a force in these contests, and we all took notice the first time we saw him beat Luigi to within an inch of his life. It's much deserved, too -- whether it be in Final Fantasy VIII or Kingdom Hearts, Squall has all kinds of awesome going for him. It's a shame that he got kind of screwed this contest by getting Solid Snake in the second round (though he has more of a shot than you might think), so we're not going to be able to see him stretch his new KH2 wings much. Not to mention he still has that whole Devil Division baggage potentially hampering him. Then again, if Squall wanted an upset run that would make his win over Luigi look like child's play, the time is now... WOO SQUALL |
Master Moltar | Posted 9/28/2006 8:00:45 PM | message detail |
TIDUS "I know it's selfish...but this is my story!" Summer 2002 Contest Extrapolated Strength --- 11th Place [33.8%] Summer 2003 Contest Extrapolated Strength --- 13th Place [33.14% ] Summer 2004 Contest Extrapolated Strength --- 24th Place [25.35%] Summer 2005 Contest Extrapolated Strength --- 26th Place [27.16% ] However !! Spotlight falls now on Tidus for me -- the man who is now my new favorite FF character! I didn't think it would be possible for anyone to beat out the Squincent duo, but Tidus through his actions in FFX cracked into my top ten. And it's a damn shame that he's just a midcarder in all probability...though I can't say he's entirely blameless for it. <_< He's also known in these contests for being a fraud, though that's more Magus' fault than anything. Still, the once thought near-elite now just a midcarder...and worse he's in a virtually unwinnable match -- a SFF match at that, so no love there. I mean, come on, he could decimate 95% of the women's field... Notable Releases Since Last Appearance Squall Leonhart: Kingdom Hearts 2 (PS2) Tidus: N/A Upcoming Releases Squall Leonhart: N/A Tidus: N/A This is a boring match that won't tell us much about either character thanks to the SFF potential. Squall is a lock here, alright -- they've got the common opponent in Kirby, Squall won big while Tidus lost bigger. The percentages might be weird depending on which way the core fanbase splits, but the only thing to watch out for in this match will be seeing two of the best characters going at it -- and the inevitable fanboy arguments that will ensue. Karma Hunter's Vote: Tidus. I considered abstaining, but Tidus needs a bit of support. Karma Hunter's Krazy Prediction: Squall Leonhart with 64.22%. A safe, boring pick that exceeds the X-Stats' prediction by enough to call some SFF on it. Um...yay. Upset Potential: 1% After a lot of thought, Tidus doesn't have zero chance in this matchup...sure it might as well be, but he's got one thing on his side -- without Kingdom Hearts, there's very strong case for Tidus > Squall. That doesn't mean much since Kingdom Hearts, y'know, exists and all that, but if Tidus is stronger than Squall without it, there's a case for scoring SFF there. And if you score enough SFF, it could theoretically overcome the KH disadvantage and become a win by rSFF! Of course, that would make us have to assume that Tidus could score major SFF on Squall (we're talking Cloud-like here), assume that Tidus is stronger than Squall without KH in the first place (hey, Snake/Squall strangeness!), and a bunch of other ridiculous factors that contradict what's staring us straight in the face. Chalk up even this 1% potential to newly found Tidus fanboyism. Upset Prediction: Tidus with 51.08% Guest’s Analysis - Ken "Cena" Masters First things first, it's good to be doing an analysis write-up again. It feels like it's been a little too long since I was a full-time part of the crew. Secondly, I don't think there is any need to bring up past polls to describe voting patterns either. This is 2006, not 2005, and definitely not 2004. Kirby won't have dick-all to do with anything this year. |
Master Moltar | Posted 9/28/2006 8:00:57 PM | message detail |
So without further adieu, we'll get on with it.
