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Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 368

Karma Hunter | Posted 9/24/2006 8:25:57 PM | message detail
Samus may have been in the first match this contest, but she hasn't been in a relatively high vote match since 2004...what happened?
Commit it to memory.
longbladeofhiko | Posted 9/24/2006 8:26:53 PM | message detail
Metroid Prime 2 happened

WWEGSB Hardcore Legend And Tag Champ Masa
I jobbed to Z1mZum in the Guru Contest. Did you?
The_Ocelot | Posted 9/24/2006 8:29:16 PM | message detail
The vast majority of Xbox owners don't own a Halo game.

Are you serious? Statistics show that approximately 50% of people who own an Xbox own a Halo game.
sig your as this use backwards this read to enough dumb were you if
Mac Arrowny | Posted 9/24/2006 8:32:16 PM | message detail
Sprite >> Navi as far as Link sidekicks are concerned!

Sprite rocks! I wish she could be in this contest. I was always disappointed in Link for being obsessed with Zelda and not just doing it with Sprite.

Vast majority? In't it like 8 million/23 million consoles or something?

Something like that. You don't consider 2/3 a vast majority?

Samus may have been in the first match this contest, but she hasn't been in a relatively high vote match since 2004...what happened?

A lot of her matches have been SFF matches. In fact, her 5 matches have been: Yuri, 3 SFF matches, and Frog. CT isn't normally a huge vote draw either, so it's understandable that there hasn't been anything impressive.

Metroid/Pokemon was pretty great even despite being an SFF match. I'm sure that Samus/Tifa and Samus/Crono can do great too.
Pity for the guilty is treason to the innocent.
therealmnm | Posted 9/24/2006 8:38:58 PM | message detail
Something like that. You don't consider 2/3 a vast majority?

Well, if that's the case then SSBM has pathetic ownership. I mean, it's only owned by like what... 25% of Gamecube owners? Terrible...
Vote for Soma Cruz
Currently playing: Grand Theft Auto 3, Castlevania:Curse of Darkness, Mega Man ZX
Karma Hunter | Posted 9/24/2006 8:40:22 PM | message detail
Halo/Halo 2's ownership ratio to XBox owners is godlike. Sure, it's not even close to 50%, but I can think of maybe ONE game that even approaches that number.
Commit it to memory.
Heroic Mario | Posted 9/24/2006 8:40:34 PM | message detail
Yuna getting more individual votes than Samus is funny.

It helps that Samus's match was on a weekday, too.

"Master using it and you can have this."
HaRRicH | Posted 9/24/2006 8:41:11 PM | message detail
With this subject up, I gotta ask something I've wondered: does anybody have the sales or stats of the best-selling game of each major system, then are able to see what percentage of system-owners had it by their sales?

I understood that, before Halo 2, that SM64 had the highest ownership percentage...but I was curious for all the other systems as well.
Z1mZum performed a hit and run on me in the Guru Contest.
It still hurts to be rear-ended like that.....
therealmnm | Posted 9/24/2006 8:43:14 PM | message detail
With this subject up, I gotta ask something I've wondered: does anybody have the sales or stats of the best-selling game of each major system, then are able to see what percentage of system-owners had it by their sales?

It gets kinda skewed for pre-N64 systems due to pack-ins...
Vote for Soma Cruz
Currently playing: Grand Theft Auto 3, Castlevania:Curse of Darkness, Mega Man ZX
HaRRicH | Posted 9/24/2006 8:44:34 PM | message detail
True...well, the other systems then?
Z1mZum performed a hit and run on me in the Guru Contest.
It still hurts to be rear-ended like that.....
Heroic Mario | Posted 9/24/2006 8:45:54 PM | message detail
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
Heroic Mario | Posted 9/24/2006 8:46:59 PM | message detail
NES -- 60 million / SMB -- 40 million
SNES -- 50 million / SMW -- 20 million
N64 -- 33 million / SM64 -- 12 million
PSX -- 100 million / Gran Turismo -- 11 million
PS2 -- 100 million / GTA: VC -- 14 million
GB -- 118 million / Pokemon R/B -- 31 million
GBA -- 74 million / Pokemon R/S -- 14 million
Xbox -- 24 million / Halo 2 -- 8 million
GCN -- 20 million / SSBM -- 6 million

Something like that.

"Master using it and you can have this."
therealmnm | Posted 9/24/2006 8:48:51 PM | message detail
The N64 only sold 33 million? Wow, and looking at the sales of the SNES and NES... The Playstation really DID expand the video game industry. Or are those just a bunch of replacement sales? I DID have to buy another PS1... <_<
Vote for Soma Cruz
Currently playing: Grand Theft Auto 3, Castlevania:Curse of Darkness, Mega Man ZX
HaRRicH | Posted 9/24/2006 8:50:22 PM | message detail
Thanks HM. Would ya happen to have the Dreamcast's or Genesis's numbers, too?
Z1mZum performed a hit and run on me in the Guru Contest.
It still hurts to be rear-ended like that.....
Heroic Mario | Posted 9/24/2006 8:52:45 PM | message detail
I forgot the DS!