Now, the match I have the pleasure of addressing is Squall Leonhart vs
Tidus. Let's get a few things out of the way. Both are from Final
Fantasy games in which they're the main character. They're also pretty
similar from what I've surmised. I haven't gotten far in FFX, and I've
yet to play FF8, but I'm sure it won't make a hell of a lot of
difference on voting. Basically, the character's personalities seem to
be similar. So, how much does this lend to those magical three letters
that everybody will be mouthing the moment they read this sentence? Probably not a whole lot. Neither picture seems to show any amount of man-boobies that could bring in quite a few number of votes. Oh... thought I meant SFF? With the characters being so similar (which I previously mentioned), I think these two are even in the amount of fans they've got. Unless I'm totally rusty at this whole 'analysis' thing, I'll bet SFF means just as much as TJF... well, slightly more, but it won't be why anybody's going to win this. You know how much I exaggerate things, Board 8. I'm not sure what most people are thinking about this one, to be honest. Somebody out there is going to think it'll be a squash, but I'm on the fence. It's fairly easy to guess that Squall's going to win, but by how much? I'm not a fan of the X-Stats, but I can guess that it'll show Squall winning by a fair margin. The thing about that is that's pretty obvious without knowing X-Stats. Some brackets have Tidus winning, and more have Squall winning. It's just the way it is, and I think the majority's got it right. There are quite a lot of factors in this match that could lend to either character, but I think I'm pretty safe with what I've got in the bracket, and who I plan on voting for. Ken "Cena" Masters' (Still Perfect) Bracket Pick: Squall Leonhart Ken "Cena" Masters' Prediction: Squall Leonhart with 57.21%. |
Karma Hunter | Posted 9/28/2006 8:01:47 PM | message detail |
Y'know, I forgot to give Tidus a WOO. I feel bad now. WOO TIDUS WOO TIDUS WOO TIDUS --- Commit it to memory. |
Mac Arrowny | Posted 9/28/2006 8:02:57 PM | message detail |
What's up with all the Tidus fanboyism on the Crew? Stuff like that makes me fear for the future of the stats topic... --- Pity for the guilty is treason to the innocent. |
Draco1214 | Posted 9/28/2006 8:03:33 PM | message detail |
It's because Tidus is awesome and infinitely better than that lamer Squall. --- Character Battle V Score - 17/17 points Current Prediction - Squall Leonhart vs. Tidus |
AmazingKirby | Posted 9/28/2006 8:04:29 PM | message detail |
I think Session alone should give Riku 10,000 votes. But yeah, Tidus totally owns that lamer Squall. Also has a 100x better girlfriend. --- caps |
trannyscience | Posted 9/28/2006 8:07:55 PM | message detail |
you can add me to the Tidus > Squall bandwagon! which isn't to say I love Tidus, just that he's better than Squall. --- xyzzy |
Karma Hunter | Posted 9/28/2006 8:08:09 PM | message detail |
What's up with all the Tidus fanboyism on the Crew? Stuff like that makes me fear for the future of the stats topic... It's really just me (and I'm still on an FFX high after playing it less than a month ago) and HM --- Commit it to memory. |
KleenexTissue50 | Posted 9/28/2006 8:08:38 PM | message detail |
Tidus is NOT better than Squall. That's a damn lie. --- CB5 Points: 15/16, Current Oracle placement: 19/158 Now playing: Xenosaga 3 (kinda) |
trannyscience | Posted 9/28/2006 8:09:05 PM | message detail |
Speck of Dust beats Squall! --- xyzzy |
Master Moltar | Posted 9/28/2006 8:09:58 PM | message detail |
You can always look towards me for indifference towards Tidus! Also, two of my favs beat him (Ganon and Kirby), but he beat one of them (Shadow). I wonder when it will be Yoshi's turn to own him... --- Moltar Status: Feeling good and hot-blooded. Snake vs. Soma - Bracket: Snake - Vote: Snake (15/16) |
trannyscience | Posted 9/28/2006 8:10:33 PM | message detail |
that comment makes me wonder how a Kirby/Yoshi match would go. --- xyzzy |
KleenexTissue50 | Posted 9/28/2006 8:12:11 PM | message detail |
I'd take Kirby, but only by a bit. Yoshi just seems to flaky to me. --- CB5 Points: 15/16, Current Oracle placement: 19/158 Now playing: Xenosaga 3 (kinda) |
Karma Hunter | Posted 9/28/2006 8:13:17 PM | message detail |
Stop blaming Yoshi! You can't fault him for getting destroyed by THE KING OF SFF Also, I'd take Kirby over Yoshi in a close one. --- Commit it to memory. |
MarioSuperstar | Posted 9/28/2006 8:24:25 PM | message detail |
Hm.. Kirby rSFF'd a stronger Bowser. --- Squall Leonhart vs. Tidus / Bracket: Squall / Vote: Tidus (16/17) Tomorrow / Bracket: Yoshi / Vote: Yoshi |
Yesmar | Posted 9/28/2006 8:28:11 PM | message detail |
Let me try something new for today's match. Analyzing what I think are
the most extreme scenarios on both sides, but that I feel are still
within the realm of possibility. Now keep in mind that often I won't
agree with some of these assumptions myself; I'm just posting what I
think is most extreme and *possible* if not *probable* Extreme Scenarios: Squall Vs. Tidus Scenario 1: Squall with 51.46% Only lately has the spectre of rSFF begun to be talked about in this match, albeit partly by me. A lot of people are calling for Squall to lay the SFF beatdown on Tidus, but it's possible that he might not. Squall might be more popular than Tidus, but Final Fantasy X is most likely more popular than Final Fantasy VIII. Tidus might be able to use this to not only avoid getting SFFed, but to actually do some rSFFing himself. Combine this with a possible overrated Squall from the Devil Division and you have the preceding result. Scenario 2: Squall with 73.67% Or, the exact opposite could happen. Final Fantasy VIII might be more popular than FFX, or that factor might be a non issue as Squall lays a gigantic beatdown on Tidus. Both of them being main characters would only make this more extreme. Combine this with a possible overrated Tidus from Bowser/Kirby overperforming and you get the preceding result. --- Z1mZum totally owned me in the July 2006 Guru Contest The Funky Chickens in Trivia XVIII |
cyko | Posted 9/28/2006 8:32:15 PM | message detail |
What's up with all the Tidus fanboyism on the Crew? Stuff like that makes me fear for the future of the stats topic... bah. Tidus and Squall were both lousy characters. --- i have officially been Z1mZum'D in the guru contest. Vincent Valentine to win the Blast Division!! |
cyko | Posted 9/28/2006 8:39:14 PM | message detail |
is anyone else amused by the irony of this match? we complained about
how boring the female half was, but then the male half starts up with
the most boring match we've had so far. after the first 20 minutes,
this match hasn't fluctuated more than 0.5%. *YAWN* i also caught up on the last topic or two (this was a lousy time for work to get busy again!) and i am a bit surprised about the lofty expectations people had for Soma Cruz. i thought i was bring generous by considering him to be likely to be stronger than Manny and most other fodder. what about Soma or his image is likable or memorable? despite the portable Castlevanias being great games, none of them were very story or character heavy. it was the gameplay that made them stand out. now that i think about it, i loved the GBA Castlevanias and i can't even remember who the main character was in any of them. *shrugs* --- i have officially been Z1mZum'D in the guru contest. Vincent Valentine to win the Blast Division!! |
BDawg | Posted 9/28/2006 8:39:16 PM | message detail |