NDS -- 21 million / Nintendogs -- 8 million
Dreamcast -- 11 million / Sonic Adventure -- 2 million
Genesis -- 33 million / Sonic the Hedgehog 2 -- 5 million

There we go!

"Master using it and you can have this."
Team Rocket Elite | Posted 9/24/2006 8:53:56 PM | message detail
NDS -- 21 million / Nintendogs -- 8 million

Just 4 more days!
I got pwnt by Z1mZum in the July 2006 Guru Contest.
Support Toadette for the Summer 2006 Contest!
Who Cares? | Posted 9/24/2006 8:54:12 PM | message detail
Wow, kinda suprised the votals didn't tail off for this one. Heh, and I just realized Dante/Ryu H. will be the first weekend match that doesn't feature a Square character.
Chun-Li's Road to the Female Final Four: vs Kasumi (Septemeber 26th)
*Just 16 days until Tales of the Abyss*
Draco1214 | Posted 9/24/2006 8:54:23 PM | message detail
Nintendogs? Ew...
Character Battle V Score - 13/13 points
Current Prediction - Joanna Dark vs. Cortana
MarioSuperstar | Posted 9/24/2006 8:54:24 PM | message detail
I swear the DS sold more than 21 million by now.
KOS-MOS vs. Amy Rose / Bracket: KOS-MOS / Vote: Amy Rose (9/10)
Tomorrow / Bracket: Aeris / Vote: Marle
HaRRicH | Posted 9/24/2006 8:55:36 PM | message detail
Well, since the DS was said...

...PSP, please? =P
Z1mZum performed a hit and run on me in the Guru Contest.
It still hurts to be rear-ended like that.....
transience | Posted 9/24/2006 8:55:52 PM | message detail
hmmm.. I have a funny feeling Joanna is going to just blow Cortana out of the water. I guess comparing her to Kerrigan works, and she's 55/45 assuming no SFF. if she gets SFF'd like Ness does, she's a lot stronger. I could see this going something like 65/35 no problem.

..yet, I'm still worried. I don't feel comfortable with Cortana.
MarioSuperstar | Posted 9/24/2006 8:56:42 PM | message detail
I picture Joanna being near Conker's level if anything.
KOS-MOS vs. Amy Rose / Bracket: KOS-MOS / Vote: Amy Rose (9/10)
Tomorrow / Bracket: Aeris / Vote: Marle
HaRRicH | Posted 9/24/2006 8:57:26 PM | message detail
I just can't imagine Cortana getting 35% or below. If that happens, I'll be shocked.
Z1mZum performed a hit and run on me in the Guru Contest.
It still hurts to be rear-ended like that.....
Heroic Mario | Posted 9/24/2006 8:57:30 PM | message detail
PSP -- 11 million / GTA: LCS -- 3 million

It's something like that. The PSP is a rough estimate, but it should be accurate within a million or so either way.

"Master using it and you can have this."
AmazingKirby | Posted 9/24/2006 8:58:04 PM | message detail
Joanna is going to be total fodder. Watch. I bet you.
Karma Hunter | Posted 9/24/2006 8:58:26 PM | message detail
Joanna = Conker ain't too bad of a comparison...Conker's fans are a bit more hardcore thanks to CBFD, but in terms of games Perfect Dark > everything Conker's in COMBINED, and PDZ is comparable to CBFD's remake...

Heh, that makes me comfy with Joanna now. Kinda wish I'd gone a bit higher. <_<
Commit it to memory.
Heroic Mario | Posted 9/24/2006 8:58:37 PM | message detail
Partystar, you are not telling us something we don't already know.

"Master using it and you can have this."
UltimaterializerX | Posted 9/24/2006 8:59:37 PM | message detail
No one ever said that Joanna wouldn't fodder, party.

Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest
Now Playing: Disgaea 2, KH:COM (Sora), FE8, Castlevania: LoI
Master Moltar | Posted 9/24/2006 9:00:38 PM | message detail
90.64% had Yuna

And Jo off to a good start
Moltar Status: Feeling good and hot-blooded.
Joanna vs. Cortana - Bracket: Joanna - Vote: Joanna (12/13)
AmazingKirby | Posted 9/24/2006 9:01:26 PM | message detail

*kicks chair*
Heroic Mario | Posted 9/24/2006 9:01:26 PM | message detail
Joanna Dark 66.82% 294
Cortana 33.18% 146

Off to a good start!

"Master using it and you can have this."
Karma Hunter | Posted 9/24/2006 9:02:02 PM | message detail
I am so apathetic about this match I haven't even bothered to vote yet.
Commit it to memory.
therealmnm | Posted 9/24/2006 9:02:26 PM | message detail
Meh, it's what I expected. I just wonder whether or not Cortana gains during the day.
Vote for Soma Cruz
Currently playing: Grand Theft Auto 3, Castlevania:Curse of Darkness, Mega Man ZX
Heroic Mario | Posted 9/24/2006 9:02:43 PM | message detail
That's not what you said in your Crew write-up, Cortana fanboy!