Man all the previous pages makes me wish Ganon/Vincent was today
instead of girly man battle. And sure Snake is beating down grade A
fodder but I still can't help but imagine his future acronym
(MGS4/SSBB) infused self. --- Should I start running now? |
AmazingKirby | Posted 9/28/2006 8:40:33 PM | message detail |
is anyone else amused by the irony of this match? we complained
about how boring the female half was, but then the male half starts up
with the most boring match we've had so far. after the first 20
minutes, this match hasn't fluctuated more than 0.5%. *YAWN* I was thinking the same thing. Even Lara/Alyx was more exciting. will get better. --- caps |
trannyscience | Posted 9/28/2006 8:41:23 PM | message detail |
what about Soma or his image is likable or memorable? despite the
portable Castlevanias being great games, none of them were very story
or character heavy. it was the gameplay that made them stand out. now
that i think about it, i loved the GBA Castlevanias and i can't even
remember who the main character was in any of them. *shrugs* I ask the same question about Alucard, yet he's got some strength. --- xyzzy |
BDawg | Posted 9/28/2006 8:41:51 PM | message detail |
Personally I like seeing a strong character crush fodder more than near fodder crushing fodder, but that's just me. --- Should I start running now? |
KleenexTissue50 | Posted 9/28/2006 8:42:28 PM | message detail |
I ask the same question about Alucard, yet he's got some strength. The Plan. Duh. --- CB5 Points: 15/16, Current Oracle placement: 19/158 Now playing: Xenosaga 3 (kinda) |
AmazingKirby | Posted 9/28/2006 8:42:43 PM | message detail |
That's true, but at least Lara/Alyx was unexpected...sort of. --- caps |
The n00b Avenger | Posted 9/28/2006 8:43:15 PM | message detail |
Alucard has funny voice clips Not as funny as Richter but oh well --- ertyu and VeghEsther are truly proof that there is much about this world we still do not understand. |
TheCruelAngel | Posted 9/28/2006 8:43:43 PM | message detail |
Man, Alucard being string for a CV character is easily explained. SotN had the killer voice-acting! Richter would get a 99% on Cloud. Believe! --- Warden: Talk! What is SeeD all about!? Squall: ...Flower. |
TheCruelAngel | Posted 9/28/2006 8:44:10 PM | message detail |
o wow beetin --- Warden: Talk! What is SeeD all about!? Squall: ...Flower. |
trannyscience | Posted 9/28/2006 8:44:27 PM | message detail |
if that's the case, Fox is a Link-killer! --- xyzzy |
wavedash101 | Posted 9/28/2006 8:47:04 PM | message detail |
Tidus>>>>Squall. Ohh yes I went thier....right after 12 other people did, but i went there nontheless! --- Our shields cannot withstand wavedashing of this magnitude! Board 8's Unofficial Master of the Phoenix Down |
trannyscience | Posted 9/28/2006 8:50:03 PM | message detail |
Snake with... 91.23%. --- xyzzy |
Draco1214 | Posted 9/28/2006 8:50:25 PM | message detail |
Snake with 95% of the brackets. --- Character Battle V Score - 17/17 points Current Prediction - Squall Leonhart vs. Tidus |
The n00b Avenger | Posted 9/28/2006 8:50:47 PM | message detail |
More like 98.52%!! --- ertyu and VeghEsther are truly proof that there is much about this world we still do not understand. |
trannyscience | Posted 9/28/2006 8:51:32 PM | message detail |
y'all are nuts. NUTS --- xyzzy |
cyko | Posted 9/28/2006 8:52:58 PM | message detail |