"Master using it and you can have this."
transience | Posted 9/24/2006 9:03:09 PM | message detail
I've been that way the entire contest. I used to try and get the first vote, but now I just wait a while and watch the opening minutes.

I'll be curious to see if Cortana gets a day vote... this sure looks like a 65/35 affair though.
Team Rocket Elite | Posted 9/24/2006 9:03:35 PM | message detail
Score-Brackets-% Right

Overall prediction percentage: 90.64%

Great performance today. The perfects were once again close, but still weren't perfect. -1s, -2s and -3s do well and break 90. We lost another zero bracket somehow. Nobody fell off the Top 50, though.
I got pwnt by Z1mZum in the July 2006 Guru Contest.
Support Toadette for the Summer 2006 Contest!
HaRRicH | Posted 9/24/2006 9:03:41 PM | message detail
Cortana's definitely getting stomped right now...perhaps I should put my foot in my mouth now, but I'll wait until the day-vote and see what happens with that.
Z1mZum performed a hit and run on me in the Guru Contest.
It still hurts to be rear-ended like that.....
Heroic Mario | Posted 9/24/2006 9:03:45 PM | message detail
I could see Cortana doing a bit better with the day vote to bring down the percentage.

"Master using it and you can have this."
Karma Hunter | Posted 9/24/2006 9:03:58 PM | message detail
Hey, I'm definitely voting for Cortana...but I just hate this match so much. Damn it all!
Commit it to memory.
YoAriel33 | Posted 9/24/2006 9:05:23 PM | message detail
I've forgotten to be here at the start of quite a few matches already. Been a pretty boring contest so far.
The Little Mermaid 2-Disc Platinum Edition DVD
Coming October 3, 2006
Master Moltar | Posted 9/24/2006 9:05:36 PM | message detail
Looks like it's going to end up in the high 50's-low 60's.

Ah well, next match please!
Moltar Status: Feeling good and hot-blooded.
Joanna vs. Cortana - Bracket: Joanna - Vote: Joanna (12/13)
MegatokyoEd | Posted 9/24/2006 9:06:19 PM | message detail
Jo's falling. If Cortana gets any semblance of a day-vote she can get this under 60% pretty easily.
Demyx > Axel
Z1mZum owned me in the Guru Contest with his mad skills!
therealmnm | Posted 9/24/2006 9:06:28 PM | message detail
Yeah, the fodder on fodder we're seeing is ridiculous. I had enough with Virgil/Ghaleon. I didn't know I'd have nearly half a bracket full of that stuff in the future.
Vote for Soma Cruz
Currently playing: Grand Theft Auto 3, Castlevania:Curse of Darkness, Mega Man ZX
Heroic Mario | Posted 9/24/2006 9:06:38 PM | message detail
This whole female bracket has been pretty boring save for one match. It should get a bit better in round 2 with most of the crap weeded out, but yeah, it's just a really boring start.

"Master using it and you can have this."
Yesmar | Posted 9/24/2006 9:06:59 PM | message detail
Joanna dropped a little, now that bracket voting is wearing off. She'll probably drop off a little more over the next couple of minutes. I don't know how the night vote will go.

Cortana will probably "win" the day vote, although I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't anything major. Didn't Perfect Dark do better with the day vote against SOTN than Goldeneye did?
Z1mZum totally owned me in the July 2006 Guru Contest
The Funky Chickens in Trivia XVIII
Shivan Reincarnated | Posted 9/24/2006 9:08:40 PM | message detail
It should get a bit better in round 2 with most of the crap weeded out, but yeah, it's just a really boring start.

For Round 2, we have Jill/Peach and that's about it.

Let the snow fall deep, the rain drive down, and the wind buffet my cloak. I care not for I've a road worth walking ~ Drizzt Do'Urden
Who Cares? | Posted 9/24/2006 9:09:03 PM | message detail
This whole female bracket has been pretty boring save for one match. It should get a bit better in round 2 with most of the crap weeded out, but yeah, it's just a really boring start.

Despite the bad fodder, I still blame Ceej for not creating enough intersting matches.
Chun-Li's Road to the Female Final Four: vs Kasumi (Tomorrow)
*Just 15 days until Tales of the Abyss*
xp1337 | Posted 9/24/2006 9:09:27 PM | message detail
Just wait until the kiddies wake up!

Cortana with 70%!
xp1337: Don't you wish there was a spell-checker that told you when you a word out?
SC2k6 (013/013) Joanna v Cortana
Karma Hunter | Posted 9/24/2006 9:09:42 PM | message detail
I blame Ceej for making a female half in the first place!

darn you cjay
Commit it to memory.
transience | Posted 9/24/2006 9:09:45 PM | message detail