How do you guys think The Little Mermaid DVD (2-Disc Platinum Edition coming October 3) will affect upcoming matches? there will be a sharp decline in votes because so many people will be busy watching the serious awesomeness that is The Little Mermaid!!! Now why would a match with two high profile characters like Kirby and Bowser score the lowest votals of the 2005 contest? i've always thought there was something fishy about Kirby vs. Bowser, which is why i took Zero over Kirby. i agree that the unusually low vote totals are another point against that match being completely legit. i dunno. there's just too many question marks about the matches involving all of these near-elite characters: Vincent, Ganon, Squall, Bowser, Zero, Kirby, Dante, Sora, Yoshi, Knuckles, Luigi, and maybe even Magus. i really don't know what (if anything) it would prove if Squall only barely beats Tidus with 54% or if Squall doubles Tidus. we're still just gonna be guessing who's overrated and who's underrated for the next month or so. that being said, my best guess is that Squall won't SFF Tidus that much, but it will turn out that Kirby overperformed last year (dropping Tidus's value), giving a Squall a 60 - 61% win. --- i have officially been Z1mZum'D in the guru contest. Vincent Valentine to win the Blast Division!! |
AmazingKirby | Posted 9/28/2006 8:55:01 PM | message detail |
I'm definitely buying The Little Mermaid DVD. Also, it will boost Kairi
by 10% because she has the same color hair as Ariel, whose awesomeness
will be represented in Kairi. Oh, Axel too. Red Hair Factor! --- caps |
dragoontheguy | Posted 9/28/2006 8:57:04 PM | message detail |
I have a feeling that squall is either going to bomb horribly and pull
through by the skin of his teeth, or obliterate Tidus worse then we all
expect him to. I have no idea why. --- When D... I'd be able to finish this sig if Z1mZum didn't own me so hard in the guru contest. Congrats on your victory! |
Master Moltar | Posted 9/28/2006 9:00:14 PM | message detail |
Squall Leonhart 66.67% 6 Tidus 33.33% 3 TOTAL VOTES 9 Woo! --- Moltar Status: Feeling good and hot-blooded. Squall vs. Tidus - Bracket: Squall - Vote: Squall (16/17) |
trannyscience | Posted 9/28/2006 9:00:30 PM | message detail |
whoa, foot in my mouth twice today with that there 96%. --- xyzzy |
dragoontheguy | Posted 9/28/2006 9:00:33 PM | message detail |
Squall Leonhart 75.78% 97 Tidus 24.22% 31 TOTAL VOTES 128 Go Squall! --- When D... I'd be able to finish this sig if Z1mZum didn't own me so hard in the guru contest. Congrats on your victory! |
Master Moltar | Posted 9/28/2006 9:00:38 PM | message detail |
96.53% for Snake. Not bad... --- Moltar Status: Feeling good and hot-blooded. Squall vs. Tidus - Bracket: Squall - Vote: Squall (16/17) |
TheCruelAngel | Posted 9/28/2006 9:00:51 PM | message detail |
Squall Leonhart 71.01% 147 Tidus 28.99% 60 Oh yes!! --- Warden: Talk! What is SeeD all about!? Squall: ...Flower. |
ShadowOwns | Posted 9/28/2006 9:00:51 PM | message detail |
Squall Leonhart 107.69% 42 Tidus 25.64% 10 TOTAL VOTES 39 xD --- 7 days! Lovin Oil Country. |
Master Moltar | Posted 9/28/2006 9:01:31 PM | message detail |
Squall > Mega Man, Book it! --- Moltar Status: Feeling good and hot-blooded. Squall vs. Tidus - Bracket: Squall - Vote: Squall (16/17) |
AmazingKirby | Posted 9/28/2006 9:02:05 PM | message detail |
Cloud would get like 90% on Tidus. ;_; --- caps |
Shivan Dragon 23 | Posted 9/28/2006 9:02:15 PM | message detail |
Does Tidus like embarrassing himself every year? --- ~Shivan Reincarnated~ |
charmander6000 | Posted 9/28/2006 9:02:19 PM | message detail |
Squall Leonhart 68.34% 259 Tidus 31.66% 120 TOTAL VOTES 379 The percent will drop, but looks like 40% is out of reach for Tidus. --- "I was trying to escape. Obviously, it didn't work." - President Bush |
Janus5000 | Posted 9/28/2006 9:02:24 PM | message detail |
Squall Leonhart 68.34% 259 Tidus 31.66% 120 TOTAL VOTES 379 Geez, when I voted, Squall had 70%... it should go down, as it was when the poll froze. --- "Those who cast the vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything." |